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Importance of Competencies in Lesson Design (00:00 - 09:58)

 "Competencies are the core of designing contents, activities, and assessments."

o Competencies represent lifelong skills expected for every Filipino learner.

o Understanding competencies enables teachers to create smart objectives, meaningful

activities, and appropriate assessments.

 "Let us all learn today in understanding the most essential learning competencies."

o Expected outcomes include effective communication of competencies' essence.

o Discussion on the relevance of cognitive process dimensions to learning competencies.

Common Findings from Document Analysis

 Competencies delivered weekly are not arranged logically according to the taxonomy of learning.

o Difficult activities are presented early, with simpler tasks later.

o Example: Starting with "compare and contrast" and ending with "identify."

 Learning objectives are not congruent to the competencies.

o Some lessons have goals that are far from the competency targets.

o Example: Learners may only provide an ending of the story instead of deeper analysis.

Issues with Activities and Assessments

 Activities in learning activity sheets do not coincide with the objectives.

o Example: An objective requiring learners to give the ending of a story contrasted with an
unrelated one-line situation.

 Assessments are not congruent with competency requirements.

o Example: Competency requiring learners to infer feelings of characters does not match
assessment tasks.

Understanding and Utilizing Learning Competencies

 "Competencies must be introduced from easy to difficult levels to allow every learner to cope."

o Consideration of levels of learning and assessment is critical in lesson design.

 Teachers must carefully classify competencies across cognitive process dimensions.

o This ensures lessons, activities, and assessments align with competency requirements.

Competency Levels (10:00 - 15:00)

 Level One: Simple Recall (REMEMBER)

o "We don't need complicated lessons, activities, and assessments."

o Focus on memory and retention of the lesson.

 Level Two: Demonstrate Understanding (UNDERSTAND)

o Focus on how learners discuss and explain concepts.

o Design activities and assessments that allow discussion and explanation.

 Level Three: Application of Learning (APPLY)

o Requires application to practical situations.

o Activities and assessments should manifest learner application of understanding.

Critical Thinking and Evaluation

 Level Four: Analyze Information (ANALYZE)

o "Teachers must consider how they will provide activities and output requirements."

o Encourage learners to analyze and form conclusions based on gathered evidence.

 Level Five: Evaluate Through Reflection (EVALUATE)

o Focus on how learners justify decisions based on presented concepts.

o Outputs must show competence in managing decisions.

Creation and Innovation

 Level Six: Create New Ideas (CREATE)

o Requires learners to create new products and innovations.

o "Teachers must carefully look into performance-based tasks and outputs."

 Importance of Understanding Competencies

o "Lesson developers must be critical in understanding, interpreting, and deciding the

level of competency."

o Helps in designing appropriate lessons and providing meaningful opportunities for


Music] series, of, document, analysis, from, the

for, teachers, to, design, a, good, lesson developed, materials

they, must, understand, that, competencies first, competencies, delivered, weekly, are

are, the, core, of designing, contents not, arranged, logically, according, to, the

activities, and, assessments, the taxonomy, of, learning

competencies, represent, the, lifelong there, are, competencies, in, the, first, few

skills weeks, that, started, with, difficult

expected, for, every, filipino, learner, to activities

master and, outputs, and, eventually, ended, a

and, become, a, way, of, life, when, teachers quarter

understand, the, competencies with, the, most, basic, skill, requirement

they, will, be, able, to, utilize, these for, the, example, it, started, with, compare

competencies, into, smart, objectives and, contrast

meaningful, activities, and, appropriate which, is, already, analysis, part, and, it

assessment ended, with, identify

let, us, all, learn, today, in, understanding which, is, basically, remembering

the, most, essential, learning, competencies second, learning, objectives, are, not

you, may, subscribe, for, more, sessions, and congruent, to, the, competencies

learning some, lessons, have, goals, which, are, far

for, this, session, were, expected, that, we from, the, targets, of, the, competencies

can, communicate, very, well in, this, example, learners, are, only

the, very, essence, of, the, competencies required, to, give, the, ending, of, the, story

that, we, can, discuss, the, importance, of but, the, objectives, require, learners, to

the, most, essential, learning, competencies find, the, ending, of, the, story

in, teaching, learning, delivery and, to, ingest, personal, feelings, about

we, can, explain, the, relevance, of the, story, which

cognitive, process, dimensions, to, the are, far, beyond, the, competency

different, learning, competencies expectation

and, we, can, evaluate, our, own, practice [Music]

in, assessing, congruency, of, competencies and, that, makes, it, a, problem, because

