S.no Test Case Name Description Pre Condition
S.no Test Case Name Description Pre Condition
S.no Test Case Name Description Pre Condition
steps input data Expected results pass/fail
1.Open IE browser
Application Home
2.Enter the URL http://s97/school/main.asp
page should be
3.Click on GO button x
1.Open IE browser
objects Allignment
2.Enter the URL
should be good on
3.Click on GO button
the Admin page
1.Open IE browser
2.Enter the URL Allignment of the
3.Click on GO button screen should be nice
1.Open IE browser
2.Enter the URL Contrast of the each
3.Click on GO button object should be nice
1.Open IE browser
Scrolling object
2.Enter the URL
should move from
3.Click on GO button
right to lift
1.Open IE browser
2.Enter the URL
System should
3.Click on GO button
display the ADMIN
4.Click the ADMIN LOGIN
1.Open IE browser
2.Enter the URL
Allignment of the
3.Click on GO button
screen should be
4.Click the ADMIN LOGIN
1.Open IE browser
2.Enter the URL
objects should look
3.Click on GO button
good on the ADMIN
4.Click the ADMIN LOGIN
LOGIN page
1.Open IE browser
2.Enter the URL
3.Click on GO button Spelling of objects
4.Click the ADMIN LOGIN should be currect