Zhong 2012
Zhong 2012
Zhong 2012
Research paper
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A series of poly(oxypropylene)-amidoamine (POAA) compounds as potential shale inhibitors were synthe-
Received 9 January 2012 sized by condensation of low molar mass polyoxypropylene diamine POP230 with diacids. The synthesized
Received in revised form 7 June 2012 polymer was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and mass spectrum (MS) anal-
Accepted 7 June 2012
ysis. The interaction between the POAA compounds and purified bentonite was investigated via FT-IR, X-ray
Available online 30 August 2012
diffraction (XRD), electrophoretic mobility (EM) measurement, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), water ad-
sorption test, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The POAA compounds were intercalated by the
Water-based drilling fluid montmorillonite (Mt) with monolayer orientation. The protonated ammonium ions neutralized the nega-
Clay hydration tively charged sites and decreased the electrophoretic mobility. Hydrogen bonds were formed between
Polyamidoamine amide and siloxane groups. The intercalation reduced the water content of the Mt and rendered the clay min-
Inhibition evaluation eral surface more hydrophobic. The inhibitive properties of the modified Mt were evaluated by inhibition and
Bentonite cuttings hot-rolling dispersion tests. The POAA-Mt exhibited superior shale hydration and dispersion inhibi-
Montmorillonite tion capacity compared to conventional inhibitors.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction et al., 2010; Stamatakis et al., 1995; Van Oort, 2003; Zhang et al., 2000).
Nevertheless, these approaches were not completely successful in
In drilling engineering, swelling and dispersion of shales and cut- inhibiting the hydration of highly water sensitive clays and had various
tings led to various problems such as hole collapse, tight hole, stuck limitations (Young and Ramses, 2006). Among these methods, potassi-
pipe, poor hole cleaning, hole enlargement, plastic flow, fracturing, um chloride was the earliest and most widely used agent. When com-
lost circulation, and well control. In addition, the dispersed clay might bined with other additives such as partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide
aggregate on the surface of bit or drilling tools, leading to bit balling (PHPA) (Steiger, 1981), polyglycol (Brady et al., 1998) and silicates
and penetration rate reduction (Bol, 1986; Lu, 1985; Sheu and (Guo et al., 2006), effective inhibition would be obtained by synergetic
Perricone, 1988). Most of the drilling problems that increased the dril- effects. Because of the high concentration required to obtain the satisfac-
ling costs were related to the wellbore stability (Lal, 1999). Shale inhibi- tory levels of inhibition, alternative cations that promised to be as effec-
tion was the most important factor in preventing hole problems when tive as potassium ions were needed. This became the starting point for
drilling in shale formations (Løklingholm, 2002). Oil-based drilling the evaluation of ammonium and amine-based compounds for shale in-
fluids were used to drill water-sensitive formations because of inherent hibition (Guerrero et al., 2006). Nitrogen derivatives, the simplest is am-
advantages such as excellent inhibition, high temperature stability, and monium chloride, were used as shale inhibitors for many years. The
outstanding lubricity (Rojas et al., 2006). However, the expensive costs history of amine compounds and their properties were reviewed
and adverse effects on environment limited their wide use (Morton et (Patel, 2009; Patel et al., 2007; Schlemmer et al., 2003). A recent advance
al., 2005). With the increasingly stringent environmental demands, was the introduction of water-based drilling fluids containing low molar
the search for an environmentally friendly water-based drilling fluid mass polyetheramine compounds (Aldea et al., 2005; Patel et al., 2001a,
to prevent hydration and swelling of clay minerals and to exhibit inhib- b; Qu et al., 2009). The ability of polyetheramine to reduce the swelling
itive characteristic similar to oil-based drilling fluids became more de- tendencies of shales was studied (Patel et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2011;
manding (Bruton and Mclaurine, 1993; Rosa et al., 2005). Zhong et al., 2011). Based on this inhibitor, a high performance water-
Over the past decades, a wide variety of approaches were proposed, based drilling fluid was designed and applied around the world with
like relatively high concentrations of inorganic salts, organic salts and great success, which represented a significant step-change improvement
many kinds of polymeric additives (Caenn and Chillingar, 1996; Souza over earlier attempts to develop a water-based drilling fluid performing
like an oil-based drilling fluid (Guerrero et al., 2006; Patel et al., 2002;
Young and Stamatakis, 2006).
