Utilization of Biogeometry in Reshaping-1
Utilization of Biogeometry in Reshaping-1
Utilization of Biogeometry in Reshaping-1
KEYWORDS: Electromagnetic Fields and Radiation, Earth energies, Geopathic stress, energy fields,
urban design, architecture, BioGeometry, health impact
تطبيق علم هندسة التشكيل الحيوى (بيوجيومترى) فى تشكيل الطاقات الحيوية للفراغات العمرانية
إبراهيم كريم، 2أحمد عابدين، *1أحمد وفيق
الواليات المتحدة األمريكية، نيويورك،مهندس معمارى حر و محاضر فى جامعة سان جونز
مصر، القاهرة، جامعة القاهرة، كلية الهندسة، قسم الهندسة المعمارية،أستاذ العمارة البيئية
مصر، القاهرة،رئيس شركة بيوجيومترى
أثبتت األبحاث العلمية في مجال البيئة العمرانية على أن المجال الحضري ُمحاط بمجاالت كهرومغناطيسية متعددة منبعثة من مصادر
وجود بعض اإلرتباطات، كما أثبتت بعض النتائج األخرى والخاصة بالطب والصحة العامة.طبيعية ومصادر أخرى من صنع اإلنسان
الورقة البحثية تطرح تصورا للعوامل.الغريبة ما بين كثافة المجاالت السابقة وبين بعض األمراض واالضطرابات العضوية والذهنية
بما يعزز من االدراك للتفاعالت الحيوية التى تحدث,و المفاهيم التى تساعد على رؤية البيئة المحيطة على تكوينها الفيزيائي و الحيوى
يعزز هذا االتجاه الى تطوير ادوات التصميم و التخطيط.بين االنسان و بيئته المادية و ما تحتويه من الغير مادى لحواسه الخمسة
بل االمكانية ايضا على مواكبة التطورات العمرانية مما يساعد على التنبؤ باألضرارا الصحية التى قد,العمرانى لتواجه هذه التحديات
تستهدف الورقة البحثية. بالتالى تجنب هذا الضرر و السعى لما هو افضل لخلق بيئة عمرانية صحية,تعود على االنسان فى المستقبل
اعتمد هذا الدليل على ربط علم هندسة التشكيل الحيوي.الى وضع دليالً إرشاديا ً لمبادئ تصميم الطاقات الحيوية فى الفراغ العمراني
) بالتصميم العمراني واستخدامه كأداة من أدوات رفع كفاءة تصميم عناصر الفراغات العمرانيةBioGeometry( / )(بايوجيومترى
.لإلسهام في تحسين نوعية الحياة للبيئة الحضرية و لتقليل التأثيرات السلبية للطاقة األرضية والمجاالت الكهرومغناطيسية
الصحة، التصميم المعمارى والعمرانى، اجهادات الطاقات األرضية، الطاقات الحيوية، الطاقة الكهرومغناطيسية: الكلمات المفتاحية
Modern technologies advancement in the last 30 years have added many artificial
electromagnetic waves intensively in all our living spaces, which is emanated from sources
such as cell phone towers antennas of wireless communications, power generation stations and
transmission lines, broadcasting stations, radars, cell phones, Wi-Fi systems and similar power
and communication systems [1]. Studies are continuously confirming the electromagnetic
waves of modern technology have a lot of harmful effects on humans, animals and plants [11-
23]. Since electromagnetism is one of the four universal forces that form matter and energy
additional to the weak force, strong force and gravitational force [2], then the human body
should be looked at as an electromagnetic entity. Here comes the critical need to deeply rethink
about the type of environment we live in, materials that our homes and buildings are built from,
spaces that confine our daily life, technologies that we use, and even the people we interact
with. It is eminently critical now to perceive these aspects as fields and waves with different
qualities or frequencies, not only as solid matter. Eventually, the human body, also, comprises
waves and electromagnetic fields that are in a continuous interaction - of different types and
intensities - with surrounding environment.
electromagnetic forces that are caused by different natural and geographical sources. Both have
been associated to the cause of various physiological and psychological health disorders
including cancer illnesses. The paper final product represents a practical guideline to minimize
and offset the negative impacts of the two phenomena and ameliorate the overall quality of
urban spaces. This is attained through wide and diverse arrangements, extending from
preventive design measures and criteria to further attuning and treatment measures.
