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Terms of Reference

Consulting Services for Monitoring & Evaluation for Formal Employment Creation Project Sub-
Grant Program
Türkiye: Formal Employment Creation Project (TF-B4699)

1. Background

Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye (TKYB) received an IBRD loan in the amount of EUR 316
million and a grant financing from European Union under the Facilities for Refugees in Türkiye – FRIT in
the amount of EUR 76 million, for the Formal Employment Creation Project (Project).

Project Development Objective. The objective of the Project is to enhance the conditions for formal job
creation by firms operating in provinces with high incidence of Syrians under Temporary Protection
(“SuTP”), for the benefit of Turkish citizens and refugees.

To reach this objective, the Project will increase (a) access to finance through loans to firms with an already
consolidated record of sustained job creation and greater capacity to expand business and generate markets,
(b) access to finance through grants conditional on job creation to firms which have with high job creation
potential, and (c) access to skills through participation of beneficiary firms and workers in training programs
financed by the Project1.

Project Components. The Project has three components: (i) Component 1: Loans targeting established
firms with high potential for job creation (EUR 316 Million), (ii) Component 2: Grants targeting firms
conditional on job creation (EU grant of EUR 76 Million) and (iii) Technical and Institutional support (to
be funded from both the loan and the grant).

Part 1. Loans targeting firms with high potential for job creation.

Loans targeting established firms with high potential for job creation;

A. Sub-loans directly to eligible beneficiary Large Enterprise firms (LEs) in Selected

Provinces to finance Sub-projects. TKYB will provide loans directly to LEs.

B. Subsidiary Financing to selected Participating Financial Institutions (“PFIs”) to provide

Sub-loans to eligible beneficiary Small and Medium Enterprises (“SME”) in Selected
Provinces to finance Sub-projects.

Part 2. Grants targeting firms conditional on job creation.

Sub-grants to eligible beneficiary firms operating in Selected Provinces, conditional on formal job creation
for Turkish citizens and refugees under a Sub-grant program, which will be based on a firm’s viable
business and employment plans.

Part 3. Technical and institutional support.

A. Skills building for Sub-loan beneficiary firms.

1The details of the Project are available at the following link.


Provision of capacity building activities for Sub-loan beneficiary firms under Part 1 of the
Project, including management practices, socioemotional skills (including, leadership,
teamwork, client orientation), and financial literacy.

B. Skills building for Sub-grant beneficiary firms.

Provision of needs-based capacity-building activities for Subgrant beneficiary firms under
Part 2 of the Project, including training on technical, analytical, and socioemotional skills
for beneficiary firms’ employees.

C. Capacity Building for the Sub-loan implementation.

Assistance to support the Project’s Part 1 implementation, including capacity building of
TKYB and PFI staff, through the financing of goods, consulting services, non-consulting
services, Training, and Operating Costs.

D. Capacity Building for Sub-grants’ implementation.

Assistance to support the Project’s Part 2 implementation (including communications,

outreach and visibility activities), through the financing of goods, consulting services, non-
consulting services, and Operating Costs for the Project Implementing Unit (PIU) and the
Grant Evaluation Committee.

E. Monitoring and evaluation for the Project’s Trust-Fund-financed portions.

Assistance to carry out monitoring and evaluation on activities implemented under Parts 2,
3.B, and 3.D of the Project, including data collection and reports preparation, in support of
the results framework under the FRIT.
2. Scope and Objective of the Assignment
Under the scope of the Project, a “Call for Proposals” was announced by TKYB under Component 2 (Grants
targeting firms conditional on job creation). Online Sub-grant project applications were received from
small, medium and large scaled firms operating in Project provinces2. Applications have proceeded to the
environmental and social risk assessment (E&S) phase upon a successful administrative check, as well as
a technical and financial evaluation. The E&S risk assessment phase for the sub-grant projects &
beneficiaries is currently under way, and is planned to be completed by September 2023. The monitoring
& evaluation and implementation support services for the “Formal Employment Creation Project Sub-Grant
Program- Kayist3” will last for 14 months. The monitoring & evaluation and implementation support
services under this assignment will be carried out only until the end of the current Project closing date (i.e.
December 31st, 2024). There is a possibility of extension of the Project closing date beyond December 2024
during which the scope of services under this Contract may also be extended through provision of additional
services if agreed in between the Parties. The related services will commence after completion of E&S risk
assessment phase and the World Bank’s second No Objection for the final list of sub-grant applications,
expected to be completed by September 2023. The assignment will be executed under the Project
Component 3D.

