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IADC/SPE 99174

Use of Lightweight Solid Additives To Reduce the Weight of Drilling Fluid in the Riser
J.H. Cohen, SPE, and G. Deskins, SPE, Maurer Technology Inc.

Copyright 2006, IADC/SPE Drilling Conference

drilling vessel, which will reduce the size of drillships or
This paper was prepared for presentation at the IADC/SPE Drilling Conference held in Miami, increase depth capability of existing vessels.
Florida, U.S.A., 21–23 February 2006.

This paper was selected for presentation by an IADC/SPE Program Committee following
review of information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the
paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the International Association of Drilling
Contractors or Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s).
The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the IADC, SPE, their Deep Water Drilling Problems. Problems are often
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the International Association of Drilling
encountered in deepwater wells with lost circulation and fluid
Contractors and Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print influx. These issues increase costs and make deepwater
is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The
abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was drilling uneconomical in many areas. One major concern that
presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A.,
fax 1.972.952.9435.
exacerbates these fluid problems is maintaining wellbore
annulus pressure above pore pressure so that the well does not
Abstract “kick”, and below fracture pressure so that the well does not
This paper describes the first phases of development of a hydraulically fracture and lose circulation. In deep water, pore
drilling system for offshore wells based on the use of and fracture pressure gradients are typically close together,
lightweight solid additives (LWSA) to reduce the density of making drilling very difficult. Figure 1 shows mud hydrostatic
drilling fluid within the riser above the seafloor. Equipment pressure gradients for offshore drilling. Because of the
and procedures were tested to pump LWSA down to the seawater column, and the unconsolidated nature of sediments
bottom of the riser without damage, separate them from the near the seafloor, the pore pressure (A) and fracture pressure
mud after the fluid mixture returns to the surface, recycle (B) curves are often close together, making it difficult to
LWSA for immediate re-use, as well as several other maintain wellbore annulus pressure between these curves.
problems. Initial developments and tests are described that
successfully addresses many of these issues. (D) Mud Hydrostatic Pressure
In offshore wells, particularly in deep water, the problem (Riserless)

of maintaining a safe range of mud weights is compounded by (C) Mud Hydrostatic Pressure
the additional pressure that drilling mud in the riser exerts on Casing

the formation. If the effective weight of mud in the riser can

be reduced, the range of safe mud weights is effectively
(B) Fracture Pressure
widened at the formation, resulting in fewer casing strings and
safer operations. Mud with high concentrations of LWSA
(E) Seawater
might be pumped down from the surface through special lines Hydrostatic
and then injected into the riser at the mud line. The mixture of Pressure (A) Pore Pressure
mud and LWSA flowing up the riser then weighs less than
pure mud.
LWSA were developed and tested as spheres produced Figure 1. Hydrostatic Gradients
from different materials including glass, composites, and With conventional riser drilling, the mud hydrostatic
epoxy resins. Tests showed that LWSA could withstand high pressure gradient (C) is a straight line extending from the
pressures existing at the bottom of risers. LWSA were able to floating drillship. This hydrostatic gradient traverses the pore
be separated from oilfield muds using conventional oilfield and fracture gradients over a relatively short vertical distance,
shale shakers and hydrocyclones. Muds with LWSA could be resulting in the need for numerous casing strings.
pumped with conventional mud pumps without excessive If annular pressure in the riser at the seafloor were reduced
pressure losses. LWSA were recirculated many times with to that of seawater, the hydrostatic curve (D) would be a
minimal breakage, demonstrating that they could survive in straight line that extends from the seafloor. The slope of this
commercial operations. line is significantly reduced, allowing a much greater vertical
Significant cost savings will be possible in drilling distance to be drilled while maintaining bottom hole pressures
offshore wells if remaining problems with LWSA can be between the pore and fracture gradient curves. This allows
addressed. In addition to reducing the number of casing strings fewer casing strings, smaller drilling vessels, and reduces
required, drilling with LWSA would reduce tension load drilling costs.
requirements on the riser and mud storage requirements on the
2 IADC/SPE 99174

