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Installation, Operation,

and Maintenance

Series R
Helical Rotary Liquid Chillers
With heat recovery option

Models: RTHD
175-450 ton units (60 Hz)
125-410 ton units (50 Hz) J99000002020

Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. The installation, starting up, and servicing of
heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning equipment can be hazardous and requires specific knowledge and training.
Improperly installed, adjusted or altered equipment by an unqualified person could result in death or serious injury.
When working on the equipment, observe all precautions in the literature and on the tags, stickers, and labels that
are attached to the equipment.

Feb. 2018 RTHD-SVX02H-EN

Warnings, Cautions and Notices
Warnings, Cautions and Notices Note that warnings, cedures. In addition, some states or municipalities may
cautions and notices appear at appropriate intervals have additional requirements that must also be adhered
throughout this manual. Warnings are provide to alert to for responsible management of refrigerants. Know the
installing contractors to potential hazards that could re- applicable laws and follow them.
sult in death or personal injury. Cautions are designed to
alert personnel to hazardous situations that could result
in personal injury, while notices indicate a situation that Proper Field Wiring and Grounding
could result in equipment or property-damage-only acci- Required!
dents. All field wiring MUST be performed by qualified per-
sonnel. Improperly installed and grounded field wiring
Your personal safety and the proper operation of this poses FIRE and ELECTROCUTION hazards. To avoid
machine depend upon the strict observance of these pre- these hazards, you MUST follow requirements for field
cautions. wiring installation and grounding as described in NEC
and your local/state electrical codes. Failure to follow
Read this manual thoroughly before operating or servic- code could result in death or serious injury.
ing this unit.
ATTENTION: Warnings, Cautions and Notices appear
at appropriate sections throughout this literature. Read Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
these carefully: Required!
Installing/servicing this unit could result in exposure to
DDWARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous electrical, mechanical and chemical hazards.
situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury. • Before installing/servicing this unit, technicians
DDCAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous MUST put on all Personal Protective Equipment
situation which, if not avoided, could (PPE) recommended for the work being undertak-
result in minor or moderate injury. en. ALWAYS refer to appropriate MSDS sheets and
It could also be used to alert against OSHA guidelines for proper PPE.
unsafe practices.
• When working with or around hazardous chemicals,
NOTICE: Indicates a situation that could result ALWAYS refer to the appropriate MSDS sheets and
in equipment or property-damage OSHA guidelines for information on allowable per-
only sonal exposure levels, proper respiratory protection
and handling recommendations.
Important • If there is a risk of arc or flash, technicians MUST
Environmental Concerns! put on all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in
accordance with NFPA 70E or other country-specif-
Scientific research has shown that certain man-made
ic requirements for arc flash protection, PRIOR to
chemicals can affect the earth’s naturally occurring strato-
servicing the unit.
spheric ozone layer when released to the atmosphere.
In particular, several of the identified chemicals that may Failure to follow recommendations could result in
affect the ozone layer are refrigerants that contain Chlo- death or serious injury.
rine, Fluorine and Carbon (CFCs) and those containing
Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon (HCFCs). Not DDWARNING
all refrigerants containing these compounds have the Contains Refrigerant!
same potential impact to the environment. Trane advo- System contains oil and refrigerant under high pres-
cates the responsible handling of all refrigerants-includ- sure. Recover refrigerant to relieve pressure before
ing industry replacements for CFCs such as HCFCs and opening the system. See unit nameplate for refrigerant
HFCs. type. Do not use non-approved refrigerants, refrigerant
substitutes, or refrigerant additives.
Responsible Refrigerant Practices!
Failure to follow proper procedures or the use of
Trane believes that responsible refrigerant practices are non-approved refrigerants, refrigerant substitutes, or
important to the environment, our customers, and the refrigerant additives could result in death or serious
air conditioning industry. All technicians who handle injury or equipment damage.
refrigerants must be certified. The Federal Clean Air Act
(Section 608) sets forth the requirements for handling,
reclaiming, recovering and recycling of certain refriger-
ants and the equipment that is used in these service pro-

© 2016 Trane All rights reserved RTHD-SVX02H-EN

Warnings, Cautions and Notices.......................2 Figure 8. Recommended Operating and Ser-
vice Clearances................................................. 26
General Information...........................................7
Unit Identification - Nameplates..................... 7
Figure 1. Typical Unit Nameplate..................... 7 Water Drainage..............................................27

Unit Nameplates..............................................7 Access Restrictions........................................27

Unit Inspection................................................. 7 Moving and Rigging......................................27

Figure 9. Unit Weights and Dimensions for
Inspection Checklist.........................................7 Rigging 28
Loose Parts Inventory......................................7 Table 10. Unit Weight (lb(kg))......................... 29
Unit Description................................................ 8 Table 11. Center of Gravity(in(mm))............... 30
Model Number Coding System......................8 Lifting Procedure............................................31
Unit Model Number......................................... 8 Table 12. Rigging............................................. 31
Table 1. Model Number................................... 8 Figure 10. Lifting the Unit................................. 33

Model Number (located on compressor Alternate Moving Method.............................33

nameplate).......................................................12 Isolation Pads.................................................33
Table 2. Compressor Model Number........... 12
Placement Neoprene Isolator Installation
Figure 2. Component Location for Typical (optional)........................................................34
RTHD Unit ......................................................... 12
Figure 11. Isolator Pad Placement................... 34
Figure 3. Component Location for Typical
Figure 12. Oil Separator with Shipping Bracket
RTHD Unit (Back View)..................................... 13
and Compressor Shipping Spacer.................. 35
Figure 4. Component Location for Typical
RTHD Total Heat Reclaim Unit.......................... 14 Unit Leveling..................................................35
Figure 5. Component Location for Typical Water Piping................................................... 35
RTHD Total Heat Reclaim Unit (Back View)...... 15
Piping Connections........................................35
Figure 6. Component Location for Typical
RTHD Partial Heat Reclaim Unit....................... 16
Reversing Water Boxes..................................35
Figure 13. Condenser and Evaporator Water
Figure 7. Component Location for Typical
Connections -BBB............................................. 36
RTHD Partial Heat Reclaim Unit (Back View)... 17
Figure 14. Condenser and Evaporator Water
Installation Overview......................................17 Connections -BCD/CCD.................................... 37
Table 3. Installation Responsibility Chart for Figure 15. Condenser and Evaporator Water
RTHD Units....................................................... 18 Connections - CEF............................................. 38
Table 4. General Data.....................................19 Figure 16. Condenser and Evaporator Water
Table 5. General Data.................................... 20 Connections - CDE/DDE/EDE............................ 39
Table 6. General Data.................................... 21 Figure 17. Condenser and Evaporator Water
Table 7. General Data.................................... 22 Connections – CFF/DFF/EFF............................. 40
Table 8. General Data.................................... 23 Figure 18. Condenser and Evaporator Water
Connections - CGG/DGG/EGG......................... 41
Table 9. General Data.................................... 24
Figure 19. Condenser and Evaporator Water
Installation Mechanical....................................25 Connections - BCH............................................ 42
Storage............................................................ 25 Figure 20. Condenser and Evaporator Water
Connections - CEJ............................................. 43
Location Requirements.................................. 25
Figure 21. Condenser and Evaporator Water
Noise Considerations....................................25
Connections - CFJ/DFJ...................................... 44
Foundation.....................................................25 Figure 22. Condenser and Evaporator Water
Vibration Eliminators.....................................25 Connections - DGK/EGK................................... 45

Clearances......................................................25 Figure 23. Condenser and Evaporator Water


Connections - BCL............................................ 46 Procedure ......................................................62

Figure 24. Condenser and Evaporator Water Figure 30. Water Box Rigging and Lifting – Ver-
Connections - CEM........................................... 47 tical Lift Only..................................................... 63
Figure 25. Condenser and Evaporator Water Reassembly ...................................................63
Connections - CFM/DFM.................................. 48
Table 16. RTHD Torque .................................... 63
Figure 26. Condenser and Evaporator Water
Connections - DGN/EGN.................................. 49 Parts Ordering Information............................ 63
Table 17. Connection Devices......................... 63
Table 13. Evaporator and Condenser Data.... 50
Figure 31. Eyebolt connection (Safety hoist ring
Water Pressure Drop Data............................. 51 M12X1.75).......................................................... 63
Making Grooved Pipe Connections..............55 Questions .......................................................64
Vents and Drains............................................55
Installation Electrical........................................65
Evaporator Piping Components...................55
General Recommendations........................... 65
Entering Chilled Water Piping.......................55
Power Supply Wiring..................................... 65
Leaving Chilled Water Piping........................55
Water Pump Power Supply...........................65
Condenser Piping Components....................55
Electrical Panel Power Supply......................65
Entering condenser water piping.................55 Table 18. Wire Selection Chart for Starter Pan-
Leaving condenser water piping..................55 els 65

Condenser Water Regulating Valve...............56 Figure 32. Electrical Installation....................... 66

Figure 33. Handle on Door................................ 67
Condenser Water Regulating Valve Adjust-
ment................................................................56 Table 19. Lug Sizes.......................................... 67
Figure 34. Y-D Starter Panel Power Wire Rout-
Partial Heat Recovery Condenser Tube Parts...
ing 68
Figure 35. Solid State Starter Panel Power Wire
Full Heat Recovery Condenser Tube Parts....56 Routing 69
Full Heat Recovery Condenser Water Tem-
Module Connections for Interconnecting Wir-
perature Requirements and Control.............57
ing.................................................................... 70
Installation Of Water Tank Temperature Sen-
Interconnecting Wiring (Field Wiring Re-
Water Treatment.............................................. 57 Chilled Water Pump Control..........................70
Water Pressure Gauges and Thermometers....
Chilled Water Flow Interlock..........................70
Figure 27. Typical Thermometer, Valving, and Condenser Water Pump Control...................70
Manifold Pressure Gauge Set-up.................... 58 Condenser Water Flow Interlock...................70
Water Pressure Relief Valves.........................58 Heat Recovery Pump Control........................71
Flow Sensing Devices....................................58 Heat Recovery Water Flow Interlock.............71
Refrigerant Pressure Relief Valve Venting....59 Chilled Water Reset (CWR)............................71
Figure 28. Relief Valve Location....................... 59 Equations for calculating CWR.....................71
Table 14. Pressure Relief Valve Data............... 60 Table 20. Chiller Events/Status Descriptions.72
Thermal Insulation......................................... 61 Table 21. Programable Relays........................ 72
Figure 29. Typical RTHD Insulation Require- Emergency Stop.............................................72
ments 61
External Auto/Stop.........................................72
Table 15. Recommended Insulation Types..... 61
Soft Loading...................................................73
Waterbox Removal and Installation...............62
External Base Loading - Optional.................73
Introduction ................................................... 62
Base Loading Control setpoint.....................73
Discussion .....................................................62


Summit Interface - Optional..........................73 Viewing Chiller Operating Modes................82

Figure 44. Chiller Operating Modes screen..... 82
Operating Principles Mechanical....................74
Table 24. Operating Modes............................. 83
Refrigeration (Cooling) Cycle.........................74
Viewing the Alarms Screen...........................85
Cycle Description...........................................74
Figure 45. Alarm Screen................................... 85
Figure 36. Pressure /Enthalpy Curve................ 74
Figure 37. Refrigerant Flow Diagram............... 75 Reports............................................................85
Compressor Description.................................76 Viewing the Reports Screen..........................85
Figure 38. Compressor Description................. 76 Figure 46. Report Screen.................................. 85

Compressor Motor.........................................77 Editing a Custom Report...............................85

Figure 47. Edit Custom Report screen............. 86
Compressor Rotors........................................77
Figure 48. Report Evaporator Screen............... 86
Slide Valve Movement...................................77
Table 25. Report Evaporator Screen Items.... 86
Oil Management System............................... 77 Figure 49. Report Condenser Screen............... 86
Oil Separator..................................................77 Table 26. Report Condenser Screen Items..... 86
Figure 39. Oil Flow Diagram............................. 78 Figure 50. Report Compressor Screen............. 87
Oil Flow Protection........................................78 Table 27. Report Compressor Screen Items.. 87
Oil Filter..........................................................79 Figure 51. Report Motor Screen....................... 87
Compressor Bearing Oil Supply...................79 Table 28. Report Motor Screen Items............. 87

Compressor Rotor Oil Supply.......................79 Equipment Settings.......................................87

Lubricant Recovery........................................79 Viewing the Settings Screen.........................87
Figure 52. Setting Screen.................................. 87
Oil Cooler........................................................79
Viewing and Changing Equipment Settings....
Operator Interface Controls............................80 87
UC800 Overview............................................. 80 Figure 53. Example equipment settings screen
Power Supply ................................................80 (Chiller Settings shown)................................... 88

Wiring and Port Descriptions .......................80 Figure 54. Chilled Water Setpoint Screen........ 88
Figure 40. Wiring locations and connection Figure 55. Changed Chilled Water Setpoint
ports 80 Screen 88
Figure 56. Heat Reclaim Setpoint Screen........ 88
Communication Interfaces ...........................81
Table 29. Settings Screen Items..................... 89
Rotary Switches.............................................81
Display Settings.............................................89
LED Description and Operation ...................81
Figure 41. LED Locations.................................. 81 Viewing the Settings Screen.........................89
Table 22. LED Behavior................................... 81 Viewing and Changing Display Preferences....
Controls Interface........................................... 81 Figure 57. Display ReferenceScreen................ 89
TD7 Display....................................................81 Figure 58. Data Format Page............................ 90
Tracer TU.........................................................81 Figure 59. Language Page................................ 90
Tracer AdaptiView™TD7................................ 81 Figure 60. Date and Time screen...................... 90
Operator Interface..........................................81 Cleaning the Display......................................91
Figure 42. TD7.................................................... 82 Figure 61. Countdown screen.......................... 91
Main Display Area/Home Screen..................82 Security Settings............................................91
Figure 43. Main Screen..................................... 82 Disabling/Enabling Security..........................91
Table 23. Main Screen Items........................... 82 Figure 62. Security screen................................ 91


Figure 63. Security screen................................ 91 Figure 72. Determining Oil Level in Sump.... 106
Logging In.......................................................92 Removing Compressor Oil..........................106
Figure 64. Log In Screen................................... 92 Oil Charging Procedure................................106
Logging Out....................................................92 Replacing the Main Oil Filter (Hot Filter).....107
Figure 65. Log out confirmation screen.......... 92
Replacing the Gas Pump Oil Filter...............107
TracerTU ...........................................................93 Figure 73. Oil Filter Replacement Chart (E,D, C
Figure 66. ......................................................... 93 and B Frame Compressors)........................... 108

Unit Start-up ....................................................94 Refrigerant Charge........................................108

Power Up........................................................ 94 Evacuation and Dehydration........................108
Figure 67. Sequence of operation: power up Refrigerant Charging.....................................108
diagram 94
Freeze Protection..........................................108
Figure 68. TD-7 screen displays....................... 94 Table 34. Low Refrigerant Temperature, Eth-
Power Up to Starting...................................... 95 ylene Glycol, and Freeze Protection Settings.....
Figure 69. Power Up to Starting....................... 95 109

Stopped to Starting........................................ 95 Diagnostics......................................................111

Figure 70. Stopped to Starting......................... 95 Table 35. Diagnostics Table ........................... 111

Limit Conditions............................................. 96 Wiring Schematics.........................................119

Table 30. Limit Conditions.............................. 96 Unit Electrical Data........................................ 119
Seasonal Unit Start-Up Procedure................ 96
Unit Shutdown...............................................100
Normal Shutdown to Stopped.....................100
Figure 71. Normal Shutdown......................... 100
Seasonal Unit Shutdown..............................100
Periodic Maintenance.....................................101
Weekly Maintenance and Checks.................101
Monthly Maintenance and Checks...............101
Table 31. Operating Conditions at Full Load.....
Table 32. Operating Conditions at Minimum
Load 101
Annual Maintenance.....................................101
Scheduling Other Maintenance....................102
Operating Log................................................102
Maintenance Procedures...............................105
Cleaning the Condenser...............................105
Mechanical Cleaning Procedure.................105
Chemical Cleaning Procedure.....................105
Cleaning the Evaporator...............................105
Compressor Oil..............................................105
Table 33. POE Oil Properties......................... 105
Oil Sump Level Check..................................105

General Information

Unit Identification - Nameplates The compressor nameplate provides the following infor-
When the unit arrives, compare all nameplate data with • Compressor model descriptor
ordering, submittal, and shipping information. A typical • Compressor serial number
unit nameplate is shown in Figure 1.
• Compressor device number
Figure 1. Typical Unit Nameplate • Motor serial number
• Compressor electrical characteristics
• Refrigerant.