1. Adana 2. Adıyaman 3. Ankara 4. Batman 5. Bursa 6. Denizli 7. Diyarbakır 8. Gaziantep 9. Hatay 10. İstanbul 11. İzmir 12.
Kahramanmaraş 13. Kayseri 14. Kilis 15. Kocaeli 16. Konya 17. Malatya 18. Manisa 19. Mardin 20. Mersin 21. Osmaniye 22. Sakarya
23. Şanlıurfa 24. Tekirdağ
3 www. Kayist.org

The Monitoring & Evaluation and Implementation Support Consultant (The Consultant) is required to carry
out the following tasks in-situ and online through Kayist Sub-grant Management Platform (Kayist Platform)
during the Kayist Sub-Grant Program implementation period:
1. performing monitoring and evaluation tasks for sub-grant projects carried out by the beneficiaries
in 24 Project provinces, assessing technical and financial risks by using the methodologies agreed
with the TKYB through the Inception Report, identifying the discrepancies and or inconsistencies
in monitoring and reporting documents and advising beneficiaries on measures to be taken for
smooth implementation.

2. monitoring beneficiary firms’ employment situation in maintaining employment and creating new
employment with gender, nationality, age, employment status, and other breakdowns required by
the TKYB and the World Bank (WB) throughout the implementation period.

3. providing implementation support to sub-grant beneficiaries by providing consultancy to the

preparation of employment monitoring reports, financial progress reports, disbursement requests,
procurement reports and other reports required by the WB and TKYB.

4. providing support to the beneficiaries in the preparation of the expenditure verification reports that
will be certified by the external auditors (approved expenditure verification firms/individuals) of
the beneficiaries. (Certified Public Accountants or Sworn-in Certified Public Accountants, Turkish
acronyms are SMMM and YMM respectively)

5. monitoring the Kayist Sub-Grant Program level indicators, identifying any the discrepancies and/or
inconsistencies and reporting to TKYB PIU periodically

6. conducting regular site visits to beneficiary firms to monitor and evaluate employment and financial
status of beneficiary firms, comparing the results from site visits with the data from Kayist Platform
and reporting to TKYB accordingly

7. working closely with TKYB PIU to provide capacity-building activities for beneficiary firms

8. working closely with the Environmental and Social Evaluation and Monitoring Consultant
throughout the Kayist Sub-Grant Program implementation period as detailed in Clause a.13.

3. Duties and Responsibilities of the Consultant

The Consultant shall perform the deployment of qualified key experts in the required numbers in line with
the number, content and location of Sub-Grant Projects, as well as Coordinators, and carry out organizing
and managing the monitoring and evaluation tasks including implementation support.

Technical and Financial Monitoring & Evaluation Activities

a. General Monitoring and Evaluation Activities

The Consultant will;

1. Monitor sub-grant projects throughout the sub-project implementation period in compliance with the
“Implementation Guideline for Kayist Sub-Grant Program” through Kayist Platform and in-situ visits.

2. Prepare the Monitoring Plan for Kayist Sub-Grant Program in compliance with the “Implementation
Guideline for Kayist Sub-Grant Program” and submit to TKYB PIU.

3. Prepare a template for Monitoring Site Visit Reports for TKYB PIU’s review and approval prior to the
first monitoring visit.

4. Communicate with beneficiaries to plan and conduct at least 3 in-situ monitoring visits during the sub-
grant program implementation period and prepare Monitoring Visit Reports.
- First in-situ visit within the first month following the sub-grant contract signature. Prepare the
first monitoring visit report with baseline data for TKYB PIU’s review and approval on the
Kayist Sub-Grant Platform.
- Second in-situ visit within 45 days following the completion of 6th month of the sub-project’s
- Third in-situ visit within 45 days following the sub-projects' completion.

