The Role of Information Literacy IWIN Publish
The Role of Information Literacy IWIN Publish
The Role of Information Literacy IWIN Publish
3, August 2024
hlm 129-139
ISSN 2775-8761 (Online)
This systematic literature review investigates "The Role of Information Literacy in Enhancing Students' Critical
Thinking Skills" utilizing sources indexed in Scopus, DOAJ, and Google Scholar, focusing on publications from
the last 10 years. This study employs a qualitative research method with a Systematic Literature Review
approach to explore the role of information literacy in enhancing students' critical thinking abilities over the
past decade. The findings underscore the foundational role of information literacy in developing students'
critical thinking capabilities. The study suggests that the success of integrating information literacy into higher
education curricula is highly dependent on the approaches employed. Effective integration of information
literacy requires careful consideration of instructional methods and curriculum design. The review highlights
the importance of incorporating information literacy courses within academic programs to equip students with
essential skills for critically evaluating information. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need for tailored strategies
to address diverse student needs and contextual factors. Ultimately, the findings advocate for a comprehensive
approach to integrating information literacy into higher education curricula, recognizing its pivotal role in
nurturing students' critical thinking skills. Further research is warranted to explore best practices for
integrating information literacy effectively across various disciplines and educational contexts.
Key Words: information literacy, critical thinking, students.
In the modern context, information literacy has become an essential skill, particularly for
university students. Information literacy is defined as the ability to identify, search, evaluate, and use
information effectively (Aharony & Bronstein, 2013). This skill is crucial because, in today's digital
era, the vast amount of available information is not always reliable. Students, who are at a critical
stage of academic learning and development, need to have strong information literacy skills to
optimally utilize informational resources. Information literacy not only aids students in completing
academic tasks more efficiently but also equips them with the ability to make decisions based on valid
and relevant information, both in academic settings and everyday life. Therefore, information literacy
is a foundational element that supports the academic and professional success of students in the
Critical thinking is a skill that encompasses the ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize
information in order to make sound decisions (Alsaleh, 2020). This skill is crucial in the context of
higher education as it plays a vital role in assisting students in the learning process and problem-
solving. Through critical thinking, students can assess various information sources, consider multiple
perspectives, and make decisions based on thorough and logical analysis (Liu et al., 2014).
Additionally, critical thinking skills enable students to identify biases, evaluate arguments, and
develop creative solutions to complex problems. Therefore, fostering critical thinking abilities is a
primary objective in higher education, as it supports students in achieving academic and professional
Jurnal Literasi Perpustakaan dan Informasi UHO, Volume 4, No. 3, August 2024
hlm 129-139
ISSN 2775-8761 (Online)
The theoretical relationship between information literacy and critical thinking is very strong
(Changwong et al., 2018). Information literacy provides a solid foundation for critical thinking, as one
of its key components is the ability to critically evaluate information (Sparks et al., 2016). Students
with strong information literacy skills can identify credible sources, analyze the content carefully, and
effectively use the information in decision-making. Previous research has shown that good
information literacy can support the development of critical thinking skills (Kong, 2014). Therefore,
enhancing information literacy among students not only helps them access and use information
efficiently but also strengthens their ability to think critically and analytically.
Today's students face challenges in developing information literacy and critical thinking skills,
crucial for navigating the vast amount of information available. Studies emphasize the importance of
integrating digital and information literacy into education to enhance critical thinking skills
(Cintamulya et al., 2023). The shift towards electronic texts highlights the need for students to
improve comprehension through reading to boost critical thinking (Widyaningrum et al., 2023).
Training programs focusing on critical thinking and media literacy have shown positive results in
enhancing these competences among students (Tommasi et al., 2023). Academic librarians play a vital
role in cultivating critical thinking skills in relation to information literacy, especially for first-year
college students (Goodsett & Schmillen, 2022). Additionally, research indicates a positive relationship
between critical thinking skills and information literacy in identifying fake news on social media,
emphasizing the importance of these skills for evaluating information credibility (Niza et al., 2022).
