Moh. Fathoni Hakim, M. Si
Composed by:
Fatimatuz Zahro (10020222036)
Adrian Agung Raharjo (10030222078)
Kevin Lukmanul Hakim (10020222043)
Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah SWT. By His grace and guidance, the authors were
able to complete the assignment of a paper discussing Marxism and its case studies in a timely
manner. This paper prepared to fulfill the assignment of the Post-Positivist International
Relations Theory Course.
The authors express their deep gratitude to Mr. Moh. Fathoni Hakim, M.Si as the
lecturer of the Post-Positivist International Relations Theory course. Gratitude also express to
all those who have helped complete this paper.
The authors hope that this paper can add insight and knowledge for readers about
Marxism in International Relations. The authors feel and realize that this paper is far from
perfect. There are still many shortcomings in its preparation due to the limited knowledge and
experience of the compiler. Therefore, suggestions and constructive criticism are highly
expected for the sake of the perfection of this paper.
FOREWORD .................................................................................................................................... II
CHAPTER I ...................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1
A. BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................... 1
B. PROBLEM STATEMENTS .......................................................................................................... 1
C. PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II ..................................................................................................................................... 2
DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................... 2
A. BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF KARL MARX .................................................................................... 2
B. WORKS OF KARL MARX .......................................................................................................... 4
C. MARXISM IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ............................................................................ 6
D. CASE STUDY OF MARXISM....................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER III .................................................................................................................................. 10
CLOSING ....................................................................................................................................... 10
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 10
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 11
A. Background
Marxism is one of the most influential schools of thought in the history of social
and political thought. It was born in the 19th century and continues to influence the
development of societies, politics and economies around the world today. The thought
of Karl Marx, who was one of the founders and main figures in the movement, inspired
many thinkers, political revolutions, and changes in social systems in various countries.
The followers of Karl Marx who adopted his thoughts are also referred to as Marxists.
Marxism is a product of the complex historical and social developments in
Europe in the 19th century. Marxism was born out of inequality due to the capitalist
economic system controlled by the owners of capital, the capitalist economy. Marxism
emerged as a response to this social and economic injustice. Marxism with all its
opposition to capitalism by providing solutions that lead to a communist system,
therefore Marxism is often considered as the beginning of communism which is still
adopted by several countries today.
In the field of international relations, Marxism is used to explain international
economic phenomena. Many phenomena that occur in this world can be seen with
Marxism, whether these phenomena show harmony with these thoughts or the opposite.
In this paper, we will explain the basic ideas or assumptions and works of Karl Marx
and Marxism in international relations along with case studies.
B. Problem Statements
1. What were the ideas and works of Karl Marx?
2. How is Marxism in the field of IR?
3. What is an example of a case study in Marxism?
C. Purpose
1. To know the basic assumptions and works of Karl Max
2. To understand how Marxism in the field of IR
3. To identify case study in Marxism
M. Syaprin Zahidi, “Pemikir-Pemikir Marxis Dalam Hubungan Internasional,” Journal.Unpar.Ac.Id 10
(2014): 14,
when capitalist society was developing very rapidly in Europe, and he saw that the
capitalist system produced great injustice and inequality, where the bourgeoisie or
capital owners were getting richer and the proletariat or workers were getting poorer.
Marx observed that capitalist society was divided into two, and he developed the
following class analysis:
1. Bourgeois class (owners of capital): This class is the social group that owns the
means of production. They emerged from the rich classes at the beginning of the
capitalist period. The bourgeois class has power over the proletariat class.
2. Proletarian class (workers): this class is a marginalized and o ppressed class in
capitalist society, they often experience difficult and unfair economic conditions.
The proletariat class has no capital ownership and sells their labor or becomes
laborers in a capitalist society. 3
From this phenomenon, Marx then provided the following basic thoughts and
Karl Marx, “The Last Years of Karl Marx, 1881–1883: An Intellectual Biography,” n.d., 1–9.
Subur Hendriwani, “Teori Kelas Sosial Dan Marxsme Karl Marx,” Paradigma: Jurnal Kalam Dan Filsafat 2,
no. 01 (2022): 13–28,
Edward Andrew, Canadian Journal, and Science Revue, “Marx ’ s Theory of Classes : Science and Ideology
Marx ’ s Theory of Classes : Science and Ideology” 8, no. 3 (2007): 454–66.