5. Monitor and evaluate the sub-grant projects implementation activities based on the, employment
performance (measured through administrative records and site visits), risks, problems, and needs .
The documents and data such as employment contracts, Social Security Institution (SGK) data,
payrolls, procurement contracts, invoices and other payment proof, should be taken into account while
carrying out monitoring activities and reporting to verify the consistency of actual expenditures with
the approved Subgrant Project. Additional tables, analyses, checklists, information and reports for
assessment shall also be prepared by The Consultant as deemed necessary by TKYB and outlined in
the Inception Report.

6. Identify any risk that may threaten the implementation of the sub-grant project by evaluating the
beneficiary's management and implementation capacity and report to the TKYB PIU. Assign a risk
level (low-medium-high) to each sub-project according to their technical and financial risk assessment
after the first monitoring visit and update the risk in regular and ad-hoc monitoring visits. Identify
preventive and/or corrective actions to facilitate implementation to overcome challenges and to
mitigate risks as necessary, and report accordingly.

7. If needed, prepare ad-hoc visits with TKYB PIU and/or the WB. Monitoring reports of these ad-hoc
monitoring visits will also be prepared and uploaded to the Kayist Sub-Grant Platform for review of

8. Provide support to the beneficiaries in preparation of semiannual project progress reports (technical
and financial) and review them to ensure the compliance of the Implementation Guideline.

9. Monitor the eligibility of costs incurred in the sub-grant budget, review progress payments, track
records and implementation of disbursement procedures.

10. Provide support to the beneficiaries in the preparation of the expenditure verification reports that will
be certified by the external auditors (approved expenditure verification firms/individuals) of the
beneficiaries. (Certified Public Accountants or Sworn-in Certified Public Accountants, Turkish
acronyms are SMMM and YMM respectively)

11. Ensure that the beneficiaries comply with the Communication and Visibility in EU-financed external
actions Guideline, complement to the Communication and Visibility Manual for European Union
External Actions Projects funded under the EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey, Communication and
Visibility Plan for Formal Employment Creation Project and Visibility Manual for External Actions
and Implementation Guideline for Kayist Sub-Grant Program.

12. Reply questions asked by the beneficiaries and compile frequently asked questions and share them
regularly through Project website on kayist.org and keep them updated. Inform TKYB PIU about the
technical problem on Kayist Sub-Grant Platform.

13. Work in collaboration with the Environmental and Social Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant. The
disbursements to the beneficiary require both E&S compliance and progress on performance criteria
and physical realizations of sub-project activities. In order to avoid any delays in the implementation
period, collaboration between the E&S Consultant and M&E Consultant is expected in the preparation
of the monitoring visit program with the approval of the TKYB PIU.

b. Monitoring of the Employment Plan and Performance Indicators

The Consultant will;

1. Prepare the baseline Kayist Employment Database on Kayist Platform for planned and existing
employees (based on a short questionnaire which will be shared by the TKYB PIU with the Consultant
before the first monitoring visit) of the beneficiaries at the first monitoring visit.

2. Monitor existing employee and record the planned employee to the monitoring report at the first
monitoring visit based on a short questionnaire which will be shared by the TKYB PIU with the
Consultant before the first monitoring visit.

3. Monitor the employment records based on content and including but not limited to nationality, gender,
age and employment status for each existing and additional employee uploaded by the beneficiary in
the Kayist Platform. Assess risks, identify the discrepancies to prevent mistakes and inconsistencies
on employment data and review Monthly Employment Reports prepared by the beneficiaries.

4. Conduct monthly employment screening and monitor the beneficiaries’ commitment of formal
employment creation within the implementation period of this contract in compliance with
beneficiaries’ employment plan. Verify the correctness of the data entered by the beneficiaries to the
Kayist Platform by comparing them with uploaded official SGK data from e-Government Portal as
well as site visits.

