Air Blowing & Cleaning Jsa
Air Blowing & Cleaning Jsa
Air Blowing & Cleaning Jsa
Ensure the correct tools & required PPEs are ready to use prior to starting
Inappropriate PPE radiography work.
PPE Specific to the job shall be available and accessible for all the workers.
Use of Power equipment
All power equipment shall be inspected by contractor equipment inspector
and have a valid inspection sticker.
Daily inspection checklist shall be maintained along periodic maintenance
All defective and damaged equipment shall be tagged with “ do not use” and
shall be removed to a designated area for maintenance.
All equipment shall be 3rd party inspected and have valid 3rd party inspection
sticker or certificate.
The equipment shall be inspected prior to each use
Defective equipment
Daily inspection checklist shall be maintained
Defective or damaged equipment shall be tagged and immediately be
removed from the site.
ear plugs shall be worn by all involved personnel and worker in the nearby
High Noise
Ear plugs required zone shall be declared by the environmental coordinator
and signage shall be provided.
Dust mask shall be used by the involved personnel along other mandatory
Dust Accumulation
Cleaning clothes by compressed air shall not be permitted.
Eye wash shall be available near to the working location
drip tray shall be provided along spill kit.
All pipe line must have secured with fixed pipe supports
Pipe spool stability all Pipe spools shall be properly anchored and restrained to prevent
unintended movement
Flying debris Workers should wear appropriate PPE, such as eye protection (safety goggles
or face shields), and gloves.
Ear plugs or muffs shall be used if the noise level exceed to 85dba.
The high noise area shall be marked with warning signs.
High Noise Clear communication plan shall be developed and discussed among entire
work force and use warning signs and alarms to signal the start of air-blowing
inspection sticker or certificate.
Use pressure relief valves, regulators, and other control mechanisms to
monitor and maintain safe air pressure levels
Safety whip shall be use at all hose joints and connections.
Work at height activities shall be suspended when the wind speed greater
Weather Conditions than 65km/h
Drinking water shall be available at elevation.
All workers shall be trained on work at height and on safe use of ladders
Inadequate Training All workers shall be inducted
REQUIRED AND/OR RECOMMENDED PPE(s): Safety Helmet, safety glass, safety harness, safety gloves, safety mask, earplug& face shield.
Prepared by: JSA Team Leader: Date: Acknowledged by: Construction Manager:
Name: Hazrat Ullah Signature: _____________ ID #:
JSA Team Members:
Signature: _______________________
Name ID # Department Signature Date ID#:
Signature: _______________________
ID#: ____________________________
Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Name: _____________________ Signature: ________________ ID #_____________