Historical Foundation and Social Issues
Historical Foundation and Social Issues
Historical Foundation and Social Issues
There is so much good in the Filipino but so much needs to be changed, too.
Many of our strengths as a people are also sources of our weaknesses.
Shahani’s report (1988) explains that family orientation becomes in-group
orientation that prevents us from reaching out beyond the family to the
larger community and the nation. In our personalism, we are warm and
caring but this leads us to lack of objectivity. We are concerned with people
we know but unfair to people we don't know. In our flexibility, we compromise
precision and discipline. We are a joyful people with a sense of humor but we
can't take things with humor all the time for serious problems need serious
analysis. Our faith in God is our source of strength but this makes us
dependent on forces outside us, do nothing that makes us submissive to
God's will. We are good at pakikipagkapwa-tao and so we can easily
empathize, but we can at the same time be envious of others. We can be
hardworking and yet can be lazy and passive in the workplace.