5. Monitor the progress in employment indicators monthly, and advice beneficiaries based on the rules
and requirements defined in the sub-grant contract and Implementation Guideline for Kayist Sub-Grant
Program, and report to TKYB PIU.

6. Determine, to the extent possible, any irregularities, inappropriate practices, or questionable

decisions/actions, that may be related to corrupt practices, in the light of deficiencies and report them
to the TKYB PIU immediately.

c. Monitoring of the Procurement Activities of Beneficiaries

The Consultant will;

1. Monitor and provide guidance to the beneficiaries for procurement activities to be carried out in
accordance with the sub-grant contract the Implementation Guideline for Kayist Sub-Grant Program.

2. Provide assistance to the beneficiaries in preparation/updating/uploading procurement plan and
Procurement Report.

3. Monitor the beneficiaries’ procurement activities and ensure that the commercial practice of the
Subproject Beneficiaries in subproject procurements are applied in accordance with WB core
procurement principles: value for money, economy, integrity, fit for purpose, efficiency, transparency
and fairness and identify ways of improving the procurement processes.

4. Prepare regular consolidated procurement table for the Kayist Sub-Grant Program on Kayist Platform
and submit to TKYB PIU.

d. Implementation Support Activities

The Consultant will;

1. Support the beneficiaries for day-to-day implementation including procurement activities,

preparation of documents and reports, including budget revisions of sub-projects, addendums
technical and financial progress reports, expenditure verification reports, disbursement requests
forms, employment reports and verify their correctness and completeness in order to ensure smooth
implementation of the sub-grant projects in accordance with the Sub-Grant Contact and
Implementation Guideline for Kayist Sub-Grant Program.

2. Communicate with the beneficiaries about sub-project progress via telephone, e-mail and other
communication tools or in face-to-face and/or online meetings to gather and/or clarify information
and data, plan monitoring visits, and assist beneficiaries and keep the communication records.

3. Guide and advise beneficiaries for work permits and other employment related questions and issues
and address relevant institutions for them to contact.

4. Conduct training needs assessment survey prepared by the TKYB PIU with the beneficiary firms
at the first monitoring visit and report the results to the TKYB PIU.

5. Participate in the trainings/information meetings organized by TKYB PIU for the consultant and
the beneficiaries.

e. Administrative Tasks

The Consultant will;

1. Attend meetings of the PIU if requested by TKYB, and keep records, minutes of these meetings,
present the minutes for approval by the PIU Coordinator.

2. Prepare deliverables in regular contact with TKYB PIU (ex-ante, mid-term, and ex-post evaluations
of sub-projects/activities, evaluating improvements in performance indicators, and preparing
periodic evaluation reports, detailed in section 6.)

3. Be accountable for follow up and adherence with the national legislation requirements regarding
force majeure situations (The Covid-19 epidemic, Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes etc.) that may
occur during the implementation of the Project.

4. Be accountable for offences committed in the course of activities carried out within the limits
defined by current administrative, criminal, labor and civil legislation of the Republic of Türkiye;

5. Be accountable for causing damage to property within the limits of the existing labor and civil
legislation of the Republic of Türkiye.

6. Perform other duties emerging in the framework of this Terms of Reference.

4. Reporting Requirements and Time Schedule for Deliverables

The Consultant shall deliver the following reports in the content, scope and quality acceptable to TKYB PIU at the periods given below in English.
The Consultant shall revise the reports in accordance with the comments and requests of TKYB PIU and submit for review and approval of TKYB
PIU. TKYB PIU has the rights to take actions including but not limited to issue warnings as per the conditions of the service contract for late delivery
of the reports, low quality, misconduct and false declarations.

