Experiment 10

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Experiment Number:10

Forced Convection Heat Transfer

Prepared by
AL_Jaroudi Mohammed
Due date 11 \ 05 \2008
King Fahd University of Petroleum &
Mechanical Engineering Department
Term 072
By doing this experiment we will calculate the heat transfer coefficient
for forced convection .Also, calculate Nu, St, and friction coefficient in
.both methods, namely, the experimental data and correlations

The objective of this experiment is to evaluate the heat transfer coefficient for
forced convection turbulent flow in a pipe with uniform cross-sectional area.


By blowing air through a heated pipe and measuring the temperature profile and
pressure drop of air, we can find the forced convection heat transfer coefficient (h)
and hence several heat transfer parameters such as Nusselt number (Nu) and Stanton
number (St) for air. We can also find the friction factor (f) for air. All these
parameters can then be compared with the values obtained from empirical formulas to
check their accuracy.


Forced convection flow is caused by external means and is subdivided according to

the type of the flow :
• External Flow (i.e. flow over a flat plate, a cylinder or a sphere) where
the reference velocity is the free stream velocity.
• Internal flow (i.e. flow inside pipes, channels,….) where the reference
velocity is the bulk (mean) velocity of the fluid.

Internal Flow : Internal flow may be a hydrodynamically or thermally developing

flow (in the entrance region), or a fully developed flow.
When fluid enters the tube at a uniform temperature (less than tube surface
temperature; say), convection heat transfer occurs and a thermal boundary layer
begins to develop (developing flow in the entrance region). If the tube surface
condition is fixed by imposing either a uniform wall temperature (UWT) or a uniform
heat flux (UHF), a thermally fully developed flow condition is eventually reached.
Fully developed temperature profiles differ according to whether the case is UWT or
UHF. However, for both cases, fluid temperature increases with increasing x.
mC p (T m , 3 −T m , 0 ) St =
h= RePr
A S (0−3) (T s−T m )

ρU b D
k [ ][ ]
f exp =
ρU 2b
N u =0 . 023 Re0 .8 Pr 0. 4


Our apparatus is called Convection Heat Transfer Unit as shown in figure. The system
consists of:
 Fan.
 Oreifice plate.
 Thermally insulated copper pipe heated over approximately 6 ft.

The pipe provided with:

1. Thermocouples;
2. Selector switches;
3. Cambridge Potentiometer;
4. Three manometers;
5. Ammeter;
6. Volameter;
7. Thermometer;
8. Tow pressure tapping at a pitch of 5ft;
9. And also 7 thermocouples.

:Experimental Procedure

The fan was switch on with the inlet valve fully open; After that the heater current can
be switched on the variac set at zero;
The current was increase to the maximum current about 3.2 amps by increasing the
VARIAC voltage;
The along time (20_30min) was waited to reach a steady state;
The data was taken as following:
1. The air static pressure before the orifice plate;
2. Pressure drop across the orifice plate;
3. Air temperature after the orifice plate (cold junction temperature);
4. Barometric pressure ( refer to the wall barometer);
5. Pressure drop over the length of test section;
6. Thermocouple readings on the pipe. These are numbered from 1 to 7. each
should be Checked against cold junction thermocouples;
7. Measure current from the ammeter; and Voltage from the voltmeter.


:a. Sample of Calculations

mC p (T m , 3 −T m , 0 ) ( 0. 034 )(1008 )(60. 177−41 . 8)
h= = =69 . 1 W/m2 . K
A S (0−3) (T s−T m ) (0 .1078 )(41 .8 )

ρU b D (1. 082 )(37 . 7 )(0 .03175 )

Re= = =6 . 61∗10 4
k 0 .028

μC p (1 . 96×10−5 )(1008)
Pr= = =0 . 7056
k 0 . 028

hD (69 .1 )(0 .03175 )

N u= = =78 .3
k 0 .028

N u =0 . 023 Re0 .8 Pr 0. 4 =0 .023 ( 66100)0 . 8 ( 0 . 7056)0 . 4 =144

=45 . 6 %

St= ^
=1 .68 X 10 −3

St=0 .023 (6 6100)−0 . 2 (0 . 7056)0 . 4 =0 . 0194

St −St t
×100=91 %
St corr

f exp =
[ ][ ]
ρU 2b
=0 . 0214

f corr =(0 .184 )Re−0 . 2=0 . 01998

f exp −f corr
×100=7 .1 %
f corr

Data and Result:

