A - Z One Word - Merged

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An ability, talent, or special skill needed

A Related One to do something - Knack

Word 11. Able to become strong,

1. A judge's private room, without the healthy, or successful again

press or the public being present – after something bad happens -
In camera
2.A period of time in the past Pliable, Adaptable, Flexible, Buoyant,
that was 12. Able to do many different
things -
idyllically happy and peaceful - Versatil variable, adaptable, flexible,
Halcyon e
difficult or dangerous situations
3. A tax or levy - Cess
- Sangfroid
4. An abbreviation formed from
10.An ability to use one's hands
the initial letters of other words
skillfully or an ability to think
and pronounced as a word -
quickly and effectively
- Dexterity
5. An ability to do several
things at the same time -

6. An ability to express oneself

well in speech - Oracy
(the ability to express oneself fluently and grammatically
in speech
7.An ability to make good judgments
take quick decisions - Acumen ,
insigh,injenutiy nacuty,Sharewdnes,
8. An ability to see what will
or might happen in the -

9. An ability to stay calm in

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14. Able to exist together
without trouble or conflict going
together well - Compatible

15. Acceptable according to the

law, fair or reasonable - Valid

16. Accepting and closely

following the traditional beliefs
and customs of a religion -

17.An act of burying a dead person -


18.An act of carefully watching

someone or something especially in
order to prevent
or detect a crime - Surveillance ,scrutiny
19. An act of causing two
people or groups to become friendly
again after an argument or
disagreement - Reconciliation

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20. An act of committing a for, using, or doing something, failure
serious crime such as murder or to do one's job or duty - Dereliction
rape - Felony
29. An act of officially
21. An act of destroying or charging someone with a crime -
damaging something deliberately Indictment
so that it does not work correctly -

22. An act of ending the

employment of a worker or group
of workers - Layoff

23.An act of explaining something -


24. An act of getting money

back from people it has been paid
to - Clawback

25. An act of going or travelling

to a place along a way that is
different from the usual or planned
way - Detour

26. An act of identifying a

disease, illness, or problem by
examining someone or something -

27. An act of illegally copying

someone's product or invention
without permission - Piracy

28. An act of no longer caring

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30. An act of printing a a romantic or sexual relationship
statement about somebody that with someone other than one's
is not true and that gives people husband, wife, or partner -
a bad opinion of them - Libel Infidelity

31. An act of punishing or

harming somebody in return for
what they have done to you,
your family or friends -

32. An act of remembering or

telling about past experiences -

33. An act of returning

something that was lost or stolen to
its owner - Restitution

34. An act of sending

someone to another person or
place for treatment, help, advice,
etc. - Referral

35.An act of treating a holy place

or object in a way that does not
show proper respect
- Sacrilege

36. An act of trying to impress

someone by saying the names of
well-known people that one knows
or has met - Name- dropping

37. An act or fact of having

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38. An act or means of copying the behavior or speech
sealing off a place to prevent of other people - Mimicry
goods or people from entering or
47. An activity or excitement
leaving - Blockade
that is unusual and that often is
39. An act or remark that is not wanted or necessary - Fuss
calculated to gain an advantage -

40. An act that is part of a

usually religious ceremony - Rite

41. An action of making

amends for a wrong or injury -

42. An action of marrying a

person of a superior caste or class
- Hypergamy

43. An action of regaining or

gaining possession of something in
exchange for payment, or clearing a
debt - Redemption

44. An action or event that is

a signal for somebody to do
something - Cue

45. An action or offence of

speaking sacrilegiously about God
or sacred things; profane talk -

46. An activity or art of

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48. An activity in that illegally - Hooch
more and more people are
57. All the plants that live in a
becoming involved -
particular area, time, period, or
environment - Flora
49. Actor or actress - Thespian

50. Add notes to (a text or

diagram) giving explanation or
comment - Annotate

51. An additional fact or piece

of information about a story that
occurs after the main part -

52. Advantages or gains

secured as a result of corrupt
practices - Graft

53. An advice and future

prediction based on the date of a
person's birth and the positions of
the stars and planets -

54. Agreed to by everyone -


55. An agreement between

enemies or opponents to stop
fighting, arguing, etc., for a certain
period of time - Truce

56. An alcoholic liquor

especially when it is cheap or made

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58.All the things that a person is 67.An amount of money that is spent
able to do -
- Repertoire Outlay

59. Allowed to know about

(something secret) - Privy

60.Always or often happening or

existing -

61. An amount (such as an

amount of money) that is more than
the amount that is needed - Surplus

62. An amount of money given

to a retiring soldier or employee -

63.An amount of money paid for a

- Honorarium

64. An amount of money that a

company or the government pays to
a person who is old or sick and no
longer works - Pension

65. An amount of money that

is given to someone in return for
providing help in a secret and
dishonest business deal -

66. An amount of money that is

paid at one time - Lump sum
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68. An amount of money that long speech or piece of writing
must be paid and that is collected that strongly criticizes someone
by a government or other authority or something - Diatribe
- Levy

69. An amount of
something that is produced by a
person or thing - Output

70. An amount of time that a

person holds a job, office, or title -

71. Amusing and very strange -


72. An angry and

unpleasant woman, sexually
attractive woman - Vixen

73. An argument that is

complicated and continues over a
long period of time - Wrangle

74. An invigilator at a
university or college examination -

75. An ancient text in the

form of a book, official list of
medicines or chemicals - Codex

76. Anger caused by

something that is unfair or wrong
- Indignation

77. An angry and usually

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78. An angry woman who 86.Appearing, happening,, or arriving
often complains about and criticizes
- Forthcoming
other people - Virago
87. An area around or near
79. An animal or plant that
a particular place - Vicinity
lives in or on another animal or
plant and gets food or protection
from it - Parasite

80.An animal that has four feet -


81. Annoy (someone) by often

complaining about his or her
behavior, appearance - Nag

82. Annoyance or distress at

having failed or been humiliated -

83.An annual calendar containing

important dates and statistical
information such as astronomical
data and tide tables
- Almanac

84. Any one of the large parts

that some countries are divided
into - Province

85. Any one of the lines that

go from the North Pole to the
South Pole on maps of the world -

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88. An area in a desert where - Chronology
there is water and plants - Oasis

89. An area of land that has

a particular quality or appearance
- Landscape

90. An area of sea water that

is separated from the ocean by a
reef or sandbar - Lagoon

91. An area of soft, wet

ground; situation that is hard to
deal with or get out of - Ǫuagmire

92. An area that is not close to

any cities or towns - Hinterland

93. An area with people who

are different in some way from the
people in the areas around it -

94. An area within which

someone or something has
authority, influence, or
knowledge - Purview

95. Argue loudly about things

that are not important - Squabble

96.Argue with someone in a friendly

way -

97. An arrangement of events or

dates in the order of their occurrence
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98. An arrangement of leaves, someone or something -
flowers, fruits, etc., in the shape of Aspersion
a circle that is used for decoration -
107. Attractive in a sexual way
with large breasts and hips -
99. An arrangement to meet Voluptuous
somebody at a particular time and
place - Rendezvous

100. Arrival of a large number of

people -

101. An art of growing

ornamental, artificially dwarfed
varieties of trees and shrubs in
pots - Bonsai

102. An art, science, or

profession of teaching -

103. As compared with; as

opposed to -

104. Asking for or demanding

and taking (something) for one's
use - Requisition

105. At or near the end of a piece

of writing
- Ad fin

106. Attacking on the

reputation and integrity of
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108. An attractively arranged
bunch of flowers, especially one
presented as a gift or carried at a
ceremony - Bouquet

109. Average or ordinary - Run-of-


B Related One Word

1. Back in which the spine is

curved in an abnormal way -

2.Bad or immoral behaviour or

habits -

3. Bad or immoral behaviour that

involves sex, drugs, alcohol, etc. -

4.Bad or unfavorable; not good -


5. Based on random choices or

personal whims, rather than any
reason or system - Arbitrary

6.Based on what is known or seen

when something is first
considered or dealt with
- Prima facie

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7. Basic equipment and structures Genesis
(such as roads and bridges) that are
16.Beginning to develop or exist -
needed for a country, region, or
organization to function properly -

8. Be a sign of (something that is

beginning to happen or will happen
soon) - Herald

9. Be angry or upset about

something and refuse to discuss it
with other people - Sulk

10. Be deprived of a close

relation or friend through their death
- Bereave

11. Be repeated several

times as it is reflected off
different surfaces -

12. Beat or whip (someone)

severely - Flog

13. Beautiful woman; the

most beautiful woman in a
particular place - Belle

14. Beginning or first

appearance of something -

15.Beginning or origin of something -

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17. Beginning to exist; Celestial
recently formed or developed -

18. Behavior that is accepted

as socially or morally correct and
proper - Propriety

19. Behavior that shows low

morals and a great love of pleasure,
money, fame, etc. - Decadence

20. Behavior in which

somebody pretends to have moral
standards or opinions that they do
not actually have - Hypocrisy

21. Behavior, in particular

sexual or legally dubious behavior;
considered improper but not
seriously so - Hanky-panky

22. Beliefs or ideas that are

very important to a group - Tenet

23. Beliefs or opinions that

do not agree with the official
belief or opinion of a particular
religion - Heresy

24. Beliefs that particular

events happen in a way that cannot
be explained by reason or science -

25.Belonging or relating to heaven -

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26. Belonging to a foreign - Numero uno
country, supposedly from another
world; unfamiliar and disturbing or
distasteful - Alien

27. Belonging to a particular

place rather than coming to it
from somewhere else -

28. Belonging to the

basic nature of someone or
something - Inherent

29.Belonging to the middle class -


30.Below or beneath (something) -


31. Bending down or over;

doing something that is not
honest, fair, etc. - Stoop

32. Benefits that one enjoys

or is entitled to on account of
one's job or position - Perquisite

33. Best or most important

part of something; the point of
greatest success or achievement -

34.Best or most important person or


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35. Best or most important 44. Break off (a meeting,
thing owned or produced by a legal case, or game) with the
particular organization - Flagship intention of resuming it later -
36. Better than all others - Par

37. Blaming or insulting

(someone) in strong or violent
language - Vituperate

38. Block of stone or wood

that is used as the base for a pillar,
statue, etc. - Plinth

39. Body of remedial

substances used in the practice of
medicine - Materia medica

40. Books, articles, etc., that

discuss a subject carefully and
thoroughly - Treatise

41. Border or line that

separates two things, such as
types of work, groups of people
or areas of land - Demarcation

42. Boring or unpleasant

work that does not require
special skill and usually does not
pay much money - Menial

43.Bottom edge of a dress, skirt, or

coat -

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45. Brief and direct in a way
54. Building and the area of
that may seem rude or unfriendly -
land that it is on, a statement or
idea that is accepted as being true
46. Brief and usually
and that is used as the basis of an
unplanned fight during a war -
argument - Premise

47. Brief time when an

action or activity stops - Lull

48. Brief trips taken for pleasure

- Jaunt

49. Brief trips that people

take for fun usually as a group -

50. Brief written messages or

reports from one person or
department in a company or
organization to another -

51. Bringing (someone who is

unconscious, not breathing, or
close to death) back to a conscious
or active state again - Resuscitate

52. Broken parts of a

vehicle, building, etc., that have
been badly damaged or destroyed
- Wreckage

53. Brother or sister - Sibling

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55.Building in which grain is stored -

56. Building in which the

bodies of dead people are burned
- Crematorium

57. Building or chamber

above or below the ground in
which a dead body is kept -

58. Building or room in

which images of stars, planets,
etc., are shown on a high, curved
ceiling - Planetarium

59. Building that is

used for Jewish religious
services - Synagogue

60.Building where aircraft are kept -


61. Business of making

fashionable and expensive
clothes for women - Haute

62. Businesses that make

money through illegal activities,
loud, unpleasant noise - Racket

63. By or for each person - Per


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C Related One Word
10. Cause of pain or harm -
1. Caption to a photograph
11. Centre of public attention -
or other illustration - Cutline Limelight

2. Card from the pack that

has been chosen as the most
valuable for a particular card
game - Trump

3. Care or maintenance of
buildings, equipment, etc -

4.Careful and persistent works or

efforts -

5. Careful plans or methods for

achieving a particular goal usually
over a long period of time - Strategy

6. Cause (a material) to be filled or

soaked with something - Impregnate

7. Cause (someone or something)

to receive or take in a large amount
of things at the same time -

8. Cause (someone) to fall

down or be turned over - Upend

9. Cause (things or people) to

separate and go in different
directions - Scatter
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12.Ceremony held for a dead person 21.Changing direction quickly or
- suddenly
Funeral - Veer

13. Ceremony held in a

university or college when
students receive their
degrees - Convocation

14. Ceremony in which a

crown is placed on the head of a
new king or queen - Coronation

15. Certain to die - Mortal

16.Certain to work properly or

succeed -

17. Changing (something good)

so that it is no longer as what it was
or should be - Pervert

18. Charging an important

public figure with a serious crime
- Impeach

19. Changing (something)

slightly in order to improve it; to
make small adjustments to
(something) - Tweak

20. Changing an earlier

statement, opinion, or promise
because of pressure from
somebody/something - Backtrack

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22. Changing from one state one's hands and feet - Clamber
or condition to another - Transition
31. Close friend one has
23.Changing moods quickly and worked with, been in the military
often -
with, etc. - Comrade

