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2 authors, including:
Anastasios D. Pouliezos
Technical University of Crete
All content following this page was uploaded by Anastasios D. Pouliezos on 11 July 2013.
n the production line of many industries there exists Such a problem—a carton depalletizing problem—has also been
the procedure of palletizing/depalletizing sacks of raw solved with a robotic system equipped with a single camera [3].
or finished materials. The plastics industry, for exam- An ultrasound sensor attached in the gripper provides depth in-
ple, uses polyethylene for the production of a series of formation, and the system is reported to be able to handle cartons
products, including polyethylene pipes for irrigation, randomly placed in the pallet layers. A robotic material transport
plastic sheets for greenhouse coverings, and other agricul- system designed for the automated supply of packaging machines
tural uses. The usual production procedure is as follows. with paper bobbins has also been reported in [4]. A single camera
Pallets are kept in storage areas and are transported by fork- is used to identify the locations of the bobbins, which come in
lifts to depalletization stations when depalletizing is needed. pallets. The manipulator
Depalletizing is a labor-intensive job for workers. There are grasps it in turn and moves it by M. KAVOUSSANOS
some purely mechanical systems in the market that assist the to the requesting machine. and A. POULIEZOS
process in one way or another, but they tend to be expen- In this article a novel
sive and they do not provide a complete solution to the structure is presented that is designed and built to minimize costs
problem. and increase reliability of the whole system, while at the same time
In the majority of palletizing or depalletizing jobs, the fully automating the depalletizing and emptying of polyethelene
environment is either completely structured or may be sacks. The system is built around a conventional PC that carries
structured in such a way that the procedure is automated out the tasks of control, vision, gripping, and fault monitoring.
with dedicated machines. This probably explains the low Simple PID loops are used for the control of all the robot axes,
degree of penetration of robots in this area—at least until while an inexpensive vision system is used for the determination of
lately. Changes in this area should be expected once the the orientation of the pallets. A pneumatic gripper is used for the
costs of the required robotic systems decrease further [1]. A lifting of the sacks. The most probable faults are monitored for and
requirement for a class of palletization-depalletizion prob- appropriate actions are taken in the event of fault occurrence. In
lems is that the automated system should have the ability to this way, a form of “intelligence” is built into the system. The sys-
recognize the shape and the position in space of the pallet or tem in its present form is ready for use in an appropriate industrial
of the pallet elements. The use of a robotic system with vi- environment.
sion capabilities seems to be the most appropriate way to
tackle this problem. Solving the Problem with a
The Mitsubishi Company presented in 1997 a prototype Prototype Robotic System
depalletizing robotic system equipped with stereo vision The procedure that we are trying to automate is as follows: poly-
[2]. The vision system was implemented with the aid of a ethylene pellets are kept in 25 Kgr sacks that come in pallets of 40
PC and uses structured lighting techniques to detect the ex- sacks arranged as shown in Fig. 8 (eight layers of five sacks each).
act three-dimensional (3-D) position of the cargo in the A forklift carries the pallet in the depalletizing station where a
pallet. If the height of the objects in the pallet and the num- worker lifts the sacks one by one, cuts them open and empties
ber of the pallet layers are known, then the vision problem their contents in a silo for temporary storage (Fig. 1). The prob-
is essentially a two-dimensional (2-D) recognition problem. lem is to replace the human “depalletizer” with a robotic system.
Silo of Temporary
Measuring Vane
PC 486
486 Processor
PC Bus
Motion Frame
Control Card Grabber
Interface of
Limit Switches...)
The Vision System
0.6 Functions and Hardware Used
As mentioned earlier, the vision system provides the necessary
0.5 information so that the robot is able to find the correct posi-
tion of the pallet as well as to recognize the pattern of the ar-
Position (m)
TL = ∑ l i ,
Figure 10. Image after the imposition of the masks. (a) Mask reveals
the arrangement. (b) Mask reveals nothing.