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UGCBCS/B.Sc./Programme/5th Sem.


: afaki: FTT
B.Sc. Programme 5th Semester Examination, 2022

Time Allotted: 2 Hours Full Marks: 60

The question paper contains paper DSE-1A and DSE-1B.

The candidates are required to answer any one from two papers.
Candidates should mention it clearly on the Answer Book.


GROUP-A / fasn1-T /TE-7

1. Answer any four questions from the following: 3 x4 12

(a) Give three evidences in favour of the shell model of the nucleus. 3

(b) Binding energies of ,0 and ,CI° are 127.35 MeV and 289.3 MeV respectively.
Which one of the two nuclei is more stable?
0 9R-Cs- 4 H e R TRPCA 127.35 MeV 289.3 MeVI q e G

0 ' 31f C13s EYARI UtD H 374T 127.35 MeV 3A 289.3 MeV 3|

(c) Give the list of leptons. Mention the charge of leptons.

Lepton aser I Lepton g aIus aTSTRII
(d) Write and explain the working principle of Cyclotron.

Cyclotron T fHar TanS qu TE

(e) What are the main characteristics of the compound nuclear reaction? 3

zifT yrery ufafruras a fauETE F

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( Is the photoelectric effect possible with free electron? Explain. 3

GROUP-B/ fu1-/ HE-T

Answer any four questions from the following 6x4 24

What is meant by "Long range -particles"? Explain their origin. 6

Longrange aparticles I d g ? fEmat oruf aufa TISTH|

3. What is weak interaction paradox' of single particle shell model? How was the 3+3
paradox finally resolved?

yebci 5uT TT HIS 'weak interaction paradox' EH ? Paradox aIT^ HNT


4. (a) Show that the minimum photon energy required for the production of
positron-electron pairs in the field of free electron is 4mc.

etarAA 4mc1

(b) Explain why electrons cannot exist inside the nucleus. 3

7 a f nucleus a F ? qu TJEqI

5 Explain the principle, construction and operation of photomultiplier tube (PMT). 6

Photomultipliertube(PMT) ET, RaI sM Tuyc avT TJET

6. Draw the schematic diagram and describe the working principle of synchrotrons. 6

Synchrotron aT aE faia Ti fiarTm avfa TjEkI

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UGICBCS/B.Sc./Programme/5th Sem./Physics/PHYSPDSE1/2022
7. (a) Elaborate the principle of CPT invariance in elementary particles.

TTR 7UTHT CPT in variance T ET qu TE

b) What are the possible total isospin for the following reaction? 2
fARE ARa T9RI CATG WRI-PR (isospin) ?
fyot uftpaTHT YYfem g7 isospin ?
k+p 2+7*

GROUP-C/fs1-1/ HTE-T
Answer any tiwo 12x2 24
questions from the following

8. (a) The continuous B-ray spectrum of radio-active substances presented a peculiar 5+5
difficulty. Explain the difficulty. How was it resolved?

(b) What is internal conversion?

Internal conversion ?

9. (a) Define total and differential cross-section of a nuclear reaction.

(6) What is the importance of measuring the Q-value of various reactions?

fafufa4I Q-value I H5 7?
()State at least eight conservation laws which governs the elementary particle reaction. 6

10. Describe the liquid drop model of the nucleus stating clearly its basic assumptions. 8+4
Discuss the limitation of this model.
cAT EiT RIE A MAiI R -RibI (liquid drop)

ATETT TRTEFIE qrTg liquid drop model q T

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11.(a) A collimated beam of 1.6 MeV gamma rays strikes a thin tantalum foil. Electrons of
0.6 MeV energy are observed to emerge from the foil. Are those due to the
photo-clectric effect, Compton scattering effect or pair production? Assume that any
electron produced of the tantalum foil do not undergo a second interaction.

1.6 MeV H f A y-fVUTd tantalum aE fs3| H

0.6 MeV u a q s t r cT q5| dTEA photo-clectric effect,
Compton scattering efrect a pair production à Taf ai ? Tantalum foil HI 3

(b) Discuss the four different types of interactions among the elementary particles. 6


1. Answcr any four questions from the following: 3x4 12

(a) What is Raman effect? Calculate the work function of a metal if the threshold 1+2
wavelength for it is 580 nm.

