Phyllis2 - Cattle Manure Fresh
Phyllis2 - Cattle Manure Fresh
Phyllis2 - Cattle Manure Fresh
ID-number #1882
Material cattle manure, fresh
ECN Phyllis classification ▸ manure ▸ cow ▸ cattle manure, fresh
NTA 8003 classification ▸ [300] mest ▸ [320] rundermest
Submitter organisation ECN (Netherlands)
Submission date 2001-01-05
Remarks Top 2.5-3.8 cm of loose fresh manure ubove underlying 15 cm of compacted partially composted material
Literature J.M.Sweeten, J.Korenberg, W.A.LePori and K.Annamalai: Combustion of cattle feedlot manure for energy production. Energy in Agriculture 5 pp. 55-72 (1986).
Property Unit Std dev Det lim Lab Date Method Remarks
ar dry daf
Proximate analysis
Moisture content wt% 13.88 ← Edit
Ash content wt% 13.67 15.87
Volatile matter wt% 60.52 70.27 83.53
Fixed carbon wt% 11.94 13.86 16.47 Calculated
Chlorine (Cl) mg/kg 9 989.9 11 600.0 13 788.2 Measured
Heating value
Net calorific value (LHV) MJ/kg 13.61 16.19 19.25
Gross calorific value (HHV) MJ/kg 14.95 17.36 20.63
HHVMilne MJ/kg 15.96 18.53 22.03 Calculated
Ash Properties
Ash composition
SO3 wt% (ash) 2.80
Cl wt% (ash) 3.80
P2O5 wt% (ash) 3.00
SiO2 wt% (ash) 53.50
Fe2O3 wt% (ash) 1.70
Al2O3 wt% (ash) 7.80
CaO wt% (ash) 13.90
MgO wt% (ash) 3.70
Na2O wt% (ash) 2.00
K2O wt% (ash) 6.40
TiO2 wt% (ash) 0.33