Chapter 2 - Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 1

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After studying this chapter you

will be able to;

➢Illustrate employee attitudes

➢Manage employee job

 A favorable or unfavorable
evaluative reaction toward
something or someone

 Evaluative statement or judgement

concerning objects, people, or event.
Components of Attitudes

Cognitive component(Thinking)

Affective component(Emotional)

Behavioral component
Components of Attitudes
Cognitive Component
- Reflects the underlying beliefs,
opinions, knowledge or information
that a person has.
- The opinion or belief segment of an

Example : “I think I will be able to get

promoted this year”, it basically describes
what he believes in the way things are.
Components of Attitudes
Affective Component
- The emotional or feeling segment
of an attitude
- Affect can lead to behavioral
Example : “I am very happy with this
promotion”, it basically describes the person’s
feelings or emotions about managed to get
what he wanted.
Components of Attitudes
Behavioural Component
- An intention to behave in a
certain way toward someone or

Example : “I will work harder to be more

successful”, then this attitude will lead to
predictable behaviour.
Major job attitudes:

Job satisfaction
A positive feeling about one’s
job resulting from an evaluation
of its characteristics.
A person with high job
satisfaction holds positive
feelings about the work, while a
person with low satisfaction
holds negative feelings.
Differentiate major job
Job involvement
 The degree to which a person
identifies with a job, actively
participates in it, and considers
performance levels important to
 Employees with high job
involvement strongly identify with
and care about the kind of work
they do.
Differentiate major job
Organizational commitment
 The degree to which an employee
identifies with a particular
organization and its goals and
wishes to maintain membership in
the organization.
 Emotional attachment to an
organization and belief in its values
is the gold standard for employee
Manage employee Job
Job satisfaction
A positive feeling about one’s
job resulting from an evaluation
of its characteristics.
Refers to how well a job provides
fulfillment of a need or want, or
how well it serves as a source or
means of enjoyment.
Causes of Job Satisfaction

a) Mentally challenging jobs

b) Equitable rewards
c) Supportive working conditions
d) Supportive employer
e) Co-workers
f) Training
Causes of Job Satisfaction
 a) Mentally challenging jobs
❑ Employees prefer jobs that allow them to use their skills &
abilities in performing the job.
❑ If job does not pose enough challenge, it will create
❑ Job with moderate levels of challenges allow employees to
view work as fun & interesting.

 b) Equitable rewards
❑ Employees want to work in a system that they perceived to
be fair.
❑ A fair salary based on the job demands & skills level will
result in job satisfaction.
❑ Employees who are dissatisfied with their pay may not
perform well in their job, may have decreased motivation
levels, poor quality of work & the company may
experienced increased turnover.
Causes of Job Satisfaction
 c) Supportive working conditions
❑ Conducive working condition include clean &
relatively modern facilities with adequate, safe &
well maintained tools & equipment.
❑ This will help enhance the satisfaction level of
❑ Examples : pantry, restrooms & surau.

 d) Supportive employer
❑ Employee satisfaction will increase when the
supervisor is understanding, caring, friendly, offer
praise for good performance & listens to the
employee’s opinion.
❑ If employees feel happy it will increased their job
Causes of Job Satisfaction
 e) Co-workers
❑ Positive relations among co-workers will affect the
job satisfaction level of the employee.
❑ Individual who like their co-workers often have
higher level of job satisfaction than employees who
dislike their co-workers.

 f) Training
❑ Training is a learning process which includes
acquisition of new knowledge, reshaping of skills,
understanding concepts, rules & also changing
attitudes & behaviours to enhance the performance
of the employees.
❑ Training will produce skilled employees and will
causes job satisfaction among employees.
The impact of satisfied and dissatisfied employees on the workplace
Employee responses to job satisfaction
1. Exit
- Behavior directed towards leaving organization, including looking for a new
position as well as resigning

2. Voice
- Actively and constructively attempting to improve condition, including
suggesting improvements, discussing problems with superiors and some
forms of union activity

3. Neglect
- Passively allowing to worsen, including chronic absenteeism or lateness,
reduced effort & increased error rate

4. Loyalty
- passively but optimistically waiting for conditions to improve including
speaking up for the organization in the face of external criticism & trusting
the organization & its management to “do the right thing”
The impact of satisfied and dissatisfied employees on the workplace
Outcomes of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction
1. Job performance
- Happy workers are more likely to be productive workers.
- Individuals with higher job satisfaction perform better, & organizations with more satisfied employees
tend to be more effective than those with fewer.
- Dissatisfied employee will have low level of performance, demotivated & less productive.

2. Organizational Citizenship behavior (OCB)

- OCBs include people talk positively about the organization & help others.
- Employees who are more satisfied with their jobs are more likely to engage in citizenship behavior.
- Those who feel co-workers support them are more likely to engage in helpful behaviors (OCB) than those who
have antagonistic relationships with co-workers.

3. Customer satisfaction
- Satisfied employees & managers appear to increase customer satisfaction & loyalty.
- Satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction because;
✓ Are more friendly, upbeat & responsive
✓ Less likely to turnover, which helps build long-term customer relationships.
✓ Are experienced
- Dissatisfied customers increased an employee’s job dissatisfaction.
- Service-oriented business obsess about pleasing their customers.
The impact of satisfied and dissatisfied employees on the workplace
Outcomes of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction
4. Life satisfaction
- Research indicate that job satisfaction is positively correlated with life satisfaction
and employee’s attitudes & experiences in life spill over into your job approaches &
- Life satisfaction decreases when people become unemployed.
- For most individuals, work is an important part of life, & therefore it makes sense that
our overall happiness depends in our happiness in our work (our job satisfaction)

5. Absenteeism
- Satisfied employees are moderately less likely to miss work.
- Dissatisfied employee start absent from work without any reason, giving barely
acceptance reason (headache), or unrealistic reason.
- Finding indicates that there is a negative relationship between job satisfaction &

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