24.Character and atmosphere of a

place -

25.Cheerful friendliness; geniality -


26. Chemical processes that

occur within a living organism to
maintain life - Metabolism

27. Claim or a piece of

evidence that one was elsewhere
when an act, typically a criminal
one, is alleged to have taken
place; excuse or pretext - Alibi

28. Clear message or request

for people to do something - Clarion

29. Clever trick or plan that is

used to get someone to do
something or to gain an advantage
over someone - Ploy

30. Climb or moving with

difficulty or a lot of effort, using

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32. Close relationship with and presented as a group especially
someone or something - in the form of a book -
Communion Compendium

33. Close-knit group of

interrelated families, a large
family, or a group of people who
are connected because of a
particular thing - Clan

34.Clothes, especially fine or formal

- Attire

35. Collecting or forming

into a mass or group -

36. Collectable object such

as a piece of furniture or work of
art that has a high value because
of its age and quality - Antique

37.Collection of different things -


38. Collection of historical

documents or records providing
information about a place,
institution, or group of people -

39. Collection of things (such

as photographs, stories, facts, etc.)
that have been gathered together

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40. Collection of things, - Volte - Face
which may be similar or different
49. Complete control of the
- Collage
entire supply of goods or of a
41. Collection of weapons service in a certain area or market -
and military equipment - Monopoly

42.Collection of written or spoken

texts -

43.Combination of events, state of

- Conjuncture

44. Come at a later time; to

happen as a result - Ensure

45. Comparing between

one thing and another, typically
for the purpose of explanation or
clarification - Analogy

46. Compelling
attractiveness or charm that can
inspire devotion in others -

47. Competition for young

women in which their beauty,
personal qualities, and skills are
judged - Pageant

48.Complete change of attitude or

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50. Complete freedom to
act as one wishes - Carte

51. Complete lists of items,

typically one in alphabetical or
other systematic order -

52. Complete range of

different opinions, people, etc. -

53.Completely unwilling to change -


54.Complex disputes or arguments -


55. Complicated and

confusing system of connected
passages - Maze

56. Complicated or
unpleasant situations that are
difficult to get out of or to move
through - Morass

57. Comprising or relating

to all sorts or varieties -

58. Conceal the nature or

existence of (a feeling or
situation) - Disguise

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59. Concentrated artillery Circumstantial
bombardment over a wide area:
67. Connected with young
large number of something, such as
people who are not yet adults -
questions or comments, that are
directed at somebody very quickly,
one after the other, often in an
aggressive way - Barrage

60. Conclusion or opinions that

are formed because of known facts
or evidence - Inference

61. Condition in which a part of

one's body becomes red, swollen,
and painful - Inflammation

62. Condition in which

someone is not able to think
normally because of being drunk,
drugged, tired, etc. - Stupor

63. Confused struggles or

fights involving many people -

64.Confusing or difficult problem -


65. Confusing or
meaningless words or activities -

66. Connected with

particular circumstances -

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68. Consequences or after-
effects of a significant and
unpleasant event - Aftermath

69. Consisting of or using

both letters and numerals -

70. Consisting of things or

people that are all the same or all
of the same type - Homogeneous

71. Contests, disputes,

competitions, etc., in which neither
side can gain an advantage or win -

72. Continual increase in

the price of goods and services
- Inflation

73.Continuing without stopping -


74. Continuous rattling

sound as of hard objects falling
or striking each other - Clatter

75. Control or affect

(something, such as a game or
election) in a dishonest way in
order to get a desired result - Rig

76. Controlling or influencing a

situation in a skilful but sometimes
dishonest way - Manoeuvre
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77.Controlled breeding and rearing
of fish 2. Dangers or problems that are
- Pisciculture hidden or not obvious at first -
78. Conversations in which
clever statements and replies are
made quickly - Repartee

79. Correcting something that

is unfair or wrong - Redress

80. Corrupt behaviour in a

position of trust, especially in public
office - Malversation

81. Courage or bravery - Valour

82. Courtesy and considerate

behaviour towards others - Comity

83.Course of action leading nowhere

Blind alley

84. Covered passages with

arches along one or both sides -

85. Covered with decoration -


D Related One Word

1. Dance or musical performance -

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3.Dark and dirty : not fresh or clean - telling lies - Con(v)
12. Deep unconscious state,
4.Dark and underground prisons in usually lasting a long time and
caused by serious illness or injury -
- Dungeon
5. Date or time when something
must be finished : the last day,
hour, or minute on that
something will be accepted -

6. Days when day and night

are of the same length -

7. Dead bodies of animals -


8. Dead persons who leave the

grave at night to bite and suck
the blood of living people -

9. Decayed mixture of plants

(such as leaves and grass) that is
used to improve the soil in a
garden - Compost

10. Decayed with usually a

very bad or disgusting smell -

11. Deceiving or to trick

(someone) to persuade (someone) by

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13. Deep, wet sand into 22. Determined not to change
which heavy objects sink easily one's opinion or attitude; difficult
- Ǫuicksand to deal with, remove, etc. -
14. Deeply religious :
devoted to a particular
religion - Devout

15. Defeating (someone or

something) easily and Throughly -

16. Defeating and gaining

control of (someone or
something) by the use of force -

17. Defeating or tricking

(someone) by being more intelligent
or clever - Outsmart

18. Delay doing something

until a later time because one
does not want to do it, because
one is lazy - Procrastinate

19. Describing (someone or

something) as unimportant, weak,
bad, etc - Disparage

20. Designed or intended to

teach people something - Didactic

21. Desire to cause harm

to another person - Malice
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23. Developing friendlier no escape because of mutually
relations between countries or conflicting or dependent conditions
groups of people who have been - Catch-22
enemies - Rapprochement

24. Dictionary of the

special terms in a particular
field or job - Glossary

25.Die because one is unable to

breathe -

26.Difference between two

opposite things : a division into two
opposite groups
- Dichotomy

27. Difference especially

between things that should be the
same - Discrepancy

28. Difficult and unpleasant

to do or deal with - Onerous

29.Difficult to handle, control, or

deal with because of being large,
heavy, or complex
- Unwieldy

30. Difficult to understand

: having or seeming to have a
hidden meaning - Cryptic

31. Dilemma or difficult

circumstances from which there is

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32. Direct descent from 40. Distance of a place north
an ancestor; ancestry or or south of the equator (= the line
pedigree - Lineage around the world dividing north and
south), measured in degrees -
33. Disappointing end to an
exciting or impressive series of
events- Anticlimax

34. Disease or disorder that

involves a particular group of
signs and symptoms - Syndrome

35. Disease that spreads

over a whole country or the whole
world - Pandemic

36. Disguising of military

personnel, equipment, and
installations by painting or covering
them to make them blend in with
their surrounding - Camouflage

37. Dishonest or immoral

persons - Sleaze

38. Displaying wealth,

knowledge, etc., in a way that is
meant to attract attention,
admiration, or envy - Ostentatious

39.Distance of a place east or west

of the Greenwich meridian,
measured in degrees
- Longitude

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41.Doing activities for fun or
enjoyment -

42. Doing better than

(someone or something) : to be
more successful than (someone
or something) - Outdo

43. Doing something that is

not allowed : to disobey a command
or law - Transgress

44. Doctor's opinion about

how someone will recover from an
illness or injury - Prognosis

45. Done or given because

one wants to and not because
one is forced to - Voluntary

46. Dramatic works in which

all or most of the words are sung
to music; works of this type as an
art form or entertainment - Opera

47. Drawing or pictures that

show only the shape of an object -

48. Dull and ordinary - Mundane

49. Dull or socially inept

person, especially someone who is
excessively studious - Spod

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8.Effective from a particular date
E Related One Word in the past - **Retrospective**

1.Eager to own and collect things -


2.Easily affected, influenced, or

harmed by something -

3.Easily annoyed or angered and

likely to argue - **Truculent**

4.Easily hurt or harmed physically,

mentally, or emotionally : open to
attack, harm, or damage -

5.Easily managed or controlled :

willing to learn or be guided by
another -

6.Eating both plants and animals :

eager to learn about many different
things -

7.Economic situations where there

is high inflation (= prices rising
continuously) but no increase in the
jobs that are available or in business
activity - **Stagflation**

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9.Elaborate or glib speeches or **Rollicking**
stories, typically those used by a
salesperson -

10.E-mails that are not wanted : an

e-mail that is sent to large
numbers of people and that
consists mostly of advertising -

11. Embarrassing social

mistake - **Faux pas**

12.Ending a romantic
relationship with (someone) in a
sudden and painful way -

13.Ending an organization or group

(such as a club) - **Disband**

14.End or failure of an institution,

an idea, a company, etc. : death of
a person -

15.Enjoy (something) for a long time -


16.Enjoying oneself or
celebrating in a noisy or
boisterous way - **Roister**

17.Enjoyable in a lively or noisy way -

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18.Enjoyments that someone gets
25.Events involving destruction or
from being violent or cruel or from
damage on a catastrophic scale -
causing pain
- **Sadism**
26.Events marked by
19.Entering (someone) as a member
festivities or celebration -
of or being a participant in
something -

20.Entering or appearing
somewhere suddenly and with a
lot of force -

21.Enthusiastic and vocal

supporters of someone or something
- **Cheerleader**

22.Enthusiastic clapping by an
audience as a sign of their approval
- **Ovation**

23.Error in the way a law, rule, or

contract is written that makes it
possible for some people to legally
avoid obeying it -

24.Events causing great and

usually sudden damage or
suffering; a disaster -

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27.Event or a short period of **Ostracize**
time that is important or unusual -
36.Existing as a basic part of a
person's nature or character -
28.Events or situations in which **Inbred**
many people are killed and
many things are destroyed
especially by fire -

29.Events that may or may not

happen -

30.Exact or very close copy of

something -

31.Examinations intended to
qualify successful candidates
for higher education -

32.Examples that represent or

express something very well -

33.Excessive emotional or
psychological reliance on a partner -

34.Exchanging goods, property,

services, etc. for other goods, etc.
without using money - **Barter**

35.Excluding (someone) from a group

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37.Existing from the beginning of 46.Expressing opinions or criticism
time : very ancient - **Primordial** in a very forceful and often
annoying or unpleasant way -
38.Existing or continuing in the
same way for a long time -

39.Existing or happening in the same

time period - **Contemporary**

40.Existing, but not yet very

noticeable, active or well
developed - **Latent**

41.Experiences that are very

unpleasant or difficult - **Ordeal**

42.Experienced or felt by watching,

hearing about, or reading about
someone else rather than by doing
something yourself - **Vicarious**

43.Expressing doubts about

whether something is right,
honest, etc. -

44.Expressing severe
disapprovals of (someone or
something), especially in a formal
statement - **Censure**

45.Expressing feelings or opinions

in a very loud or forceful way -
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47.Expressions designed to call
56.Extremely excited and
something to mind without
enthusiastic about doing
mentioning it explicitly : an
something - **Gung ho**
indirect or passing reference
- **Allusion**

48.Expressions of strong anger or

disapproval by many people -

49.Extensive groups of islands -


50. Extra vote given by a

chairperson to decide an issue
when the votes on each side are
equal - **Casting vote**

51.Extracting money from

(someone) by fine or taxation -

52.Extreme anger : a strong

feeling of unhappiness because
of something bad, hurtful, or
morally wrong - - **Outrage**

53.Extreme physical or mental

sufferings -

54.Extreme self-confidence or
audacity (usually used approvingly)
- **Chutzpah**

55.Extremely easy tasks - **Cinch**

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57.Extremely good and deserving a country for a long period of time -
to be admired and copied - Dynasty
6. Famous persons,
58.Extremely or unusually small - especially in entertainment or
**Diminutive** sport - Celebrity

59.Extremely strong dislikes or

fears of someone or something –

F Related One Word

1. Facts or the process of ending

or being brought to an end -

2. Failing to show proper

respect and courtesy -

3.Failure to fulfill an obligation :

something that happens or is done
when nothing else has been done or
can be done
- Default

4. Familiar or humorous names

given to a person or thing instead
of the real name - Nickname

5. Families of rulers who rule over

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7. Farmers in the past who Angst
owned a small amount of land :
very good, hard, and valuable work
that someone does especially to
support a cause, to help a team,
etc. - Yeoman

8. Features (such as mountains

and rivers) in an area of land -

9. Feeling a strong desire or

wish for something or to do
something - Yearn

10. Feeling nervous because

the ending is not known until the
final moment - Nailbiting

11. Feeling or showing

great sadness because
someone has died - Mourn

12. Feeling sorrow or

regretting for (something) -

13. Feeling of being sorry

for doing something bad or
wrong in the past - Remorse

14. Feelings of deep anxiety or

dread, typically an unfocused one
about the human condition or the
state of the world in general -

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15. Feelings of doubt or 23. Feelings or beliefs that bad
uncertainty about whether one is things will happen in the future -
doing the right thing - Ǫualm Pessimism

16.Feelings of enjoyment and 24. Feelings or belief that good

things will happen in the future -
- Zest
17. Feelings of foolish or very
strong love or admiration for
someone or something -

18. Feelings of great

happiness and excitement -

19.Feelings of guilt or regret -


20. Feelings of like or dislike

for someone or something
especially when it is not reasonable
or logical - Prejudice

21. Feelings of sadness mixed

with pleasure and affection when
one thinks of happy times in the
past - Nostalgia

22. Feelings of strong dislike

or disapproval of someone or
something you think does not
deserve respect - Disdain

