Teaching Guide - English Week 1, Lesson 1

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Teaching Guide - English Week 1, Lesson 1.

Subject English. Week/Lesson Number 1/1. Book Pages N/A.

Strategies for Introducing New Check for Understanding and
Learning Objective Potential Lesson activities
Concept Feedback Strategies
Welcome lesson: complete The welcome lesson will be the Basic introduction. Elicit answers and/or examples,
student and teacher first interaction that you have with don’t just give them.
introduction activities. your new students. Feel free to do The teacher will introduce himself
this in any way that you think is or herself at the front of the Check the answers as a class,
best. You will be seeing these classroom. board them if necessary.
students twice a week from now
until the end of May, so it’s Tell the students how you want to Monitor the students when they
important to establish a good be addressed, e.g. as ‘Mr ____’, are working.
relationship with them from the ‘Ms ____’, or ‘Teacher ____’. Pick
very beginning. one and stick to it all year. Pick random students to answer
This document contains some Write your name clearly on the
introduction activity ideas which board.
you can adapt to suit your own
style. Of course, you are free to Encourage your AC to do the same.
use your own ideas.
Introduction with a ball.
It would be a good idea to talk to
the science and maths teacher that Beginning with the teacher, then
you share your class with, to check the AC, pass a ball around the
that you are not planning on doing room. When one student has the
the same activities during the first ball, they must introduce
week. For example, there is no themselves.
point in students making two
name cards. Also, if their first That student must then choose a
lesson was before yours, they may number, e.g. between 1 and 30.
already have created a seating The number they choose
plan. corresponds to a question that you
then ask them (see below for
Please be aware that all activities example questions). When the
detailed here do not require the student has introduced themselves
use of any technology. During this and answered the question, they
first lesson, check the technology then pass the ball to the next
options available in the classroom. student.

Classroom management and rules 1. Who is the best student?

2. What is your favourite food?
It is important that you establish 3. Do you have brothers or sisters?
your classroom management 4. What is your favourite animal?
systems and rules in the first week. 5. Can you dance?
You may wish to do this in the first 6. What is your favourite film?
lesson, or keep the first lesson light 7. What is the best place in
and informal, in which case you Vietnam?
can spend more time covering this 8. Name one thing you did in the
in the second lesson. There are summer.
some ideas for classroom 9. Do you prefer the dry season or
management in the lesson 2 wet season?
folder. 10. Do you have any hobbies?
11. What is the best present
Again, it is a good idea to discuss someone has given you?
your classroom management 12. What did you eat for
systems with the maths and breakfast?
science teacher for your class. You 13. What is your favourite colour?
don’t have to use the same system 14. What job would you like in the
as each other, but it is helpful to future?
know what each other does. For 15. Can you sing?
example, if you both decide to to 16. Do you like shopping?
raffles, it could be sensible to plan 17. What is your favourite subject?
them so they aren’t the same 18. What is the worst present
week. It also helps to discuss someone has given you?
ongoing issues in the class, such as 19. What is your favourite ice
behaviour of individual students, cream flavour?
regularly, so that you can aim to 20. Do you have a pet?
solve any problems as a team. 21. What is the worst food you
have eaten?
Note: learning students’ names. 22. If you had one wish, what
would you wish for?
It is very important for the teacher 23. Do you play an instrument?
to learn their new students’ names 24. Do you believe in aliens?
as quickly as possible. 25. What is your favourite toy?
26. Who is the worst student?
Students will be far more 27. Who is your best friend?
responsive and better warm to the 28. What is your favourite word
teacher if they perceive that the beginning with the letter _?
teacher cares about them as 29. What is your favourite music?
individuals. 30. Will you be a good student?

