2048 Wal DL Paid Parental Initial Packet-2

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Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.

PO Box 14028
Lexington, KY 40512

IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED! Phone: (800) 492-5678

Fax: (859) 264-4372
Alternate Fax: (859) 280-3270
Email: walmartforms@sedgwicksir.com

Zachary N. Crider
3610 St Rt 125
Hickman, KY 42050

We value your privacy. For more on what personal information we may collect, how we may use this
information and other important areas relating to your privacy and data protection, please read our privacy
notice www.sedgwick.com.
May 2, 2024

Understanding Your
Leave of Absence
web: mySedgwick® | phone: 800-492-5678 | email: WalmartForms@sedgwicksir.com | fax: 859-264-4372 or 859-280-3270 | postal: P.O. Box 14028, Lexington, KY 40512

Zachary N. Crider
3610 St Rt 125
Hickman, KY 42050
Associate WIN: 223066360

Dear Zachary:

We received your request for a leave of absence for bonding. We are pleased to inform you the leave has been approved. We
want you to know that we are here to help you and answer any questions you may have. Our goal is to make this process as
simple as possible.

REMINDER: You are required to report each scheduled day missed through your normal call-in procedures for your
facility/department, as your status at work will remain active until your claim is approved.

Here are some important details about your paid leave and leave of absence request:
The following policies have been approved for pay:
 Paid leave claim number: C483060345-0001-01
 Leave type: Eligible for Personal Paid Parental Job Protected Leave
 Dates approved: 05/02/2024 - 06/12/2024 = 6.00 week(s) (Job-protected)
Note: The above paid parental leave is job protected. For the dates listed as job-protected, you will generally be able
to return to your position or an equivalent one.
! PTO: To continue receiving pay during any unpaid days, you may use available PTO time. Please coordinate with your
manager/HR representative.

Note: Paid leave benefits, including disability payments, are calculated as of the last day worked before a leave begins. These
benefits will not be affected by any events that affect pay during a leave. If a Workday-based associate is on leave when a pay
increase occurs, the pay rate change will appear in Workday, but it will not affect the amount of paid leave benefits during the

 Leave case number: 4A24041943V0001GI
 Leave type: Eligible for Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Personal Paid Parental Job Protected Leave
 Dates approved: 05/02/2024 - 06/12/2024
o Personal Paid Parental Job Protected Leave dates: 05/02/2024 – 06/12/2024 = 6.00 week(s) (Job-protected)

o Federal Family and Medical Leave Act dates: 05/02/2024 - 06/12/2024 = 6.00 week(s) (Job-protected)

Note: Generally, you may not take more than 52 weeks of leave in a rolling 52 week period under any and all policies
combined. Any approved time under this leave may be deducted from the 52 weeks that are available to you. For
the dates listed as job-protected, you will generally be able to return to your position or an equivalent one.
 Estimated return to work date: 06/13/2024
May 2, 2024

Understanding Your
Leave of Absence
web: mySedgwick® | phone: 800-492-5678 | email: WalmartForms@sedgwicksir.com | fax: 859-264-4372 or 859-280-3270 | postal: P.O. Box 14028, Lexington, KY 40512

Here’s what you need to do next:

Return to work
 Notify your manager/HR representative as soon as you can to arrange your return to work.
 To avoid an impact to your pay and to make sure you have access to the systems needed for your job, notify
Sedgwick of your return to work date via mySedgwick® or by interactive voice response (IVR) up to 4 days prior to
returning to work.
 If you are not able to return to work when expected and need to extend your time away from work, contact
Sedgwick to request an extension before your approved end date, 06/12/2024.

We are here to help:

 Resources are available through mySedgwick® and accessible at One.Walmart.com/LOA
 You can also contact the Walmart Disability and Leave Service Center at 800-492-5678
o Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. and
o Saturdays 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. CT.

SPANISH (Español): Para obtener asistencia en Español, llame al (800) 492-5678.

TAGALOG (Tagalog): Kung kailangan ninyo ang tulong sa Tagalog tumawag sa (800) 492-5678.
CHINESE (中文): 如果需要中文的帮助,请拨打这个号码 (800) 492-5678.
NAVAJO (Dine): Dinek'ehgo shika at'ohwol ninisingo, kwiijigo holne' (800) 492-5678.
phone: 800.492.5678 | email: WalmartForms@sedgwicksir.com | fax: 859.264.4372 or 859.280.3270 | web: mySedgwick®

You have requested leave beginning on 05/02/2024 due to the birth of a child.
Leave request eligibility
The FMLA and/or state leave law provides time off to eligible associates for certain leave reasons. We have
determined that:

 You are eligible for leave under the Personal Paid Parental Job Protected Leave.

