Cert Ultramat23 GB Metrol Sira Mcerts Mc040033 08
Cert Ultramat23 GB Metrol Sira Mcerts Mc040033 08
Cert Ultramat23 GB Metrol Sira Mcerts Mc040033 08
Siemens AG
Certification Ranges :
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Form 1335
Issue 5
Certificate Contents
Approved Site Application ........................................................................................................ 2
Basis of Certification ............................................................................................................... 2
Product Certified..................................................................................................................... 2
Certified Performance ............................................................................................................. 4
Description............................................................................................................................. 9
General Notes ........................................................................................................................ 9
Any potential user should ensure, in consultation with the manufacturer, that the monitoring system
is suitable for the intended application. For general guidance on stack emission monitoring
techniques refer to Environment Agency Technical Guidance Note M2: Monitoring of stack emissions
to air. Operators with installations falling under the Large Combustion Plant Directive or Waste
Incineration Directive must refer to Technical Guidance Note M20: Quality Assurance of Continuous
Emission Monitoring Systems, for guidance on the suitability of CEMS for their installations. M2 and
M20 are available on the Agency’s website at www.mcerts.net
On the basis of the assessment and the ranges required for compliance with EU Directives this
instrument is considered suitable for use on waste incineration and large coal-fired combustion plant
applications (See Note 1). This CEM has been proven suitable for its measuring task (parameter
and composition of the flue gas) by use of the QAL 1 procedure specified in EN14181, for LCPD and
WID applications for the ranges specified. The lowest certified range for each determinand shall not
be more than 1.5X the emission limit value (ELV) for WID applications, and not more than 2.5X the
ELV for LCPD and other types of application.
The field trial was conducted over 3 months with the Ultramat 23 installed on a coal fired power
station. It was conducted for an additional 3 months on a waste incinerator, for the NO range 0-100
Basis of Certification
This certification is based on the following Test Report(s) and on Sira’s assessment and ongoing
surveillance of the product and the manufacturing process:
Product Certified
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Form 1335
Issue 5
The ULTRAMAT 23 measuring system consists of the following parts:
This certificate applies to all instruments fitted with software version 2 onwards (serial number
V0_001) onwards.
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Form 1335
Issue 5
Certified Performance
The instrument was evaluated for use under the following conditions:
Note: For outdoor installations the analyser needs to be mounted into an IP65 environment. If the instrument is supplied
with an enclosure, then the ambient temperature shall be monitored inside the enclosure to ensure that it stays within the
above ambient temperature range.
Unless otherwise stated the evaluation was carried out on the certification range SO2 0 to 400mg/m3, NO 0 to 250mg/m3,
CO 0 to 150mg/m3, O2 0 to 10%vol
NO 68s <200s
CO 68s <200s
O2 76s <200s
NO 0.8 <2.0%
CO 0.4 <2.0%
O2 0.03 <0.2%
NO 0.8 <2.0%
CO 1.1 <2.0%
O2 0.12 <0.2%
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Form 1335
Issue 5
Test Results expressed as % of the Other results MCERTS
certification range specification
<0.5 <1 <2 <5
NO -1.05 <5.0%
CO -0.56 <5.0%
O2 0.07 <0.50%
NO 0.84 <5.0%
CO -0.70 <5.0%
O2 -0.12 <0.50%
NO <1.0 <2.0%
CO <1.0 <2.0%
O2 <0.2 <0.2%
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Form 1335
Issue 5
Test Results expressed as % of the Other results MCERTS
certification range specification
<0.5 <1 <2 <5
Influence of voltage variations 190 to
NO -0.44 <2.0%
CO -0.31 <2.0%
O2 0.02 <0.2%
NO 3.8 <4.0%
CO 3.3 <4.0%
O2 -0.07 <0.40%
NO 3.4 <4.0%
CO 3.9 <4.0%
O2 -0.20 <0.40%
Measurement uncertainty Guidance - at least 25% below max
permissible uncertainty
SO2 (for an ELV of 200mg/m3) 7.86% 15%
NO 0.97 >0.90
CO 0.98 >0.90
O2 1.00 >0.90
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Form 1335
Issue 5
Test Results expressed as % of the Other results MCERTS
certification range specification
<0.5 <1 <2 <5
Response time (field) Note 3
NO 68s <200s
CO 62s <200s
O2 81s <200s
NO <2.0 <2.0%
CO <2.0 <2.0%
O2 <0.2 <0.2%
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Form 1335
Issue 5
Test Results expressed as % of the Other results MCERTS
certification range specification
<0.5 <1 <2 <5
Change in zero point over maintenance
NO -0.7 <3.0%
CO 0.0 <3.0%
O2 -0.06 <0.2%
NO -1.5 <3.0%
CO -0.8 <3.0%
O2 -0.02 <0.2%
Availability >95%
(>98% for O2)
NO 1.6 <3.3%
CO 2.2 <3.3%
O2 0.2 <0.20%
Note 1: Cross sensitivity test has been conducted with the following interferents:
O2, H2O, CO, CO2, CH4, N2O, NO, NO2, NH3, SO2 and HCl.
Note 2: The measurement uncertainty for CO passes the requirements of EN14181 (10%) but does not meet the
requirements of EN15267-3 – which is 25% below the maximum permissible uncertainty (7.5%).
Note 5: The maintenance interval for the Ultramat 23-7MB2358 is 6 months. The maintenance interval for the Ultramat 23-
7MB2355 and 23-7MB2357 is 8 months.
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Form 1335
Issue 5
The ULTRAMAT 23 gas analyser is based on the absorption of non-dispersive infrared radiation
(NDIR). The attenuation in the radiation that depends on the wavelength is a measure of the
respective concentration of the gas. The analyser measures O2 with an electrochemical measuring
The ULTRAMAT 23 gas analyser can measure up to 4 gas components simultaneously, three being
infrared sensitive gases such as CO, NO, or SO2 and the other O2. The ULTRAMAT 23 is a 19-inch
rack mounted system.
The manufacturer states that as the oxygen sensor is an acetic acid cell this should minimise the
effect of acid from the flue gas.
This instrument is MCERTS certified for calibration using autocal with ambient air only, every 6 hours
and a full calibration check with test gases required only once per year. The Autocal system uses
ambient air (or N2 for analysers without an oxygen sensor); both the zero and the span are calibrated
in the process.
Auto or manual range changing between two ranges is available over a maximum ratio of 5:1
between maximum and minimum ranges. Two alarm limits can be freely configured for each
component, for upward or downward violation. There is also a maintenance request alert.
Up to four electrically isolated analogue outputs are available as standard. A PROFIBUS version is
available as an option.
General Notes
1. This certificate is based upon the equipment tested. The Manufacturer is responsible for
ensuring that on-going production complies with the standard(s) and performance criteria
defined in this Certificate. The Manufacturer is required to maintain an approved quality
management system controlling the manufacture of the certified product. Both the product
and the quality management system shall be subject to regular surveillance according to
‘Regulations Applicable to the Holders of Sira Certificates’. The design of the product certified
is defined in the Sira Design Schedule for certificate No. Sira MC040033/07
2. If certified product is found not to comply, Sira Certification Service should be notified
immediately at the address shown on this certificate.
3. The Certification Marks that can be applied to the product or used in publicity material are
defined in ‘Regulations Applicable to the Holders of Sira Certificates’.
4. This document remains the property of Sira and shall be returned when requested by the
This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without change
To authenticate the validity of this certificate please visit www.csagroupuk.org/mcerts
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Form 1335
Issue 5