Electrons behave as a wave and a mass. Einstein theory of relatively (E=mc2) confirms that mass and
energy are two sides of one coin. String theory illustrates that all fundamental particles such as
electrons are composed of a vibrating strings [2]. The outcome is that matter in reality is a wave,
energy, or a vibration state, that encompass many and different energy fields, that are eventually
perceived as a physical state, because of the limits of human senses. Looking at architecture and the
built environment from that perspective opens a new understanding to how we should shape our
spaces and urban environment.
Electromagnetism is a major force of the universe creation and represents not only a generative
process within the fundamentals of matter, but also within the biological functioning of all living
Organisms. It emanates from electrons motion; it exists from the core of earth and the poles, as well
in human body nervous system, heart and brain, and in any living
cell [2].
Electricity represents today - within a wider spectrum of energy forms - the main driving force
of cities life, growth and prosperity. Generally it is generated of power plants, then transformed
through high voltage, power lines and the distributed throughout the city’s networks, to
eventually feed every building, factory, and facility. Comprehending the profusion of
electromagnetic fields generated by electricity flows in these expansive systems and networks
that are inter meshed with every part of the urban fabric clarifies that bodies of city dwellers
are almost immersed in an intensive electromagnetic Figure-2: Sources of Electromagnetic
zone. This is further exasperated by new wireless field/radiation (Power lines, cell phone
technologies that are increasingly expanded in the towers, satellites, computers, cell phones,
modern era [4]. Our bodies are exposed intensively 24 radio, WiFi)
hours a day, therefore and electromagnetic waves
penetrate and interact with physiological systems of all living organisms.
World Health Organization declared that “Electromagnetic fields of all frequencies represent
one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences”. All population around
the globe today are exposed to varying degrees of EMF, and this is expected to increase as
technology advances across different industries [4].
The intensity and range of emitted electromagnetic fields from electric cables are correlated to
voltage and current intensity. As for electromagnetic radiation related to wireless technology,
their range and intensity relates on antenna and the frequency radiated. The frequencies used
by different sources found in the city spaces such as mobile antennas masts, broadcast towers,
radars, Wi-Fi and cell phones, range between 3KHz and 300GHz, where 1KHz=1000 wave/sec,
1MHz=1,000,000 wave/sec, and 1GHz= 1,000,000,000 wave/sec [7,8].
Since electricity and the wireless technology have started to be a basic and prominent feature
in human daily life, biophysicists started to be concerned of impact of these artificial waves on
environment and human body, considering the fact that human heart pulses, nervous system
and brain functioning substantially rely on electric pulses and frequencies, and that cells of any
living organism use oscillating electromagnetic fields for their vital functions. Cells have
receptors to receive and send information to and from the brain, other cells and other parts of
the body [9]. If these electromagnetic frequencies in the body are impacted, distorted and
disrupted, correlative sicknesses can occur. However, examining, verifying and proving the
evidence of direct correlation between diverse and variable exposure and pathological
indications are extremely difficult. Ignoring some clear indications or available evidences
anywhere has always been the easiest and convenient approach adopted by both of public and
private sectors.
This denial is based on the fact that these waves are non-ionizing, so they do not imply direct
or quick effect on the human tissues. In addition, the human body always tries to fight false
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signals from the surrounding environment to keep its balanced performance of its vital
functions. However, prudent cognizance and interpretation of wide scope and diverse
indications clearly point to a conclusion that continuous distortion of the body’s internal electric
signaling system, on a daily basis, for long periods, will trigger, sooner or later, distortions and
imbalances, that will be, eventually, manifested in any minor or major health problems,
differentiated by age groups, as children are highly prone to higher impact levels [10]. Health
issues are constantly increasing globally.
In the last 20 years, large amount of researches were conducted to study how non-ionizing
electromagnetic waves affects the human body. Biological and psychological effects in humans,
animals and plants have been verified and documented. Other studies have strongly traced and
linked electromagnetic sources, such as high voltage power-lines, mobile antennas and radars,
the evidence and rise of a lot of health problems including cancer illnesses.
Increase in rate of breast cancer in women, leukemia and brain tumors in children who lives
close to high voltage power-lines [11, 12]. / High rate of cancer illness among teachers working
in a school that have high amount of EMF/EMR in their interior spaces [13]. / Genetic effects
and DNA damage in rats brain cells after being exposed to low EMR for only 24hrs [14]. /
Leakage of calcium ions from brain cells of newly hatched chicks after exposure to 16Hz [15].
