HS Friday Bulletin 01-27
HS Friday Bulletin 01-27
HS Friday Bulletin 01-27
For ATTENDANCE concerns, please contact the HS Office (Sam Ramos or Laurie Atilano) Tel: 840 8650 / 840 8653 email HSOffice@ismanila.org For GUIDANCE concerns, please contact Bella, Gigi or Jasmin Tel:840-8655 / 840-8660
More information will be forthcoming in February in terms of the course selection for next year, but please start having some serious discussions about this at home. A possible help in this regard was the addition last week of the Bearcat Career Awareness week. We build our high school schedule on the basis of individual student requests and we have in the past been able to accommodate approximately 98% of those requests. The key to this success is in the informationeducation phase. Having students, teachers, program leaders, counselors and parents talk about the relevant courses available for an individual student is the key. During this week, first semester report cards were available to pick up from the High School Office, however on Monday we will distribute those that have not been collected to students via homeroom. I frequently speak about how great partnerships make great schools and I would like to acknowledge last Saturdays tremendously successful International Family Fun Day. To maintain that momentum the PTA have their Bearcat welcome planned for this coming Tuesday morning. And for something completely different. IASAS RUGBY/TOUCHis coming! Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday come and watch a truly spectacular sporting extravaganza. Our lady Bearcats go for 3 gold medals in a row, while our boys rugby face the regional powerhouses of Jakarta and Singapore and to add pizzazz to the event we have an All Black legend, Christian Cullen here for the tournament. The Paekakariki Express is one of the finest rugby fullbacks ever to play the game of rugby and so we are delighted to host him on campus next Friday and Saturday.
Monday,January30: IB2EEVivaVoce IB2MathSL&HLIADue Tuesday,January31: IB2MathStudiesIADue BearcatWelcomeforNewParents7:30am(LT) UniversityInformationNight Wednesday,February1: LateStart 2ndSeasonIASAS(Rugby/Touch@ISM,Tennis@ISKL, Swiming@JIS,Basketball@ISB) Thursday,February2: 2ndSeasonIASAS(Rugby/Touch@ISM,Tennis@ISKL, Swiming@JIS,Basketball@ISB) Friday,February3: 2ndSeasonIASAS(Rugby/Touch@ISM,Tennis@ISKL, Swiming@JIS,Basketball@ISB) Saturday,February4: NOHOMEWORKWEEKEND UpcomingEvents: February7:HSParentCoffee9:30am(LT) FROM THE COUNSELING CENTER :
FROM THE ADVANCEMENT OFFICE: Reminders from the HS Office: KAWAYAN PHOTOS (Yearbook Photos): For those who ordered student photos from Tino Ley, the photos are now ready for pick up in the HS Office. If you will send a representative to claim the photos on behalf of the student please send an authorization letter to allow them to claim on your behalf. Thank you. REPORT CARDS: Report Cards will be ready for pick up by Tuesday JANUARY 24 at the HS Office. If you are unable to come and pick up the report, you may send your representative with an authorization letter to claim it on your behalf. We will not release any report cards without an authorization letter. Report cards that are not claimed by 3pm Friday, January 27, will be sent home through the students during their homeroom class on Monday afternoon (January 30). For any questions or concerns, please call the HS Office. *Powerschool will be open for Parents and Students to view grades by Friday, January 20.
SOPHOMOREANDJUNIORPARENTS: Dont forget to mark June 4th to 8th in your calendar. These are the dates for this years BearcatCareerExperienceprogram.Giveyour daughterorsontheopportunitytoexperience one week in a real life company and in a career area they are interested in and/or curious about. Details on how students can apply will be out later. For now, please just keepthesedatesopenwhenbookingsummer vacationflights. Please contact Mr. Doug McQueen in HS Counseling (mcqueend@ismanila.org) if you haveanyquestions.
Doug McQueen
HS Grade 9/10 Guidance Counselor Surnames A-Lh International School Manila
(632)8408664 OurHSGuidanceBlog
3rd Season starts soon: Feb 6th sees the start of 3rd season for (Track and Field, Badminton, Softball for MS and HS students and Mixed Touch for MS students only) Tryouts information and practice schedules are now posted to the blog and on school notice boards.
Mark Pekin Director of Athletics/Activities International School Manila E-mail: pekinm@ismanila.org ISM Website:http://www.ismanila.org/ ATAC Blog: http://atac.ism-online.org/
Participants Name AGE GROUP Please Select a division and Age Group (X) DIVISION U8 9/10 11/12 13/14 15-18 Adult Relay MS7-8/HS/ADULT 8:00am ES 3-4/MS5-6 8:30am Elementary Grades 1-2 9:00am Relays 9:30am Cashier STAMP 300 Peso Entry Fee(Cashier Office)
ReportasofJan.27,2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TheUniversityofAlabama AteneodeManilaUniversity(6) ColumbiaUniversity DeLaSalleUniversityManila DrexelUniversity EmersonCollege EnderunCollegesInc. GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology IndianaUniversityatBloomington(CollegeofArts&Sciences)
10 Johnson&WalesUniversity 11 KnoxCollege 12 MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology 13 UniversityofMiami 14 MichiganStateUniversity(3) 15 MiddleburyCollege 16 NortheasternUniversity 17 NortheasternUniversity 18 NorthwesternUniversity 19 OccidentalCollege 20 PennsylvaniaStateUniversity,UniversityPark 21 UniversityofPennsylvania(TheWhartonSchoolofBusiness) 22 UniversityofthePhilippines 23 PrincetonUniversity 24 SSTHSwissSchoolofTourismandHospitality 25 StanfordUniversity 26 SwinburneUniversityofTechnology 27 VancouverFilmSchool 28 WellesleyCollege 29 UniversityofWisconsin,Stout