Pre-Service Teachers Sense of
Pre-Service Teachers Sense of
Pre-Service Teachers Sense of
A Dissertation
August 2021
© Yazmin Muñiz De la Garza
August 2021
A Dissertation
August 2021
Once teachers begin their professional journey it is expected that they know how to
integrate technology effectively. Therefore, exploring the experiences that influence their self-
efficacy become an important aspect in which to inquire. The purpose of the study was to
examine the self-efficacy of pre-service teachers related to the integration of technology in their
prospective classrooms. The study utilized a two-phase explanatory sequential mixed methods
inquiry. The quantitative phase aimed to identify the level of perceived self-efficacy of teacher
candidates and clinical teachers in a South Texas public university enrolled in a clinical
experience. The Computer Technology Integration Survey or CTIS (Wang, Ertmer, & Newby,
2004) allowed responding to the first research question: What is the perceived level of self-
efficacy of pre-service teachers in the integration of technology? The results obtained in the
CTIS indicated that the 18 pre-service teachers who participated have a medium to high self-
efficacy with an overall mean of 3.90. The statement with the highest self-efficacy was item 19: I
feel confident that, as time goes by, my ability to address my students' technology needs will
continue to improve.
The qualitative phase aimed to identify the experiences that influence the levels of self-
efficacy reported in the CTIS. There were four individuals who agreed to participate in the
second phase of the study, which consisted of a two-part semi-structured open-ended interview.
The first part of the interview aimed to identify the experiences that have influenced the pre-
framework for the interview questions (Bandura, 1997). The second part of the interview
consisted of discussing a project or activity that the pre-service teachers designed that included a
technology component. The TPACK model was used as the focus for this part of the interview
(Mishra & Koehler, 2006). The purpose of this inquiry was to collect additional data to gain an
in-depth exploration of an experience during the elaboration of the project with respect to the
TPACK components. In this phase of the study, the second research question was addressed:
What are the experiences that influence pre-service teachers’ level of self-efficacy? The data
collected in the qualitative phase of the study led to the development of three major themes,
which explained the experiences that have influenced pre-service teachers’ level of self-efficacy:
Based on the interpretation of the results of the quantitative phase and the qualitative
phase of the study, the third research question was answered: How do the experiences in
The pre-service teachers with higher scores in the CTIS indicated multiple experiences related to
Bandura’s sources of efficacy and were willing to take more risks related to TPACK components
using a variety of approaches to teach a concept (pedagogy knowledge), and c) exploring the
content area in depth (content knowledge) to teach for understanding. The findings from the
study may help teacher preparation programs identify opportunities for refinement. The
recommendations for future research include using a longitudinal study, which may provide
additional insight related to the self-efficacy of pre-service teachers at the beginning and end of
This dissertation is dedicated to my husband Federico Saqui for being caring and
supportive in our journey together. Thank you for always believing in me, even in moments
where I could no longer believe in myself. I am grateful for the opportunity to live this life by
your side. I love you more than words can ever describe.
I also dedicate my research study to my mother Martha for raising me in a loving home,
for always being the best example of persistence and instilling values in me that I will carry on
throughout the rest of my life. My work is also dedicated to the memory of my grandmother
To my siblings, Martha and Victor, for always encouraging me to follow my dreams and
for paving the way by being great role models to me. Also for being great examples of dedication
and professionalism. To my nieces and nephews, Maylin, Marian, Manuel, Mia, Victor, and Ian,
for being the driving force in our family. I hope that I could be a positive influence for you, just
like your parents were to me. To my aunts Mine and Nena for your assertiveness and strength
face challenges. I also dedicate this research study to my students. I became an educator to make
a difference and to contribute to students’ academic and personal growth. The reality is that my
students made a difference in my life by showing resilience and aptitude every day. I will be
forever grateful.
My sincerest gratitude is extended to my doctoral committee chair, Dr. Faye Bruun for
her guidance and support since my first day in the doctoral program. During my first semester in
the program, I was honored to serve as your teacher assistant. This time allowed me to witness
your greatness, not just your expertise on the subject, but also your kindness towards everybody.
I am grateful for your guidance throughout my entire journey in the doctoral program.
To Dr. Susan Elwood, I want to offer you my deepest gratitude for your guidance. Your
insight made my research so much richer. To Dr. Lynn Hemmer, I am extremely grateful for
your thorough feedback. Your feedback and expectations helped me to improve the quality of
my dissertation. Dr. David Gurney, I appreciate your positivity and willingness to collaborate,
I also would like to acknowledge Dr. Kouzekanani, thank you for investing time in
reading my dissertation and offering your perspective. To Dr. Corinne Valadez and Dr. Bethany
Pletcher, thank you for always guiding me as a student and to challenge me to think critically. A
doctoral program at this institution. I also would like to thank my cohort, because you have
I want to acknowledge the participants of the study, who were an integral part of my
research study. I am confident you will do great things in the field of education. Remember that
you are about to embark in a career that will change your life. Last but not least, I want to thank
God for his life blessings. I am forever grateful for the lessons learned in this journey!
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... iv
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... 1
Chapter Summary........................................................................................................................ 9
Effects of Technology Integration............................................................................................. 22
Chapter Summary...................................................................................................................... 26
Trustworthiness ......................................................................................................................... 45
Credibility .............................................................................................................................. 45
Confirmability ....................................................................................................................... 45
Dependability......................................................................................................................... 46
Transferability ....................................................................................................................... 46
Data Management ..................................................................................................................... 47
Chapter Summary...................................................................................................................... 48
Conclusions ............................................................................................................................... 84
Discussion ................................................................................................................................. 86
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 94
Figure 4. Themes and subthemes derived from the individual interviews. .................................. 61
Table 2. Interview protocol for artifact discussion, as it relates to the TPACK model ................ 40
The advent of digital technology has dramatically changed routines and practices in most
arenas of human work (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). Technology is clearly changing and
transforming the world (Kul & Çelik, 2018). As information communication technology has
developed, technology-integrated learning has also evolved, and the demand for technology in
education has increased (Joo, Park, & Lim, 2018). In fact, integrating technology in the
classroom has become an important component of teaching and learning. The term technology
integration refers to the use of technology in a teacher’s regular teaching and curricular plans
(Cullen & Greene, 2011). The current educational system is driven by high stakes accountability.
Therefore, schools are continually searching for effective solutions that will eliminate
educational barriers and lead all students to success (Kuyatt, Holland, & Jones, 2015). Attaining
student progress and developing content proficiency requires teachers to integrate a variety of
attain student engagement, progress, and success. Curtis (2017) noted that a teacher’s beliefs and
attitudes about teaching have strong influences on students’ achievement. According to Bandura
(1997), the availability of digital tools to deliver traditional instruction, has shifted the emphasis
in teacher's pedagogical efficacy from rote instruction to training in how to think creatively and
indicated that the advent of digitalization is urging teachers to become designers of learning in
tools and resources. However, acquiring an understanding on how affordances and constraints of
specific technologies influence what teachers do in their classrooms is not straightforward, as
they have to constantly shift and evolve their understanding (Koehler, Mishra, & Cain (2013).
preparation programs combine pedagogy, content, and technology to accommodate the needs of
pre-service teachers (Joo, Park, & Lim, 2018). A pre-service teacher is a teacher education
candidate participating in an educator preparation program (Koh, Woo, & Lim, 2013). There are
multiple studies that indicate that additional courses on Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) have to be added to the preparation programs in order to equip pre-service
teachers effectively (Simsek & Yazar, 2019; Tay, Lim, & Lim, 2015). According to Napal,
Mendióroz-Lacambra, and Peñalva (2020), the next step is to move the focus from the mere
presence of ICT courses and ensure their impact on pre-service teacher knowledge. In addition,
understanding and exploring the factors that influence preservice teachers’ technology
integration choices can provide the basis to improve teacher preparation programs (Banas &
York, 2014).
electronically mediated instruction. These new realities call for special types of teacher efficacy.
Technologies change rapidly, requiring continual upgrading of knowledge and skills. Teachers'
beliefs in their efficacy affect their receptivity to, and adoption of educational technologies
intention to integrate technology, it is important to develop not only technology integration skills
and knowledge during teacher education programs, but also to alleviate pre-service teachers’
exploring teacher attitudes, beliefs and concerns are important in order to understand how
preparation programs can best prepare and build pre-service teacher motivation and confidence.
According to Cullen and Greene (2011), motivation is comprised of internal and external
components of human life that encourage or discourage behaviors. Identifying the perceptions of
pre-service teachers regarding technology integration can be beneficial and directive in terms of
refining and improving teacher education programs (Kul & Çelik, 2018).
Bandura (1997) stated that “the rapid pace of social and technological change requires
people to learn new competencies or to adapt preexisting ones to changing conditions to keep
their skills from becoming outmoded” (p. 213). Therefore, in response to the digitalization in
educational settings, teachers, as experts, must both address the challenges of teaching with
technology and maintain a good grasp of subject-matter content (Joo, Park, & Lim, 2018). By
relationships between technology and teaching can transform the conceptualization and the
practice of teacher education, teacher training, and teachers’ professional development (Mishra
& Koehler, 2006). In addition, the Self-Efficacy Theory can also provide the basis to explore
pre-service teachers’ personal perceptions on technology integration. This study will examine the
classrooms. The knowledge obtained from this study will allow higher education institutions
There are expectations that exist around new graduate teachers’ capabilities in being able
to meaningfully teach and integrate digital technologies and instruction (Lemon, Lemon, &
Garvis, 2016). According to Foulger, et al. (2017), teacher preparation programs have often
fallen short in their efforts to plan, model, and implement the right combination of technology
experiences across the entire scope of the programs. Mishra and Koehler (2006) noted that part
of the problem has been a tendency to only look at technology tools and software and not how
they are used and applied in real contexts. Consequently, it is recommended that pre-service
teachers execute their ideas in real contexts to fully grasp an understanding on how to integrate
development programs is to involve pre-service teachers in learning activities that are similar to
the ones they will use with their students. Bandura (1997) indicated that “the task of creating
talents and self-efficacy of teachers” (p.240). Therefore, the role of preparation programs is
crucial not only in the development of pre-service teacher content proficiency, but in their ability
Purpose of Study
The purpose of the study is to examine the self-efficacy of pre-service teachers related to
the integration of technology in their prospective classrooms. The following research questions
integration of technology?
2. What are the experiences that influence pre-service teachers’ level of self-efficacy?
3. How do the experiences in technology integration explain the reported levels of self-
Theoretical Framework
The Self- Efficacy Theory and the TPACK model will be used to examine the self-
Self-Efficacy Theory
2019). Bandura (1997) indicated that the electronic access in instruction has created extensive
learning opportunities that transcend time and place. In order to integrate technology to
instruction, teachers are required to attain proficiency not only in content and pedagogy but also
in technology. A high level of self-efficacy enables teachers to acquire new skills that would
improve the quality of classroom practice (Dursun, 2019). According to Bandura (1997),
perceived self-efficacy refers to beliefs in one's capabilities to organize and execute the courses
of action required to produce given attainments. Self-efficacy, attitude, and self-esteem are
intertwined internal motivators that can influence the effectiveness of one’s teaching practice.
Since the concepts of self-efficacy, attitude, and self-esteem are closely associated with
teaching, they have been frequently investigated in the field. Negative thoughts and fears about
self-capabilities are reactions that can lower self-efficacy beliefs about success in performing a
task (Ngidi & Ngidi, 2019). Even though the concept of self- efficacy refers to an individual’s
self-perceptions, it also refers to one’s self confidence to accomplish a task (Dursun). Therefore,
unless people believe they can accomplish a goal, they have little incentive to act. In education,
teachers’ attitudes towards instruction affect their performance (Dursun, 2019). A teacher who
knows the relationship between teaching and learning will inquire about their own beliefs, which
is important in terms of increasing the efficacy of teaching (Kul & Çelik, 2018). Therefore, pre-
service teachers that reflect upon their knowledge and practice are more likely to identify
improvement opportunities.
According to Bandura (1997), self-efficacy beliefs are constructed from four sources of
attainment of others; verbal persuasion are the social influences that one possesses certain
capabilities; and physiological and affective states from which people judge their
matter content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and curricular knowledge. According
to Shulman (1986), the person who presumes to teach subject matter to children must
demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter as a prerequisite to teaching. Koh, Woo, and Lim
(2013) defined Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) as the knowledge of teaching methods. The
Content Knowledge (CK) was described as the knowledge of subject matter. The Curricular
Knowledge is defined as the full range of programs designed for the teaching of subjects and
topics at a given grade level and the variety of instructional materials available in relation to
those programs (Shulman, 1986). As technology became more available, Pierson (2001)
suggested that in order to use instructional technology in classrooms, teachers were required to
have comprehensive knowledge. This originated “Pedagogical Content Knowledge of
Technology”, a new component to Shulman’s framework. Niess (2005) drew the attention to
preservice teachers and preparation programs and what entails to teach with technology.
Mishra and Koehler (2006) developed the idea into a visual conceptual framework that
depicted necessary teacher knowledge and technological knowledge (TK) was added to
emphasizes teachers making connections between their pedagogical and content knowledge
knowledge needed to teach specific content with technology (Rosenberg & Koehler, 2015).
model of technology integration (Isil, 2018). The TPACK framework, shown in figure 1,
emphasizes the connections and interactions among content (C), pedagogy (P), and technology
(T). However, rather than treating these as separate bodies of knowledge, this model additionally
emphasizes the complex interplay of these three bodies of knowledge (Mishra & Koehler, 2006).
In Figure 1, the TPACK is represented by three circles: Content, Pedagogy, and Technology
which are overlapped to create four additional types of interconnected knowledge. Koh, Woo,
and Lim (2013) described the interrelatedness of these four knowledges as follows:
Knowledge (PCK) is the knowledge of teaching methods with respect to subject matter
Figure 1
Definition of Terms
The following meanings will provide a clearer understanding of the terms used
Content: The actual subject matter that is to be learned and taught (Mishra & Koehler, 2006).
Curriculum: The full range of programs designed for the teaching of particular subjects and
topics at a given level, and the variety of instructional materials available in relation to those
Pedagogy: The methods of teaching and learning (Mishra & Koehler, 2006).
Pre-Service Teacher: Initial teacher education candidates (Koh, Woo, & Lim, 2013).
Self-Efficacy: Beliefs in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required
Technology Integration: The use of technology in a teacher’s regular teaching and curricular
understanding of complex relationships that are contextually bound (Mishra & Koehler, 2006).
The context in which this study will take place focuses on pre-service teachers enrolled in a
South Texas university. Teaching with technology can be intricate, multi-faceted, which requires
a developmental process that must be addressed repeatedly throughout the teacher preparation
programs (Foulger, et al., 2017). The findings of this study aim to contribute to scholarship in the
following ways: a) highlighting the experiences of pre-service teachers with various levels of
refinement. Once teachers begin their professional journey it is expected that they know how to
integrate technology effectively. Therefore, exploring the experiences that influence their self-
Chapter Summary
learning. Engaging students and achieving their success requires educators to use a variety of
integrate content, pedagogy, and technology effectively become crucial components for
preparation programs. Exploring pre-service teacher experiences with technology integration will
provide insight as to how preparation programs can best prepare future educators. The Self-
Efficacy Theory (SET) and the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model
The access of information through technology has impacted society in the 21st century.