Dual-Gradient Drilling Concept. With conventional offshore Basic DGD Systems. Figure 4 shows three options for DGD
drilling, a riser extends from the seafloor to the drillship and techniques including seafloor pumps, gas lift, and lightweight
fluid is circulated down the drillstring and up the riser back to solid additives (LWSA). These systems can also be used in
the drillship. To overcome problems caused by the weight of conjunction with each other. Although gas-lift and LWSA
the mud in the riser, several companies and research consortia systems are shown with risers, they can also be used with
have pursued development of dual-gradient drilling (DGD) return flow lines and riserless systems. Gas lift and LWSA
systems that reduce wellbore annulus pressure at the seafloor systems significantly reduce the amount of equipment required
(Figure 2). One approach uses seafloor pumps to pump the on the seafloor.
mud back to the surface via risers or smaller return riser lines
(riserless drilling). In this way, the effect of the weight of the
mud in the riser is removed from the seafloor, changing the Mud & Gas Mud & Spheres Mud
pressure gradient in the wellbore to a more favorable one.
Mud Return Gas Glass Spheres
and Pump Seafloor
Seafloor Pump

Drillpipe Return Line

Mud Mud Mud
Gas Lift LWSA Riserless
Wellhead Mud Lift Figure 4. DGD Options
and BOP Pump
Seafloor With riserless pumping systems, subsea pumps (triplex,
centrifugal, electric submersible or diaphragm pumps) are
placed on the seafloor and lift the cuttings stream to the
surface, eliminating the need for mud to circulate up the riser
as an extension of the wellbore to the drilling vessel. At least
three groups have developed this type of DGD system: Shell
Figure 2. Dual Gradient Drilling System (Riserless) E&P’s Subsea Pumping System; Conoco-led Subsea Mudlift
Drilling JIPs; and Baker-Transocean’s DeepVision System.
Figure 3 shows an example of conventional and riserless Each of these is based on pumps on the seafloor, but the
(DGD) casing programs for a Gulf of Mexico well1. For this design of the subsea modules differ significantly. These
case, riserless drilling reduced the number of casing strings systems provide flexibility to handle any drilling situation, but
from 8 to 5, saving $3 million2. are costly and introduce reliability issues associated with
Mudline operating complex pumping systems on the seafloor.
36 36 With gas-lift systems, gas is injected into the bottom of the
26 26 riser to reduce the density of the mud in the riser. Problems
20 20
with gas lift include (1) high compressor and nitrogen costs,
(2) corrosion problems, (3) gas compressibility causing
5-1/2 in.
13-3/8 Tubing
13-3/8 nonlinear pressure gradients, and (4) difficulties degassing
mud before it is reinjected into the well.
11-3/4 7 in.
For LWSA systems, hollow spheres (glass, plastic,
9-5/8 composites, metal, etc.) are mixed in a slurry and pumped to
9-5/8 the seafloor in a flowline. Then they are injected into the riser
at the seafloor to reduce mud density. The LWSA technique is
similar to gas lift except that the hollow spheres are
Conventional incompressible and produce linear pressure gradients.
Figure 3. Casing Program for DGD1
DGD with Glass Spheres
In this example, DGD allows running 7-inch instead of Over the past several years, Maurer Technology Inc.3,4 has
5½-inch production tubing, resulting in higher well been developing a simple DGD system based on pumping
productivity due to the larger flow area. In addition, larger high concentrations of hollow glass spheres into the riser to
casing (9⅝ vs. 7⅝ inch) provides capability for multilateral reduce mud density above the seafloor. Muds with hollow
drilling, which can further increase production. DGD therefore spheres were first used for underbalanced drilling. More
has potential to significantly increase oil and gas production in recently, their potential to enable DGD was pursued under a
deepwater wells. large joint-industry project4 funded by five service companies
Along with reducing the number of casing strings required, and three operators.
DGD will reduce tension load requirements on the riser and
mud storage requirements on the drilling vessel, which will
reduce their size requirements or increase the depth capability
of existing vessels.
IADC/SPE 99174 3