There is no better way to do this Worksheet - Who Am I

than to address them by name.
Each student completes one
This can seem a daunting task, survey. Once finished you collect
especially as many students do not all the surveys. The idea now is to
use English names*. make a guessing game whereby
either you or a student chosen at
Below are two strategies that can random reads out a few of the
be used in conjunction with one answers from a survey and
another that will ensure that this students have to raise their hands
difficult task can be done with the and guess whose answer was
minimum of fuss. being read out. If the guess is
wrong, read more answers from
A) During the first lesson, get your that survey.
Academic Coordinator (AC) to
draw up a seating plan. This will be Worksheet - Find Someone Who...
a diagram of the classroom with
the students’ names written at the A mingling activity where students
desk where they sit. Keep this on must get up and ask questions to
the desk in front of you for the their classmates in order to ‘find
next few lessons and refer to it someone who...’ e.g. went on
every time you address a student. holiday.
Using this method, it should not be
long before you remember all your Before any mingling occurs,
students’ names. students must write a handful of
questions. Be sure to check the
B) Get the students to make name form and quickly review question
cards that can be placed on their sentence structure if necessary.
desks. There are two templates for
this in the folder. Give each To make it more difficult,
student a piece of card and get encourage students to write a
them to fold it into a triangular different name each time. Also,
prism. It is better to use card than enforce the use of English in the
paper, as it is more robust, and the activity (e.g. strictly no Vietnamese
fans in the classrooms often cause to be spoken!). Following the
paper to blow away. On the front, completion of the activity, discuss
get the students to write their the findings.
names in large, legible letters,
preferably in some kind of crayon Worksheet - What's In Your Brain
or marker pen. To further
personalise it, they can decorate itStudents can follow the example,
with small pictures. and divide the picture of the brain
into different sections, writing
If you want, you can use the Name their hobbies or interests, or
Card - Name and Facts template in things that they think about a lot
the folder to get the students to in each section. They can draw
write three simple facts about pictures and colour them in, but
themselves on the back (e.g. make sure they write in English.
favourite colour, favourite food, While they are working
favourite sport). Theses facts can individually on this, take the time
be used for mingling Q&A activities to walk around the class, and try to
whereby the students introduce talk to every student. This is a
themselves to the teacher and good way to get to know students’
each other. Remember, the name individual interests. It is also a
and three facts are upside down to useful activity for getting a basic
each other and so the right way up idea of the individual level of
when folded. To show this and students, and allows you to
avoid mistakes, the teacher should immediately highlight weaker
demonstrate first. students. More advanced students
will tend to be more creative with
*Whether the students have their ideas and be more willing to
English or Vietnamese names is talk to you about them, whereas
dependent upon the policy of the others may use basic language and
school and, to a lesser degree, be shy. Set a time limit on this (15
their previous EMG teachers. minutes), then collect them all in
Respect whichever name the and read some of them out. The
student uses, learn to pronounce rest of the class have to guess who
it, and never force a student to the brain belongs to, based on
adopt an English name. what they wrote. Make sure you
return the brains at the end of the

Game - Teacher Words.

Draw a 3x3 grid on the board and

fill it in with words that have some
meaning to you (e.g. America =
where you’re from, pizza = your
favourite food). Make sure there is
one word per square. The students
must then guess what the
significance of each word is to the
teacher by asking questions.

Game - Two Truths and a Lie.

Board three statements about

yourself, e.g. 1) I am 30, 2) I am
from America, 3) I have been in
Vietnam more than a year.

Two must be true, one must be a

lie, but don’t tell the students
which is which.

For each statement, get students

to pose questions in order to try
and determine which one is a lie.
Get students to vote before
revealing the lie at the end.

You could extend this by getting

students to come up with their
own on a piece of paper. You can
then choose students to come up
to the board and write their
statements. You can decide which
you think is a lie, or get the other
students to decide.

Key Vocabulary Resources Differentiation Strategies Incorporation of In Class

Technology (ICT)

N/A. Agendas. Ask easier questions to weaker Project everything (e.g. book
students. pages, worksheets, etc.).
English books.
Ask harder questions to stronger
Laptop & speakers. students.


Lesson Delivery Checklist

 Visual  Audio  Written  Kinesthetic  Speaking & Listening  Exam Practice
Tick the box for each learning style you include. Examples of each learning style: visual would include flashcards or a video, audio would include a listening
activity from the CD or the teacher, written would include something written on the board, book work, or worksheet, kinesthetic would include an activity
where the students stand up and move around or have something with separate pieces to organise at their desks, speaking and listening would include an
activity where the students talk to each other or to the teacher and Edexcel Exam Practice would include an activity that prepares the students for the exam,
including a worksheet that follows exam style questions.

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