그래머큐 Intermediate 2권 Unlocked

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Grammar is Understanding

Intermediate 2

그래머큐_INTER 2_부속.indd 1 2019-10-24 오전 11:11:37

Intermediate 2

지은이 김기훈, 쎄듀 영어교육연구센터

디렉터 오혜정
편집 라임나무
마케팅 민혜정, 문병철, 장은비
영업 문병구, 장동철
제작 정승호
인디자인 편집 올댓에디팅
디자인 윤혜영, 이연수
일러스트 날램, 리지, 그림숲
영문교열 Adam Miller

그래머큐_INTER 2_부속.indd 2 2019-10-24 오전 11:11:37


Grammar Q 시리즈, 이렇게 바뀌었습니다.

대한민국 영어교육의 최전선에서 다년간 수많은 학생들을 지도해 오면서 얻은 교수 경험과 연구 성과를 바탕으로 만들
어진 Grammar Q 시리즈는 출간 이후 우리나라 영어 학습 환경에 최적화된 교재로 자리매김하였습니다. 외국어로서
의 진정한 영어 학습뿐만 아니라 효과적인 내신 대비를 위해 철저한 이론적 분석과 현직 교강사의 검토를 거쳐 만들어
진 Grammar Q 시리즈가 더욱 알차게 바뀌었습니다.

새로워진 Grammar Q의 특징은 다음과 같습니다.

1 개정 교육과정 완벽 반영
개정 교육과정과 새로운 중학교 검정 교과서 10종을 연구하여 이를 토대로 Grammar Q의 수록 문법 규칙을
선정하였습니다. 개정 교육과정에 명시된 중학 수준에서 목표하는 문법 규칙을 모두 포함하고 있으며, 개정 후
중학 수준에서 배제되는 항목들은 중요도와 기출빈도를 고려하여 수록하였습니다.
● 기존 교육과정 ● 개정 교육과정

초 중 고 수록 여부

If를 생략한 가정법 Had I had enough money, I would have bought a cell phone. ● ●

not A but B He came not to complain, but to help us. ● ●

위와 같이 개정을 통해 중학교 교과과정에서 고등학교 교육과정으로 이동한 일부 문법 규칙은 중요도와 난이도,

기출빈도를 함께 분석하여 Grammar Q 시리즈에서 학습하기도 합니다.

2 최신 기출 유형 & 서술형 보강
전국의 중학교 1~3학년 내신 문법 문제를 취합·분석하여 신유형의 출제 경향을 반영했습니다. Unit마다 다양
한 연습 문제 유형으로 문법 규칙을 바르게 이해하였는지 확인하고 실제와 유사한 수준의 최신 유형의 문제를 풀
며 실전 감각을 키우도록 합니다. 또한, 서술형 문제의 중요도와 비율이 커지고 있음을 적극 반영하여 이를 충분
히 연습할 수 있도록 구성했습니다.

3 자세하고 친절한 설명
영어 자체를 이해하는 데 방해가 되는 어려운 용어 사용을 지양하고, 지나치게 간결하고 딱딱한 개념 설명은 아
주 쉽고 친절하게 풀어 썼습니다. 또한, 흥미롭고 유익한 예문을 통해 설명함으로써 어려운 영문법에 쉽게 접근
할 수 있습니다.

모든 학습자들이 새로워진 Grammar Q 시리즈와 함께 진정한 이해를 바탕으로 영문법을 체득하기를 바라며, 여러분
의 GQ(문법활용능력지수)가 쑥쑥 올라 학업에 큰 정진이 있기를 기원합니다.


그래머큐_INTER 2_부속.indd 3 2019-10-24 오전 11:11:37


01 기본 개념 Q&A


HA 학습을 시작하기 전에 주요 개념을


한 눈에 살펴보세요.

|ӗ߾ъ֕4 $|

|ӗ߾ъ֕4 $|
Q ‫ޓ‬ੜਾഅडਲ੃ೡ೘ӗ঩۪ਏ৽
Q ‫ޓ‬ੜਾഅडਲ੃ೡ೘ӗ঩۪ਏ৽
A ੃‫ޱ‬ો۷੃ೡ೘‫ݰ‬उਏ৽
A ੃‫ޱ‬ો۷੃ೡ೘‫ݰ‬उਏ৽

그림, Q&A, 도식과 같은 다양한 구성으로
೛‫ٲ‬ٛੜ೘‫঺ٖ࣑৽ב‬٨‫ޓھ‬ੜਾഅड੃‫ھ׭‬ો‫ב‬Ѥ੃঺৽ 1
‫ޓ‬ੜਾഅड He is singing. He is a superhero. He is drinking He is giving her
기본 개념에 쉽게 접근
He is brave. coffee. a balloon.
Unit 22 Overall Exercises
Unit 23 Writing Exercises

He is singing. He is a superhero. He is drinking He is giving her

Unit 24
He is brave. coffee. a balloon.
22 Overall Exercises
23 Writing Exercises


Unit 02 문법 개요
3838 Unit

쉽고 친절한 설명과 실용적이고

자연스러운 예문으로 효과적인

STEP ঺ࢬআ݉਱‫׫‬঩‫ھ҈ܭ‬਑ӓ࠴Ҩҭ‫ޓ‬ਲ੃਄೘ূ࠶ஜਲ২ࢹ೘ࢻ৽
STEP ঺ࢬআ݉਱‫׫‬঩‫ھ҈ܭ‬਑ӓ࠴Ҩҭ‫ޓ‬ਲ੃਄೘ূ࠶ஜਲ২ࢹ೘ࢻ৽

1 가능해요.
1 asഅ਄࢈>ࠑ࢈@ਾ਑ӓasfܿ௺a೚>೘ѫ@
A 1 asഅ਄࢈>ࠑ࢈@ਾ਑ӓ asfܿ௺a೚>೘ѫ@ long well often warm much
A I am as tall as Mom (is).
as tall as
I am ࠴Ҩҭ‫ࢬ঺ޓ‬ as՛Mom
‫ ב࢈ݴ ׺‬1 ੃਑஑੃ોܿ੆࢔࢞ഗ঺ࢬ‫ ב‬2

long well often warm much
࢈਄೘‫ב‬ѽਅи݀ঁ৽ 1 Yesterday’s temperature was 20 degrees. Today’s temperature is the same.
࠴Ҩҭ‫ ࢬ঺ޓ‬as՛ than‫ه‬ਾ ‫ ב࢈ݴ ׺‬1 ੃਑஑੃ોܿ੆࢔࢞ഗ঺ࢬ‫ ב‬2 ਲ
She can swim as well as he[him]. asࠑ࢈਑ӓas Today is yesterday was.
࢈਄೘‫ב‬ѽਅи݀ঁ৽ 1 Yesterday’s temperature was 20 degrees. Today’s tem
2 They have lived here for seven years. We have lived here for ten years.
She can swim as well as he[him]. asࠑ࢈਑ӓas Today is yesterday was
as‫ه‬ਾ‫࠴ב࢈ج‬Ҩ೘‫୸݉঺࢈جב‬vdo‫࢈ج‬be‫࢈ج‬ઋ‫࢈ج‬w۷՛అլ৽੃‫ב࢈جٲ‬७ોঅঁ‫࢔ݍޓآ‬ They haven’t lived here we have.

He exercises as often as I (do).
1 문법 항목마다 이해를 돕기 2위한They have lived here for seven years. We have lived h
3 Jenny got an A on the exam. Sue got an A, too.
as‫ه‬ਾ‫࠴ב࢈ج‬Ҩ೘‫୸݉঺࢈جב‬v do‫࢈ج‬
Her painting is as beautiful as you. } be‫࢈ج‬ઋ‫࢈ج‬w۷՛అլ৽੃‫ב࢈جٲ‬७ોঅঁ‫࢔ݍޓآ‬ 한 줄 핵심 요약
Jenny did
They haven’t lived here Sue on the exam.

Sam goes to the library every week. I go there once a month.

Her painting is as beautiful as yours (= your painting). ™

He exercises as often as I (do). I don’t go to the library 3 Jenny got an ASam.

on the exam. Sue got an A, too.
2 not as>so@അ਄࢈>ࠑ࢈@ਾ਑ӓasfܿ௺a೘ોঅ਱>೘ોঅѫ@

Jenny is not
Her painting as[so]
is as youngas
beautiful as you.
Henry.} not as[so]അ਄࢈਑ӓas
2 설명의 빈칸을 직접 채우며 공부할Jenny
수 있는did
My grandmother misses our hometown
Sue on the e
My grandmother misses our hometown much. I miss our hometown, too.
I do.
I don’t sing as[so] well as my sister (does).
Her painting is as beautiful as yours (= your painting). ™
not as[so]ࠑ࢈਑ӓas
능동적 구성 4 Sam goes to the library every week. I go there once a
More I don’t go to the library
much‫ב‬l݀੃m‫࢈ࠑבھ‬۷७੆੍ࣵ҄many‫ב‬ફ۷അ਄࢈۷७੊঺ਦਾೡ৽ STEP Ҕഊঃ঺ࢬ঩ߢ঺݉‫ב‬Ѥਲ‫৽ࢻܪ҄ػݷ‬
2 not as >so@അ਄࢈>ࠑ࢈@ਾ਑ӓ asfܿ௺a೘ોঅ਱>೘ોঅѫ@ 5 My grandmother misses our hometown much. I miss
2놓치기 쉬운 심화 문법 포인트와 문제 풀이를
I exercise as much as you. ™
3 1 Tom’s glasses are as thick as [Bill / Bill’s].
is notasas[so]
JennyI exercise many as young
you. } as Henry. not as[so]അ਄࢈਑ӓas My grandmother misses our hometown
I don’t sing as[so] well as my sister (does). not as[so]ࠑ࢈਑ӓas 까다롭게 하는 주의 사항까지 학습

Susan didn’t sleep as much as [I / I was / I did].

Our scores are as good as [them / theirs / their].

4 My bike is as new as [him / his / he].
much‫ב‬l݀੃m‫࢈ࠑבھ‬۷७੆੍ࣵ҄many‫ב‬ફ۷അ਄࢈۷७੊঺ਦਾೡ৽ STEP Ҕഊঃ঺ࢬ঩ߢ঺݉‫ב‬Ѥਲ‫৽ࢻܪ҄ػݷ‬
1  as਑ӓas possible as਑ӓasફ঩can>could@и‫ט‬೚೚a೚>೘ѫ@ 5 Elephants don’t live as long as [turtles / turtles are / turtles do].
I exercise as much as you. ™
Call the doctor as soon as possible. = as soon as you can
1 Tom’s glasses are as thick as [Bill / Bill’s].
I exercise as many asquickly
you. }as possible. 6 I can’t jump as high as [James / James is / James can].
He came here as = as quickly as he could

7 2 / theSusan
He sings as well as [the singer singer isdidn’t sleep
/ the singer as
does]. much as [I / I was / I did].
2  ߍࣵ࢈as਑ӓasaਾfߍ؄a೚>೘ѫ@
ߍࣵ࢈‫ב‬twice>two times@ ‫ ߍػ‬three times ࢻߍ four times ֈߍ ٛґч੃laߍm‫ܭ‬՛అլ‫৽঺੃݂ב‬ 8 My room is as large as [my sister / my sister’s].
3 Our scores are as good as [them / theirs / their].
My new earphones are twice as expensive as my old ones. ‫ߍػ‬؄࠴म 9 My dog barks as loudly as [you / yours].
(= earphones)
The United States is about 43 times as large as Korea. ߍ؄௸ 10 The moon isn’t as big as [the 4
/ thebike
Earth is
is /as
Earth as [him
does]. / his / he].

1 as਑ӓas possible as਑ӓasફ঩can>could@и‫ט‬೚೚a೚>೘ѫ@ 5 Elephants don’t live as long as [turtles / turtles are / tu
B 116 Chapter 15
Call the doctor as soon as possible. = as soon as you can
Unit 38 117

6 I can’t jump as high as [James / James is / James can

He came here as quickly as possible. = as quickly as he could

7 He sings as well as [the singer / the singer is / the sin

2  ߍࣵ࢈as਑ӓasaਾfߍ؄a೚>೘ѫ@
ߍࣵ࢈‫ב‬twice>two times@ ‫ ߍػ‬three times ࢻߍ four times ֈߍ ٛґч੃laߍm‫ܭ‬՛అլ‫৽঺੃݂ב‬ 8 My room is as large as [my sister / my sister’s].
My new earphones are twice as expensive as my old ones. ‫ߍػ‬؄࠴म 9 My dog barks as loudly as [you / yours].
(= earphones)
The United States is about 43 times as large as Korea. ߍ؄௸ 10 The moon isn’t as big as [the Earth / the Earth is / the

116 Chapter 15
그래머큐_INTER 2_부속.indd 4 2019-10-24 오전 11:11:40
더욱 탄탄해진 Grammar Q의 학습 구성




신유형을 포함한 다양한 유형의 연습문제로 vફ঩‫࢈ج‬w‫ב‬അडvફ঩‫߻࢈ج‬঩w‫ב‬അडvફ঩‫ݸ࢈ج‬ੲ঩w‫ב‬അड‫ޓ‬ੜ੃঺৽

STEP Ҕഊঃ঺ࢬ঩ߢ঺݉‫ב‬Ѥਲ҄‫ܬ‬ഫ঺ࢬೡ‫׶‬೘‫ޓב‬ੜഅडਲ଴ঁӌߝഊ‫ܭ‬७ࢻ৽

ફ঩‫ࣵ ࢈ج‬ड঩ ҭ
Point 01
 ˗ SV M ˘SVC M
ફ঩০‫ܿ࢈ج‬ਯ۷‫ޓ‬ੜ੃ࢹܺ೘ોܿફ঩০‫ܿ࢈ج‬ਯ۷‫ב‬ਾ‫ޱ‬иࠕ২ੳೡࢬࣵड঩ ҭ ич੃՛৙‫ב‬ѽਅ

학습 이해도를 확인합니다. и݀ঁ৽

STEP Ҕഊঃ঺ࢬআ݉਱Ѥਲ҄‫৽ࢻܪ‬
She doesn’t feel [happy / happily] now.

Point 02
The woman cried. / That TV works well. / She smiled at me.
The princess smiled [happy 1/ happily]
[Look at
/ Look at] the soccer player’s new hair style.
the prince.
My uncle lives in Ulsan. / She stayed in bed.  

The department store opens at 10:30. 2 2 He always [listens / listens to] the radio.
This box is too [heavy / heavily].

ફ঩‫߻࢈ج‬঩ അ਄࢈‫࢈ݴ‬
It rained [heavy / heavily] yesterday.
3 She couldn’t [attend / attend in] the meeting this morning.
Point Point 03

문제 난이도와 풀이 과정의 수준을 고려하여 ફ঩০‫ܿ࢈ج‬ਯ۷‫ޓב‬ੜਾਾ‫ޱ‬иࠕ২ੳ೛‫ٲ‬ફ঩‫ݴࢲ୷߻ܭ‬ೡફ‫ב‬1 ۷‫࢈ݴ‬՛അ਄࢈и೓
3 The student asked [polite / politely].
৽ೡ৽੃‫߻ב࢈ࠑٲ‬঩и‫ࣵض‬঳঩৽ 4 A visitor [entered / entered into] your office a few minutes ago.
His daughter seemed very [polite / politely].
He is an English teacher. He = an English teacher

쉬운 문제부터 고난도 문제까지 단계적으로 The song sounds beautifully. } ¤ beautiful

• അड঺ફ۷७੃‫ٖ࢈جב‬
The song = beautiful 4
5 The singer [arrived / arrived at] Incheon Airport at 3 p.m.
They arrived there [safe / safely].
This roller coaster doesn’t look
6 [safe / safely].
I don’t understand. Please [explain / explain about] it to me.

정복할 수 있도록 구성했습니다. Point

EH‫ܢ࢈ج‬ пй‫ ܢ࢈ج‬അ਄࢈߻঩০ೝԅ७੊
7 We will [wait / wait for] you at the coffee shop.
is a pianist a੃‫ר‬ look healthy a೘ѫ߻੃‫ ר‬feel soft a೘ѫ‫׏‬ԋો‫ ר‬
become rich aೡો‫ר‬aи‫ רش‬ smell sweet a೚հ࢖и՛‫ ר‬sound true a೘ѫٖܵ‫ ר‬
8 The artist [married / married with] a young and talented woman last month.
01 Look the sma
seem>appear@ hungry a੅Ѥч‫ר‬ taste sour a೚݇੃՛‫ ר‬ I agree with th

cf. пй‫࢈ݴܭ࢈ج‬০ೝԅ७۪‫ݰ‬vпй‫࢈ج‬like‫࢈ݴ‬wਾഅఏ۷՛అլ৽He looks like a big snowman.

She resemble
We will discus
 ફ঩‫ݸ࢈ج‬ੲ঩ ࣵड঩ ҭ He married wi
ફ঩d‫࢈ج‬৵঺‫࢈ج‬ਾ2 ੃‫ޱ‬ஐ‫ݸ ࢔׺ב‬ੲ঩ ੃೓৽ೡ৽ৎ঩‫ޓ‬ੜ঺ࢬиੜ݀੃߿੍ࣵ STEP Ҕഊঃ঺ࢬ঩ߢ঺݉‫ב‬Ѥਲ҄‫ܬ‬ഫ঺ࢬೡ‫׶‬೘‫ޓב‬ੜഅडਲ଴ঁӌߝഊ‫ܭ‬७ࢻ৽
‫ב‬അఏ੃ધફ঩‫ݸ࢈ج‬ੲ঩ܿਯ۷‫ב‬ਾ‫ޱ‬иࠕ২ੳೡࢬੜ࣑ٛਲ՛అլ‫ࣵב‬ड঩ ҭ и೓৽೘ӗ‫آ‬ೡ৽

I like gimbap. 2  ˗ SVC M ˘SVO M Point ‫ר‬਴઴঩ߢ࢔ౝܷ

I put the dish on the table.

2  ७੊঺ફਾೡচ೛‫࢈ج‬
1 Her baby is [love / lovely].
STEP ঺ࢬй‫ޓ‬ੜഅड঺ೡ‫׶‬೘‫ޓב‬ੜٖਲ҈‫ھ‬ӌӗഊ‫ܭ‬७ࢻ৽
02 This soup sme
The dog ran re
The poor child needs more [love / lovely].

marry with a০Ѹഌ೘‫   ר‬


resemble with aਲ‫  רׯ‬answer to a঺‫׳‬೘‫ר‬ 2

4  ʽ
He is missing his mom [terrible / terribly].

The little kid g
The sun rises
attend to a঺ଯࢭ೘‫   ר‬ approach to a঺੷ӎ೘‫  ר‬reach to a঺‫آ‬ଫ೘‫ ר‬ I feel [terrible / terribly] because of my headache. The child look
discuss about a঺‫׺‬ೡఱਾ೘‫  ר‬enter into a۷ٖ঩и‫   ר‬explain about a঺‫׺‬ೡࢲ‫ݴ‬೘‫ר‬
3 All of his stories were [true / truly].
More She [true / truly] understands me.
‫أ׫࢈ج‬ਯ۷‫ݸ‬ੲ঩‫ܭ‬и૏ࣵ঳҄ੳஐ࢈০ೝԅ७੃‫ב‬ѽਅ۷೘՛ਾࣶ঩ୄۜআঁ‫ݰػ‬ખঁ৽  ˂Shebecameafamousscientist Point ӌܹਾլ਄ґ੆ஐ
look at aਲ୕‫ ר߻ר‬listen to aਲٕ‫ ר‬arrive at>in@ a঺‫آ‬ଫ೘‫ ר‬wait for aਲӗ‫ רܵר‬ 4 She looked [great / greatly] in 
the red˃
look for aਲ଴‫ ר‬agree with aਾਾѶ঺‫ج‬ਾ೘‫ ר‬agree on>about@ a঺‫׺‬ೡ‫ج‬ਾ೘‫ ר‬ٛ She enjoyed the party [great /
˄Billymadethiswonderfulgardenrecently 03
16 Chapter 09 Unit 23 17
1 SV(M)

2 SVC(M)
(1) The vegetab
3 SVO(M)

18 Chapter 09

Unit 25
04 내신 적중 Point
Point 01

tell keep

Point 02
최신 출제 경향을 반영한 포인트별 빈출 유형을 확인

watch] TV at night. 할 수 있습니다.

n bed for a week.
Point Point 03


rily] and made an apology.

e story. But I didn’t say anything. p.5

Point ࠶ஜ঺ٖ঩м݂੃޾‫ܪ‬ѫ૙ો঩્Ѥ਱"

01 • I told my mother
• You should keep the vegetable
the key in the living room.
1 포인트별 대표 기출 문제에 대한 출제 의도와
‫ܪ‬ѫ҄ஐࢻ৽ find – fresh find – freshly 해결책 제시
finding – freshly to find – fresh
to find – to be fresh

Point ‫ר‬਴઴޽મஒࠑࠓ੃঩ߢ࢔ౝܷѤ਱"

02 We call her “Princess.”

This song makes me happy.
Linda told us to cook dinner.
We wanted them to come to the party.
The teacher advised us be quiet in the library.


ctor, make, his parents, great, a)

Point ‫ר‬਴ӌܹਾլ਄ґ੆ஐ೘‫آ‬۸Ҕഊঃਾ݂ਲ੃਄೘ূ‫ޓ‬ੜਲ২ࢹ೘ࢻ৽
ୌ೨‫( ר‬ask, play, the violin, the girl)

࣋‫ר‬ (Kate, help, with the report, him)

d) Henry asked

Unit 25 33

그래머큐_INTER 2_부속.indd 5 2019-10-24 오전 11:11:43


05 Overall Exercises p.3

Overall Exercises 09
Unit 22-24

>@‫ר‬਴࠶ஜ঺আ݉ોঅ਱Ѥਲ҄‫৽ࢻܪ‬ >@‫ר‬਴઴঩ߢ࢔޾‫ޓܬ‬ੜਲ҄‫৽ࢻܪ‬

7 The new teacher looks . 11 His plan works good.

1 ફ঩્‫ޓ‬ੜґ‫ޓ‬അ੃ч਱Ѥ਱"
4 A: I feel (A) now. I couldn’t p.3 여러 문법 사항을 한데 통합한 문제로 실전에
It rained a lot yesterday.
You look beautifully in that scarf.

ll Exercises 09
Unit 22-24 sleep last night. pretty lonely The little girl was really sadly after the
This pineapple tastes sweet. lovely happily
B: Why? What was the problem? accident.

We saw the movie.

A: I don’t know. I just couldn’t get to >@‫ר‬਴઴঩ߢ࢔޾‫ޓܬ‬ੜਲ҄‫৽ࢻܪ‬
friendly 대비합니다. I discussed about the matter with my
I didn’t hear the noise. 7 The newB:teacher
Warm milk
looksis good for your
. sleep. 11 His plan works good.
It rained a lot yesterday.
His idea sounds strange.
4 A: I feel (A) now. I couldn’t
She felt the touch of his hand.
A: Oh, thanks. That sounds very
You look beautifully in that scarf.
pretty (B) .lonely
sleep last night. They are watching a baseball game. The little girl was really sadly after the
ple tastes sweet. lovely happily
B: Why? What was the problem? accident.
A: I don’t know. I just couldn’t get to
friendly(A) (B)
great ····· helpful
I discussed about the matter with my
This wonderful.
이전 챕터의 내용이 자연스럽게 반복되어
r the noise. B: Warm milk is good for your sleep. greatly ····· helpfully makes looks
unds strange.
touch of his hand.
atching a baseball game.
A: Oh, thanks. That sounds very
(B) . 2
····· helpfully
····· helpful
great ····· helpfully
효과를 보입니다. Can you bring a cup of water for me?
I don’t need anyone’s help. He sent to me an invitation.
(A) (B) The eagle flew to its nest. 8 This wonderful. I can’t answer to the question.
great ····· helpful They couldn’t win the game. Mr. Kim agreed the manager’s opinion.
greatly ····· helpfully
tired ····· helpfully
I’m learning English from my sister. 5
makes looks
ਅ݂ܵґ‫੃ڱ‬ч‫آ‬۸࠶ஜ঺আ݉਱Ѥ਱" We couldn’t believe him anymore.
He drank a cup of coffee a few minutes tastes sounds
՛‫ݚ‬ો֎ґ‫ܬר‬Ѥ਱" tired ····· helpful ago. smells੃Ѥ਱ջ‫࠴ސ‬फ৽؄मѤਲ߻ূફࢻ৽ 9 ‫ר‬਴‫ޓ‬ੜ঺ࢬ঩ߢ࢔ౝܷࠑࠓਲ޾‫ܪ‬ѫ҄୕‫ޓ‬ੜ

d anyone’s help.
great ····· helpfully It’s too expensive. Please show a 12 Can you bring a cup of water for ਲ‫ר‬ठ७ࢻ৽
He sent to me an invitation.

cheaper one me.

lew to its nest. I can’t answer to the question. My pet dog didn’t look like well.
n’t win the game. Mr. Kim agreed the manager’s opinion.
of to with
g English from my sister. 5 ਅ݂ܵґ‫੃ڱ‬ч‫آ‬۸࠶ஜ঺আ݉਱Ѥ਱"
for on
We couldn’t believe him anymore.
a cup of coffee a few minutes >@‫ר‬਴࠶ஜ঺আ݉਱݂੃޾‫ܪ‬ѫ૙ો঩્Ѥਲ҄‫ܪ‬
੃Ѥ਱ջ‫࠴ސ‬फ৽؄मѤਲ߻ূફࢻ৽ࢻ৽ 9 ‫ר‬਴‫ޓ‬ੜ঺ࢬ঩ߢ࢔ౝܷࠑࠓਲ޾‫ܪ‬ѫ҄୕‫ޓ‬ੜ
It’s too expensive. Please show a
cheaper one me. 3• His new suit appears (A) .
13 ‫׺‬ഔਾ࠶ஜ঺ٖ঩м਷‫׳‬ਯ۷আ݉਱Ѥ਱"

• The plan sounds (B) .

My pet࠶ஜ঺ҏసਯ۷ٖ঩м݂۷আ݉਱Ѥ਱"
dog didn’t look like well.
A: I don’t understand the rules of this
of to with • Black coffee usually tastes (C) . • The problem me a headache. 10 ‫ר‬਴઴࠶ஜ঺to‫ܭ‬॰ࣵ঳‫ב‬Ѥ਱"
board game. Please help me.
݉਱݂੃޾‫ܪ‬ѫ૙ો঩્Ѥਲ҄‫ܪ‬ for on • My boyfriend’s letter me Mr. Jones sent an e-mail him. B: OK, .
(A) (B) (C) great pleasure. I bought flowers my mother.
cool ······ impossible ······ bitterly • Please a piece of advice to ‫׺‬ഔਾ࠶ஜ঺ٖ঩м਷‫׳‬ਯ۷আ݉਱Ѥ਱" He gives some carrots a horse. I’ll explain you
it appears (A) . cool ······ impossible ······ bitter me.
13 They showed some pictures I’ll explain of them you
ounds (B) .
6 ࠶ஜ঺ҏసਯ۷ٖ঩м݂۷আ݉਱Ѥ਱"
coolly ······ impossibly ······ bitter me.
A: I don’t understand the rules of this I’ll explain them to you
e usually tastes (C) . • The problem coolly
me a headache. ······ impossibly ······ bitterly 10 ‫ר‬਴઴࠶ஜ঺to‫ܭ‬॰ࣵ঳‫ב‬Ѥ਱"
ask(s) say(s) like(s) board game. Please help me. My grandfather told a funny story I’ll explain to them you
• My boyfriend’s letter mecool ······ impossibly ······ bitterly give(s)
Mr. Jones need(s)
sent an e-mail him. B: OK, . us. I’ll explain to you them
(B) (C) great pleasure. I bought flowers my mother.
· impossible ······ bitterly • Please a piece of24adviceChapter
to 09 He gives some carrots a horse. I’ll explain you Overall Exercises 09 25
· impossible ······ bitter me. They showed some pictures I’ll explain of them you
· impossibly ······ bitter me. I’ll explain them to you
· impossibly ······ bitterly ask(s) say(s) like(s) My grandfather told a funny story I’ll explain to them you
· impossibly ······ bitterly give(s) need(s) us. I’ll explain to you them

Overall Exercises 09 25

06 Writing Exercises
Overall Exercises 09 p.4
ܿ੶ Writing Exercises
영작을This통해 17
학습한 규칙을 적용해보세요.

cup seems very dirty.

14 The sun sets in the west.
I met one of my best friends yesterday.
I won’t tell anybody the story.
She went to America five years ago and 1 ਾੳஐ࢈‫੃ܭ‬਄೘ূફ঩્‫ޓ‬ੜਲ޾Զ
3 ‫ר‬਴‫ޓ‬ੜ঺ࢬ঩ߢ࢔ౝܷࠑࠓਲ޾‫ܪ‬ѫ҄୕‫ޓ‬ੜ
she is visiting Korea now. I arrived
Most medicine doesn’t taste sweet.
the cafe early. But she was already there.
 험에 꼭 나오는 서술형 문제로 완벽한
시 My sister married with a Canadian.
She looked good. She gave a present
 to for of Emma married with John on June 20.
to me. We talked a lot and had a great
 I bought my brother a black cap.
내신 대비가 가능합니다. time. She will go back to America next
week. So I want to cook her a meal this
She will lend me a cookbook.

