Holiday Election

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RAILWAY South East Central Railway

HST OT4TT, Divisional Office,
I farT, Personnel Department,
fpHd, TTTYT, Kingsway, Nagpur-440001
No. P/NGP/RUL/2018/04/07
Date:- 19.11.2024

S.E.C. Railway, Nagpur Division.

Sub:- Closing of Central Government Offices in connection with Legislative Assembly

Election of Maharashtra State-2024.
Ref:- 1) RBE No. 21/2009 (SECR Estt. Rule No. 36/2009).
2) DoPT'S 0.M. No. F.No. 12/1/2022-JCA, dated 07.11.2024.
3) Government of Maharashtra's Notification No. RNI No. MAHBIL/2009/31745
dated 31.10.2024.

In pursuance of instructions under reference, all Administrative and relevant

Offices/Organizations shall remain closed on the day of polling i.e. on 20.11.2024
(Wednesday) due to Legislative Assembly Election of Maharashtra State-2024. Allother
open line units which are essential for train operations, like stations, maintenance depots,
sheds, power houses, etc. shall remain open and function normally. The Railway servants
working in such units who are voters in that constituency may, on the day of polling, be given
the facility of coming late or leaving early ora short absence during the course of the day of
polling, subject to exigencies of service, to enable them tocast their vote. Further, as per
instructions circulated vide RBE No. 21/2009 (Copy enclosed) is to be regulated for grant of
one day SCL on the day of polling.

Encl:- As above.
(Uday Kunar Bharti)
Sr. Divisional Personnel Officer,
S.E.C. Railway, Nagpur

Copy forwarded for kind information to:

1. PCPO/SECR/Bilaspur.
for Sr.DPO/SECR/Nagpur

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