According to Kul and Çelik (2018), technology is clearly transforming the world, and the change
is visible in the learning process, the teaching material, and the way the educational content is
important that teachers are competent and confident to engage and implement learning
experiences that promote learning through technology and a variety of digital tools (Lemon,
Lemon, & Garvis, 2016). The term technology integration refers to the use of technology in a
teacher’s regular teaching and curricular plans (Cullen & Greene, 2011). Technological
knowledge refers to the teacher’s ability to use a variety of hardware, software, and systems,
such as tablet computers, mobile devices, interactive whiteboards, presentation software, and
social media sites (Isil, 2018). Integrating technology in the classroom refers to the activities that
are being supported, enhanced and replaced by digital tools, which are often categorized as
hardware (laptops and mobiles), software (Microsoft Office and Google Drive learning
management systems (Blackboard), social media platforms (Twitter and Facebook), and other
studies indicate that not all teachers have reached proficiency at integrating technology in the
classroom yet (Elmas & Geban, 2012). According to Kul and Çelik (2018), it appears that recent
graduates have not received the necessary professional development to be able to use
technological tools effectively in teaching. Different studies found that pre-service teachers who
have recently graduated stated they did not feel ready to use technologies into their teaching (Lei,
2009; Kul & Çelik, 2018). Therefore, teacher education programs play critical roles in preparing
tomorrow’s teachers for effective technology integration in the classrooms (Foulger, et al.,
2017). Considering that teachers are the ones assigned to integrate technology in the classroom,
pre-service teachers will eventually play an important role in the success or failure of technology
understand the need for change and continue to re-evaluate their position about what it means to
prepare teacher candidates to integrate technology in PK-12 classrooms (Foulger et al., 2013).
According to the Texas House Bill (Texas H.B. 1244, 2011) it is required that institutions of
courses, which must include the integration of technology (Martirosyan et al., 2017). It is
effectively connect technology, pedagogy and content in relationship to specific teaching goals
for specific groups of prospective teachers (Uerz, Volman, & Kral, 2018). It is in the preparation
programs where teacher educators should act as role models and provide scaffolds to discuss and
reflect upon the successful uses of technology (Tondeur et al., 2019). Martirosyan et al. (2017)
stated that developmental education instructors across the nation are encouraged and, in many
institutions, required to integrate technology into their instructional practices to effectively model
According to Aldosemani (2019), selecting the best technology tool can be challenging
and teachers face difficulties when attempting to effectively integrate technology into their
classrooms hence the critical role of preparation programs for pre-service teachers. Today’s
schools require teachers to maintain an environment conducive to learning, at the same time they
(Kuyatt, Holland, & Jones, 2015). For many novice and experienced teachers this means
working outside of the comfort zone in order to integrate technology at an expected level
(McGinnis, 2019). Mishra and Koehler (2006) developed a model of technology integration in
teaching and learning. The model is based on the notion that developing good content requires a
thoughtful interweaving of three key sources of knowledge: technology, pedagogy, and content.
acquire effective technology integration qualifications before entering the teaching profession
full-time (Simsek & Yazar, 2019). This literature review examines the pre-service teachers’
theoretical framework used to assess teacher level of preparedness to effectively integrate three
Technology has become an important skill that teachers need to acquire to deepen
students’ learning (Aldosemani, 2019). Yet many believe that newer technologies often disrupt
the status quo, requiring teachers to reconfigure not just their understanding of technology but all
the components related to its integration to curriculum and pedagogy (Mishra & Koehler, 2006).
Being proficient with technology does not automatically mean that the integration in the
classroom will be effective. There are specific elements that must be combined to successfully
integrate technology to the content area. Shulman (1986) referred to curricular knowledge as
another type of teacher’s knowledge which includes knowing the programs and topics, the
resources available, and being able to determine their appropriateness in each situation (Porras-
Hernández & Salinas-Amescua, 2013). Different frameworks have been used to measure the
developed by Shulman in 1986. This model was further improved by Koehler and Mishra in
2008, in which seven components were defined: technological knowledge, content knowledge,
(Rosenberg & Koehler, 2015). The TPACK framework highlights knowledge on how to use
specific tools, software, and hardware; knowledge on how to manage, instruct, and guide
students; and content knowledge about the discipline or subject matter (Rosenberg & Koehler,
2015). The TPACK was initially given the acronym of TPCK which was later changed to
TPACK for ease of pronunciation and for a clearer emphasis on the integrated use of technology,
pedagogy and content knowledge for effective technology integration (Thompson & Mishra,
2007). There is a notion that the TPACK addresses a theoretical aspect in the field of
different types of knowledge needed by teachers for technology integration (Mishra & Koehler,
formulated from the integration of their content knowledge with their pedagogical knowledge.
Thus, though Shulman’s approach still holds true, what has changed since the 1980s is that
technologies have come to the forefront of educational discourse primarily because of the
availability of a range of new technologies for teaching (Koh & Divaharan, 2011). The TPACK
serves as a useful conceptual framework for analyzing and evaluating what teachers must know
to integrate technology into teaching, but ultimately it must be understood as a framework for
ways in which teachers might best develop this integrated knowledge (Baran, Chuang, &
Thompson, 2011; Wang, Schmidt-Crawford, & Jin, 2018). The TPACK model is framed by the
type of knowledge teachers must acquire and develop in order to design a powerful and balanced
studies (Kabakci Yurdakul et al. 2012; Kabakci Yurdakul & Coklar, 2014; Isil, 2018), the
These factors are: design, exertion, ethics, and proficiency. The design factor covers
designing and developing ICT supported teaching and learning processes to improve
learning. The exertion factor covers the ability to select and use appropriate technologies
in various teaching tasks, ranging from planning to evaluation. The ethics factor refers to
the demonstration of legal and ethical behavior regarding the use of ICT in the teaching
and learning processes. The proficiency factor covers leadership skills in the process of
to integrate technology and curriculum. In the TPACK model, knowledge about content,
pedagogy, and technology are central for developing good teaching. However, rather than
treating these as separate bodies of knowledge, this model additionally emphasizes the complex
The TPACK is one of the most frequently referenced frameworks in the literature to drive
teachers (Aldosemani, 2019). In addition, the TPACK provides a useful context for
technologies into their practice. According to different studies, the TPACK provides good
guidance for teacher training and the framework can be enriched by considering the contextual
element such as content area and grade level (Porras-Hernández & Salinas-Amescua, 2013).
Teacher Preparation Programs
Learning how to integrate technology in the classroom can be daunting for recent
graduate teachers. Providing an adequate training and developing technology competency in the
preparation programs can alleviate the concerns of new teachers. When it comes to technology
integration, one commonly identified gap is between what pre-service teachers learn about
technology in teacher education programs and how they are expected to use technology in their
own classrooms when they become teachers (Pope, Hare, & Howard, 2002; Kalota & Hung,
must learn not only which technology to integrate and how to integrate it but also the value of
using technology in practice. Therefore, observing teachers’ practices, it is crucial for pre-service
teachers to learn how others might benefit from using technology to learn specific content (Lai &
Lin, 2018). Teacher familiarity and confidence with the use of technology can be developed
through exposure and opportunities for hands-on exploration. A supportive learning community
is also important and encouraging to collaborate and learn from experienced peers is beneficial
as well (Siefert, et al., 2019). One of the most effective strategies in teachers’ development
programs is to involve teachers in learning activities that are similar to the ones they will use in
the future with their own students. Teaching practice courses could be remodeled in a way that
encourages the utilization of digital skills and technological pedagogical knowledge within
a specific subject area with technology each semester. More and more educators agree that
technology can no longer be treated as a separate body of knowledge that is isolated from the
pedagogical and content knowledge that teachers require (Wang, Schmidt-Crawford, & Jin,
2018). Several studies (Polly, et al., 2010; Ottenbreit-Leftwich, et al., 2018), found mixed results
teachers’ technology skills or encouraged technology use in the classroom. Therefore, the
amount of technology included in teacher education varies among universities (Nordlöf, Hallströ,
initially technology-focused, yet in recent years, there has been a tendency towards pedagogy-
focused approaches (Kabakci Yurdakul & Coklar, 2014). The TPACK framework allows to
make sense of the complex web of relationships that exist when teachers attempt to apply
technology to the teaching of subject matter. The TPACK model helps identify important
components of teacher knowledge that are relevant to the thoughtful integration of technology in
education (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). This framework emphasizes the need to help teachers make
because these connections define the ICT integration expertise (Koh, Chai, & Tsai, 2013).
Although teacher education programs recognize the importance of technology integration, these
same programs have struggled to find effective program-level and instructional-level strategies
that adequately prepare pre-service teachers to integrate technology in their future classrooms
Findings by Wang, Schmidt-Crawford, and Jin (2018), suggest that teacher preparation
institutions still need to address how pre-service teachers are being prepared to use and integrate
technology into their programs, and that teacher preparation programs must work to further
develop and incorporate methods that better infuse technology throughout the entire teacher
education program and across content areas. In particular, it argues against teaching technology
skills in isolation and supports integrated and design-based approaches as being appropriate
techniques for teaching teachers to use technology (Mishra & Koehler, 2006).
Foulger et al., (2017), highlights that technology in education can be complex, multi-faceted, and
a developmental process, it must be addressed and integrated throughout the entire teacher
preparation programs in a specific context related to the content area (Foulger, et al., 2017).
Because of initiatives by policy makers, teacher educators, and technology enthusiasts, a range of
workshops and teacher education courses about general software tools applicable to content and
However, merely having pre-service teachers complete one or two courses may not be
enough for the knowledge transfer and application of technology integration to occur in their
future classrooms (Wang, Schmidt-Crawford, & Jin, 2018). Teacher candidates should have
(Foulger, et al., 2017). To train pre-service teachers, the teacher educators need to help them
bridge the gap between technology, pedagogy and content knowledge (Koehler & Mishra, 2009;
Tondeur, et al., 2019). Effective use of technology is not an optional add-on or a skill that we
simply can expect teachers to pick up once they get into the classroom. Teachers need to know
how to use technology and understand the state learning standards from day one (Foulger, et al.,
2017). A content-neutral emphasis on generic software tools assumes that knowing a technology
automatically leads to good teaching with technology which can be misleading (Mishra &
Koehler, 2006). Teachers need to leave their teacher preparation programs with a solid
understanding of how to use technology to support learning and the TPACK framework can be
Pre-Service Teacher Beliefs
Research has identified that pre-service teachers have concerns about technology
integration which include fear that their future school would lack the resources or that they
would not have the skills required (Cullen & Greene, 2011; Ottenbreit-Leftwich, et al., 2018).
Evidence suggests that pre-service teachers do not feel adequately prepared to effectively use
technology in their classrooms (Polly et al., 2010; Tondeur et al., 2013; Wang, Schmidt-
Crawford, & Jin, 2018). It has been found that these attitudes and beliefs towards the use of
technology are impacted by factors such as training and education, social economic status, and
age (Vaughan & Beers, 2017). Sang et al. (2010) found attitude to be the strongest predictor,
self-efficacy concerning teaching and computer skills was a major contributor to pre-service
teachers’ intention to use technology, as well as, the ability to overcome common barriers to
integration such as lack of resources (Cullen & Greene, 2011). Teachers’ beliefs affect their
not only technology integration skills during preparation programs, but also to address the pre-
al., 2018).
Self-efficacy theory is constructed within Bandura’s social cognitive theory (1986), based
on several assumptions that concern the reciprocal nature of influence among personal,
behavioral and environmental factors, and the relationship of learning to motivation. Self-
efficacy refers to ‘beliefs in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action
a teacher will use technology in the classroom. Even if teachers have knowledge of how to
integrate technology, if they lack the belief that they can integrate technology, they will not be
able to use it (Ertmer & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2010). This suggests that if pre-service teachers
have low self-efficacy for technology use, they will be less likely to integrate technology into
their teaching practices, even if they have the necessary skills (Ottenbreit-Leftwich, et al., 2018).
On the other hand, teachers with high self-efficacy or who place a higher value on technology
appear to use technology in the classroom in more challenging ways (Lai & Lin, 2018).
or being knowledgeable about the impact of technology in general, are considered to be at least
equally important (Uerz, Volman, & Kral, 2018). Mishra and Koehler (2006) found that not all
These reasons include a fear of change and lack of time and support. They found that
with the rapid rate of evolution of these new digital technologies teachers will have to do
more than simply learn to use currently available tools; they also will have to learn new
techniques and skills as current technologies become obsolete. This is a very different
Traditional barriers to technology integration also include fear of change, lack of training,
modeling, lack of personal use, motivation, and a negative school environment (Bitner & Bitner,
2002). Technology integration in education is a complex process involving many other factors
such as technology competency, lack of time, technical support, and technological and
administrative support (Kabakci Yurdakul & Coklar, 2014). Schrum (1999) stated that
technology adoption is more difficult than other new teaching practices because technology
changes rapidly and thus takes longer to learn. It is therefore necessary to explore teacher’s
Teachers are not necessarily aware of their own beliefs, dispositions, and perceptions;
focus on sharing successful examples of specific uses of technology and reflection (Lai & Lin,
2018). Because pre-service teachers should also be able to interpret these examples in a specific
educational context, teacher educators in these programs should provide scaffolds to discuss and
Qualitative Data (SQD) model was created to depict the key themes that emerged from the
analysis. The key themes related to the preparation of pre-service teachers include: using teacher
educators as role models, reflecting on their own attitudes about the role of technology, learning
and continuous feedback. Tondeur et al. (2019), indicated that observing teacher educators using
both specific content and pedagogical approach was helpful but not sufficient and that a
combination of demonstration and practical work had to be conducted. According to Mishra and
Koehler (2006), design-based activities provide a rich context for learning and help develop a
deep understanding needed to apply knowledge in the complex domains of real-world practice.
By working on authentic technology experiences, learners explore and solve real problems (Koh,
2019). Based on Wang, Schmidt-Crawford & Jin (2018) study, ongoing feedback provided by
peers and teacher educators plays an influential role when using technology. In the same manner,
reflecting practices such as the use of reflective journals can help identify teaching problems and
solutions. According to Koh (2019), collaborating with peers supports social construction of
knowledge. Based on multiple studies, there is a variety of approaches that can be taken to
scaffold and support pre-service teacher training to integrate technology and instruction.