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25. Feelings or expressing Lascivious
overwhelming happiness or joyful
35. First time an actor,
excitement - Ecstatic
musician, athlete, etc., does
26. Feelings or a particular something in public or for the
quality that is very noticeable and public - Debut
seems to surround a person or
place - Aura

27. Feelings or showing a

lack of courage or confidence -

28. Feelings that someone

or something gives you - Vibe

29. Female ballet dancers -


30. Fictitious or factual works

describing a series of events -

31. Fights between women -


32. Fights, briefly and

usually not very seriously -

33. Figures shaped like a

human body that is used for
making or displaying clothes -

34.Filled with or showing sexual

desire -

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36. Fixed sum of money paid to somewhere with you, often using
someone each year, typically for the threats or violence - Abduction
rest of their life - Annuity

37. Flat cases for carrying

documents or drawings, investments
that are owned by a person or
organization - Portfolio

38. Fleet of warships - Armada

39. Flowing out of something

in a fast and forceful way - Spew

40. Following, watching, and

bothering (someone) constantly
in a way that is frightening,
dangerous, etc. - Stalk

41. Food that a person or

animal usually eats - Diet

42. Food that is cooked in a

particular way, style of cooking -

43. Foolish talks or ideas - Guff

44. Foolish, confused, or

meaningless words - Gibberish

45. For an intervening or

temporary period of time - Ad

46. Forcing someone to go

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47. Forceful or angry speeches - 55. Formations of clear
and distinct sounds in speech -
48. Forming an opinion about Articulation
something without definitely
knowing the truth - Surmise

49. Form of punishments or

tortures that involved caning the
soles of someone's feet -

50. Formal acts or the

process of placing someone into a
new job, position, government
office - Induction

51.Formal ceremonies or series of

acts that are always performed in
the same way
- Ritual

52. Formal meetings in which

representatives or experts discuss
important matters, make
decisions, etc. - Congress

53. Formal processions of

people walking, on horseback, or
riding in vehicles - Cavalcade

54. Formally choosing

(someone) as a candidate for a
job, position, office, etc. -

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56. Fortresses, typically Panorama
one on high ground above a
66. Full of anger, arguments
city - Citadel
and bad feelings - Acrimonious
57. Formal and serious
67. Full of clever tricks : very
promises to tell the truth or to do clever - Wily
something - Oath

58. Fraudulent or
dishonest acts or practices -

59. Fraudulent practices of

sending emails purporting to be
from reputable companies in order
to induce individuals to reveal
personal information - Phishing

60. Freedom from being

required to do something that others
are required to do - Exemption

61. Freedom from

punishment, harm, or loss -

62. Freedom to do something

the way you want to do it - Leeway

63. Friendly relationships -


64. Friendly remarks and jokes -


65.Full and wide view of something -

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68. Full of hate or anger, **Presage**
extremely or excessively harsh
or strong - Virulent

69. Funny and clever - Witty

70. Funny plays or movies

about ridiculous situations - Farce

G Related One Word

1.General laws, rules,

principles, or criteria by which
something is judged -

2.General or basic quality or

meaning of something - **Tenor**

3.Generous and friendly

treatment of visitors and guests
- **Hospitality**

4. Genuine, real or legal; not false -

**Bona fide**

5.Girlfriends of criminals - **Moll**

6.Giving a brief summary of

something -

7.Giving or being a sign of

(something that will happen or
develop in the future) -
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8.Giving somebody a signal using
16.Government officials who are
your finger or hand, especially to
the representative of his or her
tell them to move nearer or to follow
country in a foreign country -
you - **Beckon**
9.Giving up (something) : to give
(something, such as power,
control, or possession) to another
person or group -

10.Giving help or support to

the main group of workers -

11.Going in a direction that is away

from a group or from the place
where one should be - **Stray**

12.Going on someone's land

without permission -

13.Goods that are bought and sold -


14.Government departments that

control public money -

15.Governments formed by two or

more political parties working
together -

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17.Government orders that limit **Species**
trade in some way - **Embargo**
26.Groups of members of the
18.Gradual increase in noise: the public who listen to the facts of a
loudest point of a period of case in a court and decide whether
continuous noise - or not somebody is guilty of a crime
**Crescendo** - **Jury**

19.Gradual reduction in the

size of a business, activity, etc.
- **Runown**

20.Great and often wild or

uncontrolled activities -

21.Great disaster or complete

failure -

22.Great number of things or

people -

23.Great technical skill and

brilliance shown in a
performance or activity -

24. Great work: the greatest

achievement of an artist, or a writer -
**Magnum opus**

25.Groups of animals or plants

that are similar and can produce
young animals or plants -

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27.Groups of military ships **Entourage**
commanded by the same person -
35.Groups of people who have
gathered to watch or listen to
28.Groups of musicians who play something (a play, concert,
usually classical music together somebody speaking, etc.) -
and who are led by a conductor - **Audience**

29.Groups of officials led by an

ambassador who represent their
government in a foreign country:
building in which an embassy works -

30.Groups of people or
businesses that work together -

31.Groups of people who are

doing something together -

32.Groups of people who are the

leaders of an action or movement
in society, politics, art -

33.Groups of people who are

together for a particular - **Posse**

34.Groups of people who go

with and assist an important
person -

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36.Groups of people who have and not competing with each
the same job, interests, etc. - other -
**Fraternity** **Cartel**

37.Groups of people who operate

a ship, airplane, or train - **Crew**

38.Groups of people who share a

common feature or aspect of
behavior -

39.Groups of people with shared

concerns within a political party
or larger organization - **Caucus**

40.Groups of people,
companies, etc., that agree to
work together -

41.Groups of people,
countries, organizations, etc.,
that are joined together in
some activity or effort -

42.Groups of people, especially

traders or pilgrims, traveling
together across a desert in Asia or
North Africa - **Caravan**

43.Groups of separate
companies that agree to
increase profits by fixing prices

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44.Groups of singers or dancers **Concurrent**
performing together in a supporting
role in a musical or opera -

45.Groups of vehicles or ships

that are traveling together usually
for protection -

46.Groups or organization of
nations or people united for a
purpose - **League**

47.Groups within a larger group that

have different ideas and opinions
than the rest of the group -

48.Guiding beliefs of a person,

group, or organization - **Ethos**

H Related One Word

1. Happening after death, medical

examination of the body of a dead
person to determine the cause of
death - **Post- mortem**

2.Happening as a result of
something -

3.Happening at the same time -

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4.Happening often but not lack of respect or approval for
regularly: not constant or steady - someone or something - **Scorn**
14. Harsh discordant mixture of
sounds -
5.Happening or appearing again and
again **Cacophony**
- **Recurrent**

6.Happening or appearing in many

places and not unusual: very
common or ordinary
- **Commonplace**

7. Happening or popular at a
particular time - **Du jour**

8.Happening, done, or
published after someone's
death - **Posthumous**

9.Happy and enjoyable

scenes or experience -

10. Happy and lively in a

way that is attractive -

11. Harming (someone) through

sexual contact to touch
(someone) in a sexual and
improper way - **Molest**

12. Harsh and angry words -


13. Harsh criticisms that show a

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15.Harsh or critical statements **Luscious**
about someone - **Obloquy**
24.Having a very noticeable
16.Having (something) as a part, quality that attracts a lot of
step, or result - **Entail** attention -
17.Having a speech problem that
causes one to repeat the beginning
sound of some words - **Stutter**

18.Having A dull or
uninteresting appearance not
attractive or stylish -

19.Having a god or helpful result

especially after something
unpleasant has happened -

20.Having a pleasant, spicy

taste interesting and exciting -

21.Having a strong and

unpleasant smell or taste from no
longer being fresh -

22.Having a strong, sharp taste or

smell -

23.Having a very appealing taste or

smell -

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25.Having an obstinately 34.Having or showing a lot of
uncooperative attitude towards courage or determination -
authority or discipline - **Plucky**

26.Having complete or unlimited

power -

27.Having fair hair and a light

complexion -

28.Having many twists and

turns: complicated, long,
and confusing -

29.Having mixed feelings or

contradictory ideas about
something or someone -

30.Having no legal power - **Null**

31.Having no useful purpose -


32.Having or relating to two sides

affecting both sides, involving two
parties, especially countries -

33.Having or showing a desire

to hurt someone who has hurt
or caused problems for you -
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35.Having or showing a lot of being unlikely or unwilling to
violence and blood - **Gory** change them -
36.Having or showing an ability to
understand difficult ideas and
situations and to make good
decisions -

37.Having or showing courage: very

brave or courageous - **Valiant**

38.Having or showing knowledge

that is learned by studying -

39.Having people of different types

or from different countries, and
influenced by their culture: showing
an interest in different cultures,
ideas -

40.Having the letters q, w, e, r, t,

and y arranged in a single row in
the top row of letter keys -

41.Having the qualities or

appearance considered to be
typical of men -

42.Having very fixed beliefs and

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43.Heavy automatic guns that sound -
fire shells from an aircraft or tank - **Thump**
52.Honor or fame given for
44.Height of an object or point in some achievement -
relation to sea level or ground level **Laurel**
- **Altitude**

45.Helping someone or something

pay for the costs of (something) -

46.Highest point in the

development of something: a
climax or culmination -

47.Highest point of a mountain:

the top of a mountain - **Summit**

48.History of the family members

in a person's or animal's past
especially when it is good or
impressive - **Pedigree**

49.Hitting (someone) very hard

with a stick, whip, etc -

50.Hitting (someone) on the

buttocks with one's hand as a form
of punishment -

51.Hitting or beating something or

someone and make a loud, deep
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53.Honor or respect that is felt maintenance - **Alimony**
for or shown to (someone or
something) -

54.Hopeful or romantic in a way

that is not practical - **Ǫuixotic**

55.Houses or part of a house in

which the women of a Muslim
household live -

56.Houses where men visit

prostitutes -

57.Humour that shows the

weaknesses or bad qualities of a
person, government, society, etc. -

58.Humorous in a clever and often

ironic way - **Wry**

59.Humorous rhyming poem of five

lines -

60.Hundredth anniversary of a
significant event - **Centenary**

61.Husband's (or wife's)

provision for a spouse after
separation or divorce:

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are spread in order to help a cause, a
I Related One Word
political leader, a government, etc. -
1.Ideas about doing something that
is far removed from normal reality -

2.Ideas or beliefs that people

are born again with a different
body after death -

3.Ideas or inventions which are

considered to be a particular
person's creation -

4.Ideas or sets of beliefs that

guide the actions of a person or
group - **Credo**

5.Idea or a set of principles or

religious beliefs - **Creed**

6.Ideas or theories that are not

proven but that lead to further
study or discussion -

7.Ideas suggested by a word in

addition to its main meaning -

8.Ideas or statements that are

often false or exaggerated and that

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9.Ideas or stories that are not true
18.Impossible to solve or get
but that many people have heard or
control of: impossible to overcome
read -
10.(Illness) persisting for a long
time or constantly recurring -

11.Imaginary places in which the

government, laws, and social
conditions are perfect - **Utopia**

12.Imaginary sea creatures that

have a woman's head and body
and a fish's tail instead of legs -

13.Impartial advisers to a court of

law in a particular case - **Amicus

14.Important, real, or meaningful -


15.Impossible to defeat or
discourage -

16.Impossible to defeat or
overcome -

17.Impossible to harm, damage, or

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19.Impressive display or range or businesses work together -
of a particular type of thing - **SYNERGY**

20.In a careless and unplanned way


21.In a confused and careless way -


22.In a state of tremulous

excitement -

23.In a very bad condition and

needing to be repaired -

24.In an uncertain or undecided

state or condition - **LIMBO**

25.In great disorder or confusion -


26.In preparation or progress

happening or beginning to happen
- **AFOOT**

27.In a very bad condition

because of age or lack of care -

28.Including many different things:

full of variety - **VARIEGATED**

29.Increased effectiveness that

results when two or more people
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30.Indefinite and very long period of statue, or coin - **Epigraph**
time -
38.Institutions, places, or persons
strongly maintaining particular
31.Independent persons or a body
principles, attitudes, or activities -
officially appointed to settle a
dispute -

32.Indirect and usually bad results

of an action or event that may
happen sometime afterwards -

33.Influence or control over

another country, a group of
people -

34.Influence or power,
especially in politics or
business - **Clout**

35.Informal ways of spreading

information or rumors through
conversation -

36.Information about a person and

about what they have done in their
life -

37.Inscriptions on a building,

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39.Insulting remarks made in public

40.Intense military campaign

intended to bring about a swift
victory - **Blitzkrieg**

41.Introduction to a book or speech


42.Introduction to a book, play, etc. -


43.Involving a chance that

something bad or unpleasant could
happen - **Dicey**

44.Involving a lot of violence,

confusion, or disorder -

45.Involving death or violence in a

way that is strange, frightening, or
unpleasant -

46.Involving only one group or

country -

47.Items of additional material

added at the end of a book or
other publication -

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J Related One Word K Related One Word

1.Japanese art of folding paper into 8.Journeys especially by a group of

shapes that look like birds, people for a specific purpose -
animals, etc. - **Expedition**

2.Japanese flower arranging, that

has strict formal rules -

3.Japanese form of self-defence

and martial art that uses locks,
holds, throws, and the opponent's
own movements -

4.Jargon or slang of a particular

group or class - **Argot**

5.Jobs, activities, etc., that are

very suitable for someone -

6.Journals or newspapers, especially

the official one of an organization or
- **Gazette**

7.Journalists who are not on the

regular staff of a newspaper but
who write stories for that newspaper
- **Stringer**
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1.Killing (a person or animal) by
squeezing the throat - **Strangle**