HTHT 8 ? af yeei arg E s wavelength 580nm

ze1oT work function HTM JETI
(b) State (i) Position-momentum and (Gi) Energy-time Uncertainty Principle. 3

i) Position-monentum and (i) Energy-time Uncertainty i R4T

(c) Define matter waves. Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of an clectron having 1+2
kinctic energy of 1000 eV
1 8 - 7 * B 4t6 1000 eV o - TG 4ej6 I A de-Broglie T a A

va c ser 1000 eV R í Yegoar de-Broglie

wavelength HTI KUJET{I
UGICBCS/B.Se./Programme/5th Sem./Physies/PHYsPDSE1/2022
(d) What is nuclear fusion? Write down the semi-empirical mass formula for calculating
the approximate nuclear binding
energy of an atomic nucleus.

Nuclear fusion BI ? y3e uvHTI ATf 3 i ATAfy aEZTTÝ BUDT

HT T A semi-empirical mass formula TtRgsT|
(e) What is operator in Quantum Mechanics? Define the expectation value of an 1+2

Quantum Mechanics I operator E ? eET operator i TUtêT r a ufRATT

(1) Define spontaneous and stimulated emission. 3

Spontaneous Stimulated emission uRTST fogEI

Answer any four questions from the following 6x4 24

2 Write a note on wave-particle duality. Discuss the gamma ray microscope 3+3
experiment to illustrate the uncertanity relation.

Wave-particle duality 7fe geET feut T{I Uncertanity relation fa

T A gamma ray microscope uRaurei qu Tga
3. Give the requirements that a wavefunction should satisfy. A wavefunction of a 2+-242
particle moving in a range from - o to +oois given by y(x)=ea72. Normalise the

wavefunction and find the expectation value of.

wavefunction v(x) = ea"25|H wavefiunction

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Does blackbody always appear black? Based

on the 1+1+4
4. Explain the term blackbody. a
Planck's law of Blackbody radiation draw a plot of

) Spectral energy density vs frequency and

(ii) Spectral energy density vs wavelength at different temperatures.

Blackbody aITEAT TBI Blackbody He DIG dfar ?

Blackbody radiation 3TEa TY faV TE|

(i) Spectral energy density vs frequency
(i1) Spectral energy density vs wavelength that different temperatures.

5. (a) How do you account for the drop of B/A for low A and larger 4? Here B represents
the binding energy and A represents the mass number.

B bindingenergy 3 A massnumber |
b) Give four characteristics of nuclear forces. 3

Nuclear forces i ZR fTTE TETI

6. (a) Define half-life, mean life and decay constant of a radioactive substance. 3
9P (ST AITA half-life, mean life, 9aR decay constant-43 RS FTI
yuT radioactive qqeiar half-life, mean life 3 decay constant uHrST

b) Why a-spectrum is discrete but B-spectrum continuous? 3

O-spectrum discrete B-spectrum continuous fe gT ?

7. (a) What is meant by optical pumping? 2

Optical pumping 71T zr?

(b) What are the advantages of linear accelerator over cyclotron?

Cyclotron gaaH linear accelerator T T?

UG/CBCS/B.Sc./Programme/5th Sem./Physics/PHYSPDSE1/2022
GROUP-c/ frss-1/ TE-T
Answer any two questions from the following 12x2 24

8. (a) What is LASER? What are Einstein's A and B coefficients? Obtain a relation 1+2+5
between Einstein's A and B coefficients?

LASER E ? Einstein A f B coefficient B g ? Einstein A

H B coefficient 7rz aEkI
) Why Rutherford's model could not explain the stability of an atom? State Bohr's 2+2
quantization condition for defining stationaryorbit

Rutherford z qHTo rervano fa quf7 F ? Stationary orbit

yRHTTYT THA A Bohr t quantization condition aioJEI

9. (a) With the help of neat diagram, explain the construction and working principle of
Geiger-Muller counter.

yoCT F5T T C T HETT f y Geiger-Muller counter iTaAT 3rf T

(b) Stating the law of radioactive disintegration, obtain a relation governing the 2+4
radio-active decay.