to, expected, cognitive, process, dimensions there, is, now, a, mismatch

during, the, first, round, of, monitoring between, the, competency, and, the

this, year objectives

these, are, the, common, findings, from, the and, eventually, a, mismatch, to, the
activities, and, assessment subjects, the, activity, did, not, coincide

the, third, one, is, that, activities, in, the with, the, competency, requirement, because

learning, activity, sheets, did, not it, allowed, the, students, to, revise, the

coincide, with, the, objectives fable

in, this, example, the, objective, requires and, change, the, character, revising, and

the, learner, to, give, the, ending, of, the changing, the, character, of, the, story

story, being, read is, not, congruent, to, the, competency, which

but, the, activity, was, just, giving, a is

one-line, situationer inferring, the, feeling, of, characters

and, not, a, story, the, inconsistency, of, the based, on, the, dialogues

objectives, and, activities, will, lead heard

confusion, to, learners [Music]

as, to, what, skills, will, be, mastered, since so, what, is, now, the, problem

this, competency, requires, the, development is, it, the, understanding, of, the, most

of, reading, comprehension, and, critical essential, learning, competencies

analysis or, is, it, the, utilization, of, the, most

the, activity, itself, did, not, satisfy, the essential, learning, competencies

objective [Music]

and, the, competency our, most, essential, learning, competencies

fourth, on, the, list, is, assessments are, guided, by, both, levels, of, learning

are, not, congruent, to, the, competency and, levels, of, assessment, meaning

requirements the, competencies, are, not, standalone

in, most, cases, our, assessment, did, not statements

coincide, the, competency, or, skill but, it, is, guided, by, a, scaffolding

requirements approach, that, runs, from, basic, concepts

in, this, finding, the, competency, requires to, complex, products, this, also, means

the, learner, to, infer that, when, we, design, our, lessons, and

feelings, of, the, characters, in, the activities

dialogue we, have, to, be, guided, by, levels, of

the, assessment, expected, to, allow, the learning, and, when, we, design, our

learners, to, master assessment

making, inference, on, the, emotions, of we, have, to, be, guided, by, the, levels, of

characters assessment

as, this, is, one, of, the, most, difficult [Music]

skills, in, language these, levels, of, learning, and, levels, of

assessment learning, outcomes, are, sacrificed, the

are, also, known, as, cognitive, process critical, part, here

dimension is, that, teachers, must, be, very, careful

this, dimension, represents, the, learning in, understanding, the, requirements, of, the

patterns, of, the, child, in, absorbing, the competencies

knowledge, and, skills before, designing, the, lesson

through, scaffold, activities, of, learning in, understanding, the, learning

concepts, to, ideas competencies, teachers, must, get, to, know

and, products, psychologically what, is, the, level, of, ah, competency

this, represents, that, delivery, of they, must, be, very, careful, in, classifying

learning, must, be, progressive every, competency

and, gradual, the, abrupt, introduction, of across, the, six, cognitive, process

the, competency dimensions

will, eventually, contribute, to, learning and, when, teachers, already, know, the

failures specific, level

thus, competencies, must, be, introduced they, can, now, design, lessons, activities

from, ec and, assessment

to, average, and, difficult, level, to, allow congruent, to, the, competency, requirement

every, learner, to, cope, up, with, the teachers, as, well, might, consider, the

competency, demands placement, of, competencies

teachers, must, put, premium, on from, easy, average, to, difficult, level

considerations, of, these, levels, of this, arrangement, will, allow, students, to

learning, and, levels, of, assessment scaffold, their, learning

specifically, in, designing, learning across, the, levels, of, difficulty

activity, materials [Music]

both, levels, of, learning, and, assessment so, in, order, to, classify, the, competencies

must, be, congruent into, appropriate, levels

to, ensure, that, learning, is, holistic, and we, need, to, map, first, the, set, of

lifelong competencies, within, the, quarter

when, teachers, fail, to, classify, what this, is, through, identifying, what

levels, are, required, by, every, competency cognitive, process, dimensions

then, learning, activity, materials or, level, of, learning, each, competency

produced requires

and, assessment, designs, are, not, inclusive by, simply, using, this, pattern, we, can

and, eventually identify

appropriate, competencies, levels, of specifically, for, competencies, having

learning higher, level, requirements

and, assessment, requirement, in, a teachers, must, be, careful, in, looking, at

particular, week the, competencies, to, be, considered, for

it, will, be, delivered, and, part, of, it, also expansion

is, we, can, identify, what, forms, of there, is, no, need, to, create, some

summative, assessment, can, be, given, in, a competencies

particular, competency, in, a, certain, way we, only, need, objectives

and, by, this, mapping, we, can, assure, that and, activities, to, be, stretched, in, a, week