4 ‫ר‬਴঺݉ѫҔഊঃਾ‫׫‬঩ٖਲ޾‫ܪ‬ѫߍ৆

 The reporter asked the man a question.  আ݉਱ੳஐ࢈‫ْ߂ܭ‬ठ୰и೛Ѥ

15 The writer wrote three novels.
The perfume smells strong.
 (I, the radio, listen)
He got me for a concert ticket.
>@‫ר‬਴ਅ݂ܵґ‫੃ڱ‬ч‫آ‬۸Ҕഊঃਾ‫׫‬঩ٖਲߍ every morning.
The Earth moves around the Sun. ৆೘ূ‫ޓ‬ੜਲ২ࢹ೘ࢻ৽
My uncle lent me a history book.
 (gave, me, the teacher, positive feedback)
18 ੱठѿ‫࠴ב‬फ߻੅‫ר‬
(looks, watch, that, expensive)

2 ‫ר‬਴ਅ݂ܵґч਱‫آش੃ڱ‬۸A!০B!঺ࢬ೘

r$s r%s

look, smell, feel, delicious, cold,

5 ‫ר‬਴ӌܹਲ߻҄‫׺‬ഔ‫ܭ‬২ࢹ೘ࢻ৽

16 ‫ר‬਴઴‫ޓ‬ੜਾੳഖ੃޾‫ܪ‬ોঅ਱Ѥ਱"
look like, smell like, an angel, very sick 7RQLJKW 7RPRUURZ
I didn’t send you the opera ticket. feel like
I didn’t send the opera ticket to you. 19 ӌ֑‫ב‬՛঺ѫ‫ޓ‬ੑ‫ݥ‬ठો‫߻ܭ‬լોঅ঍‫ר‬

Please show me your passport. (a text message, didn’t, me, send, to, she)  ޾‫੃ޕ״‬ପрѫ‫׏‬ԋ્‫ר‬
Please show your passport for me. The sea water .
Harry asked him a very difficult question.
Harry asked a very difficult question  ӌঁӗ‫ב‬୆࢈ୄۜ߻੅‫ר‬
 A: What are you going to make for her.
of him. The baby . B: I’m going to
They bought a pair of jeans for their
nephew.  ӌ೐ੑ‫ב੍݇ב‬հ࢖иզ‫ר‬
They bought their nephew a pair of The pizza .  A: What are you going to cook for them
jeans. 20 ӌиߋਲ࢈‫ב‬Ѥ਱‫רٔ੃݀੃ؤ‬ tomorrow? (going to)
She taught foreign students samulnori. (buying, costs, money, a lot of, the bag)  ӌъ‫݌ב‬ਅঁ౯߻੅‫ר‬ B: I’m going to
She taught samulnori to foreign The dog . .

26 Chapter 09 Writing Exercises 27

그래머큐_INTER 2_부속.indd 6 2019-10-24 오전 11:11:45

07 Workbook

서술형을 포함한 다양한 유형의

추가 문제로 충분한 연습과 복습을
할 수 있습니다.

학습을 돕는 다양한 무료 부가 학습자료

www.cedubook.com에서 다운로드 하세요.

Grammar Q Intermediate 1 어휘테스트 Grammar Q Intermediate 1 예문 영작 연습

Grammar Q Intermediate 1어휘리스트 Grammar Q Intermediate 1 예문 응용 문제
이름: __________________________ 점수: ___________________ 이름: __________________________ 점수: ___________________

14 이 책이 내가 원하던 것이다.
CHAPTER 09 관계사I CHAPTER 09 관계사 I CHAPTER 09 관계사 I
CHAPTER 09 관계사I UNIT 23 관계대명사 who, whom, whose
Unit 23 관계대명사 who, whom, Unit 24 관계대명사 which,
Unit 23 관계대명사 who, whom, Unit 24 관계대명사 which, Unit 25 관계대명사의 계속적 용법 1 나는 오랫동안 보지 않았던 친구들을 만났다.
Unit 25 관계대명사의 계속적 용법 whose that A. 다음 중 어법상 적절한 표현을 고르시오.
whose that UNIT 25 관계대명사의 계속적 용법
01 fairy-tale 21 가치, 값 42 판화; 사진
01 fairy-tale 동화 같은 21 value 가치, 값 42 print 판화; 사진 15 이것은 나의 반 친구들을 보여주는 사진이다.
1. I have an uncle who / whom lives in 5. The fish which / who I caught yesterday was 2 나는 밴쿠버에 사는 삼촌이 있다.
A에게 B를 02 ask A for B 22 100만 43 코를 골다
02 ask A for B
부탁하다 22 million 100만 43 snore 코를 골다 Vancouver. very big.
pass ~의 원인이 되다,
(도시 등을) 03 in trouble 23 through 44 ~을 야기하다
pass ~의 원인이 되다, 16 나는 공원에 갔는데, 그곳은 사람들로 붐볐다.
03 in trouble 곤경에 빠져서 23 through
거쳐가다, 44 cause
~을 야기하다
지나가다 04 depend on 24 state 45 sleeplessness 2. I remember those which / who were at the 6. I congratulated Susan, whose / who son had 3 나는 그 파티에 있던 사람들을 기억한다.
신뢰하다; party. passed the exam.
04 depend on
의지하다 24 state 주 45 sleeplessness 불면증
05 비단 같은;
25 keep one's
46 hold
부드러운 promise 나는 젠과 도서관에서 공부했는데, 그녀는 내가 숙제하
비단 같은; keep one's 약속을 (회의 등을) 열다, 17
05 silky
부드러운 25 promise 지키다 46 hold
개최하다 06 언급(하다);
26 편리한,
47 local 3. That’s the girl whose / whom I often see on 7. This is the photo which / whose shows my 4 내가 집으로 가는 길에 종종 본 바로 그 소녀이다.
는 것을 도와주었다.
말하다 간편한
언급(하다); 편리한, my way home. classmates.
06 mention
말하다 26 convenient
간편한 47 local 현지의, 그 고장의 ~을
내보내다, (책 짜증 나게 하다, 나는 카레를 먹었는데, 그것은 내가 가장 좋아하는 음
~을 07 폭력 27 등을) 48 귀찮게 하다 18
내보내다, (책 짜증 나게 하다, 4. There was a king whose / that name was 5 J. K. 롤링은 내가 가장 좋아하는 작가이다. 식이다.
07 violence 폭력 27 release 48 annoy 출간하다 8. I studied at the library with Jen, that / who
등을) 귀찮게 하다 (와인을
출간하다 (~을) 향하다 Midas. helped me with my homework.
08 ~을 예약하다 28 만드는) 49 [마주 보다]
(와인을 (~을) 향하다 양조장 19 나는 삼촌을 찾아갔는데, 그는 집에 안 계셨다.
08 reserve ~을 예약하다 28 winery 만드는) 49 face
[마주 보다] 6 너를 보기 원하는 사람이 밖에서 기다리고 있다.
양조장 walking B. 주어진 해석에 맞게 괄호 안의 단어를 배열하여 문장을 완성하시오.
09 할인(하다) 29 stick 50 은퇴하다
09 discount 할인(하다) 29 stick
지팡이 50 retire 은퇴하다
10 wave at 30 method
~를 향해 손을 1. 이것이 그 공원으로 이어지는 길이다. (is, the French) 7 이름이 미다스였던 왕이 있었다.
10 wave at
흔들다 30 method 방법, 방식 ~을
11 patient 31 극복하다
park, this, leads, which, to, the road) 이 장갑은, 우리 엄마가 내게 만들어 주셨는데, 따뜻하
환자; 참을성 ~을 ⇒ . 20
11 patient 있는 31 overcome 극복하다
12 disagree 32 우울(증)
⇒ . 8 나는 지붕이 빨간 집을 봤다.
12 disagree
동의하지 않다 32 depression 우울(증) 13 정책, 방침 33 매력적인 6. 나는 오랫동안 보지 않았던 친구들을 만났다. (a
나는 수잔을 축하해줬는데, 그녀의 아들이 시험에 합격
~을 2. 나는 지붕이 빨간 집을 봤다. (roof, saw, red, a long time, I, my, seen, met, I, whom, for, friends, 21
13 policy 정책, 방침 33 charming 매력적인 14 관중 34 했기 때문이다.
체포하다 house, I, whose, is) hadn’t)
14 spectator 관중 34 arrest 체포하다 15 전문가, 숙련자 35 brand new
⇒ . ⇒ . UNIT 24 관계대명사의 which, that
15 expert 전문가, 숙련자 35 brand new 완전 새 것인
16 advertising 36 donate
22 그는 그녀를 만났다고 말했는데, 그것은 거짓말이었다.
9 이것이 그 공원으로 이어지는 길이다.
기부하다, 3. 그녀는 지난주에 산 목걸이를 잃어버렸다. (her, 7. 이 책이 내가 원하던 것이다. (the book, this, is,
16 advertising 광고(업) 36 donate
기증하다 17 lecture 37 military
service lost, last week, she, necklace, that, bought, she) have, that, I, wanted)
강의(하다), military 병역; 군 sense of
17 lecture 강연 37 service 복무 18 38 travel agent 23 그는 계속 거짓말을 했는데, 그것은 나를 화나게 했다.
humor 10 내가 어제 잡은 물고기는 매우 컸다.
sense of 현재의, ⇒ . ⇒ .
18 humor
유머 감각 38 travel agent 여행사 직원 19 chef 39 지금의
19 chef 주방장 39 current
지금의 20 take care of 40 부족, 결핍 4. 나는 삼촌을 찾아갔는데, 그는 집에 안 계셨다. (I, 8. 저기 서 있는 소년은 내 동생이다. (over there, 11 그들은 프랑스어를 할 줄 아는 사람을 찾고 있다.
20 take care of ~을 돌보다 40 shortage 부족, 결핍 visited, who, was, my uncle, not, at home.) brother, standing, a boy, is, that, my, is) CHAPTER 10 관계사 II
41 기회
UNIT 26 관계대명사 what
41 opportunity 기회 ⇒ . ⇒ . 12 그녀는 지난주에 산 목걸이를 잃어버렸다.
24 가장 중요한 것은 건강이다.

5. 그들은 프랑스어를 할 줄 아는 사람을 찾고 있다. 13 저기 서 있는 소년은 내 동생이다.

25 나는 그녀가 필요한 것을 주었다.
(speak, a person, looking for, that, they’re, can,

- 1받으며,
* 본 자료는 쎄듀의 저작물로서 저작권법의 보호를 - 무단 전재 복사 배포 등을 금지합니다.
- 1받으며,
* 본 자료는 쎄듀의 저작물로서 저작권법의 보호를 - 무단 전재 복사 배포 등을 금지합니다.

- 1 -

1. 어휘리스트 2. 어휘테스트 3. 예문응용문제 4. 예문영작연습지

Grammar Q Intermediate 1 Study Planner

Grammar Q Intermediate 1 예문 해석 연습
이름: __________________________ 점수: ___________________ 서술형 문제 Grammar Q Intermediate 1 <Chapter 10 ~ Chapter 17>
종합 평가 문제 1 Grammar Q Intermediate 1 Study Planner
Grammar Q Intermediate 2 <Chapter 9>
이름: __________________________ 점수: ___________________
CHAPTER 09 관계사 I 이름: __________________________ 점수: ___________________ 1. 다음 중 빈칸에 that이 들어갈 수 없는 문장은? ① neither – or * 활용 Tip
14 This is the book that I have wanted.
UNIT 23 who, whom, whose ① He has two dogs _____ are very cute. ② either - but • 이 계획표는 회당 50분 수업을 기준으로 하고 있습니다.
[1-4] 다음 두 문장을 관계대명사를 사용하여 한 문장으로 만드시오.
② _____ he cannot read nor write is secret. ③ both - and • 무료로 제공되는 다양한 부가 학습 자료를 ‘추가 숙제’로 활용하실 수 있습니다.
1 I met my friends whom I hadn’t seen for long. 1. I have an American friend. He lives in New York.
③ Did you know ______ she is David's sister? ④ either - or • 기타 궁금하신 사항은 쎄듀북 홈페이지(www.cedubook.com) 고객센터 1:1 문의를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.
-> I have an American friend lives in New York.
④ We didn't know ______ we have to do. ⑤ neither - but
UNIT 25 관계대명사의 계속적 용법
⑤ This is the letter ______ Anne sent to me. ✔ 학생용 부가 학습 자료: 어휘리스트, 어휘테스트, 예문응용문제, 예문영작연습지, 예문해석연습지, 서술형 추가문제, 종합평가, 정답 및 해설 PDF
2 I have an uncle who[that] lives in Vancouver. 15 This is the photo which shows my classmates. 2. Ms. Park is a teacher. Her class is very interesting.
7. 교사용 부가 학습 자료: 본문 한글파일/PDF파일 + 학생용 부가 학습 자료
-> Ms. Park is a teacher class is very interesting.
2. 다음 두 문장을 하나로 연결할 때 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
* Not until then (A) that this package was too
Look at the mountain. Its top is covered with snow. 수업 날짜 진도 숙제 추가 숙제
3 I remember those who were at the party. 16 I went to the park, which was so crowded. 3. James finished his homework. It made him happy. heavy.
⇒ Look at the mountain ______ top is covered with Chapter 10 어휘테스트
-> James finished his homework, made him happy. * This book is (B) of these two books.
snow. Date: / 숙제 점검 [Unit 25] Workbook (p.2~3) 부가 학습 자료를 숙제로 활용 시
기입하는 란입니다.
① that ② which ③ who ④ whose ⑤ what
I studied at the library with Jen, who helped me Unit 25 (p.10~14)
4 That’s the girl (whom) I often see on my way home. 4. The boy is Tim’s brother. I met him yesterday. ① recognized I - the cheaper
with my homework. ② recognized I - cheaper 숙제 점검
-> The boy I met yesterday is Tim’s brother. [3-4] 다음 중 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 수 있는 단어를
③ I recognized - the cheapest Date: / [Unit 25] Workbook 해설 [Unit 26] Workbook (p.4~5)
5 J. K. Rowling is the writer (that) I like best. 3. ④ did I recognize - cheaper Unit 26 (p.15~19)
18 I ate curry, which is my favorite food.
5. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오. ⑤ did I recognize - the cheaper 숙제 점검
* This proverb was originally ________ the Bible.
[Unit 27] Workbook (p.6~7)
* I received the letter he sent to me last week. * Milk is the raw material _______ which butter is
Date: / [Unit 26] Workbook 해설
8. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분을 생략할 수 없는 것은?
6 A man who wants to see you is waiting outside. * The nurse works at the children’s hospital is my sister. made. Unit 27 (p.20~26)
19 I visited my uncle, who was not at home. ① I like the girl who is standing in front of the door.
숙제 점검
② It was Susan whom I delivered it to. [Unit 28] Workbook (p.8~9)
① of ② for ③ from ④ to ⑤ with Date: / [Unit 27] Workbook 해설
③ When he was young, he was really handsome. Chapter 11 어휘 암기
7 There was a king whose name was Midas. [6-7] 다음 영어 문장에서 잘못된 부분 한 곳을 찾아 알맞게 고치시오. Unit 28 (p.27~32)
④ I have a camera whose lens is very nice.
6. The songs which were written by Beatles is my favorite. 4.
⑤ Do you think that I have to apologize to him? Chapter 11 어휘테스트, 숙제 점검

20 This gloves, which my mom made me, is warm. * You should write the title ____ capital letters. Date: / [Unit 28] Workbook 해설 [Unit 29] Workbook (p.10~11)
7. Hawaii, that my brother traveled to this summer, is beautiful. * My brother was born ____ December. [9-10] 다음 중 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오. Unit 29 (p.34~39)

He can run _______________ you. 숙제 점검

8 I saw a house whose roof is red. I congratulated Susan, whose son had passed the 9.
① in ② on ③ at ④ for ⑤ by [Unit 30] Workbook (p.12~13)
21 Date: / [Unit 29] Workbook 해설
exam. [8-10] 괄호 안의 단어를 이용하여 우리말 해석에 맞게 문장을 완성하시오. ① faster than ② as fast as ③ two times as fast as
Unit 30 (p.40~43)
8. 이 셔츠는 내가 Tokyo에서 산 것이다. (in Tokyo, buy) ④ twice as quickly than ⑤ more quickly than
[5-7] (A), (B)에 들어갈 말이 순서대로 알맞게 짝지어진
숙제 점검
-> This shirt is the one . 것을 고르시오. [Unit 31] Workbook (p.14~15)
UNIT 24 관계대명사 which, that 22 He said that he met her, which was a lie. Date: / [Unit 30] Workbook 해설
5. I don't know whether he has _______________ Overall Exercises 06 (p.50~52)
money or not. Unit 31 (p.44~49)
9 This is the road which[that] leads to the park. 10.
• She is (A) than any other girl in this town. 숙제 점검
9. Peter는 피아노를 아주 잘 칠 수 있는 친구가 한 명 있다. (play) ① a few ② a great deal of ③ little
23 He kept lying, which made me angry. • Nowadays many a university (B) Chinese. Date: /
-> Peter has a friend very well. ④ a lot of ⑤ plenty of [Unit 31] Workbook 해설 Chapter 12 어휘 암기
The fish (which[that]) I caught yesterday was very Overall Exercises 06 해설
big. ① beautifuler - students study
Chapter 12 어휘테스트
② more beautiful - student studies
10. Linda는 그에게 영어로 써진 소설 책 한 권을 주었다. (write) 11. 다음 문장에서 빈칸에 들어갈 단어가 나머지 넷과 다른 Date: / 숙제 점검 [Unit 32] Workbook (p.16~17)
③ more beautiful - students study
-> Linda gave him a novel in English. 것은? Unit 32 (p.54~58)
11 They're looking for a person that can speak French. ④ beautifuler - student studies
① What are you going to do ___ Christmas Day?
숙제 점검
CHAPTER 10 관계사 II ⑤ the most beautiful - students study [Unit 33] Workbook (p.18~19)
② It is located ____ George Street.
Date: / [Unit 32] Workbook 해설
UNIT 26 관계대명사 what ③ I was born ____ September 12th. Overall Exercises 07 (p.64~68)
12 She lost her necklace that she bought last week. 6. Unit 33 (p.59~63)
24 What matters most is good health. ④ We usually play soccer ____ Sunday morning.
숙제 점검
• You can come to my place (A) this Friday or ⑤ What kind of sports do you enjoy ____ winter?
Date: / [Unit 33] Workbook 해설 Chapter 13 어휘 암기
13 A boy that is standing over there is my brother. Overall Exercises 07 해설
25 I gave her what she needed. • Steve is not a writer, (B) a producer.
Chapter 13 어휘테스트
Date: / 숙제 점검 [Unit 34] Workbook (p.20~21)

Unit 34 (p.72~76)
- 1 - * 본 자료는 쎄듀의 저작물로서 저작권법의 보호를 받으며, 무단 전재 배포 등을 금지합니다.

* 본 자료는 쎄듀의 저작물로서 저작권법의 보호를 받으며, 무단 전재 배포 등을 금지합니다.

5. 예문해석연습지 6. 서술형 추가문제 7. 종합평가 8. Study Planner

그래머큐_INTER 2_부속.indd 7 2019-10-24 오전 11:12:07

Int e rm e d i ate 2

CHAPTER 09 문장의 형식 1 Unit 22 문장을 이루는 요소 014

동아(윤)-1과 | 능률(김)-1과
Unit 23 주어+동사/주어+동사+보어/주어+동사+목적어 016
Unit 24 주어+동사+간접목적어+직접목적어 020
Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  024

CHAPTER 10 문장의 형식 2 Unit 25 주어+동사+목적어+

목적격보어(명사/형용사/to부정사) 030
동아(윤)-3과, 5과, 6과 | 동아(이)-2과, 5과 | 천재(이)-5과, 6과
미래엔-7과, 8과 | 능률(김)-7과 | 비상-1과, 2과, 4과, 7과 Unit 26 주어+동사+목적어+
천재(정)-2과, 5과, 8과
목적격보어(동사원형/현재분사) 034
Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  038

Unit 27 의문사 의문문 044

CHAPTER 11 문장의 종류
Unit 28 간접의문문 050
동아(윤)-8과 | 동아(이)-2과 | 천재(이)-8과 | 능률(김)-6과 | 비상-7과
Unit 29 부가의문문 / 명령문 054
Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  058

CHAPTER 12 형용사, 부사 Unit 30 형용사 064

Unit 31 부사 068
미래엔-2과 | 천재(정)-6과 | 능률(김)-2과 | YBM(박)-4과
Unit 32 주의해야 할 형용사와 부사 072
Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  076

CHAPTER 13 대명사 Unit 33 대명사 it 082

Unit 34 재귀대명사 086
동아(이)-8과 | 미래엔-5과 | 지학사-1과, 4과
Unit 35 부정대명사 090
Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  096

Unit 36 102
CHAPTER 14 분사 분사의 형태, 의미, 역할
Unit 37 주의해야 할 분사 106
천재(이)-7과 | 천재(정)-7과 | 능률(김)-5과 | 비상-8과
Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  110

Unit 38 116
CHAPTER 15 비교 원급 비교
Unit 39 비교급 비교 120
동아(이)-4과, 6과 | 천재(이)-4과, 8과 | 미래엔-6과 | 능률(김)-4과
비상-6과 | YBM-2과 Unit 40 최상급 비교 124
Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  128

CHAPTER 16 전치사 Unit 41 장소 전치사 134

Unit 42 시간 전치사 140
Unit 43 자주 쓰이는 전치사 144
Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  146

정답 및 해설

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Int e rm e d i a te 1

CHAPTER 01 동사의 시제 Unit 01 현재, 과거, 미래 014

동아(윤)-7과 | 동아(이)-2과 | 천재(이)-7과 | 미래엔-2과

Unit 02 진행형 018
능률(김)-3과 | 비상-5과 Unit 03 현재완료의 형태 022
Unit 04 현재완료의 의미 026
Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  032

CHAPTER 02 부정사 1 Unit 05 부정사의 이해, 부사적 역할 038

Unit 06 부정사의 형용사적 역할 044
동아(윤)-2과 | 동아(이)-1과 | 천재(이)-3과 | 미래엔-3과
비상-3과 | 천재(정)-1과 | YBM(박)-1과 Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  048

Unit 07 부정사의 명사적 역할 054

CHAPTER 03 부정사 2
Unit 08 to부정사가 쓰인 중요한 표현 058
동아(윤)-7과 | 동아(이)-5과 | 천재(이)-2과, 3과, 6과 | 미래엔-3과
능률(김)-6과 | 비상-6과 | 천재(정)-5과, 7과 | YBM(박)-2과 Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  062

CHAPTER 04 동명사 Unit 09 동명사의 형태와 역할 068

Unit 10 동명사와 to부정사 목적어 072
능률(김)-1과 | 비상-1과
Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  076

CHAPTER 05 수동태 Unit 11 수동태의 형태와 시제 082

Unit 12 수동태의 부정문과 의문문 086
동아(윤)-3과 | 동아(이)-3과 | 천재(이)-4과 | 미래엔-6과
능률(김)-4과 | 비상-3과 Unit 13 다양한 수동태 표현 090
Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  094

CHAPTER 06 조동사 Unit 14 will, can, may 100

Unit 15 must, should, ought to 104
동아(윤)-2과 | YBM(박)-8과
Unit 16 would like to, had better, used to 108
Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  112

CHAPTER 07 관계대명사 Unit 17 주격 관계대명사 118

Unit 18 목적격 관계대명사 122
동아(윤)-4과, 5과 | 동아(이)-4과 | 천재(이)-1과, 2과 | 미래엔-1과, 4과
능률(김)-2과 | 비상-4과, 5과 Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  126

CHAPTER 08 접속사 Unit 19 부사절을 이끄는 접속사 132

Unit 20 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 136
동아(윤)-1과, 4과, 6과 | 동아(이)-3과, 6과, 7과 | 천재(이)-1과, 5과
미래엔-1과, 4과, 5과 | 능률(김)-3과, 7과 | 비상-2과, 8과 Unit 21 짝을 이루는 접속사,
결과·목적을 나타내는 접속사 140
Overall Exercises | Writing Exercises  144

정답 및 해설

그래머큐_INTER 2_부속.indd 9 2019-10-24 오전 11:12:08

Star te r 1

CHAPTER 01 대명사 CHAPTER 04 조동사

Unit 01 인칭대명사와 be동사 Unit 10 조동사의 쓰임과 의미
Unit 02 this, that, it Unit 11 조동사의 부정문
Unit 03 my, mine, me Unit 12 조동사의 의문문

CHAPTER 02 명사 CHAPTER 05 진행형, 미래 표현

Unit 04 명사와 a, an Unit 13 현재진행형
Unit 05 명사의 수와 양 Unit 14 현재진행형의 부정문과 의문문
Unit 06 명사와 is, are Unit 15 미래 표현
Unit 16 현재, 현재진행, 미래의 판단
Unit 07 be동사의 부정문과 의문문 CHAPTER 06 과거시제
Unit 08 동사의 현재형 Unit 17 be동사의 과거형
Unit 09 동사의 부정문과 의문문 Unit 18 동사의 과거형
Unit 19 과거시제의 부정문과 의문문
Unit 20 현재시제와 과거시제의 판단

Star te r 2

CHAPTER 07 문장의 종류 CHAPTER 10 동명사

Unit 21 명령문과 감탄문 Unit 29 동명사의 형태와 역할
Unit 22 의문사 의문문 Unit 30 동명사를 목적어로 쓰는 동사
Unit 23 부가의문문
CHAPTER 11 비교급과 최상급
CHAPTER 08 동사의 종류 Unit 31 비교급
Unit 24 동사+형용사 Unit 32 최상급
Unit 25 동사+(대)명사+명사
CHAPTER 12 접속사와 전치사
CHAPTER 09 부정사 Unit 33 and, but, or, so
Unit 26 to부정사의 이해 Unit 34 때·조건·이유를 나타내는 접속사
Unit 27 to부정사의 명사적 역할 Unit 35 장소·시간의 전치사
Unit 28 to부정사의 부사적 역할 Unit 36 많이 쓰이는 전치사


그래머큐_INTER 2_부속.indd 10 2019-10-24 오전 11:12:09

Advan c e d 1

CHAPTER 01 동사의 시제 CHAPTER 05 동명사

Unit 01 현재 · 과거 · 미래시제와 진행형 Unit 13 동명사의 쓰임
Unit 02 현재완료 Unit 14 동명사와 to부정사
Unit 03 과거완료
CHAPTER 02 수동태 Unit 15 분사의 종류와 명사 수식 역할
Unit 04 수동태의 의미와 형태 Unit 16 분사의 보어 역할, 감정을 나타내는 분사
Unit 05 주의해야 할 수동태
Unit 06 다양한 수동태 표현들 CHAPTER 07 문장의 형식
Unit 17 주어+동사/주어+동사+주격보어
CHAPTER 03 조동사 Unit 18 주어+동사+목적어
Unit 07 can, may, will 주어+동사+간접목적어+직접목적어
Unit 08 must, should Unit 19 주어+동사+목적어+목적격보어
Unit 09 used to, ought to, had better, need
CHAPTER 04 부정사 Unit 20 명사와 수일치
Unit 10 to부정사의 형태와 명사적 역할 Unit 21 부정대명사
Unit 11 to부정사의 형용사적 · 부사적 역할 Unit 22 전치사
Unit 12 많이 쓰이는 to부정사 구문

Advan c e d 2

CHAPTER 09 관계사 1 CHAPTER 13 분사구문

Unit 23 관계대명사 who, whom, whose Unit 32 분사구문의 형태와 의미
Unit 24 관계대명사 which, that Unit 33 주의해야 할 분사구문
Unit 25 관계대명사의 계속적 용법
CHAPTER 14 가정법
CHAPTER 10 관계사 2 Unit 34 if 가정법 과거/과거완료
Unit 26 관계대명사 what Unit 35 I wish/as if/Without[But for] 가정법
Unit 27 관계부사
CHAPTER 11 접속사 1 Unit 36 원급을 이용한 비교
Unit 28 단어, 구, 절의 연결 Unit 37 비교급을 이용한 비교
Unit 29 등위접속사 Unit 38 최상급을 이용한 비교

CHAPTER 12 접속사 2 CHAPTER 16 특수구문

Unit 30 부사절을 이끄는 접속사 Unit 39 강조, 도치
Unit 31 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 Unit 40 생략, 동격, 부정, 무생물주어 구문


그래머큐_INTER 2_부속.indd 11 2019-10-24 오전 11:12:09




문장의 형식 1

Unit 22 문장을 이루는 요소 Overall Exercises

Unit 23 주어+동사/주어+동사+ Writing Exercises
Unit 24 주어+동사+간접목적어
| 기본 개념 Q&A |

Q 문장의 형식을 이해하기 어려워요.

A  미지로 이해하면 쉬워요.

하나의 아이디어를 전달하는 것이 문장이에요. 다음과 같은 상황을 문장으로 표현한다고
할 때 등장하는 요소들에 따라 문장의 형식이 달라지는 것이에요.

He is singing. He is a superhero. He is drinking He is giving her

He is brave. coffee. a balloon.
사람과 노래하는 동 슈퍼히어로나 용감하다 사람과 그 사람의 동작 건네주는 동작을 하
작만 보여요. 주어 는 것은 모두 He를 설명 을 받는 coffee가 등장 는 사람(He), 그것을
와 동사만으로 문장 해주는 것이에요. 주어, 했어요. 주어, 동사, 동 받는 사람(her), 건네
이 만들어지는 경우 동사, 주어를 설명하는 사의 동작을 받는 것(목 지는 것(a balloon)이
지요. 말(보어)만으로 문장이 적어)으로 문장이 이루 등장해요. 주어, 동사,
만들어져요. 어져요. 목적어 두 개가 필요
한 것이죠.

22 문장을 이루는 요소
문장의 주요 요소에는 주어, 동사, 목적어, 보어가 있고, 이 요소들을 꾸며주는 말인 수식어(구)가 있어요.

주어(S) + 주어: 동사의 동작을 행하는 주체 / 동사: 주어의 움직임, 상태 등을 나타내는 말

A 동사(V) 주어는 ‘~은/는/이/가’로 해석되고, 동사는 ‘~하다/이다’로 해석돼요. 문장이 되기 위해 아주 특수한 경우를 제외하

고는 이 두 가지 성분이 꼭 필요해요. 주어가 될 수 있는 품사는 1 인데, 대개 명사는 관사

나 형용사 등과 함께 써요.

She smiled.
My dog is running around the table.
(You) Run!
* 명령문은 주어가 생략되어 동사만으로 문장 구성이 가능해요. (→ p. 54)

목적어(O) 동사의 동작이 행해지는 대상

B 목적어는 대부분 ‘~을/를’로 해석되지만, 목적어가 두 개인 경우 ‘~에게’로 해석되기도 해요. 목적어가 될 수 있는 품

사는 주어와 마찬가지로 2 예요.