Unit Inspection
When the unit is delivered, verify that it is the correct
unit and that it is properly equipped. Inspect all exterior
components for visible damage. Report any apparent
damage or material shortage to the carrier and make a
“unit damage” notation on the carrier’s delivery receipt.
Specify the extent and type of damage found and notify
the appropriate Trane Sales Office.
Do not proceed with installation of a damaged unit with-
out sales office approval.

Inspection Checklist
To protect against loss due to damage incurred in transit,
complete the following checklist upon receipt of the unit.
Unit Nameplates • Inspect the individual pieces of the shipment before
accepting the unit. Check for obvious damage to the
The RTHD “unit” nameplate is applied to the exterior unit or packing material.
surface of the starter/ control panel. The “compressor”
• Inspect the unit for concealed damage as soon as
nameplate is applied to the compressor. The starter/con-
possible after delivery and before it is stored. Con-
trol panel nameplate is located inside the panel.
cealed damage must be reported within 10 days after
The unit nameplate provides the following information: receipt.
• Unit model • If concealed damage is discovered, stop unpacking
• Unit Serial Number the shipment. Do not remove damaged material from
the receiving location. Take photos of the damage, if
• Unit device number.
possible. The owner must provide reasonable evi-
»» Identifies unit electrical requirements dence that the damage did not occur after delivery.
»» Lists correct operating charges of HFC-134a and • Notify the Trane sales representative and arrange for
refrigerant oil repair. Do not repair the unit, however, until damage
»» Lists unit test pressures and maximum working is inspected by the transportation representative.
Loose Parts Inventory
The starter/control panel nameplate provides the follow-
ing information: Check all items against the shipping list. Water vessel
• Panel model number drain plugs, isolation pads, rigging and electrical dia-
grams, service literature and the starter/control panel
• Rated load amps wire pullbox (required on some starters) are shipped
• Voltage unassembled in the starter control panel.
• Electrical characteristics - starter type, wiring
• Options included.

General Information

Unit Description Model Number Coding System

The model numbers for the unit and the compressor are
The RTHD units are single compressor, helical-rotary
composed of numbers and letters that represent features
type, water-cooled liquid chillers designed for installation
of the equipment. Shown in the three tables following
indoors. Each unit is a completely assembled, hermetic
are samples of typical unit, compressor, and panel mod-
package that is factory-piped, wired, leak-tested, dehy-
el numbers, followed by the coding system for each.
drated, charged (optional), and tested for proper control
operation before shipment. Each position, or group of positions, in the model num-
ber is used to represent a feature. For example, in the
Figure 2 and Figure 3 show a typical RTHD unit and its
first table, position 08 of the unit model number, Unit
components. Figure 4 and Figure 5 show a typical RTHD
Voltage, contains the letter “F”. An F in this position
total recovery unit and its components. Figure 6 and
means that the unit voltage is 460/60/3.
Figure 7 show a typical RTHD partial heat recovery unit
and its components. Water inlet and outlet openings are
covered before shipment. The oil tank is factory charged
with the proper amount of refrigeration oil. The unit can
be factory charged with refrigerant.

Unit Model Number

Table 1. Model Number
Name Code M/N Digit M/N Code Description
MODL 1-4 Basic product line
RTHD RTHD Water-Cooled Series R - Dev Sequence D
DCTL 5 Manufacturing Plant
WCBU U Water Chiller Business Unit, Pueblo CO USA
EPL E Epinal Business Unit, Charmes FR
CHIN C China Business Unit
COMP 6-7 Compressor
B1 B1 B1 compressor
B2 B2 B2 compressor
C1 C1 C1 compressor
C2 C2 C2 compressor
D1 D1 D1 compressor
D2 D2 D2 compressor
D3 D3 D3 compressor (50 Hz only)
E3 E3 E3 compressor (50 Hz only)
VOLT 8 Unit power supply
200A A 200V/60Hz/3Ph power
230A C 230V/60Hz/3Ph power
380A D 380V/60Hz/3Ph power
380B R 380V/50Hz/3Ph power
400B T 400V/50Hz/3Ph power
415B U 415V/50Hz/3Ph power
460A F 460V/60Hz/3Ph power
575A H 575V/60Hz/3Ph power
SPEC 9 Design Specials
ELSE C Specials denoted elsewhere
NOT S Specials not denoted elsewhere
DSEQ 10-11 Design sequence
A0 A0 Factory/ABU assigned, start with A0
AGLT 12 Agency listing
NONE X No agency listing
CUL U C/UL listing
CCC 3 CCC- Chinese Compulsory Code
CODE 13 Pressure vessel code
ASME A ASME pressure vessel code
CAN C Canadian code
SQLO L Chinese code
SPL S Special

General Information

Table 1. Model Number

Name Code M/N Digit M/N Code Description
EVAP 14-15 Evaporator
B1 B1 B1 evaporator
B2 B2 B2 evaporator
C1 C1 C1 evaporator
C2 C2 C2 evaporator
D1 D1 D1 evaporator
D2 D2 D2 evaporator
D3 D3 D3 evaporator
D4 D4 D4 evaporator
D5 D5 D5 evaporator
D6 D6 D5 evaporator
E1 E1 E1 evaporator
F1 F1 F1 evaporator
F2 F2 F2 evaporator
G1 G1 G1 evaporator
G2 G2 G2 evaporator
G3 G3 G3 evaporator
EVTM 16 Evap Tube type
STD A Standard
EVWP 17 Evaporator passes
2 2 2 Pass evaporator
3 3 3 Pass evaporator
4 4 4 Pass evaporator
EVWC 18 Evaporator water connection
LH L Left hand evaporator connection
RH R Right hand evaporator connection
EVCT 19 Evaporator connection type
STD A Standard grooved pipe
SPEC S Special
EVPR 20 Evaporator water side pressure
LOW L 150 PSI / 10.5 Bar evaporator water pressure
HIGH H 300 PSI / 21 Bar evaporator water pressure
COND 21-22 Condenser
B1 B1 B1 condenser
B2 B2 B2 condenser
D1 D1 D1 condenser
D2 D2 D2 condenser
E1 E1 E1 condenser
E2 E2 E2 condenser
E3 E3 E3 condenser
E4 E4 E4 condenser
E5 E5 E5 condenser
F1 F1 F1 condenser
F2 F2 F2 condenser
F3 F3 F3 condenser
G1 G1 G1 condenser
G2 G2 G2 condenser
G3 G3 G3 condenser
H1 H1 H1 condenser (totalheat recovery)
H2 H2 H2 condenser (totalheat recovery)
J1 J1 J1 condenser (totalheat recovery)
J2 J2 J2 condenser (totalheat recovery)
J3 J3 J3 condenser (totalheat recovery)
K1 K1 K1 condenser (totalheat recovery)
L1 L1 L1 condenser (partialheat recovery)
L2 L2 L2 condenser (partialheat recovery)
M1 M1 M1 condenser (partialheat recovery)
M2 M2 M2 condenser (partialheat recovery)
M3 M3 M3 condenser (partialheat recovery)
N1 N1 N1 condenser (partialheat recovery)

General Information

Table 1. Model Number

Name Code M/N Digit M/N Code Description
CDTM 23 Condenser tube type
CUFN A Enhanced fin - copper
SMBR B Smooth bore - copper
SBCN C Smooth bore - 90/10 Cu/Ni
CDWP 24 Condenser passes
2 2 2 Pass
CDWC 25 Condenser water connection
LH L Left hand condenser connection
RH R Right hand condenser connection
CDCT 26 Condenser connection type
STD A Standard grooved pipe
MAR C Marine
SPEC S Special
CDPR 27 Condenser water side pressure
150 L 150 PSI / 10.5 Bar condenser water pressure
300 H 300 PSI / 21 Bar condenser water pressure
CDLW 28 Condenser Leaving Water Temp
STD A Standard (<45 deg C)
VLVS 29 Refrigerant specialties
NONE X No refrigerant isolation valves
VLV V Refrigerant isolation valves
OILC 30 Oil Cooler
NONE X without oil cooler
OIL C with oil cooler
INSL 31 Thermal Insulation
NONE X No insulation
INSC Q Factory insulation cold parts
INSLS S Double insulation
SNDA 32 Sound Attenuator
NONE X No insulation
INSC A Standard attenuator
LANG 33 Control,Label, and Literature Language
ENG E English
CHN C Chinese
SFTY 34 Safety Devices
STD X Standard
CHRG 35 Shipping Charge
FACT A Full Factory Charge
N2 B Nitrogen
FACP C Refrigerant charged less than 12kg(R134a)
PCKG 36 Shipping Package
NONE X No shipping requirment
SKID Z Shipment package+Unit bottom frame
FLOW 37 Flow Switch
NONE X Without
ECNM B Evap & Cond NEMA-1
EWP C Evap Vapor
ECVP D Evap & Cond Vapor
ERNM E Evap & Cond & HR Cond NEMA-1
TEST 38 Factory Performance Test
NONE X Without
WIT C Witness test
REP D Performance test w/report
SPEC S Special
SRTY 39 Starter Type
YDEL Y Wye-delta closed transition starter
SSST A Solid State starter
MRLA 40-42 Starter Type
MRLA *** Slection RLA

General Information

Table 1. Model Number

Name Code M/N Digit M/N Code Description
PCON 43 Power line connection type
TERM A Terminal block connection for incoming line(s)
DISC B Mech disconnect switch
CB D Circuit breaker
CBHI F High interrupt circuit breaker
GFCB H Ground fault circuit breaker
GFHI J Ground fault high interrupt circuit breaker
ENC 44 Enclosure type
WVUO 45 Under/over voltage protection
NIST X No under/over voltage protection
INST U Under/over voltage protection
OPIN 46 Unit operator interface
DVA A Dyna-View operator interface-Pueblo
DVD D Dyna-View/Spanish
DVG G Dyna-View/Trad.Chinese
DVH H Dyna-View/Simp.Chinese
DVJ J Dyna-View/Japanese
DVK K Dyna-View/Portugese(Brazil)
DVL L Dyna-View/Korean
DVM M Dyna-View/Thai
COMM 47 Remote Interfaces (digital comm)
NIST X No remote digital comm
TRM4 4 Tracer Comm 4 Interface
TRM5 5 Tracer Comm 5 LCI-C (LonTalk )
SETP 48 External Chilled Water & Current Limit Setpoint
INST 4 4-20 ma input
INSA 2 2-10 Vdc input
BSLD 49 External Base Loading
INST 4 4-20 ma input
INSA 2 2-10 Vdc input
ICEB 50 Icemaking
INST A Icemaking with relay
INSA B Icemaking without relay
STAT 51 Programmable Relays
INST R Programmable Relay
OATS 52 Chilled water reset -outdoor air temp
NIST X No Sensor (return water CHW reset standard)
INST T Chilled water reset - outdoor air temp
RPOT 53 Reg. Valve & RLA
WREG V Condenser reg. Valve out & % RLA out
HPC P Condenser Pressure (%HPC) & % RLA out
DELP D Chiller Delta P & %RLA out
RMTP 54 Refrigerant Monitor Input
INST A 100 ppm / 4-20 ma
INSA B 1000 ppm / 4-20 ma
INSB C 100 ppm / 2-10 Vdc
INSC D 1000 ppm / 2-10 Vdc
HWCT 55 Hot water Control
INST H with hot water control
IACC 56 Installation Accessories
NISO A Elastomeric lsolators

General Information

Table 1. Model Number

Name Code M/N Digit M/N Code Description
HR 57 Heat Recovery
1 1 Partial Heat recovery
2 2 Total Heat recovery

Model Number (located on compressor nameplate)

Table 2. Compressor Model Number
Selection Category M/N Digit M/N Code Description of Selection
Compressor Series 1-4 CHHC Semi-Hermetic Heli-Rotor Compressor
Design Control 5 1 Pueblo
Compressor Frame 6 B B Frame
C C Frame
D D Frame
E E Frame
Compressor Capacity 7 1 Smaller capacity (minor)
2 Larger capacity (major)
3 Special 50 Hz capacity
Motor 8 A 200V/60Hz/3
C 230V/60Hz/3
D 380V/60Hz/3
F 460V/60Hz/3 or 400V/50Hz/3
H 575V/60Hz/3
Specials 9 O No Specials
C Specials Denoted Elsewhere
S Uncategorized Special not denoted elsewhere
Design Sequence 10-11 AO 1st Design (Factory Input)

Figure 2. Component Location for Typical RTHD Unit

TD7 Interface

Starter/Control Oil Separator


Relief Valves

Oil Sump
Evaporator Water Outlet

Liquid Level

Gas Pump Condenser

Water Outlet Water Inlet

General Information

Figure 3. Component Location for Typical RTHD Unit (Back View)

Oil Separators Compressor

Oil Filter (Cold)

Hot Oil Filter is Discharge Line
hidden from view.

Unit Nameplate
Relief Valves (On side of starter/control pane

Water Inlet

Service Valves Oil Sump
(With Refrigerant Isolation (The oil distribution system is located between
Valve Option Only) the condenser and the evaporator.)