Radioactive disintegration f r aTO radioactive decay a Au T

10.(a) Derive the expression to estimate the nuclear size/radius from Rutherford's 8
a-scattering experiment.

Nucleus 31127R/37EaH T T ATRutherford a-scattering ufRTUT AT

b) What are the outcomes of Davisson and Germer experiment? Explain how these 2+2
results directly confirm the de-Broglie hypothesis of matter wave?

Davisson 3 Germer RyUTesifUTE ? qHa yfRATTd

de-Broglie TE1ei aiEvT RETTAT 5 YHTTUT TE ?

Turn Over
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right, towards a step 6+2
11.(a) Consider a particle of energy E < Vo, moving from left to

potential of height V% represented by the equations.

V=0 for -oxa0
V=V for 0sxSo
solution in
() Write the Schrodinger wave equation and its physically acceptable
the two region.
Cii) What is quantum mechanical tunneling?

V=0 RITA - ©xs0

fr fev 5I Step potential fq FTTvUTETT avfa Ti T 5 ?

V=0 for - oSxs0
= V for 0<xs»

H t fasa F T THTETT T
Schrodinger i wave equation d

(ii) Quantum mechanics HT tunneling a

b) Determine the probability offinding a particle of mass "m" between x =0 to x=;10 4

if the particle is described by the normalised wave function

,(x)= sin for 0SxSl and is in the n=3state.



gGEI "m" mass 4YhT 7UJAIX=0

yf FYI normalised wave

s1n for 0SxSL n=3 state ¥T|

UGICBCS/B.Sc./Programme/5th Sem./Physices/PHYSPSEC3/2022


B.Sc. Programme 5th Semester Examination, 2022

Full Marks: 60
Time Allotted: 2 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks

The question paper contains SECIA and SECIB.

The candidates are required to answer any one from two courses.
Candidates should mention it clearly on the Answer Book.



1. Answer any four questions from the following: 3x4 12

(a) A ball is released from a height of 10 m. Construct a flowchart with relevant

inputs to determine the speed of the ball just before touching the ground.

PATA flowchart o3l

(b) Write an algorithm to calculate "P

(c) Discuss three rules of defining a correct FORTRAN variable.

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UGICBCS/B.Sc./Programme/5th Sem./Physics/PHYSPSEC3/2022
(d) Write a FORTRAN program to input "Al Day 1 Dream About Sports" and print
its abbreviation.
All Day I Dream About Sports" a R FORTRAN program-4 input 31
TMTETD (T3 print Ta FRieI
"All Day 1 Dream About Sports" FTTE T4at a f yseM 9TUTA dGEH 7

(e) What is the "Preamble" in LaTeX file?

LaTeX "Preamble" s?

LaTeX EAT "Preamble" ?

() Write down the statements in GNU plot to visualize the surface z =x*+y' in
rangesx=-l to +l and y=--I to +1 with proper axes labels.
AEMR DT C7AT GNU plot-4 GoeA TI Z=x + aAx=-1



Answer any four questions from the following 6x4 24

2. (a) Write down the syntax of nested Do loop in FORTRAN. 2

FORTRAN program-9 'nested Do loop'-9 syntax 6 ( I

(b) Write a FORTRAN program to find the product of two 3x3 matrices using 4
nested Do loop.
Nested Do loop' R C 4 3x3 JlTS-g 3 1 FORTRAN

UG/CBCS/B.Sc./Programme/5th Sem./Physics/PHYSPSEC3/2022
3. Write an algorithm and a FORTRAN program to find out the sum of the
following series
fACa fraEid A1s2 Afa qAA algorithm 9R FORTRAN (B1aG ARI

f=2 +4+6 +8+..+100*

4. (a) Why LaTeX is heavily used to write scientific documents and research papers?

LaTeX f àsf TTTTE 3aTwem 475T T F T

(b) Write the LaTeX statements to create the following matrix equation.

cos cose sin 0x

-sin cos 0:

cos 8 sin 0 0
=-sin cos6 0

5 A file Ohms.dat contains two columns of data for 'current' and 'voltage'. Write 6
a GNU plot code for least square fitting of the data to a straight line using initial
guesses. Plot the data along with the fitted line with proper axis labels, title of
plot and key of the graphs.
9 TROhms.dat'-9'current' t 'voltage'-4 5I data-93 id I I TE
OCE least square fitting 70g0 4 MTJ C3 A GNU plot-

ATefP7 3gHTTE FATT R MAT deHT STETT least square fiting fA

6. (a) Write the general form ofIF-THEN-ELSE statement.