1. Historical materialism: according to Marx, human history is not driven by spiritual
or ideological factors, but by economic and material factors. Marx also argues that
human society develops through certain stages, from primitive society to the
modern era called capitalism.
2. Class conflict: Marx argued that the capitalist system would undergo a revolution
due to the conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
3. Alliance: Marx argued that workers in the capitalist system experience alienation
from their work, the products they produce, and each other. This is due to the fact
that workers have no control over production and do not get the benefits they are
4. Communism: Marx proposed an alternative economic system called communism,
where private ownership of production is abolished and all resources are produced
and distributed collectively. Marx argued that this system would eliminate class
antagonism and alienation, and would lead to a more just and equitable society. 5
Philip J Kain, “Marx ’ s Theory of Ideas,” History 20, no. 4 (2011): 357–78.
P John, “Parts ‘: “ Sources /’’’ " Component Lenin ’ s Rhetoric of Enlightenment”’” 59, no. 3 (2014).
B. Works of Karl Marx
In late November 1844, while in France, Karl Marx wrote his first book with Friedrich
Engels who was a philosopher entitled "The Holy Family" which began to show his
interest in economics.
The book made a splash in the newspapers of its time because it criticized the
inadequacy of the half-measures aimed at eliminating the social ills of the day. They
said that the book encouraged rebellion against the state, church, family, legality and
religion. Lenin claimed the book helped form the basis for scientific revolutionary
materialist socialism. 7
In 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote a book entitled "The Communist
Manifesto". The book contains their views on society and politics, as well as their ideas
on communism. The book consists of an introduction and four sections. The first
section explains the relationship between social classes in capitalist society, while the
second section discusses communism as an alternative to a more just and equitable
economic system. The third section discusses the critique of socialism and the fourth
section discusses the tactics and strategies of the communist movement. "The
Communist Manifesto" became an important work in the history of political thought
and the basis for socialist and communist movements around the world. 8
Frederick Engels, The Holy Family or Critique of Critical Criticism. Against Bruno Bauer and Company
(Frankfurt, 1984),
Yohanes Bahari, “Karl Marx : Sekelumit Tentang Hidup Dan Pemikirannya,” Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi
Dan Humaniora 1, no. 1 (2010): 1–10.
In 1867, Karl Marx wrote his work "Das capital" which would be published in three
volumes. Das Kapital I was published in 1867. However, in 1883 Marx died and Das
Capital volumes II and III were completed based on Marx's notes before his death by
Friedrich Engels. Most of Das Kapital deals with Marx's idea of the "surplus value" of labor
and how it impacts capitalism. Marx said that in a capitalist system, workers earn little,
because there is a lot of unemployment. Companies can force workers to work longer hours,
so they can make more profit. This profit comes from the exploitation of workers. Machines
do not make profits, only workers can do that. If companies continue to use machines and
not pay workers fairly, the capitalist system could collapse. Some of Karl Marx's other
important works:
• Theses on Feuerbach (1845)
• The Poverty of Philosophy (1847)
• Wage-Labor and Capital (1847)
• Wages Prices and Profit (1865)
• The Problem of Housing (1872, with Friedrich Engels)
These works by Marx cover a wide range of topics, including class analysis, class conflict,
alienation, and communism. Marx also often worked together with Friedrich Engels, and
their most famous joint work is the Manifesto of the Communist Party. The works of Marx
and Engels have greatly influenced socialist and communist thought and movements
around the world.
Karl Marx, “Das Kapital,” Britannica (Brian Duigman, n.d.),
C. Marxism in International Relations
Marxism is a social view and theory that was first developed by Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels in the 19th century. This view initially focused on economic analysis
and class conflict in capitalist society, but has been applied in various fields, including
International Relations (IR). In the context of IR, Marxism can provide a different
perspective in understanding interstate relations, international conflict and global
Based on his definition of Marxism in IR, Marxism in International Relations
(IR) is a theoretical approach that uses Marxist concepts and analysis to understand
political, economic and social dynamics in international relations. This approach is
based on the thoughts of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels about capitalism, social
classes and social conflict.