I bought a pretty hat.  목적어: 1개

I bought Mom a pretty hat.  목적어: 2개

~에게 ~을/를

보어(C) 주어나 목적어를 보충 설명

C 보어는 주어나 목적어가 ‘어떠한 성질/신분인지’ 또는 ‘어떠한 상태에 있는지’ 등의 의미를 보충 설명해요. 보어가 될

수 있는 품사는 3 예요.

My mother is an English teacher.  명사

The writer became very famous.  형용사

He made me happy.  형용사

수식어(구) 주어, 동사, 목적어, 보어를 꾸며주는 역할

D (M) 명사를 수식하는 것은 형용사이고, 그 외의 모든 것들을 수식하는 것은 부사예요. 또한 「전치사+명사」도 형용사나

부사 역할을 한답니다. 이처럼 수식어(구)는 없어도 문장의 의미가 완전하므로 생략이 가능해요.

She smiled brightly.  부사: 동사 수식

The girl in the room is my friend. 「전치사+명사」: 명사 수식

14 Chapter 09 문장의 형식 1
정답 및 해설 p.2

STEP <보기>에서 밑줄 친 부분의 문장성분을 찾아 해당 알파벳을 빈칸에 쓰세요.

1 <보기> S(주어): ~은/는/이/가 O(목적어): ~을/를, ~에게

V(동사): ~하다/이다 C(보어): 주어나 목적어를 보충해주는 말

1 She drank water.

She watered the flowers.

2 The soup tastes delicious.

He already ate the soup.

3 I like one of my classmates.

She is one of my classmates.

4 I like rain better than snow.

It rained a lot all day long.

5 We consider Tom a great dancer.

We met a great dancer yesterday.

STEP 밑줄 친 부분의 문장성분을 S(주어), V(동사), O(목적어), C(보어), M(수식어(구))으로 표시하세요.

2 1 I called my girlfriend.

2 We were sitting on that bench.

3 The baker made us some cookies.

4 He became blind after the accident.

5 My father reads a newspaper every morning.

6 This blanket keeps me warm.

7 The computer on the desk isn’t working.

8 Her mother bought her this dress last winter.

Unit 22 15

23 주어+동사/주어+동사+보어/
「주어+동사」는 1형식, 「주어+동사+보어」는 2형식, 「주어+동사+목적어」는 3형식 문장이에요.

주어+동사 주어+동사(+수식어(구))
A 주어와 동사만으로 문장이 성립하지만, 주어와 동사만으로는 의미가 불완전해서 수식어(구)가 같이 나오는 경우

가 많아요.

The woman cried. / That TV works well. / She smiled at me.

 y uncle lives in Ulsan. / She stayed in bed.
 he department store opens at 10:30.

주어+동사+ 주어+동사+보어(형용사/명사)
B 보어 주어와 동사만으로는 문장의 의미가 불완전할 때, 주어를 보충 설명해주는 1 로 명사나 형용사가 필

요해요. 이때 부사는 보어가 될 수 없어요.

He is an English teacher. He = an English teacher

The song sounds beautifully. (×) → beautiful  The song = beautiful

 2형식에 주로 쓰이는 동사들

be동사류 감각동사류 (형용사 보어와 함께 쓰임)

is a pianist (~이다) look healthy (~하게 보이다) feel soft (~하게 느껴지다)
become rich (~해지다, ~가 되다) smell sweet (~한 냄새가 나다) sound true (~하게 들리다)
seem[appear] hungry (~인 것 같다) taste sour (~한 맛이 나다)

cf. 감각동사를 명사와 함께 쓰려면 「감각동사+like+명사」의 형태로 나타내요. He looks like a big snowman.

주어+동사+ 1
목적어 주어·동사 외에 동사의 2 이 미치는 대상(목적어)이 필요해요. 영어 문장에서 가장 많이 볼 수 있
는 형태이죠. 주어, 동사, 목적어만으로는 의미가 불완전해서, 장소 등을 나타내는 수식어(구)가 필요하기도 해요.

I like gimbap.
I put the dish on the table.

2 쓰임에 주의해야 할 동사
동사 안에 ‘~을/를’이라는 의미를 포함하고 있어서 3 가 필요 없는 동사들에 주의하세요.

marry with (~와 결혼하다)   resemble with (~을 닮다) answer to (~에 답하다)
attend to (~에 참석하다)   approach to (~에 접근하다) reach to (~에 도착하다)
discuss about (~에 대해 토의하다) enter into (~로 들어가다)  explain about (~에 대해 설명하다)

More 동사+전치사(동사구)
동사 단독으로 목적어를 가질 수 없고, 전치사와 함께 쓰이는 경우로 하나의 숙어처럼 알아두면 좋아요.
look at(~을 쳐다보다), listen to(~을 듣다), arrive at[in](~에 도착하다), wait for(~을 기다리다),
look for(~을 찾다), agree with(~의 의견에 동의하다), agree on[about](~에 대해 동의하다) 등

16 Chapter 09 문장의 형식 1
정답 및 해설 p.2

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고른 후, <보기>에서 해당하는 문장 형식을 찾아 그 번호를 쓰세요.

1 <보기> ① SV(M) ② SVC(M)

1 She doesn’t feel [happy / happily] now. 

The princess smiled [happy / happily] at the prince. 

2 This box is too [heavy / heavily]. 

It rained [heavy / heavily] yesterday.

3 The student asked [polite / politely]. 

His daughter seemed very [polite / politely]. 

4 They arrived there [safe / safely]. 

This roller coaster doesn’t look [safe / safely].

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고른 후, <보기>에서 해당하는 문장 형식을 찾아 그 번호를 쓰세요.

2 <보기> ① SVC(M) ② SVO(M)

1 Her baby is [love / lovely].

The poor child needs more [love / lovely].

2 He is missing his mom [terrible / terribly]. 

I feel [terrible / terribly] because of my headache.

3 All of his stories were [true / truly]. 

She [true / truly] understands me.

4 She looked [great / greatly] in the red dress. 

She enjoyed the party [great / greatly]. 

Unit 23 17
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.2

STEP 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르세요.

3 1 [Look / Look at] the soccer player’s new hair style.

2 He always [listens / listens to] the radio.

3 She couldn’t [attend / attend in] the meeting this morning.

4 A visitor [entered / entered into] your office a few minutes ago.

5 The singer [arrived / arrived at] Incheon Airport at 3 p.m.

6 I don’t understand. Please [explain / explain about] it to me.

7 We will [wait / wait for] you at the coffee shop.

8 The artist [married / married with] a young and talented woman last month.

STEP <보기>에서 각 문장 형식에 해당하는 문장들을 골라 그 기호를 쓰세요.

4 <보기> ⓐ We feel hungry now.

ⓑ I want your love.
ⓒ This juice tastes sweet.
ⓓ Judy didn’t change her clothes.
ⓔ The wind blows from the south.
ⓕ She became a famous scientist.
ⓖ The dog ran through the forest.
ⓗ Billy made this wonderful garden recently.

1 SV(M)

2 SVC(M)

3 SVO(M)

18 Chapter 09 문장의 형식 1
Unit 23
Point 01 어법상 바른 문장 찾기
전치사와 함께 써야 하는 동사와 그렇지 않은 동사를 구분하세요.
Point 02 어법상 틀린 문장 찾기
적중 각 문형에서 문장을 이루는 요소를 확인해보세요.

Point Point 03 그림의 상황에 맞게 문장 완성하기

‘~하게 보이다’라는 뜻의 look은 보어로 형용사 또는 「like+명사」를 써요.

정답 및 해설 p.2

Point 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 바른 것은?

01 ① Look the small bird.

② I agree with the student.
③ She resembles with her mother.
④ We will discuss about this topic.
⑤ He married with Vicky last month.

Point 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장은?

02 ① This soup smells good.

② The dog ran really fast.
③ The little kid got for Christmas.
④ The sun rises in the east.
⑤ The child looks cheerful today.


Point 그림의 내용과 일치하도록 동사 look과 괄호 안의 단어를 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.


(1) The vegetables (2) This food

. (fresh) . (a sheep)

Unit 23 19

24 주어+동사+간접목적어+직접목적어
「주어+동사+간접목적어(사람)+직접목적어(사물)」는 목적어가 두 개 있는 4형식 문장이에요.

수여동사 간접목적어(IO)와 직접목적어(DO)

A ‘~에게 …을/를 주다’라는 뜻의 수여동사들은 의미상 동사의 동작이 미치는 대상인 목적어를 두 개(간접목적어, 직

접목적어) 가지고 있어요. ‘~에게’의 의미가 있는 1 (IO)는 동사 바로 뒤에, ‘…을/를’의 의미가 있는

2 (DO)는 간접목적어 뒤에 위치해요.

bring me a pen (나에게 펜을 가져다주다) show me a movie (나에게 영화를 보여주다)

give me a pen (나에게 펜을 주다) lend me some money (나에게 약간의 돈을 빌려주다)
teach me a song (나에게 노래를 가르쳐주다) write me a letter (나에게 편지를 써주다)
buy me a pen (나에게 펜을 사주다) build me a house (나에게 집을 지어주다)
pass me a pen (나에게 펜을 건네주다) cook me a meal (나에게 식사를 요리해주다)
send me a letter (나에게 편지를 보내주다) get me a cup (나에게 컵을 가져다주다)
make me a toy (나에게 장난감을 만들어주다) tell me a secret (나에게 비밀을 말해주다)

주어+동사 「S+V+IO+DO」 ↔ 「S+V+DO+to/for/of+IO」

B +직접목적어 ‘~에게’라는 뜻의 간접목적어(IO) 앞에 전치사(to, for, of)를 붙여 3 (DO) 뒤에 위치시킬 수도 있어
+to/for/of 요. 이때 동사에 따라 오는 전치사가 다르므로 잘 구별해두세요.
teach a song / bring a pen / give a pen / send a letter / pass a pen /
write a letter / show a movie / tell a secret / lend some money
make a toy / build a house / get a cup / buy a pen / cook a meal for

ask a question[favor] of

More 4형식 문장으로 쓸 수 없는 동사

introduce, provide, explain, suggest는 4형식 문장으로 쓸 수 없어요.

I’ll introduce you my sister. (×) → I’ll introduce my sister to you. (○)
The company provides them food. (×) → The company provides them with food. (○)
I explained him the problem. (×) → I explained the problem to him. (○)
He suggested them a new plan. (×) → He suggested a new plan to them. (○)

20 Chapter 09 문장의 형식 1
정답 및 해설 p.3

STEP <보기>와 같이 주어, 동사, 간접목적어, 직접목적어, 수식어(구)에 해당하는 부분을 찾아 밑줄을 긋고, 각각 S(주

어), V(동사), IO(간접목적어), DO(직접목적어), M(수식어(구))으로 표시하세요.

<보기> My father bought me a bicycle on my birthday.


1 She will get you cold water soon.

2 Mina sent me pictures of Tower Bridge.

3 The salesperson showed us some beautiful rings.

4 You didn’t tell me the story at that time.

5 Volunteers give elderly people some food in this park.

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르세요.

2 1 Mary wrote me this letter.

= Mary wrote this letter [for / to / of] me.

2 He made his daughter a toy car.

= He made a toy car [for / to / of] his daughter.

3 You have to show the officer your passport at the airport.

= You have to show your passport [for / to / of] the officer at the airport.

4 My father gave me some money for a new pair of sneakers.

= My father gave some money [for / to / of] me for a new pair of sneakers.

5 Jihun’s parents bought him a bicycle for his birthday.

= Jihun’s parents bought a bicycle [for / to / of] him for his birthday.

6 One of my students asked me a difficult question.

= One of my students asked a difficult question [for / to / of] me.

7 Andy will teach the kids how to perform CPR.    *CPR: 심폐소생술

= Andy will teach how to perform CPR [for / to / of] the kids.

Unit 24 21
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.3

STEP <보기>와 같이 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 배열하여 두 가지 형태로 문장을 완성하세요.

(단, 문형에 따라 전치사 to, for, of가 필요할 수 있음)

<보기> 엄마가 우리에게 맛있는 음식을 요리해주셨다. (cooked, delicious, us, food)
→ Mom cooked us delicious food .
→ Mom cooked delicious food for us .

1 제게 그 소금 좀 건네주실래요? (me, pass, the salt)

Would you ?
Would you ?

2 Jane이 우리에게 저녁을 해주었다. (dinner, made, us)

Jane .
Jane .

3 당신에게 몇 가지 질문 좀 해도 될까요? (some, you, questions, ask)

Can I ?
Can I ?

4 나는 그 아이들에게 치즈버거 세 개를 사줬다. (the children, three, bought, cheeseburgers)

I .
I .

5 왜 거기 가고 싶은 거니? 내게 그 이유를 말해봐. (tell, the reason, me)

Why do you want to go there? .
Why do you want to go there? .

6 그 회사는 오늘 오후에 네게 이메일을 보낼 거야. (an e-mail, you, send)

The company will this afternoon.
The company will this afternoon.

STEP 다음 중 어법상 바른 문장은?

4 ① She showed her wedding pictures me.

② The guest asked a few questions to me.
③ My older brother made a paper plane for me.
④ His father bought him for a book for his exam.
⑤ The Internet site gave to me good information about the country.

22 Chapter 09 문장의 형식 1
Unit 24
Point 01 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말 찾기
4형식 문장을 3형식으로 바꿀 때 간접목적어(IO) 앞에 전치사를 붙여 직접목적어
내신 (DO) 뒤에 위치시켜야 하는데 동사에 따라 전치사 to, for, of 중 하나를 써요.

적중 Point 02 문장 전환이 바르지 않은 것 찾기

4형식 문장을 3형식으로 바꿀 때 쓰이는 전치사에 주목하세요.

Point Point 03 그림의 상황에 맞게 문장 완성하기

teach는 목적어를 두 개 가질 수 있는 동사예요.

정답 및 해설 p.3

Point 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

01 •T
 hey will buy some bread me.
• I can do it this time. Give a second chance me.

① to – of ② to – for ③ of – to
④ for – for ⑤ for – to

Point 다음 중 문장의 전환이 바르지 않은 것은?

02 ① Will you get me a concert ticket?

→ Will you get a concert ticket for me?
② Tim built his daughter a big snowman.
→ Tim built a big snowman to his daughter.
③ He sent his sister the letter.
→ He sent the letter to his sister.
④ Her niece made her a beautiful necklace.
→ Her niece made a beautiful necklace for her.
⑤ Boram lent her classmate her textbook.
→ Boram lent her textbook to her classmate.


Point 다음 그림의 내용과 일치하도록 괄호 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

My father
last weekend. (how to fish, taught)

Unit 24 23
Overall Exercises 09
Unit 22-24

1 주어진 문장과 문형이 같은 것은?

4 A: I feel (A) now. I couldn’t
sleep last night.
This pineapple tastes sweet.
B: Why? What was the problem?
A: I don’t know. I just couldn’t get to
① We saw the movie. sleep.
② I didn’t hear the noise. B: Warm milk is good for your sleep.
③ His idea sounds strange. A: Oh, thanks. That sounds very
④ She felt the touch of his hand. (B) .
⑤ They are watching a baseball game.

(A) (B)
① great ····· helpful
② greatly ····· helpfully
③ tired ····· helpfully
2 다음 중 문형이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? ④ tired
⑤ great
① I don’t need anyone’s help.
② The eagle flew to its nest.
③ They couldn’t win the game.
④ I’m learning English from my sister. 5 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
⑤ He drank a cup of coffee a few minutes
ago. 이것은 너무 비싸요. 더 싼 것을 보여주세요.
→ It’s too expensive. Please show a
cheaper one me.

① of ② to ③ with
[3-4] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것을 고르 ④ for ⑤ on

3 • His new suit appears (A) .

6 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?
• The plan sounds (B) .
• Black coffee usually tastes (C) . • The problem me a headache.
• My boyfriend’s letter me
(A) (B) (C) great pleasure.
① cool ······ impossible ······ bitterly • Please a piece of advice to
② cool ······ impossible ······ bitter me.
③ coolly ······ impossibly ······ bitter
④ coolly ······ impossibly ······ bitterly ① ask(s) ② say(s) ③ like(s)
⑤ cool ······ impossibly ······ bitterly ④ give(s) ⑤ need(s)

24 Chapter 09 문장의 형식 1
정답 및 해설 p.3

[7-8] 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르세요. [11-12] 다음 중 어법상 바른 문장을 고르세요.

① His plan works good.

7 The new teacher looks . 11 ② It rained a lot yesterday.
③ You look beautifully in that scarf.
① pretty ② lonely ④ The little girl was really sadly after the
③ lovely ④ happily accident.
⑤ friendly ⑤ I discussed about the matter with my

8 This wonderful.

① makes ② looks
③ tastes ④ sounds
⑤ smells ① Can you bring a cup of water for me?
12 ② He sent to me an invitation.
③ I can’t answer to the question.
④ Mr. Kim agreed the manager’s opinion.
⑤ We couldn’t believe him anymore.

9 다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 바르게 고쳐 문장

을 다시 쓰세요.

My pet dog didn’t look like well.

13 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 응답으로 알맞은 것은?

A: I don’t understand the rules of this

10 다음 중 빈칸에 to를 쓸 수 없는 것은?
board game. Please help me.
① Mr. Jones sent an e-mail him. B: OK, .
② I bought flowers my mother.
③ He gives some carrots a horse. ① I’ll explain you
④ They showed some pictures ② I’ll explain of them you
me. ③ I’ll explain them to you
⑤ My grandfather told a funny story ④ I’ll explain to them you
us. ⑤ I’ll explain to you them

Overall Exercises 09 25
Overall Exercises  09

[14-15] 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장을 고르세요.

17 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤ 중 어법상 바르지 않은 것은?

① This cup seems very dirty.

14 ② The sun sets in the west.
I met one of my best friends yesterday.
She went to America five years ago and
③ I won’t tell anybody the story.
she is ① visiting Korea now. I ② arrived
④ Most medicine doesn’t taste sweet.
the cafe early. But she was already there.
⑤ My sister married with a Canadian.
She looked ③ good. She gave a present
④ to me. We talked a lot and had a great
time. She will go back to America next
week. So I want to cook ⑤ her a meal this

① The writer wrote three novels.

15 ② The perfume smells strong.
③ He got me for a concert ticket.
[18-20] 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 배
④ The Earth moves around the Sun.
열하여 문장을 완성하세요.
⑤ My uncle lent me a history book.
18 저 시계는 비싸 보인다.
(looks, watch, that, expensive)

16 다음 중 문장의 전환이 바르지 않은 것은?

① I didn’t send you the opera ticket.

→ I didn’t send the opera ticket to you. 19 그녀는 나에게 문자 메시지를 보내지 않았다.

② Please show me your passport. (a text message, didn’t, me, send, to, she)
→ Please show your passport for me.

③ Harry asked him a very difficult question.
→ Harry asked a very difficult question
of him.
④ They bought a pair of jeans for their
→ They bought their nephew a pair of
jeans. 20 그 가방을 사는 것은 돈이 많이 든다.
⑤ She taught foreign students samulnori. (buying, costs, money, a lot of, the bag)
→ She taught samulnori to foreign
students. →

26 Chapter 09 문장의 형식 1
정답 및 해설 p.4

만점 Writing Exercises

1 <보기>의 전치사를 이용하여 주어진 문장을 바꿔 쓰

3 다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 바르게 고쳐 문장
을 다시 쓰세요.

<보기> to for of Emma married with John on June 20.

(1) I bought my brother a black cap. →

She will lend me a cookbook.


4 다음 <조건>에 맞게 괄호 안의 단어들을 바르게 배열

(3) The reporter asked the man a question. <조건> 알맞은 전치사를 반드시 추가할 것

(1) (I, the radio, listen)
→ every morning.

(2) (gave, me, the teacher, positive feedback)

2 다음 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 <A>와 <B>에서 하

나씩 골라 문장을 완성하세요.

〈A〉 〈B〉

look, smell, feel, delicious, cold,

5 다음 그림을 보고, 대화를 완성하세요.

look like, smell like, an angel, very sick Tonight Tomorrow

feel like

(1) 바닷물이 차갑게 느껴진다.

→ The sea water .

(2) 그 아기는 천사처럼 보인다.

(1) A: What are you going to make for her.
→ The baby . B: I’m going to
(3) 그 피자는 맛있는 냄새가 났다.
→ The pizza . (2) A: What are you going to cook for them
tomorrow? (going to)
(4) 그 개는 매우 아파 보인다. B: I’m going to
→ The dog . .

Writing Exercises 27



문장의 형식 2

Unit 25 주어+동사+목적어+ Overall Exercises

목적격보어(명사/형용사/to부정사) Writing Exercises
Unit 26 주어+동사+목적어+
| 기본 개념 Q&A |

Q 문장의 형식을 이해하기 어려워요.

A  미지로 이해하면 쉬워요.

다섯 번째의 문장 형식도 이미지로 이해해 봅시다.

I think him a superhero. I see him flying.

I think him brave.
생각하는 사람과 그 생각의 대상이 되는 사람이 보는 사람과 보는 대상이 되는 목적어가 등장했
등장했어요. 슈퍼히어로나 용감하다는 것은 모 는데, 여기서는 목적어인 him을 설명하는 말(보
두 목적어인 him을 설명해주는 것이에요. 그러 어)이 그 목적어의 ‘행동’인 것이에요.
므로 주어, 동사, 목적어, 목적어를 설명하는 말
(보어)로 문장이 만들어져요.

25 주어+동사+목적어+목적격보어
주어, 동사, 목적어만으로는 문장의 의미가 완전하지 못하고, 목적어에 대한 설명(목적격보어)을 보충해야 의미가 완전
해지는 5형식 문장이에요. 동사에 따라 목적격보어로 명사, 형용사, to부정사, 동사원형, 분사를 쓸 수 있어요.

목적격 목적어 = 목적격보어

A 보어가 동사 make, name, call 등과 함께 쓰여 1 가 목적어와 동일한 대상을 나타내요.
Emily’s website made her a famous person.  ~을 …로 만들다

We named the dog Lucky.  ~을 …로 이름 짓다

I call him Ello.  ~을 …로 부르다

More 4형식과 5형식 문장에 쓰인 동사 make의 구별

Mom made me a beautiful dress. (me ≠ a beautiful dress, 4형식)

Books made me a better person. (me = a better person, 5형식)

목적격 목적격보어 = 목적어의 성질이나 상태

B 보어가 동사 keep, make, find, leave와 함께 쓰여 목적격보어가 목적어의 2 이나 3 를
형용사 나타내요. 이때, 부사는 목적격보어로 쓰일 수 없어요.

She kept her room clean. cleanly (×) ~을 …한 상태로 유지하다

I’ll make you happy.  ~을 …하게 만들다

I found the test easy.  ~가 …라는 것을 알다

We left the door open. ~을 …한 상태로 두다

목적격 목적어와 목적격보어: 「주어-술어」 관계

C 보어가 목적격보어로 4 가 오는 동사들이 있어요. 이때 to부정사는 목적어의 동작이나 상태를 나타내고, 목
to부정사 적어와 목적격보어는 「주어-술어」로 해석돼요.

want, tell, ask, allow, advise, order, expect 등 + 목적어 + to부정사(구)

I want you to visit me.  ~가 …하기를 원하다

He told me to answer the phone.  ~가 …하도록 말하다

She asked me to help.  ~가 …하도록 요청하다

Please allow me to leave here.  ~가 …하도록 허락하다

He advised me to exercise every day.  ~가 …하도록 조언하다

He ordered me to take the medicine. ~가 …하도록 명령하다

I expected him to come. ~가 …하기를 기대하다

30 Chapter 10 문장의 형식 2
정답 및 해설 p.4

STEP <보기>와 같이 주어, 동사, 목적어, 목적격보어에 해당하는 부분을 찾아 밑줄을 긋고, 각각 S(주어), V(동사), O

(목적어), C(보어)로 표시하세요.

<보기> We call him Edison.


1 The hurricane made the student a hero.

2 He wanted me to finish the work.

3 You must keep your hands clean.

4 The police officer ordered the man to stop walking.

5 A boring story made it a boring movie.

STEP <보기>에서 다음의 세 가지 경우에 해당하는 SVOC 문장을 골라 각각 그 기호를 쓰세요. 

 (세 가지 경우에 모두 속하지 않는 문장도 있음)

<보기> ⓐ I’ll call a taxi.

ⓑ The star couple named their baby Apple.
ⓒ That experience made you a good writer.
ⓓ That food made him sick.
ⓔ Jason made me this scarf.
ⓕ Regular exercise keeps us healthy.
ⓖ I asked her to see a movie with me.
ⓗ We found the room empty.
ⓘ We call him a genius in science.
ⓙ The doctor advised me to eat fruit.

1 SVOC에서 C(보어)가 명사인 경우

2 SVOC에서 C(보어)가 형용사인 경우

3 SVOC에서 C(보어)가 to부정사인 경우

Unit 25 31
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.4

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르세요.

3 1 The hero made his city [safe / safely].

2 My father didn’t allow me [watch / to watch] TV at night.

3 The doctor asked you [stay / to stay] in bed for a week.

4 I found the customer very [angry / angrily] and made an apology.

5 They wanted me [tell / to tell] the whole story. But I didn’t say anything.

STEP 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 바르면 ○표, 틀리면 ×표하고 바르게 고치세요.

4 1 She didn’t tell me bring some bread.

2 Rita expected me to selling the clothes.

3 His silence made me nervously.

4 We often call him the god of baseball.

STEP 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

5 1 그의 부모님은 그를 훌륭한 의사로 만들었다. (doctor, make, his parents, great, a)

2 우리는 그 소녀에게 바이올린을 연주해 달라고 요청했다. (ask, play, the violin, the girl)

3 나의 선생님은 나에게 많은 책을 읽으라고 조언하셨다.

(books, advise, many, my teacher, read)

32 Chapter 10 문장의 형식 2
Unit 25
Point 01 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말 찾기
동사 tell과 keep이 쓰인 문장에서는 어떤 형태의 목적격보어가 오는지 확인하세요.
내신 Point 02 어법상 틀린 문장 찾기
적중 동사와 문장에 따라 목적격보어의 형태가 달라져요. 특히 목적격보어로 to부정사가
오는 동사에 주의하세요.

Point Point 03 그림의 상황에 맞게 문장 완성하기

동사 ask가 쓰인 문장에서 목적격보어 자리에는 어떤 형태가 오는지 떠올려 보세요.

정답 및 해설 p.5

Point 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

01 • I told my mother the key in the living room.

• You should keep the vegetable .

① find – fresh ② find – freshly

③ finding – freshly ④ to find – fresh
⑤ to find – to be fresh

Point 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것은?

02 ① We call her “Princess.”

② This song makes me happy.
③ Linda told us to cook dinner.
④ We wanted them to come to the party.
⑤ The teacher advised us be quiet in the library.


Point 다음 그림의 내용과 일치하도록 괄호 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

(한 단어를 추가할 것)

(Kate, help, with the report, him)

Henry asked

Unit 25 33

26 주어+동사+목적어+목적격보어
목적어의 동작이나 상태 등을 설명하는 목적격보어로 동사원형, 현재분사가 오는 동사들이 있어요.

목적격 make, have, let 등+목적어+동사원형

A 보어가 make, have, let 등의 동사 다음에 목적격보어로 동사원형이 오면 ‘목적어가 ~하도록 ~하다/시키다’라는 의미예
동사원형 요. 이 동사들을 1 라고 해요.

Ted made me help him.  ~가 …하도록 만들다

We let him go to the park.  ~가 …하도록 허락하다

I had them wait in the room.  ~가 …하도록 시키다

목적격 see, watch, hear, listen to, feel 등+목적어+동사원형/현재분사

B 보어가 see, watch, hear, listen to, feel 등의 동사 다음에 목적격보어로 동사원형/현재분사가 올 수 있는데, 이 동사들을
동사원형/ 2 라고 해요. 주로 동작이 진행 중임을 강조할 때 목적격보어 자리에 현재분사를 써요.
I saw her go out.  ~가 …하는 것을 보다

I hear a bird sing.  ~가 …하는 것을 듣다

She watched him swimming.  ~가 …하고 있는 것을 보다

목적격 help+목적어+(to+)동사원형
C 보어가 (to+) 동사 3 다음에는 목적격보어로 동사원형과 to부정사를 둘 다 쓸 수 있어요.
Julie helped me (to) carry the heavy box. ~가 …하는 것을 돕다

More get+목적어+to부정사
동사 get이 사역(~하도록 하다/시키다)의 의미로 쓰일 때 목적격보어로 to부정사를 써요.
Get your friend to help you.

34 Chapter 10 문장의 형식 2
정답 및 해설 p.5

STEP <보기>와 같이 주어, 동사, 목적어, 목적격보어에 해당하는 부분을 찾아 밑줄을 긋고, 각각 S(주어), V(동사), O

(목적어), C(보어)로 표시하세요.

<보기> We saw you swim in the pool.


1 We heard someone knock at the door.

2 Thomas helped his cousin make doughnuts.

3 My mother doesn’t let me play computer games all day.

4 The device will make your eyes feel more comfortable.

5 I saw my brother fishing in the river.

STEP <보기>에서 다음의 세 가지 경우에 해당하는 SVOC 문장을 골라 각각 그 기호를 쓰세요.

 (세 가지 경우에 모두 속하지 않는 문장도 있음)

<보기> ⓐ We watched the kids draw a picture.

ⓑ He makes me go jogging every day.
ⓒ Please call me Anne.
ⓓ She saw her son playing soccer last week.
ⓔ My friend helped me to write a report.
ⓕ I felt someone touching my shoulder.
ⓖ Alice had her brother sweep the floor.
ⓗ My test results made my mom angry.
ⓘ Jamie got his friends to help him.
ⓙ They heard a boy singing upstairs.

1 SVOC에서 C(보어)가 동사원형인 경우

2 SVOC에서 C(보어)가 to부정사인 경우

3 SVOC에서 C(보어)가 현재분사인 경우

Unit 26 35
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.5

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르세요. (복수 정답 가능)

3 1 We saw the little boy [cry / to cry / crying] at the toy shop.

2 Let me [explain / to explain] the situation to you.

3 Jake heard us [talk / to talk / talking] about him in the lounge.

4 My father had him [repair / to repair] his car.

5 A man helped me [carry / to carry] these boxes to the office.

STEP 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 바르면 ○표, 틀리면 ×표하고 바르게 고치세요.