from, the, competencies, in, identified or, combined, weeks

the, learning, activity, materials, and in, mapping, the, competencies, teachers

assessment must, be, guided, with, a, taxonomy, of

are, congruent, and, relevant learning

when, mapping, the, competencies, we, need, the, taxonomy, of, learning, defines, the
level, of
consider, the, number, of, weeks
competency, requirements
over, the, number, of, competencies, since
the, third, quarter, has, eight, weeks
these, are, some, sort, of, review, on, the
seven, weeks, will, be, provided, with
levels, of, assessment, and, levels, of
learning, activity, shifts
understanding, referring, to, our, most
and, the, eighth, week, will, be, allotted, for
essential, learning, competencies
major, assessment, activities
when, the, competency, requires, only, a
simple, recall
for, competencies, which, are, too, many, in, a
then, it, is, level, one, this, means
that, we, don't, need, complicated, lessons
we, need, to, combine, or, merge, specifically
activities, and, assessments
these, competencies, with, common, grounds
because, the, competency, requirement, only
to, satisfy
allows, learners
the, number, of, weeks, for, lesson, delivery
to, develop, the, memory, and, retention, of
and, for, competencies, which, are, too
the, lesson
level, , is, when, the, competency, requires
lesson, developers, may, extend, the
learners, to, demonstrate, their
competency, delivery
understanding, of, the, lessons
by, expanding, the, objectives, and, number
the, lesson, developer, will, focus, now, on
of, activities
how, learners, discuss
and, explain, the, concepts, presented evidences, gathered

during and, analyzed

the, lesson, the, teacher, will, design level, , is, when, the, competency, requires

activities, and, assessment, that, will learners, to

allow, the, learners, to, discuss evaluate, through, reflection, critics

and, explain, the, concepts, they, learned and, judgment, the, activities, and

[Music] assessment, to, be, designed, by, teachers, as

level, three, is, when, the, competency competency, requirements

requires, learners, to, have, application, of must, focus, on, how, learners, will, justify

learning, to, practical, situations a, course, of, decision, or, actions, based

when, the, competency, requires, application from, the, concepts

teachers, must, design perspectives, and, ideas, presented

activities, and, assessment, that, will the, lesson, must, allow, them, to, weigh, in

manifest, application, of, learners their, judgment

about, his, takeaways, from, what, he and, their, outputs, must, show, competence

understood in, managing, decisions

from, the, lesson, may, be, conceptual, or because, that, is, what, the, competency

realistic, the, application, may, include requires, them, to, master

how, rules [Music]

methods, concepts, principles, and, theories and, lastly, is, level, six

can, be, applied, in, a, similar, situation, in when, the, competency, requires, learners, to

life create, new, ideas

level, , is, when, the, competency, requires new, products, and, new, innovations, from, a

learners, to, break, information, into, parts certain, point, of, view

and, explore, these, parts, to, become, whole reflected, from, the, different

again perspectives, of, the, lesson

the, teachers, as, lesson, developers, must teachers, must, carefully, look, into

consider performance-based, tasks, and

how, they, will, provide, activities, and outputs, because, this, competency, level

output, requirements, that, could requires, them, to, create, something, new

measure, critical, thinking, this, level, of out, from, their, learning, more, so

competency teachers, must, refer, to, the, list, of, verbs

allows, the, learners, to, analyze, the suggested, by, the, taxonomy, of, learning

pieces, of, information but, must, be, careful, in, interpreting, the

and, form, conclusions, based, on, the whole, competency

rather, than, just, relying, to, the, verbs

and, what, the, verbs, tell

lesson, developers, must, be, critical, in


interpreting, and, deciding, the, level, of


since, there, are, competencies, that, use

verbs, classified, in, the, lower, level

but, the, competency, requirement, as, a

whole, is, higher

when, we, understand, the, competencies, and

how, it, works

teachers, can, easily, design, appropriate


create, meaningful, opportunities, for

learners, to, do, the, tasks

and, provide, appropriate, assessment, that

will, develop, holistically

to, become, competent, individuals

learning, is, always, a, process, of, changing

the, mindset, and, the, practices, that

becomes, the, way, of, living

tony, robbins, believed, that, if, you, do

what, you've, always, done, you'll, get, what

you've, always, gotten


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