Marxism in IR emphasizes that international relations are based on class conflict
between capital owners (capitalists) and workers (proletariat). Marxist theory criticizes
the global capitalist system that produces economic and social inequality between
countries, as well as the exploitation of developing countries by developed countries.10
Marxist theory in international relations argues that developed countries exploit
developing countries through political, economic, and social colonization, with the goal
of achieving power and integrating developing countries into an integrated capitalist
system. Marxist theory also emphasizes the importance of economic and material
aspects in the analysis of international relations, and views the international system as
a capitalist system that pursues capital accumulation.11
According to the perspective of Marxist theory in international relations, the
struggle between developed countries and developing countries can be realized as a
struggle between global capitalism and class struggle. Marxist theory emphasizes that
the capitalist system creates economic and social disparities between countries, where
developed countries dominated by capitalism seek to maintain and expand their profits,
while developing countries struggle to gain prosperity and economic independence.
Developed countries, often powerful capitalist countries, use their economic
and political power to maintain their dominant position in global governance. They
Arry Bainus and Junita Budi Rachman, “EDITORIAL: Tata Kelola Global Dalam Hubungan Internasional,”
Intermestic: Journal of International Studies 7, no. 1 (2022): 1,
Rendi Prayuda, Rio Sundari, and Fitrisia Munir, “Studi Teori Kiritis Dalam Hubungan Internasional 1 1,2,3,”
utilize global institutions such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF),
and World Trade Organization (WTO) to promote their interests and strengthen the
global investor system in their favor.12
On the other hand, developing countries, which are often the countries exploited
by global capitalism, struggle against this domination and exploitation. They strive to
achieve economic independence, protect national interests, and fight for social and
economic justice. These developing countries often unite in solidarity movements such
as the Non-Aligned Movement and the G-77 to fight the domination of developed
countries and fight for their interests in global governance.
In a Marxist perspective, the struggle between developed and developing
countries in international relations is a reflection of the struggle between the capitalist
class and the working class, This theory emphasizes the need for social transformation.
The Marxist approach in IR also includes Immanuel Wallerstein's world
systems theory, which highlights the exploitation of peripheral countries by core
countries in the global capitalist system. In addition, Marxist theorists such as Antonio
Gramsci and Robert Cox also made important contributions to understanding
international relations from the perspective of social and economic classes.
However, it is important to note that Marxist approaches to IR have also faced
criticism. Some critics argue that the Marxist approach focuses too much on economic
and material aspects, and ignores other factors such as culture, identity, and ideology
in the analysis of international relations.
Victoria Lennox, “Conceptualising Global Governance in International Relations Written by Victoria Lennox
Conceptualising Global Governance in International Relations,” 2008, 1–10, https://www.e-
Apple component supplier manufacturer Pegatron opened its factory in China a
long time ago. In 2016 China's industry watchdog, China Labor Watch found labor
rights violations at the manufacturer related to overtime pay for workers who worked.
Apple, which was then in the production period of the Iphone 7 for its launch, caused
Pegatron as a component supplier to increase the intensity of their production which
caused many workers to work overtime. There is data that the workers' salary is around
two USD per hour with an average working hour of 82 hours per month, so the workers
receive a salary of around 213 USD per month.13 While the China Labor Watch
provides a limit of working hours for 80 hours per month plus fairly low factory
protection and difficult leave applications. The component manufacturer itself stated
that it received pressure to reduce the budget while production had to increase, while
from Apple's side the profit reached 90 percent of sales profits.
Meanwhile, the other manufacturer, Foxconn, had problems with the salary
payment system which caused delays in payment.14 The incident occurred in the city of
Zhengzhou during the pandemic where workers protested over salary issues. The
workers finally stated that if they get 8,000 yuan and there are extras.
Seeing from this case that the Apple company from America tried to use the
performance of laborers in China, where the majority of people work as laborers, to be
able to expand the factories of their product component suppliers, Foxconn and
Pegatron. Working overtime with low salaries shows exploitation from developed
countries to developing countries, while developed countries get huge profits, showing
capitalism that leads to colonialism as well. This kind of system shows a significant
class difference from developed countries to developing countries, giving rise to social
and economic class gaps.
This form of economic system was strongly opposed by Karl Marx and his
followers called Marxism. The capitalist system that reaches the international level,
especially bilaterally, which can give rise to a financial system, is something that
Fatimah Kartini Bohang, “Buruh Pabrik Komponen IPhone Digaji Rendah Dan Lembur Tanpa Upah,”, 2016,
Intan Rakhmayanti Dewi, “Gaji Buruh Pabrik IPhone Ga Dibayar, Foxconn: Masalah Teknis,” CNBC
Indonesia, 2022,
Marxism is very concerned about, especially these capitalists.15 The system also shows
class differences from developed countries with developing countries both social,
economic and other things, it is not in line with the direction of thought of marxism
which wants social and economic equality of the world. This case is brought to find out
how the economic system opposed by marxism and understand how marxism views in
contrast to the opposed system.
