UltraLink-BX70 Ds
UltraLink-BX70 Ds
UltraLink-BX70 Ds
UltraLink™-BX70 is an ultra-compact all-outdoor Ethernet high-capacity radio operating in the
71-76 GHz part of the E-Band spectrum that is ideally suited for use in cost-sensitive applications.
Using TDD duplexing mode, it achieves throughputs of up to 1.6 Gbit/s aggregate, while offering
a complete set of Carrier Ethernet networking features. UltraLink™-BX70 is designed to be easily
mounted on poles and lamp posts, to enable convenience and speed of installation in traditional
telco, as well as, street-level environments. The radio unit features two Gigabit Ethernet ports and
an embedded Ethernet Bridge enabling deployment flexibility in complex network topologies. A
number of applications can benefit from the use of UltraLink™-BX70: last-mile delivery of wireless
Gigabit To The Home (GTTH) services, delivery of broadband service to enterprises and Multi-Dwelling
Units (MDUs), connectivity for government / public service buildings, utilities & industrial complexes,
IP camera backhaul and Wi-Fi access point backhaul. A hardware version with PoE out interface
facilitates the powering configuration of PoE-powered backhauled devices.
(with direct-mount antenna)
Radio Specifications
All-Outdoor Operating Frequencies, MHz 71,000 to 76,000
1.6 Gbit/s TDD Channel Sizes, MHz 250
E-Band Radio
Duplexing Scheme TDD
Ethernet Throughput, Gbit/s Up to 1.6 (aggregate)
TDD split ratios 1:1, 3:1, 5:1, 7:1 and inverse
Modulation (adaptive) 4-QAM to 256-QAM
Link Adaptation Hitless 7 state ACM mechanism based on link quality metrics
Forward Error Correction Reed Solomon / LDPC
Antenna Options • Direct-mount, low-profile 30 cm / 43 dBi
• Parabolic 30 cm / 45 dBi and 60 cm / 50 dBi
The unit is functional down to -50 °C but specifications are not guaranteed below -33 °C.
Radio Performance
Modulation Aggregate L1 Rate Max Tx Power, ATPC Range, Rx Thresholds System Gain
(Mbit/s)(2)(3) dBm dB @ BER 10-6, Typ., dBm @ BER 10-6, Typ., dB
256-QAM 1,591 5 10 -50.2 55.2
128-QAM 1,361 5 10 -54.2 59.2
64-QAM 1,132 6 11 -57.7 63.7
32-QAM 844 6 11 -60.9 66.9
16-QAM 673 6 11 -64.7 70.7
4-QAM 336 8 13 -72.0 80.0
4-QAM Lo 221 8 13 -74.1 82.1
68-Byte frame with MHS.
The capacity per direction is determined by the selected TDD split ratio.
Intracom Telecom To confirm the latest product information and find your nearest Intracom Telecom representative, contact us at
19.7 km New Road Peania-Markopoulo, Peania, GR 19002 sales@intracom-telecom.com or visit our website. All information contained in this document is subject to change without prior notice.
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