2.Killing (an animal) for food, kill

(many people) in a very violent
way -

3.Killing (someone) illegally

as punishment for a crime -

4.Killing of a large number of people


5.Killing or wounding of people,

typically on a large scale during a
conflict -

6.Kindness shown to somebody

when they are being punished:
willingness not to punish
somebody so severely -

7.Knowing everything: having

unlimited understanding or
knowledge -

8.Knowing or using several languages


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speech rather than formal writing -
L Related One Word Vernacular

1. Lack of order: a confused or

messy condition - Disarray

2. Lack of respect or dislike for

someone or something - Contempt

3. Lack of seriousness - Levity

4.Lack of solidity or substance;

thinness -

5. Lack of the usual social or

ethical standards in an
individual or group - Anomie

6. Lacking confidence: not feeling

comfortable around people, very
careful about acting or speaking -

7. (Land) used or suitable for

growing crops - Arable

8. (Language) used in conversation

but not in formal speech or writing -

9.(Legislative body) having two

chambers -

10. Language of ordinary

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11. Language or behavior that 18. Large amount of
is nonsense and is intended to hide something that is released
the truth from people - Hocus- suddenly - Torrent
19. Large and beautiful view of
12. Language that is intended an area of land or water - Vista
to influence people and that may
not be honest or reasonable -

13. Language that is used

among people who speak various
different languages - Lingua

14. Language used by a

particular group of people -

15. Language used for a

particular activity or by a particular
group of people - Jargon

16. Large amount of money that

has been given to a school,
hospital, etc., and that is used to
pay for its creation and continuing
support: person's natural ability or
talent - Endowment

17. Large amount of rain that

suddenly falls in an area: large
amount of things that come at the
same time - Deluge

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20. Large and very unpleasant people - Placard
amount of dirt - Filth
30. Large number of things that
21. Large areas of land that appear or happen in a short period of
have been farmed too much time - Spate
with the result that plants will
not grow there - Badlands

22. Large buildings or group of

buildings for soldiers to live in -

23. Large burial ground,

especially one not in a churchyard -

24. Large business that

is made of different kinds of
companies - Conglomerate

25. Large cages, buildings, or

enclosures for keeping birds in -

26. Large group of people or

things of a particular kind - Bevy

27. Large group of people,

especially an organized group with a
particular purpose - Battalion

28. Large group of people -


29. Large notices or signs put

up in a public place or carried by
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31. Large open-air fire used person or other beneficiary by a will -
for burning rubbish or as part of Bequeath
a celebration - Bonfire

32.Large parties or celebrations -


33.Large parties or celebrations -


34. Large tents used for social

or commercial functions: covered
structures over the entrance to a
building - Marquee

35. Large-caliber guns used

in warfare on land - Artillery

36.Lasting for a very short time -


37.Lasting for a very short time -


38. Late morning meals

eaten instead of breakfast and
lunch - Brunch

39. Laws or regulations

made by a government -

40. Laws or rules that limit

or control something strong
criticism - Stricture

41. Leaving (property) to a

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42. Legal agreements in which Esoteric
a person borrows money to buy
property (such as a house) and pays
back the money over a period of
years - Mortgage

43. Legal right to be the

only one to reproduce, publish
and sell a book, musical
recording, etc., for a certain
period of time - Copyright

44. Letter or group of letters

that is added at the beginning of a
word to change its meaning - Prefix

45. Level of respect that

people have for a successful
person, organization, etc - Stature

46. Light that is placed

somewhere to guide vehicles and
warn them of danger - Beacon

47. Likely to change in a very

sudden or extreme way; likely to
become dangerous or out of control
- Volatile

48.Likely to have or produce good

results -

49.Limited to a small number of

people -
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50. Lines in a newspaper 58. Lists of the people or things
naming the writer of an article - that belong to a particular group,
Byline team, etc. - Roster

51. Lines notionally drawn

on the earth equidistant from the
poles - Equator

52. Lines on a weather map

that join places that have the same
air pressure at a particular time -

53. Lines on a weather map

that join places that have the
same temperature at a particular
time - Isotherm

54. Lines that have a series of

short, sharp turns or angles -

55. Lists of items required,

things to be done, or points to be
considered, used as a reminder -

56. Lists of the books

referred to in a scholarly work,
typically printed as an appendix
- Bibliography

57. Lists of the foods that

may be ordered at a restaurant -

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59. Lists of the people who 68. Long poems that tell
work for a company and the the story of a hero's adventures -
amount of money that the Epic
company has agreed to pay them -

60. Lists that show who must

do a certain job - Rota

61. Lively or energetic quality -


62. Living in trees - Arboreal

63. Long and angry fights or

quarrels between two people or two
groups - Feud

64. Long and angry speeches -


65.Long and complicated series of

- Saga

66. Long and determined

efforts to achieve something that
one believes to be right or to stop
something that one believes to be
wrong - Crusade

67. Long journeys to a distant

or unknown place, especially over
water or through outer space -

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69.Long speeches given by a something - Snoop
character in a story, movie, play,
77. Lots of energy and style -
etc., or by a performer Panache
- Monologue
78. Loud and confused noises,
70. Long, complicated, strongly expressed protest or
and annoying process, demand from a large number of
descriptions - Rigmarole people - Clamor

71.Long, narrow boxes, typically of

wood, in which a dead body is
buried or cremated
- Coffin

72. Long, thin sticks used by a

magician or during magic tricks -

73. Long, usually serious

speeches that a character in a
play makes to an audience and
that reveal the character's
thoughts - Soliloquy

74. Long-term security yielding

a fixed rate of interest, issued by a
company and secured against
assets - Debenture

75. Looking at someone

in an evil or unpleasantly
sexual way - Leer

76. Looking for private

information about someone or

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79. Loud, confusing mixture of 7.Made up of parts that are different
noises that lasts for a long time -
8. Magical liquid that can cure
80. Loving and admiring
illness or extend life - Elixir
oneself and especially one's
appearance too much -

M Related One Word

1. Made by combining
different substances: not
natural - Synthetic

2.Made or done without preparation


3. Made to be useful rather

than to be decorative or
comfortable - Utilitarian

4. Made to look like an exact

copy of something in order to
trick people - Counterfeit

5. Made up of different things -


6. Made up of many different

people or things - Motley

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9. Main characters in a novel, - Optimize
play, movie, etc. - Protagonist
18. Men who want to marry
10. Main group of people in a particular woman - Suitor
a Communist government who
make decisions about policy -

11.Main or central part of a city or

town -

12. Major changes or a

period of change that causes a
lot of conflict, confusion, anger,
etc. - Upheaval

13. Make (an idea, belief,

etc.) known to many people -

14. Making (someone or

something) weaker or less
effective usually in a secret or
gradual way - Undermine

15. Making (someone) feel or

look young, healthy, or energetic
again - Rejuvenate

16. Making (someone) want to

know more about something -

17. Making (something) as

good or as effective as possible

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19. Managing or using money to humor or placate someone -
in a careful or wise way - Thrifty Placebo

20. Many changes or 28. Members of a group of

problems that happen over people who move from place to
time - Vicissitude place instead of living in one place
all the time - Nomad
21. Marks or qualities that
show what something is or what it
could be - Earmark

22. Marks that are left on one's

skin after a wound heals: feeling of
great emotional pain or sadness
that is caused by a bad experience
and that lasts for a long time - Scar

23. Materials made of a

network of wire or thread: Mesh
complex or constricting situation -

24. Materials that are flowing out

- Efflux

25. Meals consisting of

several dishes from which
guests serve themselves -

26. Meals to which everyone

who is invited brings food to share -

27. Measures designed merely

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29. Members of some religions 37. Money that is less than
(such as Christianity, Judaism, and the amount that is needed -
Islam) who deliver messages that Deficit
are believed to have come from
38. Money that is owed and
God - Prophet
should have been paid earlier -
30. Mental illness in Arrears
which a person becomes very
emotional or excited - Mania

31. Mental states in which one

is confused and not able to think or
speak clearly: state of wild
excitement and great happiness -

32. Metals made by

combining two or more
metallic elements - Alloy

33. Military groups

controlling a government after
taking control of it by force -

34. Money given as a reward -


35.Money or food given to poor

people -

36. Money or property that is

given to you by somebody when
they die - Legacy

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39. Money that is paid in front leg at the same time as the
order to free someone who has opposite back leg - Trot
been captured or kidnapped -
48. Moving or acting quickly to
do, find, or get something often
40. Moral fables, before someone else does -
especially one with animals as Scramble
characters - Apologue

41.Morally good behavior or

character -

42. Most important and

basic facts or details about
something - Nitty-gritty

43. Most important idea

or parts of something -

44. Most important parts of

something (such as a Most
important parts of something -

45. Most successful or

powerful group of people -

46. Moving about quickly from

side to side or up and down - Jiggle

47. Moving at a speed faster

than walking by stepping with each

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49. Moving or acting too slowly -

50. Move or lift (something) so

that it is no longer - Ruffle

51.Moving quickly to one side in

order to avoid being hit by
(someone or something)
- Dodge

52. Moving to a new place -


53. Movements away from a

place or situation especially
because it is dangerous,
unpleasant, etc.: place that is
quiet and private - Retreat

54. Movies about crime that

uses dark shadows and lighting to
show the complicated moral
nature of the subject - Noir

55. Mutual trust and

friendship among people who
spend a lot of time together -

56. Mysteries that can only be

resolved by assembling various
pieces of information - Jigsaw

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9. No longer active or effective:
N Related One Word
close to failure - Moribund

1. Names that are wrong or not

proper or appropriate - Misnomer

2. Names that someone (such as a

writer) uses instead of his or her
real name - Pseudonym

3. Narrow passageways between or

behind buildings - Alley

4. Natural likings for and

understanding of someone or
something - Affinity

5. New activities, projects,

business, etc., that typically involve
risk - Venture

6. New and experimental

ideas and methods in art,
music, or literature - Avant-

7. Newspapers with small pages

(usually half the size of those in
larger papers) - Tabloid

8. Newspapers that print a lot of

shocking stories about people's
private lives rather than serious
news - Gutter press

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10.No longer existing or being used - developing or causing
Defunct symptoms - Ǫuiescent

11. No longer used because 21.Not as important as something

else -
something newer exists -
22. Not capable of life -
12. Noisy and overexcited
reactions or responses to
something - Brouhaha

13. Noisy arguments or

disagreements, especially in
public - Altercation

14. Noisy arguments or fights -


15.Not able or willing to believe

- Incredulous

16.Not able to be corrected or

changed -

17.Not able to be stopped or

changed -

18. Not able to

communicate with other people -

19.Not acceptable to talk about or

do -

20. Not active, not now

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23. Not clear in meaning: judgment -
stated in a way that is general and Indiscreet
not specific - Vague
33. Not having or showing good
24. Not completely clear or manners, good taste, or politeness -
transparent but clear enough to Vulgar
allow light to pass through -
34. Not intended or planned -
Translucent Inadvertent

25. Not connected with

spiritual or religious matters -

26.Not deserving serious attention -


27. Not doing or involving

much physical activity - Sedentary

28. Not easily described:

having no special or interesting
qualities, parts, etc.: typical and
uninteresting - Nondescript

29. Not easily stopped or pulled

apart: very determined to do
something - Tenacious

30. Not giving enough thought to

other people's feelings or needs -

31. Not having made a will -


32.Not having or showing good

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35. Not interesting, funny, - Rickety
etc., because of being used too
45.Not very developed or advanced -
often - Hackneyed
36. Not keeping anything
secret or hidden: honest and direct -

37. Not letting light

through: not transparent,
difficult to understand or
explain - Opaque

38.Not liking to work or be active -


39.Not lively or interesting: dull or

boring -

40. Not made of physical

substances: not able to be touched
- Intangible

41.Not necessary or appropriate -


42.Not producing the desired effect


43.Not showing enough care and

- Remiss

44.Not strong or stable and likely to


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46.Not very easy to see or notice - some information that helps the
Inconspicuous police solve a crime - Clue

47.Not willing to tell people about

things -

48. Not within the range of

what someone knows or
understands - Ken

49. Novels, movies, etc., that

are very exciting: a story full of
exciting action, mystery, adventure,
or suspense - Thriller

50. Number of people who are

killed or injured in an accident,
disaster, war - Toll

O Related One Word

1. Objects (such as a ring or stone)

that are believed to have magic
powers and to cause good things to
happen to the person who has it -

2. Objects or pictures used to

suggest a thing that cannot be
shown: person or thing that
represents an idea - Emblem

3. Object, pieces of evidence, or

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4. Objects, activities, or ideas
that are used as symbols of
something else - Metaphor

5. Objects or materials that are

collected because they are related
to a particular event, person, etc.:
things collected as souvenirs -

6. Objects that are used to do a

particular activity: objects of a
particular kind - Paraphernalia

7. Occurring between
members of the same country,
group, or organization -

8. Of, belonging to, or seeming to

come from an early time in the very
ancient past - Primitive

9. (Of a person) not identified by

name; of unknown name -

10. Offence of marrying

someone while already married
to another person - Bigamy

11. Official agreements that are

made between two or more
countries or groups - Treaty

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12. Official announcements 21. Original copies of a play,
about a usually very important book, piece of music, etc., before
piece of news - Communiqué those have been printed - Manuscript