4 1 The comedy show made the old man smiles.

2 I’ll help you to finish your homework.

3 We watched our dog plays with a ball.

4 Their mother doesn’t let them to run in the house.

STEP 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

5 1 그는 그의 고양이가 쥐 한 마리를 잡는 것을 보았다. (his cat, saw, catch, a rat)

2 당신의 설명은 내가 그 문제를 이해하는 것을 도와주었다. 

(problem, your explanation, helped, understand, me)

3 그녀는 그녀의 아이들이 조용히 하고 있도록 만들었다. (make, keep quiet, her children)

36 Chapter 10 문장의 형식 2
Unit 26
Point 01 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말 찾기
주어진 문장의 목적격보어로 to부정사가 있음을 확인하고 목적격보어 자리에 to부정
내신 사가 오는 동사를 떠올려 보세요.

적중 Point 02 우리말을 바르게 영작한 것 찾기

지각동사 hear는 목적격보어로 어떤 것을 쓰는지 알아야 해요.

Point Point 03 주어진 단어의 알맞은 형태 쓰기

문장의 동사가 지각동사나 사역동사일 때 목적격보어 자리에 어떤 형태가 올 수 있는
지 떠올려 보세요.

정답 및 해설 p.6

Point 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?

01 I my uncle to fix my bicycle.

① let ② made ③ wanted

④ had ⑤ watched

Point 다음 우리말을 바르게 영작한 것을 모두 고르면?

02 나는 예나가 내 이름을 부르는 것을 들었다.

① I heard Yena call my name.

② I heard Yena called my name.
③ I heard Yena to call my name.
④ I heard Yena calling my name.
⑤ I heard Yena to calling my name.


Point 괄호 안에 주어진 단어의 알맞은 형태를 각 빈칸에 쓰세요.

03 • Some students saw him for his wallet. (look)

• He made the police officer for his wallet. (look)

Unit 26 37
Overall Exercises 10
Unit 25-26

[1-4] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 모두 고르세요.

5 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

1 She made his son the car to A: Would you like to leave a message?
make pocket money. B: Yes, please .

① wash ② washes ③ washed ① ask me call him back

④ washing ⑤ to wash ② ask him call me back
③ ask calling to me back
④ ask me to call him back
⑤ ask him to call me back

2 My parents allowed me
camping with friends.
6 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞지 않은 것은?
① go ② went ③ going
④ to go ⑤ for going My mother me study English
for the test tomorrow.

① let ② made
③ watched ④ helped
⑤ expected

3 I saw her for her family in the


① cook ② cooks ③ cooked

④ cooking ⑤ to cook 7 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

• I advise you (A) your room.

• I made him (B) his room.

(A) (B)
① clean ······ clean
4 He got me the alarm clock. ② clean ······ cleaning
③ to clean ······ clean
① fix ② fixes ③ fixed ④ to clean ······ cleaning
④ to fixing ⑤ to fix ⑤ to clean ······ to clean

38 Chapter 10 문장의 형식 2
정답 및 해설 p.6

8 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 어법상 바르지 않은 부분을 찾

아 바르게 고치세요.
11 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장은?

① He made me uncomfortable.
② We didn’t see you enter the house.
My father told me do my homework first.
③ The doctor advised me to rest well.
(우리 아버지께서 내게 숙제를 먼저 하라고 말씀하
④ The ending of the show made me cry.
⑤ We had them to look after our babies.

12 다음은 <보기>의 문장을 이용한 5형식(SVOC) 문장

들입니다. 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치세요.

9 다음 중 빈칸에 to가 들어갈 수 있는 것은? <보기> Jack plays soccer every Sunday.
① I saw Minji cry yesterday.
② The teacher let us go home. (1) 
Jack’s mom allows Jack plays soccer
③ My mom had me fold the every Sunday.
laundry. (2) Jack’s mom lets Jack to play soccer every
④ The engineer helped me fix my Sunday.
computer. (3) Jack’s mom gets Jack play soccer every
⑤ Jessica watched a man dance Sunday.
on the street.

13 다음 우리말을 바르게 영작한 것은?

그녀는 나에게 자기 사진을 찍어 달라고 부탁했다.

10 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지와 다른 하나는?

① You didn’t make me a kite. ① She asked to take a picture of her.

② My father made me fried rice. ② She asked me take a picture of her.
③ We will make our dog a house. ③ She asked to taking a picture of her.
④ I made my brother a teddy bear. ④ She asked me taking a picture of her.
⑤ The man made me clean the window. ⑤ She asked me to take a picture of her.

Overall Exercises 10 39
Overall Exercises  10

[14-15] 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 어법상 바르게 고치세요.

18 빈칸 (A), (B), (C)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것
14 We heard Kate to sing a lovely song.
• My mom wants me (A) to
→ Hanguk University.
• Her parents let her (B) on a
• I asked Jade (C) to the party
with me.
15 Mom makes me to eat vegetables at every
meal. (A) (B) (C)
① going ······ go ······ to go
→ ② go ······ to go ······ going
③ to go ······ going ······ going
④ to go ······ go ······ to go
⑤ go ······ go ······ to go

16 어법상 바른 문장을 모두 고른 것은?

ⓐ This dress will make you beautifully.

ⓑ Helen felt her face turn red.
ⓒ ‌My parents let me to travel around the
ⓓ ‌He saw his daughter dancing on the [19-20] 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 배
stage. 열하여 문장을 완성하세요.
ⓔ ‌I expected you to get a good grade on
the math exam. 19 나는 그 수업이 꽤 흥미롭다는 것을 알게 되었다.
(the class, found, I, interesting, quite)
① ⓐ, ⓑ ② ⓐ, ⓒ, ⓔ
③ ⓑ, ⓓ ④ ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓔ →
⑤ ⓑ, ⓓ, ⓔ

17 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 바른 것은?

① The scarf keeps you warmly.

② I found this book really interest. 20 너는 어제 내가 그 노래를 부르는 것을 들었니?
③ I will let you to ride my new bike. (that song, you, hear, yesterday, me, did,
④ She wants Steve coming home early. sing)
⑤ ‌The doctor advised him not to drink too
much coffee. →

40 Chapter 10 문장의 형식 2
정답 및 해설 p.6

만점 Writing Exercises

1 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 바르

게 배열하세요.
3 다음 주어진 문장을 알맞은 형태로 빈칸에 넣어 문장
을 완성하세요.

(1) 우리는 그를 책벌레라고 부른다. (1) My father drove his car.

(we, him, a bookworm, call) → I watched .

(2) I felt touched.
(2) 모차르트의 음악은 나를 항상 행복하게 만든다. → The book made .
(happy, always makes, me, Mozart’s music)

4 다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐

문장을 다시 쓰세요.

2 다음 그림의 내용과 일치하도록 괄호 안의 단어들을

이용하여 문장을 완성하세요. People saw Henry to play the violin.

(a baseball player, David,

(1) His parents want

5 다음 <조건>에 맞게 보미의 말을 완성하세요.

• 어제 엄마가 한 말을 이용할 것
(wash the dishes, me) • 사역동사 have를 사용할 것
• 과거시제로 쓸 것
(2) Mom asked
. (1) Mom: When you come home, you should
clean your desk.
Bomi: Mom
when I came home.

(a little boy, drink, milk) (2) Mom: Do your homework first before you
go out.
(3) The doctor advised Bomi: Mom
. before I went out.

Writing Exercises 41



문장의 종류

Unit 27 의문사 의문문 Overall Exercises

Unit 28 간접의문문 Writing Exercises
Unit 29 부가의문문 / 명령문
| 기본 개념 Q&A |

Q 문장의 종류란 무엇인가요?

A  장을 의미적으로 분류한 것이에요.

문장의 형식은 등장하는 요소에 따라 분류하는 것이고, 문장의 종류는 문장을 의미적으로 분
류하는 것이에요.

주어+동사 의문문(~?)
주어+동사+목적어 명령문(~. / ~!)
주어+동사+목적어+보어 등 감탄문(~!)
문장의 형식 문장의 종류

이 Chapter에서는 특히 다양한 의문문을 학습한답니다. 의문문 학습에서 가장 중요한 것은

의문문을 만드는 단어들의 순서와 올바른 응답을 익히는 것이에요. 의문부사니 의문대명사니
하는 문법 용어보다는 어순과 응답에 집중해야 합니다.

27 의문사 의문문
의문사 의문문은 의문사를 사용하여 구체적인 정보를 묻는 것이에요. 누가, 무엇을, 언제, 어떻게, 왜 등을 묻는 의문문에
대답을 할 때에는 각 의문사에 맞는 정보로 대답해야 해요.

의문사가 의문대명사(Who, Whose, What, Which)+동사 ~?

A 주어 주어로 쓰이는 의문사는 의문대명사라고 해요. 1 과 동일한 어순이에요.

My parents painted the wall. → Who painted the wall? 누가

What makes the team famous?  무엇이

Which travels faster, light or sound? ― Light (does).  어느 것이

의문사가 1 의문사가 보어: 의문사+be동사+주어 ~?

B 주어가 The girl is my cousin. → Who is the girl? 누구
아닌 경우 These books are Cathy’s. → Whose are these books? 누구의 것

Which is the bus for Jongno?  어느 것

What’s the matter? ― I lost my backpack.  무엇

2 의문사가 목적어: 의문사+조동사/do/does/did+주어+동사원형 ~?

I bought a shirt at that store. → What did you buy at that store? 무엇을

Which of these would you like to have?  어느 것을

Who(m) did you invite to the party?  누구를

의문사가 의문사+명사+일반의문문 ~?
C 형용사로 Whose shoes are these? ― These are mine. 누구의
= Whose are these shoes?  누구의 것: 의문대명사
Which color do you like best, black or blue? ― Blue.  어느: 대상이 한정된 경우

What color do you like best? ― Blue.  무슨: 대상이 다수인 경우

의문대명사의 요일, 날짜, 의견 등

D 관용표현 What happened to him? ― He had a car accident last week.
What day is it today? ― It’s Wednesday.  요일

What’s the date? ― It’s July 10.  날짜

What do you think of[about] the movie? ― It’s wonderful. 의견

What does your father do? ― He’s a writer.  직업

44 Chapter 11 문장의 종류

의문부사 의문부사(When, Where, Why, How)+일반의문문 ~?

E ‘때, 장소, 이유, 방법’ 등을 나타내는 부사를 물어보는 것이므로 2 라고 해요.

① 때: Does the show begin at seven?  언제

→ When does the show begin? 

② 장소: Were you in the kitchen? → Where were you? 어디에(서)

③ 이유: Did you buy it for the party? → Why did you buy it? 왜

④ 방법: Do you go to school by bus? 어떻게

→ How do you go to school? 

How의 방법, 상태, 정도, 수량

F 다양한 쓰임
How do you spell ‘grammar’? ― G-R-A-M-M-A-R. 방법
How How’s your mother? ― She’s fine, thank you.
상태 상태
How do you feel? ― I feel fine.

How long did you wait there? ― For an hour. 기간, 길이

How far is it? ― (It’s) Two kilometers. 거리

How+ How often do you go there? ― Twice a week. 빈도

형용사/부사 How old is she? ― (She’s) Fifteen (years old). 나이

How tall is he? ― (He’s) 166cm (tall). 키

How soon can you finish your work? ― In ten minutes. 시간, 기한

How many+ How many CDs do you have? ― Over twenty. 〈개수〉
셀 수 있는 명사 How many times a week do you go swimming? 〈횟수〉 수

수량 복수형 = How often do you go swimming a week?

How much+ How much money do you have? ― Ten dollars.

셀 수 없는 명사 cf. How much is it[are they]? ― Five dollars. 〈가격〉

의문부사의 제안, 의견, 이유

G 관용표현 How[What] about a cup of coffee? ― That would be great.  제안

How[What] about watching the movie? ― Sorry, but I can’t.

How do you like this place? ― I love it.  의견

= What do you think of[about] this place?

How come you say so? = Why do you say so? 이유

→ how come 뒤에는 평서문 어순이 이어져요.

cf. What makes you say so?

Unit 27 45
STEP Who, Whose, What, Which 중 빈칸에 알맞은 의문사를 골라 쓰세요.

1 1 Q: one did you choose of the two?

A: I chose the bigger one.

2 Q: is playing the cello on the stage now?

A: Jiwon is.

3 Q: did you do last Saturday?

A: Nothing special.

4 Q: is this purse on the floor?

A: Oh, it’s my sister’s.

5 Q: will you buy for Parents’ Day?

A: I will buy some fresh flowers.

6 Q: T-shirt is yours, the black one or the white one?

A: The black one is mine.

STEP When, Where, Why, How 중 빈칸에 알맞은 의문사를 골라 쓰세요.

2 1 Q: do you want to go to Italy?

A: Because I love Italian art.

2 Q: was the movie?

A: It was very touching.

3 Q: did they go home yesterday?

A: They went home by taxi.

4 Q: did you find my keys?

A: I found them under the sofa.

5 Q: are you going to meet your friends?

A: I’m going to meet them this weekend.

6 Q: were you late for school this morning?

A: My mother didn’t wake me up.

46 Chapter 11 문장의 종류
정답 및 해설 p.7

STEP 각 질문에 대한 알맞은 응답을 <보기>에서 골라 그 기호를 쓰세요.

3 <보기> ⓐ It was Tuesday.

ⓒ It’s my brother’s.
ⓑ He was talking on the phone.
ⓓ The red one is better.
ⓔ She is mopping the floor. ⓕ My grandpa is.
ⓖ I missed the last train.

1 Who is standing at the door?

2 What is she doing?

3 What happened to you?

4 Whose digital camera is that on the table?

5 What was he doing then?

6 Which tie should I wear, the red one or the pink one?

7 What day was it yesterday?

STEP 각 응답에 대한 알맞은 질문을 <보기>에서 골라 그 기호를 쓰세요.

4 <보기> ⓐ Where will you spend this holiday?

ⓑ How was your midterm exam?
ⓒ How come you look so happy?
ⓓ Why didn’t you come to the meeting?
ⓔ When did you start reading that book?
ⓕ How many countries are there in the world?

1 Since yesterday.

2 Actually, it was quite easy.

3 I was too busy working on the project.

4 Around two hundred.

5 Probably at the new amusement park.

6 I got many presents for my birthday.

Unit 27 47
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.7

STEP How long, How often, How many, How much, How about 중 빈칸에 알맞은 표현을 골라 쓰세요.

5 1 Q:
A: It’s ten thousand won.
is this hat?

2 Q: going for a walk?

A: Sounds great.

3 Q: hours a day do you watch TV?

A: More than three hours.

4 Q: does it take to Namdaemun from here?

A: It takes only ten minutes by bus.

5 Q: do you exercise?
A: About three times a week.

STEP 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 알맞은 의문사를 이용하여 빈칸을 완성하세요.

6 1 당신이 제일 좋아하는 음식은 무엇입니까?

favorite food?

2 너는 어디서 이 아름다운 드레스를 샀니?

this beautiful dress?

3 저 파란색 차는 누구의 차입니까?

that blue one?

4 너는 왜 어제 발레 수업에 안 왔니?

to the ballet class yesterday?

5 트럭과 스포츠카 중에 어느 것이 더 빠릅니까?

faster, the truck or the sports car?

6 어젯밤 오케스트라는 어땠니?

the orchestra last night?

48 Chapter 11 문장의 종류
Unit 27
Point 01 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말 찾기
각 의문사의 의미를 파악하여 주어진 대답에 가장 어울리는 것으로 고르세요.
Point 02 자연스럽지 않은 대화 찾기
적중 각 의문부사가 어떤 것을 묻고 그에 적절한 내용을 대답하는지 확인하세요.

Point Point 03 그림의 상황에 맞게 문장 완성하기

직업을 묻는 의문대명사의 관용표현을 떠올려 봐요.

정답 및 해설 p.7

Point 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

01 A: do you like better, seafood or meat?

B: I like seafood better.

① Who ② Whose ③ What

④ Which ⑤ How

Point 다음 중 대화가 자연스럽지 않은 것은?

02 ① A: Where did you and your mother go this afternoon?

B: We went shopping downtown.
② A: Why didn’t he come to the party?
B: He had a terrible stomachache.
③ A: Why are you asking me about my sister, Jack?
B: Just out of curiosity.
④ A: How much do those sneakers cost?
B: They are seventy dollars.
⑤ A: How long are you going to stay here?
B: It’s about ten kilometers long.


Point 다음 그림의 내용과 일치하도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 이용하여 질문을 완성하세요.

(do, what, the man)
― He is a pilot.

Unit 27 49

28 간접의문문
의문문이 절의 형태로 문장의 일부(주어, 목적어, 보어)가 될 때가 있어요. 이런 형태의 문장을 간접의문문이라고 하는
데, 어순에 유의해야 해요.

의문사가 의문사+주어+동사
A 있을 때 •의문사가 있는 의문문이 명사절이 되면 「의문사+1 +2 」의 어순이 돼요. 간접의문

문으로 바꿀 때 be동사/조동사는 의문문에 있는 그대로 쓰지만, 일반동사는 동사의 수와 시제에 주의해서 바꿔

야 해요.

I wonder. + Who is she?

→ I wonder who she is.
Can you tell me? + When will he come back? 조동사 will: 미래시제

→ Can you tell me when he will come back?

I don’t know. + How did you find them? 일반동사: 과거시제

→ I don’t know how you found them.

•의문사가 주어인 간접의문문의 경우에는 「의문사+동사」의 어순이 돼요.

Do you know? + Who invented the light bulb?

→ Do you know who invented the light bulb?

의문사가 접속사(if[whether])+주어+동사
B 없을 때 접속사 if[whether]로 연결해서 「if[whether]+주어+동사」의 어순으로 써요.

I wonder. + Did you read this book?

→ I wonder if[whether] you read this book.

More 주절의 동사가 생각이나 추측을 나타낼 때

주절의 동사가 생각이나 추측을 나타내는 think, believe, imagine, suppose, guess 등인 경우에는 간접의문문
의 의문사가 문장 3 으로 나가요.
Do you think? + What did he do last night?
→ What do you think he did last night?
Do you guess? + Why is the band popular?
→ Why do you guess the band is popular?

50 Chapter 11 문장의 종류
정답 및 해설 p.7

STEP 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르세요.

1 1 I want to know [who the boy is / who is the boy].

2 He knows [where lives she / where she lives].

3 We wonder if [it will be / will it be] sunny tomorrow.

4 [Do you think when / When do you think] he will come here?

5 He asked me [who wanted this / who this wanted].

6 Can you tell me how much [is the book / the book is]?

7 I don’t know [whether does she like / whether she likes] Chinese food or not.

STEP 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 배열하여 문장을 완성하세요.

2 1 그녀는 우리에게 이것이 무엇을 의미하는지 말해줄 수 있다. (means, tell, what, us, this)

She can .

2 당신은 이 버스가 여기에 얼마나 자주 오는지 아세요? (comes, how, here, this bus, often)

Do you know ?

3 나는 Kelly가 이 꽃들을 좋아하는지 궁금하다. (flowers, Kelly, these, likes, whether)

I wonder .

4 회의가 어디에서 열리는지 제게 보여주시겠어요? (held, the meeting, where, is)

Can you show me ?

5 너는 그가 어떻게 이 수학 문제를 풀었다고 생각하니? (you, he, do, solved, how, think)

the math problem?

Unit 28 51
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.7

STEP 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 바르면 ○표, 틀리면 ×표하고 바르게 고치세요.

3 1 Do you know what his name is?

2 Do you guess when she leaves from Seoul?

3 I’m not sure if may I come in now.

4 I don’t understand why the children are running.

5 They wonder where did Bomi buy the sneakers.

STEP 두 문장을 의문사 또는 if[whether]를 이용하여 한 문장으로 연결하세요.

4 1 I can’t remember. + Where is the information center?

2 Does he know? + Why doesn’t the computer work?

3 I want to know. + Does the bus stop here?

4 Could you tell me? + What time is it?

5 He wondered. + Did Christina receive his letter?

6 Does she think? + When will the package arrive?

52 Chapter 11 문장의 종류
Unit 28
Point 01 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말 찾기
간접의문문의 어순에 유의해요.
Point 02 어법상 틀린 문장 찾기
적중 의문사가 있을 때와 없을 때 간접의문문 어순의 차이점을 기억해요.

Point Point 03 두 문장을 한 문장으로 연결하기

주절의 동사가 생각이나 추측을 나타내는 경우 간접의문문의 의문사는 문장 맨 앞으
로 나가요.

정답 및 해설 p.8

Point 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?

01 A: Where is John now?

B: I’m not sure . I saw him in the library one hour ago.

① he is where ② where he is
③ where is he ④ whether he is
⑤ whether is he

Point 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장은?

02 ① I wonder if it’s rainy today.

② I’ll ask Subin where she comes from.
③ Can you tell me how much is this shirt?
④ My friends found when Wendy left.
⑤ We don’t know who stole my camera.


Point 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바르게 연결하세요.

03 Do you suppose? + Why did they wear sunglasses?

Unit 28 53

29 부가의문문 / 명령문
부가의문문은 듣는 사람의 ‘동의’나 ‘확인’을 구하기 위해 평서문이나 명령문 뒤에 짧게 덧붙이는 의문문이에요. 명령문은
동사원형으로 시작해요.

부가의문문 1 ~, is(n’t) it?

A 긍정문 뒤에는 1 의 줄임말을, 부정문 뒤에는 2 을 덧붙여요. 문장의 동사가 be동사/

조동사라면 그대로 쓰고, 문장의 동사가 일반동사라면 do/does/did를 써요. 또한, 부가의문문의 주어는 인칭대

명사를 사용해요.

She is a pianist, isn’t she?  be동사

There are many books in his room, aren’t there? 주어가 there

They can’t go to the party, can they? 조동사: can

You like soccer, don’t you? 일반동사: do

Alan doesn’t drink coffee, does he?  Alan = he

More 명령문과 제안문의 부가의문문

명령문의 부가의문문은 will you?, 제안문(Let’s ~.)의 부가의문문은 shall we?를 써요.
Tell me your phone number, will you?
Let’s go by taxi, shall we?

2 부가의문문의 응답
부가의문문이 긍정이든 부정이든 관계없이, 응답 내용이 긍정이면 3 , 부정이면 No로 대답해요.

She doesn’t like Chinese food, does she? (그녀는 중국 음식을 안 좋아해, 그렇지?)
– Yes, she does. (아니, 좋아해.) / No, she doesn’t. (응, 안 좋아해.)

명령문 1
긍정 명령문: 동사원형 ~
Be honest. / Listen to me! / Turn off the TV. /
Open your books to page twenty-five.

2 부정 명령문: Don’t[Never]+동사원형 ~
Please don’t give up. Try it again.
Never be rude, kids.

3 명령문, and[or] ...: ~하세요, 그러면[그렇지 않으면] …

Make a bigger effort, and you’ll succeed.  명령문, and 긍정적 내용

Take a taxi, or you’ll be late. 명령문, or 부정적 내용

54 Chapter 11 문장의 종류
정답 및 해설 p.8

STEP 밑줄 친 부분을 어법에 맞게 고치세요.

1 1 He is writing a historical novel, doesn’t he?

2 You and I are still friends, aren’t you?

3 Jenny was crazy about the singer, is she?

4 There are enough chairs for us, aren’t we?

STEP 괄호 안의 지시에 따라 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰세요.

2 1 You are careful.

 careful. (긍정 명령문)

2 You are shy.

 shy. (부정 명령문)

3 You go to bed after midnight.

 to bed after midnight. (부정 명령문)

4 You read newspapers every day.

 newspapers every day. (긍정 명령문)

5 You tell me a lie.

 me a lie. (never를 이용한 부정 명령문)

STEP 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르세요.

3 1 Hurry up, [and / or] we will miss the beginning of the play.

2 Take a break for a while, [and / or] you will feel better.

3 Finish your homework first, [and / or] you can go to the amusement park.

4 Never play with a ball in the house, [and / or] you will break the windows.

5 Make friends with foreign students, [and / or] you will learn more about different

Unit 29 55
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.8

STEP 빈칸에 알맞은 부가의문문을 쓰세요.

4 1 Most people don’t know the truth, ?

2 You are going home early today, ?

3 Her son can play the guitar very well, ?

4 Let’s listen to some R&B, ?

5 Mr. James taught science at a middle school, ?

6 Be careful with the broken glass, ?

7 His daughter wants to be a pop singer, ?

8 There are many people on the subway, ?

9 I wasn’t rude to the old man, ?

10 Don’t put the fruit in the box, ?

STEP 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 응답을 쓰세요. (부정형의 경우 줄임말로 쓸 것)

5 1 A: She isn’t your relative, is she?

B: , . She is my cousin.

2 A: Daniel, you don’t like that kind of music, do you?

B: , . I feel it’s too noisy.

3 A: You will take this book to your sister, won’t you?

B: , . I promised her to do it.

56 Chapter 11 문장의 종류
Unit 29
Point 01 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말 찾기
부정 명령문의 형태를 확인하세요.
내신 Point 02 어법상 틀린 문장 찾기
적중 부가의문문은 문장의 동사를 인칭과 시제에 맞게 바꾸고, 주어는 인칭대명사로 바

Point Point 03 그림의 상황에 맞게 문장 완성하기

부가의문문의 응답은 우리말 해석과는 상관없이 내용의 긍정, 부정으로 판단하세요.

정답 및 해설 p.9

Point 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 모두 고르세요.

01 the bananas in the refrigerator. (냉장고에 바나나를 넣지 마라.)

① Not put ② Not putting ③ Don’t put

④ Doesn’t put ⑤ Never put

Point 다음 중 어법상 틀린 것은?

02 ① You are not sick, are you?

② It was very cold this morning, wasn’t it?
③ There isn’t any water in the bottle, is there?
④ Those boys went to a noraebang yesterday, didn’t they?
⑤ Jenny and her sister like surfing at Bell’s Beach, doesn’t she?


Point 그림의 내용과 일치하도록 대화의 빈칸을 완성하세요.

A: Jessica, you don’t like hamburgers, do you?
B: , . I don’t eat any fast food.

Unit 29 57
Overall Exercises 11
Unit 27-29

① A: You didn’t have lunch, did you?

[1-2] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것을 고르
4 B: No, I didn’t. But I’m not hungry yet.
② A: How long is the tunnel?
1 • country is bigger, Canada or B: About one hour.
the USA? ③ A: ‌Excuse me, but how do I get to the
• do you like your school Art Center?
uniform? B: Follow me, and I’ll show you.
④ A: It’s difficult, isn’t it?
① Which – What ② What – Which B: No, not at all. Even a child can do it.
③ Why – How ④ Which – How ⑤ A: How can I write a great novel?
⑤ Where – What B: First, you have to read many books.

[5-6] 다음 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르세요.

2 • do you think he likes?
Don’t eat too much now, 5 A:
you will get a stomachache. B: ‌Saturday. It’s my favorite day of the
① How – or ② Why – and
③ What – and ④ How – and ① What month is it?
⑤ What – or ② What day is it today?
③ What’s the date today?
④ What date is your birthday?
⑤ What time will you go to the hospital?

[3-4] 다음 중 대화가 자연스럽지 않은 것을 고르세요.

① A: What is the date today?

3 B: It’s August 30.
② A: What do you think of global warming? 6 A: Tell me your office address, .
B: It is a serious problem. B: Thanks. I hope I can receive it soon.
③ A: What happened to your wife?
B: She broke her finger. ① or I’ll be there at seven
④ A: What does Jerry do? ② or I’ll send you the book by post
B: He is a photographer. ③ and he won’t send you an e-mail
⑤ A: What about joining our club? ④ and I’ll take a taxi to my office
B: Because I’m not interested in it. ⑤ and I’ll send you the book by post

58 Chapter 11 문장의 종류
정답 및 해설 p.9

[7-8] 다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치

12 다음 중 우리말을 바르게 영작한 것은?

① 어떤 자전거가 당신 건가요?
7 Do you know where does he want to
→ Whose bike is yours?
② 누가 당신에게 전화했나요?
→ Who did you call?
→ ③ 공연이 언제 시작하죠?
→ When is the concert begin?
④ 콜라 한 잔 마시는 게 어때요?
→ What about having a glass of cola?
8 Turning off the lights when you leave the ⑤ 이 목걸이를 어떻게 생각해요?
house. → How do you think of this necklace?

[9-10] 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장을 고르세요.

① Don’t jump down the stairs.

9 ② Where is the nearest bus stop?
③ Who the room cleaned yesterday? [13-14] 다음 중 어법과 문맥상 바른 문장을 고르세요.
④ How far is Malaysia from Korea?
① She hates spiders, didn’t she?
⑤ Your mother is a musician, isn’t she? 13 ② Wait a minute for me, shall we?
③ Be careful, and you will break the glass.
④ ‌
You’re talking about your history
① Listen carefully to the radio.
10 ②H‌ ow many days did you spend in Paris?
homework, don’t you?
⑤ ‌
Chain your bicycle to the fence, or
③ What is he going to do after graduation? someone will steal it.
④ ‌Never leave the classroom during a
⑤ ‌That guy didn’t knock on the door, did

11 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 의문사를 쓰세요.

① You heard the noise, didn’t it?

A: ‌ didn’t you come to my 14 ② Get out of this room, don’t you?
③ I want to know when he was born.
B: ‌Sorry, I was busy yesterday. My house
④ Brush your teeth, and your teeth will be
was a mess. I had to clean it.
A: did it take?
⑤ Drink a glass of milk every day, or you’ll
B: About three hours.
grow taller.

Overall Exercises 11 59
Overall Exercises  11

15 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바르게 연결하세요. [18-20] 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하세요.