Various methods have been employed to enhance information literacy in higher education,
including integrating information literacy into the curriculum, utilizing digital technologies, and
providing specialized library training. Studies have shown that educational technologies play a crucial
role in teaching information and library disciplines, contributing to the development of information
and analytical competencies essential for training highly qualified specialists in information and
library institutions (Arakelov, 2023). Additionally, factors such as network computer technology,
network autonomous learning ability, and overall quality of teachers and students in universities
have been identified as positively correlated with information literacy levels, emphasizing the
importance of these aspects in educational settings (Ye et al., 2023). Furthermore, the evolution of
information literacy conceptualizations within primary, secondary, and higher education
environments highlights the dynamic nature of information literacy frameworks and the need for
continuous adaptation to meet the demands of the digital age (Taylor & Digiacomo, 2023). Moreover,
the Canadian educational system serves as a model for modernizing library specialist training,
emphasizing interdisciplinary and versatile educational programs that incorporate digital literacy
and autonomy to produce competitive graduates in the information market (Laplagne Sarmiento &
Urnicia, 2023).
Research has shown a significant relationship between information literacy and critical thinking
skills among students. Studies have indicated that writing scientific articles through optimizing digital
and information literacy positively impacts students' critical thinking abilities (Cintamulya et al.,
2023). Furthermore, the incorporation of critical information literacy (CIL) into academic library
curricula has faced challenges, with pushback from various stakeholders threatening the integrity of
CIL programs (Williams & Kamper, 2023). Additionally, research has demonstrated a positive
correlation between scientific literacy and critical thinking skills, emphasizing the importance of
scientific literacy in enhancing critical thinking among students (Aston, 2023). Moreover, the
development of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) has been linked to socioformative factors, with
age, gender, access to basic services, and the type of educational institution influencing the levels of
MIL achievement among students (Ridzal & Haswan, 2023). These findings collectively highlight the
Jurnal Literasi Perpustakaan dan Informasi UHO, Volume 4, No. 3, August 2024
hlm 129-139
ISSN 2775-8761 (Online)
crucial role of information literacy in fostering and improving students' critical thinking skills across
various educational settings.
From the literature review conducted, several gaps can be identified. Firstly, although there are
studies indicating a positive relationship between information literacy and critical thinking skills
among students, there is still a lack of in-depth understanding regarding the underlying mechanisms
of this relationship. Additionally, there is limited research specifically exploring how the
enhancement of information literacy can directly impact students' critical thinking abilities within the
context of current information technology and digital developments. Secondly, while there are studies
investigating the effectiveness of training methods and curricula integrating information literacy in
enhancing critical thinking skills, there remains a need for a comprehensive systematic review to
develop a more thorough understanding of these methods and the extent to which they have
succeeded in enhancing students' critical thinking abilities. Therefore, this study aims to address
these gaps by conducting a systematic literature review to investigate the role of information literacy
in enhancing students' critical thinking skills, with a focus on identifying the most effective strategies
and approaches in developing both skills in the higher education context.
This study employs a qualitative research method with a Systematic Literature Review used to
identify, evaluate, and synthesise research results relevant to a particular research question in a
systematic and structured manner, to explore the role of information literacy in enhancing students'
critical thinking abilities over the past decade. The research purpose is to investigate the relationship
between information literacy and students' critical thinking skills, as well as to identify the most
effective strategies and approaches in developing these skills within the higher education context.
Literature search is conducted through prominent academic databases such as Google Shcolar,
Scopus, and DOAJ using relevant search terms such as "information literacy," "critical thinking,"
"students," and other related variations. Inclusion criteria for articles entail being published within
the last 10 years from 2013 to 2023, available in English, and specifically addressing the relationship
between information literacy and critical thinking skills among students. Articles that do not meet
these criteria or are irrelevant to the research topic will be excluded from analysis. Article selection
is carried out in stages by two independent researchers, with the first stage involving screening based
on titles and abstracts, followed by a full-text evaluation by the second reviewer on the selected
articles. Relevant data from the selected articles are then extracted and synthesized in a format
pertinent to the research objectives. Through this approach, the study aims to provide comprehensive
insights into the relationship between information literacy and students' critical thinking skills,
contributing to both theoretical and practical understanding within higher education, as shown in
Figure 1.
Inclusion and
Research Selection and
Search Strategy Exclusion
Purpose Data Extraction
Jurnal Literasi Perpustakaan dan Informasi UHO, Volume 4, No. 3, August 2024
hlm 129-139
ISSN 2775-8761 (Online)
Table 1. Analysis of Research Findings on Information Literacy and Critical Thinking: Strategies,
Methods, and Challenges in Higher Education Context
No Focus Area Authors Insight or Research Variables
1 Information Cintamulya et al. (2023), Positive relationship between information literacy
Literacy and Goodsett & Schmillen and critical thinking. Impact of information literacy
Critical Thinking (2022), Widyaningrum et optimization on critical thinking skills. Correlation
al. (2023), Niza et al. between literacy skills and critical thinking.