General Information

Figure 4. Component Location for Typical RTHD Total Heat Reclaim Unit

TD7 Interface

Starter/Control Panel

Oil Separator

Relief Valves


Oil Sump

Liquid Level Sensor

Gas Pump
Evaporator Water Outlet

General Information

Figure 5. Component Location for Typical RTHD Total Heat Reclaim Unit (Back View)

Oil Separator


Oil Filter (Cold) Unit Nameplate

Hot Oil Filter is hidden (On side of starter/
from view. control pane
Discharge Line
Relief Valves


Standard/Total Water Inlet
Heat Reclaim

Service Valves (With Refrigerant

Isolation Valve Option Only)
Standard Condenser
Water Outlet
Oil Sump (The oil distribution
Standard Condenser
system is located between the
Water Inlet
condenser and the evaporator.)
Total Heat Reclaim
Total Heat Reclaim Condenser Water Inlet
Condenser Water Outlet

General Information

Figure 6. Component Location for Typical RTHD Partial Heat Reclaim Unit

TD7 Interface

Starter/Control Panel

Oil Separator

Relief Valves


Oil Sump

Liquid Level Sensor

Gas Pump
Evaporator Water Outlet

General Information

Figure 7. Component Location for Typical RTHD Partial Heat Reclaim Unit (Back View)

Oil Separator


Oil Filter (Cold) Unit Nameplate

Hot Oil Filter is hidden (On side of starter/
from view. control pane

Relief Valves Discharge Line


Water Inlet
Heat Reclaim

Service Valves (With

Refrigerant Isolation Valve
Option Only)

Oil Sump (The oil distribution Standard Condenser

system is located between the Water Outlet
condenser and the evaporator.)
Standard Condenser
Partial Heat Reclaim Water Inlet
Condenser Water Outlet

Partial Heat Reclaim

Condenser Water Inlet

Installation Overview
For convenience, Table 3 summarizes responsibilities that
are typically associated with the RTHD chiller installation

General Information

Table 3. Installation Responsibility Chart for RTHD Units

Trane-supplied, Trane-supplied, Field-supplied,
Requirement Trane-installed Field-installed Field-installed
• Rigging • Safety chains
• Clevis connectors - Lifting beam
• Isolation • Isolation pads • Isolation pads
• Elastomeric Isolators (option) • Elastomeric Isolators (option)
• Electrical • Circuit breakers or non-fused • Circuit breaker or non-fused dis- • Circuit breakers or fusible discon-
disconnects (optional) connect handle nects (optional)
• Unit-mounted starter • Temperature sensor (optional • Terminal lugs
outdoor air) • Ground connection(s)
• Flow switches (may be fieldsu- • Jumper bars
• BAS wiring (optional)
• Condenser water regulating valve
• IPC wiring
controller (optional: may be fiel-
supplied) • Control voltage wiring
• High condenser pressure interlock
• Chilled water pump contactor and
• Condenser water pump contactor
and wiring
• Optional relays and wiring
• Water piping • Flow switches (may be fieldsup- • Thermometers
plied) • Water flow pressure gauges
• Condenser water regulating valve • Isolation and balancing valves water
controller (optional: may be field- piping
• Vents and drain valves
• Pressure relief valves (for water
boxes as required)
• Pressure Relief • Relief valves • Vent line and flexible connector
• Insulation • Insulation (optional) • Insulation

Refer to the Installation Mechanical and Installation • Where specified, supply and install valves in the wa-
Electrical sections of this manual for detailed installation ter piping upstream and downstream of the evapora-
instructions. tor and condenser water boxes, to isolate the shells
• Locate and maintain the loose parts, e.g. isolators, for maintenance and to balance/trim the system.
temperature sensors, flow sensors or other facto- • Supply and install condenser water control valve(s)
ry-ordered, field-installed options, for installation, as per Trane Engineering Bulletin -Water Cooled Series
required. Loose parts are located in the starter/con- R® Condenser Water Contol.
trol panel. • Supply and install flow switches or equivalent de-
• Install the unit on a foundation with flat support vices in both the chilled water and condenser water
surfaces, level within 1/4” (6.35 mm) and of sufficient piping. Interlock each switch with the proper pump
strength to support concentrated loading. Place the starter and UC800, to ensure that the unit can only
manufacturer-supplied isolation pad assemblies un- operate when water flow is established.
der the unit. • Supply and install taps for thermometers and pres-
• Install the unit per the instructions outlined in the sure gauges in the water piping, adjacent to the inlet
Mechanical Installation section. and outlet connections of both the evaporator and
• Complete all water piping and electrical connections. the condenser.

Note: Field piping must be arranged and supported • Supply and install drain valves on each water box.
to avoid stress on the equipment. It is strongly • Supply and install vent cocks on each water box.
recommended that the piping contractor provide • Where specified, supply and install strainers ahead
at least 3 feet (914 mm) of clearance between the of all pumps and automatic modulating valves.
pre-installation piping and the planned location
of the unit. This will allow for proper fit-up upon • Supply and install refrigerant pressure relief piping
arrival of the unit at the installation site. All nec- from the pressure relief to the atmosphere.
essary piping adjustments can be made at that • If necessary, supply enough HCFC-134 refrigerant
time. Refer to the current engineering bulletin for and dry nitrogen (75 psig) for pressure testing.
further details on installation.
• Start the unit under supervision of a qualified service

General Information

technician. • Supply and install the wire terminal lugs to the start-
• Where specified, supply and insulate the evaporator er.
and any other portion of the unit, as required, to pre- • Supply and install field wiring to the line-side lugs of
vent sweating under normal operating conditions. the starter.
• For unit-mounted starters, cutouts are provided at
the top of the panel for line-side wiring.

Table 4. General Data

Unit Designator (corresponds to digits 6, 7, 14, 15, 21, 22 of unit model number)
D1D1E1 D1F1F2 D1G1G1 D1G2G2 D2D2E2 D2F2F3 D2G3G3 /
Refrigerant Type HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a
Refrigerant Charge 473 623 700 700 473 623 700
(lb (kg)) (215) (283) (318) (318) (215) (283) (318)
Oil Charge 6 10 11 11 6 10 11
(gal(l)) (23) (38) (42) (42) (23) (38) (42)
Operating Weight 15385 17537 20500 21065 15570 18220 21641
(lb(kg)) (6978) (7955) (9299) (9555) (7063) (8265) (9816)
Shipping Weight 14443 16187 18600 19107 14562 16820 19508
(lb(kg)) (6551) (7342) (8437) (8667) (6605) (7630) (8849)
Overall Dimensions
Length 130 147 149 149 130 147 149
(in(mm)) (3313) (3736) (3774) (3774) (3313) (3736) (3774)
Width 68 68 70 70 68 68 70
(in(mm)) (1717) (1717) (1771) (1771) (1717) (1717) (1771)
Height 76 76 80 80 76 76 80
(in(mm)) (1937) (1937) (2033) (2033) (1937) (1937) (2033)
Water Storage 69 102 136 144 74 107 159
(gal (l)) (261) (386) (515) (545) (280) (405) (602)
Minimum Flow 415 (26) 563 (36) 505 (35) 505 (35) 450 (28) 604 (38) 622 (39)
(gpm (l/s)) for 2-pass 2-pass 3 pass for 3-pass for 2-pass for 2-pass for 3-pass
Water 275 (17) 376 (24) 379 (24) 411 (26) 300 (20) 404 (25) 466 (29)
for 3-pass 3-pass 4 pass for 4-pass for 3-pass for 3-pass for 4-pass
Minimum Flow 498 (31) 676 (43) 606 (38) 660 (42) 541 (34) 725 (46) 747 (47)
(gpm (l/s))Brine for 2-pass 2-pass 3 pass for 3-pass for 2-pass for 2-pass for 3-pass
330 (21) 454 (29) 454 (29) 492 (31) 357 (23) 487 (31) 557 (35)
for 3-pass 3-pass 4 pass for 4-pass for 3-pass for 3-pass for 4-pass
Maximum Flow 1812 (114) 2478 (156) 2218 (139) 2413 (152) 1980 (125) 2667 (168) 2732 (172)
(gpm (l/s)) for 2-pass for 2-pass 3 pass for 3-pass for 2-pass for 2-pass for 3-pass
1206 (76) 1655 (104) 1666 (104) 1807 (114) 1320 (83) 1780 (112) 2050 (129)
for 3-pass for 3-pass 4 pass for 4-pass for 3-pass for 3-pass for 4-pass
Condenser (all are 2-pass)
Water Storage 44 57 79 91 47 61 97
(gal (l)) (166) (216) (299) (344) (178) (231) (367)
Minimum Flow 291 355 444 535 316 385 589
(gpm (l/s))Water (18) (22) (28) (34) (20) (24) (37)
Minimum Flow 350 430 530 650 380 460 710
(gpm (l/s))Brine (22) (27) (33) (41) (24) (29) (45)
Max Flow 1280 1560 1960 2360 1390 1700 2600
(gpm (l/s)) (81) (98) (124) (149) (88) (107) (164)
All weights ±3%, include standard 150 psig water boxes.
Operating weights include refrigerant, oil, and water charges.
If oil cooler is installed, add 1/4 gal (1 liter) to the oil charge value given for B family units; add 1.0 gal (4 liters) for all other units.
Overall dimensions are based on 3-pass evap/2 configurations pass cond and LH/RH water connections. Refer to TOPSS for exact job configu-

General Information

Table 5. General Data

Unit Designator (corresponds to digits 6, 7, 14, 15, 21, 22 of unit model number)
D2G2G1 D3D2E2 D3F2F3 D3G2G1 E3D2E2 E3F2F3 E3G2G1
Refrigerant Type HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a
Refrigerant Charge 700 473 623 700 473 623 700
(lb (kg)) (318) (215) (283) (318) (215) (283) (318)
Oil Charge 11 6 10 11 11 6 10
(gal(l)) (42) (23) (38) (42) (42) (23) (38)
Operating Weight 20700 15570 18220 20700 15728 18356 20800
(lb(kg)) (9389) (7063) (8265) (9389) (7134) (8326) (9435)
Shipping Weight 18700 14562 16820 18700 14720 16956 18800
(lb(kg)) (8482) (6605) (7630) (8482) (6677) (7695) (8552)
Overall Dimensions
Length 149 130 147 149 130 147 149
(in(mm)) (3774) (3313) (3736) (3774) (3313) (3736) (3774)
Width 70 68 68 70 68 68 70
(in(mm)) (1771) (1717) (1717) (1771) (1717) (1717) (1771)
Height 80 76 76 80 76 76 80
(in(mm)) (2033) (1937) (1937) (2033) (1937) (1937) (2033)
Water Storage 144 74 107 144 74 107 144
(gal (l)) (545) (280) (405) (545) (280) (405) (545)
Minimum Flow 550 (35) 405 (28) for 604 (38) 550 (35) 405 (28) 604 (38) 550 (35)
(gpm (l/s)) 3-pass 2-pass 2-pass 3-pass 2-pass 2-pass 3-pass
Water 411 (26) 300 (19) for 404 (25) 411 (26) 300 (19) 404 (25) 411 (26)
4-pass 3-pass 3-pass 4-pass 3-pass 3-pass 4-pass
Minimum Flow 660 (42) 541 (34) for 725 (46) 660 (42) 541 (34) 725 (46) 660 (42)
(gpm (l/s))Brine 3-pass 2-pass 2-pass 3-pass 2-pass 2-pass 3-pass
492 (31) 357 (23) for 487 (31) 492 (31) 357 (23) 487 (31) 492 (31)
4-pass 3-pass 3-pass 4-pass 3-pass 3-pass 4-pass
Maximum Flow 2413 (152) 1980 (125) 2667 (168) 2413 (152) 1980 (125) 2667 (168) 2413 (152)
(gpm (l/s)) for 3-pass for 2-pass for 2-pass for 3-pass 2-pass for 2-pass for 3-pass
1807 (114) 1320 (83) 1780 (112) 1807 (114) 1320 (83) 1780 (112) 1807 (114)
for 4-pass for 3-pass for 3-pass for 4-pass for 3-pass for 3-pass for 4-pass
Condenser (all are 2-pass)
Water Storage 79 47 61 79 47 61 79
(gal (l)) (299) (178) (231) (299) (178) (231) (299)
Minimum Flow 444 316 355 444 316 355 444
(gpm (l/s))Water (28) (20) (22) (28) (20) (22) (28)
Minimum Flow 530 380 460 530 380 460 530
(gpm (l/s))Brine (33) (24) (29) (33) (24) (29) (33)
Max Flow 1960 1390 1700 1960 1390 1700 1960
(gpm (l/s)) (124) (88) (107) (124) (88) (107) (124)
All weights ±3%, include standard 150 psig water boxes.
Operating weights include refrigerant, oil, and water charges.
If oil cooler is installed, add 1/4 gal (1 liter) to the oil charge value given for B family units; add 1.0 gal (4 liters) for all other units.
Overall dimensions are based on 3-pass evap/2 pass cond and LH/RH water connections. Refer to TOPSS for exact job configurations.

General Information

Table 6. General Data

Unit Designator (corresponds to digits 6, 7, 14, 15, 21, 22 of unit model number)
C1C2D2 C1D6E5 C1D5E4 C1D3E3 C1E1F1 C2D4E4 C2D3E3
Refrigerant Type HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a
Refrigerant Charge 490 490 490 490 525 490 490
(lb (kg)) (222) (222) (222) (222) (238) (222) (222)
Oil Charge 6 6 6 6 10 6 6
(gal(l)) (23) (23) (23) (23) (38) (23) (23)
Operating Weight 12460 13397 13673 15044 15818 13672 15044
(lb(kg)) (5652) (6077) (6202) (6824) (7175) (6202) (6824)
Shipping Weight 11735 12780 12973 14002 14718 12972 14002
(lb(kg)) (5334) (5797) (5885) (6351) (6675) (5884) (6351)
Overall Dimensions
Length 145 130 130 130 146 130 130
(in(mm)) (3674) (3313) (3313) (3313) (3712) (3313) (3313)
Width 67 68 68 68 68 68 68
(in(mm)) (1695) (1717) (1717) (1717) (1717) (1717) (1717)
Height 74 76 76 76 76 76 76
(in(mm)) (1870) (1937) (1937) (1937) (1937) (1937) (1937)
Water Storage 58 45 52 78 82 52 78
(gal (l)) (220) (170) (197) (295) (311) (197) (295)
Minimum Flow 347 (22) for 293 (18) for 351 (21) for 465 (31) for 450 (28) for 351 (21) for 465 (31) for
(gpm (l/s)) 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass
Water 232 (15) for 196 (12) for 234 (15) or 324 (20) or 300 (19) for 234 (15) or 324 (20) for
3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass
Minimum Flow 375 (24) for 352 (22) for 422 (27) for 584 (37) for 487 (31) for 422 (27) for 584 (37) for
(gpm (l/s))Brine 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass
276 (17) for 233 (15) for 281 (18) or 389 (25) or 357 (23) for 281 (18) for 389 (25) for
3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass
Maximum Flow 1531 (97) for 1287 (81) for 1542 (97)or 2131 (134)or 1980 (125) 1542 (97) for 2131 (134)
(gpm (l/s)) 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass for 2-pass for
2-pass 2-pass
1022 (150) 860 (54) for 1028 (65) or 1417 (89) or 1320 (83) for 1028 (65) for 1417 (89) for
for 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass
Condenser (all are 2-pass)
Water Storage 34 29 32 47 60 32 47
(gal (l)) (129) (110) (121) (178) (226) (121) (178)
Minimum Flow 212 206 245 325 375 245 325
(gpm (l/s))Water (13) (13) (15) (21) (24) (15) (21)
Minimum Flow 255 250 295 390 450 295 390
(gpm (l/s))Brine (16) (16) (19) (25) (28) (19) (25)
Max Flow 935 910 1080 1420 1650 1080 1420
(gpm (l/s)) (59) (57) (68) (90) (104) (68) (90)
All weights ±3%, include standard 150 psig water boxes.
Operating weights include refrigerant, oil, and water charges.
If oil cooler is installed, add 1/4 gal (1 liter) to the oil charge value given for B family units; add 1.0 gal (4 liters) for all other units.
Overall dimensions are based on 3-pass evap/2 configurations pass cond and LH/RH water connections. Refer to TOPSS for exact job configu-

