4.7.1 Anova

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H0:There is no significance difference between age and the factors

H1:There is significance difference between age and the factors

Sum of Mean
Squares Df Squar F Sig.
Know Between
.549 2 .275 1.070 .347

Within Groups 25.929 101 .257

Total 26.478 103
Tech Between
Groups .363 2 .182 .799 .453

Within Groups 22.953 101 .227

Total 23.316 103
Personal Between
Groups .035 2 .017 .064 .938

Within Groups 27.673 101 .274

Total 27.708 103
Attribute Between
.455 2 .228 .710 .494

Within Groups 32.381 101 .321

Total 32.837 103
Practical Between
Groups 1.366 2 .683 1.298 .278

Within Groups 53.129 101 .526

Total 54.495 103
Language Between
proficienc Groups .088 2 .044 .034 .966
Within Groups 129.133 101 1.279
Total 129.221 103

From the above table there is a significance difference between the age and the practical skill and
there is no significant difference between the age and the knowledge level, thinking skills,
personal skills, personal attributes ,practical skills and language proficiency

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