13. Open opposition toward

a person or group in authority -

14. Open to more than one

interpretation: not having one
obvious meaning - Ambiguous

15. Operations in which police

or other forces surround a building
and cut off supplies, with the aim
of forcing an armed person to
surrender - Siege

16. Opinions or beliefs of

the majority - Vox populi

17. Opponents or enemies

that are very difficult to defeat -

18.Opponents that are easy to

defeat -

19. Orders that must be followed

- Diktat

20. Organized search for a

person and especially for a
criminal - Manhunt

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22. Ornaments or small 4. Persons who are not loyal to
pieces of jewelry thought to give his or her own country, friends, etc.
protection against evil, danger, or - Traitor
disease - Amulet
5. Persons who are not
23. Out of control with welcome or wanted in a place
anger or excitement; wild or - Intruder
frenzied - Berserk

24. Outdoor meals or parties

when food is cooked in this way -

25. Outlines or outer edges of

something -

26. Outside edges of an area:

the area that surrounds a place or
thing - Periphery

P Related One Word

1. Persons who are in charge of

or take care of something -

2. Persons who are kept in a

prison or mental hospital -

3. Persons who are killed or who

suffer greatly for a religion, cause,
etc. - Martyr

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6. Persons who are running away to political, religious, etc. group to join
avoid being captured - Fugitive another that has very different
views: someone or
7. Persons who are sent by one
government to represent it in
dealing with another government -

8. Persons who are skilled in magic

or who have magical powers: a
sorcerer or a magician, a person who
is very good at something - Wizard

9. Persons who are unfairly

blamed for something that others
have done - Scapegoat

10. Persons who are very

enthusiastic about something -

11. Persons who are

walking in a city, along a road,
etc. - Pedestrian

12. Persons who know a lot

about something (such as art, wine,
food, etc.): an expert in a
particular subject - Connoisseur

13. Persons who lack

experience and knowledge -

14.Persons who leave one

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something that causes trouble and 23.Partial or total loss of memory -
cannot be controlled - Renegade Amnesia

15.Persons who like or admire

women -

16. Persons who like seeing

and talking or writing about
something that is considered to be
private - Voyeur

17. Parts of checks, tickets,

etc., that can be kept as a record
when it is torn off - Counterfoil

18. Parts of cities in which

members of a particular group or
race live usually in poor conditions
- Ghetto

19. Parts of theaters, concert

halls, etc. in which the audiences
sit - Auditorium

20. Parts of the earth's

surface that are directly above
the place where an earthquake
starts - Epicenter

21. Parts of your mind that tell

you whether your actions are right or
wrong - Conscience

22. Parts or elements of

something - Facet

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24. Partial refunds to DESTITUDE
someone who has paid too much
34. People who are famous,
for tax, rent, or a utility - Rebate
wealthy, and attractive - GLITTERATI
25. Particular subjects or
35.People who can vote in an
issues that are discussed often or election -
repeatedly - Theme ELECTORATE

26. Particular types or

categories of literature or art -

27. Particular ways of

thinking: a person's attitude or set
of opinions about something -

28. Particular ways of walking -


29. Passages between rows

of seats in a building such as a
church or theatre, an aircraft, or
train - AISLE

30. Paying money to get a

publication or service regularly -

31. People in the future -


32. People of high social status -


33.People who are extremely poor -

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36.Performances of something - TWILIGHT
45. Periods when many more
37. Periods immediately babies are born than usual - BABY
before an action or event - RUN BOOM

38. Periods of 1,000 years -


39. Periods of temporary

economic decline during which
trade and industrial activities are
reduced - RECESSION

40. Periods of time during

which someone does not work at
his or her regular job and is able to
rest, travel, do research, etc. -

41. Periods of time that are

very important in history - EPOCH

42. Periods of time when

people stay awake, especially at
night, to watch a sick person, say
prayers, protest, etc - VIGIL

43. Periods of time when

something (activities or
programs) are stopped -

44. Periods when days

end and nights begin -

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46. Periods when something something else - ANTITHESIS
does not increase or advance any
55. Persons or things that are
further - PLATEAU
the most important part of an
47.Permanent administrative offices organization, a plan, etc., because
department, especially everything else depends on them or
governmental ones it - LINCHPIN

48. Persons or things regarded

as an exact copy of another - CLONE

49. Persons or things that

attract a lot of attention or interest

50.Persons or things that cause a

change -

51. Persons or things that

do not go or move as quickly as
others - LAGGARD

52. Persons or things that are

connected with or related to
another, often in a way that one
would not expect - BEDFELLOW

53. Persons or things that are

extremely important or large in

54. Persons or things that are

the direct opposite of someone or

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56. Persons or things that one
particularly dislikes - BETE NOIRE

57. Persons or things that take

the place of someone or something

58. Persons or things that take

the place or perform the duties of
someone or something else -

59. Persons or things

which provide stability or
confidence in an otherwise
uncertain situation - ANCHOR

60. Persons that somebody

spends a lot of time with - Crony

61. Persons who accompany

and look after another person or
group of people - CHAPERONE

62. Persons who actively

oppose or are hostile to
someone or something: an
adversary - ANTAGONIST

63.Persons who actively use the

Internet, especially in a proper and
responsible way

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9. Ǫuick looks or glances - Dekko
Ǫ Related One Word
10.Ǫuick series of soft, light
sounds caused when things (such
1. Ǫualities of always behaving in
as leaves or
the same way or of having the
same opinions, standard, etc -

2. Ǫualities of being faithful to

one's husband, wife, or sexual
partner - Fidelity

3.Ǫualities of being honest and fair


4.Ǫualities of being very similar or

equal -

5. Ǫualities of being very

unwilling to spend money -

6. Ǫualities that cause people

to feel sympathy and sadness -

7. Ǫualities that make one person

or thing different from another -

8. Ǫuantities of work that should

have been done already, but have
not yet been done - Backlog

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pieces of paper) rub against each 6.Reasons or explanations for
other - something -
Rustle Rationale

11. Ǫuiet and peaceful -


12.Ǫuiet and polite, not showy or

flashy -

13. Ǫuotations from or

references to a book, paper, or
author, especially in a
scholarly work - Citation

R Related One Word

1. (Route or journey) longer than

the most direct way - Circuitous

2. Raised platforms for a

speaker, performer, or the
leader of an orchestra - Podium

3. Raised platforms in a large

room or hall that people stand on
when performing or speaking to
an audience - Dais

4.Range or series of related things -


5. Ready and excited to

start to do something -

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7. Reasons that you give to hide and usually worse state or
your real reason for doing condition - Retrograde
something - Pretext
17. Rich persons who have
8. Records of events year by year - at least a million dollars, pounds
- Millionaires
9. Refers to the fact that
something has been done or
repeated so often that it has
become annoying or tiresome - Ad

10. Referring to sex in a rude but

humorous way - Ribald

11. Refusing (something, such

as an offer or suggestion) in a rude
way - Rebuff

12. Refusing to be persuaded

or to change one's mind - Adamant

13. Regular period of sleep or

rest in the afternoon in some hot
countries - Siesta

14. Regular, repeated

patterns of sounds or movements -

15. Reinforced
underground shelters, typically
for use in wartime - Bunker

16. Returning to an earlier

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18. Rights or benefits that are (a sharp or pointed object)
given to some people and not to someone or something - Jab
others - Privilege

19. Rights or the capacity

to bring an action or to appear
in a court - Locus Standi

20. Rights or privileges -


21. Rights to choose what

should be done in a particular
situation - Discretion

22. Rights to vote in an election -


23. Ritual suicides by cutting

open one's stomach with a sword -

24.Robots with a human

appearance -

25. Rooms in a public

building where outdoor clothes or
luggage may be left - Clockroom

26. Rough or noisy - Rowdy

27. Roughly made model of a

person that is made in order to be
damaged or destroyed as a protest
- Effigy

28. Roughly or quickly thrust

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29. Routine tasks, especially a critical things about (someone or
household one - Chores something) - Vilify

30. Rules or principles that

most people believe to be true -

31. Rules that say how

people should behave - Precept

32. Rules about the proper

and polite way to communicate
with other people when one is
using the Internet - Netiquette

S Related One Word

1. Sad moods or feelings -


2.Said to somebody who is leaving

on a journey, to wish them a good
journey - Bon voyage

3. Sailors who attacked ships at

sea and stole from them: the person
who acts in a recklessly
adventurous and often
unscrupulous way, especially in
business - Buccaneer

4. Saying or writing very harsh and

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5. Saying that (something) is of writing: a code - Cipher
smaller, less important, etc., than
it really is - Understate

6. Saying that something you said

or wrote is not true or correct -

7. Saying that you are not

responsible for (something): to deny
that you know about or are involved
in (something) - Disavow

8.Scenes full of noise and confusion


9. Searching for something

especially by moving and looking
through the contents of a place -

10. Searching through waste,

junk, etc., for something that can be
saved, used, or eaten - Scavenge

11.Seats for passengers on a

motorcycle -

12. Secret agreements

especially in order to do
something dishonest or to trick
people - Collusion

13. Secret or disguised ways

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14. Secretly try to ruin or characters or themes - Trilogy
destroy a government,
political system, etc. -

15. Sections or tables of

subsidiary matter at the end of a
book or document - Appendix

16. Seeming like real life

because it is very clear, bright, or
detailed, very bright in color - Vivid

17.Seeming to be seen everywhere -


18. Selling (a business,

property, etc.) especially to pay
off debt - Liquidate

19. Sending (a person who

has been accused of a crime) to
another state or country for trial -

20. Sending away (some of a

company's work) to be done by
people outside the company -

21. Series of changes - Flux

22. Series of three novels,

movies, etc., that are closely
related and involve the same
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23. Sets of clothes that are 31. Shiny quality of a surface
worn together: a group of people that reflects light - Luster
working together in the same
activity - Outfit

24. Sets of ideas that

somebody believes in and tries to
persuade others to accept -

25. Sets of principles

concerned with the nature and
appreciation of beauty -

26. Sets of tools or supplies

that a person uses for a particular
purpose or activity - Kit

27. Severe mental or

physical pain or suffering -

28. Severe snowstorms with

high winds: a large quantity of
things that may seem to be
attacking you - Blizzard

29. Sexually attracted to

people of the same sex -

30. Shared by, including

or typical of a whole group of
things: not specific - Generic

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32. Someone who predicts about what is fair or right -
things that will happen in the future Opportunist
- Prophet
40. (Something unwelcome)
33. Someone who saves flourishing or spreading unchecked,
something or someone from unrestrained in action or
danger, harm, failure, etc. - Savior performance - Rampant

34. Someone who supports

a particular cause, belief, etc. -

35. Someone who talks about

something with great enthusiasm -

36. Someone who teaches or

gives help and advice to a less
experienced and often younger
person - Mentor

37. Someone who tends to

criticize, reject, or ignore people
who come from a lower social class
and have less education, etc. -

38.Someone who travels to a holy

place -

39. Someone who tries to get an

advantage or something valuable
from a situation without thinking

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41. Something (such as a 3. The last of a series - Omega
business) that develops from
something larger - Derivative

42. Something (such as a

force, campaign, or movement) that
is extremely large and powerful and
cannot be stopped - Juggernaut

43. Something (such as a

greeting) that people say in order
to be polite - Civility

44. Something (such as a

situation) that is made up of two
opposite things and that seems
impossible but is actually true or
possible - Paradox

45. Something (such as a

special ceremony) that is
intended to honor an important
event or person from the past -

T Related One Word

1. Tending to be quiet: not

speaking frequently - Taciturn

2. That can be done: that

will be successful -

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4. The same book or piece of Inception
writing as the one that has just been
13. The time that something of
mentioned - Ibid
quality was produced - Vintage
5. The thing added to something
else as a supplementary rather
than an essential part - Adjunct

6. The thing or a person that has no

chance of success - Noose

7. The thing that existed before or

logically precedes another -

8. The thing that hides or

somebody/something -

9. The thing that is added or

attached to something larger or
more important - Appendage

10. The thing that is

inappropriate, especially a
remark or expression -

11. The thing that is most

important to someone or
something - Raison detre

12.The time at which something

begins -

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14. The traditional knowledge, Hypochondria
beliefs, and stories that relate to a
3. Unusual ways in which a
particular place, subject, or group -
particular person behaves or thinks
- Idiosyncrasy
15. The treatment to
improve the appearance and
health of the feet or toenails -

16. The trusted follower or

supporter who performs
unpleasant, wrong, or illegal tasks
for a powerful person - Henchman

17. The two-hundredth

anniversary of a significant event
- Bicentenary

18. Theories or a group of ideas

about how something should be
done, made, or thought about -

U Related One Word

1. Unusual habits or way of

behaving, something strange
that happens by chance - Ǫuirk

2. Unusual or excessive
concern about one's health -

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4. Urging or requesting (someone) to luxurious accommodations
solemnly or earnestly to do - Ritz
something - Adjure
13. Used to describe something
5. Using (something) in a that exists but that is not officially
foolish or wasteful way - accepted or recognized - De facto

6. Use of deception or
subterfuge to achieve one's
purpose - Chicanery

7. Use of machines to do work

that was previously done by people
- Automation

8. Use of many words where fewer

would do, especially in a deliberate
attempt to be vague or evasive -

9. Use of tricks especially to hide,

avoid, or get something - Subterfuge

10. Use of words that mean the

opposite of what one really wants to
say especially in order to insult
someone, to show irritation, or to be
funny - Sarcasm

11. Use of words to

exchange thoughts and ideas -

12. Used in reference

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14.Used to express excitement or 5.Very bad: causing great fear or
joy - worry -
Yahoo Dire

