Quiz English For ASAT 4

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Name: ______________________________

English Quiz for 4th Grade

Class: ______________________________

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing

(X) A, B, C, or D
1. You use this to fly to the moon. 6. Look at the picture!
This is a …
A. UFO C. astronaut
B. rocket D. telescope
2. It is a big and hot star. It gives us light
They … on the sea every weekend.
and heat. It is a …
A. sail a boat C. make a fire
A. moon C. asteroid
B. row a boat D. collect wood
B. stars D. sun
7. Read the dialogue below!
3. Look at the picture!
Lucy: Can you give me … cake?
Ben: Sure.
The correct word to complete the
sentence is …
A. a bottle of C. a piece of
B. a can of D. a loaf of
I will be a … when I grow up
8. Read the dialogue below!
A. firefighter C. police
Ben: … eggs have we got?
B. fire engine D. paramedic
Lucy: We’ve got 2 eggs.
4. Read the dialogue below!
The correct word to complete the
Ben: What will you do this weekend?
sentence is …
Lucy: I will … my grandpa’s house.
A. How many C. How long
The correct word to complete the
B. How much D. How wide
sentence is …
9. I think studying English is … than
A. play C. visited
B. played D. visit
A. easier C. more easy
5. She did the test … (easy) because she
B. easiest D. most easy
had studied hard.
10. Mermaids use their … to swim.
A. easyly C. easy
A. wings C. tails
B. easily D. easly
B. feathers D. horns
11. Look at the picture! II. Fill the blank with the correct answer
16. Read the dialogue below!
Lucy: When will you come home?
Ben: I’ll ________ home tonight.
17. He didn’t want to wake his brother, so
he spoke very _________ (quiet).
18. Look at the picture!
What does a mermaid look like?
There is a _________ of
A. It looks like a bird with very big milk.
B. It looks like a half horse and a half
C. It looks like a lion with a human
head. 19. Read the dialogue below!
D. It looks like a fish with a human Ben: _________ money do you have?
body. Lucy: I don’t know, I haven’t checked
my wallet yet.
12. Animals that eat plants are …
20. My friend is ________ (tall) than me.
A. omnivores C. carnivores 21. Put the words in order to make a
B. omniverse D. herbivores question!
13. Look at the picture! ? / does / a / what / like / look / dragon
22. Write 2 examples of camping
23. Write 2 space objects!
I can play the … well.
A. trumpet C. harp Read the text to answer no 24 and 25!
B. saxophone D. violin Doctor measures our height and
weight. They do this to help see how
14. Read the dialogue below!
healthy we are. And it’s fun to know how
Dad: Is this my bag? much we grow. We also measure things in
Ben: Yes, Dad. It’s … Science and Maths. This helps us to learn
more about our world.
A. his C. yours
24. Write what the doctor measures!
B. ours D. mine _______________________________
15. My mother is the person … wakes up 25. Write why it’s fun for them!
earliest. _______________________________

A. which C. where
B. who D. when

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