"Let us all learn today in understanding the most essential learning competencies."
Competencies delivered weekly are not arranged logically according to the taxonomy of learning.
o Example: Starting with "compare and contrast" and ending with "identify."
o Some lessons have goals that are far from the competency targets.
o Example: Learners may only provide an ending of the story instead of deeper analysis.
o Example: An objective requiring learners to give the ending of a story contrasted with an
unrelated one-line situation.
o Example: Competency requiring learners to infer feelings of characters does not match
assessment tasks.
"Competencies must be introduced from easy to difficult levels to allow every learner to cope."
o This ensures lessons, activities, and assessments align with competency requirements.
o "Teachers must consider how they will provide activities and output requirements."
they, must, understand, that, competencies first, competencies, delivered, weekly, are
are, the, core, of designing, contents not, arranged, logically, according, to, the
competencies, represent, the, lifelong there, are, competencies, in, the, first, few
they, will, be, able, to, utilize, these for, the, example, it, started, with, compare
meaningful, activities, and, appropriate which, is, already, analysis, part, and, it
let, us, all, learn, today, in, understanding which, is, basically, remembering
the, most, essential, learning, competencies second, learning, objectives, are, not
you, may, subscribe, for, more, sessions, and congruent, to, the, competencies
for, this, session, were, expected, that, we from, the, targets, of, the, competencies
can, communicate, very, well in, this, example, learners, are, only
the, very, essence, of, the, competencies required, to, give, the, ending, of, the, story
that, we, can, discuss, the, importance, of but, the, objectives, require, learners, to
the, most, essential, learning, competencies find, the, ending, of, the, story
in, teaching, learning, delivery and, to, ingest, personal, feelings, about
cognitive, process, dimensions, to, the are, far, beyond, the, competency
in, assessing, congruency, of, competencies and, that, makes, it, a, problem, because
during, the, first, round, of, monitoring between, the, competency, and, the
these, are, the, common, findings, from, the and, eventually, a, mismatch, to, the
activities, and, assessment subjects, the, activity, did, not, coincide
the, third, one, is, that, activities, in, the with, the, competency, requirement, because
learning, activity, sheets, did, not it, allowed, the, students, to, revise, the
in, this, example, the, objective, requires and, change, the, character, revising, and
the, learner, to, give, the, ending, of, the changing, the, character, of, the, story
story, being, read is, not, congruent, to, the, competency, which
and, not, a, story, the, inconsistency, of, the based, on, the, dialogues
as, to, what, skills, will, be, mastered, since so, what, is, now, the, problem
this, competency, requires, the, development is, it, the, understanding, of, the, most
the, activity, itself, did, not, satisfy, the essential, learning, competencies
objective [Music]
fourth, on, the, list, is, assessments are, guided, by, both, levels, of, learning
are, not, congruent, to, the, competency and, levels, of, assessment, meaning
coincide, the, competency, or, skill but, it, is, guided, by, a, scaffolding
in, this, finding, the, competency, requires to, complex, products, this, also, means
the, learner, to, infer that, when, we, design, our, lessons, and
the, assessment, expected, to, allow, the learning, and, when, we, design, our
making, inference, on, the, emotions, of we, have, to, be, guided, by, the, levels, of
characters assessment
this, dimension, represents, the, learning in, understanding, the, requirements, of, the
and, products, psychologically what, is, the, level, of, ah, competency
this, represents, that, delivery, of they, must, be, very, careful, in, classifying
and, gradual, the, abrupt, introduction, of across, the, six, cognitive, process
will, eventually, contribute, to, learning and, when, teachers, already, know, the
thus, competencies, must, be, introduced they, can, now, design, lessons, activities
to, average, and, difficult, level, to, allow congruent, to, the, competency, requirement
every, learner, to, cope, up, with, the teachers, as, well, might, consider, the
teachers, must, put, premium, on from, easy, average, to, difficult, level
both, levels, of, learning, and, assessment so, in, order, to, classify, the, competencies
to, ensure, that, learning, is, holistic, and we, need, to, map, first, the, set, of
when, teachers, fail, to, classify, what this, is, through, identifying, what
then, learning, activity, materials or, level, of, learning, each, competency
produced requires
and, assessment, designs, are, not, inclusive by, simply, using, this, pattern, we, can
and, assessment, requirement, in, a teachers, must, be, careful, in, looking, at
it, will, be, delivered, and, part, of, it, also expansion
is, we, can, identify, what, forms, of there, is, no, need, to, create, some
and, by, this, mapping, we, can, assure, that and, activities, to, be, stretched, in, a, week
the, learning, activity, materials, and in, mapping, the, competencies, teachers
when, mapping, the, competencies, we, need, the, taxonomy, of, learning, defines, the
level, of
consider, the, number, of, weeks
competency, requirements
over, the, number, of, competencies, since
the, third, quarter, has, eight, weeks
these, are, some, sort, of, review, on, the
seven, weeks, will, be, provided, with
levels, of, assessment, and, levels, of
learning, activity, shifts
understanding, referring, to, our, most
and, the, eighth, week, will, be, allotted, for
essential, learning, competencies
major, assessment, activities
when, the, competency, requires, only, a
simple, recall
for, competencies, which, are, too, many, in, a
then, it, is, level, one, this, means
that, we, don't, need, complicated, lessons
we, need, to, combine, or, merge, specifically
activities, and, assessments
these, competencies, with, common, grounds
because, the, competency, requirement, only
to, satisfy
allows, learners
the, number, of, weeks, for, lesson, delivery
to, develop, the, memory, and, retention, of
and, for, competencies, which, are, too
the, lesson
level, , is, when, the, competency, requires
lesson, developers, may, extend, the
learners, to, demonstrate, their
competency, delivery
understanding, of, the, lessons
by, expanding, the, objectives, and, number
the, lesson, developer, will, focus, now, on
of, activities
how, learners, discuss
and, explain, the, concepts, presented evidences, gathered
the, lesson, the, teacher, will, design level, , is, when, the, competency, requires
and, explain, the, concepts, they, learned and, judgment, the, activities, and
requires, learners, to, have, application, of must, focus, on, how, learners, will, justify
learning, to, practical, situations a, course, of, decision, or, actions, based
activities, and, assessment, that, will the, lesson, must, allow, them, to, weigh, in
about, his, takeaways, from, what, he and, their, outputs, must, show, competence
from, the, lesson, may, be, conceptual, or because, that, is, what, the, competency
methods, concepts, principles, and, theories and, lastly, is, level, six
can, be, applied, in, a, similar, situation, in when, the, competency, requires, learners, to
level, , is, when, the, competency, requires new, products, and, new, innovations, from, a
learners, to, break, information, into, parts certain, point, of, view
and, explore, these, parts, to, become, whole reflected, from, the, different
the, teachers, as, lesson, developers, must teachers, must, carefully, look, into
how, they, will, provide, activities, and outputs, because, this, competency, level
output, requirements, that, could requires, them, to, create, something, new
measure, critical, thinking, this, level, of out, from, their, learning, more, so
allows, the, learners, to, analyze, the suggested, by, the, taxonomy, of, learning
pieces, of, information but, must, be, careful, in, interpreting, the