Coagucheck Competency 2020

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Employee Name: ___________________________ Employee Number: _____________

Department: ________________________________ Date: _______________________

Observation DO
Return Demonstration RD
Written test WT
Verbal Review VR
Simulation SIM

Note: Certification is required by all Nursing staff during Unit Orientation and then on
annual basis

Criteria Met Not Comment

1. Assemble the correct equipment: monitor, blood
test strips, disposable lancet, quality control
solutions and protective gloves.
2. Check the expiration dates of the strips, and the
control solutions.
3. Check the date of opening of the strips, ensure
within 4 months and the date of opening of the
Quality controls solutions within 3 months.
4. Perform two Quality control tests (High & Low)
accurately and record the results in the log
5. Follow aseptic technique in performing patient
 Wash hands and wear gloves
 Explain procedure to the patient
 Place Machine on a firm surface
 Turn on the monitor
 Enter the operator ID
 Enter the patient ID
 Check if the correct code/lot number is
displayed. If not scan or enter the
commensurate code/lot number
 Insert test strip into machine
 Follow the correct pricking procedure
and the correct pricking sites
 Ask the patient to wash their hands in
warm soapy water, rinse and dry
thoroughly or if the patient is unable,
clean the finger with alcohol wipe and
allow drying before pricking finger and
allow hand to hang down the side of the
 Prick finger and apply blood drop
correctly on the target area on the test
strip until you hear a beep(15sec).
 If site is bleeding apply pressure to the
prick site with sterile gauze or apply a
small band aid if necessary
 If using a venous syringe sample attach
a 23gauge needle and expel air and 1st 4
drops of blood within 10secs and apply
on the target area on the test strip.
 After the test result properly discard the
used strip and lancet
 Remove gloves and wash hands
 Read & document the result obtained
 Inform the Physician if abnormal result
6. Download the result via the computer.
7. Refer to the User’s manual if a problem with
testing/QC occurred & reports the problem to
the Laboratory.
8. Perform appropriate cleaning of the monitor
including the strip port.

On this date, the nurse named_______________________ has demonstrated his/her ability to meet
the competency criteria for obtaining accurate INR results when using a Coagucheck

Assessor/Trainer’s Signature: _____________________________ Date: ______________

I am competent and certified to perform Coagucheck monitoring at ward/clinic level. I have read and
understand the information/Training supplied to me. I have met all criteria satisfactorily.Employee
Signature: _________________________________Date:_____________

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