 You meet the FMLA’s basic eligibility requirements.

If you have requested a first day of absence in the future, eligibility will be determined as of that date. If the
number of hours worked in the 12 months preceding your first day of leave is different than the number of
hours verified as of the date of this letter, you may not be eligible for FMLA leave and an amended notice of
eligibility and rights & responsibilities will be sent to you.

Basic eligibility criteria for FMLA

 12 months of service completed by the time your leave begins
 1,250 hours worked during the 12-month period immediately preceding your leave
Your responsibilities if you qualify for leave:
 Health benefits: Contact People Services at 800-421-1362 to make arrangements to continue to make
your share of the premium payments on your health insurance to maintain health benefits while you
are on leave. You have a minimum grace period of 30 days in which to make premium payments. If
payment is not made timely, your group health insurance may be cancelled.
 Pay: You may use your available PTO during your absence, if you are on an unpaid leave.
 Return to work/extensions: While on leave, you will be required to furnish periodic updates of your
status and intent to return to work as requested.

Your rights if your leave qualifies under FMLA:

 You have the right under FMLA for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a 12-month period, calculated as
a “rolling” 12-month period measured backward from the date of any FMLA leave usage.
 Your health benefits must be maintained during any period of unpaid leave the same as if you
continued to work.
 You must be reinstated to the same or an equivalent job with the same pay, benefits and terms and
conditions of employment on your return from FMLA-protected leave (if your leave extends beyond
the end of your FMLA entitlement, you do not have return rights under FMLA).
 If you do not return to work following FMLA leave for a reason other than: 1) the continuation,
recurrence, or onset of a qualifying serious health condition; 2) the continuation, recurrence, or onset
of a serious health condition of a covered servicemember’s serious injury or illness that would entitle
you to FMLA leave; or 3) other circumstances beyond your control, you may be required to reimburse
Walmart for your share of health insurance premiums paid on your behalf during your FMLA leave.
phone: 800.492.5678 | email: WalmartForms@sedgwicksir.com | fax: 859.264.4372 or 859.280.3270 | web: mySedgwick®
Health benefits
phone: 800-492-5678 | email: WalmartForms@sedgwicksir.com | fax: 859-264-4372 or 859-280-3270 | web: mySedgwick®
64.4372 or 859.280.3270 | web: viaOne® express
Health benefits
Premium Payments While on Leave of Absence
To avoid service interruption, you are responsible for paying premiums for benefits you are currently
enrolled in if deductions are not made from your Walmart payroll check. Failure to pay premiums within
30 days of the date the premium is due will result in cancellation of coverage. When you make your
payment, you are paying for coverage for the previous pay period. If you are within your 7 day waiting
period before disability payments begin, you are responsible for all premiums during that time. You may
pay your premiums in advance to avoid coverage interruptions.

Premium Payment Options

Online – Credit or Debit Card
 Go to One.Walmart.com > Search “Online Enrollment” > Click “Online Enrollment” under the
APPS section > Choose Make a Payment on the left-hand side

Phone – Credit or Debit Card

 Contact People Services at 1-800-421-1362 > Choose the option to make a payment via our
Interactive Voice Response system

Mail – Check or Money Order

 Make the check or Money Order payable to “Associates’ Health and Welfare Trust” > Write
your Benefits Identification Number (found on your insurance ID card) or WIN and your work
location on your check or money order to ensure your payment is credited properly > Mail your
check or Money Order to the Associates’ Health and Welfare Trust, P.O. Box 1039 –Dept. 3001,
Lowell, AR 72745-1039

Changing Your Benefits While on Leave of Absence

You may be eligible to drop or decrease your benefits by calling People Services at 800-421-1362 or going
online to One.Walmart.com/Benefits within 60 days from the date you go on leave of absence. If you
choose to drop or decrease your coverage, it may be reinstated within 60 days of returning to work by
calling People Services at 800-421-1362 or going online to One.Walmart.com/Benefits.

To continue receiving pay during any unpaid days, you may use available PTO. Please coordinate with
your manager/HR representative.