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 86 532 86981705; fax: + 86 532 86981936. With the development of computer technologies, computer simu-
E-mail address: zhong3h3c@sina.com (Z. Qiu). lation became a useful tool to understand the underlying principles
0169-1317/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Zhong et al. / Applied Clay Science 67–68 (2012) 36–43 37
behind clay swelling and determine the interaction between inhibi- (abbreviated as POP230) with the general formula H2NCH(CH3)CH2
tors and clay minerals. Furthermore, the combination of computer sim- [OCH2(CH3)CH]2.6NH2 was purchased from Huntsman Chemical Co.
ulation and experimental studies provided an effective way to design
novel high performance inhibitors with favorable molecular structures 2.2. Synthesis of the POAA compounds
(Anderson et al., 2010a; Bains et al., 2001; Greenwell et al., 2005;
Ratcliffe et al., 2009). After analyzing the properties and summarizing The reactions were carried out in a 500 mL four-neck flask equipped
the inhibitive actions of various inhibitors with the combination of com- with a stirrer and condenser. The flask was immersed into a thermostat
puter simulation and experimental results, sets of “rule-based” design oil bath. Nitrogen gas was purged into the flask to remove oxygen.
criteria for clay swelling inhibitors were developed (Anderson et al., POP230 (230 g, 1 mol) and adipic acid (73 g, 0.5 mol) were added
2010b; Suter et al., 2011). Therefore, in this study, we tried to synthesize while stirring. The mixture was heated to 140–150 °C for 4 h. During
poly(oxypropylene)-amidoamine (POAA) modified bentonites as po- the process, water was removed under the nitrogen atmosphere through
tential shale inhibitors. a water separator. The reaction product is abbreviated as POP230-AA.
With a similar procedure, a series of POP230-amidoamines were pre-
2. Experimental pared from the reaction of POP230 and succinic acid or ethane diacid
(abbreviated as POP230-SA and POP230-EA). The FT-IR spectra were
2.1. Materials recorded by a NEXUS FT-IR spectrometer (Thermo Nicolet Corporation),
scanning from 4000 to 400 cm− 1, with 4 cm− 1 resolution in transmis-
Sodium bentonite was obtained from Xiazijie Bentonite Company, sion. The molar mass distribution of the POP230-amidoamine was esti-
China, and was purified before use. The bentonite was dispersed in de- mated by using 7200 Q-TOF GC/MS mass spectrometer (Agilent, USA).
ionized water for 24 h to make an 80 g/L dispersions. The dispersions The solution surface tension was measured at 25 °C with the DCAT21
were centrifuged at 8000 r/min for 30 min, and the upper part of the surface/interface tensiometer (Beijing Eastern-Dataphy Instruments
dispersions was recovered. The purified bentonite sample was dried at Co., Ltd).
