62.4 Astm-D5731-95
62.4 Astm-D5731-95
62.4 Astm-D5731-95
Designation: D 5731 – 95
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
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2.1 ASTM Standards: load strengths on different axes that result in the greatest and
D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained least values.
Fluids 2 5.4 Rock specimens in the form of either core (the diametral
D 2216 Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water and axial tests), cut blocks (the block test), or irregular lumps
(Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock 2 ASTM D5731-95
(the irregular lump test) are tested by application of concen-
trated load through a pair of truncated, conical platens. Little or
D 2938https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/6aed3010-8c1c-43d3-bfd8-c1011d24f6e3/astm-d5731-95
Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength
of Intact Rock Core Specimens2 no specimen preparation is required.
3. Terminology 6. Apparatus
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 6.1 General—A point load tester (see Fig. 1) consists of a
3.1.1 point load strength index—an indicator of strength loading system typically comprised of a loading frame, platens,
(see 9.1) obtained by subjecting a rock specimen to an a measuring system for indicating load, P, (required to break
increasingly concentrated point load, applied through a pair of the specimen), and a means for measuring the distance, D,
truncated, conical platens, until failure occurs.3 between the two platen contact points. The equipment shall be
resistant to shock and vibration so that the accuracy of readings
4. Summary of Test Method is not adversely affected by repeated testing.
4.1 This index test is performed by subjecting a rock 6.2 Loading System:
specimen to an increasingly concentrated load until failure 6.2.1 The loading system shall have a loading frame with a
platen-to-platen clearance that allows testing of rock specimens
in the required size range. Typically, this range is within 30 to
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-18 on Soil
85 mm so that an adjustable distance is available to accommo-
and Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.12 on Rock date both small and large specimens.
Mechanics. 6.2.2 The loading capacity shall be sufficient to break the
Current edition approved May 15, 1995. Published July 1995. largest and strongest specimens to be tested.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.08.
“Suggested Methods for Determining Point Load Strength”, International 6.2.3 The test machine shall be designed and constructed so
Society for Rock Mechanics Commission on Testing Methods, Int. J. Rock. Mech.
Min. Sci. and Geomechanical Abstr., Vol 22, No. 2, 1985, pp. 51–60.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International (www.astm.org) for the latest information.
D 5731
6.3.3 Failure is often sudden and a peak load indicator is
required so the failure load can be recorded after each test.
6.3.4 The system should be capable of using interchange-
able measuring devices in order to be consistent with the
estimated strength of rock (point load strength of rock is
usually an order of magnitude lower than the compressive
strength of rock).
6.4 Distance Measuring System:
6.4.1 The distance measuring system, a vernier direct read-
ing scale, should connect to the loading frame for measuring
the distance, D, between specimen-platen contact points and
conform to requirements 6.4.2 and 6.4.3.
6.4.2 Measurements of D shall be to an accuracy of 62 %
or better of distance between contact points, irrespective of the
size and strength of specimen that is tested.
6.4.3 The measuring system shall allow a check of the“ zero
displacement” value when the two platens are in contact and
should include a zero adjustment.
6.4.4 An instrument such as a caliper or a steel rule is
required to measure the width, W, (with an accuracy of 65 %)
of specimens for all but the diametral test.
6.5 Miscellaneous Items—Diamond saw, chisels, towels,
FIG. 1 An Example of a Loading System (The Point Load marking pens, and plotting paper.
Strength Index Test)
7. Test Specimens
iTeh Standards
that it does not permanently distort during repeated applica-
tions of the maximum test load, and so that the platens remain
7.1 Sampling—Rock samples are grouped on the basis of
both rock type and estimated strength. When testing core or
coaxial within 60.2 mm throughout testing. No spherical seat
or other nonrigid component is permitted in the loading
system. Loading system rigidity is essential to avoid slippage
block specimens at least ten specimens are selected. When
testing irregular-shaped specimens obtained by other means at
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least 20 specimens are selected. Specimens in the form of core
when specimens of irregular geometry are tested.
are preferred for a more precise classification.