Do you think? + How long will it take? A: Hi, Haein! ⓐ How are you looking
→ B: I’m looking for a book about animals.
I have to write a report about a tarsier.
You don’t know anything about them,
16 다음 상황에서 해줄 충고로 알맞은 것은?
ⓑ do you?
Miran wants to go in-line skating on A: Yes, I do. They’re a kind of monkey. I
the street in front of her house. But there can help you with your report.
is a lot of traffic on the street. B: Great. Then, tell me about tarsiers,
(A) I will write it down.
① Work hard, or you’ll fail. A: Okay. Tarsiers live in the Philippines.
② Hurry up, or you’ll be late. They are active at night.
③ Try hard, and you’ll win the game. B: ⓒ How tall are they?
④ Look for another place, or you’ll get hurt. A: They are about fifteen centimeters
⑤ Take off your shoes, and I’ll give you the tall. And they have big eyes and long
skates. feet. They can jump from tree to tree.
B: (B) 그것들은 무엇을 먹니?
A: They usually eat insects.
17 다음 글을 읽고 답할 수 없는 질문은?
B: ⓓ How come you know so much
Do you know about the Boryeong about tarsiers?
Mud Festival? It is one of the biggest A: I had a part-time job at the zoo during
festivals in Korea. Boryeong is a city in the summer vacation.
Chungcheongnam-do on the west coast. B: Really? Hey, I’m getting hungry.
The city held the festival in July 1998 ⓔ What about eating some pizza?
for the first time and now it holds the A: Sounds great! *tarsier: 안경원숭이

festival every summer. There are many

fun events such as mud wrestling, a ‘mud 18 위 대화의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 어법상 바르지 않은 것은?

king’ contest, mud fantasy fireworks, and ①ⓐ ②ⓑ ③ⓒ ④ⓓ ⑤ⓔ

mud sliding. Festival-goers can swim,
have a mud massage, and put mud packs
on their bodies all at the same time.
Why don’t you come to the festival this 19 위 대화의 빈칸 (A)에 알맞은 것은?

summer? *festival-goer: 축제에 참가하는 사람 ① so ② and ③ but

④ or ⑤ if
① Who comes to the festival?
② What events are at the festival?
③ What’s the name of the festival city? 20 위 대화의 밑줄 친 (B)의 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록
4단어로 영작하세요.
④ When did the city first hold the festival?
⑤ How often does the city hold the festival? → ?

60 Chapter 11 문장의 종류
정답 및 해설 p.9

만점 Writing Exercises

1 주어진 문장을 <보기>와 같이 바꿔 쓰세요.

3 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바르게 연결하세요.

<보기> (1) Can you tell me? + How does it work?

Were you late for school this morning? →
→ You were late for school this morning, (2) I don’t know. + Is his dad a cook?
weren’t you ? →

(1) Is that actress going to get married in (3) Do you think? + Why did he leave here?
December? →
→ ,

(2) Did Jihun go fishing with his father?

4 대화의 밑줄 친 우리말을 괄호 안의 단어를 이용하여
3단어로 쓰세요.

→ ,
? A: Why do you look so sad? What’s
B: I expected a good grade on the science
test, but the result was very bad.
A: 실 망하지 마. Keep studying hard, and
you will do better next time.
2 다음 그림을 보고, 응답을 참고하여 어울리는 질문을
(disappointed, be)
(1) Q: →

A: We should meet at
the bus stop.
5 다음 괄호 안의 단어들을 이용하여 A의 질문을 완성
(2) Q:
(1) A: ‌
A: We go to school by for chocolate
bikes. cookies? (need, ingredients)
B: We need flour, sugar, eggs and chocolate.
(3) Q:
(2) A: ‌
in the picture? ?
A: There are three (chocolate, need, how)
pencils. B: We need 100 grams of chocolate.

Writing Exercises 61



형용사, 부사

Unit 30 형용사 Overall Exercises

Unit 31 부사 Writing Exercises
Unit 32 주의해야 할 형용사와 부사
| 기본 개념 Q&A |

Q 형용사와 부사는 어떻게 구별하나요?

A  용사는 명사 수식, 부사는 그 외의 모든 것을 수식해요.

형용사는 명사를 설명하거나 꾸며주는 말이고, 부사는 명사 외의 모든 것(동사, 형용사, 부사,
문장 전체 등)을 설명하거나 꾸며주는 말이에요.

ⓐ She’s a pretty Korean girl. (예쁜 한국인 소녀)

ⓑ That’s a pretty good chance. (꽤 좋은 기회)

ⓐ의 pretty는 명사인 Korean girl을 꾸며주므로 ‘형용사’이고, ⓑ의 pretty는 형용사인

good을 꾸며주는 ‘부사’예요. 즉 두 문장에서 pretty는 형태나 위치가 같지만 그 뜻과 하는
역할은 같지 않답니다. 해석으로 무엇을 꾸며주는지를 잘 파악해야 형용사와 부사를 구별할
수 있어요.

30 형용사
명사를 수식하거나 설명하면서 명사의 성질, 상태, 크기, 모양 등을 나타내는 것을 형용사라고 해요.

형용사의 1 명사 1
: 명사를 수식
The smartphone is a wonderful invention.  관사+형용사+명사
I have enough money. 형용사+명사

What is your present address?  소유격+형용사+명사

More –thing, -body, -one으로 끝나는 대명사를 수식할 때

-thing, -body, -one 등이 붙은 대명사는 형용사가 뒤에서 수식해요.
I want to drink something cold.
Is there someone special in your life?

2 명사 2 : 명사를 설명

다음과 같은 동사 뒤에서 주어인 명사의 상태나 성질에 대한 정보를 제공하는 보어로 자주 쓰여요. (→ p. 16)

This ticket is old. You can’t use it now.

The food looked good, but it tasted too sour.

More 자주 쓰이는 「동사+보어(형용사)」 표현

seem difficult, feel bad, sound nice, smell sweet, appear strange, get hungry

수량 형용사 1
수량 형용사의 위치
수량 형용사는 명사 앞에 오며, 다른 형용사보다 3 와요.

two men, three books

some pretty girls, many beautiful places 수량 형용사+형용사+명사

2 (a) few vs. (a) little / many vs. much

함께 쓰이는 명사가 셀 수 있는지 없는지에 따라, 그리고 관사 ‘a’의 유무에 따라 뜻이 달라지는 것들을 잘 구분해

야 해요.

의미 셀 수 있는 명사 (복수형) 셀 수 없는 명사
약간 있는 (긍정) a few books a little time
거의 없는 (부정) few books little time
many books much time
a lot of / lots of / plenty of books[time]
약간의, 얼마간의 some books[time]

64 Chapter 12 형용사, 부사
정답 및 해설 p.10

STEP <보기>와 같이 형용사와 그것이 수식하는 말을 찾아 밑줄을 긋고 화살표로 표시하세요.

1 <보기> •That’s a cute puppy.

•I bought a nice new cell phone.

1 Lucas is a friendly person.

2 He gave me the wrong number.

3 Look at the clear blue sky!

4 Choose safe and healthy food.

5 There are many wild animals in the forest.

6 Mom will make us something delicious.

STEP <보기>와 같이 네모 안의 주어를 설명하는 형용사를 찾아 밑줄을 그으세요.

2 <보기> Her baby is very sleepy.

1 Your hands feel soft.

2 The movie was long and boring.

3 Sharks seem dangerous to people.

4 Your plan sounds impossible to me.

5 Only two rooms are empty in this hotel.

6 My little sister looked happy on her birthday.

Unit 30 65
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.10

STEP 괄호 안의 단어를 적절한 위치에 넣어 문장을 다시 쓰세요.

3 1 It is an idea. (interesting)

2 We visited a castle in London. (famous)

3 There are buildings. (tall, two)

4 He told me something yesterday. (strange)

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르세요.

4 1 I had [many / much] sleep last weekend.

2 The bus left this bus stop [a few / a little] minutes ago.

3 How [many / much] classes do you have today?

4 Lots of [person / people] have cell phones.

5 We had very [few / little] rain this year.

6 I made [a few / a little] mistakes on the test.

7 There is [a few / a little] bread in the basket.

8 Mia has some [friend / friends] in Canada.

9 There were a lot of [child / children] at the playground.

10 [Few / Little] students attended the class.

66 Chapter 12 형용사, 부사
Unit 30
Point 01 어법상 바른 문장 찾기
셀 수 있는 명사와 셀 수 없는 명사 앞에 쓰이는 수량 형용사를 잘 구분해야 해요.
내신 Point 02 문장의 빈칸 완성하기
적중 우리말 뜻에 맞는 수량 형용사 중 뒤에 나오는 명사의 성격에 맞는 것을 써야 해요.

Point 03 틀린 부분 찾아 바르게 고치기

Point 각 수량 형용사의 의미와 셀 수 있는 명사와 셀 수 없는 명사 앞에 쓰이는 수량 형용사
를 잘 구분해야 해요.

정답 및 해설 p.10

Point 다음 중 어법상 바른 것은?

01 ① Logan is kind and he has much friends.

② I need a few fresh air.
③ They gave me a lot of help.
④ There is few water in the bottle.
⑤ I bought a mystery novel and read a little pages of the book.

Point 다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 골라 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 문장을 완성하세요.

02 (1) 그가 우리 계획에 대해 몇 가지 제안을 했다. (a few, few, a little)

He made suggestions about our plan.

(2) 우리는 새로운 선생님에 대한 정보가 거의 없다. (few, little, a little)

We have information about the new teacher.

(3) 1월에는 많은 눈이 온다. (many, much, some)

We have snow in January.


Point 우리말을 영작한 각 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치세요.

03 (1) 나는 신선한 채소를 약간 샀다. I bought a little fresh vegetables.

(2) 그는 많은 종류의 책을 읽는다. He reads much kinds of books.

(3) 공기에 밥이 약간 있다. There is a few rice in the bowl.

(4) 나는 과학에 관심이 거의 없다. I have few interest in science.

Unit 30 67

31 부사
부사는 동사, 형용사, 부사, 문장 전체 등 명사가 아닌 모든 것을 수식해요.

부사의 1 역할: 1 2
, , 부사, 문장 전체 수식
역할과 형태 부사가 무엇을 수식하는지 파악하고, 부사를 써야 할 곳에 형용사를 쓰지 않도록 주의해야 해요.

He played the violin beautifully.  동사 수식

You’re totally wrong.  형용사 수식

I enjoyed the experience very much.  부사 수식

Unfortunately, we lost the game.  문장 전체 수식

2 형태: 주로 형용사+-ly
주로 형용사에 -ly를 붙인 형태가 많지만 그렇지 않은 부사들도 있어요.

He hurt his back seriously. 

She quietly came into the classroom.
I went upstairs.
The math test was quite difficult.

More 명사+ -(l)y = 형용사

아래 굵게 표시된 단어들은 -(l)y로 끝나서 부사처럼 보이지만 모두 형용사이므로 주의해야 해요.
a lovely couple(사랑스러운 한 쌍), his friendly voice(그의 상냥한 목소리),
costly jewels(값비싼 보석), wealthy people(부유한 사람들), a rainy day(비가 오는 날),
a lonely beach(쓸쓸한 바닷가), lively music(경쾌한 음악)

빈도부사 1
빈도부사의 종류
빈도부사는 ‘자주, 가끔’처럼 어떤 일이 얼마나 자주 일어나는지를 나타낼 때 써요.

(0%) (100%)
never seldom, rarely, sometimes, often, usually always
hardly occasionally frequently
(결코 ~ 않다) (거의 ~않다) (때때로) (자주) (대개) (항상)

2 위치: 일반동사 3 , be동사나 조동사 4

He always jogs in the morning.  일반동사 앞

She is always in the library on Sundays.  be동사 뒤

You can always call me.  조동사 뒤

68 Chapter 12 형용사, 부사
정답 및 해설 p.11

STEP 다음 문장을 읽고 부사를 찾아 밑줄을 그으세요. (두 개 이상 가능)

1 1 The singer softly sang a song.

2 Her baby cried loudly in the subway.

3 That black dog is so ugly.

4 The old man walks quite slowly.

5 The flowers are really lovely.

6 Daniel’s friends were very friendly to me.

7 Suddenly, the dog barked hard.

8 He drives his car carefully at night.

9 Space travel will be too costly.

10 They finished the work quickly and perfectly.

STEP <보기>와 같이 부사와 그것이 수식하는 말을 찾아 밑줄을 긋고 화살표로 표시하세요.

2 <보기> I like chocolate very much.

1 Art books are usually expensive.

2 The wind blew gently.

3 Her jewelry always looks costly.

4 Sophia plays soccer very well.

5 Eat fresh fruit and vegetables regularly.

6 Fortunately, they survived the accident.

Unit 31 69
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.11

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르세요.

3 1 She drives [safe / safely].

She is a [safe / safely] driver.

2 My teacher speaks in a [gentle / gently] voice.

My teacher speaks [gentle / gently].

3 This jacket fits you [perfect / perfectly].

This is a [perfect / perfectly] jacket for you.

4 I don’t know the [exact / exactly] time for the meeting.

I don’t know the time for the meeting [exact / exactly].

5 Jessica wore a [beautiful / beautifully] dress for the party.

Jessica dressed [beautiful / beautifully] for the party.

6 The students are very [polite / politely].

The students behave very [polite / politely].

7 My brother cooks [good / well].

My brother is a [good / well] cook.

STEP 괄호 안에 주어진 빈도부사가 들어갈 자리로 알맞은 곳을 고르세요.

4 1 He ① is ② proud ③ of ④ his ⑤ son. (always)

2 We ① can ② learn ③ from ④ our ⑤ mistakes. (sometimes)

3 I ① take ② a ③ shower ④ at seven ⑤ in the morning. (always)

4 Surprisingly, ① she ② is ③ late ④ for ⑤ class. (rarely)

5 My brother ① and ② I ③ visit ④ our ⑤ grandparents. (often)

6 You ① will ② forget ③ the experience ④ of the trip ⑤ with us. (never)

70 Chapter 12 형용사, 부사
Unit 31
Point 01 어법상 틀린 문장 찾기
부사를 써야 할 곳에 형용사를 쓰지 않도록 유의해야 해요.
Point 02 어법상 바른 문장 찾기
적중 빈도부사가 들어가는 위치를 잘 확인해야 해요.

Point Point 03 문장의 빈칸 완성하기

빈도부사의 의미와 위치를 정확하게 알고 쓰세요.

정답 및 해설 p.11

Point 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장은?

01 ① She gets up early in the morning.

② He is very kind to his friends.
③ Tom solved the problem wise and fast.
④ Surprisingly, I failed the exam again.
⑤ He does well in school, especially in English.

Point 다음 중 어법상 바른 문장은?

02 ① We go seldom to the movies.

② They often are late for class.
③ She reads sometimes books at night.
④ I am usually tired in the evening.
⑤ You always should wash your hands before meals.


Point 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

03 (1) Ella는 친구들과 함께 항상 체육관에 간다. (goes, always)

Ella to the gym with her friends.
(2) John은 대개 친절하지만 그는 때때로 엄격한 선생님이다.
(sometimes, is, is, usually)
John kind but he a strict

Unit 31 71

32 주의해야 할 형용사와 부사
하나의 단어가 형용사, 부사로 모두 쓰이거나 -ly가 붙어 의미가 달라지는 등 특히 주의해야 하는 형용사와 부사가

형용사 vs. 같은 형태의 형용사와 부사

A 부사
It was as hard as a rock. ( 단단한) Try hard. ( 열심히)
It’s a very hard test for me. ( 어려운) It’s raining hard. ( 몹시[심하게])
late I was late for school today. ( 늦은) He often stays up late. ( 늦게)
near Our school is very near. ( 가까운) Do you live near? ( 가까이)
high The sun is already high. ( 높은) The airplane was flying high. ( 높게)
pretty She’s very pretty. ( 예쁜) The wind blew pretty hard. ( 꽤, 상당히)
He got well. ( 건강한)
well Sue dances well. ( 잘, 훌륭하게)
cf. Sue is good at dancing. ( 잘하는)
The rope is long enough. ( 충분히)
enough Our team has enough time. ( 충분한)
(*enough는 부사일 때 형용사 뒤에서 수식해요.)

fast The speed of the train is fast. ( 빠른) The train passed fast. ( 빠르게)

주의해야 할 서로 다른 뜻으로 쓰이는 혼동 부사

B 부사
hard  열심히 Work hard and play hard.
hardly  거의 ~않다 We could hardly believe his story.
late  늦게 Can I stay up late tonight?
lately  최근에 He read lots of comic books lately.
near  가까이 My birthday is coming near.
nearly  거의 It’s nearly ten o’clock.
high  높게 The birds are flying high.
highly  매우 She was highly excited.

주의해야 할 1 a number of(많은) vs. the number of(~의 수)

C 형용사 A number of dinosaurs were dead. a number of+복수명사: 복수 취급
The number of audiences is about 200.  the number of+복수명사: 단수 취급

2 the+형용사: ~한 사람들
The blind often take their guide dog to public places. 복수 취급

3 「숫자-단수명사(-형용사)+명사」
She is a fifteen-year-old student. (The student is fifteen years old.)

72 Chapter 12 형용사, 부사
정답 및 해설 p.11

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르세요.

1 1 Nora usually goes to bed [late / lately] on Saturdays.

2 Koreans [high / highly] respect King Sejong.

3 My class goes to volunteer to help [poor / the poor].

4 She broke her left leg. She can [hard / hardly] walk.

[The number of / A number of ] festivals are cancelled because of the typhoon.

6 My sister is a [150-centimeters-tall / 150-centimeter-tall] girl.

STEP 다음 중 밑줄 친 단어의 품사가 나머지 넷과 다른 것을 고르세요.

2 1 ① This computer is pretty fast.

② It’s already pretty dark.
③ Mary is wearing a pretty dress.
④ He is a pretty tall man.
⑤ That is a pretty big castle.

2 ① You don’t look well. What’s the matter?

② Does he play badminton well?
③ I can’t hear you well. It’s very noisy here.
④ This jacket suits you very well.
⑤ The flowers are growing well now.

STEP <보기>에서 어법상 틀린 문장을 모두 고르면?

3 <보기>

ⓐ The pizza was large enoughly.
ⓑ Jiwon got up late, so she said “I’m sorry.”
ⓒ The jewelry costs near $400,000.
ⓓ My goal is climbing up highly.
ⓔ Children need to read a number of books.

① ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓓ ② ⓐ, ⓒ, ⓓ ③ ⓐ, ⓒ, ⓔ
④ ⓑ, ⓒ, ⓓ ⑤ ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓔ

Unit 32 73
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.11

STEP <보기>에서 알맞은 것을 골라 문장을 완성하세요.

4 <보기> late lately

1 Kay never arrives to class .

2 Mike was very busy . He couldn’t go out with us this week.

<보기> high highly

3 She hopes to be a successful actress.

4 I got a score on the English test.

<보기> good well

5 Yesterday, we went hiking. We had a time.

6 Suji speaks English very .

<보기> hard hardly

7 My father always works very .

8 Crabs have a shell.

9 She has a very bad cold. She can talk.

<보기> near nearly

10 Her bag costs two hundred thousand won.

11 He pulled a chair to the fireplace.

STEP 우리말을 영작한 각 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치세요.

5 1 부유한 사람들이 항상 행복한 것은 아니다. The rich isn’t always happy.

2 많은 관광객들이 줄을 서서 기다린다. The number of tourists wait in line.

3 그는 백만장자이다. 그래서 그는 충분히 부유하다. He is a millionaire. So he is enough rich.

74 Chapter 12 형용사, 부사
Unit 32
Point 01 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말 찾기
한 단어가 형용사, 부사로 쓰이면서 –ly가 붙어 의미가 달라질 수 있으니 의미 파악에
내신 유의해요.

적중 Point 02 어법상 틀린 문장 찾기
혼동하기 쉬운 형용사와 부사를 잘 구분해야 해요.

Point Point 03 그림의 상황에 맞게 문장 완성하기

그림을 보고 의미와 역할에 유의하여 주어진 단어를 변형해야 해요.

정답 및 해설 p.12

Point 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

01 • Mr. Lee started to exercise hard .

• Junsu left school . So he missed the last bus.

① late – lately ② lately – later

③ late – late ④ lately – late
⑤ lately – lately

Point 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장은?

02 ① Don’t drive too fast!

② The restaurant is very near.
③ The 20-year-old man started a company.
④ The waiter highly recommends the steak.
⑤ It is snowing very hardly. We can’t go out now.


Point 다음 그림의 내용과 일치하도록 괄호 안의 단어 중 하나를 사용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

03 (1) (2)

(high, highly) (quite, enough, large)

The kite is flying . The fishbowl is .

The girl is excited. The fish is small.

Unit 32 75
Overall Exercises 12
Unit 30-32

1 짝지어진 두 단어의 관계가 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

5 짝지어진 두 단어의 관계가 <보기>와 같은 것은?

① rain — rainy <보기> wealth — wealthy

② easy — easily
③ exact — exactly ① gentle — gently
④ polite — politely ② safe — safely
⑤ happy — happily ③ perfect — perfectly
④ beauty — beautifully
⑤ love — lovely
2 밑줄 친 형용사의 역할이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

① She appears pale today.

② The cup with ice feels cold.
③ Her baby gets hungry soon.
④ The egg tart smells sweet. 6 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 수 있는 것을 모두 고르면?
⑤ They find something enjoyable.
The English teacher gives
good advice to students. So they like him.
3 밑줄 친 단어의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

① The dog barks loudly. ① many ② much

② I really like cats. ③ a few ④ plenty of
③ Junsu is a friendly person. ⑤ little
④ She drives carefully.
⑤ Don’t talk too fast.

[7-8] 다음 중 어법상 바른 문장을 고르세요.

4 빈칸 (A), (B), (C)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것
은? ① They are laughing happy.
7 ② She got up lately this morning.
• She picked (A) apples from the ③ I sometimes feel lonely.
tree. ④ This song sounds wonderfully.
• The internet has (B) wrong ⑤ I study English hardly so I get good grades.
• The child drinks (C) milk.

(A) (B) (C) ① My teacher gave me a few advice.

① few ······ many ······ a few
8 ② There is many juice in the bottle.
② few ······ lots of ······ a little ③ There were a little people in the theater.
③ few ······ much ······ a few ④ I have little information about the game.
④ little ······ a lot of ······ little ⑤ You can see many kind of interesting
⑤ little ······ many ······ few animals at the zoo.

76 Chapter 12 형용사, 부사
정답 및 해설 p.12

[9-10] 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장을 고르세요.

13 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 서로 다른 것은?

① We are sometimes late for school.

9 ② I always will remember your help.
① The tree has enough water.
The pants are large enough for me.
③ She usually watches movies on weekends. ② We can speak English very well.
④ My mother is often busy. They didn’t play soccer well.
⑤ It seldom snows here in winter. ③ I have a few books about American
Tim has a little information about China.
① She drinks something hot. ④ He likes a lot of bugs.
10 ② I have a few books in my bag. She lives with many children.
③ The man appeared strange. ⑤ He is pretty smart.
④ The poor need your help. This bag is pretty heavy.
⑤ There is a twenty-meters-deep lake.

14 다음 중 <보기>의 밑줄 친 hard와 같은 의미로 쓰인

11 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은? 것은?

• Please be quiet. It’s too (A) . <보기>  he test was very hard. How did
• My niece made this sweater for me. She you pass it?
is (B) .
① It is snowing very hard now.
② She worked hard last week. So she has to
(A) (B)
take a break today.
① noise ······ love
③Please help me. My homework is too
② noise ······ lovely
③ noisy ······ love
④ All rocks are hard.
④ noisy ······ lovely
⑤ He tried hard for a good grade.
⑤ noise ······ loving

[15-16] 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 모

12 다음 우리말을 영작한 것 중 밑줄 친 표현이 바른 것은?
두 고르세요.
① 기차가 15분 늦게 도착했다.
→ The train arrived fifteen minutes lately. 15 스마트폰의 사용자 수는 급증했다.
② 저 배는 꽤 빠르다. → users of smartphones
→ The boat is quietly fast. increased suddenly.
③ 저 비행기 좀 봐. 높이 날아가고 있어.
→ Look at the plane. It is flying high. ① A lot of
④ 나는 저녁 식사 후에 TV를 거의 보지 않아. ② The numbers of
→ I never watch TV after dinner. ③ A number of
⑤ 며칠 전에 우리는 등산하러 갔었어. ④ The number of
→ Few days ago, we went hiking. ⑤ Plenty of

Overall Exercises 12 77
Overall Exercises  12

16 그 스케이터의 공연은 꽤 좋았다. 19 다음은 네 명의 학생이 도서관과 체육관을 방문하는

빈도에 관한 표이다. 표의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
→ The skater’s performance was
good. library gym

Jiwon ✓✓ ✓✓
① quiet ② pretty
③ quite ④ hardly Sujin ✓ ✓✓
⑤ near Hyemi ✓ ✓✓✓

Junha ✓✓✓ ✓
(✓: seldom, ✓✓: sometimes, ✓✓✓: often)

[17-18] 다음 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 ① Hyemi seldom goes to the library and
것을 고르세요. sometimes goes to the gym.
② Sujin seldom goes to the library and
17 • After school, I go to a private institute often goes to the gym.
and study from four to eleven o’clock. ③ Junha often goes to the gym.
I spend (A) time playing with ④ Jiwon sometimes goes to the library and
my friends.  *private institute: 사설학원 the gym.
• I went to a theater with my mother ⑤ Junha seldom goes to the library.
yesterday. But there were too (B)
people. So we couldn’t watch a movie.

(A) (B)
① few ······ little
② much ······ many 20 다음은 준호의 일기이다. 네모 (A), (B), (C)에서 알맞
은 것끼리 바르게 짝지어진 것은?
③ little ······ many
④ much ······ little
⑤ little ······ few Today, my parents left for Vietnam on
a vacation. I had to stay at home. I felt
so (A) friendly / lovely / lonely . I called
my friends because they (B) hardly / never
/ usually cheer me up. They brought
18 • I’m so scared. It’s (A) scary. me some comic books and DVDs. We
• The dog seems sick and (B) watched DVDs until midnight. We had a
eats food. (C) good / well time.

(A) (B) (A) (B) (C)

① highly ······ hard ① friendly ······ hardly ······ good
② high ······ hardly ② friendly ······ never ······ good
③ highly ······ hardly ③ lovely ······ never ······ well
④ high ······ hard ④ lonely ······ usually ······ well
⑤ high ······ rarely ⑤ lonely ······ usually ······ good

78 Chapter 12 형용사, 부사
정답 및 해설 p.13

만점 Writing Exercises

1 다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 바르게 고쳐 문장

을 다시 쓰세요.
4 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <보기>에서 골라 쓰세요.

<보기> a number of the number of

(1) I want to eat delicious something.
the deaf deaf

(2) His shirt seems strangely.

(1) students in our school is
about 210.

(2) Sign language is for .
*sign language: 수화
2 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 알맞은 수량 형용사를 이
용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

(1) 백 살까지 사는 사람들은 거의 없다.

people live to be one hundred
5 다음 그림의 내용과 일치하도록 주어진 단어를 활용하
여 문장을 완성하세요.
years old.

(2) 나는 혼자만의 시간이 조금 필요하다.

I need time alone.
(well, good)
(1) Jack is at dancing.
3 다음 민지의 다이어리를 보고 <보기>의 단어를 이용하
여 문장을 완성하세요. = Jack dances .

My Plan - eat no
- jog every junk food
morning (lot)
- read a book (2) There are birds in the sky.
once a week

6 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 주어진 단어들을 바르게

배열하세요. (필요하면 단어의 형태를 바꿀 것)
<보기> sometimes never always
(1) 그 커튼은 창문에 충분히 길다. (enough for, the
(1) She eats junk food. curtain, long, the window, is)

(2) She a book.
(2) 그 아이들은 매우 활발해 보인다.
(3) She in the (appear, the children, lively, high)
morning. →

Writing Exercises 79




Unit 33 대명사 it Overall Exercises

Unit 34 재귀대명사 Writing Exercises
Unit 35 부정대명사
| 기본 개념 Q&A |

Q 대명사란 앞에 나온 명사를 대신하는 것인가요?

A Y es or No
대명사란 종류가 여러 가지 있고 역할도 다양해서 반드시 ‘앞에 나온 명사’만을 대신하는
것은 아니랍니다. 대명사란 그냥 ‘명사를 대신하는 것’으로 생각하는 것이 좋아요.
1. 앞에 나온 명사를 대신하는 대명사
Look at the girl over there. She looks pretty.
2. 어떤 종류에 속하는 아무것 하나를 가리키는 대명사
Do you have a cell phone?
- No, but I want to buy one.

3. 정해지지 않은 막연한 것을 가리키는 대명사

I want something different.

33 대명사 it
명사가 와야 할 자리에 대신 쓰일 수 있는 것들을 대명사라고 해요. 그 중에서도 대명사 it은 앞에 말한 명사 대신 쓰
이는 것 외에도 다양한 역할을 할 수 있어요.

비인칭 날씨, 시간, 요일, 계절 등을 나타내는 it

A 주어 it 날씨, 시간, 요일, 계절, 날짜, 명암, 거리 등을 나타낼 때 it을 1 자리에 써요. 이때의 it은 특별히 무

엇을 가리키는 것이 아니므로 ‘그것’이라고 해석하지 않아요.

It’s sunny today.

날씨, 기온 fine, rainy, windy, cloudy, snowy, warm, hot, cold 등
It will be hot tomorrow.
three o’clock, seven in the morning, 6 p.m., midnight
시간 It’s nine o’clock.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

요일 It’s Saturday.
Saturday, Sunday
계절 It’s winter. spring, summer, fall/autumn, winter
날짜 It’s February 20. March 1, the 4th of October 등
It’s bright inside.
명암 bright, dark 등
It gets dark outside.
It’s about 30 kilometers.
거리 10 kilometers, 20 miles, far, close 등
It takes three hours.

가주어 it It(가주어) ~ to부정사(구)(진주어) ...

B to부정사(구)가 ‘~하는 것은, ~하기는’이라는 뜻의 주어로 쓰일 경우 to부정사(구) 대신 2 을 쓰고

to부정사(구)는 뒤로 보내는 것이 보통이에요. 이때 it을 가주어, to부정사(구)를 진주어라고 해요.

To eat healthy food is good for your health. 건강한 음식을 먹는 것은: to부정사 주어

= It is good for your health to eat healthy food.
가주어 진주어

To learn a foreign language is interesting. 외국어를 배우는 것은: to부정사 주어

= It is interesting to learn a foreign language.