While the concept of LWSA muds is simple, field Mud Hollow Spheres Lightweight Mud
implementation of a DGD system will require several
significant developments. Among the most challenging are:
1. Developing lightweight spheres that can survive in the
harsh drilling environment
2. Determining effects of spheres on mud rheology and 1.68 S.G. 0.38 S.G. 1.02 S.G.
then developing accurate models 14 ppg 3.17 ppg 8.56 ppg
3. Developing equipment to pump and clean LWSA Figure 6. Sea-Water Density Mud (50% Spheres)
muds Figure 7 illustrates how mud density decreases as the
4. Designing equipment to deliver large concentrations of percentage of spheres is increased. For example, a volume
spheres to the riser at the sea floor concentration of 21% spheres is required to reduce the density
5. Developing means to separate spheres from mud of a 10-ppg mud to that of seawater, compared to 50% for a
rapidly and efficiently 14-ppg mud.
6. Developing well-control procedures when LWSA
muds are in the wellbore 18
Sphere S.G. = 0.38
During the first phase of the JIP to develop a sphere-based 16
DGD system, a wide variety of design aspects were

Mixture Density (ppg)

investigated and tested by the research team. Space in this 14
paper only allows a brief summary of activities in selected
technological areas. Base
10 Weight
System Design. With sphere-based DGD systems, hollow (ppg)
spheres (glass, plastic, composite, etc.) or solid lightweight 8 18
particles are pumped to the seafloor and injected into the 6
Sea Water 14
bottom of the riser (Figure 5) to reduce the density of the mud 10
in the riser to near that of seawater. A major advantage of this 4
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
approach to DGD is that no new equipment is needed on the Sphere Concentration (volume %)
seafloor except a remotely controlled valve. Figure 7. Mud Density vs. Sphere Concentration
Swivel Shale Shaker Sphere Collapse Pressure. High collapse strength for spheres
Mud Pump
Spheres (Spheres) is desirable to increase their range of application and service
Mud Pump life. Unfortunately, density of hollow spheres also increases
Drill Ship with collapse strength due to thicker walls. Consequently, it is
Mud beneficial to use the lowest strength spheres (i.e., lowest
Spheres density) possible.
Mud & Spheres & Mud The project team noted that spheres encounter the highest
Riser collapse pressures when sphere injection is initiated and the
Wellhead riser is full of heavy mud (no spheres). It typically takes 60–90
Mud Line and BOP Valve minutes for spheres to reach the surface when drilling is
initiated. To reduce this impact, stronger spheres can initially
Drill String Valve
be injected into the bottom of the riser and then replaced with
lighter, lower-collapse-pressure spheres after the riser is full of
LWSA mud. Another possibility is to initially inject the
Rock spheres near the top of the riser and then sequentially inject
spheres at lower points in the riser, similar to initiating a gas-
Figure 5. Hollow-Sphere DGD System
lift system (Figure 8).

Sphere Design. The hollow spheres can be made of glass, Valve

composites, plastics, or other materials. Hollow glass 2,500’
microspheres (diameter of 10 to 100 microns) manufactured
by 3M were commercially available and investigated initially. Sea Water
These have a specific gravity of 0.38 g/cm3. Adding 50% by 5,000’
+ Spheres
volume of microspheres to a 14-ppg mud will reduce its
density to that of seawater (8.56 ppg) (Figure 6). Riser Flow Line



