Text Procedure
Text Procedure
Text Procedure
Make sure the blender is clean and in working conditions.
Plugged to the socket.
Put your ingredients inside. Try fruits like banana, avocado, or
Close the lid and hold the cover tightly.
Press the button to blend it. There are other buttons showing the
speed of blender blades. Try the other buttons.
Open up the lid and pour it out.
After the usage, don't forget to clean the blender jar, lid, and blades
(not including the base).
How To Operate Handphone
Instructions :
First, press the button power (pertama, tekan tombol power)
second, press the number to call (kedua, tekan nomer yang
akan ditelpon)
Third, wait for the hello conversation (Ketiga, tunggu hingga
kata halo)
Fourth, start the conversation (keempat, mulailah
and the last, put off the handphone (Dan yang terakhir,
matikan handphone)
Procedure text is a text that is designed to
describe how something is achieved
through a sequence of actions or steps. It
explains how people perform different
processes in a sequence of steps. This text
uses simple present tense, often imperative
sentences. It also uses the temporal
conjunction such as first, second, then, next,
finally, etc.
Social function
Social function/purpose of the procedure
text is to describe how something is
completely done/made through a sequence
of actions or steps.
Procedure text has three structures including :
1. Goal, contains the purpose of making the
procedure text or the final result to be
achieved (can be in the form of a title)
2. Material, contains information about the
tools or materials needed, but not all
procedure texts contain this section
(commonly found in recipes).
3. Steps, contains the methods taken to
achieve the goal. This section usually cannot be
changed in order.
– Use adverbial of sequence / Using temporal
conjunction (e.g: first, second, third, the last)
– Use command / imperative sentence (e.g : put the
noodles on the . . ., cut the onion. . ., wash the
tomatoes. . . )
– Using adverbials (Adverbs) to express detail the
time, place, manner accurate, for example, for five
minutes, 2 hours, etc.
– Using action verbs, e.g : make, take, boil, cook
– Using Simple Present Tense