6.2.4 Truncated, conical platens, as shown on Fig. 2, are to
7.2 Dimensions—The specimen’s external dimensions shall
be used. The 60° cone and 5-mm radius spherical platen tip
not be less than 30 mm and not more than 85 mm with the
shall meet tangentially. The platens shall be of hard material
(Rockwell 58 HRC) such as tungsten carbide or hardened ASTM D5731-95
preferred dimension about 50 mm.
so they remain undamaged during testing.
7.3 Size and Shape—The size and shape requirements for
diametral, axial, block, or irregular lump testing shall conform
6.3 Load Measuring System:
with the recommendations shown on Fig. 3. The sides of the
6.3.1 A load measuring system, for example a load cell or a
specimens shall be free from abrupt irregularities that can
hydraulic pressure gage, that will indicate failure load, P,
generate stress concentrations. No specimen preparation is
required to break specimen. The system should conform to the
requirements of 6.3.2-6.3.4.
7.4 Water Content—Using Test Method D 2216, determine
6.3.2 Measurements of failure load, P, shall be to a preci-
the water content of each specimen after testing since it can
sion of 65 % or better of full-scale load-measuring system,
affect the value of the point load strength.
irrespective of the size and strength of specimen that is tested.
7.5 Marking and Measuring Specimens—The specimens
shall be properly marked and measured.
7.5.1 Marking—The desired test orientation of the speci-
men shall be indicated by marking lines on the specimen.
These lines are used for centering the specimen in the testing
machine, and to ensure proper orientation during testing. These
lines may also be used as reference lines for measuring
thickness and diameter.
7.5.2 Measuring—Measure each dimension of a specimen
at three different places, and calculate the averages.
8. Procedure
8.1 Diametral Test:
8.1.1 Core specimens with length/diameter ratio greater
than one are suitable for diametral testing.
FIG. 2 Platen Dimensions (Point Load Strength Index Test) 8.1.2 Insert a specimen in the test device and close the
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International (www.astm.org) for the latest information.
D 5731
iTeh Standards
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ASTM D5731-95
NOTE 1—Legend: L 5 length, W 5 width, D 5 depth or diameter, and De 5 equivalent core diameter (see 9.1).
FIG. 3 Load Configurations and Specimen Shape Requirement for (a) the Diametral Test, (b) the Axial Test, (c) the Block Test, and (d)
the Irregular Lump Test
platens to make contact along a core diameter. Ensure that the end faces (in the case of isotropic rock, the core axis, but see
distance, L, between the contact points and the nearest free end 8.4 for anisotropic rock).
is at least 0.5 times the core diameter (see Fig. 3(a)). 8.2.3 Record the distance, D, between platen contact points
8.1.3 Determine and record the distances D and L (see Fig. (see Fig. 3). Record the specimen width, W, perpendicular to
3). the loading direction, with an accuracy of 65 %.
8.1.4 Steadily increase the load such that failure occurs 8.2.4 Steadily increase the load such that failure occurs
within 10 to 60 s, and record failure load, P. The test should be within 10 to 60 s, and record the failure load, P. The test should
rejected if the fracture surface passes through only one platen be rejected if the fracture surface passes through only one
loading point (see Fig. 4(d)). loading point (see Fig. 4(e)).
8.1.5 The procedures in 8.1.2-8.1.4 are repeated for each 8.2.5 Procedures 8.2.2-8.2.4 are repeated for each test
specimen of the rock type. specimen of the rock type.
8.2 Axial Test: 8.3 Block and Irregular Lump Tests:
8.2.1 Core specimens with length/diameter ratio of 1⁄3 to 1 8.3.1 Rock blocks or lumps, 30 to 85 mm, and of the shape
are suitable for axial testing (see Fig. 3(b)). Suitable specimens shown in Fig. 3(c) and (d) are suitable for the block and the
can be obtained by saw-cutting or chisel-splitting. irregular lump tests. The ratio, D/W, should be between 1⁄3 and
8.2.2 Insert a specimen in the test machine and close the 1, preferably close to 1. The distance L should be at least 0.5
platens to make contact along a line perpendicular to the core W.