Expected Outputs and Delivery

# Description Frequency
Deliverables Period

Inception report will be prepared after an initial review of the objectives

of the assignment; analysis of the existing situation; plan for the
implementation phase and reporting, risks and assumptions of the
assignment; deliverables, outputs and resources. All reporting
templates will be agreed with the TKYB PIU at the inception period.
Inception Report and Sub- 1 month after
Grant Monitoring & the
1 Sub-Grant Monitoring & Implementation Support Plan will be a part of Once
Implementation Support commencement
Inception Report. It will include indicators on impact, outcome, and
Plan of assignment
output level; define data collection methods, data sources, and timeline;
identify roles and responsibilities, create an analysis plan and reporting
templates; plan for dissemination and reporting to TKYB PIU. The
Consultant is expected to prepare the Plan according to the
requirements of Implementation Guideline for Kayist Sub-Grant
Program and Project indicators and targets.

This report will include development of performance indicators of
formal employment creation project grant component; employment
Performance Indicators
indicators, training and others. At the end of
2 Progress Report Program Quarterly
This report will be prepared quarterly and provide information on each quarter
indicators and significant development on program level progress based
on each sub-project. Data collection methods and verification methods
will be part of this report.

This report will cover program activities and outputs, the status of
employment and other performance indicators, training and
Semi-annual Program At the end of
3 procurement activities, overall financial progress of sub-projects. The Semi-annual
Progress Report each 6th month
report will also include data collection methods, verifications and
measures taken for corrections and guidance provided to the
beneficiaries during the reporting period.

First monitoring and regular monitoring visit reports will include the
The first monitoring report will be prepared after the first in-situ
monitoring visit to beneficiaries. This report will include general
information sub-project budget, procurement plan, employment plan,
activities, indicators and monitoring visit plans on sub-project level.
Employment information in the first monitoring report will include After the
existing employment information of the beneficiaries based on the At least 3
4 Monitoring Visit Reports monitoring
questionnaire which will be shared by the TKYB PIU in addition to the times
employment plan. The Consultant is expected to conduct Training
Needs Assessment Survey during the first monitoring visit.

Regular monitoring visit reports will be prepared after the regular

monitoring in-situ visits to the beneficiaries. They will include the
implementation of sub-grant project activities, employment indicators,
the sub-grant budget, progress on the procurement plan This report will
highlight the problems faced by the beneficiary, guidance and advise

provided to the beneficiaries and will advise further solutions for the
implementation of the sub-grant project.

Consultant is required to upload each and every monitoring visit report

to Kayist Sub-Grant Platform.

Consultant will compile all sub-project monitoring visit reports in a

short summary report to be submitted to TKYB PIU.

Consolidated Procurement This report will compile each sub-project’s procurement report which At the end of
5 Semi-annual
Report will be submitted to the TKYB PIU. Consolidated procurement report each 6th month
will be an annex to the Semi-annual Program Progress Report.

This report will be prepared for each sub-project when the sub-project
45 days Once at the
activities and sub-grants disbursements are completed and approved.
Sub-Project Completion following the completion of
6 Sub-project completion reports will be uploaded to Kayist Sub-Grant
Reports completion of the sub-
Platform. A short summary report compiling all reports will be
the sub-projects projects
submitted to TKYB PIU.

Final Completion Report for the Program will be a compilation of all

activities carried out under the consultancy contract in alignment with
the Inception Report, Progress Reports and Sub-Grant Monitoring Plan.
1 month after
the completion
7 Final Completion Report This report will also include evaluation of performance indicators and Once
of the
outcomes at the program level and each sub-project completion report
will be annexed to this report.

The consultant will conduct ad-hoc monitoring visit to beneficiaries on
TKYB and/or the WB request.
Within five
The ad-hoc monitoring visit reports will be prepared after the ad-hoc days following When
Ad-hoc Monitoring Visit monitoring visits with the same content as a regular monitoring visit the ad-hoc requested by
Reports report. monitoring visit TKYB and/or
the WB
Ad-hoc monitoring visit reports will be uploaded to Kayist Sub-Grant
Platform. A short summary report compiling all reports will be
submitted to TKYB.
The irregularity reports will be prepared in case any irregularities are
detected during regular or ad-hoc monitoring visits. Types of
Within three
irregularities will be defined in the Implementation Guideline for
days of When deemed
9 Irregularity Reports Kayist Sub-Grant Program.
becoming aware necessary
of the incidence.
The irregularity reports will be uploaded to upload to Kayist Sub-Grant
Platform and submitted to TKYB.