IF-THEN-ELSE statement-61i411 4/461ad ctI

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(b) Using a Subroutine, calculate the sum ofthe following series up to n =10. 4

n=0 n!

Use this subroutine to calculate sinhx = * for x=-l to +1 in increments


of 0.1.

e n=0 /7!

subroutine R TA sinhx=- aA1S ATAx=-1 Ax=+1|

Subroutine sraT Tz, n=10 4 s u T qT57 TUAT TRI

n=0 n!

0.1 HT x=-1 a +1l a f sinhx== TUT A Subroutine


1. A cannon shell is fired with an initial speed V and angle 6 relative to horizon.
Write down a code to plot the data in GNU plot to visualize the trajectory of the

oGNU plot-4 AitaTA T90 code I

8. (a) Write down the algorithm to compute the sum of all odd numbers in a given 3

(b) Write an algorithm to compute x!.

x! iefcT algorithm 10 a

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Answer any two questions from the following 12x2 24

9. (a) Write down specific LaTeX commands to do the following tasks: 2x3 6

) Write text in colour.

) Write text in italics.
(ii) Write roman style text within equation environment.
ffA task-e313 LaTeX command-eft
Write text in colour.
(i) Write text in italics.
(iii) Write roman style text within equation environment.


(i) Write text in colour.
(ii) Write text in italics.
(ii) Write roman style text within equation environment.

(b) Write a LaTeX code to generate a table given below. 6

AC ofoTGCE La'TeX code fd FI

Table 1: Observation Table

Mass (in gm) Position (in mm)| Force(in N)

100 30 0.981
150 57 1.4715
200 82 1.962
250 110 2.4525

300 137 2.943

350 164 3.4335
400 191 3.924

Slope 0.43038

Table I shows data for Force vs. Position for lHooke's law experiment.
bfm-1-4 Asfn *al vs. 1217" Hooke's law HICA 213

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the standard
10.(a) Write down the algorithm and flowchart to obtain the mean and
a 6
deviation of marks obtained by the students of a particular class.
90 -RoFa a NÝAA stg 47R fAfo (standard deviation)
Aor 13 T algorithm R flowchart F

(6) Following the algorithm/ flowchart write down a FORTRAN program. 6

algorithm/flowchart 7R A 4T® FORTRAN (19 NI

11.(a) A Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows: 6

The first term and the second term of the sequence are 0 and I respectively. The
third and subsequent terms in the sequence are found by adding the preceding
two terms of the sequence. A part of the sequence is

0, 1,1,2,3, 5, 8, 13,21, 34, 55, 89,.

Write a program to obtain the first 200 terms of this sequence.

0, 1, 1,2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,.

RFTAR e 2006 TA IR A TT7 40 Program N
Fibonacci 4 TAR yRH7 TRTT 3

0, 1, 1,2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,..

7H 395 u a 200 siPET TT TH sATA da|
(b) Write an algorithm to obtain the frequency distribution of marks obtained by 6
students from a group of 50 students.
H 50 -RT TI - q t a aie 7T frequency distribution
P algorithm

12.(a) Write the names of any two computer languages other than FORTRAN. Expand 1+
the term FORTRAN.

FORTRAN 91 a- computer language-9a N NI FORTRAN

UG/CBCS/B.Sc./Programme/5th Sem./Physies/PHYSPSEC3/2022
(b) Show the flowchart and write a FORTRAN program to determine whether a
number is odd or even.
9P1 R1 CT fR RtSTY fAs a1 SI PI5 R FORTRAN program I

(C) A particle at rest starts moving with acceleration a. The distance travelled by the
particle at time t is given by the formula S =at'. The velocity is given by
v=at. Write a FORTRAN program to read a and t and print !, a and v.