Table 10.1(a) Experiment data
Heater Voltage, V
Heater Current, amp
Cold junction temperrature, Tmo(in C) 41.8
Monometer liquid sp. Gravity,S 0.784
dh orifice (in cm) 11.2
dh test (in cm) 10.6
coefficient of discharge of orifice meter,
Cd 0.613
Table 10.1(b) Tube temperature, Ts
Ts ( in
TC # x (mm) C)
1 370 116.3
2 767 122.1
3 1081 126.4
4 1249 129.5
5 1417 130.4
6 1585 131.6
7 1753 144.3

Table 10.2: Area calculation

Pipe internal dimmeter D mm
orifice diameter Do 40 mm
Length of pipe up to TC#3 Lo-3 1081 mm
Test section ceoss area, m2 A 2
Tset section surface area, m2
Ao-3 0.1078
Orifice cross-section area, m2 0.00125
Ao 7

Table 10.3: Flow rate calculation (properties at Tm,o)

Density of air ρ air (kg/m3) 1.14
Density of water ρ water
(kg/m3) 993
dhair=(S oil ρwater) dhorifice /ρ
air 76.5
Mass flow rate of air m (kg/m3) 0.034
Bulk stream velocity, Ub (m/s) 37.7

Table 10.4: properties of air at an average of Tm,o and Tm,3

Tm,3=60.166oC , Tavg.=51oC
Sp. Heat Viscocity Thermal
Density Cp µ(N-s/m2 conductiviity
ρ(kg/m3) (J/kg-C) ) k(W/m-K)
1.082 1008 1.96x10-5 0.028
Table 10.5: Heat transfer calculation (for the section L0-3)
Description Equation Result
Heat absorbed by air (in Watts) q0-3=mCp(Tm,3-Tm,o) 629.82
Heat transfer coefficient, h ( in W/m2.K) h=q0-3/As(o-3)(Ts-Tb) 69.1
Nusselt, Nu Nu=hD/k 78.3
Reynolds number, Re Re=ρUb D /µ 6.61X10^4
Prandtl number, Pr Pr=µCp/k 0.7056
Stanton number, St St=Nu/ Re Pr 3
Nusselt Number from coorelation, Nu
corr Nu= 0.023Re 0.8Pr0.4 144
% difference inNu (Nu-Nucorr)/NucorrX100 45.60%
Stanton number from correlation, St
corr St=0.023Re -0.2Pr-0.6 0.0194
% difference in St (St-Stcorr)/StcorrX100 91%

Table 10.6: Determination of friction factor

Length of test section, dx (m) dx=1.575meter
pressure drop across the test section, dP dP=(S ɣwater)dhtest
(Pa) section 815.3
Friction factor by experiment, fexp fexp=(2D/ρUb 2)(dP/dx) 0.0214
Friction factor by correlation, fcorr, fcorr fcorr=0.184Re-0.2 0.01998
% difference fexp-fcorr/fcorrX100 7.1

Table 10.7: Verification of Reynolds Analogy

Stanton number by experiment(Table 10.5 St=Nu/RePr 1.68X10 -3
Stanton number by Reynolds analogy for
turbulent flow of air in a pipe St=fexp/8 2.675X10 -3
%difference (St-Stcorr)/StcorrX100 37%

f(x) = 0.0169603901947951 x + 108.735953116913
Ts( C) vs x(mm)
Linear (Ts( C) vs x(mm))
0.017x+41.8 60 f(x) = 0.017 x + 41.8
Linear (0.017x+41.8)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

The heat loss has a major effect on the value of heat transfer coefficient because as -1
:the heat loss increase q actual will decrease. From
A (T −T )
.We find that h will decrease also. So h and q are linearly related

No, because the heat loss is very small because of the good insulation and thus it -2
.can be neglected

3-Sources of error:
- The quality of the insulation
- The inaccuracy of the thermocouples
- The neglected amount of heat losses due to radiation

The errors may be made while reading the temperatures from the thermocouples, -4
.the heat flux is not constant and the velocity of the air is not constant

To increase the reliability of this experiment I recommend to increase the diameter -5

.of the pipe and check the connection carefully


The heat transfer coefficient for forced convection was obtained. Nu, St, and
friction coefficient were determined as well through both the experimental data and

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