Online Admission System

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S No Content Page No

1 Objectives 3

2 Need 3

3 Existing System 4

4 Drawback 4

5 Proposed System 4

6 Advantage 6

7 SRS 6

8 Architectural Diagram 8

9 Detailed Module Diagram 9

10 Model Diagram 10

11 Implementation Details 10

12 Conclusion 11

13 Reference 12

14 Glossary 12

Report Writing Practice Lab

1. Objectives:
The system as the name clarifies is developed School, Colleges and Universities
to help automate the admission procedure. The system is an internet based application
which can be accessed from anytime anywhere basis. The system has three tier access
User / Applicants
The increasing numbers of students seeking admission in the Academic Institutes
(School, Colleges, Universities) are causing tremendous pressure on the administrative
body of the institutes to manage and arrange the admission process manually. It is
difficult now to conduct the process accurately and in timely manner. Hence, the need
for online admission is inevitable.
In case of a manual system, it is a time taking process and involves huge manpower
wherein the online admission system ensures accurate and very fast computerized
information. Maintaining backup is also very easy using 'Online Admission System'.
The goal of 'Online Admission System' is to automate the Academic Institute’s
admission structure and its related operation and functionality. The objective of the
initiative is to provide support to the administration and admission seeking candidates
by providing a faster, transparent and easy way of keeping records and use them for
reference and further proceedings.

2. Need:
Every year, students in thousands stand in queues for collecting admission /
application forms and then again for submitting the admission / application forms. This
leads to problems in - managing the applications, handle queries, & distribution of
forms, collection of forms and then short-listing the candidates resulting in annoyed
parents and students alike. In addition to this, the admission process is not transparent,
leading to possibility for widespread malpractice.
The goal of 'Online Admission System' is to computerize the admission management
system structure, its related operation, and functionality to rectify these weaknesses.
Also, the purpose is to provide support to the administration and admission seeking
candidates by providing a faster, transparent, and easy way of maintaining records and
utilize them for reference and further proceedings.’

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3. Existing System:

 Currently, the system is totally manual.

 The manual system is slow then the computerized system.
 It is very time consuming.
 It is very complex system.
 It is required more clerical work and use more man power.
 The current system is not user friendly.
 It takes too much cost to perform procedure.
 In this, Paper losing or burning paper is possible.
 It is difficult to store the data.

4. Drawback:

 Computer Literacy and Internet Access

 Low Computer Literacy
 Security Concerns
 Authenticity
 Infrastructural Requirements

5. Proposed System:
The system is divided four categories of modules:

5.1 Login Module:

This Module is used for security purpose and user authentication.

It is used to create new users, who can login to the web application of admission
management system and change password, if a user finds some security problems.

Proper authorization will be done to take care of who is accessing the database –
Administrator, Reporting Desk, Document Verifier, Hotel allocator, Finance section,
Academic Section.

5.2 Admin Module:

Admin module is used for Administrative purpose by the Administrator. It is

responsible for the following:

This module uploads the shortlisted candidate details as a MS Excel file.

Report Writing Practice Lab
 This module inserts documents list which are required to be submitted by the
candidates at the time of admission.
 This module inserts department name and programme intake details in particular
 This module inserts Hostel name, intake capacity etc.
 This module updates Programme intake, Hostel intake, Candidate details.
 This module inserts and deletes the authorized personals’ details involved in the
admission process whenever required.
 This module deletes data which are no longer needed.

5.3 Status Module:

In this system the status module updates the status of candidate at the time of
admission. By default, status of a candidate is made “listed”. At the day of admission,
candidate’s status updates as follows:

 The status “Listed” is updated as “Reported” by the Reporting Desk if the

candidate gives attendance for admission.
 The status “Reported” is updated as “Document verified” by Document verifier
after verifying the required documents.
 The status “Document verified” is updated as “Hostel Allocated” by Hostel
Allocator when candidate is allocated Hostel with hostel details.
 The status “Hostel Allocated” is updated as “Fees Paid” by Finance Section after
the admission fees are paid.
 After fees paid, the status is updated as “Admission Confirmed” by Academic
Section and generates admission receipt.

5.4 Confirmation Module:

This module is used for generating the “Admission Receipt” of the candidate by
the Academic Section after admission is confirmed. This receipt contains information
such as Form Number, Enrollment Number, Candidate Name, Programme Name,
Document list which are not submitted at the time of admission etc.

The following benefits over the manual system are expected to exhibit by the system:

 Time Saving: The system will save time than manual paper work.
 Speed: The system can retrieve and update data faster than paper work.
 Redundancy: Reduce redundancy of data entry.
 Cost Saving: Money spent on papers and files can be saved.
 Security: Proper Authorization and Security will be added to the system.
 Online Access: User can access data through online which have the
authorization to access data.