가주어 진주어

More it의 다른 쓰임

•I love the picture because it is beautiful. (앞의 명사를 대신하는 인칭대명사)

•Who’s that? ― It’s Jim Carter, my best friend. (사람의 정체를 밝힐 때)
•How’s it going? (막연한 상황을 나타낼 때)

82 Chapter 13 대명사
정답 및 해설 p.13

STEP 밑줄 친 It이 사물을 가리켜 ‘그것’이라고 해석되면 ○, 해석하지 않는 것이 자연스러우면 ×표 하세요. 해석하지

않을 때에는 무엇을 나타내는지 <보기>에서 골라 쓰세요.

<보기> 날씨 명암 요일 거리 날짜 시간 계절

1 It’s Friday today.

2 It’s windy outside.

3 It’s January 17.

4 It’s eleven o’clock.

5 It’s a special present.

6 It’s bright outside.

7 It’s spring at last!

8 It’s an interesting movie.

9 It’s about ten miles.

STEP 가주어 it을 사용하여 <보기>와 같이 주어진 문장을 바꿔 쓰세요.

2 <보기> To swim in the river is dangerous.

It is dangerous to swim in the river.

1 To buy things on the Internet is easy.

2 To play baseball with friends is interesting.

3 To ride a bike is really exciting.

4 To get enough sleep is important for your health.

5 To become a scientist is not easy.

Unit 33 83
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.13

STEP 밑줄 친 It[it]과 쓰임이 같은 문장을 <보기>에서 골라 그 기호를 쓰세요. (중복 정답 가능)

3 <보기>

ⓐ It is fine today.
ⓒ It is fall.
ⓑ It is seven o’clock.
ⓓ It is July 31.
ⓔ It is about 20 miles. ⓕ It is Thursday.

1 It is summer at last.

2 It rains a lot in summer.

3 It is March 2.

4 How far is it from Seoul to Busan?

5 It is Monday again.

6 It is already ten o’clock.

7 It will be warm tomorrow.

8 It is about two kilometers from here to the station.

STEP 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 말과 가주어 It을 사용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

4 1 공원에서 조깅하는 것은 안전하다. (safe, jog)

 in the park.

2 좋은 친구를 사귀는 것은 중요하다. (make, important)

 good friends.

3 아침을 거르는 것은 건강에 나쁘다. (breakfast, bad, skip)

 for your health .

4 아침에 일찍 일어나는 것은 쉽지 않다. (easy, get up)

 early in the morning.

5 놀이공원에서 롤러코스터 탄 것은 재미있었다. (exciting, the roller coaster, ride)

 in the amusement park.

84 Chapter 13 대명사
Unit 33
Point 01 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 다른 것 찾기
인칭대명사로 쓰인 it과 비인칭주어로 쓰인 it을 잘 구분해야 해요.
내신 Point 02 주어진 문장 다시 쓰기
적중 to부정사(구)가 주어 자리에 있을 경우 가주어 it을 대신 쓰고 to부정사는 뒤로 보낼 수

Point Point 03 조건에 맞게 문장 완성하기

주어 자리에 가주어 it을 쓸 경우 to부정사(구)는 뒤로 보내요.

정답 및 해설 p.13

Point 밑줄 친 It의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

01 ① It is cool today.
② It is dark in the room.
③ It is my new computer.
④ It is six in the morning.
⑤ It is August 15.


Point 가주어 It을 사용하여 주어진 문장을 다시 쓰세요.

02 (1) To speak kindly is important in relationships.

 in relationships.
(2) To solve the math problem is difficult but interesting.


Point 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 <조건>에 맞게 문장을 완성하세요.

03 <조건>
• it, to부정사를 쓸 것
• very convenient, comic books를 포함할 것
•총  8단어로 쓸 것

핸드폰으로 만화책을 읽는 것은 매우 편리하다.

 with a mobile phone.

Unit 33 85

34 재귀대명사
주어와 목적어가 같거나 (대)명사를 강조할 때 재귀대명사를 써요.

재귀 -self, -selves
A 대명사의 1, 2인칭의 소유격, 3인칭의 목적격에 1 를 붙여 ‘자신(들)’, ‘자신(들)에게’라고 해석해요.
인칭 단수 복수
1인칭 myself ourselves
2인칭 yourself yourselves
3인칭 himself /herself /itself themselves

재귀 1
재귀 용법: 주어 = 목적어
대명사의 목적어는 주어가 동작을 행하는 대상이므로 대개 주어와 같지 않지만 동작을 주어 자신에게 행할 수 있어요. 이
용법 때 목적어 자리에 2 를 쓰는데, 목적어는 문장에서 꼭 필요한 것이므로 재귀대명사를 생략할 수 없


The man looked at himself in the mirror. The man = himself

cf. The man looked at him in the mirror. The man ≠ him
They enjoyed themselves at the party. They = themselves
The athlete said to himself, “I can do it!” The athlete = himself

2 강조 용법
주어나 목적어를 3 하기 위해 재귀대명사를 더해요. 보통 강조하는 (대)명사 바로 뒤나 문장 맨 끝에

오는데, 꼭 필요한 요소가 아니므로 생략할 수 있어요.

I did the project myself. = I myself did the work. 주어(I) 강조

cf. 강조 용법의 재귀대명사는 생략해도 문장이 성립돼요.

I did the project.
I saw the movie director himself.  목적어(the movie director) 강조

More 재귀대명사의 관용 표현

by oneself 홀로, 혼자 힘으로 enjoy oneself 즐거운 시간을 보내다

talk[say] to oneself 혼잣말하다 help oneself (to) (~을) 마음껏 먹다
introduce oneself 자기소개하다 make oneself at home (집에 있는 것처럼) 편히 있다[쉬다]
cut oneself 베이다 between ourselves 우리끼리 (아는) 얘긴데

86 Chapter 13 대명사
정답 및 해설 p.13

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르세요.

1 1 I saw [me / myself] in my dream yesterday.

My brother saw [me / myself] in his dream yesterday.

2 You passed the difficult exam. We are so proud of [you / yourself].

You passed the difficult exam. You must be proud of [you / yourself].

3 It wasn’t your fault. Don’t blame [you / yourself].

It wasn’t your fault. No one would blame [you / yourself].

Babies are not able to look after [them / themselves], so their mothers always
look after [them / themselves].

5 Tony’s shoes are very dirty. He washed them [him / himself].

Tony’s shoes are very old. His father bought [him / himself] new ones.

STEP 괄호 안에서 밑줄 친 재귀대명사의 알맞은 용법을 고르세요.

2 1 The customer himself wants to talk to a manager. [재귀 / 강조]

2 You are acting like a baby. You should be ashamed of yourself! [재귀 / 강조]

3 We have to protect ourselves from the cold weather. [재귀 / 강조]

4 They came to my house themselves. [재귀 / 강조]

5 The boys made these cookies themselves. [재귀 / 강조]

6 I made a cup of tea for myself. [재귀 / 강조]

7 The young bird can feed itself now. [재귀 / 강조]

8 You have to ask yourself, “Am I doing my best?” [재귀 / 강조]

9 My grandparents’ house is older than my grandparents themselves. [재귀 / 강조]

Unit 34 87
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.13

STEP 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 <보기>에서 알맞은 표현을 골라 문장을 완성하세요. (필요시 형태를 바꿀 것)

3 <보기> by oneself
make oneself at home
talk to oneself
help oneself

1 가끔 그녀는 혼잣말을 한다.

Sometimes she .

2 빵을 마음껏 드세요.
Please  to the bread.

3 내년에 우리 형은 홀로 제주도에 갈 것이다.

Next year, my brother will go to Jeju Island .

4 앉으셔서 편히 쉬세요.
Please take a seat and .

STEP 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 배열하여 문장을 완성하세요. (필요시 형태를 바꿀 것)

4 1 그 어린 소녀는 계단에서 넘어져 다쳤다. (her, hurt)

The little girl fell down the steps and .

2 그 이야기는 우리끼리 아는 얘기로 해두자. (us, between)

Let’s keep the story .

3 그는 직접 그 노래를 만들었다. (the song, make, him)

He .

4 가서 학생들에게 네 소개를 하렴. (you, the students, introduce, to)

Go and .

5 나는 가사가 아니라 그 노래 자체를 좋아한다. (the song, it, like, I)

 , not the lyrics in it. *lyric: (노래) 가사

88 Chapter 13 대명사
Unit 34
Point 01 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말 찾기
주어의 수와 인칭에 따른 재귀대명사의 형태에 주의하세요. 주어와 목적어가 같을 경
내신 우 재귀대명사를 사용해요.

적중 Point 02 밑줄 친 부분의 용법이 다른 것 찾기

재귀대명사가 재귀 용법인지 강조 용법인지 생략 가능 여부에 따라 판단하세요.

Point Point 03 우리말에 맞게 대화 완성하기

재귀대명사의 관용 표현의 형태와 의미를 확인하세요.

정답 및 해설 p.14

Point 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

01 • Today was the first day of school. Our homeroom teacher

introduced to us.
 oday we had a new classmate. Our homeroom teacher
introduced to us.

① itself – her ② themselves – herself

③ herself – her ④ myself – herself
⑤ ourselves – her

Point 다음 중 밑줄 친 재귀대명사의 용법이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

02 ① He loves her herself.

② She painted the chair herself.
③ The girl talked to herself quietly.
④ I myself finished writing the report.
⑤ You have to do your homework yourself.


Point 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 재귀대명사를 사용하여 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 쓰세요.

03 A: Did your brother have a good time at the aquarium?

(네 남동생은 아쿠아리움에서 좋은 시간을 보냈니?)
B: Yes, he very much.
(응, 그 애는 매우 즐거운 시간을 보냈어.)

Unit 34 89

35 부정대명사
정해져 있지 않은 막연한 대상을 가리키는 대명사를 부정대명사라고 하며, 형용사적으로도 쓰여요.

one, 1 one(s): 하나; 일반인; 같은 종류의 다른 어떤 것

A another, I am going to get some apples. Do you want one? 하나, 한 사람
other One should do his or her work. 일반인

I don’t have my own computer. I should buy one. 같은 종류의 다른 어떤 것

This is so expensive. Are there any cheaper ones? 복수형

More one을 쓸 수 없는 경우

•Is this computer yours? Can I use it? *one (×): 앞에서 말한 것과 같은 것을 가리킬 수 없음
•I like grape juice better than orange (juice). *‌orange one (×): 셀 수 없는 명사를 대신할 수 없음

2 another: 또 다른 하나(의)
This towel is dirty. Give me another, please. 또 다른 하나

Can I get another towel?  *형용사적 쓰임: another+단수명사

3 (the) other(s): 다른 (것들)

This shirt is too big. Show me others, please. 다른 것들

Could you show me other shirts?  *형용사적 쓰임: other+복수명사

cf. the other hand, the other books  the other+단수[복수]명사

4 one, some, another, (the) other(s)의 쓰임

둘 중 one(하나), the other(나머지 하나) ● ■

one(하나), the others(나머지 모두) ● ■■■
셋 중 one(하나), another(또 하나), the other(나머지 하나) ● ■ ●
one(하나), another(또 하나), the others(나머지 모두) ● ■ ●●●
some(여럿 중 일부), the others (나머지 모두) ●●● ■■■
some(여럿 중 일부), others(나머지 중 일부) ●●● ■■■ ▲▲

all / each 1 all ((of)+명사): 모든 사람[것], 모든, 모두의

B / either, All enjoyed the party. 
neither All (of) the garbage cans are full.  all(+of)+셀 수 있는 명사의 복수형+복수동사
All children like to play.
All (of) his money was in the bank.  all(+of)+셀 수 없는 명사+단수동사

More all과 같은 방법으로 쓰이는 both(둘 다(의)), most(대부분(의))

Both are my sisters. Both (of) his parents are teachers.

Most (of) fruits are rich in Vitamin C.

90 Chapter 13 대명사
2 each: 각각(의)
Each has his or her own taste.  each+단수동사
Each of her sisters has children.  each of+복수명사+단수동사
Each child in the room has a toy.  each+단수명사+단수동사

More every(모든 ~, 매 ~)

every는 형용사적으로만 쓰이고, each처럼 1 취급하여 「every+셀 수 있는 명사의 단수형」 형태로 써요.
Every boy in the class likes the girl. They go shopping every weekend.

3 either, neither
Do you know either of his parents? 둘 중 어느 쪽이든 하나

Neither of those colors suits you. (= not … either) 둘 중 어느 쪽도 아닌

some / any 1 some (of): 긍정문, 긍정의 대답을 기대하는 권유 의문문/any (of): 의문문, 부정문
C 뒤에 셀 수 있는 명사의 복수형이 오면 2 취급, 셀 수 없는 명사가 오면 단수 취급을 해요. 형용사적으

로 쓰이기도 한답니다.

Some of them were waiting at the subway station.  긍정문: 몇몇, 약간

Would you like some coffee?  권유 의문문: 몇몇, 약간

Do you have any brothers or sisters?  의문문: 몇 사람의

He didn’t have any experience in teaching.  부정문: 조금도 ~ 아닌

2 부정문의 some과 긍정문의 any

I don’t understand some of the information. 부정문: 일부

You can have any of them.  긍정문: 어느 것이라도

Any plan is better than no plan.  긍정문: 어떤 ~라도

3 -one, -body, -thing으로 끝나는 대명사

-one, -body는 사람, -thing은 사물을 뜻하며 some-, any-, no-, every-와 결합하여 대명사로 쓰여요. 원칙적으
로3 취급하며, 이를 수식하는 형용사는 4 에 와요. (→ p. 64)

some- any- no- every

(not과 함께 쓰지 않음)

someone = somebody anyone = anybody no one = nobody everyone = everybody

something anything nothing everything

Someone[Somebody] is coming.
There wasn’t anything important in the drawer. not ~ anything = nothing
(= There was nothing important in the drawer.)
She said everything about the accident.

Unit 35 91
STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르세요.

1 A 1 He lost his bag. He is looking for [it / one] now.

He lost his bag. So, he’ll buy a new [it / one].

2 I have two brothers. [One / The other / The others] is a middle school student.
[Another / The other / The others] is a university student.

3 Paul has three sisters. [One / Another / The other] is Jane. [Another / The other
/ The others] are Kelly and Amy.

4 There were a lot of guests at the party. [One / Some / The others] were my
friends. [Another / The other / Others] were my brother’s friends.

5 There are five pens on the desk. [Another / One / The other] is red. [Another /
One / The other] is green. [Another / The other / The others] are black.

6 There are ten pictures. [One / Another / Some] are Tom’s. [Another / The other
/ The others] are Mary’s.

7 We’ll visit three countries. [Another / One / The other] is France, [another / one
/ the other] is England and [another / the other / the others] is Canada.

8 I took a yoga class this month. I will take [another / other] class next month.

B 1 Both of us [enjoy / enjoys] shopping.

2 All of the students [was / were] listening to their teacher.

3 All of your advice [was / were] very useful.

4 Most of my friends [like / likes] computer games.

5 All chickens [has / have] wings. But they can’t fly.

6 Most of the furniture in my house [is / are] white.

7 Each of them [take / takes] different classes at school.

8 Every [classroom / classrooms] [has / have] an air conditioner.

92 Chapter 13 대명사
정답 및 해설 p.14

C 1 I’m thirsty. I need [some / any] water.

2 We don’t have [some / any] plans for this weekend.

3 She prepared [some / any] food for the picnic.

4 Don’t buy [some / any] coffee. We have [some / any].

5 Some of my homework [is / are] too difficult. Can you help me?

6 Some of the buildings [have / has] parking spaces.

7 Something [smell / smells] wonderful. What is it?

8 Paul, somebody [is / are] waiting for you.

9 No one [know / knows] his name.

10 Everybody [need / needs] air and water.

STEP 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 <보기>에서 골라 문장을 완성하세요.

2 A
<보기> Both    Either    Neither

1 A: Which of your cousins can play the piano, Junho or Jina?

B: . They are taking lessons together in the same piano class.

2 A: Do you want some milk or coffee?

B: . I want some orange juice.

3 A: Which shoes do you like more, the black ones or the brown ones?
B: will be fine. I don’t care.

<보기> one another some
the other the others others

1 I got three letters. was from my grandfather. was from

my teacher. was from my friend.

2 There are many kinds of stars in the sky. are brighter than .

3 I have two alarm clocks. is louder than .

Unit 35 93
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.14

STEP 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 배열하여 문장을 완성하세요.

3 1 제 카메라에 뭔가 잘못된 게 있나요? (there, wrong, anything, is)

 with my camera?

2 내 친구들은 뭔가 특별한 걸 먹고 싶어 해. (special, my friends, to eat, want, something)

3 이 바지는 제게 좀 크네요. 더 작은 것이 있나요? (have, smaller, you, do, anything)

These pants are a little big for me. ?

STEP 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 올바르면 ○표, 틀리면 ×표하고 바르게 고치세요.

4 A 1 We ordered two dishes. One is pizza. Another is spaghetti.

2 I invited five people to my party. Only Jane and James can come.
The others can’t come.

3 People have different sleeping habits. Some like to get up early in the morning.
The others like to get up late.

4 Harper bought two skirts. One is for her daughter. The other is for her

5 Some people like coffee with their breakfast. But another prefer tea.

B 1 Both of his sisters is teachers.

2 All the guests were happy with the party.

3 Every houses has a roof.

4 Each book on this table costs 9,000 won.

5 I like all kind of Korean food.

C 1 Do you want to drink hot something?

2 Everything were wonderful at the party.

3 They couldn’t see no penguins at the zoo.

4 Somebody has to go there.

5 I wrote any letters to my cousins.

94 Chapter 13 대명사
Unit 35
Point 01 어법상 틀린 문장 찾기
상황에 맞는 대명사가 쓰였는지, 쓰인 대명사와 대동사의 수일치가 올바른지 확인해야
내신 해요.

적중 Point 02 어법상 바른 문장 모두 고르기

부정대명사를 단수 취급하는 경우와 복수 취급하는 경우가 있어요. 또, 부정대명사가
형용사적 역할을 하는 경우 뒤에 오는 명사와 동사의 수일치에도 주의해야 해요.
Point Point 03 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말 쓰기
문맥에 따라 어떤 대명사가 들어가야 할지를 잘 파악해야 해요..

정답 및 해설 p.15

Point 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장은?

01 ① Both babies cry a lot.

② She told me something important.
③ Each countries have a unique language.
④ Some children study English on a computer.
⑤ Jina is a new student. Does she get along with others?

Point 어법상 바른 문장을 모두 고른 것은?

02 ⓐ Both of the stores sell fresh vegetables.

ⓑ Each of the children were doing homework.
ⓒ Every states have its own laws in America.
ⓓ They didn’t make any noise during the class.
ⓔ Some of the boxes are really heavy.

① ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ ② ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓔ ③ ⓐ, ⓓ, ⓔ
④ ⓑ, ⓓ, ⓔ ⑤ ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓔ


Point 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 대명사를 쓰세요.

03 (1) • A: Is there a post office around here?

B: There’s near the fire station.
• A: I need an eraser. Can you lend me ?
B: Sure.
(2) • (a) like classical music, and (b) like jazz.
• Birds have different diets. (a) eat insects.
(b) eat fish.

Unit 35 95
Overall Exercises 13
Unit 33-35

[1-4] 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것을 고르세요.

4 A: You already ate a piece of cake. Do you
1 Jason didn’t have a pen. So he borrowed
want ?
B: No, thanks. I’m full.
from me. But he didn’t return
A: Then take for your
brother. He didn’t eat any. He will like
① it ― it ② it ― one
③ one ― one ④ one ― it
① it ······ one ······ another
⑤ its ― one
② another ······ one ······ it
③ one ······ it ······ another
④ it ······ another ······ one
⑤ another ······ it ······ another

2 There are two groups in my class.

group enjoys playing soccer.
enjoys playing baseball.
5 밑줄 친 It의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

① Some ······ Another ① It is Friday.

② Some ······ Others ② It is fall again.
③ One ······ Another ③ It is half past six.
④ One ······ Others ④ It was very cold yesterday.
⑤ One ······ The other ⑤ It is hard to get up early.

3 • people like K-pop music. 6 다음 글의 밑줄 친 표현과 바꾸어 쓸 수 있는 말은?

Others like hip hop.

• We have three items on the menu. Some sailors heard about some hidden
One is a cheeseburger. is treasure in the sea. They searched and
spaghetti with tomato sauce. The other searched for a long time. But they could
is steak. find nothing.

① Some ······ Another ① could find something

② One ······ Others ② couldn’t find everything
③ One ······ Another ③ could find anything
④ Some ······ Other ④ couldn’t find anything
⑤ Another ······ The other ⑤ could find everything

96 Chapter 13 대명사
정답 및 해설 p.15

[7-8] 다음 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르세요.

10 • was wrong to tell a lie.
•  has been a long time since I
7 A: It’s too hot outside.
saw you.
B: ‌Come inside. Do you want to drink
① Some ② That
A: Yes, I feel hot and thirsty. Can I have
③ It ④ All
⑤ There

① something cold ② anything hot

③ cold something ④ hot anything
⑤ nothing cold

[11-12] 다음 중 어법상 바른 문장을 고르세요.

① Do you want some juice?

11 ② Look! There’s famous somebody.
③ Most person like holidays.
8 A: There are three kinds of chips on ④ I burned me on a hot pot.
the table. Chicken, cheese, and sour ⑤ Some of the good restaurants is around
cream. here.
B: Can I try some of ? I want to
taste every flavor.

① all ② both
① We have any plans next Sunday.
③ most
⑤ each
④ every
12 ② I didn’t understand anything about his
③ I want to meet smart someone.
④ You have to believe in you.
⑤ We didn’t do exciting anything.

[9-10] 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르세요.

 (대·소문자 관계없음)

9 • I have ten apples. I will give Jim six

[13-14] 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장을 고르세요.
apples. Do you want to take ?
• There’s only one girl among the twenty ① Would you like to eat some apples?
students. are all boys.
13 ② I love every days of my life.
③ I didn’t say anything about it.
① one ② other ④ My grandmother sometimes talks to
③ another ④ the others herself.
⑤ the other ⑤ He gave all his money to poor students.

Overall Exercises 13 97
Overall Exercises  13

① All of his daughters are kind.

14 ② Every girl is wearing a hat.
18 다음 중 짝지어진 두 문장의 뜻이 서로 다른 것은?

① Mary lost her purse, so she wants to buy

③ All of them loves classical music.
a new purse.
④ Today I myself cleaned my parents’ car.
→ Mary lost her purse, so she wants to
⑤ Both of them have to clean their room.
buy a new one.
② Every class is full.
→ All the classes are full.
[15-17] 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것을 고르세요. ③ My sister drew herself in the sketchbook.
→ My sister herself drew her in the
15 I had a soccer game with ① some of my sketchbook.
friend. We divided ② all the players into ④ It is not easy to be a famous actor.
two teams. ③ One team wore red shirts → To be a famous actor is not easy.
and ④ the other wore blue shirts. I wore ⑤ To have good friends is important.
a red shirt. ⑤ Each team scored a goal. → It is important to have good friends.
My team won the game.

16 Both of my parents ① are on vacation

in England. Some of my relatives ②
lives there. My brother and I have to do [19-20] 20명의 학생을 설문 조사한 표를 보고 <보기>에서
all the housework ③ ourselves. It is not 알맞은 것을 골라 문장을 완성하세요.
easy. We ④ both don’t like cooking and
Questions Yes No
cleaning. ⑤ Every room in the house is
already dirty. Do you exercise every day? 18 2

Do you use the Internet

20 0
every day?

Do you clean your room

5 15
17 A: Do you have ① any homework?
every day?

B: Yes, I have ② some. Why?

A: ‌I’m going to the library after school. <보기> All Most Some Each
I have to find ③ some information
about Korean history. Do you want to 19 day.
of them clean their room every
go with me?
That sounds good. But I’m hungry
now. I want to eat ④ some cereal first.
A: Okay, then I’ll see you there. I’ll be
with ⑤ any of my classmates.
B: Okay. See you! 20 day.
of them use the Internet every

98 Chapter 13 대명사
정답 및 해설 p.15

만점 Writing Exercises

1 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 대명사를 넣어 문장을 완성하세

4 다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐
문장을 다시 쓰세요.

(1) This shirt is too old. I need a new (1) Each movies looks interesting.
. I like your shirt. How much →
did cost?
(2) Help you to the food.
(2) I went to five cities during my travels. →
was London. was
(3) He didn’t call nobody last night.
Paris. were Rome, Budapest,
→ He didn’t .
and Berlin.
→ He called .

2 다음 두 문장의 의미가 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰


I could not find anything about the

5 다음 그림의 내용과 일치하도록 문장을 완성하세요.

= I could find about the

(2) He didn’t discuss the matter with anyone.

= He discussed the matter with
. I have two pets. , and
a cat.


3 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들과 부정

대명사를 사용해서 문장을 완성하세요.

(1) 그는 동굴에서 신비한 무언가를 발견했다.

(mysterious, in a cave) A: What’s the weather like?
→ He discovered B: and .

(2) 그녀에게는 세 명의 아들이 있다. 한 명은 의사이고, 나

머지는 모두 기술자이다. (engineer, be)
→ She has three sons. a doctor,
and .

Writing Exercises 99




Unit 36 분사의 형태, 의미, 역할 Overall Exercises

Unit 37 주의해야 할 분사 Writing Exercises
| 기본 개념 Q&A |

Q 현재분사는 현재, 과거분사는 과거인가요?

A N o
분사에는 현재분사와 과거분사가 있어요. ‘현재’나 ‘과거’란 말이 붙어 있긴 하지만, 시제와
는 관계가 없어요.
분사는 부정사, 동명사와 마찬가지로 동사에서 나오는 것이에요. 동사의 성격을 가지고 있으면
서 동사에 ‘형용사’의 역할을 해요. 형용사 역할을 하는 것이므로 어디까지나 그것이 수식하는
명사와 밀접한 관계를 맺고 있다는 것을 염두에 두면서 학습하는 것이 중요해요.

falling leaves (현재분사: 떨어지는 잎들)

a broken vase (과거분사: 깨진 꽃병)

명사와 어떤 관계가 있는 것인지 지금부터 알아볼까요?


36 분사의 형태, 의미, 역할

분사에는 현재분사와 과거분사가 있으며, 문장에서 여러 가지 역할을 해요.

분사의 현재분사: v+-ing / 과거분사: p.p.

A 형태
현재분사(v+-ing) 과거분사(p.p.)

be being been
do doing done
have having had
write writing written
think thinking thought

분사의 능동/진행 vs. 수동/완료

B 의미
현재분사: ~하는(능동), ~하고 있는(진행) 과거분사: ~되어진(수동), ~된(완료)

a shining star (빛나는 별) a broken chair (망가진 의자)

boiling water (끓고 있는 물) boiled water (끓인 물)

분사의 1 be동사/have[has/had]+분사: 진행/수동/완료

C 역할
I was taking a shower.  진행형: be동사+현재분사

The poem was written in 1900.  수동태: be동사+과거분사

We have just finished dinner.  완료형: have[has/had]+과거분사

2 분사+명사: 명사 수식

an exciting game  현재분사: 능동/진행

a locked door 과거분사: 수동/완료

3 동사+분사: 주격보어 / 동사+목적어+분사: 목적격보어

주어나 의 상태나 동작을 설명해줘요.

The Christmas presents remained hidden in the kitchen.  주어의 상태 = hidden

I saw him sitting over there.  목적어의 동작 = sitting

102 Chapter 14 분사
정답 및 해설 p.16

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르세요.

1 1 I [go / going] to the gym every night.

I was [go / going] to the gym last night.

2 Shakespeare [wrote / written] Hamlet in 1602.

Hamlet was [wrote / written] by Shakespeare in 1602.

3 The girl is [screaming / screamed] for help on the street.

Didn’t you hear? Somebody just [screaming / screamed], “Help!”

4 They [hold / holding] various exhibitions nowadays.

They are [hold / holding] a Korean culture exhibition.

5 Jinsu [visiting / visited] Hanoi on his business trip.

Jinsu has [visit / visited] Hanoi several times.

6 Thomas Edison [inventing / invented] many devices.

Many devices were [invent / invented] by Thomas Edison.

STEP 괄호 안에 주어진 동사를 빈칸에 알맞은 분사의 형태로 바꿔 쓰세요.

2 1 I haven’t from my sister since January. (hear)

2 They say “Rome wasn’t in a day.” (build)

3 The old woman was umbrellas on the street. (sell)

4 I am for my father to come home. (wait)

5 The housework should be by tomorrow. (finish)

6 Vivian has her hair color recently. (change)

Unit 36 103
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.16

STEP 밑줄 친 분사의 역할을 <보기>에서 찾아 그 기호를 쓰세요.

3 <보기> ⓐ 진행형
ⓓ 명사 수식
ⓑ 수동태
ⓔ 주격보어
ⓒ 완료형
ⓕ 목적격보어

1 We heard some boys singing on the street.

2 My notebook computer was stolen at the library.

3 The girl on the bench is looking at you. Do you know her?

4 There were pieces of broken glass on the floor.

5 They invited us to the local festival. It sounds interesting.

6 He hasn’t found a solution to that problem.

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르세요.

4 1 I know the man [standing / stood] in front of the bookstore.

2 The police found a [stealing / stolen] car near the river.

3 He was reading a book [writing / written] in English.

4 The chef [making / made] pizza is my uncle.

5 Dan likes to have [boiling / boiled] eggs.

6 The girl [looking / looked] in the mirror is my friend Jinju.

7 My dad tried to fix my [breaking / broken] watch.

8 The woman [picking / picked] apples in the garden is my mom.

STEP 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 배열하여 문장을 완성하세요. (단, 굵게 표시한 단어의 형태를 변형할 수 있음)

5 1 나는 그의 노래하는 목소리가 좋다. (his, voice, like, sing, I)

2 그녀는 이 문제를 진지하게 받아들이고 있지 않다. (this, is, matter, take, she, not)

104 Chapter 14 분사
Unit 36
Point 01 어법상 틀린 문장 찾기
진행형은 현재분사, 완료형은 과거분사가 쓰였는지 확인하세요.
Point 02 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말 찾기
적중 수식 받는 명사와 분사가 능동 관계인지 수동 관계인지 파악해야 해요.

Point Point 03 우리말에 맞게 문장 완성하기

진행형, 완료형, 수동태는 분사와 함께 써야 해요.

정답 및 해설 p.16

Point 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것은?