Firstly, it is increasingly expected that teachers use technology to support new ways of teaching
and learning (Drent & Meelissen, 2008). According to the International Society for Technology
in Education (ISTE), teachers are required to develop their students' technological literacy in
order to prepare them for working and learning in the twenty-first-century society. The ISTE
developed standards which exist to support students, educators and leaders with clear guidelines
for the skills, knowledge and approaches they need to succeed in the digital age. These standards
have been adopted, adapted, and referenced by more than fifty percent of states and territories in
the United States and are used to support K-12 technology integration and assessment (Hamilton,
Rosenberg, & Akcaoglu, 2016). According to ISTE (2020), twelve states in the United States
have adopted and nine states have adapted the standards. Adopting the ISTE standards entails the
State Department of Education formally adopting the standards as part of the curriculum
framework. Adapting the ISTE standards occurs when the State Department of Education
modifies the standards to the curriculum framework. An additional twelve states have used the
As technology became more available, teachers and researchers started to realize the
importance of technology use in the educational field and its impact on content and pedagogy,
respectively (Wang, Schmidt-Crawford, & Jin, 2018). The digital age continues to expand the
ways teachers engage students in content-area learning. The use of digital tools and technology
provides multiple and varied opportunities for teachers to foster authentic and engaged learning
experiences (Siefert, et al., 2019). Technology and content exist in a continually evolving
relationship, sometimes driven by newer content-related ideas that emerge and at other times by
newer technologies that allow for different kinds of representations and access (Mishra &
Koehler, 2006). Employing technology purposefully and for learner-centered activities requires
that teachers reflect upon and question their core epistemological and pedagogical beliefs;
prevailing teaching practices (Orlando, 2009; Zhang, 2010; Porras-Hernández & Salinas-
Amescua, 2013). Using technology to transform lessons into meaningful learning experiences
means focusing on learning goals rather than only the technology tool (McGinnis, 2019). Pre-
service teachers have shared their concerns on their future students related to achievement and
engagement. The effective use of technology and pedagogy can result in a greater student
engagement. Some of the strategies with technology allow students to work at their own pace,
As students become responsible for their own learning, they engage as active participants
in the learning process (Siegle, 2014). In most education processes, the main actors are the
students and the teachers. Each actor brings unique characteristics that influence the interactions
and the learning process. In order to effectively integrate technology both students and teachers
should be taken into consideration and become objects of knowledge with their unique inner and
external contexts (Porras-Hernández & Salinas-Amescua, 2013). Technology can be used across
all subject areas for a variety of instructional purposes including collaboration, research,
language development, differentiation, and greater connections between home and school
(Siefert, et al., 2019). There is no single technological solution that applies for every teacher,
every course, or every view of teaching (Mishra and Koehler, 2006). Direct instruction has its
place and should not be discounted as an appropriate and valuable method of content or
instructional delivery. An engaging teacher can inspire and motivate students through powerful
One of the reasons for the divide in technology use is somewhat complex. Some
educators believe that the classroom should serve as a place for children to be unplugged
(Vaughan & Beers, 2017). In fact, one could argue that today's pre-service teachers are the
students whose teachers believed that used of their electronic devices to disrupted class. Many
pre-service teachers are also the former students who identified the ban on electronic devices as
the number one barrier to the integration of technology in the classroom (Thomas & O'Bannon,
2013). Therefore, it is important to shift paradigms by preparing pre-service teachers in ways that
relationships between technology, content, and pedagogy, and using this understanding to
2018). Effective technology integration in teaching needs to consider all three issues not in
isolation, but rather within the complex relationships in the system defined by the three key
elements (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). At the heart of the TPACK model is the manner in which
subject matter is transformed for teaching which is influenced by pedagogy knowledge. This
occurs when the teacher interprets the subject matter and finds different ways to represent it and
make it accessible to learners (Koh & Divaharan, 2011). Many aspects surrounding the use of
technology by PK- 12 students are creating a force for change in teaching and learning (Foulger,
et al., 2013). Preparing future educators and equipping them with the knowledge and skills to
combine effective pedagogy with technology is crucial. Building the confidence of recent teacher
graduates is possible if they believe in themselves. One approach to achieve this is by creating
Research shows that both, teaching and student learning are affected by the attitudes of
the teacher (Nordlöf, Hallströ, & Höst, 2019). According to Tondeur et al. (2018), attitudes
towards ICT have a significant impact on pre-service teachers' competencies to develop pupils'
ICT use. Therefore, it is important to continue to improve the strategies to integrate technology
in education using the TPACK and the self-efficacy of prospective teachers (Simsek & Yazar,
education program is positively related to the use of technology in the classroom (Habibi, Yusop,
& Razak, 2020). Technology needs to be infused as a systemic and systematic process
throughout the teacher preparation program and activities or lesson development should be
conducted in collaboration with peers to mitigate feelings of insecurity (Tondeur, et al. 2017).
In order to assess and identify pre-service teachers’ concerns and beliefs with respect to
technology integration, it is important to obtain firsthand input. Cullen and Greene (2011) argued
that technology integration depends on the beliefs that teachers hold. Knowledge and beliefs are
intertwined, and beliefs are developed through one’s interpretation of information, personal
experiences and knowledge (Lai & Lin, 2018). Teacher testimonials are the primary input in
research guided by the systematization approach, but it is not always easy for teachers to write
and narrate their experiences in authentic form (Porras-Hernández & Salinas-Amescua, 2013).
Teacher preparation programs must create spaces where pre-service teachers provide input and
The TPACK model has provided an explanation for the long-standing observation that
ICT courses instructing pre-service teachers about technological skills alone are not adequately
preparing them to integrate ICT into their lesson activities (Koh, Woo, & Lim, 2013). According
to Wang, Schmidt-Crawford, & Jin (2018), technology can no longer be treated as a separate
body of knowledge isolated from the pedagogical and content knowledge that teachers require.
Amhag, Hellström, and Stigmar (2019) highlighted the importance of lifelong learning around
ICT, real context projects, collegial networks, motivation, attitudes, beliefs, and reserved time.
Multiple studies support the notion that learning is an ongoing process and that a single
technology-based course is not sufficient to equip future educators. It is indeed a challenge for
preparation programs to identify how ICT courses can be better designed to foster TPACK and
pre-service teacher skills (Koh & Divaharan, 2011). In a different study, Valtonen, et al. (2018)
stated that attitudes seem to have the strongest effect on pre‐service teachers' behavioral
intentions to use ICT in education. In a similar manner, Tondeur et al. (2017) noted that in order
to understand pre-service teachers’ TPACK there is a need to study several individually and
perception-based characteristics of their ICT profile, which consists in exploring their readiness
in technology integration.
Chapter Summary
This chapter presented a literature review which helped examine the self-efficacy of pre-
service teachers related to the integration of technology in their prospective classrooms. In order
developed: content knowledge, pedagogy knowledge, and technology knowledge. Therefore, the
role of preparation programs becomes crucial in providing an adequate training to develop
educator competency in all three aspects. An overview of the TPACK as a theoretical framework
was presented in this chapter, which was used to assess teacher level of preparedness to
effectively integrate technology, curriculum, and pedagogy. This review also presented the
The purpose of the study was to examine the self-efficacy of pre-service teachers related
mixed methods study obtained statistical quantitative results from a sample and then followed up
with four individuals to probe those results in more depth. The quantitative phase aimed to
identify the level of perceived self-efficacy of teacher candidates and clinical teachers in a South
Texas public university. In the second phase, a two-part semi-structured interview was conducted
to explore aspects of self-efficacy with four individuals with various levels of self-efficacy from
the quantitative phase as determined by a self-efficacy survey. The following research questions
guided the study: 1) What is the perceived level of self-efficacy of pre-service teachers in the
integration of technology? 2) What are the experiences that influence pre-service teachers’ level
of self-efficacy? 3) How do the experiences in technology integration explain the reported levels
of self-efficacy of pre-service teachers? This chapter describes the methods used to conduct the
study. The sections in this chapter include research design, data sources, instrumentation, data
collection, data analysis, delimitations and limitations of the study, and chapter summary.
Research Design
The study utilized a two-phase explanatory sequential mixed methods inquiry (Creswell
& Plano Clark, 2018) to gain a better understanding of the perceived level of self-efficacy of pre-
service teachers in the integration of technology. In order to answer the research questions, it was
determined that both a quantitative and a qualitative approach were needed. Collecting data
solely through a quantitative approach would have not allowed for the study to explore the
perceptions, values, and behaviors of the participants (Roberts, 2010). Therefore, by including a
qualitative approach, the participants were able to provide personal perspectives that resulted in a
richer understanding of their experiences. According to Creswell (2015), using a mixed methods
approach the investigator gathers both quantitative and qualitative data, integrates the two, and
then draws interpretations based on the combined strengths of both sets of data to understand
research problems. The explanatory sequential mixed methods model is shown in Figure 2. In
this model, the first phase consisted in using quantitative methods and in the second phase
qualitative methods were used to help explain the quantitative results in detail (Creswell, 2015).
The study used both deductive and inductive approaches to analyze data. According to
Saldaña (2011), deduction is generally drawn from established facts and evidence. The current
study is grounded in Bandura’s self-efficacy theory. This theory states that there are four sources
persuasion, and physiological and affective states (Bandura, 1997). However, an inductive
approach was also used to allow additional themes to emerge from the data collected during the
individual interviews. Induction is derived from exploration and examination of the evidence
(Saldaña, 2011). In each phase, the data was analyzed sequentially and the findings from each
phase were merged and synthetized as the final step. A joint display of the relationship between
phases is presented in chapter four. According to Creswell and Plano Clark (2018), a joint
display is an approach to show the integrated relationship between the quantitative and
qualitative phases.
Figure 2
During the development of the current research study, health concerns were originated
world-wide which limited and continue to restrict the ability to meet in person with the
respondents and the dissertation committee. On March 19, 2020, the Commissioner of the
Department of State Health Services (DSHS) declared a public health disaster in Texas due to
the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Guidelines include limiting as much as
possible close contact with other people and avoiding gatherings of social groups of more than
ten individuals (DSHS, 2020). According to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
(THECB) (2020), institutions may adopt additional protocols consistent with their specific needs
and circumstances to help protect the health and safety of all students, faculty, staff, and campus
visitors. The current study adhered to local and state guidelines regarding student contact and in-
person interviews.
The data collection for the research study began in the Fall 2020 semester. It was
concept of TPACK. Therefore, the initial contact of participants took place in October 2020 via
e-mail. Upon agreement of the pre-service teachers to participate in the study, they proceeded to
complete the screening survey and the Computer Technology Integration Survey (CTIS) as the
first data collection method. The analysis of the CTIS was completed the first week of
November. The participants who agreed to participate in the qualitative phase of the study were
contacted to arrange the interviews. The individual interviews began the second week of
November and were completed the last week of November. The transcription and member
checking were conducted from November to December 2020. The analysis of the qualitative data
was completed at the end of December. A summary of the quantitative and qualitative results
was conducted from January to February of 2021. A timeline for data collection and analysis is
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
Quantitative Qualitative
Initial contact Quantitave
phase: Phase:
to participants phase:
via e-mail Data Sample
Data Analysis
Collection Selection
October 2020 Nov 2020 2020
October 2020
The quantitative component of the study used descriptive research design. Creswell
(1994) noted that a descriptive method of research is conducted to gather information about an
and accurately the facts and characteristics of a given population, and is concerned with what
rather than how or why something has happened. Therefore, observation and survey tools are
often used to gather data in this type of scientific inquiry (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2007). In this case,
According to Creswell (2015), using a quantitative approach allowed the collection and
analysis of the data to answer questions. The research question that guided the quantitative
component of the study was: What is the perceived level of self-efficacy of pre-service teachers
in the integration of technology? The Computer Technology Integration Survey (CTIS) was used
to collect the numerical data. Creswell (2015) indicated that quantitative data are numeric in
nature and can be obtained when participants check a set of responses on a survey. Due to the
non-experimental nature of the study, no causal inferences were drawn (Creswell, 1994).
The research study was conducted with pre-service teachers, who were also referred as
teacher candidates or clinical teachers, attending a public university in south Texas, hereafter
referred to as the University. The participants spent a full first semester at a local school, two
days per week, followed by the second semester where they are categorized as clinical teachers,
which consisted of five days a week of teaching. Clinical experiences were a requirement for
students pursuing a bachelor’s degree with an initial teaching certification under the supervision
of a cooperating teacher, a professor, and a program supervisor. At the time of conducting the
study, the University’s student population was approximately 12,000, dominated by Whites and
Hispanics. The percentage of African American, Asian, and international students was low.
Upon approval by the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB), students pursuing a
bachelor’s degree in the College of Education and Human Development, who were enrolled in a
clinical experience program, were informed of the study. By focusing on teacher candidates and
clinical teachers as the subjects for the study, the researcher aimed to obtain insight from those
that have had at least basic experience in lesson design and elaboration of projects that required
the integration of content, pedagogy, and technology. Based on the enrollment in the program,
108 pre-service teachers were considered as potential participants. The original plan was to invite
pre-service teachers to participate during the clinical experience orientation, which had been
scheduled for August of 2020. However, due to COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines, teacher
candidates and clinical teachers were invited to participate via an e-mail). The e-mail addresses
were obtained from the University’s Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Learning
Sciences. An information sheet explaining the research study was included, along with a
screening survey to identify the participants that met the inclusion criteria. Those who met the
criteria and voluntarily agreed to participate in the study completed the CTIS electronically,
using the link that had been previously distributed via an e-mail. The recruitment of the
participants utilized criterion sampling which consists of selecting those who met the
predetermined criteria (Erlandson, et al., 1993). The study’s inclusion criteria were (1) being at
least 18 years old, (2) pursuing a bachelor’s degree with an initial teaching certification, (3)
being enrolled in a clinical experience program at the time of the study, and (4) having been
Quantitative Instrumentation
In the quantitative phase, which utilized the Computer Technology Integration Survey
(CTIS), a 5-point Likert-type scaling (1= strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor
disagree, 4 = agree, and 5 = strongly agree) was used to measure the perceived level of self-
efficacy of the pre-service teachers based on responses to 21 attitudinal statements, which were
consistently worded with the initial stem of “I feel confident that…” According to Creswell
(2015), Likert scales are suitable for assessing degree of agreement with or support for a belief,
policy, or practice. The survey was administered in October of 2020, after pre-service teachers
had been introduced to the concept of technology integration in the classroom. The raw scores
were divided into three (3) categories: (1) 22 to 72 = low to medium, (2) 73 to 89 = medium to
high, and (3) 90 to 105 = very high technology self-efficacy (EL-Daou, 2016). The psychometric
properties of the CTIS are published (Wang, Ertmer, & Newby, 2004). Specifically, the content
validity was approved by a panel of experts. Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha attested to the
reliability/internal consistency of the instrument, which was 0.94 and 0.96 for pre-service and
clinical experience program were invited to participate via an e-mail. Once the participants
agreed to participate, they were screened, using a brief survey to ensure they met the
The raw data were exported into the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
According to Creswell and Plano Clark (2018), exploring the data in a quantitative phase
requires descriptive statistics. The first section of the survey (Appendix A) was designed to
obtain data on age, gender, ethnicity, academic ranking, certification that were used to describe
TPACK model, was also included to obtain additional feedback on whether or not the
respondents were familiar with the concept. The second part included the 21 statements that
measured the level of perceived self-efficacy in the integration of technology in the classroom to
answer the study’s quantitative research question. The results obtained from the Computer
Technology Integrated Survey were analyzed deductively based on Bandura’s four sources of
self-efficacy by the established notion that pre-service teachers who demonstrate higher levels of
self-efficacy are expected to have had positive enactive mastery experiences, vicarious
experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological and affective states. In the survey, respondents
indicated if they were willing to participate in the qualitative component of the study, which
In this explanatory sequential mixed methods study, the quantitative phase informs the
qualitative phase. Therefore, a subset of individuals who responded to the Computer Technology
Integrated Survey were contacted to further analyze the numerical data using a qualitative
approach. According to Creswell (2007), data collection in a qualitative study may include
physical artifacts. Roberts (2010) indicated that a qualitative approach allows the researcher to
tell a story from the viewpoint of the participants which can provide a rich descriptive detail. By
using an interview study as a research design, the researcher aimed to capture the essence of the
which a researcher asks questions and the participants respond with thoughts, perspectives, and
narratives usually based on their technology integration experiences (DeMarrais & Tisdale,
2002). Glesne (2015) indicated that interviews are valuable in data gathering. Therefore, the
current study conducted semi-structured open-ended interviews with the participants who
fulfilled the criteria established. Each interview was conducted in a single session which ranged
The first six questions of the interview aimed to identify the experiences that have
influenced the pre-service teacher level of self-efficacy using Bandura’s four sources of self-
efficacy as a framework for the interview questions. According to Bandura (1997), the four
persuasion, and physiological and affective states. Beginning with question seven of the
interview protocol, the focus was on the participants’ artifact, which consisted of a project or
activity that the pre-service teachers designed that included a technology component. The
TPACK model was used to design the interview protocol for this section, to facilitate the artifact
inquiry. The interview questions probed on the TPACK components: content knowledge,
pedagogy knowledge, and technology knowledge. The purpose of the artifact-based part of the
interview was to collect additional data to gain an in-depth exploration of an experience during
the elaboration of the project with respect to the TPACK components. The qualitative phase of
the study addressed the following research question: “what are the experiences that influence
pre-service teachers’ level of self-efficacy?” This research question helped explain the numerical
results obtained in the Computer Technology Integration Survey used in the quantitative phase.
