Unit 3
Meaning of Marxism:
During his lifetime (1818-1883) Marx himself was not at all acquainted with
the word Marxism. After his death Engels and his adherents circulated the
term and since then we use the word Marxism.
The interesting fact is that he once said, “All I know is that I am not a
Marxist.” But one cannot infer from this that Marx rejected the main tenets
of his doctrine. The interpreters of Marxism say that Marx never claimed
that he had presented a clear and correct view about the social political and
economic conditions of the world.
In general terms Marxism is the world view of social, economic and political
conditions. He has interpreted the facts he collected in the background of
the particular idea or thought or what may be called philosophy. This we
call Marxism.
So we quote Plekhanov:
Marxism is a whole world view and this view has been explained by a
method or principle which is called dialectical materialism.
Marx explained and interpreted the political economy of the entire capitalist
world and arrived at the conclusion that the economically powerful class
which is capitalist exploits the entire society for its own benefits. He had not
only exposed the naked character of exploitation, but also pointed out
vehement protest against this exploitation.
The proletariat class is the victim of exploitation and naturally this class
started to protest and the method of protest is revolutionary. Hence
Marxism includes nature or various aspects of capitalism and revolutionary
protest against it. He explained the nature of capitalist society in details and
reactions against it.
The labour theory of value was first formu-lated by Locke. Finally Marxism
is a theory of state and revolution. Generally, Marxism includes all these
three elements.
1. All the tenets of Marxism are particular and not general. It has not built
up any general theory which is applicable in all places. Marx’s concept of
“base” and “superstructure is a real concept, but its application differs from
place to place. The only statements that are valid are particular descriptions
of particular phenomena at a given stage of history”.
4. Its chief aim is not simply to analyse the capitalist society, but to change
it. Marx has said that the philosophers have interpreted the world, but the
real task is to change the world or society.
This realisation is truth. Hegel also speaks of Spirit and man understands it
through his realisation of the world. But Marx did not support the
contention of Hegel. The opposite view of Hegel was first formulated by
Feuerbach and Marx borrowed it from him.
According to Marx man is not concerned with Absolute Idea or Spirit but
with the stark reality. This he tries to understand and explain in the
background of his own life. He always interprets the world around him.
2. Both Hegel and Marx thought that man was the product of self-knowledge
and he goes on reconciling with the world. But to Hegel the concept of self-
knowledge is associated with Spirit or Absolute Idea. Marx has rejected it
and has laid down the famous doctrine of alienation. That is, he tries to
under-stand himself or the world around him through the alienation. The
theory of alienation is the product of the alienated labour. In fact, alienation
occupies a very important place in Marx’s theory.
In other words, the workers are alienated from the mainstream of productive
process and from here the dehumanisation starts. Hence alienation and
dehumanisation are closely related and the entire capitalist system is
absolutely responsible for this.
6. If we go through Marx’s analysis we shall find that the only way of freeing
man from alienation is the establishment of communism or communist
“Communism puts an end to the division of life into public and private
spheres and to the difference between civil society and the state, it does
away with the need for political institutions, political authority and
governments, private property and its source in the division of labour. It
destroys the class system and exploitation; it heals the split in man’s nature
and the crippled one-sided development of the individual”.
7. Only in communism man gets the full opportunity to flourish his latent
qualities and this makes him a perfect human being. In a capitalist society
he is deprived of this. Man has many good qualities and abilities.