01 ① Look at the running children.

② I have learning French for two months.
③ I found the fallen leaves under the tree.
④ He was answering the phone.
⑤ She was bitten by a small dog.

Point 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

02 • There are many people (A) in the park.

• He was the first president (B) twice in that country.

(A) (B)
① exercised ······ elected
② exercised ······ electing
③ exercising ······ electing
④ exercising ······ elected
⑤ exercise ······ elect


Point 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

03 나의 고양이는 내 침대 옆에서 자는 중이었다. (my bed, sleep, next to)

Unit 36 105

37 주의해야 할 분사
주의해야 할 분사는 헷갈리기 쉬워 시험에 자주 출제돼요.

감정을 1 현재분사(v-ing): ~하게 하는

A 나타내는 분사가 수식하는 명사가 감정을 유발하는 것일 때는 1 를 써요.
분사 This is a surprising story.  놀라게 하는 이야기: The story is surprising.

It’s an exciting game.  신나게 하는 경기: The game is exciting.

2 과거분사(p.p.): ~한, ~된
분사가 수식하는 명사가 감정을 느끼는 주체일 때는 2 를 써요.

It’s a picture of a surprised woman.  놀란 여자: The woman was surprised.

It showed a very excited audience.  신이 난 관객: The audience was excited.

현재분사 과거분사

annoying flies (짜증나게 하는 파리) annoyed looks (짜증 난 표정)

boring programs (지루하게 하는 프로그램) bored students (지루해하는 학생들)
confusing instructions (헷갈리게 하는 설명서) confused listeners (어리둥절한 청취자들)
depressing stories (우울하게 하는 이야기) depressed patients (우울해하는 환자들)
disappointing results (실망스럽게 하는 결과) disappointed parents (실망한 부모)
frightening scenes (무섭게 하는 장면) frightened people (무서워하는 사람들)
touching movies (감동적이게 하는 영화) touched audiences (감동받은 관객들)
interesting books (흥미롭게 하는 책) interested people (흥미로워하는 사람들)
pleasing meals (즐겁게 하는 식사) pleased customers (즐거워하는 고객들)
shocking news (충격적이게 하는 소식) shocked guests (충격받은 손님들)
tiring journeys (지치게 하는 여행) tired passengers (지친 승객들)

명사+ 분사+목적어/수식어구 등: 명사 3
에 위치
a boy → a boy wearing a hat  분사+목적어

a shining star → a star shining in the night sky 분사+수식어구

More 분사구가 긴 경우의 수일치
분사구가 주어를 바로 뒤에서 수식할 때 주어, 동사의 수일치에 주의해야 해요.
The pictures hanging on the wall were drawn by my brother.

동명사 vs. 동명사: 주어, 보어, 타동사나 전치사의 4

현재분사 동명사와 현재분사는 둘 다 형태가 「v+-ing」로 같아서 헷갈리기 쉬우니 잘 구별해야 해요.

• 동명사 보어: 주어와 동일한 대상

His hobby is skiing. (His hobby = skiing)

• 현재분사 보어: 주어나 목적어의 상태를 보충 설명

The story was very entertaining. (The story의 상태 = entertaining)

106 Chapter 14 분사
정답 및 해설 p.16

STEP 밑줄 친 부분이 현재분사로 쓰였으면 ‘현’, 동명사로 쓰였으면 ‘동’이라고 쓰세요.

1 1 One of the best kinds of exercise is walking fast.

I was walking home.

2 The children were flying kites in the park.

The children enjoyed flying kites in the park.

3 I was afraid of playing the piano on the stage.

Kevin was playing the guitar for his girlfriend.

4 The thief jumped from a moving police car.

Moving to a new school was a difficult experience for me.

STEP <보기>를 참고하여 주어진 문장을 완성하세요.

2 <보기>

The speech bored the students.
a. 주어가 다른 이의 감정을 유발하는 것일 때 → 현재분사
The speech was boring to the students.
b. 주어가 감정을 느끼는 주체일 때 → 과거분사
The students were bored with the speech.

1 The article in the newspaper surprised Mrs. Johnson.

Mrs. Johnson was by the article.
It was a article to Mrs. Johnson.

2 His rude behavior disappointed her.

His rude behavior was to her.
She was at his rude behavior.

3 The International Rock Festival excites me very much.

I am very about the International Rock Festival.
The International Rock Festival is very to me.

4 Yujin’s little dog sometimes annoys her.

Yujin is sometimes with her little dog.
Yujin’s little dog is sometimes to her.

Unit 37 107
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.16

STEP <보기>와 같이 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바꿔 쓰세요.

3 <보기>

The girl is my cousin.
She is standing at the bus stop.
→ The girl standing at the bus stop is my cousin.

1 I know the man.

He is wearing a black shirt.
I know .

2 The picture was popular.

It was painted by a famous artist.
was popular.

3 There was a cat.

It was sleeping under the tree.
There was .

STEP 다음 중 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바르게 연결한 것은?

4 ① I bought wine. It was made in Chile.

→ I bought wine was made in Chile.
② There is a book. It was written in French.
→ There is a book written in French.
③ Look at the man. He is wearing a funny hat.
→ Look at the man he wearing a funny hat.
④ There is a mountain. It is covered with snow.
→ There is a mountain cover with snow.
⑤ The kid is my nephew. He is playing with sand.
→ The kid is playing with sand is my nephew.

108 Chapter 14 분사
Unit 37
Point 01 어법상 틀린 문장 찾기
분사가 수식하는 명사가 다른 이의 감정을 유발할 때는 현재분사, 감정을 느끼는 주
내신 체일 때는 과거분사를 쓴다는 것에 유의하세요.

적중 Point 02 밑줄 친 부분과 쓰임이 같은 것 찾기

분사는 주로 형용사 역할을 하여 명사를 수식하고, 동명사는 명사 역할을 하여 주어,

목적어, 보어로 쓰여요.

Point 03 틀린 부분 찾아 바르게 고치기

감정을 나타내는 분사의 쓰임이 올바른지 판단해요.

정답 및 해설 p.17

Point 다음 중 어법상 틀린 문장은?

01 ① The cloudy sky looks depressing.

② I was scared to open my eyes.
③ Tony is excited about his trip to Africa.
④ She was touched by the story.
⑤ Were they surprising at the news?

Point 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 <보기>와 같은 것은?

02 <보기> I know that dancing girl.

① Do you like traveling by bike?

② The baby was scared of sleeping alone.
③ His problem is gaining too much weight.
④ Look at the shining light over there.
⑤ Taking vitamin E is good for your skin.


Point 다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 두 군데 찾아 바르게 고치세요.

03 My aunt used to tell us amazed stories. We were so amazing.


Unit 37 109
Overall Exercises 14
Unit 36-37

[1-2] 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지 넷과 다른 것을 고르 [5-6] (A), (B), (C) 괄호 안에서 알맞은 말을 골라 바르게 짝
세요. 지은 것을 고르세요.

① ‌Do you know the boy standing over

1 there?
5 •H  ip-hop music is (A)[interesting /
interested] to me.
② I don’t like doing the dishes.
• He threw away the (B)[breaking /
③ My sister and I were lying on the beach.
broken] table.
④ ‌The man reading the newspaper is my
• Going to an amusement park is always
(C) [exciting / excited].
⑤ What are they talking about?

(A) (B) (C)

① interesting ······ breaking ······ exciting
② interesting ······ broken ······ exciting
① ‌Last night, I heard a boy shouting.
2 ② ‌
That basketball player’s nickname is ③ interesting ······ broken ······ excited
④ interested ······ broken ······ excited
“The Flying Tiger.”
⑤ interested ······ breaking ······ excited
③ Minjae was waiting for her for two hours.
④ I saw Jisu looking for her car keys.
⑤ ‌We were excited about going to Disney

[3-4] 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것을 고르세요

① ‌The visit to the factory was exciting.

3 ② Sunny days make me feel pleased.
③ He was frightening to go out at night.
6 •T he girl looked (A) [frightening /
④ I have some interesting stories to tell you. frightened] by the dog.
• That was a really (B) [pleasing / pleased]
⑤ He was shocked at the car accident.
•T  he actress’s performance was (C)
[amazing / amazed].
① ‌Let’s do something exciting.
4 ② ‌What did you do last night? You look (A) (B) (C)
tired. ① frightened ······ pleased ······ amazing
③ I was really disappointed by the news. ② frightened ······ pleasing ······ amazing
④ I heard some annoying noises at school. ③ frightened ······ pleasing ······ amazed
⑤ ‌Mike is so bored. He only talks about ④ frightening ······ pleasing ······ amazed
football. ⑤ frightening ······ pleased ······ amazed

110 Chapter 14 분사
정답 및 해설 p.17

7 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 연결할 때 빈칸에 알맞은

말을 쓰세요.
10 대화의 내용상 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝
지어진 것은?

I helped the elderly man. A: ‌

How was the music festival? Was it
He was moving luggage. (A) ?
B: ‌
No! The sound was awful, the food
→ ‌I helped the elderly man was expensive, and there was trash
luggage. everywhere! I was really (B)
with it.

(A) (B)
① exciting ······ disappointed
② excited ······ disappointed
③ exciting ······ satisfied
④ boring ······ satisfying
8 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것을 모두 고르면?
⑤ boring ······ disappointing

ⓐ His answer was a satisfied one.

ⓑ I saw Mary sitting on the sofa.
ⓒ Jina received a letter writing in English. 11 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바르게 연결한 것은?

ⓓ It was a really touched moment.

I saw a boy. He was crossing the street.
ⓔ I was so surprising with his work.

① I saw a crossing boy the street.

① ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓓ ② ⓐ, ⓒ, ⓔ ② I saw a boy he was crossing the street.
③ ⓐ, ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓔ ④ ⓑ, ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓔ ③ I saw he crossing the street.
⑤ ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓔ ④ I saw a boy crossing the street.
⑤ I saw a boy he crossing the street.

12 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

• Jim is (A) in making movies.

• I heard some (B) stories from
9 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분을 잘못 고친 것은?
① His lecture was really bored. → boring
② I saw him rode his bicycle. → riding (A) (B)
③ Can you fix this breaking bike? → broken ① interests ······ interesting
④ The boy clap to the music is Eric. ② interesting ······ interested
→ clapped ③ interesting ······ interesting
⑤ Did you watch Anthony danced on the ④ interested ······ interesting
stage? → dancing ⑤ interested ······ interested

Overall Exercises 14 111

Overall Exercises  14

13 짝지어진 두 문장의 의미 관계가 나머지 넷과 다른 것

17 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 <보기>와 같은 것은?

<보기> His hobby is playing hockey.

① The show touched us.
→ We found the show touching.
① What are you doing now?
② The history teacher bores the students.
② I heard someone knocking on the door.
→ ‌The history teacher is bored with the
③ My job is delivering letters and parcels.
④ ‌What’s the name of the girl singing a
③ My sister is drinking tea.
song on the stage?
→ The girl drinking tea is my sister.
⑤ She is reading an entertaining book.
④ Reading Hangul interests me.
→ Reading Hangul is interesting to me.
⑤ The car hit the tree.
→ The tree was hit by the car.

14 다음 중 짝지어진 대화가 어색한 것은? [18-20] < 보기>에서 빈칸에 알맞은 동사를 골라 적절한 형
태로 바꿔 쓰세요.
① A: How was your school trip?
B: It was exciting.
<보기> frighten excite annoy
② A: We won the game.
B: Don’t be disappointed.
③ A: Why do you look so depressed? 18 He’s starting a new job next week. He’s
B: I failed the test. very about it.
④ A: How about going to Seoul Tower?
B: That sounds interesting.
⑤ A: ‌I stayed up all night because of my
B: Oh, you must be very tired.

[15-16] 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바 19 I had to fight against mosquitoes all
르게 고치세요. night. They were so .
 *mosquito: 모기
15 시청으로 가는 길은 아주 헷갈린다.
→ The way to the city hall is very confused.

16 잠자는 아기를 깨우지 마라.

20 On my way home, I saw a big dog. The
→ Don’t wake up the sleep baby.
dog started barking at me and came
towards me. I was very .

112 Chapter 14 분사
정답 및 해설 p.18

만점 Writing Exercises

1 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 말을 알맞은 형태로

바꿔 쓰세요.
3 다음 두 문장을 분사를 사용하여 한 문장으로 바꿔 쓰

(1) 그는 미소 짓는 한 소녀를 쳐다보았다. (smile) (1) I got a letter. It was written in Spanish.
→ He looked at a girl . →

(2) 그 프로그램의 마지막 장면은 아주 흥미로웠다. (2)  im met an old lady.

(excite) She was carrying a big box.
→ ‌The last scene of the program was very →

(3) 모든 관객들은 그의 이야기에 감동받았다. (touch)

→ All
‌ the audiences were by
his story. 4 다음 글의 문맥에 맞도록 괄호 안에 주어진 단어의 알
맞은 형태를 빈칸에 쓰세요.

We had a baseball game last Saturday.

We played very hard, but we lost. All of us
were so (1) at our (2)
result. (disappoint)
2 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 이용하여
문장을 완성하세요. (필요하면 단어의 형태를 바꿀 것)
 배우는 당황스럽게 하는 질문을 받았다.
(1) 그 (2)
(an, embarrass, get, question)
→ The actor

 스 정류장에서 기다리는 많은 사람들이 있었다.

(2) 버
(bus stop, at, wait, many, the)
→ There were
5 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 <조건>에 맞게 문장을 완성하
•new novel, interest, very를 포함하되 필요하면
어법에 맞게 형태를 바꿀 것
•총 6단어로 쓸 것

그의 새 소설은 매우 재미있다.

Writing Exercises 113





Unit 38 원급 비교 Overall Exercises

Unit 39 비교급 비교 Writing Exercises
Unit 40 최상급 비교
| 기본 개념 Q&A |

Q 왜 형용사, 부사를 비교, 최상급으로 변화시켜 쓰는 것일까요?

A  용사와 부사 중에는 문장에 표현했을 때 의미가 좀 애매한 것들이 있어요. 예를 들어

예쁘다거나 키가 크다고 할 때는 어느 정도로 예쁘고 키가 큰 것인지는 확실하지 않지요.

She is pretty
He is tall.

그런데, 비교, 최상급을 이용하여 어떤 기준을 제시하면 의미가 좀 더 확실해질 수 있어요.

She is prettier than Suji.

He is taller than my father.

그러므로 비교와 최상급은 그 정도가 애매한 형용사나 부사의 의미를 좀 더 확실하게 해주는
표현이라고 할 수 있답니다.

38 원급 비교
원급 비교는 서로 정도가 비슷하거나 같은 것을 내세워 어느 정도인지를 설명하는 것이에요.

원급 비교의 1 as+형용사[부사]의 원급+as ...: …만큼 ~한[하게]

A 형태 I am as tall as Mom (is). as+형용사 원급+as
비교 구문에서 as나 than 뒤의 (대)명사는 1 이 원칙이지만 일상생활에서는 2 을

사용하는 경우가 많아요.

She can swim as well as he[him].  as+부사 원급+as

More as 뒤의 비교 대상의 형태
•as 뒤의 동사는 비교하는 동사에 맞춰 「do동사/be동사/조동사」로 나타내요. 이때 동사는 쓰지 않아도 문맥상
내용이 분명한 경우가 많아 자주 생략돼요.
He exercises as often as I (do).
•비교하는 두 대상은 동일한 형태, 격으로 써요.
Her painting is as beautiful as you. (×)
Her painting is as beautiful as yours (= your painting). (○)

2 not as[so]+형용사[부사]의 원급+as ...: …만큼 ~하지 않은[하지 않게]

Jenny is not as[so] young as Henry.  not as[so]+형용사 원급+as
I don’t sing as[so] well as my sister (does). not as[so]+부사 원급+as

More many vs. much

much는 ‘많이’라는 부사로 쓰일 수 있고, many는 주로 형용사로 쓰임에 유의해요.

I exercise as much as you. (○)
I exercise as many as you. (×)

원급을 1 as+원급+as possible = as+원급+as+주어+can[could]: 가능한 한 ~한[하게]

B 이용한 Call the doctor as soon as possible. = as soon as you can
관용 표현 He came here as quickly as possible. = as quickly as he could

2 배수사+as+원급+as ...: ~의 … 배 더 ~한[하게]

배수사는 twice[two times](두 배), three times(세 배), four times(네 배) 등과 같이 ‘~배’를 나타내는 말이에요.

My new earphones are twice as expensive as my old ones. 두 배 더 비싼

(= earphones)
The United States is about 43 times as large as Korea. 43배 더 큰

116 Chapter 15 비교
정답 및 해설 p.18

STEP <보기>에서 알맞은 단어를 골라 원급 비교 구문을 이용하여 빈칸을 완성하세요.

1 <보기> long well often warm much

1 Yesterday’s temperature was 20 degrees. Today’s temperature is the same.

Today is yesterday was.

2 They have lived here for seven years. We have lived here for ten years.
They haven’t lived here we have.

3 Jenny got an A on the exam. Sue got an A, too.

Jenny did Sue on the exam.

4 Sam goes to the library every week. I go there once a month.

I don’t go to the library Sam.

5 My grandmother misses our hometown much. I miss our hometown, too.

My grandmother misses our hometown I do.

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 모두 고르세요.

2 1 Tom’s glasses are as thick as [Bill / Bill’s].

2 Susan didn’t sleep as much as [I / I was / I did].

3 Our scores are as good as [them / theirs / their].

4 My bike is as new as [him / his / he].

5 Elephants don’t live as long as [turtles / turtles are / turtles do].

6 I can’t jump as high as [James / James is / James can].

7 He sings as well as [the singer / the singer is / the singer does].

8 My room is as large as [my sister / my sister’s].

9 My dog barks as loudly as [you / yours].

10 The moon isn’t as big as [the Earth / the Earth is / the Earth does].

Unit 38 117
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.18

STEP 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 바르면 ○표, 틀리면 ×표 하고 바르게 고치세요.

3 1 This room is three times as larger as yours.

2 This car is as fast as mine.

3 I like outdoor activities as many as my friend.

4 I try to sleep as earlier as possible.

5 He eats meals twice as fast as you are.

6 He ran toward the bus stop as fast as he can.

STEP 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 배열하여 문장을 완성하세요.

4 1 그녀는 너무 피곤했기 때문에 가능한 한 많이 잤다. (much, as, slept, possible, as)
She was very tired, so she .

2 늦어서 미안해. 가능한 한 빨리 오려고 했어. (as, as, I, soon, could)

I’m sorry for being late. I tried to get here .

3 나는 내 사촌 동생보다 나이가 두 배 더 많다. (as, my, twice, cousin, as, old)

I am .

4 펭귄은 타조만큼 빨리 달릴 수 없다. (fast, can’t, as, run, an ostrich, as)

A penguin .
*ostrich: 타조
5 새로운 소설은 그녀의 오래된 것보다 슬프지 않다. (sad, as, old, not, one, is, as, her)
The new novel .

6 어미 코끼리는 아기 코끼리보다 15배 더 무겁다. (heavy, 15, as, a baby elephant, times, as)
A mother elephant is .

118 Chapter 15 비교
Unit 38
Point 01 어법상 바른 문장 찾기
as ~ as 사이에 형용사나 부사의 원급이 쓰였는지, 비교 대상이 정확히 무엇인지 파악
내신 해야 해요.

적중 Point 02 표의 내용에 맞게 문장 완성하기

원급 표현을 사용하여 표의 내용을 비교할 수 있어야 해요.


정답 및 해설 p.19

Point 다음 중 어법상 바른 문장은?

01 ① You should come home as quicker as possible.

② Junsu didn’t study as hard as Mike’s.
③ Dogs are not so smarter as dolphins.
④ My room is as large as Bill.
⑤ This movie isn’t as interesting as the last one.


Point 다음 표를 보고 주어진 단어와 원급 비교 구문을 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

02 이름 나이 신장(cm) 몸무게(kg) 100m 달리기 기록(초)

Alice 13 162 53 22

Pearl 15 168 53 18

Alex 16 168 65 18

Ted 15 178 68 15

(1) old Pearl is Ted.

Ted and Pearl are Alex.
(2) tall Alex is Pearl.
Alice is Pearl and Alex.
(3) heavy Alice is Pearl.
Pearl and Alice are Alex.
(4) quickly Pearl runs Alex.
Alice does Ted.

Unit 38 119

39 비교급 비교
비교급 비교는 어떤 비교 대상을 내세워 정도의 차이를 나타내는 것이에요

비교급의 형용사[부사]+-(e)r / more+형용사[부사]

A 형태 fast – faster  hard – harder large – larger   young – younger
popular – more popular famous – more famous  
expensive – more expensive easily – more easily
•불규칙한 형태로 변화하는 주요 단어

good, well – better many, much – more bad[badly], ill– worse little – less
late (시간) – later old (나이 든) – older far (거리) – farther, further
(순서) – latter (손위의) – elder (정도) – further

비교급 1 비교급+1
~: ~보다 더 …한[하게]
표현 than도 뒤에 나오는 「주어+do동사/be동사/조동사」에서 동사를 생략하거나, 목적격 대명사를 쓰는 경우가 많

Today is colder than yesterday.  형용사 비교급+than

My son speaks Chinese more fluently than I[me] (do). 부사 비교급+than

Making friends is often easier than keeping them.

* 비교의 대상이 되는 A와 B는 그 문법적 성격이 대등한 것이어야 해요.

2 the+비교급, the+비교급: 더 ~할수록, 점점 더 …하다

The more I study, the more I know.

= As I study more, I know more.
The more electricity you use, the more money you spend.
= As you use more electricity, you spend more money.

3 비교급+and+비교급: 점점 더 ~한[하게]
비교급의 형태가 「more+원급」인 경우 「비교급 and 비교급」은 「more and more+원급」의 형태로 써요.

The tree is growing taller and taller.

The story became more and more interesting.

비교급 much[even, still, a lot, far, (a) little]+비교급

C 강조·수식 비교급 앞에 쓰여서 ‘훨씬’이나 ‘조금’이라는 의미를 나타내요. very나 too, so 등은 2 을 강조·수식

할 수 없어요.

She looks much younger than she is. very younger(×), too younger(×) 
Kevin is a lot taller than Bomi. very taller(×) 

120 Chapter 15 비교
정답 및 해설 p.19

STEP 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 <보기>에서 골라 비교급 형태로 바꿔 문장을 완성하세요.

1 <보기> fast expensive good little

1 I caught a cold. So I took some medicine and stayed in bed yesterday. Now I feel
than I did yesterday.

2 I went to England to visit a friend. It was really fun, but everything was
than in Korea. So I couldn’t buy any presents for my family.

3 A cheetah is than a lion. Cheetahs can reach speeds of 112.7 km/h.

Lions can reach speeds of 80.5 km/h.

4 These days people are more interested in healthy food. So, many restaurants are
cooking food with salt and fat.

STEP 괄호 안의 단어를 이용하여 주어진 문장을 비교급 문장으로 바꿔 쓰세요.

2 1 This laptop computer isn’t as expensive as that one. (expensive, cheap)

= This laptop computer is that one.
= That laptop computer is this one.

2 My room isn’t as large as my sister’s. (large, small)

= My sister’s room is mine.
= My room is my sister’s.

3 My backpack is not as heavy as yours. (heavy, light)

= Your backpack is mine.
= My backpack is yours.

4 My school’s exams aren’t as difficult as your school’s. (difficult, easy)

= My school’s exams are your school’s.
= Your school’s exams are my school’s.

Unit 39 121
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.19

STEP 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 바르면 ○표, 틀리면 ×표 하고 바르게 고치세요.

3 1 Andrew came to school late than you did. 

2 Sandra speaks French more fluently as I do. 

3 Becoming happy is more difficult than to become rich.

4 Health is even more important than money is. 

5 The running horse is running more and more fast. 

6 The warmer the Earth becomes, the quickly the glaciers melt.

STEP 다음 글의 빈칸 ①~⑤ 중 much를 넣을 수 있는 것은?

4 Some birds can’t fly. The ostrich is one example. It is a ① big bird, but
has ② small wings. Instead of flying, it can run ③ faster than
most animals. Its appearance is quite special, too. It has a ④ long neck,
a small head, and big eyes. So, many people think this bird is ⑤ funny
and friendly. *ostrich: 타조

STEP 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

5 1 계획을 세우는 것보다 실천하는 것이 훨씬 더 어렵다. (much, hard, make)

Keeping the plan is it.

2 사과는 무게가 더 나갈수록 맛이 더 좋다. (much, good)

 an apple weighs, it tastes.

3 요즘 그 숲에는 점점 더 적은 나무가 있다. (and, few)

These days, the forest has trees.

4 당신이 더 많이 읽을수록, 당신은 더 많이 알게 된다. (much)

 you read, you know.

5 21세기에는 휴대전화가 우리 생활에서 더 중요해지고 있다. (important)

In the 21st century, cell phones are becoming in our lives.

6 요즘에는 카페가 점점 더 흔해지고 있다. (common)

Cafes are getting these days.

122 Chapter 15 비교
Unit 39
Point 01 어법상 바른 문장 찾기
비교급의 형태와 비교되는 두 대상의 문법적 성격이 대등한지 파악하세요.
Point 02 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것 찾기
적중 비교급을 강조·수식하는 말로 쓸 수 있는 것들을 알아두세요.

Point Point 03 우리말에 맞게 문장 완성하기

비교급의 관용 표현을 암기해 두어요.

정답 및 해설 p.20

Point 다음 중 어법상 바른 문장은?

01 ① Her hair is longer than he.

② My aunt looks more older than her age.
③ The old sweater feels more and more soft.
④ I know better than he does about hip hop music.
⑤ Doing your best is more important than win the game.

Point 다음 중 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

02 A: It’s really difficult to understand European history.

B: Do you think so? In my opinion, European history is
easier to understand than Asian history.

① much ② even ③ far

④ too ⑤ a lot


Point 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 말들을 바르게 배열하세요.

03 우리는 더 열심히 공부할수록 더 높은 성적을 받을 수 있다.

(harder, get, can, higher scores, the, study, we, we, the)

Unit 39 123

40 최상급 비교
셋 이상의 것 중에서 하나가 다른 것들에 비해 정도가 가장 심함(최고 또는 최저)을 나타내는 표현이에요.

최상급의 형용사[부사]+-(e)st / most+형용사[부사]

A 형태 fast – faster – fastest
long – longer – longest
few – fewer – fewest
interesting – more interesting – most interesting
famous – more famous – most famous
popular – more popular – most popular

•불규칙한 형태로 변화하는 주요 단어

good, well – better – best many, much – more – most

bad[badly], ill – worse – worst little – less – least
old (나이 든) – older – oldest late (시간) – later – latest
(손위의) – elder – eldest (순서) – latter – last

far (거리) – farther, further – farthest, furthest

(정도) – further – furthest

최상급 1 the+최상급(+명사)+in[of] ...: … 중에서 가장 ~한[하게]

B 표현 최상급 구문에서는 ‘어느 범위에서 가장 ~하다’는 것인지 그 범위를 나타내는 표현이 대부분 1 이나
2 와 함께 나와요.

What is the fastest animal in the world?

This book is the most interesting of these three.

2 one of the+최상급+3 : 가장 ~한 … 중 하나
She’s one of the tallest girls at my school.
He’s one of the richest men in the world.

124 Chapter 15 비교
정답 및 해설 p.20

STEP 주어진 문장을 <보기>와 같이 바꿔 쓰세요.

1 <보기> That is a very high building in our city.

→ That is the highest building in our city.

1 He is a very tall boy in my class.

He is in my class.

2 Electricity was a very important discovery in science.

Electricity was in science.

3 The Nile is a very long river in the world.

The Nile is in the world.

4 He was a very good soccer player in Germany.

He was in Germany.

5 That is a very old building in Seoul.

That is in Seoul.

6 Rafting is a very interesting thing to do in summer.

Rafting is to do in summer.

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르세요.

2 1 Christina can play the violin [better / best] than I.

2 Which country is the [larger / largest] in the world?

3 Summer is the [hotter / hottest] season of all.

4 This hotel is the [more expensive / most expensive] one among those on the list.

5 Sam loves football [much / more / most] than his friends [are / do / have].

6 Which one is [more interesting / most interesting], The Lion King or Aladdin?

7 Mozart was one of the most famous [musician / musicians] in the world.

8 Love is one of the [more / most] important things in life.

Unit 40 125
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.20

STEP 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 바르면 ○표, 틀리면 ×표 하고 바르게 고치세요.

3 1 The employee has the less experience of the three employees.

2 Argentina is the furthest country from the Korea. 

3 This building is the taller building in our city.

4 What is the bigger mammal in the world?

5 Brian is one of the smarter boys in his class. 

6 My trip to Europe was the better experience in my life. 

7 Baekdusan is one of the most valuable mountain in Korea.

8 Frozen is one of the famous movies among children. 

STEP 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요. (필요하면 단어를 추가하거나 단어의 형태를

바꿀 수 있음)

1 그건 올해 가장 웃긴 영화 중 하나였어. (funny, movie)

That was one of this year.

2 크리스마스는 세계에서 가장 인기 있는 휴일 중 하나이다. (popular, holiday)

Christmas is one of in the world.

3 3번 문제가 오늘 수학시험에서 가장 어려운 문제였다. (difficult, question)

Question number three was
on today’s math test.

4 우리는 가장 현명한 사람을 대통령으로 선택할 것이다. (wise, person)

We’ll choose as our president.

5 태양계에서 해왕성이 태양에서 가장 먼 행성이다. (far, planet)

Neptune is from the Sun in our solar system.
*Neptune: 해왕성

6 세상에서 가장 위험한 동물 중 하나를 말해보세요. (one, dangerous, animal)

Please name in the world.

126 Chapter 15 비교
Unit 40
Point 01 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 바른 문장 찾기
형용사나 부사의 최상급이 바르게 쓰였는지, 최상급 다음에 명사의 수가 바르게 쓰였
내신 는지 확인하세요.

적중 Point 02 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말 찾기

최상급의 형태와 최상급 다음에 오는 명사의 수에 유의해요.

Point Point 03 그림의 상황에 맞게 빈칸 완성하기

그림에 나타난 내용에 맞게 최상급을 써야 해요.

정답 및 해설 p.20

Point 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 바른 것은?

