Fire Services
Fire Services
Fire Services
Fire Safety: The Fire Safety Command draws up fire safety Diving Services: The FSD has 136 active divers, of which 93
policies and formulates fire safety measures for buildings, and are stationed in the Diving Unit and 43 in the Airport Fire
is committed to upgrading the fire safety standard of old Contingent. The Diving Unit is responsible for all aquatic
buildings. It also vets loan applications for fire safety search and rescue operations within Hong Kong waters down
improvement works and raises public awareness of fire safety. to a maximum depth of 70 metres using compressed air and
The Building Improvement Strategy and Special mixed gas diving equipment, underwater breaking-in tools and
Operations Division reviews the strategy for improving fire underwater remotely operated vehicle.
safety in old buildings, formulates a blueprint for the long-term The FSD Diving Base on Stonecutters Island is equipped
building improvement planning, coordinates with the with a range of advanced and professional underwater and
bureaus/departments concerned, and arranges special aquatic training facilities to enhance the search and rescue
operations to achieve building improvement objectives. skills of FSD divers and the aquatic rescue capabilities of all
The three Building Improvement Divisions are fire personnel. The Base is also equipped with a three-
responsible for upgrading fire safety measures for various compartment compression chamber for treating patients who
types of buildings in Hong Kong and investigating complaints suffer from decompression illness and require hyperbaric
about fire safety in buildings. They also conduct proactive fire oxygen treatment.
safety inspections on various types of buildings and premises.
The New Projects Division, in collaboration with the BD Training: The FASA provides foundation firefighting and
and other government departments, vets new and amended rescue training for recruits as well as refresher and advanced
general building plans, processes FSI drawings and training courses for all fire personnel. It also conducts
scrutinises fire engineering reports of projects, including foundation and paramedic training for recruits and ambulance
tunnels, bridges and mega structures. It also formulates fire personnel. Besides, advanced ambulance aid training at the
protection requirements that meet the needs of such premises first responder level is offered to serving fire personnel.
and cope with relevant risks. The fire and ambulance recruits who have completed a
The Airport Expansion Project Division processes 26-week foundation training will be posted to various fire
statutory submissions relating to the Three-runway System stations and ambulance depots respectively to continue their
project of the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) which on-the-job training in order to enrich their field experience.
include vetting of general building plans and FSI drawings, The FASA has strived to seek accreditation to its key
scrutinising fire engineering reports and giving advice on fire training programmes. The Fireman/Firewoman
safety measures. It also conducts FSI acceptance inspections (Operational/Marine) Foundation Training Course, the
for the project to ensure the FSI complies with the statutory Professional Diploma in Ambulance Services for
requirements. Ambulanceman/Ambulancewoman, the Professional Diploma
The Railway Development Strategy Division formulates in Paramedicine, as well as some specialist training
and scrutinises fire safety requirements for new and existing programmes offered by the FASA have been accredited as
railway infrastructure projects. It has been actively Qualifications Framework Level 4 by the Hong Kong Council
participating in the planning, design and improvement works for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications,
of various railway projects by offering fire protection advice to which is equivalent to the level of an Associate Degree or a
the MTR Corporation and its consultants. Higher Diploma/Higher Certificate.
The Support Division formulates, reviews and updates Apart from providing training for the FSD staff, the FASA
policies on building fire safety and undertakes the preparatory also provides basic firefighting, fire safety and ambulance aid
work for introducing legislation It also handles general training for personnel of other government departments,
enquiries, provides general fire safety advice to the public, and private organisations, and advanced courses for the
is responsible for policy matters related to the Fire Safety overseas/mainland counterparts. Furthermore, the FASA runs
Ambassador Scheme and the Building Fire Safety Envoy an Enhanced Smart Teen Project for youngsters jointly with
Scheme. the Education Bureau.
In addition, officers attend training outside Hong Kong on
Administration and Logistical Support: The Corporate the latest fire services technology, paramedic and
Strategy Command provides planning and management management skills on a regular basis.
support to the Director as well as policy and logistical support
Workshops: The Workshops and Transport Division is
responsible for all engineering matters related to fire
appliances, ambulance vehicles, as well as firefighting and
rescue equipment including firefighting robots. These include
design, development, procurement, inspection, maintenance,
modification, testing and commissioning. Its Duty Fitter Teams
offer 24-hour emergency on-site repair services to the FSD s
vehicles and equipment.