According to Saldaña (2011), a group of three to six people provides a broad spectrum of
qualitative data for analysis. The survey used in the quantitative phase included a question on
whether the respondents were willing to volunteer to participate in the individual interviews. If
they agreed, they were prompted to provide their contact information. In addition, the
participants were asked whether they had a project or lesson with a technology component. Upon
analysis of the 18 respondents who participated in the quantitative phase, six of them agreed to
participate in the individual interviews. From the six participants, four fulfilled the criteria set of
having a project with a technology component that they could discuss about during the
interviews. Selecting the respondents for the qualitative phase was based on criterion sampling as
well: 1) Participant agreement to volunteer in the individual interview that may last from 70 to
component) that the participant can discuss about during the interview. The participants who
fulfilled the criteria to participate in the interviews had various levels of self-efficacy reported in
the Computer Technology Integration Survey: Two participants obtained very high technology
self-efficacy, ranging from 90 to 105. One participant obtained medium to-high technology self-
efficacy, ranging from 73 to 89, and another participant obtained low-to-medium technology
Qualitative Instrumentation
The researcher is considered within the field of qualitative inquiry to be the primary
instrument of the endeavor. There are no such things as “neutral,” “bias free,” or “objective”
lenses for qualitative researchers (Saldaña, 2011, p. 22). However, by following the guidelines
and procedures to enhance the trustworthiness of the study, the researcher placed personal bias
and beliefs aside to maintain objectivity, a clear focus, and an open mind throughout the study.
The trustworthiness refers to the authenticity and credibility of the data and the dependability of
the analysis and interpretation of the data (Beaudry & Miller, 2016). According to Lincoln and
transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Beaudry and Miller (2016) stated that in a
qualitative inquiry, trustworthiness techniques support truth value, applicability, consistency, and
neutrality of the study. Based on Tufford and Newman (2010), bracketing is a method used by
research. A method of bracketing is using a reflexive journal even prior to defining the research
questions (Ahern, 1999). A reflexive journal resembles a diary used to record information about
logistics, insights, and methodological decisions, which also serves as part of the audit trail for
the study (Beaudry and Miller, 2016). A reflexive journal was used by the researcher to record
changes made to the interview protocol, suggestions and recommendations made by the
dissertation committee, and to record observations during and after each individual interview.
The reflexive journal was helpful while analyzing the data obtained in the quantitative and
qualitative phases. The journal helped maintaining the records organized and allowed the
In order to prepare for the first part of the interview meeting, an interview protocol was
prepared (Table 1). An interview protocol consists in developing a set of questions and prompts
before an interview (Saldaña, 2011). The research question: “what are the experiences that
influence pre-service teachers’ level of self-efficacy?” was used to design the interview protocol.
In addition, the four sources of self-efficacy (Bandura, 1997) were also used as guides to phrase
the questions. In table 1, the interview questions are shown along with the source of self-efficacy
that is being addressed: Enactive mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion,
and physiological and affective states. Bandura (1997) described the four sources of self-efficacy
attainment of others; verbal persuasion are the social influences that one possesses certain
capabilities; and physiological and affective states from which people judge their
Table 1
Interview protocol, as it relates to the Self-Efficacy Theory framework
1. Tell me about your background in technology Opening question that may relate
usage and integration. to any of the four sources of self-
Table 1 (cont.)
The focus on the next set of questions in the interview protocol was based on an artifact
that participants were displaying and describing. According to Goetz and LeCompte (1984),
artifacts are things that people make and do. Erlandson, et al. (1993) stated that artifacts are
considered stable nonhuman sources that can provide a context for assessing the data obtained
from human sources. Examples of artifacts that may help illuminate research questions include
textbooks, instructional materials, computer software, memos, e-mail messages, notebooks, and
even journals or diaries (Savenye & Robinson, 2005). Based on the study purpose, a project or
lesson with a technology component was the artifact that served as the topic of discussion for this
part of the interview. Participants were reminded about the artifact-based portion of the
The interview protocol for this part of the study was also created using the research
question: What are the experiences that influence pre-service teachers’ level of self-efficacy?
The TPACK model was used as a guide to phrase the questions (Table 2). An artifact is infused
with meaning, so that when participants speak about it, they evoke experiences from their
personal lives, their teaching, and the learning (Paige, et al., 2019). According to Erlandson, et
al., (1993), an interview allows the researcher to move back and forth in time to probe and ask
questions appropriate to the participant’s knowledge. Evaluating the composition of the artifact
is not the focus of the study, neither measuring the components of the TPACK. However, in
order to understand the experiences that shape pre-service teachers’ level of perceived self-
efficacy, it was important to inquire about their projects or lessons to gain a better understanding
on how content knowledge, pedagogy knowledge, and technological knowledge influence their
choices when integrating technology into instruction. The interview protocol for this part of the
interview is displayed in table 2, as it relates to the TPACK model. The first question is labeled
as 7, as this a continuation of the interview protocol, which took place in the same session. The
purpose of dividing the interview into two parts was to organize the interview according to the
Table 2
Interview protocol for artifact discussion, as it relates to the TPACK model
7. Describe your activity, lesson, or project in which Question that inquires on any
you used technology. of the TPACK components
8. How do you describe your experience designing Pedagogy Knowledge and
this project? Technology Knowledge
9. What was the context in which the activity was Content Knowledge and
developed (targeted content area, grade level)? Pedagogy Knowledge
10. How did you go about planning the project? Content, Pedagogy, and
Technology Knowledge
11. What was the intended goal of this project? Content Knowledge and
Technology Knowledge
Peer debriefings with the committee were conducted to obtain professional feedback to
refine the interview protocol. According to the committee feedback, the interview protocol was
slightly modified to achieve a targeted response. At the end of each interview, a member check
was scheduled. Member checks consist in allowing the participants to verify both data and
interpretations and it is a way to establish credibility between the researcher and participants
(Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Member checking were conducted after the completion of each
transcript. Once the transcripts were reviewed and approved by each participant, the coding
recommended limiting close contact with other people due to COVID-19. Therefore, it was
determined to conduct the individual interviews via Cisco WebEx, an online platform for web
conferencing. The data collection was obtained through these interviews which were scheduled
according to participant availability. In the survey from the quantitative phase of the study,
participants indicated whether they were willing to volunteer for an individual interview and
whether they were in possession of an artifact (project or lesson) that they can discuss about
during the interview session. Participants who met the criteria entered their contact information,
which was used by the researcher to make arrangements for a virtual meeting using WebEx. The
interview consisted of a single session ranging from 40 to 70 minutes. The interview was
organized in a specific sequence based on the theoretical framework that was being addressed. In
the first part of the interview, the Self-Efficacy Theory was used to frame the questions. In the
second part of the interview, the questions were in relation to the artifact and the TPACK model.
The interview protocol was used to ensure that the focus was maintained not only in the
theoretical framework but in the research question: What are the experiences that influence pre-
Saldana (2011) indicated that “categorizing is organizing the vast array of interview
transcripts, field notes, and other forms of data, there is this instinctive need to bring order to the
collection, not just re-organize it, but to look for and construct patterns out of it” (p. 91). Data
analysis involves organizing what one has seen, heard, and read so one can figure out what has
been learned to make sense of the experience (Glesne, 2015). In order to analyze the interviews,
first they were transcribed by reviewing the video recording. Upon completion of the transcripts,
they were submitted to the respondents for a member checking. Member checks consist in
allowing the participants to verify both data and interpretations and it is a way to establish
credibility between the researcher and participants (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Once the transcripts
were verified, the next step was to code the data. Coding began with a precise transcription of the
verbal exchange between the speakers. According to Saldaña (2016), a code in a qualitative
study is a word or short phrase that symbolically assigns a summative essence capturing an
evocative attribute for a portion of language-based or visual data. In-Vivo coding was used to
honor the essence of what the participants say (Saldaña, 2016). Based on Strauss (1987), the root
meaning of “In-Vivo” is “in that which is alive” and refers to a code that is based on the actual
The transcripts were carefully read to break them down into short fragments. Each
fragment was printed on index cards using the “4in by 6in size layout” on Microsoft Word. Each
index card contained a short fragment obtained from the transcripts; it also included the label to
indicate who it belonged to: Participant 1, Participant 2, Participant 3, or Participant 4. The index
cards also contained the page number in which the fragment was found in the original transcript.
The In-Vivo codes were hand-written on each card; some of these codes are presented in table 3
along with the score that the participant obtained on the Computer Technology Integration
Survey (CTIS) for context. The index cards facilitated the process of coding and categorizing the
data. Categorization is organizing and ordering the vast array of data from a study because it is
from these meaning-rich units that particular features can be grasped (Saldaña, 2011). According
to Saldaña (2016), forming categories consists in combining different codes that share
Table 3
Sample of the In-Vivo Codes
Table 3 (cont.)
Participant In-Vivo Codes
The codes were categorized generating three themes: technology perspectives, external
influences, and instructional design. A thematic analysis aimed to uncover recurrent themes
(Beaudry & Miller, 2016). Saldaña (2016) indicated that theming the data is applicable to
interviews and participant-generated documents and artifacts. The analytic goal was to develop
an overarching theme from the data corpus, into a coherent narrative (Saldaña, 2016). The
researcher generated the themes inductively, based on the examination of the data. According to
Glesne (2015), qualitative researchers code to discern themes, patterns, and processes; to make
According to Lincoln and Guba (1985), the aim of trustworthiness in a qualitative inquiry
is to support the argument that the inquiry’s findings are “worth paying attention to.” The
confirmability, dependability, and transferability. This section describes the techniques that were
Polit and Beck (2014) indicated that credibility is the degree of confidence in data,
interpretation, and methods used to ensure the quality of a study. In order to ensure an accurate
depiction of the data collection and analysis, respondents were encouraged to do member
checking after each interview. Also, the researcher was in constant communication with the
dissertation committee for peer debriefings. Triangulation was attained by crosschecking the
different sources for data collection: Likert scale survey (CTIS), individual interviews, member
checking, peer debriefings, and reflexive journaling. By using triangulation, the researcher
looked for several different types of sources that can provide insights about the same events or
relationships (Erlandson, et al., 1993, p.115). These different forms of data were compared
Confirmability refers to the objectivity of the research study and that the findings are
shaped by the respondents and not researcher bias, motivation, or interest (Lincoln & Guba,
1985). The technique used to attain confirmability includes an audit trail which consisted in
maintaining records in a detailed and organized manner. The records ensure objectivity and that
the findings are molded by the participants, raw data collected during the individual interviews,
According to Polit and Beck (2014), dependability refers to the stability of the data over
time and over the conditions of the study. Lincoln and Guba (1985), indicated that dependability
consists in showing that the findings are consistent and could be repeated. The technique used to
ensure dependability was through a reflexive journal to maintain a detailed and clear narrative of
the steps taken for participant selection, data collection, data analysis, and findings. However, if
the current study is to be replicated, the outcome may be different due to external causes. The
current study was conducted in the midst of a global pandemic caused by COVID-19, which may
According to Lincoln and Guba (1985), transferability refers to the capability of a study
to apply its findings to different situations or contexts. Thick description consists of providing a
detailed description of the study, the methods, the context, and the participants’ characteristics to
allow the reader obtain a thorough understanding and decide whether the study is applicable to a
specific situation or context. The study provides a thorough description of the participants, the
methods, and the context in which the study took place. The study was delimited to teacher
candidates and clinical teachers seeking an initial teaching certification in one public university
who have taken or are currently taking at least one technology-based course.
In a sequential explanatory model, the qualitative phase of the study helps to explain the
quantitative data to answer a mixed methods question (Plano & Clark, 2018). Therefore, upon
collecting and analyzing the quantitative data, the perceived levels of self-efficacy of pre-service
teachers that participated in the study was identified and quantified. Based on these results, a
subset of individuals from the quantitative phase were contacted to participate in individual
interviews, which further explained the numerical results. After collecting and analyzing the data
qualitative conclusion.
The final stage in the explanatory sequential model was to depict the different levels of
technology self-efficacy, and very high technology self-efficacy) in connection with the
qualitative results, and describe how the qualitative results enrich and explain the quantitative
results. According to Creswell and Plano Clark (2018), the intent of the integration of data in an
explanatory sequential design is to connect the quantitative and qualitative results to answer a
mixed methods question. The mixed methods question in the current research study is: How do
the experiences in technology integration explain the reported levels of self-efficacy of pre-
service teachers? In Chapter four, a joint display with the relationship between the quantitative
and qualitative phases is depicted along with an interpretation of the results from each phase.
