Agricultural Advice Science MOBILE PHONES
Agricultural Advice Science MOBILE PHONES
Agricultural Advice Science MOBILE PHONES
Mobile phones can benefit farmers in low- and middle-income countries by improving access to
agricultural advice and market price information. Mobile technologies, particularly smartphones, have the
potential to bring sophisticated science-based agricultural advice to smallholder farmers to improve TOMORROW’S EARTH
productivity, especially under rapidly changing economic and environmental conditions. However, market Read more articles online
failures likely preclude efficient scaling of valuable digital advice applications. at
Farmers can tailor their investment decisions
obile phones have penetrated the de- enabled smartphones will create opportuni- to expected weather patterns and benefit
veloping world to a greater extent than ties for customization and two-way commu- from improvements in weather forecasting
most other technologies (Fig. 1). More nication, but an interdisciplinary effort will (25, 26). Customized information allows farm-
than three of four people in low- and be required to experiment with different ap- ers to choose language, dialect, or literacy
middle-income countries (LMICs) own proaches and rigorously measure impact. Dis- levels. Mobile technologies can also provide
a phone. Approximately one in three people tortions in the markets for information limit reminders and other nudges to address be-
have internet access, and access is expected the ability of systems to reach the socially ef- havioral biases (27).
to increase markedly as smartphone costs ficient scale through purely commercial means, Running these systems at scale allows for
decline (1). such that scaling programs beyond their cur- testing variations to establish the most effec-
The spread of phones presents opportu- rent modest levels will likely involve an active tive approaches (A/B testing) and feedback
nities for digital development by reducing public-sector role. loops to improve accuracy and effectiveness
information acquisition costs, allowing cus- of messages over time. Images taken from
tomization of information, and enabling mon- Traditional agricultural extension satellites can provide rich data about crop
itoring and accountability in public services Raising agricultural productivity is critical to growth and, when linked with Geographic
(1–3). Digital technologies have been deployed reducing poverty and satisfying the growing Information System (GIS) on plot boundaries,
in a range of sectors—including finance, edu- global food demand (10) in the face of envi- can improve measurements of productivity at
cation, health, and civic participation—to im- ronmental stress and climate change. Improved scale and allow for ongoing experimentation
prove development outcomes (1, 4, 5). access to agricultural information and target- (28, 29). Mobile phones facilitate two-way
The proliferation of phones may also carry ing of agricultural inputs can raise agricultural communication, whereby farmers can ask
risks, such as the potential to exacerbate vio- productivity and reduce negative environmen- questions and request information. Such
lent conflict (6), enable state surveillance and tal footprints (11, 12). platforms can also provide opportunities
propaganda (7), accelerate the spread of fake Nevertheless, most smallholder farmers lack for networking and information exchange
news via social media, or further widen in- access to science-based agricultural advice. Al- among farmers. Information from farmers
equality because of uneven access to digital though ~400,000 agricultural extension agents using the system can further improve future
technologies (8, 9). Finance and governance (13) are employed by governments in LMICs, recommendations for all users.
systems will affect the sustainability, scale, the ratio of farmers to extension workers ex- As smartphone use continues to expand,
equitable reach, and effective design and im- ceeds 1000 to 1 in many countries (14). Trans- farmers will increasingly have the means to
plementation of these systems. port budgets are often meager, and training, watch videos demonstrating new agricultural
We review the evidence on “digital agricul- management, and accountability of extension techniques or take pictures of pests affecting
ture.” With current technologies, impacts on workers are inadequate. In India, only 6% of their crops and either request automatic iden-
farming practices and yields are modest in farmers report having received any advice tification and recommendations or raise ques-
absolute terms but large relative to the cost from an extension agent in the past year, and tions with agronomists (30). Smartphones may
of information delivery. The spread of GPS- 70% of farmers distrust extension worker rec- also provide farmers access to interventions
ommendations (15). and apps that can enhance psychological well-
More generally, there is limited evidence of being (31). Increased aspirations, grit, and
Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of extension services’ impact or cost effective- improved mental health may boost farmer
Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA. 2Department of ness (13, 16). Extension workers have been income by increasing investment and facil-
Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
3 found to favor their own social networks itating learning among farmers (32–34).
Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. (17) and neglect the most vulnerable farmers Mobile phones may create opportunities to
*Corresponding author. Email: (18, 19) and women (20, 21). complement and strengthen existing in-person
agricultural extension efforts. Many agricul- demonstration plots or conducting training Finally, digital agricultural services can im-
tural extension workers already have smart- sessions. Mobile phones could also be used prove the functioning of agricultural supply
phones and thus could download information to improve accountability among extension chains. For example, these services could make
on pests, flooding, or other problems arising in workers—for example, by allowing extension it easier for farmers to check and compare
their region, as well as information needed to workers and their supervisors to set goals and input or output prices, potentially lowering
respond to farmer queries. Automatic notifica- track performance, enabling automatic collection markups; notify farmers whether inputs are
tions can allow extension agents to alert farm- of feedback from farmers, or tracking wheth- in stock with particular dealers; and facilitate
ers in their region when they are visiting er extension agents actually visit farmers. coordination among farmers in an area and
with traders. Firms could use projections of annoyed by unwanted spam messages or feel planned adoption of recommended agricul-
harvest quality to inform lending decisions patronized by reminders and exhortations tural inputs and practices (44–46). Each of these
(35). Satellite-based yield assessment could be (36). Taken together, such issues could lead outcome variables has limitations. Knowledge
used to inform social insurance programs to reduced trust in the messaging system. may or may not translate into behavior change.
that provide support for farmers in response Realizing the potential of customization and Relying on self-reported data on the use of
to weather or pest disasters. two-way communication in LMICs carries par- inputs may lead to overestimation of impact.
However, despite the potential of digital agri- ticular challenges. Customization requires in- For example, farmers who receive messages
culture advisory services, reasons for skepticism formation about a farm’s location, which is advocating certain behavior may over-report
remain. Overcoming informational constraints difficult to collect remotely unless farmers this behavior because of social desirability bias.
may not result in substantially increased agri- have GPS-enabled smartphones, because in Indeed, a recent meta-analysis of four trials in
cultural productivity, given the existence of many countries there is a lack of precisely- Kenya found that the measured impact of
other barriers such as credit constraints, input defined physical addresses (37), area names mobile phone messages using self-reported
shortages at local markets, and missing insur- are often ambiguous, and user text entry is data exceeded the impacts based on admin-
ance markets and infrastructure (12). Even to error prone (38). Gathering agricultural data istrative data (47).
the extent that informational barriers are im- from farmers is challenging because response To alleviate such concerns, administrative
portant, mobile phone messages may not rates to phone surveys are typically low; farm- data on input purchases from agricultural
overcome them: Some farmers ignore messages, ers may be hesitant to provide accurate infor- suppliers or redemption of discount coupons
especially from unknown sources, because phone mation; and some information, such as exact were used to measure farmer behavior in six
spam is common in many LMICs. Some farmers yields, can be difficult to quantify. experimental evaluations of text messaging
are illiterate and have difficulty using voice programs that encouraged farmers in East
menus. Senders may design obscure and con- Impacts of digital agriculture: Africa to use locally appropriate inputs (47).
fusing messages or may provide messages Empirical evidence Figure 2 depicts the results from a meta-
designed to target objectives at odds with Earlier reviews of the impacts of digital agri- analysis of these studies, which found that the
farmer interests, such as messages aimed at cultural extension report mixed results and odds ratio for following the recommendation
increasing sales of inappropriate agricultural considerable context dependence (39–43). How- to purchase agricultural lime, an input to
inputs. Certain kinds of information may be ever, sufficient evidence is now emerging to reduce soil acidity, is 1.22 [95% confidence
too complicated to convey by text or voice; begin quantitatively assessing the farmer-level interval (CI): 1.13 to 1.31]. For context, the
effective communication may require pictures impact of digital agricultural extension by proportion of people acquiring recommended
or video. Smartphones are thus required to meta-analysis. inputs in each of the control groups ranged
receive these messages, but few smallholder from 0.03 to 0.32.