15. Used to express

excitement when a discovery
has been made - Eureka

16. Used to indicate that a

named person is also known or
more familiar under another
specified name - Alias

17. Used to refer to a process

in which actors are chosen for a
film/movie, etc. if they have sex
with the person in charge of
choosing the art - Casting couch

V Related One Word

1.(Victory) won at too great a cost -


2. Valuable stolen goods,

especially those seized in war -

3.Various forms in which the

atoms of a chemical element can
occur - Isotope

4. Very angry or violent

disagreement between two or
more people or groups - Strife

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6. Very bad or frightening 15. Very dirty and unpleasant,
experience or situation - immoral or dishonest - Squalid
16.Very dirty or untidy state or
condition -
7. Very big and powerful
companies or organizations -

8. Very careful about behaving

properly and doing things in a
correct and accurate way -

9. Very careful about doing

something in an extremely
accurate and exact way -

10. Very close to being

something without actually being it
- Virtual

11.Very comfortable and expensive


12. Very complicated and

difficult to understand - Turgid

13.Very determined or loyal -


14.Very different, strange, or unusual


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17. Very eager or curious to Philanthropist
hear or see something - Agog
7. Well-known phrases that
18. Very excited or upset - express a general truth about
life or a rule about behavior -
19.Very famous or successful Maxim
person -

W Related One Word

1. Ways of life, an attitude, an

idea, etc. that has become very
popular, system of religious
beliefs and rituals - Cult

2. Ways of protecting oneself

against the loss of something -

3.Way that a person thinks about

things -

4. Ways that a room or the

inside of a building is
decorated - Decor

5. Ways that prevent other

people from finding out who you
are - Incognito

6. Wealthy persons who give

money and time to help make
life better for other people -

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8.Wild and drunken celebrations - bar, serving drinks - Bartender
19. Women whose job is to be
9. Wild and noisy celebrations - in charge of children or other women
- Matron
10. Willing to do dishonest
things in return for money - Venal