Data Management
There are moral and legal codes in place regarding the ethical treatment and care of
people involved with research studies. According to Saldaña (2011), the class principle, “But
first, do no harm,” is the primary objective when working with human participants (p. 24). In
order to protect the confidentially of the participants, the surveys, audio/video recordings, and
interview transcripts were kept in a personal laptop, which was password protected at all times.
The physical copies of the transcripts, reflexive journal, and any other documents related to the
study were also protected and stored in a locked cabinet at the researcher’s home office.
Delimitations and Limitations
The study was delimited to teacher candidates and clinical teachers seeking an initial
teaching certification in one public university. The study was also delimited to participants that
have taken or are currently taking at least one technology-based course. The limitations of the
study are subject to what the participants decide to report and disclose. Due to COVID-19, when
trying to find participants for the survey, all classes were virtual. In person meetings were
restricted and the interviews were conducted through an online platform for web conferencing.
The use of one researcher for data collection and data analysis was a limitation due to a single
Chapter Summary
This chapter describes the methods that were used to conduct an explanatory sequential
mixed methods inquiry to examine the self-efficacy of pre-service teachers related to the
questions, it was determined that both, a quantitative and a qualitative approach were needed.
For the quantitative phase a Likert-style survey called the Computer Technology Integrated
Survey was used to measure the participants’ perceived level of self-efficacy with respect to
technology integration. Four respondents who participated in the qualitative phase, were
qualitative data. In accordance to the sequential explanatory model, the quantitative and
The purpose of this two-phase explanatory mixed methods inquiry was to examine the
classrooms. The study was conducted with teacher candidates and clinical teachers at a South
Texas public university. Teacher candidates spend a full first semester at a local school two days
per week. In the second semester, they begin teaching five days a week and are referred to as
clinical teachers. Clinical experiences are a requirement for students pursuing a bachelor’s
degree with an initial teaching certification. Both teacher candidates and clinical teachers teach
under the supervision of a cooperating teacher, a university faculty member, and a program
Both a quantitative and qualitative approach were needed to answer the research
questions 1) What is the perceived level of self-efficacy of pre-service teachers in the integration
of technology? 2) What are the experiences that influence pre-service teachers’ level of self-
efficacy? 3) How do the experiences in technology integration explain the reported levels of self-
efficacy of pre-service teachers? In this explanatory sequential mixed methods study, the
quantitative phase informed the qualitative phase. As a result, four individuals who participated
in the quantitative phase were contacted to further analyze the numerical data using a qualitative
The first phase of the study consisted of using a quantitative approach to gather numerical
data through the Computer Technology Integrated Survey (CTIS). The University’s Department
of Curriculum, Instruction, and Learning Sciences Office facilitated the university e-mails of
students enrolled in a clinical experience program during the Fall 2020 semester. A screening
survey, demographics survey, and the CTIS were self-administered via e-mail through a
Qualtrics link. The results were exported and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences (SPSS). The respondents who agreed to participate in a follow-up interview were
subsequently contacted if they fulfilled the criteria for the qualitative phase. The interviews were
conducted using Cisco WebEx, where they were video recorded, transcribed, and analyzed by
the researcher.
Quantitative Results
The research question addressed in the qualitative phase was: What is the perceived level
of self-efficacy of pre-service teachers in the integration of technology? The online version of the
Computer Technology Integration Survey (CTIS) was used for the purpose of data collection.
A Profile of Respondents
A total of 108 pre-service teachers were invited to take part in the study, of which, 18
agreed to participate. The majority of the participants were female (94.44%), in the 18 to 24 age-
group (66.67%), and Hispanic or Latino (66.67%). The overwhelming majority of the
participants (83.33%) were pursuing the CORE Subjects EC-6 certification and the rest (16.67%)
were enrolled in the EC-12 Special Education program. Nearly 50.00% of the participants were
familiar with the TPACK model and indicated having knowledge of the subject. The
Table 4
A Profile of Pre-Service Teachers, Categorical Variables (n=18)
Variable F %
18-24 12 66.67
25-29 2 11.11
35-39 2 11.11
40-44 1 5.56
50-54 1
Table 4 (cont.)
Variable F %
Male 1 5.56
Female 17 94.44
Asian 1 5.56
Black or African American 1 5.56
White 4 22.22
Hispanic or Latino 12 66.67
Teaching Certification
CORE Subjects EC-6 15 83.33
EC-12 Special Education 3 16.67
agree nor disagree, 4 = agree, and 5 = strongly agree (Wang, Ertmer, & Newby, 2004). The total
self-efficacy scores were divided into three (3) categories: (1) low to medium (22 to 72), (2)
medium to high (73 to 89), and (3) very high (90 to 105) (EL-Daou, 2016). The overall mean
score was 82.00, indicating a medium to high self-efficacy for a typical study participant.
The mean of the respondents’ responses to the 21 items was used to rank them from the
highest to the lowest. Each one of the 21 items was related to the components in the TPACK
model based on the wording of the statement (Appendix C). Item 19: I feel confident that, as
time goes by, my ability to address my students' technology needs will continue to improve had
the highest mean of 4.33. This is item relates to the technology component in the TPACK model.
In order for teachers to assist and address students’ needs in technology, the teachers expect that
as time progresses and they have more opportunities to learn, their knowledge and confidence in
technology integration will improve as a result. Items 9, 10, and 11, which are related to
mentoring students in the appropriate use of technology, providing feedback to students when
they use technology, and teaching in effective ways using technology had a mean score of 4.11.
There were two items, 2 and 17, with a mean of 4.06, which are related to teacher
computer skills and feeling comfortable while using technology during instruction. Items 3, 12,
and 15 had a mean score of 4.00; all are related to the integration of content subject area and
related to the curricular goals and standards. Items 6, 13, and 18 had a mean of 3.94. Item 6
relates to assisting students when they are having difficulties while using technology. Item 13
consists of selecting appropriate technology for instruction based on curricular standards. Item
The lowest mean belonged to item 20 with 3.39: I feel confident that I can develop
creative ways to cope with system constraints (such as budget cuts on technology facilities) and
continue to teach effectively with technology. This item probes on the educator’s ability to craft
alternatives despite the limitations. This statement relies on the teacher’s proficiency to all
components in the TPACK model: technology, pedagogy, and content. Events tied to budget are
beyond the teachers’ control, which explain why the item obtained the lowest mean. It was
evident that the respondents visualized a budget constraint as a situation that would affect their
ability to design successful and effective lessons. Therefore, educators must possess an extensive
knowledge of the four components of the TPACK model to identify alternate methods to
successfully teach despite the lack of resources. A summary of the results for the CTIS is
presented in Table 5.
Table 5
Ranking of Perceived Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Teachers, (n=18)
Table 5 (cont.)
Qualitative Results
The qualitative phase of the study aimed to respond to the research question: What are
the experiences that influence pre-service teachers’ level of self-efficacy? This research question
explores numerical results obtained in the Computer Technology Integration Survey from the
quantitative phase. A subset of individuals that participated in the first phase of the study were
component) that the participant can talk about during the interview. There were six respondents
who agreed to participate in the individual interview, however four participants met the criteria
set. Open-ended semi-structured interviews were conducted to obtain data related to the
The first part of the interview protocol was prepared based on Bandura’s four sources of
physiological and affective states. The second part of the interview protocol focused on inquiring
on the elaboration and design of a project with a technology component. The TPACK model
depicted by Mishra and Koehler (2006), was used to guide the second part of the interview. Both
parts of the interview aimed to explain the quantitative results and to explore the experiences that
influence the reported self-efficacy in Computer Technology Integrated Survey. The interview
transcripts were analyzed and categorized using In-Vivo coding and a thematic analysis was used
Participant Descriptions
There were six respondents who agreed to participate in individual interviews when they
responded to the Computer Technology Integrated Survey. Out of the six volunteers, four had a
project with a technology component that they discussed during the interviews. According to
Saldaña (2011), a group of three to six people provides a broad spectrum of qualitative data for
Table 6
A Profile of the Participants
Note. Self-Efficacy Survey Point Values: Level 3: Very High (90-105 points), Level 2: Medium
In the next section, the four participants are described in more detail using the data
obtained from the quantitative and qualitative phases. They are identified as Participant 1,
Participant 2, Participant 3, and Participant 4. The participants were required to showcase and
describe a lesson or project with a technology component during the individual interviews.
Highlights of their experiences related to technology integration in the classroom, along with a
description of the projects that the participants shared are presented in the next section. The
participants are introduced according to their score in the Computer Technology Integration
Survey (CTIS), from highest to lowest self-efficacy score, being Participant 1 the one with the
highest score (100 points), Participant 2 the second highest score (92 points), Participant 3 the
third highest score (82 points), and Participant 4 the lowest self-efficacy score (71 points).
Participant 1
Education degree. Among the four participants, she tallied 100 out of the 105 possible points in
the CTIS. Participant 1 ranks in the Level 3, very high technology self-efficacy in the CTIS.
According to Participant 1, her professors have been a “strong influence in her technology
proficiency”. Participant 1 explained how the different projects that she has created help her see
that “technology is constantly evolving”. The clinical teacher highlighted that many of her peers
“struggle” with designing technology-based projects. Therefore, the participant assumed the role
of being a “motivator” for her peers. During the interview, Participant 1 also indicated that her
family has “supported” her throughout her educational journey, providing her with one of the
latest electronic devices on the market. Due to COVID-19, Participant 1 had to go back home
which allowed her to assist her younger brother with schoolwork. This opportunity was an “eye-
opener” for her as she realized the importance of designing an effective lesson.
The project showcased by Participant 1 consisted of using the Star Chart app which
shows the stars, planets, the location of the moon and the sun in real time: “The app shows real
live footage of the sky basically.” Participant 1 had the students make a recording of themselves
using the Flip Grid App to describe their location with respect to a specific star or a planet. Flip
Grid app is used to record video responses, which are regulated by the teacher. Participant 1
quoted one of her students saying, “I'm in this building, on this floor, looking west and I found
Pluto.” Even though Participant 1 ranked in the highest level of self-efficacy, she does not
consider herself a “master” in technology integration. She rather identifies herself as someone
Participant 2
Participant 2 is a clinical teacher, pursuing a Core Subjects EC-6 degree. This participant
obtained 93 points in the CTIS, ranking her also in the Level 3 with very high technology self-
efficacy. Participant 2 has had mixed feelings related to technology in the past, however she now
indicated “I've gone from having to not wanting to use it to experimenting with more technology.
Now I feel like I don't do a lesson without some kind of technology.” The clinical teacher enjoys
using Nearpod, a platform to create interactive activities, to present a lesson for the first time or
to review. Participant 2 also incorporates game-based activities using Kahoot! During the design
process of her assignments, Participant 2 is thoughtful about the grade level and content area that
she will teach. Engaging her students is her “biggest motivator” and she strives for creativeness.
Due to the COVID-19, Participant 2 has become an asset to her cooperating teacher, as she is the
one converting all the lessons from worksheet format to “live” documents which are needed to
deliver and present the content virtually. Participant 2 enjoys designing lessons and “testing”
them with her son, before implementation with students. Participant 2 is usually the one person
that helps and encourages her peers as she “does not want them to fail the class.”
The project that Participant 2 shared during the interview consisted of creating a timeline
of “a person that has done something for the better of the world” using Google Slides and
multiple sources such as books and websites. The project required students to work in small
groups where each of them had a role: typist, researcher, and image finder. Participant 2 invested
ample time into thinking how to share the slides to allow the student groups to work at the same
time. Participant 2 also differentiated the instruction by providing a template ready to use for
struggling students. The assignment was used for 5th graders in English Language Arts and
Reading to address the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) related to biographies and
timelines. The challenge that Participant 2 found during the elaboration of the project was the
lack of Internet access for some students. Participant 2 strives to engage students; however, she
is aware that the limited resources in certain households and school districts “hinders the ability
Participant 3
obtained 83 points in the CTIS, ranking her in the Level 2, with a medium to high self-efficacy in
technology integration. This participant indicated that she is “always looking for something that
will be cost-effective for the school” because she is “hoping to work at a Title I school.”
Participant 3 indicated that her focus is on “Early Childhood STEM” and that she “learned a
good deal of things this semester about TPACK and STEM.” Regarding her peers, Participant 3
said that “they struggle a lot”, she indicated “there is this assumption that because they are from
an age where technology is everywhere, that people think that pre-service teachers are
automatically going to know how to use a lot of this technology and then put it in the
classroom.” Participant 3 has multiple relatives who are educators; therefore, technology and
instruction are common topics of discussion that they enjoy talking about.
For her project, Participant 3 used Assemblr app, QR Codes, and YouTube videos. The
project was designed to teach organisms and environments to 4th graders in a science class.
Participant 3 thinks that “the purpose of the lesson is the most important thing” and she feels that
“sometimes when technology is integrated, the objective can get lost.” Her project required
students to create a 3D augmented reality model of a food web using Assemblr app. Students
then will get a screen shot of the model and include a typed description. Participant 3 used QR
codes and YouTube videos to provide instructions and support. The teacher candidate
emphasized that “people have this mental block about technology and so there was a lot of
hesitation where there could have been potential success.” Despite ranking in the level 2 of the
CTIS, Participant 3 emphasized that she enjoys and feels confident about integrating technology.
Participant 4
Participant 4 is a teacher candidate, pursuing a Core Subjects EC-6 degree. She obtained
71 points in the CTIS, ranking in the low to medium self-efficacy, level 1. Participant 4 indicated
to have “mixed feelings” related to “distance learning.” She indicated that due to the current
situation with COVID-19, communicating with her professors has been difficult. Participant 4
said that the “lack of interaction” has “affected” her ability to do certain projects. Even when
technology is available for Participant 4, she would rather use paper and pencil for many of her
assignments. Participant 4 indicated that many of her peers “feel the same way.” Despite the
“struggles of the current school year”, Participant 4 is “grateful” that due to COVID-19, her
learning how to integrate technology in the classroom an important aspect of what she will do as
The project shared by Participant 4 consisted of a YouTube video describing how to use
Google Slides for students of any grade level, in any content area. The teacher candidate
emphasized that the most crucial component of her project was using “student-friendly
vocabulary and clear directions.” The biggest challenge of her project was “fitting the script into
the required time frame” set by the professor. Even though Participant 4 ranked in the third and
lowest level of the CTIS, she is hopeful that as time goes by, she will improve her ability to
After conducting each interview, a transcript was created and verified by the respondents
by doing a member check. Member checking consisted of allowing the participants to verify both
data and interpretations (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). The transcripts were coded using In-Vivo
coding. According to Saldaña (2016), In-Vivo coding is used to honor the essence of what the
participants say. A thematic analysis of the data collected in the qualitative phase of the study
was done to uncover recurrent themes (Beaudry & Miller, 2016). This analysis led to the
Instructional design. These themes were generated by common categories derived from the
interviews. In this section, each theme is presented as a descriptive trait with its own set of
subthemes and commonalities. Every subtheme is explained with the statements shared by the
participants during the individual interviews. The subthemes are mainly described using the
Figure 4
Participants’ perspectives have been shaped by their experiences with technology integration in
their jobs, coursework, and personal life. The pre-service teachers also explained how they
approach a technology-based assignment in terms of attitude; how they feel when they are
learning about new tools and when they apply them with students. Perspectives have also been
influenced by the current school year, which has been impacted by COVID-19.
