1 - IEC Test Report - TUV
1 - IEC Test Report - TUV
1 - IEC Test Report - TUV
Wareneingangsdatum: 2020.10.19
Date of receipt:
Prüfmuster-Nr.: 281111453 01-10
Test sample No.:
Prüfzeitraum: 2020.10.19 – 2020.11.07
Testing period:
Ort der Prüfung: See page 2
Place of testing:
Prüflaboratorium: TÜV Rheinland (Guangdong)
Testing laboratory: Ltd.
Prüfergebnis*: Pass
Test result*:
geprüft von / tested by: kontrolliert von / reviewed by:
Dieser Prüfbericht bezieht sich nur auf das o.g. Prüfmuster und darf ohne Genehmigung der Prüfstelle nicht
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This test report only relates to the a. m. test sample. Without permission of the test center this test report is not permitted
permitt to be
duplicated in extracts. This test report does not entitle to carry any test mark.
TUV Rheinland (Guangdong) Ltd. No.199 Kezhu Road, Guangzhou Science City, Guangzhou 510663, Guangdong Province P.R.
Test Report No.: 50416186003 Page 2 of 3
3 Bedienelemente N/A
Operating elements
IEC 60332-3-21:2017 Test result: A 60cm long sample of EUT is vertically fixed in a metal box opened on the front
wall. A propane burner with a flame length of 175mm is at a 45-degree angle from the flame cone to the cable from a
position 450mm from the upper fixed end of the sample. The burning damaged part of the sample is not more than 50mm
away from the lower part of the fixed end, and the test passes.
IEC 60754-2:2019 Test result: Preheat the combustion furnace to 800 , push a quartz tube with a built-in sample
into the furnace, and start timing at the same time. Measure the pH value and electrical conductivity every 1 minute during
the first 5 minutes of sample combustion, and every 5 minutes for the next 25 minutes. The cable pH weighted value is ≥ 4.3,
the cable conductivity weighted value is ≤ 10 μs/mm, and the test passes.
IEC 61034-2:2005 Test result: Conducted in a transparent cube with a volume of 3 cubic meters, equipped with
a photometer, fire source, and other devices. Burn the cable for 40 minutes to ensure that the smoke produced is evenly
distributed within the cube. When the cable burns, the recorder records the amount of light attenuation. The light
transmittance is greater than 60%, and the test passes.
Condition of Test : ~ ℃
Temperature (23 26) Humidity (35: ~40)%RH