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COVID-19 Effects on Employees during the Period

of Work from Home


1. Syed Yaseen, USN: 21bmsr0398

School of Commerce, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University)

October 2024

This is to certify that this Report titled “ COVID-19 Effects on Employee

during the Period of Work from Home ” submitted as a part of ‘Project
Centric Learning’ to ‘School of Commerce, JAIN (Deemed-to-be
University), Bengaluru, is a bonafide record of work done by Syed Yaseen
(21bmsr0398), under my supervision from June 2024 to October 2024.

Head of the Department Project Centric Learning - Guide

School of Commerce

Place: Bengaluru
Date :

This is to certify that the project titled COVID-19 Effects on

Employee during the Period of Work from Home is an original one
and has not been submitted earlier to any University or any other

And I am handing over / transferring all the rights of the project to

SRDC –Shodha, Jain (Deemed-to-be University) & School of
Commerce can utilize it for further academic Excellence.

Place: Bengaluru
Name of the Student(s) USN Student’s Signature
1. Syed Yaseen 21bmsr0398 …………………
COVID-19 Effects on Employees during the Period
of Work from Home

COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the world and everything came into a stand still, as of which
many people has to stay homes and wok from home all the public gathering places were shut.
This project explains the impacts of Covid-19 on employee during the period of work from
home, the idea includes the pros and cons of the and How are companies adapting to
implementing WFH arrangements?

What is the purpose?

The purpose behind the idea is how significant COVID-19 has impacted the job sector.
Undoubtedly the COVID 19 pandemic in India and the world has very severely impacted the
world economy and workforce.

Talking about how did this effect millions of people working across the globe as we saw a
spike of the virus during the mid 2020 world stood to a standstill. The world economy came
down to cover up these situation work from home started as to which employee worked at
their homes, there were a few pros and cons of it and mainly to know how did the world start
to adapt to whf !

What are the expected outcomes?

Some companies may have previous experience in implementing WFH arrangements or they
may already have emergency WFH plans n place. However, many companies are l likely to
be implementing WFH arrangements for t the first time, and they need t quickly and urgently
adopt WFH arrangements across the entire company. Although many companies recognize
the benefits of WFH, some have had difficulty making t transition. In Japan, for example, a
survey conducted before the 7 April announcement of a state of emergency, found that while

96 percent of respondents agreed with t importance of WFH or working remotely, 31 percent

of companies were unable to adopt

This form of working. The main reason was that paperwork was not digitized and t required I
internal rules and procedures for teleworking were not ready. Concerns over the
confidentiality of I information or possible security breaches can also limit the use of WFH..





Issues Identified
Increased isolation:

You can become quite isolated working from home if you spend the majority of your time by
yourself, working independently. The key to avoiding loneliness and isolation as a remote
worker is to schedule outings and events with friends and family. Some remote workplaces
offer regular team events to encourage socialization.

Home office costs:

Some remote positions require specific equipment like headsets, webcams, or software to
perform essential tasks and projects. If you want to set up a desk, chair,

and other furniture, you can expect to cover some initial costs to get your home office
organized. Keep your costs low by spending only what you need to perform your job.

Risk of overworking

Telecommuting also comes with the risk of working longer than you should. This can lead to
burn-out and increased work-related stress. You can avoid this by clearly defining your

schedule and allocating specific times for your job tasks and personal tasks. For some people,
it's important to have a designated workspace that you can leave when the workday is over.

Potential Solution
In the past, remote employees have had a bad reputation. Many employers believed their
workforce would be too easily distracted at home, where their managers couldn't keep an eye
on their direct reports.

Remote work was very rare a decade ago. Working from home was usually only available as
a special arrangement to accommodate families in specific cases. However, teleconferencing
and timework technology has advanced to the point where some businesses thrive with
completely remote teams. In fact, it's not uncommon for businesses to allow their employees
to work from home once or twice a week.

Potential solutions for this include:

50% capacity:
As in the company can get this policy on by call-in in employees those who are fully
vaccinated and haven’t been effected by the virus earlier can work offline following all the
covid appropriate behaviour

Health Benefits

Both job guarantee and universal basic income supporters emphasize the possible health
benefits associated with both programs, given the substantial evidence linking unemployment
to poor health.

It is expected that these measures will have a positive impact on health, including direct
effects on individual beneficiaries.

In addition to improvements to labour market conditions for all workers, these programs have
macroeconomic effects and distributional benefits, and unlock a broader range of benefits at a
local level.

What are the probable innovations?

It’s a huge change in the work force for the employee and the company in such ways they
have to bring in new ways of working online by providing employee stress free workplace
sitting at home the employee can work swiftly instead of having the workload.

Probable innovations include:

Reduction of time to work

Stress free workplace

What are the benefits of the above-mentioned innovation?

Reduction of time to work

Once an employee gets time to work in intervals of time they become more efficient towards
the company and its goals it’s a automated human tendency of having rests between any kind
of work and it’s pretty obvious once an employee is stressed out and takes rest for while and
gets back to work he/she can perform better than before

Stress free workplace-If there is at most freedom to work at home the employee feels no
pressure he/she would like to work with happiness because the work load is less and having
kept in mind that timings compared to offline is less here and employee working at home can
also give time to family calls during work. Such way it becomes a healthy work environment

To sum the whole project our aim was to bring out to you how did the pandemic effect the
employee and their behaviour under strict working conditions at home they also had a lot of
pressure from both the side from working place and home also to mention the connectivity of
the network and many such issues we conclude by saying that employee must adapt himself/
herself to this kind of environment because the pandemic has not yet fade this might stay or
leave to fight this spread and keeping in mind the employee and his/her health conditions
working from home is the better alternative to a 50/50 workplace offline


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