Mastery Experience, which is related to success and failure and their general experiences related
However, once people become convinced that they have what it takes to succeed, they will
persevere in the face of adversity. Another source of self-efficacy that is addressed in this section
is Physiological and Affective States. Bandura (1997) also indicated that mood states affect
people’s judgements of their personal self-efficacy. The subthemes generated include a)
technology experiences, b) technology attitudes, and c) COVID-19 and the school year.
Technology Experiences. During the individual interviews, the participants were asked
to share their background related to technology integration. The pre-service teachers shared
academic life. The participants indicated spending time exploring the Internet and computer
applications during leisure time. They also stated that former jobs required a degree of
knowledge in technology. The coursework made an impact into acquiring higher proficiency
using specific technology-based tools. Participant 1, who scored the highest in CTIS, shared that
the different projects that she worked on have helped her grow. Participant 2 is currently working
with her cooperating teacher making the transition of every worksheet to a virtual and interactive
format. Participant 3 shared that she has gained experience working in classrooms with Adaptive
Education settings, however due to COVID-19, she has not had the opportunity to be in one
during the current semester as a teacher candidate. The places where Participant 3 has worked,
have never had all the resources needed to teach with technology. Therefore, she acquired strong
skills “to figure out” how to make “things work” even with a limited budget. Participant 4, who
is ranked in the lowest echelon of the CTIS, shared that her experience with technology and
instruction is limited. She indicated that she is still learning how to properly do lesson design.
Participant 4 also indicated that “it will be challenging to motivate students to use technology”
partially because according to her, she “does not know all of the technologies” and that she “still
learning them.”
their attitudes on technology integration. Participants’ attitude is shaped by how confident they
feel about integrating technology. The confidence is acquired by acquiring proficiency. During
the interviews, participants were asked about the way they feel about integrating technology.
Each participant shared the way they approached the technology-based projects that they have to
do. Participant 1, who is ranked in the highest level of self-efficacy in the CTIS, indicated that
“everyone is not at the same technology level and that's okay, that's how we learn and that's how
also mentioned that even when she feels confident about integrating technology “there is
something coming out every single day” and that makes it impossible to be a “master” at it.
Participant 1 indicated that regardless of what she is doing or teaching, she will “somehow
integrate technology because it is engaging.” Participant 2, who obtained the second highest
score in the CTIS, indicated that she “relies heavily on technology” for instructional purposes.
The clinical teacher usually invests ample time exploring digital applications and planning in an
engaging way. Participant 2 said that the first time that she used technology was stressful,
however “as time has gone by” now she “feels really comfortable about it” and she has learned
that “even if the technology fails during the lesson, you just have to move along, and come up
with plan B, C, or D.” This attitude indicates how Participant 3 is not afraid of trying new
methods and understands that struggling during the learning process is normal. Participant 3,
who ranked in the medium to high level of self-efficacy with 83 points, indicated that she is
extremely thoughtful when integrating technology for instructional purposes and stated that she
finds the entire process exciting. Participant 4, who obtained 71 points in the CTIS, said that she
uses technology on a daily basis, however using it to design her instructional projects requires
more guidance and support from her professors. Even when her attitude is positive about
learning, she has “mixed feelings” about the current school year and distance learning.
COVID-19 and the School Year. Despite that none of the questions in the interview referred to
COVID-19, the global pandemic has altered people’s lives in different ways. There was a need to
learn and apply technology knowledge into the new technological demands for the current school
year. Specifically, the participants of the current research study, shared how COVID-19
disrupted the “typical” course of the school year of 2020 and how that influenced the way they
perceive technology in the classroom. Participant 1 indicated that due to COVID-19, she had to
return home and was able to assist her brother with his schoolwork. The participant said that by
obtaining feedback from her brother she now feels more thoughtful about the way she designs a
lesson. The brother definitely “encourages” her to make it easier for students. Participant 2
considers herself as somebody that is truly helping her cooperating teacher transition from paper
and pencil to virtual lessons. Participant 3 mentioned that she has not been in the classroom this
semester and that she is “missing out.” The teacher candidate also indicated that “the state of
things right now is different and there is a lot of things that feel unfamiliar”. Participant 4
stressed that “with the current situation all of the professors have been pushing into learning how
to integrate technology into the lessons, now more than ever.” The four participants shared
thoughts related to COVID-19 even when none of the questions in the interview protocol
The participants highlighted the relevance of external influence such as peers, professors,
and relatives. The pre-service teachers highlighted the importance of helping their peers be
successful in their class work. According to Bandura (1998), people’s self-efficacy is influenced
Persuasion. People who are persuaded verbally are more likely to provide effort and sustain it
(Bandura, 1998). Two of the participants stressed the importance of communicating with
professors during virtual learning due to COVID-19. The other two participants indicated that the
professors have been a positive influence during their program of study. In addition, the three of
the four participants emphasized how at least one relative has encouraged them to continue in
their journey to learn more about technology and instruction. The subthemes generated include a)
Peers’ Struggles. The participants were asked about how they feel when their peers
struggle during technology integration. The pre-service teachers noted the importance of helping
their peers. Three of the four participants indicated feeling capable of assisting struggling peers.
Participant 1 indicated “seeing my peers struggle was definitely an eye opener” and it that show
her that she must be patient with her students because “not everybody is at the same level.”
Participant 2 specified that “sharing ideas with peers was important,” and that just thinking about
“what works, what does not work for us” help her reflect on her own practice. This participant
also reflected on her peers’ success, she said “I don’t want them to fail, so I try to help as much
as I can.” Participant 3 witnessed her peers struggling to integrate technology into the content.
Participant 3 highlighted that she observed a lot of “hesitation” from her peers to explore new
digital tools. Participant 4 said that many of her peers’ struggle communicating with her
professors “because of COVID-19 we don’t really get to see them face to face, so this situation
reinforces the importance of communication.” Participant 4 said that she “translated” that
situation into her own practice, if she was the teacher, she “would definitely be finding different
Professors’ Role. Even when none of the questions in the interview protocol referred
specifically to the role of professors in preparation programs, there was a question that inquire on
influences made by people in the participants’ journey with technology integration. The
requirements of the projects assigned, the directions given, and the guidance provided by the
professors played an influential role in the participants’ self-efficacy. Three of the four
participants mentioned anecdotes related to their professors. Participant 1, who is ranked with the
highest level in the CTIS, shared a few examples of experiences in her teacher preparation
program where the professors acted as a strong influence for her to integrate technology.
However, she mentioned that designing her project was challenging because she had “full range”
on the “things” that she could include in the assignment. Participant 2 only mentioned the
professors in the context of the project assignment “the professor assigned a project.” Participant
3 emphasized that she learned a lot of new things this semester from her professors. She also
indicated that “there was no limit” as to what to include for the project. Participant 4 thinks that
professors are also “learning a whole bunch of new things” and as a result she will learn “a lot
more from them.” In different stances, the four participants mentioned how the directions
provided by the professors influence the way their lessons are designed.
having family encouragement and discourse related to technology. The pre-service teachers
mentioned how their families have encouraged them to become more proficient with technology
integration. Some of the participants indicated that their relatives have been a strong influence
when designing a lesson with technology components. Participant 1, who score a very high level
of self-efficacy or level 3, emphasized that her family, especially her younger brother was
encouraging with her efforts to integrate technology in the classroom. Her family is aware of her
interest in technology, and they gave her a laptop as a Birthday gift. Participant 2, who also
ranked in the level 3 in the self-efficacy survey, indicated that her son plays an important role as
she can identify what he likes and what he is capable of doing: “I kind of take some ideas from
him.” Participant 3, who obtained a medium to high level of self-efficacy, indicated that multiple
relatives are educators, including her mother. Therefore, discussions related to teaching are fairly
common. Participant 3 emphasized that her family encourages to continue learning and evolving
in the area of instructional technology. Participant 4, who obtained a low self-efficacy score,
mentioned that outside of school, “technology is not really talked about that often.” Even when
the mother of Participant 4 values education, there is not a discourse related to education in her
and showcase a technology-based project. The four participants displayed unique projects that
required extensive planning. Every project addressed a different standard and a different grade
level. The participants mentioned how the students’ experiences with technology were an
influence in the design of their projects. The four participants also described some of the barriers
that they have experienced when integrating technology and instruction. The Instructional
Design theme focuses on the TPACK components: technology, pedagogy, and content. The
subthemes generated include a) intended goals and planning, b) lesson and standards, c)
Intended Goals and Planning. This subtheme addresses three components of the
TPACK: technology, pedagogy, and content. Each of the projects presented had a goal set which
was easily identified based on the grade level and subject area. Regardless of the complexity of
the project, each pre-service teacher invested ample time investigating different approaches. The
four participants were asked about the planning process when elaborating the project shared
during the interview. The projects that were showcased and described during the interviews
where different from one another. All four of the participants had the goals specified in their
lesson plans. Participant 1 said that the only requirement for her project was to use two or more
digital applications. She indicated that “planning was a little hard at first, because we have full
range and we didn't have any limits to what this project was going to be.” Participant 1, who
ranked in the highest level in the CTIS with 100 points, used Star Chart, Flip Grid, and Survey
Monkey. The clinical teacher had to think about the different questions that she would ask. The
intended goal was to have her students take screenshots of the moon phases using the Star Chart
app and recording themselves explaining their findings using Flip Grid. To get students engaged,
the first set of questions required only to locate certain planets in the Star Chart App. Participant
1 spent a few days thinking of which applications to use, how to engage the students, and what
questions to ask. At the end of the activity, she provided a link to Survey Monkey to obtain
The project that Participant 2 displayed was on timelines and biographies using Google
Slides. The participant indicated that Google Slides allows for different people to work at the
same time on the same document. Participant 2, who obtained 93 points in the CTIS, indicated
that “there was a lot of decision making in this project, especially because we wanted different
kids working at the same time and I did think about that hard, how to make sure that everyone
works and that it’s not confusing.” The participant wanted to have small groups of students
working on the specific project, therefore she decided that Google Slides was the perfect app for
the activity. Participant 2 spent long hours thinking how to make it work for every student. She
also considered how to make it attainable for struggling students, therefore she created a
template with all the components of the assignment ready for them to “fill in the blanks.” The
groups had to use multiple sources, such as books and the Internet and they were also required to
incorporate images. The goal was to create a biography in the form of a timeline of a person that
Participant 3, who ranked in the Level 2 of the CTIS with 83 points, wanted her students
to learn about the producers, consumers, and food webs. The participant also wanted students to
describe how the energy flows through food webs, beginning with the Sun and predicting
changes in ecosystems. Once she had the content goal in mind, Participant 3 decided to use
multiple apps and digital tools: Assemblr, Blogger, digital search engines, QR codes, and Canva.
The teacher candidate used Assemblr and made her own 3-dimensional food web, which was
projected into her yard, and then she screen-recorded it and uploaded it into a YouTube video for
students to watch as an example. Blogger was an app used by the students where they could post
their Assemblr 3D models. Blogger allowed for students to interact and comment on each other’s
food web models. Participant 3 used QR codes to provide directions for students and anchor
charts created using Canva, to explain how food webs work. The teacher candidate also created a
list of resource links for students to access extra information if they needed it. Participant 3 also
created dual language learner sentence stems for English Language Learners. Participant 3
indicated that this project “took some investigation,” because she wanted to start with the
objective “I don't want to start with the technology and say this looks cool, how do I make this
work in my classroom? I want to start with the objective and say, how can integrate technology
Participant 4, who obtained 71 points in the CTIS, decided to create a YouTube video to
explain how to use Google Slides. The only constraint imposed by the professor on video-based
project was to avoid exceeding the 3-minute mark. Participant 4 explained the basics of Google
slides for students. The participant indicated that she was perfectly comfortable explaining how
to use Google Slides, however writing the script to make it fit into a 3-minute video was the most
challenging part. The teacher candidate tried making the recording different times, using
different vocabulary, as she was striving for this to be a student friendly video. Overall, her
experience with this project was positive and she now feels more confident about recording
Lesson and Standards. This subtheme addresses two components of the TPACK:
pedagogy and content. Every project was unique and addressed a different grade level and
standards. Each participant shared the different standards that were addressed in the lesson.
Three of the four participants specified the skills that they wanted to address with their project.
Participant 1, who scored the highest in the CTIS with 100 points, indicated that her lesson was
on Science and that it could be adapted to any grade level. The project consisted of locating the
planets and analyzing the moon phases over time. Participant 2, who earned 92 points in the
CTIS, decided to focus her project for an ELAR lesson on biographies and timelines for 5th grade
students. Participant 3, who scored 82 points in the CTIS, decided to create a Science lesson on
organisms and environments for 4th grade students. Participant 4, who scored 71 points in the
CTIS, designed a video with directions on how to use Google Slides for elementary students of
any grade level and to any content area, as her intended goal was solely to teach students how to
Students’ Role. This subtheme addresses two components of the TPACK: technology
and pedagogy. The participants indicated how the audience, in this case the students, were
always the focus of attention. They indicated the importance of creating a project attainable for
all students, regardless of their proficiency level with technology. The four pre-service teachers
mentioned how their students are always in their mind when designing an activity. The
participants were also concerned about making the lesson attainable for all students. Most of the
participants highlighted the importance of students’ previous knowledge and how to differentiate
to reach to all learners. Some of the participants also emphasized how the lack of technology can
affect the intended outcome of the lesson. Participant 1 said, “I really want to make technology
work, so I must cater to my students. Especially if they're still at home virtual. I know a lot of
kids don't even care to go outside anymore. So my project is a reason to go outside.” Participant
1 repeatedly stated that she is always thinking of ways to “make it easier for students and
parents” because she does not want “parents to stress about technology.” Therefore, she said, “I
just needed to find what works for my students, not what works best for me, but what works for
Participant 2 always reflects on the question “What is the students’ capability? If they're
going to create something specific with the technology, how often have they used it in the past?”
Therefore, she is always searching for content and technology that is accessible for the students.
Participant 3 said that her main experience is working in Title I schools; therefore, she always
considers the access or lack of access that students may have. Participant always considers what
“students may be able to do if they lack the technology,” such as electronic devices or an Internet
connection. Participant 3 also mentioned the importance on the student reaction about the
activities that she presents, and how that will affect the level of engagement. Participant 4
indicated that she always strives to use a “student friendly vocabulary” and tries to provide clear
directions to prevent students from struggling understanding what they are being asked to do.
the TPACK: technology. The challenges described by the participants are presented in this
section. The pre-service teachers described different barriers that they have encountered when
integrating technology. None of the participants stated a personal challenge, however their main
concern was related to student access to a reliable Internet connection and electronic devices.