The reports will be prepared in cases which are defined in the

Within three
Implementation Guideline for Kayist Sub-Grant Program, such as
days of When deemed
10 Warning Reports failure to fulfill any of the obligations specified in the sub-contract. The
becoming aware necessary
warning reports will be uploaded to Kayist Sub-Grant Platform and
of the incidence
submitted to TKYB.

Please note that the reports coinciding in time may be presented as one single report constituting the above listed reports as annexes. The details will
be determined at the proposal negotiation stage or in the inception report.

5. The Profile of the Consultant

The Consultant shall be a firm (in the form of a solely owned company or joint venture of companies)
experienced in carrying out similar tasks, specifically to include the following minimum qualifications:
• Experience in at least 1 (one) similar assignment successfully completed within the last 10 years.
In case the Consultant is in the form of a joint venture, lead partner is required to successfully
complete at least 1 (one) similar assignment in the last 10 (ten) years.
• Experience in reporting requirements and projects financed by international financing institutions.
• Experience in working with Public Authorities in Türkiye is preferred.

The Consultant shall be responsible for the mobilization of required number of Coordinators and Key
Experts with proven experience in monitoring and evaluation with respect to technical and financial aspects
both online and on-site. It is envisaged that around 700 sub-grant projects will be eligible for financing in
24 Project Provinces defined in section 1. The Consultant shall identify the number of experts considering
the defined tasks under this ToR and the identified number of experts during proposal submission will
remain the same unless additional tasks are defined.

In addition to the monitoring and evaluation activities defined in this ToR, Project team will also provide
implementation support to sub-grant beneficiaries in subjects like refugee employment, labor law issues for
formal employment, procurement, project management, and financial and technical reporting during the
implementation period.

In case Consultants are short-listed for another assignment at the same time, when proposing full time staff
for any of the assignments, those full-time staff shall be different for each assignment. Proposing the same
full-time staff for more than one assignment at the same time may result in the rejection of the technical

The Consultant’s team will comprise, but not necessarily be limited to, key staff who meets the following

Key Experts:

Position Qualifications and Requirements

• Bachelor’s Degree preferably in Business Administration,
Economics, Engineering or related fields
• At least 7 years of professional experience with a focus on
monitoring and implementation of national and/or international
financed grant programs and/or grant projects
• Proven experience as a monitoring coordinator or monitoring
Coordinators (2) manager in at least 1 (one) project/program preferably financed
by the EU and/or the WB and/or national and/or international
development agencies and/or private sector
• Good understanding and practical knowledge and experience of
monitoring and evaluation tasks
• Good command of both written and spoken English

• Bachelor’s Degree preferably in Business Administration,

Monitoring Evaluation Experts Engineering or related fields
(25-35) • At least 3 years of professional experience with a focus on
monitoring and implementation of national and/or international

financed grant programs and/or grant projects
• Proven experience as monitoring and evaluation expert at least 1
(one) project/ program financed by the EU, and/or the WB, and/or
national international development agencies and/or private sector
• Experience in working with public agencies or international
institutions regarding implementation of loan and/or grant
• Good command of both written and spoken English
• Knowledge of Arabic is an asset

• Bachelor’s Degree preferably in Law, Labor Economics, Political

or Social Sciences, or a related field
• Minimum 3 years of proven experience as a labor expert with
knowledge and experience particularly in the fields of migration,
social assistance and protection for refugees in Türkiye, refugee
social protection and employment related laws including work
Employment Expert permit related laws/regulations in Türkiye.
• Knowledge about institutional set up, roles/responsibilities of
institutions which have active role/ responsibility and/or playing
active role in this area in Türkiye.
• Working experience in the Project provinces is an asset
• Fluency in English and Turkish is required
• Working knowledge of Arabic is an asset
• Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Economics, Finance, Business
Administration or related fields
• Minimum 3 years of procurement experience
• Experience working with public agencies and international
Procurement Expert institutions is an asset
• Knowledge and experience in procurement practices of private
sector in Türkiye
• Knowledge of WB Procurement Regulations is an asset
• Fluency in English and Turkish is required

Non-Key Experts, Support Staff & Backstopping:

The Consultant shall select and hire other experts as required according to the needs. CVs for other
experts will also be submitted in the technical proposal, however technical evaluation will be conducted
based on qualification of the key experts. The selection procedures used by the Consultant to select these
other experts shall be transparent, and shall be based on pre-defined criteria, including professional
qualifications, language skills and work experience.