General Information

Table 7. General Data

Unit Designator (corresponds to digits 6, 7, 14, 15, 21, 22 of unit model number)
C2E1F1 C2F2F3 B1B1B1 B1C1D1 B2B2B2 B2C2D2
Refrigerant Type HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a
Refrigerant Charge 525 700 410 490 410 490
(lb (kg)) (238) (318) (186) (222) (186) (222)
Oil Charge 10 11 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
(gal(l)) (38) (42) (17.0) (17.0) (17.0) (17.0)
Operating Weight 15818 17560 9867 10554 10019 10653
(lb(kg)) (7175) (7965) (4476) (4787) (4544) (4832)
Shipping Weight 14718 16168 9292 9837 9402 9953
(lb(kg)) (6675) (7334) (4215) (4462) (4265) (4515)
Overall Dimensions
Length 146 147 126 145 126 145
(in(mm)) (3712) (3736) (3210) (3674) (3210) (3674)
Width 68 68 64 64 64 64
(in(mm)) (1717) (1717) (1634) (1634) (1634) (1634)
Height 76 76 73 73 73 73
(in(mm)) (1937) (1937) (1849) (1849) (1849) (1849)
Water Storage 82 107 41 55 45 58
(gal (l)) (311) (405) (155) (208) (170) (220)
Minimum Flow 450 (28) for 604 (38) for 253 (16) for 320 (18) for 288 (22) for 347 (22) for
(gpm (l/s)) 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass
Water 300 (19) for 404 (25) for 168 (11) for 213 (12) for 192 (15) for 232 (15) for
3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass
Minimum Flow 487 (31) for 725 (46) for 303 (19) for 346 (22) for 346 (22) for 375 (24) for
(gpm (l/s))Brine 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass
357 (23) for 487 (31) for 200 (13) for 254 (16) for 233 (15) for 276 (17) for
3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass
Maximum Flow 1980 (152) 2667 (168) 1104 (70) for 1412 (89) for 1266 (80) for 1531 (97) for
(gpm (l/s)) for 2-pass for 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass 2-pass
1320 (83) 1780 (112) 736 (46) for 941 (59) for 844 (53) for 1022 (65) for
for 3-pass for 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass 3-pass
Condenser (all are 2-pass)
Water Storage 60 61 28 31 29 34
(gal (l)) (226) (231) (106) (117) (110) (129)
Minimum Flow 357 355 193 193 212 212
(gpm (l/s))Water (24) (22) (12) (12) (13) (13)
Minimum Flow 450 460 230 230 255 255
(gpm (l/s))Brine (28) (29) (15) (15) (16) (16)
Max Flow 1650 1700 850 850 935 935
(gpm (l/s)) (104) (107) (54) (54) (59) (59)
All weights ±3%, include standard 150 psig water boxes.
Operating weights include refrigerant, oil, and water charges.
If oil cooler is installed, add 1/4 gal (1 liter) to the oil charge value given for B family units; add 1.0 gal (4 liters) for all other units.
Overall dimensions are based on 3-pass evap/2 pass cond and LH/RH water connections. Refer to TOPSS for exact job configurations.

General Information

Table 8. General Data

Unit Designator (corresponds to digits 6, 7, 14, 15, 21, 22 of unit model number)
B1C1H1 B2C2H2 C1E1J1 C2F2J3 D1F1J2 D2G2K1 D3G2K1 E3G2K1
Refrigerant Type HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a
Refrigerant Charge 567 567 646 746 745 789 789 789
(lb (kg)) (257) (257) (293) (338.5) (338) (358) (358) (358)
Oil Charge 7.5 7.5 11 12 11 13.5 13.5 13.5
(gal(l)) (28.0) (28.0) (42) (45) (42) (51) (51) (51)
Operating Weight 12413 12570 19322 21014 21046 24188 24188 24290
(lb(kg)) (5626) (5697) (8757) (9524) (9538) (10962) (10962) (11008)
Shipping Weight 11180 11363 17365 18830 18792 21363 21363 21465
(lb(kg)) (5067) (5150) (7870) (8534) (8517) (9682) (9682) (9728)
Overall Dimensions
Length 157 157 157 158 158 160 160 160
(in(mm)) (3995) (3995) (3996) (4007) (4007) (4062) (4062) (4062)
Width 72 72 77 77 77 77 77 77
(in(mm)) (1830) (1830) (1953) (1953) (1953) (1960) (1960) (1960)
Height 76 76 82 82 82 81 81 81
(in(mm)) (1919) (1919) (2078) (2078) (2078) (2061) (2061) (2061)
Water Storage 55 58 82 107 102 144 144 144
(gal (l)) (208) (220) (311) (405) (386) (545) (545) (545)
Minimum Flow 320(18) 347(22) 450(28) 604(38) 563(36) 550(35) 550(35) 550(35)
(gpm (l/s)) 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass
Water 213(12) 232(15) 300(19) 404(25) 376(24) 411(26) 411(26) 411(26)
3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 4 -pass 4 -pass 4 -pass
Minimum Flow 346(22) 375(24) 487(31) 725(46) 676(43) 660(42) 660(42) 660(42)
(gpm (l/s))Brine 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass
254(16) 276(17) 357(23) 487(31) 454(29) 492(31) 492(31) 492(31)
3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 4 -pass 4 -pass 4 -pass
Maximum Flow 1412(89) 1531(97) 1980(152) 2667(168) 2478(156) 2413(152) 2413(152) 2413(152)
(gpm (l/s)) 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass
941(59) 1022(65) 1320(83) 1780(112) 1655(104) 1807(114) 1807(114) 1807(114)
3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 4 -pass 4 -pass 4 -pass
Condenser (Main condensation side waterway)
Water Storage 42 43 74 71 75 84 84 84
(gal (l)) (158) (162) (279) (267) (285) (316) (316) (316)
Minimum Flow 190 206 380 349 349 444 444 444
(gpm (l/s))Water (12) (13) (24) (22) (22) (28) (28) (28)
Minimum Flow 238 254 444 460 428 523 523 523
(gpm (l/s))Brine (15) (16) (28) (29) (27) (33) (33) (33)
Max Flow 856 935 1649 1696 1554 1966 1966 1966
(gpm (l/s)) (54) (59) (104) (107) (98) (124) (124) (124)
Condenser (Full heat recovery side channel)
Water Storage 42 43 74 71 75 84 84 84
(gal (l)) (158) (162) (279) (267) (285) (316) (316) (316)
Minimum Flow 190 206 380 349 349 444 444 444
(gpm (l/s))Water (12) (13) (24) (22) (22) (28) (28) (28)
Minimum Flow 238 254 444 460 428 523 523 523
(gpm (l/s))Brine (15) (16) (28) (29) (27) (33) (33) (33)
Max Flow 856 935 1649 1696 1554 1966 1966 1966
(gpm (l/s)) (54) (59) (104) (107) (98) (124) (124) (124)
All weights ±3%, include standard 150 psig water boxes.
Operating weights include refrigerant, oil, and water charges.
If oil cooler is installed, add 1/4 gal (1 liter) to the oil charge value given for B family units; add 1.0 gal (4 liters) for all other units.
Overall dimensions are based on 3-pass evap/2 pass cond and LH/RH water connections. Refer to TOPSS for exact job configurations.

General Information

Table 9. General Data

Unit Designator (corresponds to digits 6, 7, 14, 15, 21, 22 of unit model number)
B1C1L1 B2C2L2 C1E1M1 C2F2M3 D1F1M2 D2G2N1 D3G2N1 E3G2N1
Refrigerant Type HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a HFC-134a
Refrigerant Charge 490 490 545 645 644 725 725 725
(lb (kg)) (222) (222) (247) (292.5) (292) (329) (329) (329)
Oil Charge 7.5 7.5 11 12 11 13.5 13.5 13.5
(gal(l)) (28.0) (28.0) (42) (45) (42) (51) (51) (51)
Operating Weight 11259 11360 17040 18737 18790 22597 22597 22698
(lb(kg)) (5102) (5148) (7723) (8492) (8516) (10241) (10241) (10287)
Shipping Weight 10298 10426 15556 17010 17017 20205 20205 20306
(lb(kg)) (4667) (4725) (7050) (7709) (7712) (9157) (9157) (9203)
Overall Dimensions
Length 150 150 149 149 149 161 161 161
(in(mm)) (3815) (3815) (3780) (3780) (3780) (4085) (4085) (4085)
Width 67 67 71 72 72 76 76 76
(in(mm)) (1701) (1701) (1814) (1821) (1821) (1925) (1925) (1925)
Height 75 75 77 77 77 79 79 79
(in(mm)) (1892) (1892) (1949) (1949) (1949) (2002) (2002) (2002)
Water Storage 55 58 82 107 102 144 144 144
(gal (l)) (208) (220) (311) (405) (386) (545) (545) (545)
Minimum Flow 320(18) 347(22) 450(28) 604(38) 563(36) 550(35) 550(35) 550(35)
(gpm (l/s)) 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass
Water 213(12) 232(15) 300(19) 404(25) 376(24) 411(26) 411(26) 411(26)
3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 4 -pass 4 -pass 4 -pass
Minimum Flow 346(22) 375(24) 487(31) 725(46) 676(43) 660(42) 660(42) 660(42)
(gpm (l/s))Brine 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass
254(16) 276(17) 357(23) 487(31) 454(29) 492(31) 492(31) 492(31)
3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 4 -pass 4 -pass 4 -pass
Maximum Flow 1412(89) 1531(97) 1980(152) 2667(168) 2478(156) 2413(152) 2413(152) 2413(152)
(gpm (l/s)) 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 2 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass
941(59) 1022(65) 1320(83) 1780(112) 1655(104) 1807(114) 1807(114) 1807(114)
3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 3 -pass 4 -pass 4 -pass 4 -pass
Condenser (Main condensation side waterway)
Water Storage 41 42 72 69 74 90 90 90
(gal (l)) (156) (160) (274) (262) (279) (340) (340) (340)
Minimum Flow 190 206 380 349 349 444 444 444
(gpm (l/s))Water (12) (13) (24) (22) (22) (28) (28) (28)
Minimum Flow 238 254 444 460 428 523 523 523
(gpm (l/s))Brine (15) (16) (28) (29) (27) (33) (33) (33)
Max Flow 856 935 1649 1696 1554 1966 1966 1966
(gpm (l/s)) (54) (59) (104) (107) (98) (124) (124) (124)
Condenser (Full heat recovery side channel)
Water Storage 19 20 31 30 31 33 33 33
(gal (l)) (71) (75) (116) (112) (119) (125) (125) (125)
Minimum Flow 79 72 133 123 124 158 158 158
(gpm (l/s))Water (5) (5) (8) (8) (8) (10) (10) (10)
Minimum Flow 85 89 155 162 152 187 187 187
(gpm (l/s))Brine (5) (6) (10) (10) (10) (12) (12) (12)
Max Flow 304 304 476 491 476 491 491 491
(gpm (l/s)) (19) (19) (30) (31) (30) (31) (31) (31)
All weights ±3%, include standard 150 psig water boxes.
Operating weights include refrigerant, oil, and water charges.
If oil cooler is installed, add 1/4 gal (1 liter) to the oil charge value given for B family units; add 1.0 gal (4 liters) for all other units.
Overall dimensions are based on 3-pass evap/2 pass cond and LH/RH water connections. Refer to TOPSS for exact job configurations.

Installation Mechanical

Storage Vibration Eliminators

• Provide rubber boot type isolators for all water pip-
If the chiller is to be stored more than one month prior to
ing at the unit.
installation, observe the following precautions:
• Provide flexible conduit for electrical connections to
• Do not remove the protective coverings from the
the unit.
electrical panel.
• Isolate all pipe hangers and be sure they are not sup-
• Store the chiller in a dry, vibration-free, secure area.
ported by main structure beams that could introduce
• At least every three months, attach a gauge and man- vibration into occupied spaces.
ually check the pressure in the refrigerant circuit. If
• Make sure that the piping does not put additional
the refrigerant pressure is below 71 psig at 70oF (or
stress on the unit.
46 psig at 50oF), call a qualified service organization
and the appropriate Trane sales office. Note: Do not use metal braided type eliminators on the
water piping. Metal braided eliminators are not
Note: Pressure will be approximately 20 psig if shipped
effective at the frequencies at which the unit will
with the optional nitrogen charge.

Location Requirements Clearances

Provide enough space around the unit to allow the instal-
Noise Considerations lation and maintenance personnel unrestricted access
to all service points. Refer to submittal drawings for the
• Refer to Trane Engineering Bulletin -Series R® Chiller
unit dimensions.
Sound Ratings and Installation Guide.
Allow adequate clearance for condenser and compressor
for sound consideration applications.
servicing. A minimum of three feet is recommended for
• Locate the unit away from sound-sensitive areas. compressor service and to provide sufficient clearance
• Install the isolation pads under the unit. Refer to “Unit for the opening of control panel doors. Refer to Figure
Isolation.” 8 for minimum clearances required for condenser tube
service. In all cases, local codes will take precedence
• Install rubber vibration isolators in all water piping. over these recommendations.
• Use flexible electrical conduit for final connection to Note: Required vertical clearance above the unit is 36”
the UC800. (914.4 mm). There should be no piping or conduit
• Seal all wall penetrations. located over the compressor motor.
Note: Consult an acoustical engineer for critical applica- If the room configuration requires a variance to the
tions. clearance dimensions, contact your Trane sales office
Provide rigid, non-warping mounting pads or a concrete
foundation of sufficient strength and mass to support the
chiller operating weight (including completed piping and
full operating charges of refrigerant, oil and water).
Refer to Table 10 for unit operating weights.
Once in place, level the chiller within 1/4” (6.35 mm) over
its length and width.
The Trane Company is not responsible for equipment
problems resulting from an improperly designed or con-
structed foundation.

Installation Mechanical

Figure 8. Recommended Operating and Service Clearances

3'-0" (914 mm)

Servic e Cl earance

3'-0" (914 mm)

Servic e Cl earance
(Opposi te Tube Removal)

36. 5" (927 mm) 26.4" (671 mm)

Radius 3'-0" (91 4 mm)
Se rvice Clearance
105 Swing
3 '-0" (9 14 mm)
Se rvice Cleara nce

Tube Removal
Cleara nce
(Eithe r End)


1 08" (27 43 mm)


1 26" (32 00 mm)

1 30" (33 02 mm)

Installation Mechanical

Note: Maximum clearances are given. Depending on Access Restrictions

the unit configuration, some units may require
less clearance than others in the same category. Door clearances for the RTHD units are given in Figure
9 . Refer to the unit submittals for specific “per unit”
Ventilation dimensional information.