/ Living or working close to mobile antennas lead to symptoms of muscle fatigue, headaches,
dizziness, sleep disruption, depression, and lack of concentration [16]. / Reduction in the
reproduction capacity and miscarriage among different animals after exposure to low EMR and
being close to mobile antennas [17]. / EMF-EMR, especially of mobile antennas reduces birds’
densities in urban spaces [18]. / Increased levels of adrenaline, higher heart rate and blood
pressure in animals following exposure to the same amount of frequencies found in urban
spaces from mobile masts and broadcast towers [12]. / Shortage of growth, increase in resin
production, changes in mRNA and stress reaction in the ultra structure of trees and plants after
exposure to low EMR [19, 20]. / Radiation of cell phones penetrates 2 inches in the human
brain of an adult, and 4 inches in the brain of babies and children (Due to their thinner and
smaller bones) [21]. / The use of cell phones for 2000 cumulative hours raises the risk of brain
tumor by 240% [22]. / The radiation of cell phones affect men’s semen quality by decreasing
motility and sperm count [23]. / Children that use cell phones have higher risk of having poor
memory, poor attention, increased fatigue, and problems of learning and behavior [23]. /
Cancer cells grow 24 times faster when exposed to EMF/EMR [12].
from underground water streams (speed flow of some specific metallic ions/particles and their
concentration) [25]. Different studies clarified that these energy patterns are part of the
ecological system and they contribute in sustaining natural life cycles. However, some of these
patterns do not align with the human biological and electromagnetic systems. They can distort
different electric signals of the body functions and suppress the immune system, leading to
different health problems [26,27].
Some energy patterns depicted by geologists and earth scientists are spread all over the earth
surface in a geometrical order, forming global energy grids. The very well known among them
are Hartmann, Curry, and Benker grids, named after scientists discovered them (Dr.Ernst
Hartman, Dr.Manfred Curry, and Anton Benker) [27]. These energy grids emanates vertically
from the earth’s surface like structure of radioactive walls. Each grid consist of positively and
negatively charged energy lines. If one energy line is positively charged, the following parallel
one is negatively charged and so on. They penetrate any material or field and can be detected
on any height. They comprise nodes of higher radiation intensity when two energy lines of the
same charge intersect, and the more intersecting lines at one spot or area magnify radiation
intensity [28]. Underground water streams generate different qualities of electromagnetic
radiation above the earth surface. The radiation intensity depends more on the width of the
stream, water velocity, stream winding pattern (angles of streamline deviation) and water
minerals concentration. The effect is even more intense at the spots where the flow of water
strongly changes its direction [27, 29, 30].
The highly radiating spots usually feature intersection of several energy patterns. The radiation,
being harmful or beneficial to human body is highly related to angles of intersection between
different grid patterns. The harmful zones are usually called Geopathic Stress, which means
earth suffering or disease, originated from two Latin words Geo and Pathos. The beneficial
zones are usually called Power spots or Sacred spots [27].
The health concerns related to Geopathic stress (GS) areas are not related to short term
exposures, they are rather related to having our homes, apartments or sleeping location above
these areas, especially on the long term. Different studies showed that health problems related
to GS take place when someone’s sleeping location is on a GS zone for few years, in which the
human body is suppressed from the ability to balance its own system for a long period, and
even linked to cause cancer illnesses [27].
Detection of natural energy patterns and grid lines depend on an ancient science called
Radiesthesia, a method that has been practiced for thousands of years - and still - for many
different purposes around the world [38]. Innovation of technological devices that can
accurately sense the wide spectrum of these micro vibrations in the environment is still
developing. Radiestheisa depend on hand tools that a person hold, which becomes fixed at one
side, and the other side left sensitive to be easily influenced by any weak forces related to energy
fields (Figure-3). The mechanism of measuring depends mainly upon the senses of a person
with good experience who can detect the micro vibrations of energy fields, as they transmitted
(magnified) to his nervous system, through the hand tool. The polarity of which the movement
goes, clarify whether the detected energy is harmful or beneficial, and the amplitude of the
movement clarifies the intensity of that energy. The most popular radiesthesia tools among
practitioners are (pendulums, L-rods, and V-rods) [38].