farmers currently have access to this technol- Impacts on individual farmers Some of the individual experiments had
ogy in the poorest countries. Finally, farmers Several experimental studies have found that statistically significant impacts and others
may begin to ignore reminders or nudges if mobile phone–based programs increase farm- did not. However, we cannot reject the hy-
they are repeated too often, or they may be er knowledge and self-reported adoption or pothesis that the effects were the same across
contexts and that the estimated effects dif- workers (51), and a program in Ghana de- advanced technology, such as video, and bet-
fered only because of sampling variation, livered by community extension workers who ter customization to local conditions. Video-
which suggests that we need to be cautious relied on a mobile software application (52). based interventions and a gamified app have
in claims regarding heterogeneous treatment Several statistical approaches indicate that also been found to improve knowledge and
effects and, in particular, in interpreting the digitally delivered advice to farmers increases farmers’ practices (30, 50, 53, 54).
sources of differences in estimated effects yields by ~4% (see supplementary materials). As noted, traditional in-person agricultural
across studies. Combining these estimates Notably, the impacts are not larger for services extension has been found to favor certain
with agricultural trial data on the impact on that include more costly in-person compo- groups. It seems likely that digital extension
yields of treating soil with lime suggests that nents. On average, the value of increased will also favor men, as well as richer, younger,
farm profits increased by one to two orders output greatly exceeds the marginal cost of and more educated farmers with better digital
of magnitude beyond the marginal cost of delivery via mobile phones, such that policy- access. However, current data are inconclusive,
sending the messages. Similar estimates were makers would invest in mobile-based programs and it is possible that biases will be less se-
found for fertilizer purchases (47). unless they are highly risk-averse. vere than with in-person extension. Cole and
Figure 3 reports on a complementary meta- Several factors suggest that the true returns Fernando (46) report suggestive evidence that
analysis measuring the impact of experimen- to investment in digital agricultural extension richer farmers were modestly more engaged
tally evaluated digital agricultural extension may be higher than these numbers suggest. in the service they studied and were more
interventions on farm yields or harvest value First, farmers who receive information via dig- likely to adopt recommended practices. In con-
(unfortunately we do not have sufficient data ital agricultural extension sometimes transmit trast, Fabregas et al. (47) found little evidence of
on farm costs to estimate impacts on profits). it to other farmers, thus creating additional heterogeneous impact in their meta-analysis,
This analysis encompasses four trials of mes- benefits (46, 47). Second, to the extent that although the underlying studies did not include
sages delivered purely through mobile phones: impacts vary across contexts and policy-makers farmers without phones.
two text message interventions with sugarcane have data to assess impact in their own context,
farmers in Kenya (48) and two season mea- there is value in testing such systems, assessing Market- or system-level impacts
sures for an interactive voice response (IVR) their effects, and adjusting policy accordingly. Beyond individual-level effects, digital tech-
intervention with cotton farmers in India (46). Unsuccessful programs can be abandoned and nologies can also affect farmers by altering
It also includes four studies with an in-person successful ones scaled up. Finally, impacts are entire markets or systems. In particular, im-
component: two video interventions with maize likely to improve over time as farmers learn to proved access to price information can enable
and rice farmers in Uganda implemented via use the systems, program operators improve farmers to sell their products in markets with
in-person visits (49, 50), a program providing message content and delivery through A/B higher prices and reduce price dispersion
customized information on rice cultivation to trials, and smartphone use spreads, enabling across markets. By reducing waste of perish-
Nigerian farmers offered through extension digital extension services to incorporate more able goods and the need for middlemen,
Fig. 4. Farmer valuation curve and usage under a subscription model. Given the downward-sloping valuation (or demand) curve, P* is the profit-maximizing
price. Usage at this price is lower than the socially efficient level, giving rise to a deadweight loss. Firms would not be able to cover fixed costs if they set prices at the
distribution costs. Firms will invest in a system only if the development costs are less than the expected profits, whereas a hypothetical benevolent social planner
would invest as long as costs are less than the sum of profits, farmer surplus, and deadweight loss.
