Lesson Plan Johanna Mae
Lesson Plan Johanna Mae
Lesson Plan Johanna Mae
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. Determine the difference between comparative and superlative adjectives.
b. Develop sentences that illustrate comparative and superlative adjectives.
c. Identify the importance of using comparative and superlative.
Marker, Manila Paper, Grade 8 Textbook, Printed Materials
B. Motivation
So, who wants to share their own idea about (Students raise their hands)
adjectives? Please raise your right hand.
Recamie please stand and share your own idea Recamie: An adjective is a word that modifies
about adjectives. or describes a noun or pronoun.
Very good, Recamie. Yes, adjective is a word that Students: “Beautiful”
describes a noun or pronoun so for example
“They live in a beautiful house.” So what do you
think the adjective in the given example?
C. Lesson Proper
Okay Girlie please stand and share your answer. Girlie: The pants is cheaper than clothes.
So next example, The candy is sweet , yes Kian Kian: The chocolate is sweeter than candy.
please share your answer.
D. Application
Students: ( go to their group and start to write
“Now we will have our group activity, the group their activity)
one will be the first row, the group two will be
the second row and the group three will be the
last row. “
So here is your instruction:
E. Generalization
Stephan: Comparative adjectives is about
“okay class since we finished discussing comparing two things.
comparative and superlative adjectives, so who
can give me the definition of comparative
adjectives? Please raise your hand. Yes Stephan
please stand
Jason: Superlative adjectives is about
Thank you, Jason. How about superlative comparing or dealing more than two things.
adjectives? Yes Jason please share your answer.
Students: (share their own ideas and thoughts)
Thank you , Jason. Now who wants to explain
why it is important to use proper comparative
and superlative adjectives? Yes Jerwin .
V. Evaluation
Test I.
Give the comparative form of the sentence below:
1. Krixiamae is pretty.
2. The dog is lovely.
3. Jerwin is strong.
4. The temperature in Switzerland is cold.
5. The electric lamp is bright.
VI. Assignment
“Okay class for your assignment create 5 sentence that uses comparative adjectives, and 5 for superlative
adjectives. “
Total------- 100%
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