Sea Floor
Figure 8. Multiple Injection Points
4 IADC/SPE 99174

Project Successes possible with conventional centrifuges or hydroclones at the

high circulation rates required with DGD drilling (800 to 1400
Development of Large-Diameter Hollow Spheres. Because gpm). To address this problem, the team tested large-diameter
of the difficulties of removing small diameter hollow spheres spheres (>100 microns) that can be removed from mud with
from mud, the use of larger spheres (>100 microns) was conventional oilfield shale shakers. Cuttings and spheres can
considered. Larger spheres have several advantages over be easily separated in a tank since hollow spheres will float
microspheres including: (1) lower mud viscosities and (2) are and rock cuttings will sink (Figure 10).
easily screened from the mud with conventional oilfield shale
shakers. Shale
An early concern regarding the implementation of larger Shaker Hollow
spheres was that collapse pressure might not be adequate. Spheres
Mud Seawater
Sphere density, ρ, is Drill Cuttings
3 3 Figure 10. Sphere Separation System
b −a
ρ = ρm .............................................................. (1)
b3 One of the significant successes of the project was
effective separation of spheres using a conventional oilfield
where ρm is density of the base material. Sphere collapse shaker. Figure 11 shows a Varco King Cobra shaker being
pressure5, p, is used to separate large-diameter spheres from synthetic oil
drilling mud at a feed rate of 720 gpm.
2σ m b 3 − a 3
p= ⋅ .......................................................... (2)
3 b3
Combining Equations (1) and (2) yields
2σ m ρ
p= = c ⋅ ρ ............................................................. (3)
3ρ m

For a given sphere material with fixed shear strength σm

and density ρm, collapse pressure of a sphere is shown to be
independent of its diameter. Therefore for a given material,
sphere diameter can be increased without reducing collapse
pressure, as long as wall thickness is scaled so that sphere
density is the same.
This analysis led the project team to pursue the
manufacture of larger prototype lightweight particles (0.56
g/cm3) by 3M with diameters of 2 to 3 mm. Previously tested
microspheres had diameters of 10 to 100 microns (Figure 9)
These larger spheres can be screened out of the mud using
conventional shaker screens (100 to 200 mesh).

Figure 11. Shaker Separating Spheres

A shaker test stand was used for these tests. An 8” x 6”

magnum centrifugal pump circulated the sphere mixture from
the cylindrical test tank to the shale shaker. An oilfield mud
hopper was used to mix the spheres into 12.8-ppg oilfield
synthetic oil mud, and a mud mixer on the cylindrical tank
kept the mud (25% spheres) mixed.
The King Cobra shaker uses four screens for separation.
The first screen is level to form a “mud pool” which is
essential for good shaker performance. The other three screens
are normally tilted upward at 5° so that the drill cuttings move
up as they move along the screen. This shaker allows a ±3°
Figure 9. Large vs. Small Diameter Hollow Spheres adjustment, so the shaker screen angle can be varied from 2 to
8°. Tests showed that sphere separation was improved at
Sphere Separation. All spheres must be removed from the
higher angles.
LWSA mud when the mud returns up the riser to the drillship.
Spheres used for these tests have diameters of 2 to 3 mm
Heavy mud (without spheres) is then circulated conventionally
(0.08 to 0.12 inch). Ten- and twenty-mesh screens (0.075 and
down the drill pipe to the bit while the spheres are circulated
0.034 inch openings, respectively) were used to remove the
to the seafloor and reinjected into the riser.
Extensive tests conducted by MTI, Baker-Hughes and
others showed that 100% sphere recovery from the mud is not
IADC/SPE 99174 5

Shaker performance with a 10-mesh screen is summarized not by the size of the openings in the screen. These tests
in Table 1 (at the end of the paper). Total overflow increased indicated that either 10- or 20-mesh screens can be used for
from 101 to 429 gpm and the percent of spheres in the this LWSA mud. Since results are similar, 20-mesh screens
overflow decreased from 63% to 42% as feed rate was are preferred since they can accommodate more sphere wear
increased from 257 to 722 gpm. At all flow rates, all of these before worn spheres pass through the screen.
spheres came across the top of the screen, demonstrating that 350
10 mesh screens can effectively separate these spheres from 10 Mesh
mud. With a feed rate of 300 gpm across a 10-mesh screen, 300 20 Mesh

Flow Through Screen (gpm)

only wetted spheres came over the top of the shaker (Figure 250
12) while 100% of the liquid mud not used to wet the spheres 209 204
flowed through the screen. For this case, 75 gpm of spheres 200
(100%) plus 45 gpm of liquid mud (wetting sphere surface)
flowed over the screen, and 180 gpm of liquid mud flowed
through the screen. 100