The challenges faced when integrating technology include student access to Internet and
electronic devices. Participant 1 indicated that “definitely the challenges are the computers and
their availability for students,” she also indicated that “a lot of barriers are related to schools not
having the funds to actually integrate technology, many of our students are also sharing the
computer with a sibling.” Participant 1 also indicated that she currently has only 30 minutes per
block, therefore integrating certain projects can be difficult. Participant 2 said that she worries
more about students’ access to a digital device. This participant has witnessed that not all school
districts have been able to provide a digital device to all students. Participant 3 indicated that in
many cases school districts use a specific device like an iPad, and once they become old, they
decide to get rid of them and acquire a new type of device like a Chromebook. Participant 3
thinks that “the districts should become aware that there are things that you can do on iPads that
you can’t do in a Chromebook and vice-versa.” Another barrier that Participant 3 shared relates
to the “financial insecurity for schools.” Participant 4 stressed that “they are losing funding and
they are pulling programs like tech programs and science labs, because students can't participate
in them the same way. And there's not as much funding because some students are absent.”
Participant 4 also said that her attitude could definitely affect her students, “if I, myself am not
super excited and motivated, it's going to be hard to get my students motivated.” Participant 4
added “there's lots of under-privileged students that only get Internet access on their phone,
integration in the classroom, which has a correlation to their self-efficacy level. The data
collected in the qualitative phase of the study led to the development of three major themes: a)
technology beliefs, b) external influences, and c) instructional design. Each of the three themes
included subthemes that were described in this chapter. Every theme and subtheme provided an
insight on how the level of self-efficacy on technology integration in the classroom is shaped by
the participants’ experiences. The research question addressed in the qualitative phase of the
study is what are the experiences that influence pre-service teachers’ level of self-efficacy? The
themes generated from the individual interviews represent the perspectives of the sample of pre-
The mixed methods question in the current research study is: How do the experiences in
joint display with the connection between the quantitative and qualitative phases is depicted
along with an interpretation of some of the results from each phase in Table 7. According to
Creswell and Plano Clark (2018), a joint display represents the connection between the initial
quantitative results and the follow-up qualitative results. Participant 1 who reported a very high
level of self-efficacy has shown examples of experiences where the four sources of self-efficacy
have been addressed. Participant 1 did not consider herself a “master” in technology integration
in the classroom, however that is exactly what drives her to learn more and educate herself in the
different components of the TPACK: Technology, pedagogy and content knowledge. Participant
2 reported a very high level of self-efficacy, level 3. Based on the perspectives that she shared
during the interview, it was clear the four sources of self-efficacy have been covered. Participant
2 has had multiple opportunities to practice and apply her knowledge, her peers and family play
an important role in motivating her, and she feels confident and joyful when integrating
technology. Even when Participant 3 reported a medium to high level of self-efficacy, the four
sources of self-efficacy have been fulfilled in different situations: The participant has had
different opportunities to learn and apply what she knows, she has repeatedly discussed
technology and instruction with her mother and other relatives, and she is excited about
designing and planning projects. Even though Participant 4 feels comfortable using technology,
there are still aspects that are at the developing stage. This participant reported a low self-
efficacy in the CTIS. A source of self-efficacy that is missing for Participant 4 is an outside
influence such as family and friends that could potentially motivate her to learn more.
Table 7
Joint Display by Participant
Physiological and Affective States:
“a part of me feels a sense of relief when the students are finally putting the
connections together”
“I think some of my peers have this mental block about technology and
so I saw a lot of hesitation where there could have been potential
Verbal Persuasion:
“We talk a great deal about teaching, regularly, that's just what we like so
that is what we talk about me and my family”
Physiological and Affective States:
“I'm excited to see how I can use technology in the classroom”
“I've always really loved technology. I'm not, I'm not like a technology
genius, but I'm handy with technology. I learn it pretty quickly”
Pedagogy Knowledge:
“I had to make sure that the language was student-friendly”
Content Knowledge:
“My target was elementary students, there wasn't necessarily a specific
content or subject”
Based on the synthesis depicted in table 7, it was noticeable that the pre-service teachers
with higher scores in the CTIS were willing to take more risks related to TPACK components in
knowledge), described a personal, professional, and educational background that required the use
become proficient until reaching a point where they perceived themselves as successful.
According to Bandura (1997), successes build a robust belief in one’s personal efficacy, which in
this case increased the eagerness of the participants to learn more about different digital
applications. The physiological and affective states are related to the mood states which affect
the people’s judgement of their personal efficacy (Bandura, 1997). The participants with higher
levels of self-efficacy indicated joyful feelings about exploring, using, and applying technology.
Participants with higher levels of self-efficacy were willing to try new digital tools and
applications. They ventured into researching in their own time to identify innovative technology-
based activities and applications. The participants also made sure that the activities and projects
The pre-service teachers that used a variety of approaches to teach a concept (pedagogy
coursework. The participants who assisted their peers had the notion that they were more
proficient. The verbal persuasion by relatives and professors allowed the participant to continue
to strengthen the belief of capability (Bandura, 1997). The discourse with family on technology
technology and instruction. The participants with higher levels of self-efficacy integrated diverse
students vs providing a template for struggling students. They incorporated individual work and
small group work to promote collaboration and support among their students. The pre-service
teachers also provided instructions in a variety of ways to make the assignment attainable for all
The pre-service teachers that explored the content area in depth (content knowledge) to
teach for understanding also indicated experiences where siblings, parents, and professors use
verbal persuasion as a way to encourage them. According to Bandura (1997), people who are
persuaded verbally about possessing the capabilities are likely to sustain greater effort to achieve
a goal. The participants with higher levels of self-efficacy invested time examining the Texas
Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) to ensure that the objectives of the lesson were
adequately addressed. Their starting point was the objective of the lesson. Once they had a clear
objective in mind, they looked for different resources to teach the concept.
technology. Therefore, identifying the experiences that influence how individuals feel about their
abilities to integrate technology may assist teacher preparation programs in refining their
approach to adequately equip future educators. Bandura (1997) indicated that self-efficacy
beliefs are constructed based on four sources of information: enactive mastery experiences,
vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological and affective states. Enactive
mastery experiences are related to individuals’ past failures and successes and how these events
influence personal perception about achieving specific goals. Vicarious experiences consist in
assessing individual success in relation to peers’ success. Verbal persuasion entails positive
friends. Physiological and affective states relate to emotions and feelings associated to success
and accomplishment.
Some of the expectations around new teacher graduates include their ability to integrate
technology and instruction can be complex and it requires an evolving process that must be
addressed repeatedly throughout the teacher preparation program. Based on Mishra and Koehler
(2006), the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) describes the different
coursework that requires the elaboration of projects addresses the sources of self-efficacy
affective states) and brings together the components of the TPACK (technology knowledge,
pedagogy knowledge, content knowledge) requiring a strategic plan by teacher preparation
The purpose of the study was to examine the self-efficacy of pre-service teachers related
2. What are the experiences that influence pre-service teachers’ level of self-efficacy?
3. How do the experiences in technology integration explain the reported levels of self-
This two-phase explanatory mixed methods study obtained statistical quantitative results
from a sample and then followed up with four individuals to probe those results in detail. The
quantitative phase aimed to identify the level of perceived self-efficacy of teacher candidates and
clinical teachers in a South Texas public university using a Likert scale survey called the
Computer Technology Integrated Survey (CTIS). In the qualitative phase, a two-part semi-
structured open-ended interview was conducted to explore aspects of self-efficacy with four pre-
service teachers who reported different levels of self-efficacy from the quantitative phase as
determined by the CTIS. This chapter describes the significant findings from the CTIS and the
individual interviews.
The study was conducted during the Fall semester of 2020 with pre-service teachers, who
are referred to as teacher candidates and clinical teachers who have taken or were currently
taking a technology-based course at the time of the study. Teacher candidates spend a full first
semester at a local school, two days per week, followed by the second semester where they are
categorized as clinical teachers, which consists of five days a week of teaching. Clinical
experiences are a requirement for students pursuing a bachelor’s degree with an initial teaching
certification under the supervision of a cooperating teacher, a university faculty member, and a
program supervisor.
The inclusion criteria for the study included (1) being at least 18 years old, (2) pursuing a
bachelor’s degree with an initial teaching certification, (3) being enrolled in a clinical experience
program at the time of the study, and (4) having been enrolled or currently enrolled in a
technology-based course at the university. There were 108 pre-service teachers who were
enrolled in a clinical experience program in the Fall semester of 2020 which were contacted in
October 2020 via e-mail. The 18 pre-service teachers who agreed to participate in the study,
completed the Computer Technology Integration Survey (CTIS), which served as the first data
collection method. The CTIS was analyzed with descriptive statistics using the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). There were six participants who agreed to participate in
the individual interviews, however four of them met the required criteria to participate in the
qualitative phase of the study because they possessed a project or lesson with a technology
component. The CTIS was self-administered using a Qualtrics link via e-mail and the individual
interviews were conducted via WebEx to adhere to COVID-19 guidelines, which restricted in-
person meetings.
Quantitative Results
The quantitative phase of the study addressed the first research question: “What is the
Computer Technology Integrated Survey (CTIS) identified the level of self-efficacy of the 18
pre-service teachers who agreed to participate in the study. The CTIS included 21 items to
scaling: 1= strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = agree, and 5 =
strongly agree (Wang, Ertmer, & Newby, 2004). The self-efficacy scores were divided into three
(3) categories: (1) low to medium (22 to 72), (2) medium to high (73 to 89), and (3) very high
(90 to 105) (EL-Daou, 2016). The overall mean score of the participants was 82.00, which
indicated a medium to high self-efficacy. The statement with the highest self-efficacy was item
19: I feel confident that, as time goes by, my ability to address my students' technology needs will
continue to improve with a mean of 4.33. This item indicates that pre-service teachers are aware
that learning takes time, however they are hopeful that as time progresses, they will improve as
educators. The statement with the lowest self-efficacy was item 20: I feel confident that I can
develop creative ways to cope with system constraints (such as budget cuts on technology
facilities) and continue to teach effectively with technology with a mean of 3.39. This item relates
to factors that are beyond a person’s control, which explains the reason for a low self-efficacy in
this area.
Qualitative Results
The qualitative phase of the study addressed the second research question: “What are the
experiences that influence pre-service teachers’ level of self-efficacy?” The first portion of the
interview protocol was prepared using Bandura’s four sources of self-efficacy (enactive mastery
experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological and affective states) and
the second portion was based on the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
model as frameworks to guide the inquiry. The transcripts derived from the individual interviews
allowed the researcher responding to the research questions by identifying the experiences that
have influenced the participants’ level of self-efficacy with respect to technology in the
classroom. The participants shared their background, professional experience, perspectives, and
overall beliefs on technology, which are considered enactive mastery experiences, physiological
and affective states. The results revealed that the participants that used technology as a hobby, as
a requirement to perform a job, or as elective coursework in high school indicated higher levels
of self-efficacy, which reassures the notion that enactive mastery experiences influence such
high levels. The results also revealed that the pre-service teachers felt excitement and curiosity
about integrating technology in their projects and learning more about digital tools. Positive
attitudes on technology usage, such as the ones described by the participants, are related to the
The participants also shared experiences related to external influences which include their
relationship with peers, professors, and family members. According to Bandura (1997), vicarious
experiences are the self-perceptions that are based on the comparison with peers’ attainments.
The results revealed that the participants have a strong willingness to assist their peers in
technology-based projects, which is an indicator of how the pre-service teachers perceive their
own capability with respect to their peers. Therefore, being confident about helping peers
represents a strong self-efficacy. Verbal persuasion are the social influences that affect an
individuals’ capabilities based on the encouragement provided. The results also revealed that the
participants who held conversations and received encouragement by their families, reported the
highest levels of self-efficacy. The participants who shared examples on how their professors
guided them to achieve goals, which ultimately influence their self-efficacy as well.
In the second portion of the interview, the participants were asked to showcase and
describe a project or lesson that had a technology component. In this part of the interview the
components in the TPACK model addressed were: technology, pedagogy, and content
knowledge. The results of the study indicated that the project showcased by the participants was
based on previous experiences with technology. The participants indicated investing time in
researching on how to integrate digital tools and how to address a specific instructional goal
based on content objectives and grade level standards. The results also revealed that pre-service
teachers always consider their audience, which means that the students are always the focus of
The third research question was: “How do the experiences in technology integration
(1997), the stronger people’s belief in their efficacy, the more career options they consider
possible, the greater the interest they show in them, and the better they prepare themselves
educationally. The results obtained in the research study indicated that the pre-service teachers
who displayed positive experiences related to the four sources of self-efficacy: enactive mastery
experience, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological and affective states,
was noted that the pre-service teachers with higher scores in the CTIS were willing to take more
(pedagogy knowledge), and c) exploring the content area in depth (content knowledge) to teach
for understanding.
According to the results of the Computer Technology Integrated Survey, the 18 pre-
service teachers who participated in the quantitative phase of the study possess a medium to high
self-efficacy. These participants indicated a high level sense of self-efficacy about the future and
that they are hopeful that as time progresses, they will acquire the proficiency needed to be
successful educators. These pre-service teachers also indicated a strong self-efficacy when
mentoring students in appropriate ways to use technology and when providing individual
feedback during technology use, as reported in item 9 “I feel confident I can mentor students in
appropriate uses of technology” and item 11 “I feel confident I can provide individual feedback
to students during technology use.” Based on the CTIS results, there were items ranked with low
self-efficacy, which are related to budget cuts on technology resources and the individual ability
to evaluate software for teaching and learning. According to the CTIS results, it can be
concluded that the items in the survey related to school decisions are ranked the lowest, which is
reasonable as these decisions may be beyond the control of the individuals. Items related to
personal attainment, such as teaching relevant subject content with appropriate use of technology
The four pre-service teachers who participated in the second phase of the study ranked
with various levels of self-efficacy: one teacher candidate obtained low to medium self-efficacy,
one teacher candidate obtained medium to high self-efficacy, and two clinical teachers obtained
with very high self-efficacy. The pre-service teachers shared how their background and personal
experiences influenced their perception related to technology integration. The more enactive
experiences they shared, the more confidence they displayed in their descriptions to integrate
technology. Based on both, the quantitative and the qualitative results, it was concluded that
relatives, peers, and professors play an important role in how pre-service teachers perceive their
self-efficacy with respect to technology and instruction. The participants with the highest levels
of self-efficacy shared examples of how the discourse and interactions with their relatives, peers,
and professors have played an influential role in their ability to learn and apply technology in the
classroom. The participant with the lowest level of self-efficacy shared that even when her
family encourages in her educational journey, technology has never been a topic of discussion.