11. Wise, skilled, and

respected government
leaders - Statesman

12.Without a future date being

arranged -
Sine die

13. Women who control a

family, group, or government -

14. Women who have

control or power over others -

15. Women who are paid to

care for a young child usually in
the child's home - Nanny

16. Women who are thought to

have magic powers - Witch

17. Women who use their

sexual charm to make men do what
they want - Vamp

18. Women who work in a

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Y Related One Word

1. Young children who are just

learning to walk – Toddler

2.Young women who are not married


3. Young person who is usually

talented in some way – Prodigy

4. Young person who is taught and

helped by someone who has a lot
of knowledge and experience -

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Q1. Minimum people needed for a meeting
(a) Forum
(b) Quoru
(c) Addendum
(d) Decorum
Q2. Detailed list of goods dispatched with quantity and price to the purchaser.
(a) Ledger
(b) Sales
(c) Receipt
(d) Invoic
Q3. To criticise someone severely
(a) Rate
(b) Remonstrate
(c) Chastis
(d) Scoff
Q4. To make a low continuous vibratory sound expressing contentment (of a cat).
(a) To meow
(b) To
(c) To buzz
(d) To roar
Q5. Something of monstrous size or power
(a) Bulk
(b) Amazon
(c) Heavyweight
(d) Behemot
Q6. A list of source materials that are used or consulted in the preparation of a
work or that are referred to in the text.
(a) Bibliograph
(b) Bibliophile
(c) Bibliotheca
(d) Bibliomemoir
Q7. The compulsion to tell lies*-
(a) Pyromania
(b) Nymphomania
(c) Megalomania
(d) Mythomani
Q8. Someone who pretends to have certain moral standards while secretively
that person practices those very moral lapses.
(a) Sinner
(b) Actor
(c) Spy
(d) Hypocrit
Q9. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
Very attractive and easy to feel love for
(a) Flamboyant
(b) Adorabl
(c) Mysterious
(d) Laudable
Q10. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
To have a strong emotional effect on.
(a) To forfeit
(b) To
(c) To smother
(d) To yield
Q11. An animal or a person that eats all types of food, especially plants and meat
(a) Vegetarian
(b) Herbivore
(c) Omnivor
(d) Carnivore
Q12. A collection of historical documents or records providing information about a
place, institution, or group of people
(a) Museum
(b) Apostate
(c) Asylum
(d) Archiv
Q13. A structure in the garden where climbing plants can grow and people can
walk under.
(a) Tomb
(b) Outhouse
(c) Pergol
(d) Treehouse
Q14. Extremely beautiful, elaborate or impressive
(a) Proficient
(b) Magnifice
(c) Transient
(d) Deficient
Q15. One who goes from place to place, begging
(a) Misogamist
(b) Malleable
(c) Meticulous
(d) Mendica
Q16. Requiring exceptional skill or caution in performance or handling
(a) Blunt
(b) Trick
(c) Sustainable
(d) Abstract
Q17. A herd or flock of animals being driven in a body.
(a) Crowd
(b) Cluster
(c) Throng
(d) Drov
Q18. A group of three novels or plays, each complete in itself.
(a) Triplet
(b) Triumvir
(c) Trivet
(d) Trilog
Q19. A self-governing country or region.
(a) Anarchy
(b) Autonom
(c) Democracy
(d) Monarchy
Q20. A large building with an extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft.
(a) Barn
(b) Airport
(c) Shed
(d) Hanga
Q21. A group of people, typically with vehicles or animals, travelling together.
(a) Carava
(b) Troop
(c) Circus
(d) Gang
Q22. A place in a large institution, for the care of those who are ill.
(a) Hostel
(b) Infirmar
(c) Hangar
(d) Dormitory
Q23. One who studies the occult meanings of numbers and their supposed
influence on human life.
(a) Astronomer
(b) Astrologer
(c) Numerologi
(d) Prophet
Q24. A sentimental longing for a period in the past.
(a) Memory
(b) Emotion
(c) Craving
(d) Nostalgia
Q25. Soft, inner part of a nut or fruit-stone.
(a) Bean
(b) Pulp
(c) Caramel
(d) Kerne
Q26. A news article that reports the recent death of a person.
(a) Review
(b) Editorial
(c) Mortuary
(d) Obituar
Q27. Something that is to your advantage but happened by chance.
(a) Occidental
(b) Purposeful
(c) Deliberate
(d) Fortuitou
Q28. To throw an event into confusion or disorder.
(a) Disrup
(b) Detonate
(c) Erupt
(d) Explode
Q29. A dynamic campaign for political, social or religious change.
(a) Mutiny
(b) Conflict
(c) Crusade
(d) War
Q30. A person preoccupied with an unrealistically optimistic approach to life.
(a) Practical
(b) Pragmatic
(c) Rational
(d) Quixoti
Q31. Speed greater than that of sound.
(a) Harmonic
(b) Cacophonic
(c) Supersoni
(d) Subsonic
Q32. Someone who studies elections and voting statistics.
(a) Psychologist
(b) Psephologist
(c) Analyst
(d) Mathematician
Q33. A person who presents and acts as a link in a radio or news programme.
(a) Disc Jockey
(b) Actor
(c) Ancho
(d) Programmer
Q34. The branch of science concerned with the study of Earth and its
(a) Geolog
(b) Zoology
(c) Biology
(d) Metrology
Q35. A close-fitting cover for the blade of a knife or sword.
(a) Sheat
(b) Shield
(c) Case
(d) Carrier
Q36. A seven-sided figure.
(a) Hexagon
(b) Pentagon
(c) Heptago
(d) Octagon
Q37. Withdraw from a forward position in battle.
(a) Retre
(b) Resort
(c) Restore
(d) Relocate
Q38. The branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound.
(a) Optics
(b) Photonics
(c) Mechanics
(d) Acoustic
Q39. A new project or business activity involving some risk.
(a) Entrepreneur
(b) Venture
(c) Experiment
(d) Taboo
Q40. Instrument that measures the altitude of the land surface.
(a) Altimete
(b) Thermometer
(c) Barometer
(d) Chronometer
Q41. A place or scene of activity, debate, or conflict.
(a) Stadium
(b) Floor
(c) Aren
(d) Site
Q42. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words/phrase.
Spoken or done without preparation
(a) Declamation
(b) Extempor
(c) Debate
(d) Elocution
Q43. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the
underlined segment.
The schedule was capable of bending easily without breaking and able to be
easily modified.
(a) Adherent
(b) Flexible
(c) Inadaptable
(d) Versatile
Q44. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
A person who does not believe in the existence of God
(a) Athei
(b) Theist
(c) Priest
(d) Satan
Q45. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
Something to be easily carried or moved
(a) Robust
(b) Fragile
(c) Stagnant
(d) Portabl
Q46. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
An imperfection; a blemish, a crack
(a) Flaunt
(b) Flea
(c) Fleck
(d) Flaw
Q47. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
Unpleasantly rough or sharp, especially to the senses, cruel
(a) Hart
(b) Hars
(c) Hasp
(d) Haslet
Q48. Select the most appropriate option that can be used as a one-word substitute
for the underlined segment in the following sentence.
After the scandal, the king was left with no choice but to announce his act of
renouncing the throne.
(a) Exoneration
(b) Abdicatio
(c) Coronation
(d) Extradition
Q49. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the
underlined segment.The child was not guilty of any wrongdoing and lacked
knowledge or awareness of wrongdoing.
(a) Innocen
(b) Inexperienced
(c) Cruel
(d) Ignorant
Q50. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the
underlined group of words. Henny Penny is a story that is passed down from
generation to generation through spoken word.
(a) Parable
(b) Fable
(c) Epic
(d) Folktal
Q51. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the
underlined segment. The new technology was much more productive and
achieved maximum output with minimum wasted effort or expense.
(a) Rapid
(b) Efficie
(c) Elaborate
(d) Magnificent
Q52. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words. Free time; time at one’s own disposal
(a) Leisur
(b) Legible
(c) Lethal
(d) Legion
Q53. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
One who eats human flesh
(a) Mammal
(b) Cannibal
(c) Carnivore
(d) Vegetarian
Q54. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the
underlined group of words.
‘A Red, Red Rose’ by Robert Burns is a poem that tells a story and has a
regular rhythm and rhyme scheme.
(a) Sonnet
(b) Haiku
(c) Epic
(d) Balla
Q55. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the
underlined group of words.
Kidney beans were boiled quickly when Nisha added a substance that speeds
up a chemical reaction without being consumed by the reaction itself.
(a) Catalys
(b) Reactant
(c) Enzyme
(d) Solute
Q56. Select the most appropriate option that can be used as a one-word substitute
for the underlined segment in the following sentence.
As I walked through the old town, I couldn’t help but feel a sentimental
longing for the simpler times of my childhood.
(a) Homesickness
(b) Nostalgi
(c) Affection
(d) Inertia
Q57. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
Collection of written or spoken texts
(a) Data bank
(b) Dictionary
(c) Circa
(d) Corpu
Q58. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
A particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social
(a) Singular
(b) Slang
(c) Dialec
(d) Referendum
Q59. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
Poor physical or mental condition.
(a) Ill nature
(b) Ill
(c) Ill-fated
(d) Illicit
Q60. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
One who studies the evolution of mankind
(a) Antagonist
(b) Amateur
(c) Anarchist
(d) Anthropologis
Q61. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect
(a) Dwarf
(b) Chronology
(c) Utopia
(d) Octogenarian
Q62. Give a one-word substitution for the sentence below.
A community of people smaller than a village
(a) Hamle
(b) Horde
(c) Herd
(d) Caucus
Q63. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
A piece of a living tissue or plant that is transplanted surgically
(a) Gratis
(b) Gourmet
(c) Gracious
(d) Graf
Q64. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
Giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen.
(a) Desolate
(b) Suspicious
(c) Ominou
(d) Bleak
Q65. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
The date when both, day and night are of approximately equal length
(a) Equilibrium
(b) Equine
(c) Equator
(d) Equino
Q66. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
Sharp and direct
(a) Acerbi
(b) Zoonic
(c) Anodyne
(d) Acidic
Q67. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
A very expensive and elaborately built tomb
(a) Mausoleu
(b) Cemetery
(c) Mosque
(d) Masterpiece
Q68. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the
underlined words in the given sentence.
Today my dad will teach me how to make a small shelter for my dog.
(a) kenne
(b) canal
(c) burrow
(d) shed
Q69. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
Existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of
(a) Native
(b) Ancient
(c) Aborigin
(d) Original
Q70. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
An eccentric manner of living
(a) Bohemian
(b) Numismatist
(c) Gourmet
(d) Misanthrope
Q71. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
A small island
(a) Isle
(b) Lagoon
(c) Closet
(d) Isthmus
Q72. A shortened form of a word or phrase
(a) abbreviatio
(b) pseudonym
(c) precis
(d) summary
Q73. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
Holding on to something or keeping an opinion with determination
(a) Gracious
(b) Tenaciou
(c) Obnoxious
(d) Loquacious
Q74. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words/phrase.
Fail to notice; ignore; condone (an offence etc.)
(a) Overlong
(b) Overlie
(c) Overly
(d) Overloo
Q75. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
An exaggerated statement not to be taken seriously or literally
(a) Hypertext
(b) Hyperbole
(c) Hypocrisy
(d) Hippocrate
Q76. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
Cancel or do away with (a law or agreement)
(a) Abrogat
(b) Cancellation
(c) Ultimation
(d) Prorogation
Q77. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
A battle or anything involving or causing much bloodshed
(a) Autocracy
(b) Sanguinar
(c) Ineffable
(d) Redtapism
Q78. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given
group of words.
Having a feeling of guilt
(a) Refulgence
(b) Restitution
(c) Remors
(d) Repugnance
Q79. One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle differences.
(a) neutral
(b) intermediar
(c) judge
(d) connoisseur
Q80. Feeling or showing extreme tiredness
(a) Vitalised
(b) Nervous
(c) Weary
(d) Drowsy
Q81. A speech expressing one’s thoughts aloud to oneself
(a) hyperbole
(b) harangue
(c) soliloqu
(d) sacrilege
Q82. The prime minister paid tributes to the martyrs by
laying circular arrangement of flowers.
(a) Buds
(b) Posies
(c) Bouquets
(d) Wreath
Q83. Something belonging to or surviving from an earlier period
(a) Vestige
(b) Dinosaur
(c) Ruin
(d) Relic
Q84. Enjoying or affording warm secure shelter or cover and opportunity for ease
and contentment.
(a) Undisturbed
(b) Easeful
(c) Untroubled
(d) Snug
Q85. An area within which someone or something has authority, influence, or
(a) Lagoon
(b) Purview
(c) Hinterland
(d) Vicinity
Q86. An action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for
payment, or clearing a debt.
(a) Blasphemy
(b) Redemptio
(c) Atonement
(d) Gambit
Q87. The science of dealing with the production control and the application of
very low temperatures
(a) Cypher
(b) Cytology
(c) Chromatics
(d) Cryogenic
Q88. The ability to imagine how another person is feeling and so understand
his/her mood.
(a) Pathologist
(b) Psychologist
(c) Empathiz
(d) Synchronize
Q89. Showing great attention to detail and correct behaviour
(a) Punctual
(b) Zealous
(c) Punctuatio
(d) Disciplined
Q90. Enjoyments that someone gets from being violent or cruel or from causing
(a) Demise
(b) Ovation
(c) Irrupt
(d) Sadism
Q91. Extremely or unusually small
(a) Allusion
(b) Diminutiv
(c) Mulct
(d) Chutzpah
Q92. Having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.
(a) Credulous
(b) Greenhor
(c) Susceptible
(d) Sceptical
Q93. The pandemic deeply affected small business owners, as they have no means
of livelihood left.
(a) Paupe
(b) Worker
(c) Unemployed
(d) Mason
Q94. A box or cage for rabbits or small animals.
(a) lair
(b) hutch
(c) menagerie
(d) kennel
Q95. A collection of historical documents or records providing information about a
place, institution, or group of people
(a) Museum
(b) Apostate
(c) Asylum
(d) Archiv
Q96. A sea or stretch of water having many islands.
(a) ocean
(b) harbour
(c) bay
(d) archipelag
Q97. A mental illness that creates a strong urge to steal that somebody cannot
(a) Pyromania
(b) Kleptomani
(c) Dipsomania
(d) Megalomania
Q98. To restrain or compel a person to do something by force.
(a) Convoy
(b) Consensus
(c) Coerce
(d) Casualty
Q99. A close-fitting cover for a sword
(a) Quiver
(b) Shank
(c) Sheath
(d) Dagger
Q100. A disorder that involve difficulty in reading, interpret words
(a) Dyslexia
(b) Dysgraphia
(c) Delusion
(d) Disability
Q1. The scientific study of living organisms
(a) Biochemistry
(b) Zoology
(c) Organic Chemistry
(d) Biology
Q2. Lasting only for a short while
(a) Temporar
(b) Temporal
(c) Transparent
(d) Template
Q3. Something that cannot be taken away
(a) inalienabl
(b) edible
(c) Illegible
(d) natural
Q4. Careful and through enquiry
(a) Investigatio
(b) Interview
(c) Examination
(d) Exploration
Q5. Sudden and violent change
(a) Cataclys
(b) Catalysis
(c) Catacombs
(d) Catechism
Q6. To look at someone in an angry or threatening way
(a) Glowe
(b) Gnaw
(c) Gnash
(d) Grind
Q7. A continuous process of change
(a) transformation
(b) metamorphosis
(c) flux
(d) dynamism
Q8. To struggle helplessly
(a) flounde
(b) founder
(c) fumble
(d) finger
Q9. Impossible to describe
(a) miraculous
(b) ineffabl
(c) stupendous
(d) appalling
Q10. Bad beyond reform
(a) irreversible
(b) irrevocable
(c) irredeemabl
(d) irreparable
Q11. One who offers his service without charging for it
(a) philanderer
(b) volunteer
(c) mercenary
(d) missionary
Q12. Having a tendency to break the law to do socially unacceptable things
(a) delinquen
(b) frank
(c) juvenile
(d) guilty
Q13. A place where a lot people go on holiday or vacation
(a) casino
(b) beach
(c) resort
(d) museum
Q14. Living at the same time
(a) concurrent
(b) contemporar
(c) coincident
(d) concomitant
Q15. Practice of employing spies in war
(a) esplanade
(b) espadrille
(c) estrangement
(d) espionage
Q16. A broad road bordered with trees
(a) boudoir
(b) boulevar
(c) avenue
(d) façade
Q17. Detaining and confining someone
(a) interruption
(b) interrogation
(c) internmen
(d) intermittent
Q18. One who criticizes popular beliefs which he/she thinks is a mistake or
(a) philistin
(b) iconoclast
(c) imposter
(d) cannibal
Q19. Violation of something holy or sacred
(a) profanity
(b) sedition
(c) sacrileg
(d) slander
Q20. The act of giving up sovereign power
(a) relinquish
(b) renounce
(c) abdicat
(d) re sign
Q21. Branch of medicine dealing with the health and care of old people
(a) obstetrics
(b) paediatrics
(c) calisthenics
(d) geriatrics
Q22. Hard to understand
(a) punctilious
(b) obtuse
(c) absurd
(d) abstrus
Q23. A noisy and bombastic speech addressed to a large assembly
(a) rhetoric
(b) cacophony
(c) harangue
(d) oration
Q24. That which is out of place
(a) anachronistic
(b) obsolete
(c) incongruous
(d) archaic
Q25. That never fails
(a) irrelevant
(b) infallible
(c) indelible
(d) inaudible
Q26. The study of ancient writings
(a) annals
(b) palaeographi
(c) calligraphy
(d) archaeology