105 °C for 24 h and sieved by 200 mesh sieve. The cation exchange ca-
pacity was determined to be 1.05 mmol/g by ammonium acetate 2.3. Modified bentonite
method. A drilling fluid bentonite was supplied by Weifang Huawei
Bentonite Group Co., Ltd, China, following the API standard. Adipic Purified Na-bentonite (8 g) was dispersed in 1 L of deionized water
acid, succinic acid, ethane diacid, potassium chloride, potassium for- for 24 h, and POAA compounds with concentrations of 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0,
mate and sodium formate were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical 3.0, 5.0%(m/v) were added. After stirring for 30 min, the dispersions
Reagent Co., Ltd, China, in analytical purity. Ultrahib, a commercial poly- were allowed to stand for 24 h. The dispersions were centrifuged and
amine shale inhibitors, was provided by M-I SWACO in America. (2, 3- washed thoroughly with deionized water for several times. One part
Epoxypropyl) trimethylammonium chloride (NW-1) was supplied by of the sediment was used for XRD measurement. The other part was
Shandong Juxin Checmical Co., Ltd, China. Polyoxypropylene diamine dried in a vacuum oven at 80 °C and ground to powder. Samples were
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500
-1 -1
Wavenumber(cm ) Wavenumber(cm )
Fig. 1. FT-IR spectra of POAA and polyoxypropylene diamine. (A) POP230; (B) POP230-AA; Fig. 2. FT-IR of (A) purified Na-bentonite; (B) bentonite modified with POP230-AA;
(C) POP230-SA; (D) POP230-EA. (C) bentonite modified with POP230-SA; (D) bentonite modified with POP230-EA.
38 H. Zhong et al. / Applied Clay Science 67–68 (2012) 36–43
2θ =6.153 POP230-SA
2θ =6.202
d001=1.46 nm
2 θ =6.053
d001=1.44 nm -2.6
2 θ =6.035 -2.8
d001=1.43 nm
2θ =6.399 -3.2
B d001=1.38 nm
0 10 20 30 40 50
A 2θ =8.855 d001=1.21 nm
Concentration of polymer(g/L)
2 θ =6.480
B d 001=1.36 nm
2.4. Inhibitive properties
100 75
70 POP230-SA
95 D
B 65
Surface tension(mN/m)
Mass loss (%)
A 60
65 35
0 200 400 600 800 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
Temperature( C) lgc(g/L)
Fig. 5. TGA curves of bentonites at POAA concentrations of 0.5%(m/v). (A) purified Na- Fig. 7. Surface tension curves of POAA solutions.
bentonite; (B) bentonite modified with POP230-AA; (C) bentonite modified with
POP230-SA; (D) bentonite modified with POP230-EA.
3.2. Interaction of POAA compounds with Mt
higher molar mass (Fig. 3).
Fig. 8. SEM photographs of purified and modified bentonites (magnifications 50,000×; 5.0 kV) at a POAA concentration of 0.5%(m/v): (A) purified Na-bentonite; (B) bentonite mod-
ified with POP230-AA; (C) bentonite modified with POP230-SA; (D) bentonite modified with POP230-EA.
POP230-EA compensated the negative surface charges to a higher de- of the solution decreased to 38.8, 38.1, and 43.5 mN/m for POP230-
gree than the two other polymers. AA, POP230-SA and POP230-EA.
and 200 °C (Fig. 5). All POAA polymers reduced the water content of POP230-AA POP230-SA
the modified bentonite. At 200 °C, the mass loss of pristine bentonite, 2.0 POP230-EA Ultrahib
KCl NW-1
POP230-AA, POP230-SA and POP230-EA bentonite was 12%, 9%, 7%,
and 5%. Thus, the adsorption of POAA reduced the water content of the
Basal spacing(nm)
affinity of the clay mineral surface to water had favorable impact on clay
stabilization (Wang et al., 2011). Because of different hydrophilicity/ 1.3
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
hydrophobicity ratios of the three polymers, the affinity to water
Concentration of inhibitor(%m/v)
decreased in the order POP230-EA > POP230-SA > POP230-AA. This
was consistent with the results of surface tension measurements Fig. 9. X-ray diffraction patterns of bentonite (wet samples) in the presence of
(Fig. 7). With increasing concentrations of what, the surface tension inhibitors.
H. Zhong et al. / Applied Clay Science 67–68 (2012) 36–43 41
Table 1
Rheometer readings of all samples after adding bentonite.
– Indicates that the readings were > 300, no further readings were taken.
Table 2
40 Cuttings recovery of various inhibitor systems.
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