Costas Lapavitsas and Jeff Powell, “Financialisation Varied: A Comparative Analysis of Advanced
Economies,” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 6, no. 3 (2013): 359–79,
Karl Marx, the originator of Marxist thought, with his awareness of the capitalist
system which he thought was unfair, created Marxist thought as a way out of capitalism
which at that time was detrimental to workers. With Marxist thinking, it seeks to create
a system without distinction and level competition both in social and economic terms.
Marxism is also the beginning of the controversial communism.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels developed Marxism, a social view and theory
that focuses on economic analysis and class conflict in capitalist society. Marxism in
International Relations (IR) is a theoretical approach that uses Marxist concepts to
understand political, economic, and social dynamics in international relations. Marxist
theory criticizes the global capitalist system, which produces economic and social
inequality between countries and the exploitation of developing countries by developed
countries. Developed countries use global institutions like the World Bank, IMF, and
WTO to promote their interests and strengthen the global investor system. On the other
hand, developing countries struggle against domination and exploitation, often uniting
in solidarity movements like the Non-Aligned Movement and the G-77. Marxist
theorists like Antonio Gramsci and Robert Cox have contributed to understanding
international relations from the perspective of social and economic classes. However,
some critics argue that Marxist approaches to IR focus too much on economic and
material aspects, neglecting other factors such as culture, identity, and ideology.
For the case study, we took the case of the salary wage of the Apple company
in China as a reference about Marxism. In this case, there is a capitalist system that
benefits the powerful and harms those below, including the class differences of the
bourgeoisie and the proletariat, which is one of Karl Marx's assumptions. The capitalist
case is opposed by Marxism because it will benefit the bourgeoisie and harm the
proletariat. We take a case that contradicts marxism in order to understand how
marxism is going and contrast it with what marxism is about.
Andrew, Edward, Canadian Journal, and Science Revue. “Marx ’ s Theory of Classes :
Science and Ideology Marx ’ s Theory of Classes : Science and Ideology” 8, no. 3
(2007): 454–66.
Bahari, Yohanes. “Karl Marx : Sekelumit Tentang Hidup Dan Pemikirannya.” Jurnal
Pendidikan Sosiologi Dan Humaniora 1, no. 1 (2010): 1–10.
Bainus, Arry, and Junita Budi Rachman. “EDITORIAL: Tata Kelola Global Dalam
Hubungan Internasional.” Intermestic: Journal of International Studies 7, no. 1 (2022):
Dewi, Intan Rakhmayanti. “Gaji Buruh Pabrik IPhone Ga Dibayar, Foxconn: Masalah
Teknis.” CNBC Indonesia, 2022.
Engels, Frederick. The Holy Family or Critique of Critical Criticism. Against Bruno Bauer
and Company. Frankfurt, 1984.
Fatimah Kartini Bohang. “Buruh Pabrik Komponen IPhone Digaji Rendah Dan Lembur
Tanpa Upah.”, 2016.
Hendriwani, Subur. “Teori Kelas Sosial Dan Marxsme Karl Marx.” Paradigma: Jurnal
Kalam Dan Filsafat 2, no. 01 (2022): 13–28.
John, P. “Parts ‘: “ Sources /’’’ " Component Lenin ’ s Rhetoric of Enlightenment”’” 59, no.
3 (2014).
Kain, Philip J. “Marx ’ s Theory of Ideas.” History 20, no. 4 (2011): 357–78.
Lapavitsas, Costas, and Jeff Powell. “Financialisation Varied: A Comparative Analysis of
Advanced Economies.” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 6, no. 3
(2013): 359–79.
Lennox, Victoria. “Conceptualising Global Governance in International Relations Written by
Victoria Lennox Conceptualising Global Governance in International Relations,” 2008,
Marx, Karl. “Das Kapital.” Britannica. Brian Duigman, n.d.
———. “The Last Years of Karl Marx, 1881–1883: An Intellectual Biography,” n.d., 1–9.
Prayuda, Rendi, Rio Sundari, and Fitrisia Munir. “Studi Teori Kiritis Dalam Hubungan
Internasional 1 1,2,3,” n.d.
Zahidi, M. Syaprin. “Pemikir-Pemikir Marxis Dalam Hubungan Internasional.”
Journal.Unpar.Ac.Id 10 (2014): 14.