The unit produces heat even though the compressor is Moving and Rigging
cooled by the refrigerant. Make provisions to remove
heat generated by unit operation from the equipment The Model RTHD chiller should be moved by lifting at
room. Ventilation must be adequate to maintain an ambi- designated lift points only. Refer to Figure 10 and Table
ent temperature lower than 122°F (50°C). 10 for typical unit lifting and operating weights. Refer to
Vent the evaporator, condenser and compressor pres- the rigging diagram that ships with each unit for specific
sure relief valves in accordance with all local and nation- “per unit” weight data.
al codes. Refer to Table 12.
Make provisions in the equipment room to keep the
chiller from being exposed to freezing temperatures
Heavy Equipment!
(32°F/0°C). Always use lifting equipment with a capacity exceeding
unit lifting weight by an adequate safety factor. (+10%).
Water Drainage Follow the procedures and diagrams in this manual and
in the submittal. Failure to do so can result in death or
Locate the unit near a large capacity drain for water ves- serious injury.
sel drain-down during shutdown or repair. Condensers
and evaporators are provided with drain connections.
Refer to “Water Piping.” All local and national codes ap-

Installation Mechanical

Figure 9. Unit Weights and Dimensions for Rigging


= C.G.

Installation Mechanical

Table 10. Unit Weight (lb(kg))

Location (points) Location (points)
Unit Designator* A B C D Unit Designator* A B C D
E3G2G1 5158 4304 4226 5300
Total Heat Reclaim
(2340) (1952) (1917) (2404)
B1C1H1 3430 2429 2255 3062
E3F2F3 4781 3582 3750 4851
(1556) (1102) (1023) (1389)
(2169) (1625) (1701) (2200)
B2C2H2 3463 2485 2315 3102
E3D2E2 3796 2834 3300 4789
(1571) (1127) (1050) (1407)
(1722) (1285) (1497) (2172)
C1E1J1 4819 3721 3858 4965
D3G3G3 5320 4451 4327 5140
(2186) (1688) (1750) (2252)
(2413) (2019) (1963) (2331)
C2F2J3 5165 4087 4246 5333
D3G2G1 5085 4255 4136 5171
(2343) (1854) (1926) (2419)
(2307) (1930) (1876) (2346)
D1F1J2 5161 4068 4228 5335
D3F2F3 4737 3563 3722 4797
(2341) (1845) (1918) (2420)
(2149) (1616) (1688) (2176)
D2G2K1 5432 4515 5258 6155
D3D2E2 3754 2818 3269 4720
(2464) (2048) (2385) (2792)
(1703) (1278) (1483) (2141)
D3G2K1 5432 4515 5258 6155
D2G3G3 5320 4451 4327 5140
(2464) (2048) (2385) (2792)
(2413) (2019) (1963) (2331)
E3G2K1 5798 4932 4934 5800
D2G2G1 5085 4255 4136 5171
(2630) (2237) (2238) (2631)
(2307) (1930) (1876) (2346)
D2F2F3 4737 3563 3722 4797 Partial Heat Reclaim
(2149) (1616) (2176) (2176) B1C1L1 3183 2222 2017 2875
D2D2E2 3754 2818 3269 4720 (1444) (1008) (915) (1304)
(1703) (1278) (1483) (2141) B2C2L2 3210 2255 2053 2910
D1G1G1 4981 4148 4041 5076 (1456) (1023) (931) (1320)
(2259) (1882) (1833) (2302) C1E1M1 4385 3223 3389 4561
D1G2G2 5216 4344 4231 5316 (1989) (1462) (1537) (2069)
(2366) (1970) (1919) (2411) C2F2M3 4700 3567 3796 4945
D1F1F2 4526 3452 3615 4594 (2132) (1618) (1722) (2243)
(2053) (1566) (1640) (2084) D1F1M2 4709 3565 3794 4952
D1D1E1 3728 2758 3236 4694 (2136) (1617) (1721) (2246)
(1691) (1251) (1468) (2129) D2G2N1 5240 4171 4870 5922
C2F2F3 4649 3496 4707 4707 (2377) (1892) (2209) (2686)
2109 1586 2135 2135 D3G2N1 5240 4171 4870 5922
C2E1F1 4205 3046 3196 4271 (2377) (1892) (2209) (2686)
(1907) (1382) (1450) (1937) E3G2N1 5604 4592 4548 5562
C2D3E3 3612 2738 3148 4503 (2542) (2083) (2063) (2523)
(1638) (1242) (1428) (2043) * Unit Designator (corresponds to digits 6,7,14,15,21,22 of unit
C2D4E4 3374 2479 2876 4243 model number)
(1530) (1124) (1305) (1925)
C1E1F1 4205 3046 3196 4271
(1907) (1382) (1450) (1937)
C1D3E3 3612 2738 3148 4503
(1638) (1242) (1428) (2043)
C1D5E4 3375 2479 2876 4243
(1531) (1124) (1305) (1925)
C1D6E5 3330 2430 2825 4195
(1510) (1102) (1281) (1903)
C1C2D2 3946 2606 2055 3322
(1790) (1182) (932) (1507)
B2C2D2 3162 2297 1767 2726
(1510) (1042) (802) (1237)
B2B2B2 2522 1996 1926 2958
(1144) (905) (874) (1342)
B1C1D1 3136 2264 1739 2698
(1422) (1027) (789) (1224)
B1B1B1 2495 1969 1901 2928
(1132) (893) (862) (1328)
* Unit Designator (corresponds to digits 6,7,14,15,21,22 of unit
model number)

Installation Mechanical

Table 11. Center of Gravity(in(mm))

Unit Designator* X Y Z Unit Designator* X Y Z
E3G3G3 30.8 63.81 37.62
(782.32) (1621) (956) Total Heat Reclaim
E3G2G1 30.8 63.55 38.70 B1C1H1 26 58 32
(782.32) (1614) (983) (666) (1481) (824)
E3F2F3 27.64 63.46 38.33 B2C2H2 26 58 32
(702.06) (1612) (974) (671) (1483) (819)
E3D2E2 25.9 60.05 40.5 C1E1J1 31 62 39
(658) (1525) (1029) (794) (1582) (999)
D3G3G3 30.85 63.48 37.44 C2F2J3 32 62 38
(784) (1612) (951) (824) (1583) (953)
D3G2G1 30.58 68.56 37.79 D1F1J2 32 62 38
(777) (1741) (960) (822) (1584) (954)
D3F2F3 27.7 63.4 38.14 D2G2K1 35 68 36
(704) (1610) (969) (883) (1732) (927)
D3D2E2 25.97 59.95 40.31 D3G2K1 35 68 36
(660) (1523) (1024) (883) (1732) (927)
D2G3G3 30.85 63.48 37.44 E3G2K1 35 64 37
(784) (1612) (951) (887) (1621) (947)
D2G2G1 30.58 68.56 37.79 Partial Heat Reclaim
(777) (1741) (960) B1C1L1 24 58 33
D2F2F3 27.7 63.4 38.14 (601) (1480) (837)
(704) (1610) (969) B2C2L2 24 58 33
D2D2E2 25.97 59.95 40.31 (603) (1482) (833)
(660) (1523) (1024) C1E1M1 28 63 40
D1G1G1 30.58 68.56 37.79 (714) (1592) (1027)
(777) 1741) (960) C2F2M3 29 63 38
D1G2G2 30.77 63.55 37.72 (749) (1593) (974)
(782) (1614) (958) D1F1M2 29 63 38
D1F1F2 27.92 63.47 38.7 (748) (1593) (974)
(709) (1612) (9833) D2G2N1 33 68 37
D1D1E1 25.91 60 40.47 (848) (1737) (939)
(658) (1524) (1028) D3G2N1 33 68 37
C2F2F3 27.92 63.47 38.7 (848) (1737) (939)
(709) (1612) (9833) E3G2N1 34 64 38
C2E1F1 26.36 63.49 40.95 (853) (1619) (961)
(670) (1613) (1040) * Designator correponds to digits 6,7,14,15,21,22 of model number
C2D3E3 26.13 59.74 40.08
(664) (1517) (1018)
C2D4E4 26.13 59.74 40.08
(664) (1517) (1018)
C1E1F1 26.36 63.49 40.95
(670) (1613) (1040)
C1D3E3 26.13 59.74 40.08
(664) (1517) (1018)
C1D5E4 26.13 59.74 40.08
(664) (1517) (1018)
C1D6E5 26.13 59.74 40.08
(664) (1517) (1018)
B2C2D2 22.4 58.29 33.51
(569) (1481) (851)
B2B2B2 22.88 58.11 35.43
(581) (1476) (900)
B1C1D1 22.32 58.23 33.65
(567) (1479) (855)
B1B1B1 22.84 58.13 35.59
(580) (1477) (904)
* Designator correponds to digits 6,7,14,15,21,22 of model number

Installation Mechanical

Lifting Procedure
1. When the unit is at its final location, remove the
DDCAUTION shipping bolts that secure the unit to the wood base
Equipment Damage!
2. Rig the unit properly and lift from above or jack
Never use a forklift to move the unit. The skid is not de-
signed to support the unit at any one point and using the unit (alternate moving method). Use the points
a forklift to move the equipment may cause unit dam- shown on the rigging diagram that ships with the
age. Always position the lifting beam so that cables do unit as shown in Figure 10. Remove the base mounts.
not contact the unit. Failure to do so may result in unit 3. Install clevis connectors in lifting holes provided on
damage. the unit. Attach lifting chains or cables to clevis con-
Note: If absolutely necessary, the chiller can be pushed nectors as shown in Figure 10. Each cable alone must
or pulled across a smooth surface if it is bolted to be strong enough to lift the chiller.
wood shipping mounts.

Shipping Mounts!
Do not use the threaded holes in the compressor to lift
or assist in lifting the unit. They are not intended for
that purpose and could create a dangerous situation.
Do not remove the wood mounts until the unit is in its
final location. Removal of wood shipping mounts prior
to unit final locating could result in death or serious
injury or equipment damage.

Table 12. Rigging

Unit Dimension (mm (in))
Designator* A B C D E F
E3G2G1 3658 3353 1621 20 661 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.82) (0.79) (26.02) (24.02)
E3F2F3 3658 3353 1612 29 615 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.46) (1.14) (24.21) (24.02)
E3D2E2 3048 2743 1525 116 612 610
(120.00) (107.99) (60.04) (4.57) (24.09) (24.02)
D3G2G1 3658 3353 1612 99 654 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.46) (3.90) (25.75) (24.02)
D3F2F3 3658 3353 1610 101 617 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.39) (3.98) (24.29) (24.02)
D3D2E2 3048 2743 1523 188 614 610
(120.00) (107.99) (59.96) (7.40) (24.17) (24.02)
D2G3G3 / D3G3G3 3658 3353 1612 99 654 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.46) (3.90) (25.75) (24.02)
D2G2G1 3658 3353 1612 99 654 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.46) (3.90) (25.75) (24.02)
D2F2F3 3658 3353 1610 101 617 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.39) (3.98) (24.29) (24.02)
D2D2E2 3048 2743 1523 188 614 610
(120.00) (107.99) (59.96) (7.40) (24.17) (24.02)
D1G1G1 3658 3353 1614 97 661 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.54) (3.82) (26.02) (24.02)
D1G2G2 3658 3353 1614 97 661 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.54) (3.82) (26.02) (24.02)
D1F1F2 3658 3353 1612 99 622 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.46) (3.90) (24.49) (24.02)
D1D1E1 3048 2743 1524 187 612 610
(120.00) (107.99) 60.00) (7.36) (24.09) (24.02)
C2F2F3 3658 3353 1610 101 617 610
(144.02) (132.01) 63.39) (3.98) (24.29) (24.02)
* Designator corresponds to digits 6, 7, 14, 15, 21, 22 of model number

Installation Mechanical

Unit Dimension (mm (in))

Designator* A B C D E F
C2E1F1 3658 3353 1613 129 624 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.50) (5.08) (24.57) (24.02)
C2D3E3 3048 2743 1517 225 618 610
(120.00) (107.99) (59.72) (8.86) (24.33) (24.02)
C2D4E4 3048 2743 1523 219 584 610
(120.00) (107.99) (59.96) (8.62) (22.99) (24.02)
C1E1F1 3658 3353 1613 129 624 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.50) (5.08) (24.57) (24.02)
C1D3E3 3048 2743 1517 225 618 610
(120.00) (107.99) (59.72) (8.86) (24.33) (24.02)
C1D5E4 3048 2743 1523 219 584 610
(120.00) (107.99) (59.96) (8.62) (22.99) (24.02)
C1D6E5 3048 2743 1524 218 582 610
(120.00) (107.99) (60.00) (8.58) (22.91) (24.02)
C1C2D2 3658 3353 1459 93 523 610
(144.02) (132.01) (57.44) (3.66) (20.59) (24.02)
B2C2D2 3658 3353 1481 93 523 610
(144.02) (132.01) (58.31) (3.66) (20.59) (24.02)
B2B2B2 3048 2743 1476 98 535 610
(120.00) (107.99) (58.11) (3.86) (21.06) (24.02)
B1C1D1 3658 3353 1479 95 521 610
(144.02) (132.01) (58.23) (3.74) (20.51) (24.02)
B1B1B1 3048 2743 1447 97 534 610
(120.00) (107.99) (56.97) (3.82) (21.02) (24.02)

Total Heat Reclaim

B1C1H1 3658 3353 1479 95 620 610
(144.02) (132.01) (58.23) (3.74) (24.41) (24.02)
B2C2H2 3658 3353 1481 93 625 610
(144.02) (132.01) (58.31) (3.66) (24.61) (24.02)
C1E1J1 3658 3353 1613 129 748 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.50) (5.08) (29.45) (24.02)
C2F2J3 3658 3353 1610 101 781 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.39) (3.98) (30.75) (24.02)
D1F1J2 3658 3353 1612 99 779 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.46) (3.90) (30.67) (24.02)
D2G2K1 3658 3353 1612 99 763 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.46) (3.90) (30.04) (24.02)
D3G2K1 3658 3353 1612 99 763 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.46) (3.90) (30.04) (24.02)
E3G2K1 3658 3353 1621 20 767 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.82) (0.79) (30.20) (24.02)

Partial Heat Reclaim

B1C1L1 3658 3353 1479 95 555 610
(144.02) (132.01) (58.23) (3.74) (21.85) (24.02)
B2C2L2 3658 3353 1481 93 557 610
(144.02) (132.01) (58.31) (3.66) (21.93) (24.02)
C1E1M1 3658 3353 1613 129 668 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.50) (5.08) (26.30) (24.02)
C2F2M3 3658 3353 1610 101 706 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.39) (3.98) (27.80) (24.02)
D1F1M2 3658 3353 1612 99 705 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.46) (3.90) (27.76) (24.02)
D2G2N1 3658 3353 1612 99 728 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.46) (3.90) (28.66) (24.02)
D3G2N1 3658 3353 1612 99 728 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.46) (3.90) (28.66) (24.02)
E3G2N1 3658 3353 1621 20 733 610
(144.02) (132.01) (63.82) (0.79) (28.86) (24.02)
* Designator corresponds to digits 6, 7, 14, 15, 21, 22 of model number

Installation Mechanical

Figure 10. Lifting the Unit















44 ,5 MM TYP


4. Attach cables to lifting beam. Total lifting weight, lift- Alternate Moving Method
ing weight distribution and required lifting beam di-
mensions are shown in the rigging diagram shipped 6. If it is not possible to rig from above as shown in the
with each unit and in Figure 10. The lifting beam figures, the unit may also be moved by jacking each
crossbar must be positioned so the lifting cables do end high enough to move an equipment dolly under
not contact unit piping or electrical panel enclosure. each tube sheet support. Once securely mounted on
the dollies, the unit may be rolled into position.
Anti- rotation Strap! Isolation Pads
Connect an anti-rotation strap between the lifting
The elastomeric pads shipped (as standard) are adequate
beam and compressor before lifting unit. Failure to do
so may result in death or serious injury should a lifting for most installations. For additional details on isolation
cable fail. practices, refer to Trane Engineering Bulletin -Series R®
Chiller Sound Ratings and Installation Guide., or consult
5. Connect an anti-rotation strap or cable loosely be- an acoustical engineer for sound-sensitive installations.
tween the lifting beam and the threaded coupling or
7. During final positioning of the unit, place the isola-
eyelet provided at the top of the compressor. Use an
tion pads under the evaporator and condenser tube
eyebolt or clevis to secure the strap at the coupling
sheet supports. Level the unit.
or eyelet.
Note: The anti-rotation strap is not a lifting chain, but
a safety device to ensure that the unit cannot tilt
during lifting.