All non-key experts should have the following qualifications:

• Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Administrative and Social

Sciences, Engineering or related fields
Non-Key experts • At least 3 years of similar professional experience
• Experience in project management, logistical and/or financial
operations, preferably in the EU funded projects

• Experience in reporting activities in similar projects, with strong
preference for projects dealing with employment and refugees
• Familiarity with and/or experience in the WB financed projects and
the EU funded projects, the international projects financed by the
international investment and development institutions and/or
multinational firms, the UN or embassies is an asset
• Good command of written and oral Turkish and English languages,
• Arabic is an asset.

Cost for backstopping and support staff, as needed, are considered to be included in the financial proposal
of the consultant. The Consultant should provide adequate administrative staff (i.e. secretary, translator,
interpreter, accountant, document controller etc.) needed to support the expert team in order to assure the
quality of all its activities and outputs.

Consultants are reminded that communication with local authorities will be in Turkish. Therefore, if
necessary, the Consultant has to hire respectively qualified experts or must provide interpretation and
translation services which must be covered by the contract price.

All team members should have good command of English and Turkish (Arabic is an asset), have no travel
restriction, have teamwork and reporting skills, and adaptability to flexible working hours. Male candidates
should have completed or postponed military service for minimum two years.

6. Implementation Arrangements

The assignment is expected to start in November 2023. The duration of the contract is 14 months and will
be completed upon approval of the Final Completion Report by TKYB. Total duration of monitoring and
evaluation and implementation support for sub-grant implementation is expected to be same as the sub-
grant implementation/project duration. However, due to current closing date of the Project (December 31,
2024), this contract duration is 14 months. However, there is a possibility of project closing date extension.
In this case, the scope of services under this Contract may also be extended through provision of additional
services if agreed in between the Parties.

TKYB shall have the right to ask for the contract to be terminated or expert to be replaced due to non-
performance. In case of replacement, the replacing expert shall have the qualifications of his/her
predecessor at the minimum.

TKYB is expecting to finance around 700 sub-grant projects as per project preparation documents. The
number of monitoring and evaluation experts will be assigned by the Consultant at the proposal stage based
on this assumption. The distribution of the sub-grant projects among provinces will become clear upon
signing of contracts with the beneficiaries. The Consultant may employ experts who reside in the project
implementation provinces.

There will be three (3) monitoring site visits focused on all implementation aspects of the sub-project and
four or five (4-5) desk-based monitoring mainly dedicated to formal employment conditionality compliance
check by monitoring experts under this contract.4 The number of monitoring site visits may increase
depending on the risk level of the sub-grant project with the approval of the TKYB PIU. Monitoring visits

However, as noted above, whole M&E and implementation support activities are planned for 14 months. This contract is
planned to be 14-months due to current Project closing date. However, if there is an extension in the Project closing date, the
contract may also be extended if agreed in between the Parties.

will be carried out and reports will be prepared by the monitoring experts deployed and coordinated by the
Consultant and will be reported to the TKYB PIU in English, in a specified format.

The Consultant shall be responsible for making adjustments for the working conditions (e.g., offices in
Project provinces). TKYB premises will be provided to the experts called in for the meetings and
discussions during the implementation period. Experts will be allowed to access Kayist Sub-Grant Platform
by using their own laptop and other devices needed for accomplishing aforementioned tasks with the
approval of TKYB.

The Consultant will work closely with the E&S Consultant who will be responsible for E&S monitoring
and evaluation of the sub-grant projects awarded under Kayist Sub-Grant Program.