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 Automated online software system works 24 x 7
 Avoid hectic submission process
 No Geographical Boundary
 No Long Queues
 Man Power Saving
 Reduces Paper Work
 Only Eligible Candidate Can Apply
 Reduces Human Involvement
 Accurate and Reliable
 Dynamic and User Friendly
 Customizable Real Time Report

6. SRS:
6.1 Purpose:
The purpose of the project is to provide online facility to Institutes to conduct
online exams and to Students to give online exams. Institutes can enter and edit the
questions along with the students list. Also they can view the result. Students can login
and give their respective exams and view their score then and there. Others can view
sample papers to get look and feel of the online examination system.

6.2 Scope:
The website to conduct online Admission for a University is “Online Admission
System”. This website provides facility to institutes to conduct online Admissions by
providing a unique id to each Student. The institute provides online registration of the
student. Institute also enters the list of eligible students. All the information entered can
be later edited by the institute.

In turn student can login with their id, name and Program to give the forms and can
view their Admission status then and there. Institutes can also change the status of
admission of their students (if needed).

6.3 Benefits:
This website reduces the manual work, maintaining accuracy, increasing
efficiency and saving time. Also institutes need not go to develop new software each
time; instead they just register and admit the students online. For students, it saves time
of going to far away admission centres and also they can view their Admission status
then and there.

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6.4 Overall Description:
In Online Admission system institute can register to conduct an online admission
and view the academic records later. Students can fill the form and their respective
academic records (softcopy), which helps the registrar to admit the student or reject as
per submited records. No student can take a particular online registration more than
6..5 Perspective:
(i) User interfaces
The application will have a user friendly and menu based interface.
Following screens will be provided:
(ii) A login screen for entering the username, password will be provided. Access to
different screens will be based upon the user.
(iii) There is a screen for displaying information regarding entries to be made by
(iv) There is a screen for displaying information regarding filling of Admission form
details by institutes.
(v) There is a screen for displaying information regarding entering student list for the
particular program.
(vi) There is a screen for displaying information menu regarding what options the
institutes will select while filling entries in the form.
(vii) There is a screen for displaying course details to the students when they are
selecting program for admission.
(viii) There is a screen for submitted status for the students.
(ix) There is a screen for displaying of results of students after taking time for registrar
for selecting and rejecting students in the selected list and rejected list.
6.6 Hardware interfaces:
 Support for printer for printing results then and there.
 Screen resolution of at least 800X600 is required for proper and complete
viewing of screens. Higher resolution will be accepted.
6.7 Interfaces:
 Any windows based operating system.
 MS Access 2000 as the DBMS-for database.

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 IDE (NET BEANS) for developing code.
 Communications interfaces None
 Memory Constraints At least 512 MB RAM and 5 MB space on hard disk will be
required for running the application.
 Site Adaptation Requirements Web browser with cookies enabled.
6.8 Hardware interfaces:
 Support for printer for printing results then and there.
 Screen resolution of at least 800X600 is required for proper and complete
viewing of screens. Higher resolution will be accepted.
 Software interfaces:
 Any windows based operating system.
 MS Access 2000 as the DBMS-for database.
 IDE (NET BEANS) for developing code.
 Communications interfaces

8. Architectural Diagram:


Pre-Admission Student Admission Cancel Admission

Form Sale
Admit Student Existing Student Cancel Admission

Fees Payment Registration Id For Login Generating Id Card and

Setting Roll no


Report Writing Practice Lab
9. Detailed module Diagram:

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10 .Model Design :

11 .Implementation Details:
External Interface Requirements:
User Interfaces:
Institute Registration Screen:
Various fields available on this screen will be:

 Login Name
 Institute Name
 Email Id
 Password

Report Writing Practice Lab
Institute Login Screen:
Fields available on this screen are:

 Login Name
 Email Id
 Password

Entering academic details:

Various Fields are:

 Programs
 Course list for each Program
Admission selected/rejected list Screen:
Various Fields are:
Student List Screen:
Various Fields are:

 Student ID
 Student Name
Student Login Screen:
Various Fields are:

 Student ID
 Student Name
 Institute ID
 Result (Select/Reject)

12. Conclusion:
The system as the name clarifies is developed School, Colleges and Universities
to help automate the admission procedure. The system is an internet based application
which can be accessed from anytime anywhere basis. The goal of 'Online Admission
System' is to computerize the admission management system structure, its related
operation, and functionality to rectify these weaknesses.

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Report Writing Practice Lab
13. References:


14. Glossary:

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Report Writing Practice Lab

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