Using mySedgwick® online is the easiest and fastest way to provide updates to an existing case or claim,
return forms, report an intermittent absence and get up-to-the-minute information. You can access
Sedgwick’s mySedgwick® website on One.Walmart.com:
 One.Walmart.com (from home or work): Me > My Time > Leave of Absence (LOA) > LOA Claims
 Visit this web address: sedg.info/WMTFAQ4 to watch a short video on mySedgwick®

If you still have questions, please contact the Walmart Disability and Leave Service Center at Sedgwick by
phone at 800-492-5678. Please include your WIN and claim number when you call. We are here to help.
My Mental Health Resources, provided by Lyra®
The My Mental Health Resources program provides associates and their families access to confidential
mental health care for a wide range of challenges that may impact their mental and emotional well-being.
Through Lyra Health, Walmart’s mental health partner, you and your eligible dependents get access to 20
counseling sessions per person, per year, with a licensed therapist or certified mental health coach. You
also get unlimited access to a suite of digital wellness tools to help improve your overall well-being. To get

Access Resources (SDH)

started, visit walmart.lyrahealth.com or call 1-800-825-3555 for 24/7 support from Lyra’s Care Navigator

Access Resources (SDH)

Well-being resources for associates
As part of our mission to help all Walmart associates live better, we offer a wide range of benefits and programs designed
to boost their physical, emotional, and financial well-being. This comprehensive overview will help you understand what
these resources are, where they’re available, and how associates can benefit from them.

Well- Requires
Description Availability*
Being medical
Resourc plan
Skip the waiting room and video chat with a doctor anytime, anywhere with
Doctor On Demand by Included Health. It’s quick, simple, and at no cost to National Yes
doctor you with most medical plans. Learn more at One.Walmart.com/DOD.

A virtual primary care doctor from Doctor On Demand by Included Health can AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO,
Virtual handle your everyday health needs, help with specialty care, connect you with GA, IA, IL, IN, LA, KY,
primary mental health professionals, and coordinate care when needed. It’s all online and MN, MO, MS, NC,
care doctor at no cost to you with most medical plans. Learn more at OH, SC, TN, VA,
One.Walmart.com/VirtualPrimaryCare. WI, WV
If you need to find a doctor, get a second opinion, or figure out a medical bill for
Person National
most medical plans, your Personal Healthcare Assistant can help. Get access to a
al directory of providers who have consistently delivered quality care in your area. Concierge service: Yes
Healthc Learn more at IncludedHealth.com/Walmart. IL, IN, MO, NC, SC,
are VA**
Assista If you’re facing something big, like surgery, cancer, or fertility care, you want the
nt very best treatment. Walmart’s Centers of Excellence program gives you access
to some of the best specialists and facilities in the country, and many more National Yes
of conditions are covered at no cost to you with most medical plans. Visit
Excelle One.Walmart.com/COE to get more information.
If you’re pregnant or plan to be, this no-cost program is for you. It’s designed
Life with Baby to promote healthy pregnancies and healthy babies through one-on-one National Yes
attention, information, and support. Visit One.Walmart.com/LifeWithBaby
to learn more.
Pregnant moms need all the support they can get. That’s why we’re covering
doula services. These trained professionals are there to help you emotionally
Doula services GA, IL, IN, LA Yes
and physically before, during, and after birth. You’ll find details at

If you have digestive health symptoms that keep coming back, help is on the AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO,
way. Get 24/7 care from a team of professionals dedicated to helping you GA, IA, IL, IN, KY, LA,
Digestive health Yes
improve your digestive health at no cost to you. To learn more, visit MN, MO, MS, NC,
One.Walmart.com/GIThrive. OH, SC, TN, VA,
Feel better quicker with physical therapy—virtually. You’ll get direct access to a
Digital GA, IA, IL, IN, KY, LA,
licensed physical therapist, a personalized treatment plan, and the freedom to do Yes
physical your therapy anytime, anywhere. Go to One.Walmart.com/OmadaHealth for
therapy details. OH, SC, TN, VA,
The My Mental Health Resources program provides associates and their
families access to confidential mental health care for a wide range of challenges National No
My Mental
that may impact their mental and emotional well-being. Through Lyra Health,
Health Walmart’s mental health partner, you and your eligible dependents get access to
Resources, 20 counseling sessions per person, per year, with a licensed therapist or
provided certified mental health coach. You also get unlimited access to a suite of digital
by Lyra wellness tools to help improve your overall well-being. To get started, visit
walmart.lyrahealth.com or call 1-800-825-3555 for 24/7 support from Lyra’s Care
Navigator team.