360 gpm 722 gpm
Feed Rate
Figure 14. Mud Flow Through Shaker Screens

Well Control. As previously discussed, controlling bottom-

hole pressure on deepwater wells is especially challenging.
One very critical aspect of controlling downhole pressures is
maintaining well control. Consequently, considerable effort
Figure 12. Wetted Spheres from Overflow (300 gpm feed) was expended on analyzing the performance of LWSA muds
under a wide variety of drilling scenarios and corresponding
At a higher flow rate of 430 gpm, a mixture of 50% impacts on well pressures and well control, and then
spheres came over the shaker (107 gpm spheres + 107 gpm developing effective procedures to address these situations.
mud) (Figure 13). It is notable that this separated mixture is at It is not possible to describe here all the analyses
an ideal concentration for pumping to the bottom of the riser performed during the JIP. Among the areas studied are:
for reinjection. At 720 gpm feed, sphere concentration in the 1. Effects of sphere flotation in shut-in and open wells
overflow decreased to 40%, with 450 gpm of the feed (63%) 2. Effects of sphere flotation on mud density
passing over the screen and 270 gpm of liquid mud (37%) 3. Accumulation of LWSA in flow lines
flowing through the screen. 4. Speed of sphere flotation in different fluids
5. Well-control options when using spheres
6. Driller’s method
7. Bullhead method
8. Deep water well control complications
9. Tripping
Each of these areas was thoroughly investigated by experts
in the industry. In most cases it will be very important to
maintain continuous flow in the riser, even when the well is
shut in. This continuous flow will reinject spheres to maintain
mud weight in the riser relatively constant.
In addition, computer models were developed to calculate
critical parameters such as sphere flotation velocities, time vs.
density changes, and critical concentrations of spheres. These
models would be used to indicate the correct course of action
if unplanned events occur.
Four basic methods for circulating kicks out of DGD wells
Figure 13. 50% Spheres in Overflow (430 gpm feed) were analyzed:
Test results with a 20-mesh screen were similar to those 1. Choke Line Circulation (Sphere or N2 Injection).
with a 10-mesh screen, except that there was slightly less flow With this approach, the well is shut in with the
(Table 2). At a feed rate of 360 gpm, 209 gpm of mud flowed seafloor BOPs and the choke line filled with fluid with
through the 10-mesh screen compared to 204 gpm through the a density equal to (or less than) the fluid in the riser.
20-mesh screen (Figure 14). Similarity in flow rates for these The kick is then circulated up the choke line while
two screen sizes shows that liquid separation is controlled injecting spheres, N2, or lightweight fluid into the
primarily by flow through the spheres on top of the screens, choke line (Figure 15). A major advantage of this
6 IADC/SPE 99174

technique is that it uses existing risers, choke and kill when circulation is stopped. Figure 16 shows the rheology
lines, and requires minimal modification to the rig. tube that was used to measure properties of the mud with
spheres. In this test, flow had to be stopped. When circulation
was restarted, the rheology tube was blocked with spheres. A
centrifugal pump was used on these tests.
Slip Joint
Mud Choke Line
(Sea Water Initially)
Mud & Spheres
Riser Spheres or N2
BOP (Stack) (Kill Line)