During the 18th century, a professor of physics from the Royal College of Science in Ireland,
named Sir William F. Barrett, was the first to prove that Radiesthesia is based on
electromagnetic waves. This was further approved in England through experiments conducted
by J. Cecil Maby and T. Bedford Franklin, as well in Egypt by Dr. Solcol W Tromp, a professor
of geology at Fouad I University (Currently Cairo University) [39].
The American military during Vietnam War used Radiesthesia to detect mines and explosive
objects. Radiesthesia have also contributed in maintaining industrial needs for some businesses,
and a current water company based in UK revealed using it as one of their methods to detect
locations of water leaking in their pipes network [40-43].
Figure-5: The BioGeometrical shapes used and placed by the cell antenna in Hemberg.
Source: [44]
The findings of some studies using BioGeometry:
- Reduced the harmful health effects of cell phone towers and electromagnetic fields [3, 44,
- Reduced the harmful health effects of Wifi on brain function and structure [46].
- Caused a 90% normalization of enzyme levels in Hepatitis-C patients in just 2 weeks, and lead
to a large number of the patients to be totally free from viruses only after 6 months [48, 49].
- Improved the concentration abilities and behavior in children with ADHD (Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder) [50].
- Improved the electrical function of the human body organs [48, 51].
- Improved crop yields without the use of pesticides or herbicides [48, 52].
- Enabled healthy sweet potatoes to grow which were irrigated only with sea water-without
the salt removed [49, 52].
- Improved the growth of chicken by 25% without using tranquilizers, hormones, vaccination
or any type of chemicals [48, 49].
- Created healthy water internal structure, reflected by Dr. Masaru Emoto water crystals
studies [49, 53].
Since that any physical element in reality is composed of thawing waves, then the balancing
state is a product of a specific wave or frequency. BioGeometry - ultimately -seeks to engender
a wave that would have a fundamental balancing quality or effect, and can be generated from
configurations of different shapes, based on their proportions, angles, and dimensions.
Successful attempts have lead to identify and generate this vibration wave (having a balancing
quality), which was named BG3 [3]. Design criteria and methods to obtain BG3 energy quality
was developed and successful advances in practices are ongoing. Shapes designed according to
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these criteria and methods have substantially contributed - in many cases and experiments to
reinforce and enhance human biological systems to reach their balancing states and lead to
healthier physical, mental, and emotional conditions [3].
The BG3 energy quality was originally discovered from natural energy sources, previously
referred as “Power spots”. BioGeometry advances succeeded in generating the same energy
quality through specially designed shapes, without being physically linked to a power spot.
BioGeometry has 9 design methods referred as the Nine Pillars of the BioGeometry Design
Language, they are:
Some of these design methods are sophisticated and require experience with Biogeometry
applications. However, six of them are directly associated with design proportions, volume,
dimension and scale, utilized in designing any physical shape. Implementing these design
methods in architecture and urban design projects could lead to generation of extensive BG3
energy quality on the whole urban fabric, both in public and private spaces, eventually
contributing to sustaining very positive impacts on human health, wellbeing of living
organisms, quality of life, and overall environmental conditions.
This section aims to develop preliminary guidelines/checklist for architects, urban designers
and planners to well integrate the issues of energy fields in their design decisions, and
eventually produce plans and designs that are compatible - and effectively interacting - with
different energy fields in the urban environment, maximizing their positives and minimizing
their negatives. The ultimate goal is more healthy population, sound environment and better
quality of life.
Prior any urban planning or design process, a set of data should be collected, documenting
different environmental conditions of study site, locale and region, as an introductory step of
assessing energy quality. The main focus is to detect and identify the natural and artificial
electromagnetic fields and their sources. Mapping, assessing and evaluating the intensity of
each source and its related extended fields could be eventually accumulated in an integrated
spatial analysis of energy fields. This integrated analysis leads to producing a kind of master
plan that compile different recommendations to the planner or designer to well accommodate
with both useful and harmful EMF/EMR. It serves as a decision support guideline. It may
include evading assigning any kind of land use to a specific area (harmful EMF/EMR), or
limiting its use to specific land use (park area rather than housing, to reduce sustained
exposure), or assigning specific uses (recreational and social spaces) to distinctively positive
zone. This extend to - on purpose - shaping and attuning dimensions, volumes, landscaping,
and greening of urban spaces to adjust the distorted energy qualities and generate a positive
impact, rather than a negative one. Figure 6 shows a guideline for the data collection and design
process for a project.