(2022) Information literacy empowering students to
discern fake news, enhancing critical thinking.
2 Strategies for Laplagne Sarmiento & Prioritizing skills training, digital literacy, and
Integrating Urnicia (2023), Taylor & learning autonomy. Adaptation of course designs
Information Digiacomo (2023), Thorn to include information literacy content. Importance
Literacy (2022), Liao & Tian (2022) of critical information literacy and diverse
educational strategies. Dynamic approach needed
for evolving information literacy in the digital age.
3 Effective Methods Jayanti (2021), Mulyono & Specially designed learning modules enhancing
for Information Halim (2015), Fatmawati information competencies. Integration of
Literacy (2016) information literacy from an Islamic perspective
improving critical analysis. Collaborative
approaches and digital technologies improving
information literacy skills.
4 Challenges in Hannah (2023), Lowe et al. Challenges related to teaching methods, student
Implementing (2023), AOUAF et al. engagement, and educational system. Preparation,
Information (2023), Pero (2020), guidance, and motivation required for successful
Literacy Programs Juwita & Hamidah (2018), implementation of innovative teaching models.
Salmubi (2020), Oktaviani Weak concept understanding leading to difficulties
et al. (2022) in developing critical thinking skills. Necessity for
training and guidance in effective information
retrieval. Varying levels of information literacy
among students. Importance of user empowerment
within library services. Technical and user-related
challenges in integrating technology into
Jurnal Literasi Perpustakaan dan Informasi UHO, Volume 4, No. 3, August 2024
hlm 129-139
ISSN 2775-8761 (Online)
b. Effective Strategies and Methods for Integrating Information Literacy into Higher
Education Curricula
Effective strategies for integrating information literacy into higher education curricula include
prioritizing skills training, digital literacy, and learning autonomy (Laplagne Sarmiento & Urnicia,
2023). Additionally, it is crucial to adapt course designs by adding new content and assignments
focused on information literacy to better equip students for academic success (Taylor & Digiacomo,
2023). Critical information literacy has emerged as a top priority, emphasizing the need for diverse
Jurnal Literasi Perpustakaan dan Informasi UHO, Volume 4, No. 3, August 2024
hlm 129-139
ISSN 2775-8761 (Online)
and effective educational strategies such as original material analysis, reflection, and critical reading
(Thorn, 2022). Furthermore, the evolving landscape of information literacy in the digital age
necessitates a dynamic approach, with scholars advocating for contextual frameworks, stakeholder
perceptions evaluation, and the incorporation of information practice into educational frameworks
(Liao & Tian, 2022). Ultimately, integrating information literacy into higher education curricula
requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the changing demands of the 21st-century
information environment.
Literasi informasi: peningkatan kompetensi informasi previous research has identified various
effective strategies and methods for integrating information literacy into higher education curricula.
One study highlights that information literacy can enhance students' information competencies in the
learning process through the use of specially designed learning modules that develop information
search and evaluation skills (Jayanti, 2021). Another study underscores the importance of
information literacy and critical thinking from an Islamic perspective and how integrating these
aspects into the education curriculum can improve students' critical analysis and deep understanding
(Mulyono & Halim, 2015). Additionally, research on strategies to enhance students' information
literacy competencies in supporting the Three Pillars of Higher Education demonstrates that
collaborative approaches between faculty and librarians, as well as the use of digital technologies in
learning, can significantly improve students' information literacy skills, thereby supporting research,
teaching, and community service activities (Fatmawati, 2016). Thus, integrating information literacy
into higher education curricula through structured and contextual methods has been proven effective
in developing students' critical thinking skills.
From these studies, it can be interpreted that the success of integrating information literacy into
higher education curricula largely depends on the approaches employed. Well-designed learning
modules aid students in developing specific and relevant skills. Different perspectives, such as the
Islamic perspective presented by Mulyono & Halim (2015), provide a more holistic framework that
can enhance critical analysis skills and understanding. Collaboration among various stakeholders in
the academic environment, as highlighted by Fatmawati (2016), underscores the importance of
interdisciplinary approaches and the use of modern technology to strengthen information literacy.