Installation Mechanical

Placement Neoprene Isolator Installation 8.3. Lower the unit on to the isolators and secure the
isolator to the unit with a nut. Maximum isolator
deflection should be approximately 1/4”.
8. Install the optional neoprene isolators at each mount- 8.4. Level the unit carefully. Refer to “Leveling”. Fully
ing location. tighten the isolator mounting bolts.
8.1. Secure the isolators to the mounting surface, 8.5. Two Isolators for each foot, refer to Figure 11 ,
using the mounting slots in the isolator base total 8 isolators installed for one chiller.
plate, as shown as below. Do not fully tighten
the isolator mounting bolts at this time.
8.2. Align the mounting holes in the base of the unit,
with the threaded positioning pins on the top of
the isolators.

Figure 11. Isolator Pad Placement

Isolator Isolator

Technical data of rubber AVM

Vertical Outer Size(±2mm)
Load Load Deflection
Model Rigidity
(kg) (Lbs) (±3mm) L W H C ØD S

HA-700 700 1543 58.33

HA-1000 1000 2205 83.33

12 159 118 70 127 14 M12
HA-1400 1400 3086 116.67

HA-1800 1800 3968 150.00

Bottom plate Isolator

9. The unit is shipped with four spacers (only three on 10. Remove the shipping brackets from the bottom sides
B family) on the compressor mount that protect the of the oil separator(s) (see Figure 12).
compressor isolation pads during shipping and in Note: Once shipping bracket(s) is removed, the oil sep-
handling. Remove these spacers (Figure 12) before arator is only supported by the discharge line.
the unit is operated.

Installation Mechanical

Figure 12. Oil Separator with Shipping Bracket and Compressor Shipping Spacer

Oil Separator

M20 bolt

Shipping Bracket
Remove 4 Shipping
Spacers (only 3 on B

Unit Leveling Water Piping

Note: The electrical panel side of the unit is designated
as the “front” of the unit. Piping Connections
1. Check unit level end-to-end by placing a level on the
top surface of the evaporator shell. DDCAUTION
2. If there is insufficient surface available on the top of Equipment Damage!
the evaporator shell, attach a magnetic level to the To prevent equipment damage, bypass the unit if using
bottom of the shell to level the unit. The unit should an acidic flushing agent.
be level to within 1/4” (6.35 mm) over its length.
Make water piping connections to the evaporator and
3. Place the level on the evaporator shell tube sheet condenser. Isolate and support piping to prevent stress
support to check sideto- side (front-to-back) level. on the unit. Construct piping according to local and na-
Adjust to within 1/4” (6.35 mm) of level frontto- back. tional codes. Insulate and flush piping before connecting
Note: The evaporator MUST be level for optimum heat to unit.
transfer and unit performance. Use grooved pipe connectors for all water piping con-
4. Use full-length shims to level the unit. nections. Evaporator and condenser water inlet and
outlet sizes and locations are shown by the unit submit-
tals and in Figure 13 through Figure 18. The designation
in the tables corresponds to the compressor frame code
followed by the evaporator shell code followed by the
condenser shell code as given in the unit model number,
digits 6, 7, 14, 15, 21 and 22. Table 13 gives additional
water connection information.

Reversing Water Boxes

All water boxes may be reversed end-for-end. Do not
rotate water boxes. Remove the sensors from the wells
before removing the water box. Complete the water box
switch and replace the sensors. See Figure 13 through
Figure 18 for correct orientation of the water inlet and
If the water boxes are reversed, be sure to properly re-
wire the water temperature sensors in the control panel.
Note: Be certain to replace water boxes right-side-up
to maintain proper baffle orientation. Use new
Installation Mechanical

Figure 13. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections -BBB

72.80 [1849 mm]

9.44 [240 mm]

70.30 [1786 mm] 28.59 [726 mm]

24.48 [622 mm]



13.84 [351 mm] IN


9.50 [241 mm] 107.66 [2734 mm]

12.47 [317 mm] 9.44 [240 mm]
Standard 3 Pass
11.50 [292 mm] 13.35 [339 mm]
64.34 [1634 mm]

97.51 [2477 mm]

7.80[198 mm] 4.96 [126 mm]



0.08 [2 mm] 10.23 [260 mm]

28.46 [723 mm]

13.90 [353 mm]

6.97 [177 mm] 10.31 [262 mm]

2 Pass Evaporator
Connection Configuration (left or right hand)
Depends on Water Inlet

Installation Mechanical

Figure 14. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections -BCD/CCD

72.80 [1849 mm]

9.44 [240 mm]

28.59 [726 mm]

24.48 [622 mm] 70.80 [1798 mm] OUT



COND EVAP 13.84 [351 mm] IN

9.50 [241 mm]

12.47[317 mm] 125.91 [3198 mm]
13.35 [339 mm] 9.44 [240 mm]
Standard 3 Pass
11.50 [292 mm]
66.74 [1695 mm]

118.00 [2997 mm]

7.80 [198] mm
4.96 [126 mm]



7.91 [201 mm] 0.01 [0 mm]

28.46 [723 mm]

13.90[353 mm]

6.97 [177 mm] 10.31 [262 mm]

2 Pass Evaporator
Connection Configuration (left or right hand)
Depends on Water Inlet

Installation Mechanical

Figure 15. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections - CEF

76.24 [1937 mm]

73.44 [1865 mm]

10.20 [260 mm] 30.13 [765 mm]

27.22[692 mm]


14.88 [378 mm] IN
5.29 [134 mm]
12.73 [323 mm]
14.50 [368 mm] 125.91 [3198 mm]
12.49 [317 mm] 10.20 [260mm]
Standard 3 Pass
67.54 [1715 mm]

9.11 [232 mm] 118.00 [2997 mm] 6.00 [153 mm]



4.84 [123 mm] 3.07 [78 mm]

29.80 [757 mm]

15.24 [387 mm]

7.67 [195 mm]

11.02[280 mm]

2 Pass Evaporator
Connection Configuration (left or right hand)
Depends on Water Inlet

Installation Mechanical

Figure 16. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections - CDE/DDE/EDE


76.27 [1937 mm]

30.13 [765 mm]

73.44 [1865 mm]

27.20 [691 mm]


14.88 [378 mm] IN

107.66 [2734 mm] 10.20 [260 mm]

12.72 [323 mm] 5.29 [134 mm]
Standard 3 Pass
12.49 [317 mm] 14.50 [368 mm]
67.58 [1717 mm]

8.00 [203 mm] for 150 psi 97.50 [2477 mm] 6.00 [153 mm] for 150 psi
8.50 [216 mm] for 300 psi 6.50 [166 mm] for 300 psi


2.56 [65 mm] 7.59 [193 mm]

29.80 [757 mm]

15.24 [387 mm]

7.67 [195 mm]

11.02 [280 mm]

2 Pass Evaporator
Connection Configuration (left or right hand)
Depends on Water Inlet

Installation Mechanical

Figure 17. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections – CFF/DFF/EFF

76.23 [1936 mm]

10.67 [271 mm]

10.67 [271 mm]

27.22 [692 mm] 73.52 [1867 mm]





12.73 [323 mm] 3.59 [91 mm]

10.91 [277 mm] 125.91 [3198 mm] 27.91 [709 mm]
12.49 [317 mm] 16.20 [411 mm] Standard 3 Pass
67.54 [1716 mm]

9.11 [232mm] 118.00 [2997 mm] 6.00 [153 mm]



4.87 [124 mm] 3.04 [77 mm]

27.87 [708mm]

10.94 [278 mm]

8.71 [221 mm] 12.52 [318 mm]

2 Pass Evaporator
Connection Configuration (left or right hand)
Depends on Water Inlet

Installation Mechanical

Figure 18. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections - CGG/DGG/EGG

77.29 [1963 mm] 12.20 [310 mm] 80.02 [2033 mm]

29.09 [739 mm]
22.50 [571 mm]
33.89 [861 mm]


1.18 [30 mm] 11.39 [289 mm] 9.35 [238 mm]

14.61 [371mm]
125.91 [3198 mm]
14.70 [373 mm] 18.63 [473 mm]
Standard 4 Pass
69.72 [1771 mm]

10.35[263 mm] 129.80 [3297 mm] 7.28 [185 mm]



3.22 [82 mm] 0.67 [17 mm]


32.64 [829 mm]

12.60 [320 mm]

14.17 [360 mm]

14.17 [360 mm]

3 Pass Evaporator
Connection Configuration (left or right hand)
Depends on Water Inlet

9.44 [240 mm]
Installation Mechanical

75.55 [1919 mm]

70.80 [1798 mm]


IN IN 28.59 [726 mm]
26.30 [668 mm]

14.25 [362 mm]

13.84 [351 mm]

10.16 [258 mm] 13.35 [339 mm] 9.50 [241 mm]

125.91 [3198 mm] 9.44 [240 mm]
Standard 3 -pass
22.52 [572 mm]

72.05 [1830 mm]

21.93 [557 mm]

Figure 19. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections - BCH

14.43 [367 mm] 118.00 [2997 mm] 8.27 [210 mm]


Oil Sump


7.91 [201 mm] 0.01 [0 mm]

10.20 [260 mm]

81.81 [2078 mm]

73.44 [1865 mm] OUT


32.09 [815 mm]

IN IN Evaporator 30.13 [765 mm]
17.52 [445 mm]
14.88 [378 mm] IN

10.43 [265 mm] 5.29 [134 mm]

125.91 [3198mm] 10.20 [260 mm]
Standard 3 -pass
25.00 [635 mm] 14.50 [368 mm]

76.89 [1953 mm]

Figure 20. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections - CEJ

21.18 [537 mm]

300 psi Condenser
water chamber
8.27 [210 mm] 118.00 [2997 mm] 15.28 [388 mm]
150/300 psi Condenser
water chamber


Oil Sump


8.15 [207 mm] 0.01 [0 mm]

Installation Mechanical
10.67 [271 mm]
Installation Mechanical

81.81 [2078 mm]

73.52 [1867 mm] OUT


32.09 [815 mm] IN IN 27.91 [709 mm]

17.52 [445 mm]
10.91 [277 mm] IN

10.43 [265 mm] 3.59 [91 mm]

125.91 [3198mm] 10.67 [271 mm]
Standard 3 -pass
25.00 [635 mm] 16.20 [411 mm]

76.89 [1953 mm]

21.18 [537 mm]

300 psi Condenser
water chamber
8.27 [210 mm] 118.00 [2997 mm] 15.28 [388 mm]
150/300 psi Condenser
Figure 21. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections - CFJ/DFJ

water chamber

8.15 [207 mm] 0.01 [0 mm]

12.20 [310 mm]

81.14 [2061 mm]

77.29 [1963 mm] OUT

22.50 [571 mm]

33.89 [861 mm] Evaporator

31.34 [796 mm] IN IN
16.77 [426 mm]
11.39 [289 mm]
125.91 [3198 mm] 9.35 [238 mm]
10.43 [265 mm] 1.18 [30 mm] Standard 4 -pass

25.00 [635 mm] 18.63 [473 mm]

77.17 [1960 mm]

21.18 [538 mm]

300 psi Condenser
water chamber
15.28 [388 mm] 129.49 [3289 mm] 8.27 [210 mm]
150/300 psi Condenser
water chamber
Figure 22. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections - DGK/EGK


Oil Sump


0.12 [3 mm]
3.46 [88 mm]

Installation Mechanical
9.44 [240 mm]
Installation Mechanical

74.49 [1892 mm]

70.80 [1798 mm] OUT



IN 28.59 [726 mm]
26.46 [672 mm]
22.40 [569 mm]

13.94 [354 mm] 13.84 [351 mm]


5.98 [152 mm] 13.35 [339 mm] 9.50 [241 mm]

125.91 [3198 mm] 9.44 [240 mm]
7.20 [183 mm] Standard 3 -pass

12.52 [318 mm]

17.60 [447 mm]

66.97 [1701 mm]

22.56 [573 mm]

16.65 [423 mm]

Figure 23. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections - BCL

9.65 [245 mm] 118.00 [2997 mm] 16.14 [410 mm]


Oil Sump


7.91 [201 mm] 0.01 [0 mm]

10.20 [260 mm]

OUT 76.73 [1949 mm]

73.44 [1865 mm]



33.46 [850 mm] IN Evaporator
29.53 [750 mm] 30.13 [765 mm]
20.91 [531 mm]
16.97 [431 mm]
14.88 [378 mm]

6.46 [164 mm] 5.29 [134 mm]

125.91 [3198mm] 10.20 [260 mm]

8.78 [223 mm] 14.50 [368 mm] Standard 3 -pass

14.76 [375 mm]

21.14 [537 mm]

71.42 [1814 mm]

22.56 [573 mm]

Figure 24. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections - CEM

16.65 [423 mm]

16.14 [410 mm] 118.00 [2997 mm] 8.27 [210 mm]


Oil Sump


0.01 [0 mm]
8.15 [207 mm]

Installation Mechanical
10.68 [271 mm]
Installation Mechanical

76.73 [1949 mm]

73.52 [1867 mm]


33.46 [850 mm] IN
29.53 [750 mm] Evaporator 27.91 [709 mm]

20.91 [531 mm] IN

16.97 [431 mm]

10.91 [277 mm]

