DK1758 ch26
DK1758 ch26
DK1758 ch26
A. De®nitions
One of the last regions of the electromagnetic spectrum to be routinely used in the IC
industry is that between ultraviolet and x-ray radiation, generally shown as a dark region
in charts of the spectrum. From the experimental point of view, this region is one of the
most dif®cult, for various reasons. Firstly, the air is absorbent, and, consequently, experi-
mental conditions need vacuum or purged glove boxes. Secondly, the optics needed in the
range are generally not available. In fact, exploitation of this region of the spectrum is
relatively recent, and the names and spectral limits are not yet uniformly accepted.
Figure 1 shows that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum extending from the
infrared to the x-ray region, with wavelengths across the top and photon energies along
the bottom. Major spectral regions shown are the infrared (IR), which can be associated
with molecular resonances and heat (1 ev 1.24 mm); the visible region from red to violet,
which is associated with color and vision; the ultraviolet (UV), which is associated with
sunburn and ionizing radiation; the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region, which starts where
the air becomes absorbent; the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) region, which extends from 250
eV to about 30 eV; the soft x-ray region, which extends from about 250 eV (below carbon
K-alpha edge) to some keV, and the hard x-ray region, where the air again becomes
C. Optical Indices
Optical indices of all the materials give a picture of the energetic structure of the material
under study. From the hard x-ray region to the infrared, the photons interact successively
with the electrons in the core levels of the atoms, with the electrons involved in the band
structure of the material, with the vibration modes of the molecules or phonons in a solid,
l2re X
n1 d ib 1 Za fa0 ifa00 Na
2p a
Here, re is the classical electron radius and is a measure of the scattering strength of a free
electron, and l is the wavenumber of the x-rays, and l is the x-ray wavelength. The atomic
number of the atomic species a is denoted Za , and the correction for anomalous dispersion
is fa0 and fa00 . d and b are always in the range 10 5 ±10 6 in the hard x-ray region, and all the
materials are transparent to x-rays in this range. This can be seen for all the materials
reported in Figs. 2, 3, and 4. Against wavelength, the absorption increases as a function of
l2 , with some discontinuities due to the absorption edges of the atoms (Si L-alpha edge at
12.4 nm, for example, as reported in Fig. 2 for silicon and in Fig. 3 for SiO2 ).
In the VUV and UV range the insulators become rapidly transparent (cf. Fig. 3). The
interesting part is located in the VUV (the case of Si3 N4 and Al2 O3 ) or the UV (the case of
the SiC, which can be taken as a semiconductor). The decrease of the extinction coef®cient
is followed by the appearance of optical transitions, well de®ned in particular on the
refractive index. For semiconductors like silicon, germanium, and GaAs (cf. Fig. 2), the
interesting part corresponding to the conduction band is located in the visible range, and
this is why standard ellipsometry has long been used to characterize such materials. For
both the insulators and the semiconductors, there is a range in the infrared where the
material is completely transparent, which is useful to measure the layer thickness of thick
®lms. This does not apply to the case of metals, as shown in Fig. 4. In this case, the
material stays completely absorbent in the entire wavelength range from VUV to IR. This
is called the Drude tail for conductive materials.
D. Calibrations
We distinguish four kinds of calibrations for the spectroscopic ellipsometer (SE). The ®rst
one consists of the spectrometer calibration using well-known spectral lines (from a Hg
lamp). The second calibration is used to evaluate the nonlinearity of the photomultiplier
tube. The third one consists of the calibration of the residual polarization induced by the
photomultiplier window. The last one allows evaluation of the offset of the polarizer and
analyzer main axes versus the plane of incidence, which is the reference plane of the
instrument. This procedure is applied at installation and when the user changes the
lamp, so the stability of the calibration can be checked every quarter, as for visible
ellipsometers. Before a daily use, the user can verify the level of the signal in the critical
range to be sure that nothing special occurred as gas absorption or no counting occurred
because of a lamp or detector failure.
The Hadamard detection measures the a 0 and b 0 , and the corrected parameters a and b
can be recalculated using the following equations (Figure 8):
2 f 1a 0
a h i1=2
2f 12 2f f 1 a 2 b 2
2f 1
b b0
The f parameter is characteristic of the nonlinearity. It is given by:
2Z 2
4 3Z
where Z a 2 b 2
Figure 9 Calibration of the polarizer PO and of the Px residual polarization of the signal induced
by the detector.
R1 a2 b2
where a and b are the Fourier coef®cients of the measured signal. In the ideal case, the
residual value is given by
where P is the polarizer position. The minima of the residual values are then obtained
when P kp=2 with k an integer value.
E. Instrumental Function
In order to check the accuracy of the SE instrument, it is very useful to perform tan c
and cos measurements without sample. To do this, the system is set in a straight line
such that the polarizer arm is at 90 from the normal to the sample (same for the angle
of the analyzer). In this con®guration, the theoretical values for tan c and cos must be
1. The measured values give useful information about the goodness of the system itself
(Figure 11).