3.1 Detection
Source: www.todesignwellbeing.com
The second detection priority is to seek
beneficial energy fields that can be found naturally in any power spot (PS). They can be detected
using BG16 pendulum, which is designed to resonate with the BG3 energy quality. On the scale
of architecture or basically small sites/spaces, the designer could further consider an elaborated
design applications providing a coherent inter-linkage between the energy systems of the space
and the newly designed structures, by detecting global energy patterns such as Hartmann, Curry,
and Benker, using special compatible measuring tool for each one. Figure 8 illustrates marking
up on a site survey the location of the detected GS areas, and different grid energy patterns.
Figure-8: Determining on the site the location of Geopathic Stress areas, and identifying the energy gridlines
and where they intersect.
Source: [54]
Artificial Sources:
Source: [54]
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3.2. Evaluation
Natural sources (Requires radiesthesia practitioner knowledgeable about earth energies):
Evaluating the intensity of the detected natural energy fields is also done using radiesthesia
tools, as reflected in the force in which the measuring tool is moving. The stronger the motion,
the higher the energy field intensity. In case of using the pendulum with geopathic stress (GS)
areas, neutral zones imply pendulum rotating in a clockwise direction (Positive polarity) or
swinging without rotation, but in case the measuring interfered with a geopathic stress zone,
the rotation would become anti-
clockwise (negative polarity).
Figure-10: Direction of pendulum rotation and it’s speed indicate the earth energy quality of being positive
or negative and it’s intensity.
Source: www.shamanscrystal.co.uk
Artificial Sources:
There are two steps for evaluating the EMF/R in urban spaces. However, they depend on scale
of area addressed. In case of city- wide scale, it would be enough to only acknowledge the
emission intensity and range of existing sources (technical information available in concerned
institutions and manufactures). In case of a site with ability to survey, an additional step should
be implemented to measure the EMF/R intensity using electro-smog meters (Figure 11 and 12).
This is needed to identify zones that could have higher radiation intensity, affected by the
interference between EMF/R of several sources.
This section will briefly explain three of the BioGeometrical design methods to generate BG3,
to which is most suitable, applicable and flexible for form/space urban design.
The following section aims to show the applicability of utilizing three BioGeometry design
methods in the design of urban spaces through illustrative models featuring different macro and
micro urban forms.
Urban Structure - Building Architecture - Streetscape & Landscape
Streets are physical forms that circulate different
functions in urban spaces, but also it shape and affect
(magnify, reduce, ameliorate) subtle or invisible
energy flows and qualities. An effective BG design
concept could enhance their role in circulating BG3
within city spaces. For example, Squares and
roundabouts have the highest amount of roads/streets
connected to them. Accordingly, the more squares or
a roundabouts located on a PS, the more natural BG3
flows into many spaces/areas in the city (Figure-15).
Within the same context, as vehicles
provide for the most organized and Figure-15: City roundabouts or squares located on PS to
predictable motions and flows in city distribute the BG3 energy quality throughout the city
spaces, especially in street canyons, then the BioGeometrical method of Motion in Design can
be utilized to achieve BG3 energy quality. For example, having the street central axis at
equivalent distance from the vertical surfaces of bordering buildings at the two sides, allow for
generating a balanced energy key, in congruence with motion of vehicles (Figure-16).
Figure-16: The street width and the car movement can contribute in creating BG3 energy quality
Source: [54]
Figure-18: Utilizing the BioGeometry Qualitative Harmonics method in the clearance ratio between
the streetscape elements.
With reference to the BioGeometrical design method of Qualitative Harmonics (BQH), there
are specific arrangements that generate BG3 energy quality, based on relation between certain
amount of objects and their location to each other. However, with a condition that all objects
have identical features. If a building form would be duplicated in an urban neighborhood,
diverse alternative arrangements (all fit well with design needs) can be examined to identify the
one that generate BG3 energy quality.
Figure-19: The arrangement of an object for the quantity of (4,7, & 12). Each creates the BG3 energy
Figure-20: BG3 arrangement of 4 & 7 for identical buildings to create the BG3 energy
quality in the urban environment.
Figure-21: BG3 arrangement of 4 & 7 for a group of identical buildings forming 1 unit, or arranging the
landscape element, to create the BG3 energy quality in the urban environment.