Kayist Sub-Grant Platform: Under the scope of the Project, an internet-based digital Sub-Grant Platform
named Kayist has been designed by TKYB for sole purpose of management of the Kayist Sub-Grant
Program. Each user in the system will be able to access a certain level of information according to their
roles and status, monitoring experts, Project support staff of the Consultant, sub-grant beneficiaries and the
TKYB PIU. Kayist Sub-Grant Platform will be used for monitoring and disbursement and reporting

The Consultant will be paid on a monthly (or quarterly if both parties agree on) basis upon completion of
the required services, approval of the relevant deliverables described in section 6, and submission of
timesheet for each expert and progress reports approved by TKYB PIU.

All documentation produced by the Consultant under this assignment is and shall remain the property of
TKYB. The Consultant shall not publish, use or dispose of this documentation without the written consent
of TKYB.

7. Client (TKYB)’s Input and Counterpart Personnel

The Client will oversee the progress of the assignment and review the quality of the Consultant’s
deliverables. The Consultant is obliged to closely cooperate with the TKYB PIU, to ensure constant contact
and be prepared to promptly make potential corrections in the prepared documents. The approval of the
deliverables will be done by TKYB. The Client will assist the Consultant to ensure coordination with the

The Client shall assist the Consultant to collect the necessary background documents, organize working
meetings and potential presentations, as well as to ensure the necessary reviews. The Client shall also ensure
other necessary support to the Consultant in contract implementation. The consultant should inform the
Client regularly about the progress and any challenges.

The Client undertakes to submit to the Consultant the necessary input data and background documents
(available to the Client) for project implementation, as well as to ensure the necessary points of contact in
the related authorities when collecting the necessary information for the purposes of performing the
activities required for the project. The preparation of the deliverables is the full responsibility of the
consultant so the consultant should take the lead in identifying the necessary data, assessing their
availability and validity of data and finally preparing the reports. Under the coordination of the Client, the
Consultant should also benefit from other resources to fill the data gap and enhance the quality of the

The Client shall make available to the Consultant information, reports, documents, etc., related to the
execution of the Services. All documents related to the Services are, and will remain Client’s property, the
Consultant cannot use or dispose of his documentation without previous Client’s written consent.

The Consultant shall attend working meetings which will be held during contract implementation, upon the
Client’s invitation. The Consultant shall also attend and actively partake in the presentation of individual
project phases. The Consultant shall, for the needs of the meeting, take part in the preparation of documents
and presentations required, take part in these, and present its work. The key staff defined in ToR shall take
part in all the key meetings, as well as in the presentations of activities.

The following documents shall be binding and be taken as guidance by the Consultant in performing its

• Grant Agreement between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and
Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye for Formal Employment Creation Project
• Standard Conditions for Grant Financing Made by the Bank Out of Trust Funds (2019)
• Guidelines on Preventing and Combating Fraud and Corruption in Projects Financed by IBRD
Loans and IDA Credits and Grants (revised as of July 1, 2016)
• World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (November, 2020)
• Environmental and Social Commitment Plan for Formal Employment Creation Project (ESCP)
• Stakeholder Engagement Plan for Formal Employment Creation Project (SEP)
• Labor Management Procedures for Formal Employment Creation Project (LMP)
• Application Guideline for Kayist Sub-Grant Program
• Formal Employment Creation Project Sub-Grant Program Sub-Grant Contract (in progress)
• Implementation Guideline for Kayist Sub-Grant Program (in progress)
• Communication and Visibility Plan for Formal Employment Creation Project (in progress)
• EU Communication and Visibility Manual for External Actions
• FRIT Facility Visibility Guidelines
• Project GRM procedures
• TKYB Code of Conduct for Service Providers

8. Contract Type

The contract will be signed between TKYB and the consultant, and payments to consultant will be made
upon consultant’s submission of deliverables and approval by TKYB. This assignment will be based on the
lump-sum payment against the deliverables as defined in this Terms of Reference.


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