The four participants also indicated that the restrictions due to COVID-19, allowed them to
witness the challenges that students and families are experiencing, which in turn has developed a
The teacher preparation program, cooperating teachers, faculty members, and clinical
program supervisors may use the results of the current study to identify the different experiences,
which have helped teacher candidates and clinical teachers acquire higher levels of self-efficacy
related to technology integration in the classroom. The experiences that impacted the most,
included interactions with peers and relatives which allowed the pre-service teacher obtain
incorporating opportunities to create and present a project to peers and their actual students in the
clinical program were also influential elements that have had a positive effect in the participants’
self-efficacy. An aspect that was found to be overwhelming for students was related to the open-
ended nature of the projects. Despite the fact, that participants had a high degree of freedom to
According to Lemon, Lemon, and Garvis (2016), there are expectations that exist around
new graduate teachers’ abilities related to the integration of technology and instruction.
Therefore, identifying pre-service teachers’ perceived level of self-efficacy and the experiences
that have shaped those perceptions was important. In the quantitative phase, the overall mean
score of 82.00 indicated a medium to high self-efficacy. In the qualitative phase those results
were explored in depth through individual interviews. Participants with higher levels of self-
experiences where the four sources of self-efficacy were described. Bandura (1997) indicated
that the enactive mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and
The qualitative phase of the study led to the development of three major themes: a)
technology beliefs, b) external influences, and c) instructional design. For the theme technology
beliefs, participants who described having multiple opportunities to explore technology appeared
to have higher levels of self-efficacy and more willingness to continue learning about technology
integration. Based on the results, the technology beliefs are influenced and shaped by those
opportunities of exploration. The participants shared how previous jobs, where technology use
was required also helped them get acquainted with digital tools. The coursework required in
preparation programs also played an influential role in technology beliefs. The restrictions
imposed as a result of COVID-19 also allowed teacher candidates and clinical teachers to
understand students’ and families’ perspectives about remote learning. Pre-service teachers in a
preparation program are still developing and shaping their craft, learning from professors;
therefore, they appeared to have a clear connection with their own students in the clinical
program. The participants displayed compassion about the challenges that students in elementary
The external influences theme was generated as a result of participants mentioning their
relatives, professors, and peers. The study indicated that the participants with high levels of self-
efficacy have relatives in which conversations related to technology take place on a regular basis.
From the four participants, three shared different experiences related to family support: a brother
acted as a mentee for the participant, a parent acted as a role model, and a son played the role of
a student. Every relative provided a different perspective to the pre-service teacher. The family
members acted as motivators and also as source of feedback to improve. The encouragement and
guidance provided by professors in the preparation programs were also factors in self-efficacy.
The participants mentioned how they feel responsibility to help peers when they struggle, which
serve as an indicator that they feel capable to assist others. This as a consequence, intensifies
their self-efficacy.
The instructional design theme was originated as pre-service teachers described how the
standards, grade level, and goals were important components when planning for a project or
lesson. However, one of the participant’s concerns was in relation to students’ previous
experience with technology. The teacher candidates and clinical teachers indicated a high sense
of awareness about the fact that not everyone is on the same level when it comes to technology.
In addition, it was emphasized that student access to computers was always an element that was
assessed during instructional design. Student access to technology has been one of the main
challenges during their clinical experience, which has been affected by the challenges and
restrictions due to COVID-19. Another concern shared was related to how infrastructure can
both limit and boost the teachers’ self-efficacy, which ultimately can impede the ability to teach
According to Nordlöf, Hallströ, & Höst (2019), self-efficacy mainly comes from
experience, education, and interest. During the current study, the participants mentioned having a
high degree of freedom as to what to include in the projects. For participants with low self-
efficacy levels this “freedom” may be intimidating. Therefore, providing clear guidelines and
even peer support could make a difference to improve self-efficacy with technology integration.
Implications for Practice
The study aimed to identify the experiences that influence the self-efficacy of pre-service
teachers. The four sources of self-efficacy (Bandura, 1997) were the framework to guide the
study. Using the TPACK as the framework to inquire on the artifact portion of the interview also
helped identify the elements that pre-service teachers consider when designing a project or
activity with a technology component. This portion of the interview that addressed the project or
teachers to design instructional activities that can be used in their prospective classrooms.
real contexts. Therefore, it is important for teacher preparation programs to include coursework
where future educators experiment and explore a variety of digital tools. An approach that may
be useful for preparation programs is to provide teacher candidates and clinical teachers with
specific guidelines and a checklist based on the TPACK model. The checklist may serve as a
guide to design a lesson that integrates components related to technology, pedagogy, and content.
service teachers complete the Computer Technology Integrated Survey (CTIS) at the beginning
of the semester. The results obtained in the survey will inform the professors the level of self-
efficacy and the type of assistance that will be required by the pre-service teachers. Using the
CTIS prior the elaboration of the projects will allow the professors to accommodate according to
the needs of their students. For example, for a pre-service teacher that is categorized as level 1
(low to medium self-efficacy), the professor may provide specific guidelines, a checklist, and
may be provided with a checklist and peer collaboration only. Pre-service teachers categorized as
level 3 (very high self-efficacy) may serve as in-class tutors to provide assistance and
Once the digital tools are explored and the instructional activities are adequately
designed, obtaining feedback from peers and professors could assist the refining of the project.
Providing additional directions and guidance may be beneficial for pre-service teachers with
investigations that involve discussions with relatives related to technology may also be a factor
Richardson (2020), Design Thinking offers a framework for teachers to engage with problems of
practice. This framework explains the role of teachers as designers and problem solvers. These
characteristics can be attained with proper training in their respective preparation programs.
Despite the fact that there were no specific questions related to COVID-19, every participant
shared how the global pandemic shaped their perspectives on technology and instruction. The
pre-service teachers had to learn new strategies and tools “on the go.” Therefore, it is important
to address how to handle unexpected situations in education. The challenges of the current
school year faced by future and current educators required them to be persistent, flexible, and
creative. DeLuca, Coombs, and LaPointe-McEwan (2019) indicated that a growth mindset
involves believing that ability, intelligence, and talent can be developed through effort,
provide opportunities where future educators assess the importance of a growth mindset and how
this attribute may contribute to a positive outcome when trying new endeavors.
The population for the study was small due to limitations that may have to do with the
restrictions and struggles associated with COVID-19. The results obtained in the study indicated
that pre-service teachers benefit from participating in technology-based projects which enhance
their self-efficacy. The interactions with peers were also a factor that positively contributed to
self-efficacy. Maintaining an open communication with professors was another element that
related to technology beginning at the preservice level, educators may begin to change their
beliefs about technology and move toward cultivating equitable learning opportunities for
students (Siefert, et al., 2019). Based on the results of the study, it was determined that teacher
preparation programs may include multiple opportunities for pre-service teachers to design
lessons and activities that have technology, pedagogy, and content intertwined, with clear
The limitations and delimitations of the study offer opportunities for further research. The
current study was delimited to teacher candidates and clinical teachers seeking an initial teaching
certification in a public university of South Texas. The study was also delimited to participants
that have taken or are currently taking at least one technology-based course. The study may be
replicated using a longitudinal study, which may provide additional insight related to the self-
efficacy of pre-service teachers at the beginning and end of the clinical experience. The study
may also be replicated using different demographics to obtain conclusions related to specific age
groups and different universities to obtain a different perspective of their teacher preparation
programs. The participants of the current study were not able to participate in their clinical
beneficial to follow up on the same generation of educators that will be graduating in 2021 to
obtain the perspective of new graduates. This will be useful in understanding the specific needs
of a new generation of teachers, who are facing the challenges of an imminent new virtual and
The current study was conducted during a school year subjected to multiple restrictions
materials to virtual materials, creating resources to support learning, such as videos and online
visuals. The tools that are needed such as document cameras, multiple computer screens, and
headsets may now be a part of the new normal in instruction. Learning about how to properly set
up a teacher station to teach virtually will now be an aspect to consider by teacher preparation
programs. Therefore, it would be relevant to explore how COVID-19 has changed the approach
of preparation programs. Two school years have been affected by the global pandemic: 2019-
2020 and 2020-2021. Many educators were required to learn, for the first time, strategies to teach
remotely and hence the importance of identifying how COVID-19 shaped teachers’ perspectives
in technology integration. Looking at the upcoming school year: 2021-2022 where it is likely
that COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted, it will be pertinent to identify the new practices that
Final Remarks
There are multiple expectations around first year teachers, therefore it was important to
identify experiences that influence the self-efficacy of pre-service teachers that are on the verge
of graduation. The results of the study showed that there is a connection between positive
technology experiences with higher levels of self-efficacy. Therefore, teacher preparation
programs must create multiple opportunities to integrate technology in different contexts. The
qualitative results allowed to explain the quantitative results in detail, which showed that there
are opportunities for program refinement. Peer collaboration, family encouragement, and
design and showcase technology-based projects allowed to identify the elements incorporated by
pre-service teachers. This information may be used by professors to help future teachers
The need to integrate technology in the classroom was evident. Now more than ever, new
teachers will be expected to use technology effectively. This will require a conscious effort by
teacher preparation programs to equip future educators to be proficient. The pre-service teachers
who participated in the study navigated their clinical experience program with unique challenges
due to COVID-19. The teacher candidates and clinical teachers did not have the opportunity to
interact face to face with their students, yet they demonstrated resiliency in overcoming the
challenges of the current school year. Despite the fact that none of the participants considered
themselves experts in their field, they indicated determination and commitment to continue
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Appendix C. Computer Technology Integration Survey as it relates to the TPACK model ...... 113
Appendix A
PART 1 Demographic Information
Directions: Please read and answer each question.
1. Age
o 18-24
o 25-29
o 30-34
o 35-39
o 40-44
o 45-49
o 50-54
o 55 or older
2. Gender
o Male
o Female
o Prefer not to answer
3. Ethnicity
o Asian
o Black/African
o White
o Hispanic
o Native American
o Pacific Islander
o Mixed Race
o Prefer not to answer
4. Certification
o Core Subjects EC-6
o Special Education EC-12
5. Have you taken or are you currently taking any computer-related or technology-related
o Yes
o No
o Not Sure
6. If “Yes,” please provide details such as the name of the course and any general
description that you would like to share.
9. Do you possess a project or a lesson with a technology component that you would like to
discuss about during the interview?
o Yes
o No
10. If you are willing to participate in the individual interview, please provide your contact
Name: ________________________________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________
Phone Number: ____________________________________________
Part II: Computer Technology Integrated Survey
Directions: The purpose of this survey is to determine how you feel about integrating
technology into classroom teaching. For each statement below, indicate the strength of your
agreement or disagreement by circling one of the five scales.
Technology integration:
Using computers to support students as they construct their own knowledge through the
completion of authentic, meaningful tasks.
• Students working on research projects, obtaining information from the Internet.
• Students constructing Web pages to show their projects to others.
• Students using application software to create student products.
Using the above as a baseline, please circle one response for each of the statements in the
5 I feel confident that I can use correct SD D NA/ND A SA
computer terminology when directing
students' computer use.
6 I feel confident I can help students SD D NA/ND A SA
when they have difficulty with the
7 I feel confident I can effectively SD D NA/ND A SA
monitor students' computer use for
project development in my classroom.
8 I feel confident that I can motivate SD D NA/ND A SA
my students to participate in
technology-based projects.
9 I feel confident I can mentor students SD D NA/ND A SA
in appropriate uses of technology.
10 I feel confident I can consistently use SD D NA/ND A SA
educational technology in effective
11 I feel confident I can provide SD D NA/ND A SA
individual feedback to students during
technology use.
12 I feel confident I can regularly SD D NA/ND A SA
incorporate technology into my
lessons, when appropriate to student
13 I feel confident about selecting SD D NA/ND A SA
appropriate technology for instruction
based on curriculum standards.
14 I feel confident about assigning and SD D NA/ND A SA
grading technology-based projects.
15 I feel confident about keeping SD D NA/ND A SA
curricular goals and technology uses
in mind when selecting an ideal way
to assess student learning.
16 I feel confident about using SD D NA/ND A SA
technology resources (such as
spreadsheets, electronic portfolios,
etc.) to collect and analyze data from:
student tests and products to improve
instructional practices.
17 I feel confident that I will be SD D NA/ND A SA
comfortable using technology in my
18 I feel confident I can be responsive to SD D NA/ND A SA
students' needs during computer use.
19 I feel confident that, as time goes by, SD D NA/ND A SA
my ability to address my students'
technology needs will continue to
20 I feel confident that I can develop SD D NA/ND A SA
creative ways to cope with system
constraints (such as budget cuts on
technology facilities) and continue to
teach effectively with technology.
21 I feel confident that I can carry out SD D NA/ND A SA
technology-based projects even when
I am opposed by skeptical colleagues.
Appendix B
Interview Protocol
1. Tell me about your background in technology Opening question that may relate
usage and integration. to any of the four sources of self-
2. What experiences influence your decision-making Mastery Experiences
on your choice of tools, applications, and devices
to integrate when using technology to teach?
3. How have your peers’ successes or struggles Vicarious Experiences
shaped your beliefs in technology integration?
4. How have other people encouraged you to Verbal Persuasion
integrate technology?
5. How do you feel when you integrate technology in Physiological and Affective
your teaching? States
6. What challenges or barriers, if any, you are most Question that may relate to any of
likely to find when integrating technology? the four sources of self-efficacy
7. Describe your activity, lesson, or project in which Question that inquires on any
you used technology. of the TPACK components
8. How do you describe your experience designing Pedagogy Knowledge and
this project? Technology Knowledge
9. What was the context in which the activity was Content Knowledge and
developed (targeted content area, grade level)? Pedagogy Knowledge
Appendix C
Using the above as a baseline, please circle one response for each of the statements in the table:
12 I feel confident I can regularly incorporate TCK Technological Content
technology into my lessons, when Knowledge
appropriate to student learning.
13 I feel confident about selecting appropriate TPACK Technological Pedagogical
technology for instruction based on Content Knowledge
curriculum standards.
14 I feel confident about assigning and TCK Technological Content
grading technology-based projects. Knowledge
15 I feel confident about keeping curricular TCK Technological Content
goals and technology uses in mind when Knowledge
selecting an ideal way to assess student
16 I feel confident about using technology TPACK Technological Pedagogical
resources (such as spreadsheets, electronic Content Knowledge
portfolios, etc.) to collect and analyze data
from: student tests and products to improve
instructional practices.
17 I feel confident that I will be comfortable TPK Technological Pedagogical
using technology in my teaching. Knowledge
18 I feel confident I can be responsive to T Technology
students' needs during computer use.
19 I feel confident that, as time goes by, my T Technology
ability to address my students' technology
needs will continue to improve.
20 I feel confident that I can develop creative PCK Technological Pedagogical
ways to cope with system constraints (such Content Knowledge
as budget cuts on technology facilities) and
continue to teach effectively with
21 I feel confident that I can carry out T Technology
technology-based projects even when I am
opposed by skeptical colleagues.
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