Physics MCQ CT
Physics MCQ CT
Physics MCQ CT
(2) Which of the following has a Hounsfield unit value of approximately - 90?
(A) Fat
(B) Gray matter
(C) Water
(D) Bone
(E) Lung
(3) Tissue characterization is difficult because the value of a CT number may change because of:
(4) The measured x-ray transmissions from a single CT fan beam through a patient is called a:
(A) Filter
(B) Back-projection algorithm
(C) Tomographic slice
(D) Primary beam
(E) Projection
(5) Which image reconstruction algorithm is used in current commercial CT scanners?
(6) If a CT display is set at a window width of 100 and a window center of 50, the:
(9) CT anode heat loading increases with all of the following except an increase in:
(14) The main advantage of helical CT over conventional (axial) CT is improved:
(A) Filtration
(B) Voltage
(C) Current
(D) Collimator thickness
(E) Field of view
(17) The theoretically best possible CT resolution for a 5122 matrix and 25 cm FOV is:
(C) Tube voltage
(D) Scan time
(E) Reconstruction matrix
(19) Visibility of small high-contrast CT lesions would most likely improve with decreasing:
(A) Filtration
(B) mAs
(C) Matrix size
(D) Display window width
(E) Size of film image
(22) The difference in x-ray attenuation between white (40 HU) and gray matter (50 HU):
(A) Is 0.1%
(B) Is 1%
(C) Is 10%
(D) Is 25%
(E) Cannot be determined
(27) Which of the following is not a source of CT artifacts'?
(28) Representative patient doses in CT are expected to include all the following except:
(29) The dose to the fetus during an abdominal CT scan would not increase with increasing:
(30) The scattered radiation dose 1 meter from a patient undergoing a head CT scan is:
Question 2 : Correct answer is A
Explanation: Fat is -90 HU.
5) In computed tomography:
A. spatial resolution is improved by decreasing the pixel size
B. noise will be reduced if the slice thickness is increased
C. each detector has its own collimator
D. a xenon gas detector is more efficient than a thallium doped NaI detector
E. photoelectric interactions predominate in the patient
A. true B. true C. true D. false E. false
High spatial resolution imaging involves increasing the matrix size or reducing the field of view, thus
decreasing the pixel size. Noise in CT may be reduced by increasing the number of photons absorbed
in each voxel, by increasing slice thickness, or the pixel size. Ionization chambers are less sensitive
than scintillators. The Compton process predominates in CT.
6) In computed tomography:
A. spatial resolution improves with an increase in matrix size
B. spatial resolution is superior to plain radiography
C. small quantities of calcium can have a significant effect on partial volume averaging in a voxel
D. noise is independent of slice width
E. the ability to detect low contrast details depends more on object size than pixel size in the image
A. true B. false C. true D. false E. true
In CT spatial resolution improves with increasing matrix size. It is much poorer than plain radiography.
Tiny calcifications are made visible because of partial volume averaging, as a high contrast object
occupying only part of a voxel will raise the CT number for the corresponding pixel and so give rise to
image contrast. Noise may be reduced by increasing the slice thickness. The larger the object we are
trying to detect the greater the number of pixels over which the noise can be averaged and better the
signal to noise ratio.
7) In computed tomography imaging:
A. the partial volume effect is when the cross sectional area of the patient exceeds the internal size
of the scanner
B. beam hardening corrections may be aided by a bow-tie filter
C. contrast which arises from the attenuated beam is due to photoelectric interactions
D. uses low power X-ray sources to lower the dose to the patient
E. have more than one X-ray source if they are capable of spiral scanning
A. false B. true C. false D. false E. false
The Hounsfield unit of each pixel is a weighted average of all the constituents of the voxel. The
presence of a very high attenuating material (e.g. calcium) will elevate the CT number of the entire pixel
enabling something to be seen. This is partial volume averaging. Nearly all CT is operated at a tube
potential of 120–140 kVp. At these energy levels Compton interactions predominate.