Associate This nonprofit provides financial assistance to eligible Walmart associates when
in Critical they experience extreme economic hardship due to unexpected, unavoidable National No
Need events.
Trust Learn more here.
These materials do not create an express or implied contract of employment or any other contractual commitment. Employment with Walmart is on an at-
will basis, which means that either Walmart or the associate is free to terminate the employment relationship at any time for any or no reason, consistent
with applicable law. Walmart may modify benefits offered to associates or change associate contributions for elected benefits at its sole discretion without
notice, at any time, consistent with applicable law. All benefits are subject to the terms and conditions of controlling documents which will control in the
event of a conflict. To learn more, visit the Associate Benefits Book at One.Walmart.com/BenefitsBook.
The Kick Buts program gives you the tools needed to quit tobacco for good.
Quit Tobacco Participants will get personalized text support from a live health coach, access
to nicotine replacement therapy (including gum, patches, and lozenges), and National No
online tools and resources to make kicking the habit easier. To learn more,
visit One.Walmart.com/QuitTobacco or call 855-955-1905.

Associates enrolled in most Walmart medical plans may receive a call directly
AiRCare GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, No
from AiRCare to provide personalized mental health services and emotional

Your mindset is the way you think about the world, and it’s the secret to unlocking
the lifestyle you want. The Fresh Tri app teaches you a powerful new mindset so
Fresh Tri you can lose weight, get healthier, and feel better. It’s available at no cost to you, National No
even if you’re not signed up for Walmart benefits. Visit
One.Walmart.com/FreshTri to learn more and download the app.

Connect and chat confidentially and anonymously for mental and emotional
support from people in similar situations through Supportiv, an online small group
Supportiv National No
chat. It’s available 24/7 at no cost to you, even if you’re not enrolled in Walmart
benefits. Learn how it works at Supportiv.com/Walmart.

Getting your money under control is almost effortless with the Even app. You can
Even save automatically, spend confidently, and get paid early. No setup or math National No
required. Learn more at One.Walmart.com/Even.

Contributing to the Walmart 401(k) Plan has advantages, including a matching

contribution from Walmart. Once you become match eligible, Walmart matches
each dollar you contribute, up to 6% of your eligible pay. The sooner you start, National No
401(k) Plan the more you could have for retirement, when you need it. Learn more at

Walmart is committed to supporting you as you start or grow your family. Most
Fertility & medical plans will include enhanced coverage for fertility treatment under the
surrogacy/ Centers of Excellence program. New in 2023, eligible associates will have access National Yes
adoption to covered surrogacy benefits, even if not enrolled in a Walmart medical plan.
benefit Learn more at One.Walmart.com/FamilyBuilding.

Walmart has expanded travel benefits to provide broader access to care for
complex conditions when it’s not available in your local community. The goal is to
Travel Benefit ensure you and your family have access to care—virtually or in person—from a National Yes
quality provider regardless of where you live. Learn more by calling your medical
plan administrator at the number on the back of your medical plan ID card.

Managing diabetes can be expensive and stressful, but myAgileLife helps you
spend less while staying on track. This free program provides personalized tech
support from a live health coach and will help you save money on prescription
Diabetes National Yes
drugs and diabetes supplies through Walmart Home Delivery Pharmacy if you’re
enrolled in a Walmart medical plan. To learn more, visit One.Walmart.com/Agile
or call 800-273- 3455 for details on enrollment.

Get fit wherever you work, live, or travel. The Fitness Pass gives you access to
thousands of gyms nationwide for as little as $9 per paycheck. If you’re 18 or
Fitness Pass older, you can choose between three tiers, each with more gyms and amenities
to explore. The pass is available to you and your spouse or partner and
National No
dependents age 18-26, as long as you’re receiving a paycheck that will cover
your dues. Sign up at One.Walmart.com/FitnessPass.

* Eligibility conditions may apply. Some benefits require enrollment in a Walmart medical plan and may not be available to
all associates in all locations.
* Not available to those with UMR as their third-party administrator.

These materials do not create an express or implied contract of employment or any other contractual commitment. Employment with Walmart is on an at-
will basis, which means that either Walmart or the associate is free to terminate the employment relationship at any time for any or no reason, consistent
with applicable law. Walmart may modify benefits offered to associates or change associate contributions for elected benefits at its sole discretion without
notice, at any time, consistent with applicable law. All benefits are subject to the terms and conditions of controlling documents which will control in the
event of a conflict. To learn more, visit the Associate Benefits Book at One.Walmart.com/BenefitsBook.

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