F. Limitations
The transmission of the ¯ux is limited by the presence of H2 O and O2 gases in the
glove box. Even for a concentration of few ppm of these gases, the transmission
decreases signi®cantly below 175 nm. Contamination of the mirror surfaces
and the polarizer surfaces can easily reduce the light ¯ux arriving at the detec-
The sensitivity of the detector itself is optimized for the PUV range but consequently
is limited to a shorter spectral range, 125±750 nm.
The spectrometer resolution is another limitation. Due to the fact that we need to
optimize the light ¯ux arriving on the sample, it is necessary to compromise
between the ¯ux and the spectrometer so its resolution is around 1.0 nm.
Applications of UV, DUV, and PUV ellipsometry are numerous. Extensions to the lower
wavelength have been driven by photolithography, but many other applications have also
bene®ted. The determination of optical characteristics such as refractive index of materials
in the UV has permitted the de®nition and calculation of properties of the material using
SE. The UV-SE applications will be presented with the following plan:
A. Photolithography
1. Photoresist, antire¯ective coating, swing ratio simulation
At 365 nm
At 248 nm and 193 nm
2. Mask and phase-shift masks
3. Measurements for 157-nm lithography
B. Thin oxide, thin ONO, and nitrided oxides
C. Optical gaps
D. Roughness and surface effects
Figure 12 Refractive indices and extinction coef®cients of two types of DUV 248-nm resists.
and a ®t on a DUV 193-nm photoresist sample. The measurement and ®tted curves are in
good agreement.
Figure 14 shows the optical properties determined using this last measurement.
Accurate determination of n and k can be reached down to 190 nm.
All these measurements and determinations on PR are done without any effect on
the PR by using a special ellipsometer setup. The light source and the monochromator are
before the sample. By using another setup, photoresist behavior versus exposure dose can
be investigated (19).
In today's photolithography the extension to the deep UV (KrF excimer laser line
at 248 nm and ArF excimer laser at 193 nm) leads to very dif®cult problems. The ®lm's
interference effect can lead to periodic behavior of the resist sensitivity swing effect, and
the stability is linked to the minimum of re¯ectance, which depends on the optical
indices. On nonplanar substrates, the effect of re¯ection on the vertical sidewalls of
the steps can cause an increasing coupling of the energy into the resist volume and a
reduction in linewidth (16,17). The best solution that has been chosen so far is the use of
top and/or bottom antire¯ective coatings. One needs a nondestructive technique to
characterize not only the thickness of the layers but also their optical indices. Their
characterization must be done at the working wavelength. And SE has been chosen as
the best method (12,13).
SiOx Ny :H ®lms make appropriate ARCs. Such ®lms are obtained by PECVD using
SiH4 and N2 O gases, whose ¯ow ratio can be adjusted for the deposition process, changing
the optical indices at the same time (5). Figure 15 shows the refractive indices of different
SiOx Ny :H ®lms.
Organic ARCs are also used in the lithography process. Figure 16 presents organic
top ARC and bottom ARC and photoresist refractive index.
Using the optical indices and appropriate lithography simulation software, such as
WINELLI (from SOPRA S.A.) or PROLITH (from FINLE Technologies), we can simu-
late the re¯ectivity of the material for any unde®ned parameters (12,13).
Figure 17 shows the effect of ARC on the re¯ectivity versus PR thickness.
C. Optical Gaps
By measuring the extinction coef®cient of silicon nitride down to the UV range, we are
able to calculate the optical gap of the material. This property is used in the ¯at panel
display industry to control the deposition of the SiN around 5.2 eV (Figure 20).
D. Roughness Effects
Because silicon and polysilicon are absorbent in the UV range, the only interface of the Si
seen in this range by the re¯ected beam is the top one. On a blank wafer or on a polysilicon
without any top layers, the quality of surface, the roughness, and /or the crystallinity of
the material are easy to investigate. The following Table compares two similar structures:
SiO2 2 nm
SiO2 2 nm Roughness 2 nm
Polysilicon 150 nm Polysilicon 150 nm
SiO2 100 nm SiO2 100 nm
Si Substrate Si Substrate
We add 2 nm roughness between polysilicon and native oxide. The roughness is composed
of a mixture of polysilicon and SiO2 50%±50% (Figure 23).
of photons specially developed to generate the spectral wavelength and the spectral purity
that will match with the mirror's bandwidth.
There are several potential sources for EUV lithography. Because the design of the
stepper is based on a step-and-scan mounting, the source is essential in terms of through-
put, and it must run at very high frequency, such as 6 KHz, because of the scanning of the
slit image on the ®eld. The source may be a plasma of Xe or water created by focusing a
powerful laser beam at a high repetition rate. A capillary electrical discharge in O2 or Xe
may be an alternate, cheaper source than the synchrotron radiation used today. Other
sources are under development as plasma pinch and plasma focus.
