Start To Feel Confident and To Deal With Things Successfully
Start To Feel Confident and To Deal With Things Successfully
Start To Feel Confident and To Deal With Things Successfully
Words of wisdom
1. Wise words – мудрі слова
2. find one’s feet – start to feel confident and to deal with things successfully; привикнути до нової
3. Do the trick – зробити свою справу, спрацювати/to produce a desired result
4. Primatologist – smbth who studies Primates especially other than recent humans
5. Setback – a slowing of progress; невдача
6. Columnist – observer; оглядач
7. Learning curve – the course of progress in learning smth; крива навчання
8. Learn the ropes – find out how something is done in a particular place or situation: знати всі
9. Work (or run) oneself into the ground – exhaust oneself by working or running very hard.
10.Profound – глибокий, very great and intense
11.Gut feeling – шосте відчуття
12.over the hill - no longer young, and therefore no longer attractive or good at doing things
13.go far - think they will be successful in the future
14.reach the peak – the time when something or someone is best, greatest, highest, most successful
15.go downhill – when situation gets worse a crossroads - when someone has to make very important decisions which will affect their future
17.hard to swallow - difficult to believe
18.regurgitate - to repeat facts, ideas, that you have read or heard without thinking about them for thought - something that makes you think carefully
20.half-baked – idea has not been properly planned
21.wasting precious time – using time badly
22.put aside some time – keep time free
23.can’t afford to spend time – don’t have time to do something on borrowed time – survive after you would expect to be dead
25.flash of inspiration – when someone suddenly have a clever idea
26.bright - intelligent and able learn things quickly
27.shine - to be very good at something
28.dim – тупий – not intelligent
29.construct a theory - to form a sentence, argument or system by joining words, ideas etc. together a theory - make people believe an idea that is intended to explain smth about life or the
31.fall down - to fail because of a particular reason or in a particular way
32.foundations - basic ideas, principles, situations etc. that something develops from
33.make a killing - to make a lot of money in a short time
34.launch a campaign - to start something, usually something big or important - to make something have an effect on a particular limited group or area
36.join forces - to work together so that you can deal with a problem, be more powerful etc.
Lesson 2.2. Changing your mind
1. preconception – a belief or opinion that you have already formed before you know the actual
facts, and that may be wrong
2. dispel – to make (something such as belief, feeling, idea) go away or end
3. stigmas – an identifying mark or characteristic
4. tackle – to solve
5. accusation – a change of claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong
6. presumably – by reasonable assumption
7. riot – a violence disturbance of the peace by a crowd
8. candid – truthful and straight forward
9. impair – weaken or damage something (especially a human facility or function)
10. convincing – making you believe that something is true or right
11. eye-opening – an eye-opening experience is one from which you learn something surprising or
12. perspective – a way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type
of person you are or by your experiences
13. narrow-minded – unwilling to accept or understand new or different ideas, opinions, or customs
14. second thoughts - doubts about a decision you have made
15. stereotype - a belief or idea of what a particular type of person or thing is like, often unfair or
16. general opinion –the opinion that most people have about something
17. keep your opinions to yourself – to not say what you really think
18. personal opinion – what you yourself think about something or someone
19. opinionated – expressing very strong opinions about things
20. idealistic - believing that you should live according to high standards and principles, even if they
cannot really be achieved
21. difference of opinion – an occasion when two people disagree
22. opinion is divided – people have different opinions about something
23. matter of opinion – used to say that you disagree, or that people disagree about something
24. be entitled to their own opinion - used especially when politely disagreeing with what someone
25. however - used when saying something that seems different or surprising after your previous
26. consequently - as a result, therefore
27. additionally - in addition, also
28. so - used to say that something happens or is true as a result of the situation you have just stated
29. on the other hand - used to give another opinion or fact that should be considered as well as the
one you have just given
30. in addition - used to add another piece of information to what you have just said
31. in fact - used to emphasize that the truth about a situation is the opposite of what has been
32. furthermore - in addition to what has already been said
33. nevertheless - in spite of the fact that you have just mentioned
34. for this reason - used when giving a good reason for doing something
35. likewise - in the same way
36. in conclusion - used in a piece of writing or a speech to show that you are about to finish what
you are saying
Lesson 2.3. Who do you trust
1.poll – the number of votes made in election
2.clergy – people such as priests who are the leaders of a religion
3.versed interest – a personal or private reason for wanting something to be done
4.have an axe to grind – an ulterior often selfish underlying purpose devil’s advocate - to pretend to disagree with someone in order to have a good discussion
about something
6.speak my mind - to tell people exactly what you think, even if it offends them
7.sit on the fence - to avoid saying which side of an argument you support
8.beat about the bush - to avoid or delay talking about something embarrassing or unpleasant
9.impartial – not partial or biased
10.agenda – a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting / to-do list
11.mouthpiece – someone who speaks for another person or for a group or organization
12.rigorous – extremely thorough, exhaustive, accurate
13.spout – express one’s view or idea
14.dispassionate – not influenced by strong emotion and also able to be rational and impartial
15.biased way - упереджений шлях
16.libel trials – випробовувальні наклепи
17.have a slant – мати нахил
Lesson 2.4. Chess master
1. innate talent - an innate talent is one you are born with
2. put success down to - to think that a success is caused by something else
3. lifelong passion - a very strong liking for something, that has lasted all someone’s life
4. academically gifted - concerned with studying from books, as opposed to practical work
5. artistically gifted - having a natural ability to do one or more things relating to art or culture
extremely well
6. physically gifted - having a natural physical ability to do one or more things extremely well
7. inherit - to have the same character or appearance as your parents
8. trait - a particular quality in someone’s character
9. shape - to influence something such as a belief, opinion etc and make it develop in a particular
10. defeat – win a victory over in a battle or other contest
11. grandmaster – an expert player who has consistently scored high in international
12. spot – see, notice or recognize someone
13. take on – adopt
14. unassuming – not pretentious or arrogant, modest
15. adolescent – a young person in the process of developing from a child into an adult
16. nurture - the way a person or animal was raised
17. instil – gradually but firmly establish in a person’s mind
18. endow – give or bequeath an income or property to
19. encouragement – an action of giving someone support, confidence of hope
20. resemble – look or seem like
21. claim – заявляти
22. exposure – зовнішній вплив
23. unsubstantiated – необгрунтовано
24. soothing – заспокійливий
25. nursery rhymes – дитячі віршики