Evaluations of the outlined strategies and methods indicate that specialized learning modules are
effective in establishing a strong foundation of information skills. A holistic approach that combines
information literacy with critical thinking within cultural or religious frameworks can add value by
fostering deeper analytical capabilities. Collaborative approaches and the use of digital technology
highlight the importance of synergy between faculty, librarians, and technology in delivering a
comprehensive learning experience. However, each approach presents its own challenges, such as the
need for adequate resources and resistance to curriculum changes.
Jurnal Literasi Perpustakaan dan Informasi UHO, Volume 4, No. 3, August 2024
hlm 129-139
ISSN 2775-8761 (Online)
Jurnal Literasi Perpustakaan dan Informasi UHO, Volume 4, No. 3, August 2024
hlm 129-139
ISSN 2775-8761 (Online)
Figure 2. Development of Research Variables in Information Literacy and Critical Thinking Studies:
Analysis Based on Year of Research (2013-2024)
In Figure 2, it is evident that the studies highlighted various aspects concerning information
literacy and students' critical thinking skills. During the period from 2013 to 2014, research primarily
focused on developing learning models and information literacy modules, along with evaluating
students' critical thinking abilities. During these years, studies tended to identify effective strategies
and approaches for integrating information literacy into higher education curricula, along with
assessing its impact on students' critical thinking skills. The timeframe of 2015-2016 showed a shift
towards research that delved deeper into the relationship between information literacy and critical
thinking within the context of digital technology development. Moreover, studies during this period
also emphasized the significance of information literacy in recognizing and addressing
misinformation in the digital era. The years 2017-2018 exhibited research exploring the role of
information literacy in supporting technology-based learning and the development of critical thinking
skills through collaborative approaches among various stakeholders in higher education. In the
period of 2019-2020, research tended to focus on the necessity for inclusive information literacy and
evaluating strategies to enhance critical thinking skills amidst the dynamics of social media. The
timeframe of 2021-2022 revealed research more concentrated on implementing information literacy
programs and the associated challenges, including strategies to strengthen collaboration between
faculty and librarians and the utilization of digital technology in education. In the most recent years,
2023-2024, there has been increased attention on evaluating the effectiveness of information literacy
Jurnal Literasi Perpustakaan dan Informasi UHO, Volume 4, No. 3, August 2024
hlm 129-139
ISSN 2775-8761 (Online)
programs in enhancing students' critical thinking skills, with an emphasis on innovative teaching
strategies and adaptation to changes in the information environment. Overall, the development of
these research variables reflects ongoing efforts to enhance understanding of the relationship
between information literacy and critical thinking in the context of higher education, emphasizing
practical application and the challenges encountered in implementation.
Based on the evaluation of these findings, it can be concluded that information literacy plays a
foundational role in developing students' critical thinking abilities. The importance of integrating
information literacy courses into academic curricula becomes evident, highlighting the pivotal role of
information literacy in equipping students with essential skills for critical assessment of information.
Moreover, it is further clarified that students with strong digital literacy tend to exhibit superior
critical thinking abilities when confronted with complex digital content, emphasizing the significance
of digital literacy in fostering critical thinking. Additionally, the study underscores the effectiveness
of information literacy education in cultivating critical thinking among first-year students,
accentuating its role in honing students' analytical and evaluative competencies. The evidence from
these studies underscores the crucial role of information literacy in fostering students' critical
thinking skills. However, it is important to acknowledge potential limitations, such as variations in
sample size and contextual factors, which may affect the applicability of the findings. Furthermore,
while the studies collectively illustrate the positive influence of information literacy on critical
thinking, further research is needed to delve deeper into the mechanisms that underpin this
relationship and explore potential moderating variables.
A research gap that still needs to be addressed lies in gaining a deeper understanding of how the
integration of information literacy can effectively enhance students' critical thinking abilities in the
context of higher education. More in-depth studies can explore the most effective implementation
strategies, factors moderating the relationship between information literacy and critical thinking, and
challenges that may arise in the integration process. Therefore, an urgent research topic for future
investigation is "The Impact of Integrating Information Literacy on Students' Critical Thinking
Abilities in Higher Education Context: A Systematic Approach." Further research in this area will
provide deeper and contextual insights into how information literacy can be effectively implemented
to enhance students' critical thinking abilities, as well as identifying the best strategies to overcome
potential challenges.
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Jurnal Literasi Perpustakaan dan Informasi UHO, Volume 4, No. 3, August 2024
hlm 129-139
ISSN 2775-8761 (Online)