Q27. A dogmatic person
(a) nomadic
(b) elite
(c) zealo
(d) swashbuckler
Q28. An odd, a typical or eccentric trait
(a) harangue
(b) hyperbole
(c) idiosyncras
(d) elegy
Q29. A cluster of houses in village
(a) fleet
(b) hamlet
(c) monument
(d) constellation
Q30. The time when two people have a romantic relationship before they get
(a) snobbery
(b) courtshi
(c) estrangement
(d) polyphony
Q31. Matter written by hand
(a) handwritten
(b) manuscrip
(c) proof
(d) amnesty
Q32. One who promotes the idea of absence of government of any kind, when
every man should be a law unto himself
(a) agnostic
(b) Iconoclast
(c) belligerent
(d) anarchist
Q33. A person who constantly thinks, he is sick is a
(a) hypochondria
(b) misogynist
(c) misanthrope
(d) hyperpitutiary
Q34. Responsible according to law
(a) eligible
(b) legitimate
(c) legalized
(d) liable
Q35. A statement that can have a double meaning
(a) Verbose
(b) Ambivalent
(c) Epigraph
(d) Ambiguou
Q36. Anything written in a letter after it is signed
(a) corrigendum
(b) Manuscript
(c) postscrip
(d) unmanageable
Q37. Which is bound to be done
(a) soliloquy
(b) indispensabl
(c) sinecure
(d) indelible
Q38. money paid to a man for his labour
(a) sacrilege
(b) rent
(c) bunting
(d) remuneratio
Q39. A fixed territory in which authority can be exercised
(a) juristic
(b) jurisdiction
(c) jurisprudence
(d) juristic
Q40. One who has obstinate and narrow religious views
(a) fanatic
(b) theologian
(c) bigot
(d) egotist
Q41. Specialised in nose disease
(a) rhinologist
(b) philologist
(c) endocrinologist
(d) gerontologist
Q42. Animals who lives in herds
(a) sociable
(b) gregariou
(c) carnivorous
(d) social
Q43. An unexpected piece of good fortune
(a) windfal
(b) philanthrophy
(c) benevolence
(d) turnstile
Q44. An emolument over and above fixed income or salary
(a) honorarium
(b) sinecure
(c) prerogative
(d) perquisit
Q45. The doctor known as an eye-specialist
(a) orthodontist
(b) orthopedist
(c) ophthalmologis
(d) obstetrician
Q46. The practice of pretending to have feelings that one does not really have
(a) treachery
(b) villainy
(c) hypocris
(d) inundate
Q47. To run away with a lover
(a) deceive
(b) cheat
(c) escape
(d) elop
Q48. A system of government controlled by persons of high intellectual ability
(a) oligarchy
(b) democracy
(c) meritocrac
(d) theocracy
Q49. Young one of horse
(a) piglet
(b) lamb
(c) calf
(d) colt
Q50. One who does not follow the usual rules of social life
(a) egoist
(b) frank
(c) bohemia
(d) reveille
Q1. Murder of a brother
(a) Patricide
(b) Fratricid
(c) Homicide
(d) Parricide
Q2. One who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm about his religion
(a) Fatalist
(b) Lunatic
(c) Fanati
(d) Stoic
Q3. A list of items to be transacted at a meeting
(a) Menu
(b) Agend
(c) Minutes
(d) Records
Q4. An involuntary action under a stimulus is described as a
(a) complex
(b) refle
(c) reflection
(d) response
Q5. A continuous process of change is known as
(a) transformation
(b) metamorphosi
(c) flux
(d) dynamism
Q6. The use of many words where only a few are necessary.
(a) circumlocutio
(b) circumspection
(c) circumscription
(d) circumvention
Q7. Circular building or hall with a dome.
(a) edifice
(b) palace
(c) rotund
(d) spire
Q8. One who is a citizen not of a country but of the world.
(a) Bohemian
(b) Cosmopolita
(c) Philanthropist
(d) Internationalist
Q9. An order requiring a person to attend a court.
(a) Courtship
(b) Agreement
(c) Subpoen
(d) Command
Q10. An imaginary name assumed by an author for disguise.
(a) Facsimile
(b) Surname
(c) Alias
(d) Pseudony
Q11. An extreme fear of being in a small confined place.
(a) Hydrophobia
(b) Paraphernalia
(c) Claustrophobi
(d) Progeria
Q12. An inscription on a tomb.
(a) epitap
(b) crypt
(c) obituary
(d) legacy
Q13. Allowance due to a wife from her husband on separation.
(a) patrimony
(b) antimony
(c) parsimony
(d) alimony
Q14. Practice of employing spies in war.
(a) Esplanade
(b) Espionag
(c) Espadrille
(d) Estrangement
Q15. A fixed territory in which authority can be exercised.
(a) Jurisdictio
(b) judiciary
(c) jurisprudence
(d) juristic
Q16. An appearance of objects often simulating the appearance of water:
(a) image
(b) mirag
(c) reflection
(d) refraction
Q17. The art of making fireworks :
(a) Chromatics
(b) Numismatics
(c) Pyrotechnic
(d) Cosmetics
Q18. Give off bubbles of gas:
(a) efface
(b) effervesc
(c) effloresce
(d) effuse
Q19. A system of governance controlled by persons of high intellectual ability:
(a) oligarchy
(b) democracy
(c) meritocrac
(d) snobbery
Q20. Sudden and violent change:
(a) Cataclys
(b) Catalysis
(c) Catacombs
(d) Catechism
Q21. A small waterfall or group of waterfalls flowing down a Rocky hill side is
(a) Hurricane
(b) Stream
(c) Volcano
(d) Cascad
Q22. One who eats human flesh
(a) non-vegetarian
(b) vegetarian
(c) canniba
(d) man-eater
Q23. Instrument which records earth's tremor:
(a) Monograph
(b) Geographer
(c) Seismograp
(d) Barometer
Q24. The practice of a woman having more than one husband at the same time:
(a) Polygamy
(b) Polyphony
(c) Polyandr
(d) Polygyny
Q25. Specializes in nose diseases:
(a) Otologist
(b) Rhinologi
(c) Endocrinologist
(d) Gerentologist
Q26. Boundary of an area
(a) Porch
(b) Peripher
(c) Balcony
(d) Verandah
Q27. A war of religions
(a) Calligraphy
(b) Contraband
(c) Cavalry
(d) Crusad
Q28. The Government by the nobility
(a) Bureaucracy
(b) Aristocrac
(c) Autocracy
(d) Oligarchy
Q29. To store and stock
(a) Hail
(b) Hide
(c) Hoar
(d) Horde
Q30. Study of relations of organisms to one another and surroundings to their
(a) Biology
(c) Psycholog
(b) Ecology
(d) Physiology
Q31. A body of persons appointed to hear evidence and give their verdict in trials.
(a) association
(b) council
(c) bar
(d) jur
Q32. A person who dishonestly pretends to be somebody else:
(a) Imperialist
(b) Impressionist
(c) Implorer
(d) Imposto
Q33. Violent storm:
(a) weather
(b) rains
(c) breeze
(d) tempest
Q34. Careful and thorough enquiry :
(a) Investigatio
(b) Interview
(c) Examination
(d) Exploration
Q35. A situation that stops an activity from progressing:
(a) Bypass
(b) Breach
(c) Bottlenec
(d) Block head
Q36. A disease which is spread by direct contact
(a) Contagiou
(b) Infectious
(c) Epidemic
(d) Endemic
Q37. The study of ancient civilizations
(a) History
(b) Anthropology
(c) Ethnology
(d) Archaeolog
Q38. An animal story with a moral
(a) Fabl
(b) Tale
(c) Anecdote
(d) Parable
Q39. A thing likely to be easily broken
(a) vulnerable
(b) flexible
(c) brittl
(d) delicate
Q40. Body of singers
(a) Coir
(b) Quorum
(c) Quire
(d) Choi
Q41. Very dramatic
(a) Histrioni
(b) Hippocratic
(c) Hirsute
(d) Hoary
Q42. A figure of speech by which a thing is spoken of as being that which it only
(a) Metaph
(b) Simile
(c) Personification
(d) Alliteration
Q43. The process by which a person or an organization reduces the amount of
money it spends
(a) budgeting
(b) retrenchmen
(c) saving
(d) closure
Q44. An established principle of practical wisdom:
(a) Marxism
(b) Maxi
(c) Neologism
(d) Platonism
Q45. Person with whom one works
(a) contemporary
(b) companion
(c) colleagu
(d) partner
Q46. Honesty of character
(a) integrity
(b) rectitud
(c) honour
(d) dignity
Q47. Expressions of sympathy
(a) congratulation
(b) condolenc
(c) compliment
(d) condemnation
Q48. An instrument used to record sound
(a) gramophone
(b) hydrophone
(c) phonograp
(d) megaphone
Q49. Pertaining to horses
(a) Equin
(b) equestrian
(c) equinox
(d) equation
Q50. One who cannot be corrected
(a) Incurable
(b) incorrigibl
(c) hardened
(d) vulnerable
Q51. Difficult or impossible to read
(a) Illogical
(b) illegible
(c) ineligible
(d) legible
Q52. An unexpected piece of good fortune
(a) Turnstile
(b) Windfal
(c) Philanthropy
(d) Benevolence
Q53. Those who go on to someone else's land without the owner's permission
(a) Delinquents
(b) trespasse
(c) offenders
(d) culprits
Q54. Something that cannot be taken away.
(a) inalienabl
(b) edible
(c) legible
(d) natural
Q55. Scale used for measuring the strength of an earthquake.
(a) Celsius
(b) Newtons
(c) Richte
(d) Linear
Q56. Something kept as a reminder of an event.
(a) Trophy
(b) Souveni
(c) Prize
(d) Antique
Q57. One who practises one of the fine arts:
(a) painter
(b) artis
(c) designer
(d) architect
Q58. A general pardon of offenders.
(a) Parley
(b) Amnest
(c) Parole
(d) Acquittal
Q59. Place where wine is made
(a) bakery
(b) cloakroom
(c) tannery
(d) brewer
Q60. A paper written by hand
(a) handicraft
(b) handiwork
(c) manuscrip
(d) thesis
Q61. The art of preserving skin of animals, birds and fish
(a) taxonomy
(b) taxiderm
(c) philology
(d) seismology
Q62. Related to moon
(a) solar
(b) moony
(c) luna
(d) honeymoon
Q63. Sum of money to be paid for freeing a person from captivity.
(a) Ranso
(b) Compensation
(c) Tribute
(d) Penalty
Q64. Book giving information about every branch of knowledge.
(a) Directory
(b) Dictionary
(c) Encyclopedi
(d) Dissertation
Q65. Member of a tribe that wanders from place to place with no fixed home.
(a) Vagabond
(b) Noma
(c) Wanderer
(d) Truant
Q66. Fit to be chosen.
(a) Eligibl
(b) Capable
(c) Suitable
(d) Valuable
Q67. An animal or plant living in or upon another.
(a) master
(b) dependant
(c) insect
(d) parasite
Q68. Strong dislike between two persons
(a) aversion
(b) antipath
(c) apathy
(d) despair
Q69. The killing of whole group of people
(a) genocid
(b) germicide
(c) patricide
(d) suicide
Q70. The plants and vegetation of a region
(a) fauna
(b) flor
(c) landscape
(d) environment
Q71. That which is without opposition
(a) unaware
(b) verdict
(c) unanimou
(d) spontaneous
Q72. Animal that feeds on plants
(a) Carnivorous
(b) Herbivorou
(c) Insectivorous
(d) Graminivorous
Q73. A number of stars grouped together
(a) Orbit
(b) Constellatio
(c) Solar system
(d) Comet
Q74. Lasting only for a very short while
(a) Transparent
(b) Temporal
(c) Temporar
(d) Temperate
Q75. Murder of a man
(a) Regicide
(b) Fratricide
(c) Homicid
(d) Genocide
Q76. Use of force or threats to get someone to agree to something
(a) Coercio
(b) Conviction
(c) Confession
(d) Cajolement
Q77. A place where gambling is practised
(a) hotel
(b) casin
(c) restaurant
(d) theatre
Q78. An object or portion serving as a sample
(a) Specification
(b) Spectre
(c) Spectacle
(d) Specime
Q79. The practice of submitting a proposal to popular vote
(a) Election
(b) Reference
(c) Popularity
(d) Referendu
Q80. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence
(a) Statesmanship
(b) Diplomacy
(c) Hierarchy
(d) Protoco
Q81. To renounce a high position of authority or control
(a) Abduct
(b) Abandon
(c) Abort
(d) Abdicat
Q82. Talking about the affairs of other people
(a) teasing
(b) gossipin
(c) criticising
(d) slandering
Q83. Medical examination of the body after death
(a) diagnosis
(b) irradiation
(c) corpse
(d) autops
Q84. A person born or living at the same time as another
(a) corollary
(b) accessory
(c) contemporar
(d) auxiliary
Q85. Bad beyond reform
(a) irreversible
(b) irrevocable
(c) irredeemabl
(d) irreparable
Q86. That which is certain to happen
(a) inevitabl
(b) invincible
(c) incorrigible
(d) immediate
Q87. The process of deciding the nature of a disease by examination
(a) test
(b) perusal
(c) diagnosi
(d) operation
Q88. That which makes it difficult to recognise the presence or real nature of
somebody or something.
(a) cover
(b) comouflag
(c) pretence
(d) mask
Q89. To bear a hand
(a) interfere
(b) join
(c) assis
(d) rejoice
Q90. One who makes an examination of accounts official
(a) audito
(b) accountant
(c) clerk
(d) official
Q91. A government by the officials
(a) Plutocracy
(b) Aristocracy
(c) Bureaucrac
(d) Monarchy
Q92. One who offers his services without charging for it
(a) Philanderer
(b) Voluntee
(c) Mercenary
(d) Missionary
Q93. A tank where fish or water plants are kept
(a) aviary
(b) aquariu
(c) nursery
(d) sanatorium
Q94. Avoiding wastage
(a) economic
(b) economica
(c) minimal
(d) optimational
Q95. Sole right to make and sell some invention
(a) Franchise
(b) Authorize
(c) Dealership
(d) Paten
Q96. The scientific study of living organisms
(a) Biochemistry
(b) Zoology
(c) Organic chemistry
(d) Biolog
Q97. One who lives for more than a hundred years
(a) saint
(b) meteorologist
(c) demagogue
(d) centenaria
Q98. Detaining and confining someone
(a) Interruption
(b) Interrogation
(c) Interment
(d) Internmen
Q99. An underhand device resorted to in order to justify misconduct
(a) Subterfuge
(b) Manoeuvr
(c) Stratagem
(d) Complicity
Q100.Science of the races of mankind
(a) Genealogy
(b) Etiology
(c) Ethnolog
(d) Sociology
Q101.Impossible to describe
(a) Miraculous
(b) Ineffabl
(c) Stupendous
(d) Appalling
Q102. One who criticises popular beliefs which he thinks is mistaken or unwise
(a) Philistine
(b) Iconocla
(c) Imposter
(d) Cannibal
Q103.One who hides away on a ship to obtain a free passage.
(a) Compositor
(b) Stoker
(c) Stowawa
(d) Shipwright
Q104.Clues available at a scene
(a) Circumstanti
(b) derivative
(c) inferential
(d) suggestive
Q105.An emolument over and above fixed income or salary.
(a) Honorarium
(b) Sinecure
(c) Perquisit
(d) Prerogative
Q106.The animals of a particular region.
(a) Flora
(b) Museum
(c) Zoo
(d) Faun
Q107.A person who is physically dependent on a substance.
(a) Criminal
(b) Martyr
(c) Gladiator
(d) Addi
Q108.A child born after the death of its father is called.
(a) A deprived child
(b) An orphan
(c) A posthumous
(d) A waif
Q109.A legal agreement by which a person borrows money from a bank usually to
buy a house.
(a) Document
(b) Mortgage
(c) Lease
(d) Invoice
Q110.Failing to discharge one's duty.
(a) Debacle
(b) Derelictio
(c) Determination
(d) Deterrent
Q111.A movement of part of the body to express an idea or feeling.
(a) Jibe
(b) Gestur
(c) Pose
(d) Mimicry
Q112.To surround a place with the intention of capturing it
(a) Bivouac
(b) Besieg
(c) Invade
(d) Intern
Q113.To send back a person to one's country
(a) Repatriat
(b) Expatriate
(c) Migrate
(d) Emigrate
Q114.One who is opposed to intellectual progress
(a) Impostor
(b) Chaperon
(c) Prospector
(d) Obscuran
Q115.A woman with dark brown hair
(a) Blonde
(b) Brunett
(c) Termagant
(d) Coiffure
Q116.One who has special skill in judging art, music, tastes, etc.
(a) Connoisseu
(b) Raconteur
(c) Sybarite
(d) Amateur
Q117.One who devotes his life to the welfare and the interests of other people
(a) Minion
(b) Martyr
(c) Altrui
(d) Fugitive
Q118.A place where animals are kept alive, and nearly as possible as in their
natural state
(a) Vivariu
(b) Orchard
(c) Paddock
(d) Zoo
Q119.One who hates mankind
(a) Misanthropis
(b) Misnomer
(c) Misogynist
(d) Philanthropist
Q120.The period between two reigns
(a) Interregnu
(b) Interval
(c) Interdict
(d) Intercept
Q121.One who walks in one's sleep.
(a) dreamer
(b) somnambulis
(c) neomatic
(d) ignorant
Q122.A place where money is coined.
(a) min
(b) press
(c) treasury
(d) bank
Q123.The house of an Eskimo.
(a) hamlet
(b) downy
(c) iglo
(d) hut
Q124.One who collects postage stamp.
(a) philatelis
(b) stamp collector
(c) vendor
(d) lexicographer
Q125.What cannot be heard.
(a) inaudibl
(b) audible
(c) unheard
(d) ineffaceable
Q126.A poem of mourning.
(a) eleg
(b) sonnet
(c) lyric
(d) epic
Q127.A game in which no one wins.
(a) abandoned
(b) draw
(c) postponed
(d) obsolete
Q128.Too much official formality.
(a) delayed
(b) officiousness
(c) formality
(d) red
Q129.One who knows many languages.
(a) linguist
(b) polygl
(c) stylist
(d) debator
Q130.That which can be carried.
(a) portabl
(b) edible
(c) potable
(d) bearable
Q131.A writer who steals ideas from others.
(a) plagiari
(b) copier
(c) editor
(d) translator
Q132.Examination of a dead body.
(a) autops
(b) surgery
(c) operation
(d) tanning
Q133.A speech made to oneself.
(a) dialogue
(b) speech
(c) soliloqu
(d) monologue
Q134.A commonplace remark.
(a) platitud
(b) ramark
(c) statement
(d) epigram
Q135.That which cannot be captured.
(a) impregnabl
(b) incorrigible
(c) imperishable
(d) invincible
Q136.The study of birds
(a) ornitholog
(b) philology
(c) ontology
(d) geology
Q137.An insect with many legs is called.
(a) centiped
(b) mammal
(c) herbivorous
(d) vertebrate
Q138.Government in which all religions are honoured.
(a) fanatic
(b) secula
(c) catholic
(d) progressive
Q139.One who lives among strangers.
(a) recluse
(b) alie
(c) stoic
(d) rustic
Q140.A word no longer in use.
(a) extant
(b) obsolet
(c) out-dated
(d) nervous
Q141.A sneering person who always finds faults.
(a) cupid
(b) kleptomaniac
(c) cyni
(d) crone
Q142.A place for keeping bees.
(a) aviary
(b) apiar
(c) cage
(d) nest
Q143.A long journey, especially by sea.
(a) flight
(b) voyag
(c) odyssey
(d) safari
Q144.A short walk for pleasure or exercise.
(a) strol
(b) gallop
(c) jog
(d) promenade
Q145.A place where government or public records are kept.
(a) attic
(b) museum
(c) cellar
(d) archiv
Q146.A person who kills somebody especially for political reasons.
(a) criminal
(b) assassi
(c) murderer
(d) hangman
Q147.A person who opposes another.
(a) soldier
(b) fighter
(c) antagoni
(d) prophet
Q148.A person who does not want to see the realities of life and tries to escape.
(a) escapis
(b) hovel
(c) plunderer
(d) scavenger
Q149.A person who is very selective, disgusted easily, and is hard to please.
(a) misanthrope
(b) fastidiou
(c) selector
(d) ambiguous
Q150.A person who can be cheated easily.
(a) credulo
(b) faithful
(c) client
(d) egoist

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