improved information access can thus increase ers are common, but by establishing a hotline level, phone surveys allow collection of high-
producer prices and lower average prices for for farmers to report problems, late delivery frequency survey data on agricultural produc-
consumers. Access to mobile phones allowed was reduced by 23% and nondelivery by 54%. tion at a much lower cost than traditional
Indian fishermen to compare prices while still The benefits spill over to neighbors because methods (68). Yet despite some successes in
at sea and then transport their catch to the mark- the company schedules deliveries to neighbor- eliciting information through phone-based
ets offering the highest prices, thus causing a ing farms at the same time. feedback tools (69), phone surveys are plagued
reduction in price dispersion across markets An important area for future work is ex- with low response rates and thus may be sub-
(55). Fewer fish were wasted, profits increased ploring whether digital agriculture can address ject to selection bias. If users are required to
by 8%, and consumer prices declined by 4%. supply chain problems, such as limited compe- provide information to access content, they
Studies in Uganda and Niger recorded sim- tition and high markups (65) and adulteration may prioritize speed over accuracy, degrading
ilar results for other crops (56–58); delivering and counterfeiting of inputs (66). Moreover, the quality of information.
price information for staple grains was also studying the distributional effects of different Systems that foster information exchange
found to cause positive effects in Ghana and interventions, arising from a combination of to facilitate participation and truthfulness
Peru (59, 60). In contrast, sending farmers the direct effects of receiving digital advice by using a “Netflix model” are one solution.
price and weather information through text itself and through positive or negative spill- Netflix shares recommendations for video
messages and phone calls did not affect av- overs of interventions, remains a fruitful area content with its users and tethers those rec-
erage prices for crops from farmers in India for investigation. ommendations to what users have liked in
or Colombia (61–63). These differences are the past. This procedure incentivizes users to
hypothesized to result from a combination Learning from farmers share information with the platform to im-
of factors, including differences in target pop- A key open empirical question is the extent prove the quality of its future recommenda-
ulations, crop varieties, the importance of in- to which mobile systems can gather valuable tions. This information is then used to benefit
formational constraints, message design, and information from farmers, which in turn can other users of the service by improving the
barriers to the effective use of information and be used to inform other farmers. In the United quality of Netflix’s recommendations to them.
communications technology (41). States, Farmers Business Network applies ma- A comparable model could potentially work
Digital technologies may also improve sup- chine learning to hundreds of thousands of for agriculture. Farmers could be convinced to
ply chains by helping farmers shop for ade- acre-years of data to provide high-quality yield supply information on what has recently worked
quate inputs or report inefficiencies or fraud. predictions for seed varieties (67). Mobile phone for them, because doing so would improve
Casaburi et al. (64) examined a contract-farm systems in LMICs could potentially be used to the advice the mobile-advisory service pro-
setting in which farmers sign contracts with a collect data to serve as inputs in machine learn- vides them in the future. Such a system would
sugar company in Kenya. The company pro- ing applications, learn from farmers’ experi- incentivize farmers to share their experiences,
vides agrochemical inputs to farmers and then ences with particular agricultural technologies, because sharing would enable them to receive
deducts the costs of the inputs from the and facilitate networking among farmers. better-tailored recommendations. The result-
amount it pays farmers for the sugarcane. De- However, gathering high-quality data from ing data could also be used to improve recom-
lays or failures in fertilizer deliveries to farm- farmers is challenging. At the most basic mendations for other, similar farmers.