6.46 [164 mm] 16.20 [411 mm] 3.59 [91 mm] 125.91 [3198 mm] 10.67 [271 mm]
Standard 3 -pass
8.78 [223 mm]

14.76 [375 mm]

21.14 [537 mm]

71.69 [1821 mm]

22.56 [573 mm]

16.65 [423 mm]

16.14 [410 mm] 118.00 [2997 mm] 8.27 [210 mm]

Figure 25. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections - CFM/DFM


Oil Sump


1.00 [25 mm]

7.17 [182 mm]

12.20 [310 mm]

77.29 [1963 mm] 78.82 [2002 mm]



OUT 22.50 [571 mm]

35.28 [896 mm]

33.89 [861 mm]
31.42 [798 mm] Evaporator
23.54 [598 mm]
13.86 [352 mm]
11.39 [289 mm]
9.65 [245 mm] 125.91 [3198 mm] 9.35 [238 mm]
1.18 [30 mm] Standard 4 -pass

15.35 [390 mm]

18.63 [473 mm]

16.34 [415 mm]

25.67 [652 mm]

75.79 [1925 mm]

22.76 [578 mm]

16.85 [428 mm]

16.14 [410 mm] 129.80 [3297 mm] 8.27 [210 mm]

Figure 26. Condenser and Evaporator Water Connections - DGN/EGN


Oil Sump


3.22 [82 mm] 0.67 [17 mm]

Installation Mechanical
Installation Mechanical

Table 13. Evaporator and Condenser Data

Nom. Conn.
Compress Nominal Connector Size
or Frame Evap Shell Evap. size (NPS)* Cond Shell (NPS)*
Code (Digit Code (Dig- Shell Code Cond. Shell Standard Heat
6,7 of Model its 14, 15 of Diameter 2- 3- 4- (Digits 21,22 of Diameter Condenser Reclaim
No.) Model No.) (in) Pass Pass Pass Model No.) (in) 2-Pass 2-Pass
D2 26.5 8 8 6 E2 22.0 8 -
E3 F2 29.0 8 8 - E2 22.0 8 -
G2 33.5 - 10 8 G1 25.75 8 -
D2 26.5 8 8 6 E2 22.0 8 -
F2 29.0 10 8 - F3 22.0 8 -
G2 33.5 - 10 8 G1 25.75 8 -
G3 33.5 - 10 8 G3 25.75 8 -
G3 33.5 - 10 8 G3 25.75 8 -
D2 26.5 8 8 6 E2 22.0 8 -
F2 29.0 10 8 - F3 22.0 8 -
G2 33.5 - 10 8 G1 25.75 8 -
D1 26.5 8 8 6 E1 22.0 8 -
D1 F1 29.0 10 8 - F2 22.0 8 -
G1 33.5 - 10 8 G1 25.75 8 -
D3 26.5 8 8 6 E3 22.0 8 -
D4 26.5 8 8 6 E4 22.0 8 -
E1 26.5 8 8 6 F1 22.0 8 -
F2 29.0 10 8 - F3 22.0 8 -
D6 26.5 8 8 6 E5 22.0 8 -
D5 26.5 8 8 6 E4 22.0 8 -
C1 D3 26.5 8 8 6 E3 22.0 8 -
E1 26.5 8 8 6 F1 22.0 8 -
C2 23.0 - 6 - D2 18.75 6 -
C2 23.0 - 6 - D2 18.75 6 -
B2 23.0 - 6 - B2 18.75 6 -
C1 23.0 - 6 - D1 18.75 6 -
B1 23.0 - 6 - B1 18.75 6 -
B1 C1 23.0 - 6 - H1 25.75 6 6
B2 C2 23.0 - 6 - H2 25.75 6 6
C1 E1 26.5 8 8 - J1 31.5 8 8
C2 F2 29.0 10 8 - J3 31.5 8 8
D1 F1 29.0 10 8 - J2 31.5 8 8
D2 G2 33.5 - 10 8 K1 31.5 8 8
D3 G2 33.5 - 10 8 K1 31.5 8 8
E3 G2 33.5 - 10 8 K1 31.5 8 8
B1 C1 23.0 - 6 - L1 22.0 6 3
B2 C2 23.0 - 6 - L2 22.0 6 3
C1 E1 26.5 8 8 - M1 26.5 8 4
C2 F2 29.0 10 8 - M3 26.5 8 4
D1 F1 29.0 10 8 - M2 26.5 8 4
D2 G2 33.5 - 10 8 N1 29.0 8 4
D3 G2 33.5 - 10 8 N1 29.0 8 4
E3 G2 33.5 - 10 8 N1 29.0 8 4
Metric Conversion is:
6 NPS = 150 mm nominal
8 NPS = 200 mm nominal
10 NPS = 250 mm nominal

Installation Mechanical

Water Pressure Drop Data

Evaporator Pressure Drop Evaporator Pressure Drop

G Frame - 3 Pass F Frame - 3 Pass

50 50
45 G1 45 F1
G3 F2
40 40
35 35

Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Flow (GPM) Flow (GPM)

Evaporator Pressure Drop Evaporator Pressure Drop

G Frame - 4 Pass E Frame - 2 Pass

70 40
G2 35
G3 30 E1
Delt-P (Ft H 2O)
Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

10 5

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Flow (GPM) Flow (GPM)

Evaporator Pressure Drop Evaporator Pressure Drop

F Frame - 2 Pass E Frame - 3 Pass

35 50
F1 45
30 F2
40 E1
25 35
Delt-P (Ft H 2O)
Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

20 30
15 20
10 15
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Flow (GPM) Flow (GPM)

Installation Mechanical

Evaporator Pressure Drop Evaporator Pressure Drop

D Frame - 2 Pass C Frame - 3 Pass

40 50
D2 45 C1
35 D1
40 C2
30 D4 & D5
D6 35
Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

25 30
20 25

15 20
5 5
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Flow (GPM) Flow (GPM)

Evaporator Pressure Drop Evaporator Pressure Drop

D Frame - 3 Pass B Frame - 3 Pass

45 45
40 D4 & D5 D1 40 B1
D6 D3 B2
35 35
Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Flow (GPM) Flow (GPM)

Evaporator Pressure Drop Evaporator Pressure Drop

C Frame - 2 Pass B Frame - 2 Pass

35 30

30 C1 B1
C2 B2
Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

Delt-P (Ft H 2O)


5 5

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Flow (GPM) Flow (GPM)

Installation Mechanical

Condenser Pressure Drop Condenser Pressure Drop

G Frame - 2 Pass D Frame - 2 Pass

60 45
50 D1
G1 G2
35 D2
Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

40 30
20 15
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Flow (GPM) Flow (GPM)

Condenser Pressure Drop Condenser Pressure Drop

F Frame - 2 Pass B Frame - 2 Pass

45 40
40 F2
F1 & F3 B1
35 30 B2
Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

10 10

5 5
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Flow (GPM) Flow (GPM)

Condenser Pressure Drop Condenser Pressure Drop

E Frame - 2 Pass D Frame - 4 Pass
R² = 1
35 E1 E2 35
E5 30
30 E3
Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Flow (GPM) Flow (GPM)

Installation Mechanical

Condenser Pressure Drop Condenser Pressure Drop

E Frame - 4 Pass J Frame - 2 Pass
70 45
65 R² = 1 40
55 35
Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

40 25
25 15
15 10
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 500 1000 1500 2000

Flow (GPM) Flow (GPM)

Condenser Pressure Drop Condenser Pressure Drop

K Frame - 2 Pass M Frame - 2 Pass
50 40

Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

Delt-P (Ft H 2O)


30 25


10 10

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Flow (GPM) Flow (GPM)

Condenser Pressure Drop Condenser Pressure Drop

N Frame - 2 Pass H Frame - 2 Pass
Heat Reclaim N1
40 30
Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

Delt-P (Ft H 2O)


20 15

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Flow (GPM) Flow (GPM)

Installation Mechanical

• Thermometers
Condenser Pressure Drop
L Frame - 2 Pass • Cleanout tees
50 • Pipe strainer

Leaving Chilled Water Piping
Heat Reclaim L1 Condenser L1
35 • Air vents (to bleed air from system)
Heat Reclaim L1
Delt-P (Ft H 2O)

• Water pressure gauges with shutoff valves
• Pipe unions
• Vibration eliminators (rubber boots)

• Shutoff (isolation) valves
5 • Thermometers
0 • Cleanout tees
0 200 400 600 800 1000 • Balancing valve
Flow (GPM)
• Pressure relief valve
• Flow switch
Making Grooved Pipe Connections
DDCAUTION Evaporator Damage!
Equipment Damage! To prevent evaporator damage, do not exceed 150 psig
To prevent damage to water piping, do not overtighten (10.3 bar) evaporator water pressure for standard water
connections. To prevent equipment damage, bypass boxes. Maximum pressure for high pressure water box-
the unit if using an acidic flushing agent. es is 300 psig (20.7 bar). Refer to digit 14 of the Model
No. To prevent tube damage, install a strainer in the
Note: Make sure that all piping is flushed and cleaned evaporator water inlet piping. To prevent tube corro-
prior to starting the unit. sion, ensure that the initial water fill has a balanced pH.

Vents and Drains Condenser Piping Components

Install pipe plugs in evaporator and condenser water “Piping components” include all devices and controls
box drain and vent connections before filling the water used to provide proper water system operation and unit
systems. operating safety. These components and their general
To drain water, remove vent and drain plugs, install a locations are given below.
NPT connector in the drain connection with a shutoff
valve and connect a hose to it. Entering condenser water piping
Evaporator Piping Components • Air vents (to bleed air from system)
• Water pressure gauges with shutoff valves
Note: Make sure all piping components are between
the shutoff valves, so that isolation can be accom- • Pipe unions
plished on both the condenser and the evapora- • Vibration eliminators (rubber boots)
tor. • Shutoff (isolation) valves. One per each pass
“Piping components” include all devices and controls • Thermometers
used to provide proper water system operation and unit
operating safety. These components and their general • Cleanout tees
locations are given below. • Pipe strainer

Entering Chilled Water Piping Leaving condenser water piping

• Air vents (to bleed air from system) • Air vents (to bleed air from system)
• Water pressure gauges with shutoff valves • Water pressure gauges with shutoff valves
• Pipe unions • Pipe unions
• Vibration eliminators (rubber boots) • Vibration eliminators (rubber boots)
• Shutoff (isolation) valves • Shutoff (isolation) valve - one per each pass

Installation Mechanical

• Thermometers 10.0 in .1 volt increments (or finer), Default 10 Vdc)

• Cleanout tees • Actuator Stroke Time (Min to Max Range Time) (Adj:
• Balancing valve 1 to 1000 seconds, in 1 second increments, Default
• Pressure relief valve.
• Damping Coefficient (adj: 0.1 to 1.8 , in .1 increments,
• Flow switch Default .5)
DDCAUTION • Head Pressure Control Override (enumeration of:
disabled (auto), “off” state, minimum, maximum
Condenser Damage! (100%),) default :disabled (auto). When this setting is
To prevent condenser damage, do not exceed 150 psig in “disabled (auto)”
(10.3 bar) water pressure for standard water boxes.
Maximum pressure for high pressure water boxes is • Condenser Water Pump Prerun Time
300 psig (20.7 bar). Refer to digit 18 of the Model No.
To prevent tube damage, install a strainer in condenser Partial Heat Recovery Condenser Tube
water inlet piping. To prevent tube corrosion, ensure Parts
that the initial water fill has a balanced pH.
Partial heat recovery condenser should be installed with
Condenser Water Regulating Valve a pressure reducing valve to reduce the inlet water pres-
sure. This requirement is only for the design pressure
The Condenser Head Pressure Control Option provides that the water pressure exceeds the container name-
for a 0-10VDC (maximum range - a smaller range is plate. This is necessary to prevent the valve disc and
adjustable) output interface to the customer’s condenser valve seat from being damaged by excessive pressure
water flow device. The condenser water flow device is drop. In addition, it is necessary to limit the water side
typically a large butterfly type (6” or 8”) automatic valve pressure of partial heat recovery condenser. Some heat
for 200 to 400 Ton chillers. recovery condenser water side design pressure shown in
The following guidelines must be met in order to ensure the container nameplate.
adequate oil circulation throughout the system.
• The RTHD must maintain a 23 psid system pressure
differential at all load conditions in order to ensure
May Damage The Condenser and
adequate oil circulation. Compressor!
In order to avoid damaging the partial heat recovery
• The entering condenser water temperature must be
condenser or water flow regulating valve, the inlet
above 55°F (12.8°C) or between 45°F (7.2°C) and 55°F pressure should not exceed the design pressure shown
(12.8°C) with a 1°F temperature rise per minute to in the container nameplate.
55°F (12.8°C).
• Condenser leaving water temperature must be 17°F Full Heat Recovery Condenser Tube Parts
degrees higher than evaporator leaving water tem-
perature within 2 minutes of startup. A 25°F diferen- The full heat recovery condenser should be installed
tial must be maintained thereafter. with a pressure reducing valve to reduce the inlet wa-
ter pressure. This requirement is only for the design
If the above guidelines cannot be met, then some form
pressure that the water pressure exceeds the container
of tower water control must be used.
nameplate. This is necessary to prevent the valve disc
Condenser Water Regulating Valve Ad- and valve seat from being damaged by excessive pres-
sure drop. In addition, it is necessary to limit the water
justment side pressure of the total heat recovery condenser. The
A separate TechView Settings Menu tab entitled “Con- total heat recovery condenser water side design pres-
denser Head Pressure Control - Setup” that is only visi- sure shown in the container nameplate.
ble if the configuration is selected, contain the following
settings and manual overrides for user adjustments and
commissioning all under one tab: May Damage The Condenser and
• “Off State” Output Command (0-10 Vdc 0.1 volt incre- Compressor!
ments, Default 2.0 Vdc) In order to avoid damaging the total heat recovery
condenser or water flow regulating valve, the inlet
• Output Voltage @ Desired Minimum Flow (Adj: 0 to pressure should not exceed the design pressure shown
10.0 in 0.1 volt increments, Default 2.0 Vdc) in the container nameplate.
• Desired Minimum Flow (Adj: 0- 100% of full flow in 1%
intervals, Default 20%)
• Output Voltage @ Desired Maximum Flow (Adj: 0 to

Installation Mechanical

Full Heat Recovery Condenser Water Tem- Water Treatment

perature Requirements and Control
DDWARNING Proper Water Treatment!
The following application conditions The use of untreated or improperly treated water in a
must be satisfied, otherwise the unit will RTHD may result in scaling, erosion, corrosion, algae or
be damaged easily! slime. It is recommended that the services of a qualified
water treatment specialist be engaged to determine
1. Operation control of the pump: the operation of the what water treatment, if any, is required. The Trane
pump must correspond with the pump start-stop Company assumes no responsibility for equipment fail-
signal of the UC800 controller of the unit. ures which result from untreated or improperly treated
water, or saline or brackish water.
2. Setting of water flow switch: the flow switch node
of the unit is not allowed to be short-connected, and Using untreated or improperly treated water in these
it should be connected with the water system flow units may result in inefficient operation and possible
switch, and the flow rate is not less than 60% of the
tube damage. Consult a qualified water treatment spe-
rated flow when the water flow switch is closed.
cialist to determine whether treatment is needed.
3. Establishment time of flow: Time between flow
switch close and water pump runs should not exceed Water Pressure Gauges and Thermome-
5 minutes. ters
4. In addition to the mode switching process, the two Install field-supplied thermometers and pressure gauges
water pumps of the full heat recovery unit are not (with manifolds, whenever practical) as shown in Figure
allowed to run simultaneously. 27. Locate pressure gauges or taps in a straight run of
pipe; avoid placement near elbows, etc. Be sure to install
Installation Of Water Tank Temperature the gauges at the same elevation on each shell if the
Sensor shells have opposite-end water connections.
To read manifolded water pressure gauges, open one
The RTHD full heat recovery unit needs to collect the
valve and close the other (depending upon the reading
temperature of the client’s water tank at run time for load
desired). This eliminates errors resulting from differently
control, and the installation of the temperature sensor of
calibrated gauges installed at unmatched elevations.
the tank can be referenced below.
Part 1 is provided by the customer. The internal thread
specification of the joint and temperature sensor tem-
perature package is 1/2-14NPT. Parts 2, 3, 4 are provided
by Trane. In order to avoid affecting the measurement
accuracy, the distance between the insertion position
of the temperature sensor and the water tank must not
exceed 200mm. The temperature sensor is connected to
the temperature acquisition module by 20 meters long
connecting line, and the temperature of the water tank is
transmitted to the unit control cabinet.