01 ① Tokyo is the bigger city in Japan.

② Jisu is the smartest girls in my school.
③ She is one of the most famous painters in Asia.
④ He is the more wonderful basketball player in Korea.
⑤ Excuse me, where is the most nearest flower shop?

Point 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 순서대로 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

02 • Jiho lives the in our class.

• He is one of the most amazing in Asia.
• It was speech of these three.

① farther ······ actor ······ worst

② farther ······ actors ······ worse
③ furthest ······ actor ······ the worse
④ farthest ······ actors ······ the worst
⑤ furthest ······ actor ······ the worst


Point 다음 그림의 내용과 일치하도록 괄호 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.


of the three kids.
Tony Brian Sally

Unit 40 127
Overall Exercises 15
Unit 38-40

[1-3] 다음 중 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르세요. ① as long as ② longer than

③ the longest of ④ the shortest of
1 Bill is as as you. ⑤ shorter than

① clever ② fast ③ old

④ heavier ⑤ brave
6 Tony came first, finishing in fifteen
seconds in the 100 meter race. Jane
2 It is one of the rooms in our finished in eighteen seconds and Sumi
hotel. finished in twenty-two seconds.

① brightest ② largest → ‌Tony ran of the three in the

③ better ④ nicest 100 meter race.
⑤ most expensive
① as fast as ② faster than
③ the most fast ④ the most fastest
3 She looks than before. ⑤ the fastest

① taller ② saddest
③ prettier
⑤ more beautiful
④ better
7 Laura is fifteen years old. She has two
brothers, Ken and Jack. Ken is older than
Laura, but younger than Jack.
4 두 문장이 같은 의미가 되도록 괄호 안의 말을 이용하
여 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰세요. → ‌Laura is among the three.

The Mugunghwa train is not as fast as ① older than ② the oldest

the KTX. ③ younger than ④ the youngest
=The Mugunghwa train is ⑤ as young as
the KTX. (slow)

[5-7] 다음 글의 내용과 일치하도록 주어진 문장의 빈칸에 8 다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?

알맞은 것을 고르세요.
코알라는 가장 게으른 동물들 중 하나이다.

5 Dolphins can live for about seventy-five

① The koala is the laziest animal.
years, and human beings can live for
② The koala is lazier than animals.
about seventy-five years, too.
③ The Koala is the most lazy animal.
→ ‌Dolphins can live human ④ The koala is one of the laziest animal.
beings. ⑤ The koala is one of the laziest animals.

128 Chapter 15 비교
정답 및 해설 p.20

[9-10] 다음 중 어법상 바른 문장을 고르세요.

12 • I go to bed (A) than my mother.
① Jason is more taller than Tom in his class.
9 ② This book is so thicker than that one.
• Daegu is one of the largest
in Korea.

③ Who is the most famous poet in Korea? • This room is much (C) than
④ ‌
Chuseok is one of biggest holiday in that one.
⑤ ‌
My mother gets up the earlier in my (A) (B) (C)
family. ① early ······ city ······ large
② the earliest ······ cities ······ larger
③ earlier ······ cities ······ larger
④ the earliest ······ city ······ largest
⑤ earlier ······ city ······ largest

① Nancy’s hair is shorter than I.

10 ② Mary is not as smarter as Luke.
③ That lake is becoming deeper and deeper.
④ This dog is very wiser than you think.
⑤ ‌The warmer the weather is, the much I
like it. [13-14] 다음 짝지어진 두 문장의 뜻이 서로 다른 것을 고

① ‌They tried to come home as early as they

13 could.
= ‌They tried to come home as early as
[11-12] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것을 고 ② ‌The movie was not as interesting as the
= ‌The novel was more interesting than
11 •
Her sadness didn’t last longer the movie.
(A) an hour. ③ ‌
As they grew older, they got more
• Finish your homework as soon as knowledge.
(B) . = ‌The older they grew, the less knowledge
• Korean rice tastes (C) as good they got.
as other rice to me. ④ ‌Taking the subway is faster than taking
the bus in rush hour.
(A) (B) (C) = ‌Taking the bus is not as fast as taking
① as ······ you can ······ much the subway in rush hour.
② as ······ can ······ two ⑤ ‌This backpack is cheaper than the blue
③ for ······ possible ······ twice one.
④ than ······ you can ······ twice = ‌The blue backpack isn’t as cheap as this
⑤ than ······ quickly ······ two one.

Overall Exercises 15 129

Overall Exercises  15

① ‌Eric is taller than Sam.

14 = ‌Sam is not as tall as Eric.
16 다음 괄호 안의 말들을 이용하여 대화의 빈칸을 완성
② ‌This desk is the cheapest desk in our
store. A: How can we get there? It’s almost 6 p.m.
=T‌ his desk is as cheap as other desks in B: Let’s walk as quickly as possible. It will
our store. become
③ ‌As the sunlight gets stronger, the oranges after 6. (dark, and)
grow better.
=T ‌ he stronger the sunlight gets, the
better the oranges grow. [17-20] 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 말들을 이용
④ Yesterday was hotter than today. 하여 문장을 완성하세요.
= ‌Today isn’t so hot as yesterday.
⑤ ‌The patient tried to walk as much as 17 너는 가능한 한 규칙적으로 운동을 해야 한다.
possible. (regularly, possible, as)
= ‌The patient tried to walk as much as he
could. → You should exercise

18 지구가 따뜻해질수록 자연재해도 더 자주 일어난

다. (warm, often, the)

→ Earth gets,

natural disasters occur.

15 다음 중 대화가 자연스러운 것은?

① A: Have you ever been to Costa Rica?

B: ‌
Yes, I have. It is one of the most
beautiful country in the world.
19 이 상자는 저 상자보다 네 배 크다. (big, as, four)

② A: You look taller than Sam.

This box is
B: That’s not true. Sam isn’t as tall as I.
③ A: ‌Which computer do you prefer, a
that one.
laptop or a desktop?
B: ‌For me, a laptop computer is more
④ A: ‌The blue bag seems heavier than the 20 아버지는 우리 가족 중에 가장 근면하시다.
red one. (diligent, in my family)
B: ‌That’s right. The red bag is three times
heavier than the blue one. →
My father is
⑤ A: Is Mars as large as the Earth?
B: Yes, the Earth is larger than Mars. .

130 Chapter 15 비교
정답 및 해설 p.21

만점 Writing Exercises

1 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안의 단어들을 바르게 배

3 주어진 문장과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을
쓰세요. (「the+비교급, the+비교급」 구문을 사용할 것)

(1) 물리학은 내게 가장 어려운 과목이다.

As the interviewee waited longer, he became
(difficult, physics, most, subject, is, the)
more nervous.
for me.
= the interviewee
(2) 달리기를 할 때, 나의 심장은 점점 더 빨리 뛴다. waited,
(faster, beats, faster, my heart, and)
→ When running,

(3) 그녀의 머리는 내 머리만큼 길다.

(mine, as, is, long, her hair, as)
4 다음 표를 보고 문장의 빈칸을 완성하세요.

Lena Brian Tom Jimmy

162 168 170 175
2 다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐
문장을 다시 쓰세요.

(1) Siberia is too colder than Seoul. (1) Lena is tall

Tom. (as)

(2) Tom is Brian. (than)

(3) Jimmy is all.
(2)  he more windy it is, bigger the waves
T (of)

(3)  ou should try to eat as slowly as you

Y 5 다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐
쓰고 틀린 이유를 쓰세요.

Hockey is one of the most popular sport in

(4)  onaco is one of the smallest country in

the world.
→ 틀린 이유:

Writing Exercises 131





Unit 41 장소 전치사 Overall Exercises

Unit 42 시간 전치사 Writing Exercises
Unit 43 자주 쓰이는 전치사
| 기본 개념 Q&A |

Q 전치사의 목적어란 어떤 의미인가요?

A  치사 뒤에서 함께 어구를 이루는 (대)명사

전치사의 뜻부터 알아봅시다. 전치사(前置詞)란 ‘(대)명사 앞에 위치하는 품사’란 뜻이에
요. at, in, on 등 많은 종류가 있는데 뒤에 오는 (대)명사를 앞의 어구와 연결시켜 주지요.

흔히 전치사의 의미를 ‘at(~에), in(~ 안에), on(~ 위에)’의 식으로 ‘~’을 활용하는데 이
‘~’에 해당하는 것이 바로 전치사의 목적어예요.

The computer on the desk is mine.

책상 위에

즉 위 예문에서 전치사 on의 목적어는 the desk예요. 전치사는 이 전치사의 목적어와 함

께 문장에서 형용사나 부사 역할을 해요. 전치사는 종류도 많고 의미도 많지만 그림과 짧은
예문으로 반복해서 익히는 것이 가장 좋아요.

41 장소 전치사
전치사는 보통 뒤에 오는 (대)명사와 함께 구를 이루어, 문장에서 형용사나 부사 역할을 해요. 그중 장소를 나타내는
여러 가지 전치사가 있어요.

위치를 1 at+비교적 좁은 장소나 지점: ~에(서)

A 나타내는 Where are you?
전치사 – ‌I’m at the bus stop / at the station / at a hotel /
at the airport / at the swimming pool.
I arrived at the top of the mountain.

2 in+비교적 넓은 장소나 공간의 내부: ~ 속에[안에]

Where were you this afternoon?
– ‌I was in the bookstore / in the office / in my room
/ in my classroom.
I put my wallet in my bag.

3 on: ~ 위에 표면에 접촉·부착

Where is the key?
– ‌It’s on the shelf / on the table.

4 off: ~에서 떼어 내어[떨어져] 분리

What happened?
– The books fell off the shelf.
– The wind blew the hat off his head.

5 over: ~ 바로 위에, ~ 너머로 / under: ~ 바로 아래에

The rain clouds were over our heads.
I found the key under the mat.

More above와 below

•I was flying above the clouds in my dream. (~보다 위에)

•The elevator doesn’t stop below the 10th floor. (~보다 아래에)

6 in front of: ~ 앞에 / behind: ~ 뒤에

A white cat is standing in front of the basket.
The black cat is standing behind the basket.

134 Chapter 16 전치사

7 between: ~ 사이에
Clara is sitting between her mom and dad.

8 around: ~ 주위에
They are sitting around the campfire.

9 by: ~ 옆에[곁에](= beside, next to), 가까이에(= near)

일반적으로 by는 ‘~ 옆에’, near는 ‘~로부터 멀리 떨어져 있지 않은 곳에’란 의미에 더 가까워요.

Come and sit by me. 옆에 = beside, next to

The shelf is by the window. 가까이에, 근처에 = near

방향을 1 along: ~을 따라서

B 나타내는 He walked along the river / along the bridge.

2 across: ~을 가로질러, ~의 맞은편에

Go across the street / across the road. ~을 가로질러

There’s a bank right across the street. ~의 맞은편에

3 into[in]: ~ 안으로 / out of: ~ 밖으로

Put the chicken into[in] the oven.
Take the chicken out of the oven.

More in과 into

•They are walking in the park. (공원 안에서 걷고 있다.)

•They are walking into the park. (공원으로 걸어 들어가고 있다.)

4 through: ~을 통과하여
Please go through that door.
We walked through the park.

5 up: ~의 위쪽으로 / down: ~의 아래쪽으로

I climbed up the hill.
The child fell down the stairs.

Unit 41 135
STEP 그림을 보고 빈칸에 알맞은 전치사를 <보기>에서 골라 쓰세요. (중복 사용 불가)

1 <보기> over    off    along    out of

around through under by

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8

1 The man is standing the window.

2 There is a mobile the bed.

3 The girl fell the bike.

4 The man is getting the taxi.

5 The dog is sleeping the chair.

6 The family is sitting the table.

7 The train is passing the tunnel.

8 She is walking the beach.

136 Chapter 16 전치사

정답 및 해설 p.21

STEP 그림을 보고 빈칸에 알맞은 전치사를 <보기>에서 골라 쓰세요. (중복 사용 불가)

2 <보기> next to in around on under

1 There are some people the park.

2 A man is lying the tree.

3 The balloon stand is the gate. *stand: 노점, 가판대

4 An old woman is sitting the bench.

5 Some children are gathered the ice cream stand.

Unit 41 137
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.21

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르세요.

3 1 There are some apples [in / at] the basket.

2 A picture hangs [in / on] the wall.

3 The couple is drinking coffee [at / on] the cafe.

4 The girl is diving [into / out of] the pool.

5 We should walk [across / along] the crosswalk when the light is green.

6 The baby is sleeping [between / through] her mom and dad.

STEP 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 전치사를 쓰세요.

4 1 꽃가게는 은행 옆에 있다.
The flower shop is the bank.

2 그 아이는 커튼 뒤에 숨어 있다.
The kid is hiding the curtains.

3 그는 침대 아래에서 양말 한 짝을 발견했다.
He found a sock the bed.

4 차 한 대가 집 앞에 주차되어 있다.
A car is parked the house.

5 우리는 공항에 오전 6시에 도착했다.

We arrived the airport at 6 a.m.

6 나는 계단 아래로 넘어져서 다리가 부러졌다.

I fell the stairs and broke my leg.

7 Brown 씨는 작년부터 시애틀에서 살고 있다.

Mr. Brown has lived Seattle since last year.

138 Chapter 16 전치사

Unit 41
Point 01 우리말과 일치하지 않는 것 찾기
위치를 나타내는 전치사가 의미하는 것을 정확하게 알아두세요.
Point 02 그림의 상황에 맞게 문장 완성하기
적중 그림 속의 사람, 사물의 위치나 방향을 나타낼 수 있는 전치사를 파악하세요.


정답 및 해설 p.22

Point 우리말을 영어로 옮긴 문장이 잘못된 것은?

01 ① 우유를 냉장고에 넣어라. → Put the milk into the refrigerator.

② 머리 위의 하늘을 봐. → Look at the sky over our heads.
③ Tim이 여기 와서 내 옆에 앉았다. → Tim came here and sat below me.
④ 책상 위에 컴퓨터가 한 대 있다. → There is a computer on the desk.
⑤ Fred는 지금 자기 방에 있다. → Fred is in his room now.


Point 그림의 내용과 일치하도록 <보기>에서 알맞은 말을 골라 문장을 완성하세요. (중복 사용 불가)

02 <보기> across between next to into out of

(1) A woman is going the hospital.

(2) A man is coming the bank.
(3) The bank is the school and the pharmacy. *pharmacy: 약국

(4) The bakery is street.

(5) The hospital is the bakery.

Unit 41 139

42 시간 전치사
장소를 나타내는 전치사가 시간을 나타내는 전치사로 쓰이기도 해요.

at / in / on 1 at+정확한 시각, 하루 중 특정한 때

A The meetings will begin at ten (o’clock) / at noon(정오) / at night(밤) /
at midnight(자정) / at dawn(새벽) / at that time /
at the end of March.

2 in+계절, 월, 연도, 세기, 하루를 이루는 부분

I visited my uncle in summer / in February / in 2018 / in the 20th century /
in the morning[afternoon, evening](오전[오후, 저녁]에) /
in my childhood.

More in의 다른 의미

•We’ll do the work in an hour. (한 시간 후에 = after)

•We did the work in an hour. (한 시간 이내에 = within)

3 on+요일, 날짜, 특정한 날

How about having a party on Sunday / on March 3 / on Christmas Eve?
cf. on time (정각에), in time (시간 내에)
I’ll see you on Saturday morning.
* 특정한 요일의 아침, 저녁 등을 나타내는 말 앞에는 in이 아니라 on을 쓴다.

during / 1 during+특정한 기간: ~ 동안 (내내)

B for I climbed Mt. Seorak during the holidays.  연휴 = 특정한 기간

He swims every day during the summer. 여름 = 특정한 기간

2 for+ 를 포함한 구체적인 기간: ~동안 내내

She will stay here for three days.  3일 = 구체적 기간

It rained for five hours. 다섯 시간 = 구체적 기간

by / 1 by: 일회성의 동작이나 상태가 ‘완료’되는 기한 ‘~까지’

C until[till] You should finish your homework by six.  숙제가 ‘완료’되는 기한

2 until[till]: ‘계속’되던 동작이나 상태가 끝난 시점 ‘~까지 (쭉)’

I studied for the exam until midnight. ‘계속’되던 공부가 끝난 시점

기타 시간 before/after, around, over

D 전치사 We’ll get there before[after] sunset.  ~ 전에[~ 후에]

It happened around noon.  ~ 무렵에, ~쯤 = about

He is well over forty years old. ~을 초과하여, ~을 넘은

140 Chapter 16 전치사

정답 및 해설 p.22

STEP 다음 빈칸에 전치사 at, in, on 중 알맞은 것을 쓰세요.

1 1 Are you also open New Year’s Day?

2 Some animals hunt night.

3 I’m going to meet Hyejin seven the evening.

4 Wait for me here, please. I’ll be back ten minutes.

5 The final exams start Monday.

6 The famous musician was born in Italy 1935.

7 My first class begins nine a.m.

8 graduation day, students wear caps and gowns.

The new TV series begins September 5 and ends sometime

I won’t be in my office Wednesday morning. Please come to see me
the afternoon.

STEP 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 괄호 안에서 알맞은 전치사를 고르세요.

2 1 제임스는 아침 6시쯤 일어난다.

James gets up [in / over / around] six in the morning.

2 내가 2시간 후에 다시 너에게 전화할게.

I’ll call you back [in / over / around] two hours.

3 12세를 넘은 어린이들은 표를 사야 한다.

Children [on / over / within] twelve must buy tickets.

4 우리는 사흘 내에 이 숙제를 다 끝내야만 해.

We must finish this homework [on / over / in] three days.

Unit 42 141
PRACTICE 정답 및 해설 p.22

STEP 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 것을 고르세요.

3 1 We must not talk [during / for] the class.

2 I haven’t seen my old friend [during / for] five years.

3 I have a sore throat. I’ve eaten only soup [during / for] three days.

4 Snakes sleeps [during / for] the winter.

5 He’s traveled around Europe [during / for] four months.

6 You should return this book [by / until] tomorrow.

7 They will stay at our house [by / until] next month.

8 He has promised to be back [by / until] five o’clock.

9 She’ll continue to work here [by / until] the end of this month.

STEP 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 전치사를 <보기>에서 골라 쓰세요. (중복 사용 가능)

4 <보기> at in on for

A: I’m going to have a party Sunday, the ninth of August. Can you come?
B: What time? I have an appointment the afternoon.
A: The party starts six the evening.
B: Good, I can make it then. My appointment will last only an hour. See
you then!

STEP 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 전치사를 쓰세요.

5 1 나는 화요일까지 내 숙제를 이메일로 보내야 한다.

I have to e-mail my report Tuesday.

2 우리는 오후 6시까지 여기서 공부할 것이다.

We’ll study here six p.m.

3 우리 할머니는 낮에는 보통 집에 계신다.

My grandma is usually at home the day.

4 30분 동안 눈이 조금 내렸다.
It snowed a little thirty minutes.

142 Chapter 16 전치사

Unit 42
Point 01 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것 찾기
during과 for, until과 by의 쓰임을 비교할 수 있어야 해요.
Point 02 빈칸에 알맞게 짝지어진 것 찾기
적중 각 문장의 빈칸에 문맥상 어떤 전치사가 필요한지 판단해요.

Point Point 03 우리말에 맞도록 문장 완성하기

전치사의 목적어가 어떤 종류인지 보고 이에 맞는 전치사를 쓸 수 있어야 해요.

정답 및 해설 p.22

Point 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것은?

01 ① She worked as a hair stylist until 2012.

② Let’s finish cleaning the kitchen by noon.
③ During her visit, she went to the Hong Kong Disneyland.
④ He’ll have to work overseas for about a year.
⑤ The war continued during a hundred years.

Point 빈칸 (A), (B), (C)에 들어갈 전치사로 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

02 • You should give it back to me (A) this Friday.

• You should study (B) class. There will be a quiz today.
• I’ll be arriving there (C) four o’clock.

(A) (B) (C)

① by ······ on ······ for
② by ······ before ······ around
③ until ······ in ······ at
④ until ······ at ······ in
⑤ on ······ within ······ over


Point 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 알맞은 전치사와 괄호 안의 말을 이용하여 문장을 완성하세요.

03 맑은 날에는 여기서 N서울타워가 보인다. (clear, a, day)

 we can see N Seoul Tower

from here.

Unit 42 143

43 자주 쓰이는 전치사
이유, 자격, 방법, 수단 등 다양한 뜻을 나타내는 여러 전치사가 있어요.

because of ~ 때문에(= due to) Because of the heavy rain, the game was canceled.

~으로서 자격
As a writer, she has great talent.
as cf. ‘(예를 들어) ~와 같은’의 의미일
Some animals, such as koalas, live alone.
때는 such as

I bought lots of things, like toys, clothes, and books.

like ~과 같은, ~처럼(= such as) cf. Most of the students like their teacher.

~으로(써) 방법, 수단 We will keep in touch by e-mail.

~에 의해 동작의 주체 The house was built by my uncle.

except for ~을 제외하고 The room was silent except for the sound of breathing.

for ~을 위해, ~에게 이익, 대상 It will be a great show for teenagers.

~으로부터, ~에서 출처, 출발점 The train from Busan has just arrived.
cf. from A to B (A에서 B까지) I took the train from Busan to Seoul.

to ~으로, ~에게 방향, 목표 Let’s go to the park and get some fresh air.

in ~을 입고 착용 She went to the party in a blue dress.

Are you still talking on the phone with Ken?

on ~으로 수단 I bought this skirt on the Internet.
We saw that movie on TV.

Have you ever heard of a band called “Queen”?

of, on, over ~에 대해서 내용(= about) I’m reading a book on Indian history.
There was a debate on[over] the matter.

~을 거쳐[경유해서] We flew to New York via Vancouver.

~을 통해서, ~을 매개로 I’ll send this package via express mail.

~을 가지고 있는 소유 He gave me a shirt with my picture on it.

~을 상대로 적수 I won’t fight with my brother anymore.
with ~과 함께[같이] 동반 Do you want to come with me?
~으로 도구 Please sign your name with a pen.
cf. without ~없이 부재 No one can live without food.

144 Chapter 16 전치사

정답 및 해설 p.23

STEP 괄호 안에서 알맞은 전치사를 고르세요.

1 1 We were late for the meeting [with / except for / because of] the traffic jam.

2 She eats [for / on / like] a bird. She should eat more than she does.

3 Do you know the girl [in / via / from] the black shirt over there?

4 Have you ever heard [with / for / of] the legend of Dangun?

5 I chose to write a report [on / by / without] environmental pollution.

6 We flew from Seoul to England [with / as / via] Hong Kong.

7 These items are on sale. You can only buy them [from / over / with] cash.

8 The wind is coming [from / by / with] the north.

9 She can’t see anything [via / from / without] her glasses.

10 He works for this company [as / to / by] a computer programmer.

11 The man traveled across Latin America [from / by / for] bike.

12 That exam was very easy [as / in / for] me.

13 Everyone is here [by / of / except for] Sally. Let’s give her a call.

14 I’m going to France [by / from / with] my family.

15 We can get a lot of information [by / like / except for] using the Internet.

16 The students’ debate [as / over / like] social problems has not ended yet.

STEP 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 어법과 문맥상 틀린 것을 고르세요.

2 ① People can’t live with water for more than a week.

② Grandpa told us the story of his life.
③ We’re using this room as our office.
④ I love to eat green vegetables like cucumber and spinach.
⑤ Our house is very clean except for my brother’s room.

Unit 43 145
Overall Exercises 16
Unit 41-43

[1-4] 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 고르세요.

4 • Columbus discovered America
1 • Lemon tea is very good a cold.
• The beach is a good place to go to
• I take a walk thirty minutes
every day.
• There are some strawberries
• Jane made sandwiches the
the refrigerator.

① until ② in
① for ② during
③ at ④ on
③ from ④ over
⑤ with
⑤ by

[5-6] 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것을 고르세요.

2 • Please put these letters your

5 • My sister had to stay in the hospital
father’s desk.
two weeks.
• Sunday mornings, I usually
• Lots of artists come to Berlin
go hiking with my parents.
the Berlin International Film Festival.
• He doesn’t agree with my ideas
raising children.
① during ······ for
② along ······ within
① to ② in
③ during ······ through
③ on ④ at
④ for ······ from
⑤ of
⑤ for ······ during

3 • We can communicate body 6 • What do you think his new

language. movie?
• He likes drawing colored • We have to arrive at school
crayons. eight a.m.
• There is a calendar baby
pictures. ① at ······ for
② to ······ about
① as ② for ③ about ······ above
③ on ④ with ④ of ······ by
⑤ from ⑤ because of ······ in

146 Chapter 16 전치사

정답 및 해설 p.23

[7-8] 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것 [9-11] 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 전치사를 쓰
을 고르세요. 세요.

7 A: Why are you so busy nowadays? 9 Bill은 자신의 아버지처럼 훌륭한 의사가 될 것이다.
B: My mother has a cast (A)
her arm. I help my father with the → Bill will be a good doctor
housework. his father.
A: That must be hard.
B: Yes, but the cast will be taken off
(B) a week.
A: That’s good. Are you still working
10 나는 사흘 동안 집에 있었다.

part-time at the restaurant? → I stayed at home three days.

B: Yeah, but only (C) the end of
this week. I have to study for my final
A: Good luck! *cast: 깁스 11 우리 가족은 새해 첫날에는 항상 할머니 댁에 간다.

(A) (B) (C) → My family always goes to my

① with ······ by ······ over grandmother’s house New
② with ······ for ······ during Year’s Day.
③ on ······ in ······ until
④ on ······ before ······ in
⑤ from ······ at ······ by
12 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 전치사를 쓰세요.

• She is learning English listening

to the radio.
• My father told me to be back home
seven o’clock.

8 Researcher: How did you find out about

this restaurant?
Jake: I found it (A) the Internet. 13 밑줄 친 부분을 바르게 해석한 것은?

Sue: I heard about it (B) my mother. ① Kate sits beside me at school. (내 뒤에)
Linda: I saw an ad (C) a newspaper. ② My brother played computer games until
midnight. (밤새도록)
(A) (B) (C) ③ Everyone attended the meeting except
① on ······ from ······ in for me. (나를 위해)
② on ······ by ······ at ④ The man began running through the
③ in ······ of ······ on hall. (강당을 지나쳐)
④ in ······ from ······ at ⑤ The mall is in front of his house. (그의 집
⑤ from ······ of ······ in 앞에)

Overall Exercises 16 147

Overall Exercises  16

14 우리말을 영작한 것이 바르지 않은 것은?

17 A television usually sits in the middle of
① 우리는 방금 병원에 도착했다. most living rooms. But many families
→ We have just arrived at the hospital. ① in Korea are joining the “Make Your
② 우리 집 근처에는 놀이터가 없다. Living Room a Library” campaign
→ There is no playground near my house. these days. ② After dinner, your family
③ 새로운 다리가 강 위로 지어질 것이다. members can sit together, read books,
→ A new bridge will be built over the river. and talk. Do you want to join the
④ 우리는 막 체육관에 들어가는 중이야. campaign? Then follow these steps:
→ We are just going out of the gym. 1. Move your TV and computer into a
⑤ Rick은 저 안경 쓴 여자애를 좋아해. bedroom.
→ Rick likes the girl in glasses. 2. Put bookshelves and books ③ out of
the living room.
3. Place some comfortable chairs
15 짝지어진 두 문장의 뜻이 서로 다른 것은?
④ around the bookshelves.
① We’re arguing over an imaginary 4. Enjoy reading books and talking
character. ⑤ with your family.
=We’re arguing about an imaginary
② Tim is just like my brother.
= Tim really likes my brother.
③ Let’s put it by your desk.
= Let’s put it next to your desk. [18-20] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 <보기>에서 골라 쓰세요.
④ I hardly slept because of a headache. (단, 괄호 안에 들어갈 전치사를 같이 쓸 것)

= I hardly slept due to a headache.

⑤ Have you ever heard of the rumor?
• ( ) 7:30 and 9:30.
= Have you ever heard about the rumor?
• Let’s meet at 7:00 ( ) front of the
[16-17] 밑줄 친 ①~⑤ 중 어법과 문맥상 바르지 않은 것을 • Would you like to see a movie ( )
고르세요. Saturday?

16 Have you ever heard ① of “flying snakes”?

They live in South Asia and Southeast 18 M:

Asia. But they don’t have wings and they

W: Sure. What movie do you want to see?
can’t fly upwards, either. They fly ② like
M: The Great Gatsby.
parachutists. They can only move from a
high place ③ with a lower place through 19 W: Great. What time does it start?
the air. They are usually active ④ during
the day. There are not many studies 20 W: Let’s go to the 7:30 show.
M: OK. What time do you want to meet?
⑤ about them. So we don’t know much
about them.  *parachutist: 낙하산을 타는 사람

148 Chapter 16 전치사

정답 및 해설 p.23

만점 Writing Exercises

1 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 전치사를 <보기>에서 골

라 쓰세요.
3 다음 그림을 보고 알맞은 전치사를 <보기>에서 골라 대
화를 완성하세요. (단, 한 번씩만 쓸 것)

<보기> in with for <보기> on under

next to near
(1) • Let’s meet in front of the library
thirty minutes.
• You look nice that red dress.

(2) • I fought a lot my younger sister

in my childhood.
• Mom cut the pizza a knife.
• We went swimming Sylvia last

(3) • She has worked for the company

eight years.
• This parking space is restaurant
customers only. (1) Dad: ‌Where is my watch? I put it on the
• Smoking is not good your table last night.
health. Mom: It’s the lamp.

(2) Son: Mom, did you happen to see my

laptop? I used it on the sofa last night.
Mom: Look the table.

(3) Daughter: I don’t remember where I put my

2 다음 우리말과 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 전치사를
쓰세요. Mom: T
glasses. Has anyone seen them?
 hey’re the carpet
(1) 어떤 사람들은 자신의 개를 아기처럼 대한다. the table.
→ Some people treat their dogs
their babies.

(2) 그는 변호사로서 10년간의 경력이 있다.

→ ‌He has 10 years’ experience
a lawyer.

(3) 너는 이 책을 이번 주말까지 반납해야 한다.

→ You need to return the book
this weekend.

Writing Exercises 149


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