Financing and governance of digital the creation of the service and the conditions un- agricultural practices may differ from year
agriculture systems der which it will be privately profitable to do so. to year, it may be difficult for farmers to as-
Digital agricultural extension systems cur- More sophisticated forms of subscription sess the quality of advice, even after they pur-
rently reach only a small proportion of farmers models may ameliorate these distortions. To chase it.
(70). Here, we discuss barriers to commercial the extent that firms can charge different Weak regulation makes it difficult to trust
scaling, as well as problems with public scal- prices for information on the basis of farmers’ those selling information. Fraudulent operators
ing and emerging evidence on ways to ad- willingness to pay, these firms can serve more can set up firms and offer useless information.
dress them. farmers and increase their profits. “Freemium” Even firms with legitimate information would
models are a step in this direction because they have incentives to inflate the benefits of their
Barriers to scaling of subscription models give consumers a chance to learn about the information. Farmers may thus discount any
Many of the efforts to establish digital exten- quality of advice before they pay for it. claims and reduce their willingness to pay for
sion systems, such as iCow Global in Kenya or Nonrivalry does not imply that no knowledge- information. Markets for information can un-
RML Agtech in India, have sought to finance creation investments will be commercially ravel entirely, preventing any transactions.
themselves by selling subscriptions to farmers, viable. Indeed, a considerable share of all Sellers address this issue by investing in a
but these types of efforts have reached only a research and development investment is made reputation for trustworthiness, but this involves
small fraction of the potential market (70). by the private sector. If the only market failure some costs, and farmers may still retain doubts.
Economic theory suggests that three features associated with agricultural information mar- Beyond these distortions specific to agricul-
of markets for agricultural information— kets was nonrivalry, then a subscription model tural information markets, other factors make
nonrivalry, nonexcludability, and asymmetric might become viable once technological prog- selling any investment product in these mar-
information—make it difficult for pure sub- ress and the spread of smartphones and data kets difficult. Many developing-country farm-
This approach may be particularly effective to market failures, government solutions are warrant waiving rules against sending un-
when the buyer cares not only about the extra subject to government failures. Governments solicited information. As smartphones and
profits from greater input supply, but also are not known for nimble product develop- data plans spread, it will become cheaper to
about farmers. Dairy farmers, for example, ment or user-friendly technology interfaces, distribute content to farmers, so nonexclud-
often organize themselves into cooperatives and they lack the immediate customer feed- ability of information will be less of a barrier to
that jointly buy milk-processing equipment. back mechanism the market provides. Gov- information provision. But it is likely to become
In some cases, lenders also provide digital ernment agencies often provide agricultural more difficult to control the provision of mis-
agricultural advice. information that might be too technical or leading information, and hence asymmetric
detailed for communicating with the average information may become more of a problem.
Advertising and selling inputs farmer. For example, several Indian state gov- Customization could have great potential
Digital agricultural extension providers could ernments distribute personalized soil health benefits, but it also raises questions about how
also try to finance themselves by selling ad- cards, based on local soil tests, to farmers. These to protect users’ privacy. Governments must
vertising, selling own-brand inputs, or enter- cards are difficult for farmers to understand, decide whether and under what circumstances
ing strategic alliances with agricultural input and many farmers report never receiving them to share contact information for agricultural
providers. Incentives such as commissions can (15). Those who do receive the report cards extension agents or farmers.
lead to biased advice (78); nevertheless, some often distrust the content (79). Simplifying Regulatory issues arise even for messages
firms succeed in developing a reputation for the design, making the cards less technical, sent by government agencies. Messages from
providing objective advice. For example, Farm- and complementing them with information an agricultural ministry, for example, could
ers Business Network in the United States has delivered by mobile phones increased baseline crowd out equally important health messages.
grown rapidly with a financial model based on comprehension from 8% to at least 40% (15). Messages that misleadingly imply that socially
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