Sea Floor
Circulate kick up choke line
while injecting spheres,
N2 or lightweight liquids into
choke line.
Bit Kick
Figure 16. Spheres Blocking Rheology Tube
Figure 15. Circulating Kick Out Choke Line
Tests conducted with a triplex pump had similar
2. Riser Circulation (Surface BOPs). This approach challenges except the pump cylinders were blocked as well as
uses surface BOPs at the top of a high-pressure riser. the area around the valves. This prevented the pump from
A major advantage of this design is that there is no operating. Figure 17 shows the intake manifold for a triplex
equipment at the seafloor, so the well control mud pump after flow was stopped and restarted while
procedures are similar to land wells. However, pumping spheres in high concentrations. Spheres separated
expensive high-pressure risers and sphere injection from the liquid very quickly, resulting in blockage when
lines are required. attempting to reestablish flow. This was found to be readily
3. Choke Circulation (Seafloor Pump). Here, a small prevented by maintaining a tank with pure mud and flushing
seafloor pump is used to circulate the kick up the the lines before halting circulation.
choke line (or riser). This approach provides good
versatility and allows instant changes in wellbore
pressure, but is not preferred because of the
complexity and cost of adding a seafloor pump.
4. Riser Circulation (Seafloor Choke). A seafloor
choke is used to circulate the kick up a conventional
riser. An annular BOP and choke are used at the top of
the riser to safely handle gas in the riser. Circulation
up the riser avoids high friction losses in the choke
line, which make killing deepwater kicks difficult.
However, this approach requires developing a special
seafloor drilling choke which adds complexity.
After detailed modeling and discussions by the project
team, Option 1 was highlighted as the preferred well-control Figure 17. Mud Pump Intake Manifold Clogged with Spheres
method because it is versatile; uses existing seafloor
equipment; is based on conventional well-control procedures Sphere Breakage. When using centrifugal, vortex, or disk
understood by rig personnel; and has the highest potential for pumps to move the spheres, it was found to be critical to check
regulatory acceptance. the interference and spacing between components. Spheres
Advice on well control was also obtained from Petrobras. were melted due to friction between the rotor of the pump and
Petrobras has used nitrogen injection to lighten mud in the the housing. It is important that clearances be sufficient to
riser and has considerable experience in developing and allow spheres to move freely in this equipment. Problems with
implementing well-control procedures for DGD applications. sphere melting were solved after the back side of the rotor was
machined and the rotor spaced to the end of the shaft, which
Problems and Challenges opened the area between the rotor and the pump housing.
Several areas of the DGD system based on LWSA will require
additional development work prior to deployment. Impacts on Mud Properties. Another important problem
observed in some cases was changes in mud properties as
Sphere Separation Downhole. One important area of concern sphere concentration was increased. Figure 18 (at the end of
is the tendency for spheres to separate out and block flow lines the paper) shows how frictional pressure loss to move the mud
increased as sphere concentration increased. This is seen in the
IADC/SPE 99174 7

figure as an increase in the slope of the lines as sphere Acknowledgements

concentration is increased. The authors gratefully acknowledge the efforts of all
A simple field test was conducted where mud flow was participants in the DGD JIP. Special thanks are offered to
established in a shallow 200-ft test well. Spheres were then Thomas Trigg (ExxonMobil) for his expert advice and
added to the mud while pressure was recorded at the bottom of guidance in testing the glass spheres; Donald Whitfill (Baroid
the well (Figure 19). Flow rate was maintained constant Drilling Fluids) for his work on development of drilling muds
throughout the test. These data show that as the concentration to suspend the spheres and on measuring mud properties; Ken
of the spheres was increased, mud weight as measured with a Seyffert (Varco) and his crews for development and testing of
mud balance and a Coriolis flow meter decreases, but the sphere separation equipment and procedures; Brian Tarr for
pressure at the bottom of the well remains almost constant. expert analysis and solutions for well-control issues; National
This most likely indicates that equivalent circulating density Oil Well for their advice on pumps and pumping; and the U.S.
(ECD) increased proportionally, resulting in little or no change Department of Energy for their support.
due to the spheres. Work reported here was supported in part by the U.S.
If these data are accurate, this behavior is probably due to Department of Energy under Award No. DE-AC26-
the relatively small annulus in this test well (3-in. drill pipe in 02NT41641. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or
8-in. casing). It is possible that in the much larger annulus of a recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors
riser, a significant drop in pressure due to the change in mud and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DOE.
weight would be observed. Additional tests are needed to
determine the extent of this behavior. Nomenclature
a = sphere inner diameter
Conclusions b = sphere outer diameter
Based on investigations of the use of LWSA for dual-gradient BOP = blow-out preventer
drilling applications, the project team concluded: DGD = dual-gradient drilling
1. Based on significant economic drivers, DGD will be JIP = joint-industry project
employed in the future in one or more forms. LWSA = light-weight solid additives
2. A DGD system based on LWSA (spheres) holds ROP = rate of penetration (drilling rate)
promise as an economic approach for reducing costs in ρm = material density
deepwater wells. p = sphere collapse pressure
3. LWSA were successfully screened out of mud using σm = material shear strength
conventional oilfield shale shakers.
4. LWSA tested had collapse pressures up to 6,000 psi, References
which is adequate for most DGD applications. 1. Snyder, Robert E., 1998: “Riserless Drilling Project Develops
5. LWSA tested in a flow loop showed excellent Critical New Technology,” World Oil, January.
survivability; field attrition rates are not expected to 2. Gault, Allen, 1996: “Riserless Drilling: Circumventing the
exceed 25 to 50%. Size/Cost Cycle in Deepwater,” Offshore, May.
6. After circulation is halted, sphere flotation reduces the 3. Maurer, William C., William J. McDonald, Thomas E. Williams
and John H. Cohen, 2001: “Development and Testing of
density of the fluid flowing down the flowline and
Underbalanced Drilling Products – Final Report,” US
increases the density of the mud in the riser, so sphere Department of Energy, Contract No. DE-AC21-94MC31197,
flotation must be minimized. July.
7. Sphere flotation effects can be reduced by continually 4. Maurer, William C., Colin Ruan and Greg Deskins, 2003:
removing spheres from the top of a shut-in well and “Joint-Industry Partnership to Develop a Hollow Sphere Dual-
reinjecting them at the bottom of the riser. Gradient Drilling System – Final Report,” US Department of
8. Additional development work is needed to address Energy, Contract No. DE-AC26-02NT41641, May.
pumping issues related to sphere flotation and 5. Timoshenko, Stephen P., 1953: History of Strength of Materials,
accumulation (in pumps, piping, top of the riser, etc.) McGraw-Hill..
when circulation is halted, as well as ECD effects with
LWSA muds.

