न्यू ट्रेंड इन agriculture
न्यू ट्रेंड इन agriculture
न्यू ट्रेंड इन agriculture
Course Title- Fundamentals of Agriculture Extension
Cyber extension
According to Sharma (2005) Cyber extension can be defined as the “Extension over cyber
space”. Cyber extension means “using the power of online networks, computer communications and
includes effective use of information and communication technology, national and international
information networks, internet, expert system, multimedia learning systems and computer based
training systems to improve information access to the farmers, extension workers, research scientists
IT and ICT
and telephony. Therefore, ICT can be seen as an extended acronym for IT.
IT and ICT
extension Cyber extension can provide large amount of information to farmers. Some of
direction and speed of wind, rain fall, relative humidity and weather forecasting.
Insurance: Detail information about insurance of farmers, his crop, animal and
Education: Detail information about farmers training and educational knowledge of his
Animal Science: The detail regarding the local animal and well known diseases,
Issues of sustainability.
Farmer-Led Extension
The farmer led extension approach gives farmers
Farmer-to-Farmer extension the opportunity to share their experiences and practices
is defined here as “the through a method demo with fellow farmers in the area.
It was noted that farmers who were successful in
provision of training by their farming venture have established credibility among
their peers. In selecting the farmer extensionist, the
farmers to farmers, often primary consideration is- he should be an innovative
through the creation of a farmer, active and hardworking, honest and credible
interested in learning, accepted and committed to the
structure of farmer promoters community, and most importantly interested to share his
knowledge and skills. Likewise a farmer extensionist must
and farmer trainers. have conducted a techno demo trial and field day,
preferably attended the FFS. He must also have the
capacity and willingness to finance the cost of technology.
1. Farmers to farmer
Market-Led Extension
With globalization of the market, farmers need to
transform themselves from mere producers sellers in the
domestic market to producers cum sellers in a wider
market sense to best realize the returns on their
investments, risks and efforts.
Agriculture without economy is nothing. So the
market linkage is a must for agriculture. Market is
congregation of prospective buyers and sellers with a
common motive of trading a particular commodity.
Extension is the spreading/ reaching out to the mass.
Market-led extension is the agriculture and economics
coupled with extension is the perfect blend for reaching at
the door steps of common man with the help of
technology. Market led extension is the market ward
orientation of agriculture through extension.
Does anyone have any questions?
+91 9584510900