Spotcheck SKC S CleanerRemover Aerosol

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Inspection Certificate

Abnahmeprüfungszeugnis DIN EN 10204.3.1

Certificat De reception
Certificado di collaudo

Spotcheck SKC-S
Batch Number 231004 Product Name
Cleaner/Remover Aerosol
Date of Manufacture 04/10/2023 11/10/2023 B.B.E. 10/2026

Specification: Specification
We hereby certify that when tested at the time of manufacture, the above material:
1. Meets the requirements of and has been tested for sulfur and halogens according to:
a) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 2023 Edition, Section V, Non-destructive Examination.

b) Anion analysis by ASTM D129 decomposition followed by Ion Chromatography method Annex A4.

c) ASTM E-165/E-165M-18, Paragraph 7.1.

d) MIL-STD-2132E, March 29, 2016, Paragraph 6.1.3.

2. Meets the requirements of EN ISO 3452-1, EN ISO 3452-2, AMS 2644H and ASTM E 1417/E 1417M-21 Paragraph 5.1 & 6.5.1.

3. Conforms to the chemical specifications of the PMUC reference 08-226.

4. We further certify that the material does not contain mercury as a basic element and no mercury bearing equipment was used in its manufacture.
Test Section Limit Result
Specification Passed

Specification: Ion Testing Results

Test results obtained were as follows:
Test Section Limit Result
Cleaner Residue (see note 3) 0.005g/100mL 0.0023 g/100mL
Halogen Content n/a
Sulphur Content n/a

Specification: AMS 2644H Solvent Remover Tests

When sampled in accordance with paragraph 4.3.2 of AMS 2644H the following results for section were obtained:
Test Section Limit Result
Penetrant Removal Passed

Specification: EN ISO 3452-2

When tested at the time of manufacture the following results were obtained. The information is derived from our quality checks. It does not relive
the purchaser from examining the proodct upon delivery and gives no assurance of the product for any particular purpose.
Test Section Limit Result
Appearance 6.1 Equal to standard Passed
Sensitivity for ISO 3452-2 (SMT 58) 6.2 Equal to standard Passed
Density (SMT 50) 6.3 0.684 - 0.756g/cm3 0.700 g/cm3
No Corrosion on Magnesium
Corrosive Properties 6.11 Passed
Nav Ship Residue 6.13 <5mg per 100mL 2.3 mg /100 mL

Flashpoint (SMT 14)

Aerosol -40oC

Specification: Pratt and Whitney Test Results


Please forward in duplicate to:

Reports, Materials Control Laboratory
Pratt & Whitney
(Plant to which material is shipped)
Inspection Certificate
Abnahmeprüfungszeugnis DIN EN 10204.3.1
Certificat De reception
Certificado di collaudo

This is to certify that Paragraph Numbers(s) 1 & 5 apply to the shipment below:

1. Applicable to all raw material, to parts, made from raw material furnished or purchased by vendor, or to assemblies of which some or all
components are made from raw material furnished or purchased by vendor.) Material, parts, or components of assemblies have been inspected and
accepted to the specifications involved, and results of tests required by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft are shown herein.
2. (Applicable to parts or assembly components made from raw material furnished by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft and not chemically or metallurgically
treated by vendor so as to change surface or internal condition significantly.) Parts or assemblies have been machined or formed from material
furnished by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, to make these parts or components of assemblies.
3. (Applicable to parts or assembly components made from raw material furnished by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft and chemically or metallurgically
treated by vendor so as to change surface or internal condition significantly.) Parts of components of assemblies have been made from raw material
furnished by Pratt & Whitey Aircraft to make these parts or components of assemblies. Parts, components of assemblies have been inspected and
accepted to the specifications involved, and results of tests required by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft are as show herein.
4. (Applicable to repaired or reworked raw material, parts or assemblies.) The raw materials, parts or assemblies have been reworked or repaired in
accordance with Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Instructions, and are the same material, parts or assemblies returned for such reworking or repair, except
for replacement of assembly components, in which case paragraphs 1 and 5 are also applicable.
5. (Applicable to all assemblies, and to parts when specifically authorized by purchaser.) Results of all chemical and physical tests not shown below,
as well as all other evidence which shows acceptability of raw materials and assembly components, are on file and available for inspection at any
reasonable time.

Part or Assay No: PMC 4366J

Specifications, As Ordered: PWA 300 RV. BP
Date Shipped:
Location of PWA Plant to Shipped to:
PAck Slip No.:
Heat, Lot, Code or Batch No: See above
Raw Material Vendor:
Type-Compound or Casting: SKC-S
PWA Heat Codes (if required)

If materials, parts or assemblies do not entirely conform to specification requirements, the deviation and authority for furnishing such materials are
indicated below:

This is to certify that the shipment of materials has been representatively sampled and analysed according to the Quality Control Program of
Magnaflux and that this material meets the specifications set forth by Pratt and Whitney per PMC 4366 Rev J. Used as a pre-cleaner, post-cleaner
and penetrant remover for local applications. It is approved for use on steels, stainless steel, nickel-based alloys, cobalt-base alloys, aluminium,
magnesium, titanium and titanium alloys.

Magnaflux certifies that SKC-S does NOT contain Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB’S)
Test Section Limit Result
Pratt & Whitney Test Results Passed

--- EOR ---

Inspection Certificate
Abnahmeprüfungszeugnis DIN EN 10204.3.1
Certificat De reception
Certificado di collaudo

Prepared by Approved by

1. Our batch number appears on the label of bulk containers. Aerosols have batch numbers printed on bottom of the container.
2. Most specifications require test results stated in percent, but some require parts per million (ppm). To convert "percent" figures to "parts per
million" move the decimal four places to the right.
3. MIL-STD-271, MIL-STD-2132 and ASME Sec V, all require that materials be subject to a procedure to evaporate off volatile solvents before
analysis for Sulfur and Halogens. According to these specifications, only those residues higher than 0.005 g/100ml shall be analysed for Sulfur and
Halogens. Lower residues shall be reported.
4. The above certification gives the results obtained at the time of manufacture. Age and use may alter the properties of any material.

Magnaflux (A Division of ITW Ltd),

Faraday Road, South Dorcan Industrial Estate,
Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 5HE, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1793 524566
Fax: +44 (0)1793 490459
FORMAT: MX 101.137 MC-09 Rev 25

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