Table 1. Varco Shaker Tests (10 mesh, 13-ppg synthetic oil, 25% spheres)
Test Feed Overflow Underflow
No. Total Mud Beads Total Mud Beads Total Mud Beads
(gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (vol.%) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (vol.%) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm)
1 257 193 64 25 101 37 64 63.4 156 156 0
2 360 270 90 25 151 61 90 59.6 209 209 0
3 435 326 109 25 218 109 109 50.0 217 217 0
4 471 353 118 25 260 142 118 45.4 211 211 0
5 593 445 148 25 345 197 148 42.9 248 248 0
6 722 542 181 25 429 248 181 42.2 293 293 0
8 IADC/SPE 99174

Table 2. Varco Shaker Tests (20 mesh, 13-ppg synthetic oil, 25% spheres)
Test Feed Overflow Underflow
No. Total Mud Beads Total Mud Beads Total Mud Beads
(gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (vol.%) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (vol.%) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm)
1 257 193 64 25 97 33 64 66.0 160 160 0
2 360 270 90 25 156 66 90 57.7 204 204 0
3 429 322 107 25 214 107 107 50.0 215 215 0
4 471 353 118 25 261 143 118 45.2 210 210 0
5 593 445 148 25 368 220 148 40.2 225 225 0
6 722 542 181 25 454 273 181 39.9 268 268 0

2 to 3 mm spheres (SG=0.56) PV=16 cp (base mud)
3" Dia. x 14' aluminum pipe rheometer YP=19 lbf/100ft^2 (base mud) 50% Spheres
10.8 ppg water base mud (without spheres)

Pressure Drop (psi)

35% Spheres

22% Spheres

1.00 13% Spheres

50% Spheres

PV=13 cp
YP=38 lbf/100ft^2
(base mud)

0 50 100 150 200 250
Flow Rate (gpm)
Figure 18. Change in Mud Rheology with Sphere Concentration

150 11.0
> 2–3 mm spheres (SG=0.56)
> Well dia.=8 in.; depth=200 ft
> 9.9-ppg water base mud (without spheres)
> PV=14 cp (base mud) BHP
130 10.5
Bottom-Hole Pressure (psi)

> YP=34 lbf/100ft2 (base mud)

Mud Weight (ppg)

110 10.0

90 9.5

70 9.0
Mud Weight

Mud Weight (calculated)

50 8.5
0 80 160 240 320 400
Time (min)
Figure 19. Sphere Mud Flow Test in Shallow Well

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