S=at1 tda R v= at | 'a' gR T read 7 9 ','a 9R V print P


(d) Mention any two library Functions in FORTRAN. What is the maximum length 2
allowed to defining a variable in FORTRAN?
FORTRAN-9 A-AG TR Function tF TFORTRAN-9 4T variable



Answer any four questions from the following: 3x4 = 12

(a) What are the differenees between relay and circuit breaker?

(b) What is Q factor in series LCR cireuits? What does it signily?

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when A.C
pure inductor is
Frove that average power consumption in
voltage is applied.


(d) What is the utility of earthing of any power system?

of 50 Hz
(e) What will be the speed of a motor having 4 pole energized by supply
3 50 Hz AC RJE 4 pole ffe CATCAas s
50 Hz fraritt aTyfAAT 4 ta aqat aerant nft w gT?
() What do you mean by admittance? Find out the admittance of a circuit,
having impedance (6+ j8)0.

)What do you mean by 'form factor' of an A.C waveform?



Answer any four questions from the following 6x4 24

What is an clectrical crimp? What are the benefits of crimping over soldering or 2+4
2 wire wrapping?

3. Write short notes on: 3+3

(i) Surge protector
(ii) Bluc print.

UGICBCS/B.Sc./Programme/5th Sem./Physics/PHYSPSEC3/2022

() Surge F

4. (a) Differentiate between voltmeter and ammeter.

(6) A galvanometer of internal resistance 52 has range 2 amps. In order to convert 2

it into an ammeter of range 10 amps, how much shunt resistance is required?
2 TI R 5Q e N fa 9 asiafaDatT 10 JP-43

3T-R yfRT 5Q 4Y TTOHAETT z7NT 2 amps 5| THATS PRT

10amps gHevHT YTRY A, TA TT utARIY 3HTqYY5 B ?

. Explain what is Fermi level? How does a Barrier field appear across a P-N 2+2+(1+1)
junction diode? What is the forbidden energy gap? How does it occur?
TFI S , TI A P-N R* UTAITE fOR Barrier field sis A ?
Forbidden Energy Gap ? e AT5

6. (a) With neat sketches explain the principle of operation of a single phase induction

(b) Briefly mention the differences between single phase and three phase motors. 3

Using a diagram describe the working principle of A. C generator. 6

A. C HTCa TKt 6a a 2A1

8. List and explain the essential qualities of a protective relay.

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12x2 24
from the following
Answer any two questions

What is the 6
ideal transformer with diagram.
9.(a) Discuss the working principle of an
purpose of using iron core in a

is 3A when
(6) An ideal transformer has a turns ratio of 8:1 and the primary current
supplied at 240V. Calculate the secondary voltage and
it is
9TT 7 97PaÍ Turns ratio 8:1 4R e1es ofyeaniR 3A T7

Ei 37uTET 8:1 240V I 3Tgd Tat TRH7 a7T


(c) Explain the term 'slip' in induction motor.


10.(a) In the circuit below, calculate the value of the resistance 'R' when the current 5
through 5Q resistance is zero.


9 1.5

20 B
10 V

IG/CBCS/B.Sc./Programme/5th Sem./Physics/PHYSPSEC3/2022
(b) What are the differences between star 4
and delta connection?


(c) How can a multimeter be used to test a diode? 3

La) Calculate the rms and average value for a pure sinusoidal voltage.

(b) A coil has resistance of 42 and an inductance of 9.55 mH. Calculate 3

(1) Reactance, (11) The impedance, (il) The current taken from 240V,
50 Hz supply.
9PI e i a ai 42 4R I 9.55 mH faAu ATeA Rei P1- Reactance,
impedance 9R 1RAEI74 240v 4R 50 HzTe AITA TT
YCT U T utrIe 42 7sTTH 9.55 mH 3| UHT R (1) satsbar,
(i)uttareT (ii) 240V 50 Hz 3TufrATE fEyi T |
(c) Draw the Phasor diagram of a series L-R circuit connected across a sinusoidal 5

Define active power, reactive power and apparent power.


Active power, reactive power apparent power RHT9T TRI

(b) Write short notes on:
Half wave rectification
components of AC sources.
(ii) Real, imaginary and complex power

Tsi real, imaginary complex powerETeepsV

(i) g


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