Summative Test

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DIRECTIONS: Identify the adverbs in the

sentence. Write only the letter.
I. DIRECTONS: Write the letter of the word that
will complete the sentence. 19. The room was elegantly decorated.
A. room C. decorated
A. suede D. vicious B. was D. elegantly
B. frail E. emancipation 20. The sun shines brightly.
C. dash A. sun C. brightly
B. shines D. the
1. John is very weak and _______ at the 21. He delivered all the items in the hospital.
moment. A. he C. in the hospital
2. Be careful of my neighbor’s dog; it can B. items D. delivered
be quite ___ towards strangers. 22. The house was painted yesterday.
3. The ______ Proclamation abolished A. house C. was
slavery in the United States. B. yesterday D. painted
4. Jane made a frantic ____ for the 23. Emily is very tired after walking.
departing train. A. very C. after
5. Carla wore a brown _____shoes. B. tired D. walking

II. DIRECTONS: Identify the rhetorical or literary VI.DIRECTIONS: Identify the type of the
device use in the sentence. Choose only the letter of your underlined adverb in the sentence.
answer. Write only the letter.
A. time D. frequency
A. repetition D. parallelism B. place E. degree
B. rhyme E. imagery C. manner
C. metaphor 24. Tomorrow, we are going to Baguio.
25. The student answered clearly.
26. Jake looked everywhere for his missing
6. She is a shining star.
7. The sharp edge of the paper cut my finger
27. Writing regularly in my journal is soothing.
and made it sting.
28. The water was extremely cold.
8. If you can’t appreciate what you’ve got,
you’d better get what you can appreciate.
VII. DIRECTIONS: Write only the letter of the
9. Get ready, get set, go!
correct answer.
10. The cat and the hat, sat on a mat.
29. What does the phrase ‘auld lang syne’
III. DIRECTONS: Identify how the following words
A. for old folks’ sake
are formed. Write only the letter of your
B. for old talks’ sake
answer from the pool.
C. for old times’ sake
D. for old boots’ sake
A. Clipping D. Acronym
30. What does ‘a cup of kindness’ symbolize?
B. Blending E. Abbreviation
A. a cup of milk C. a cup of water
C. Compounding F. Popular Etymology
B. a cup of beer D. a cup of tea
31. In the poem, the speaker met his enemy?
11. smog
A. Yes C. maybe
12. YOLO
B. No D. does not say
13. Wed.
32. Which of the memories did they
14. math
15. cockroach
A. paddling in the sea
B. walking down the stairs
IV.DIRECTONS: Write the letter of the correct
C. taking long naps
clipping, blending or abbreviation of
D. plucking daisies
the following given words.
16. bicycle
A. bi C. bike
B. cycle D. bicy
17. December
A. ber C. Dec.
B. ember D. Decem.

33. What is the poem all about?

A. remembering friends
B. wasting time
C. preserving old friendships
18. breakfast+lunch
D. forgetting one’s childhood place
A. fast lunch C. stunch
B. brunch D. blunch
VIII. DIRECTIONS: Write only the letter of the
correct answer.
34. A narrative paragraph tells a story in
chronological order.
A. yes C. maybe
B. no D. does not say
35. How many sentences should a narrative
paragraph have at least?
A. 5 C. 8
B. 6 D. 9
36. What component has three stages?
A. climax C. ending
B. introduction D. summary/story
37. What does chronological mean?
A. timely C. descriptive
B. sequential D. imperative
38. What does a clue word or phrase signal?
A. nearing danger
B. ending or beginning of an action
C. a phenomena
D. mastery of a lesson

IX. DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct

conjunctive adverb to complete the
sentence. Use only the adverb once.
Write only the letter.
A. instead D. besides
B. next E. otherwise
C. however
39. Sheila wanted to go to the mall; ___, Carla
saved her money.
40. Mark complained a lot; ___, no one helped
41. April really wanted the pink one; ___, May
bought the blue one.
42. There are many reasons to work hard; ___,
play can be fun.
43. Dean will walk to the park; __, Sam will stop
for French fries.

X. DIRECTIONS: Identify the voice of the verb.

Write A if the sentence is in the active voice and B
if the sentence is in the passive voice.
44. Jane will buy a new computer.
45. Marie was given a doll’s house.
46. I opened the door of the house quickly.
47. Anthropologists study the traces of past
48. The harsh environment of space will be
conquered by human beings in the future.
49. Racism and injustice have left a vast scar in
the history.
50. Black Americans fought against

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