The source for metrology is also an issue at this wavelength, but the requirements are
different from those for lithography. It requires a broad emission to cover a minimum
spectral range around the maximum re¯ectivity of the layers, because the matching of
re¯ectance is very important in terms of the total transmittance of the system composed of
at least nine re¯ecting optics. Another characteristic is the stability. The frequency of the
repetition rate can be reduced to 10 Hz if a normalization is used (23,24). The debris
generated by the plasma creates a real production problem . It can decrease the quality of
the ®rst collection mirrors. But for metrology, the number of shots for a laser plasma
source is reduced and the lifetime of the optics is not such an issue.
The resists at this wavelength are the same as for either e-beam writing or DUV. The
sensitivity is below 10 mJ/cm2 , and isolated lines of 35 nm have already been demonstrated
by using an interferometer.
interference, which is very high. When the thickness is known with precision, after grazing
x-rays re¯ectance, it can be used in the data regression in UV-visible spectroscopic ellip-
sometry to extract the refractive indices N and k with the same relative precision as the
thickness measured. This is particularly useful for thin layers, when the thickness and
refractive indices are strongly corelated. In the case of multilayers, an addition of re¯ective
interference will give beats with amplitudes proportional to the respective density or
refractive indices of each layer.
The roughness is measured with precision and without ambiguity by the rapid
decrease of re¯ectance and can be modeled using the Debye±Wahler factor. In the case
of a layer it is even possible to discriminate the top layer roughness from that of the
The advantage of combining the two techniques in the same equipment is that one
can measure the same area of the same sample on the same day by using only one sample
holder, one goniometer, one electronic rack, and one computer with the same software for
modeling. This is not only a saving of time and money but it also gives a better and more
accurate result with fewer uncertainties. Nontransparent layers in the UV-visible can be
measured with grazing x-rays re¯ectance, as long the thickness is less than 200 nm. For
thicker, ¯at, and smooth layers, the interference pattern is so tight that the contrast
disappears, and the measure is lost. The critical angle of incidence, at which the light
penetrates into the top layer, is related directly to the density of the material; for example,
for SiO2 it is 0:26 , because of its density of 2.8 g/cc
The limitations linked to the GXR are the need for a large and very ¯at surface of at
least 1 cm2 with a very smooth surface. If the roughness value is larger than 5 nm, the
reduction in the re¯ectance is so large that no layer interference can be measured and the
critical angle itself is also affected.
The measurement is traditionally made by a sequential scanning of angles of inci-
dence and of re¯ectance. But recently a multichannel detector has been used to detect the
Ultraviolet, VUV, and EUV are spectral ranges where interesting features in optical
indices are present. These ranges are very sensitive to very thin ®lms for absorption and
roughness, due to the shorter wavelengths compared to visible and infrared. Many dif®-
culties must be overcome, such as the need for vacuum, the degassing of materials, and the
availability of polarizers and sources. Because it is new, there is a need for characterization
of the new materials now available to build a good database. This range will be investi-
gated further in the future for its special attractive qualities for analysis, particularly for
the photolithography application, which always uses shorter wavelengths.
1. See, for example, the proceedings of the Second International Conference on Spectroscopic
Ellipsometry, Charleston, SC, 12±15 May 1997, Thin Solid Films, Vols. 313±314 (1998).
2. P Boher, JP Piel, P Evrard, JL Stehle. A new combined instrument with UV-Visible and far
infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry: application to semiconductor characterization. EMRS
Conference, paper PVII2/P6 (1999).
3. P Boher, JP Piel, C Defranoux, JL Stehle, L Hennet. SPIE 2729: , 1996.
4. P Boher, JP Piel, P Evrard, C Defranoux, M Espinsa, JL Stehle. A new purged UV spectro-
scopic ellipsometer to characterize thin ®lms and multilayers at 157 nm. SPIE's 25th Annual
International Symposium, 27 February±3 March 2000.
5. J Barth, RL Johnson, M Cardona. Spectroscopic ellipsometry in the 6±35eV region. In: E D
Palik, ed. Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids II. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1991,
ch. 10, p 123.
6. ED Palik, ed. Electronic Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, ScVision. San Diego, CA:
Academic Press, 1999.
7. BL Henke. Low-energy x-ray interactions: photoionization, scattering, specular and Bragg
re¯ection. Proceedings of the American Physical Society Topical Conference on Low-Energy
X-Ray Diagnostics, Monterey, CA, June 8±10, 1981.
8. ED Palik, ed. Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids II. San Diego, CA: Academic Press,
9. Bloomstein et al. Proceedings of SPIE. 3676:342, March 1999.