In figure 23, a design example of a fountain showing the rotational form which applies the
BioGeometry Design Principles (BDP) method, and the duplicated identical triangle shape that has a
total count of 16, is appling the BioGeometry Qualitative Harmonics method (BQH). Also the ratio
proportions between the different heights and width of the form is adding another implementation
for the BQH method. In figure 24, and example of arranging a landscape pattern made of different
shapes to create a rotational form around a BG3 center. This applied the BioGeometry Design
Principles (BDP) method.
Figure-23: Fountain design applying the BDP & BQH Figure-24: A landscape pattern applying the
design methods. BDP design method for rotation.
In figure 25, a design example of a bus stop station showing the application of the BioGeometry
Design Principles (BDP) method, by creating a BG3 center from the top corner of the bus
station, and distributing the BG3 energy quality from the horizontal straight roof, and from the
vertical back structure. In addition to applying the BioGeometry Qualitative Harmonics method
(BQH) through the proportions of the station forms.
Figure-25: A design for a bus station applying the BDP & BQH design methods.
In figure 26, a design example of an outdoor bench showing the application of the BioGeometry
Design Principles (BDP) method, by creating a BG3 center from the bottom corner of the bench,
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and distributing the BG3 energy quality from the horizontal straight base, and from the vertical
back support. The BDP method is applied again from creating multiple BG3 centers along the
“Interface” at the top of the bench’s back support. In addition to applying the BioGeometry
Qualitative Harmonics method (BQH) through the proportions of the bench’s forms.
Figure-26: A design for a bus station applying the BDP & BQH design methods.
This paper discussed and explored the urban environment through the lens of “Electromagnetic
Fields and Radiation” (EMF/R). It highlighted that EMF/R is not just a product of our electricity
use or the wireless technologies, but rather a fundamental component of all matter in the
universe. Accordingly, all living beings including humans, animals and plants are
“Electromagnetic Beings”. The question that the paper highlights, is whether the EMF/R that
is used by our modern technologies have an impact on human health and wellbeing? From a
theoretical point of view, it surely have an impact because electromagnetic waves “interferes”
and can change the quality of one another. From a practical and experimental point of view,
there has been a lot of studies indicating there is an impact – in fact a negative one on the human
health due to exposure to EMF/R from sources such as electric power lines, transformers,
radars, and mobile mast antennas. However, the scientific community has been ignoring this
issue because the short term impact is not vivid enough, and the long term requires time to be
identified. But this fails to address the issue, as EMF/R technologies are in constant increase
and without sufficient protective measures, therefore increasing the risks of more health
problems globally.
Given the theoretical credibility that EMF/R are negatively impacting the human health and
well-being, this paper brought attention to the mitigation and design trends that addresses these
issues. First by addressing EMF/R in our urban environment from artificial sources, and second
is EMF/R from natural sources. The paper presented measuring and detection techniques, and
also mitigation and amplifying methods through the application of the science of BioGeometry
in the design of the urban environment. Among the different BioGeometry application methods,
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some of them were presented and applicable to implement in the design of urban spaces. A step
by step guideline has been developed along with illustrative models to showcase the design
possibilities in the future
The illustrative models have high potentials of application on a very wide and divest range of
urban planning and design processes. They can well serve the purpose of a general guidelines
document that compile selected Biogeometry design techniques that eventually aims to enhance
positive impacts on human health, environmental and ecological balance, and overall quality of
Increasing knowledge of negative impacts of different electromagnetic sources in our urban spaces
implies new critical challenges. An environmentally sound and healthy city is now a global vision that
aims to correct past mistakes. This new shift in the paradigm of urban and environmental planning
requires a wider scale of environmental awareness, and a larger scale of developing new areas of
scientific interdisciplinary research. The same strongly applies - and in conjunction to disciplines of
electromagnetism and human pathology - to disciplines of urban and environmental planning, urban
and architectural design, and other related disciplines such as human and human organisms ecology.
Deep and authentic recognition and approval of the effect of electromagnetic features in our
surrounding environment is a real opportunity toward major shifts in the paradigms of above
mentioned disciplines. Such shifts open new and wide vistas for planning, designing and managing
much better and environmentally sound cities that have magnificent harmony with both nature and
technological spheres, harnessing and utilizing their positive forces and returns and averting and
evading their negative aspects.
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