Client water box

Max. 200mm

Receive full heat recovery condenser inlet

1. Temperature sensor temperature well connector.

2. Temperature sensor temperature well.
3. Temperature sensor
4. 20 meters long connecting line.

Installation Mechanical

Figure 27. Typical Thermometer, Valving, and Manifold Pressure Gauge Set-up

Flow Switch Cond Water

Reg. Valve (Opt.)

Shutoff Flow Switch
Valves Isolation
Manifold Valves
Flow Flow

Pressure Differential
Thermometers Gauge
Pressure Differential
Gauge Relief
Relief Valve
Refer to Trane Engineering Bulletin - Series R® Chillers Sound Ratings and
Installation Guide for sound-sensitive applications.

Water Pressure Relief Valves Flow switches must stop or prevent compressor oper-
ation if either system water flow drops off below the
required minimum shown on the pressure drop curves.
DDCAUTION Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for selec-
Shell Damage! tion and installation procedures. General guidelines for
Install a pressure relief valve in both evaporator and flow switch installation are outlined below.
condenser water systems. Failure to do so may result • Mount the switch upright, with a minimum of 5 pipe
in shell damage. diameters straight, horizontal run on each side.
Install a water pressure relief valve in one of the con- • Do not install close to elbows, orifices or valves.
denser and one of the evaporator water box drain con-
Note: The arrow on the switch must point in the direc-
nections or on the shell side of any shutoff valve. Water
tion of the water flow.
vessels with close-coupled shutoff valves have a high
potential for hydrostatic pressure buildup on a water • To prevent switch fluttering, remove all air from the
temperature increase. Refer to applicable codes for relief water system.
valve installation guidelines. Note: The UC800 provides a 6-second time delay on the
flow switch input before shutting down the unit
Flow Sensing Devices on a loss-of-flow diagnostic. Contact a qualified
service organization if nuisance machine shut-
The installer must provide flow switches or differential
downs persist.
pressure switches with pump interlocks to sense sys-
tem water flow. Flow switch locations are schematically • Adjust the switch to open when water flow falls
shown in Figure 27. below nominal. Refer to the General Data table in
Section 1 for minimum flow recommendations for
To provide chiller protection, install and wire flow switch-
specific water pass arrangements. Flow switch con-
es in series with the water pump interlocks, for both
tacts are closed on proof of water flow.
chilled water and condenser water circuits (refer to the
Installation Electrical section). Specific connections and
schematic wiring diagrams are shipped with the unit.

Installation Mechanical

Refrigerant Pressure Relief Valve Venting All relief valve venting is the responsibility of the install-
ing contractor.

DDWARNING All RTHD units use evaporator, compressor, and con-

denser pressure relief valves (Figure 28) that must be
Hazardous Gases! vented to the outside of the building.
Consult local regulations for any special relief line
requirements. Refrigerant vented into a confined equip- Relief valve connection sizes and locations are shown in
ment room could displace available oxygen to breathe, the unit submittals. Refer to local codes for relief valve
causing possible asphyxiation or other serious health vent line sizing information.
risks. Failure to follow these recommendations could
result in death or serious injury. DDCAUTION
Note: Vent pipe size must conform to the ANSI/ASHRAE
Equipment Damage!
Standard 15 for vent pipe sizing. All federal, state, Do not exceed vent piping code specifications. Failure
and local codes take precedence over any sug- to comply with specifications may result in capacity
reduction, unit damage and/or relief valve damage.
gestions stated in this manual.
Relief valve discharge setpoints and capacities rates are
given in Table 14. Once the relief valve has opened, it will
reclose when pressure is reduced to a safe level.
Note: Once opened, relief valves may have tendency to
leak and must be replaced.

Figure 28. Relief Valve Location

Discharge Pipes


Evaporator Shell
Condenser Shell
* Valve is hidden by pipe

Pressure relief valve discharge capacities will vary with

shell diameter and length and also compressor displace-
ment. Discharge venting capacity should be calculated
as required by ASHRAE Standard 15-94. Do not adjust
relief valve setting in the field.

Installation Mechanical

Table 14. Pressure Relief Valve Data

Valve Location Discharge Number Rated Capacity Field Connection Factory
Setpoint of Valves per Relief Valve Pipe Size (in NPT) Shell Side
(psi) (lba/min.) Connection(in)
Evap - B1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - B2 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - C1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - C2 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - D1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - D2 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - D3 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - D4 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - D5 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - D6 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - E1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - F1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - F2 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - G1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - G2 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Evap - G3 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - B1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - B2 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - D1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - D2 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - E1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - E2 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - E3 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - E4 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - E4 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - E5 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - F1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - F2 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - F3 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - G1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - G1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - G3 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - H1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - H2 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - J1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - J2 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - J3 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - K1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - L1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - L2 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - M1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - M2 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - M3 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Cond - N1 200 2 48.0 1 1-5/16-12
Comp - B1/B2* 200 2 78.8 1-1/4 1-5/8-12
Comp - C1/C2* 200 3 78.8 1-1/4 1-5/8-12
Comp - D1/D2/D3* 200 3 78.8 1-1/4 1-5/8-12
Comp -E3* 200 3 78.8 1-1/4 1-5/8-12
* Only used with isolation valve option

Installation Mechanical

Thermal Insulation Figure 29. Typical RTHD Insulation Requirements

All RTHD units are available with optional factory in-

stalled thermal insulation. If the unit is not factory insu-
lated, install insulation over the areas shaded in Figure
29. Refer to Table 15 for types and quantities of insulation
Insulation thickness is determined at normal design con-
ditions which are:
• Standrad comfort-cooling leaving chilled water tem-
• 85ºF Dry bulb ambient temperature
• 75% Relative humidity
Operation outside of normal design conditions as de-
fined above may require additional insulation; contact
Trane for further review.
Note: Liquid line filter, refrigerant charging valves, wa-
ter temperature sensors, drain and vent connec-
tions when insulated must remain accessible for
Note: Use only water-base latex paint on factory-applied Table 15. Recommended Insulation Types
insulation. Failure to do so may result in insula- Location Type Sq. Feet
tion shrinkage. Evaporator 3/4” wall 90
Note: Units in environments with higher humidity or Compressor 3/4” wall 25
All components and piping on low side 3/4” wall 160
very low leaving water temperature may require of system (gas pump, return oil line,
thicker insulation filter from pump)

Waterbox Removal and Installation

Introduction Procedure

The purpose of this bulletin is to communicate waterbox DDWARNING

weights, recommended connection devices, and con-
nection and lifting arrangements for RTHD water cooled
Heavy Objects!
chillers. Each of the individual cables (chains or slings) used to
lift the waterbox must be capable of supporting the
Important entire weight of the waterbox. The cables (chains or
slings) must be rated for overhead lifting applications
Only qualified technicians should perform the installa- with an acceptable working load limit. Failure to prop-
tion and servicing of equipment referred to this bulletin. erly lift waterbox could result in death or serious injury.

ATTENTION: Warnings, Cautions and Notices appear DDWARNING

at appropriate sections throughout this literature. Read Eyebolts!
these carefully: The proper use and ratings for eyebolts can be found in
ANSI/ASME standard B18.15 Maximum load rating for
DDWARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous eyebolts are based on a straight vertical lift in a grad-
situation which, if not avoided, could
ually increasing manner. Angular lifts will significantly
result in death or serious injury.
lower maximum loads and should be avoided whenev-
DDCAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous er possible. Loads should always be applied to eyebolts
situation which, if not avoided, could in the plane of the eye, not at some angle to this plane.
result in minor or moderate injury. Failure to properly lift waterbox could result in death or
It could also be used to alert against serious injury.
unsafe practices.
Review mechanical room limitations and determine the
NOTICE: Indicates a situation that could result safest method or methods of rigging and lifting the wa-
in equipment or property-damage

Discussion 1. Determine the type and size of chiller being serviced.

Refer to Trane Nameplate located on chiller control
This bulletin will discuss recommended hoist ring/clevis- panel.
es and lifting. Proper lifting technique will vary based on Important: This bulletin contains rigging and lifting
mechanical room layout. information for Trane RTHD water cooled chillers
built in Taicang China only. For Trane chillers built
• It is the responsibility of the person(s) performing
outside China, refer to literature provided by the
the work to be properly trained in the safe practice of
applicable manufacturing location.
rigging, lifting, securing, and fastening the of water
box. 2. Select the proper lift connection device from Table
17. The rated lifting capacity of the selected lift con-
• It is the responsibility of the person(s) providing and
nection device must meet or exceed the published
using the rigging and lifting devices to inspect these
weight of the waterbox.
devices to insure they are free from defect and are
rated to meet or exceed the published weight of the 3. Insure the lift connection device has the correct
waterbox. connection for the waterbox. Example: thread type
(coarse/fine, English/metric). Bolt diameter (English/
• Always use rigging and lifting devices in accordance
with the applicable instructions for such device.
4. Properly connect the lift connection device to the
waterbox. Refer to Figure 30. Insure lift connection
device is securely fastened Install hoist ring on to the
lifting connection on the waterbox. Torque to 37Nm
(28 ft-lbs) for M12 x1.75 (mm) threaded connection.
5. Disconnect water pipes, if connected.
6. Remove waterbox bolts.
7. Lift the waterbox away from the shell.

Waterbox Removal and Installation

Figure 30. Water Box Rigging and Lifting – Vertical Lift Reassembly
Once service is complete the waterbox should be reinstalled
1 on the shell following all previous procedures in reverse. Use
new o-rings or gaskets on all joints after thoroughly cleaning
each joint.
1. Torque waterbox bolts.
4 Torque bolts in a star pattern. Refer to Table 16 for
torque values.

Table 16. RTHD Torque

3 3
Unit Bolt Size Evaporator Condenser
RTHD M12x1.75 88 Nm 88 Nm
(65 ft-lbs) (65 ft-lbs)

Parts Ordering Information

1 = Cables, chains or slings This Bulletin is informational only and does not autho-
2 = Eyebolt connection (See figure 2) rize any parts or labor.
3 = Waterbox Use the Table 17 for part ordering information.
4 = Factory welded connection device
Table 17. Connection Devices
DDWARNING Unit Product Rated Part Number
Never stand below or in close proximately to heavy RTHD Safety Hoist Ring 674 Kg RNG00003C
M12X1.75 (See Figure 31)
objects while they are suspended from, or being lifted
by, a lifting device. Failure to follow these instructions
could result in death or serious injuries.
8. Store waterbox in a safe and secure location and
Do not leave waterbox suspended from lifting de-

Figure 31. Eyebolt connection (Safety hoist ring M12X1.75)

NO. 24012, RATED 1050 Kg.



Waterbox Removal and Installation

Safety Hoist Ring Modification!
The modification shown in Figure 31 must be complete
prior to using the hoist ring to lift the waterbox. Failure
to make these modification could result in death or
serious injuries.
The length of the standard hoist ring bolt must be
shortened (modified) prior to use for lifting waterboxes.
Shorting of the bolt as instructed will help insure the
base of the hoist right is flat against the waterbox when
properly seated. If bases of hoist is not properly seated
against waterbox side loading on the bolt may occur
which could lead to bolt failure.

Contact the Product Technical Service department in
Taicang, China with questions regarding this Service Bul-
letin. They can be reached at baojjw@trane.com.

Installation Electrical

General Recommendations structural members or equipment. All conduit must be

long enough to allow compressor and starter removal.
For proper electrical component operation, do not locate Note: To prevent control malfunctions, do not run low
the unit in areas exposed to dust, dirt, corrosive fumes, voltage wiring (<30V) in conduit with conductors
or excessive humidity. If any of these conditions exist, carrying more than 30 volts.
corrective action must be taken.

Power Supply Wiring
Hazardous Voltage! Model RTHD are designed according to NEC Article 310-
Disconnect all electric power, including remote dis- 15; therefore, all power supply wiring must be sized and
connects and discharge all motor start/run capacitors selected accordingly by the project engineer.
before servicing. Follow proper lockout/tagout pro-
For a complete discussion on the use of conductors, see
cedures to ensure the power cannot be inadvertently
energized. Verify with an appropriate voltmeter that Trane Engineering Bulletin EB-MSCR-40.
all capacitors have discharged. Failure to disconnect Refer to Trane Engineering Bulletin CTV-EB-93 for power
power and discharge capacitors before servicing could wire sizing.
result in death or serious injury.
All wiring must comply with local and National Electric
Water Pump Power Supply
Codes. Minimum circuit ampacities and other unit elec- Provide power supply wiring with fused disconnect for
trical data is on the unit nameplate. See the unit order both the chilled water and condenser water pumps.
specifications for actual electrical data. Specific electrical
schematics and connection diagrams are shipped with Electrical Panel Power Supply
the unit.
Typical wiring diagrams are in the back of this manual. Power supply wiring instructions for the starter/control
panel are:
DDCAUTION 1. Run line voltage wiring in conduit to access open-
Use Copper Conductors Only! ing(s) on starter/control panel or pull-box. See CTV-
Unit terminals are not designed to accept other types EB-93 for wire sizing and selection information and
of conductors. Failure to use copper conductors may refer to Table 18 that show typical electrical connec-
result in equipment damage. tion sizes and locations. Always refer to submittal
information for your actual unit specifications.
Do not allow conduit to interfere with other components,

Table 18. Wire Selection Chart for Starter Panels

Min. Wire Supply Leads for All Starters (0 - 2000 Volts)
Size Copper 1 Conduit 1 Conduit 1 Conduit 2 Conduit 2 Conduit 3 Conduit 4 Conduit
(75°C) 3 Wire 6 Wire 9 Wire 6 Wire 12 Wire 9 Wire 12 Wire
8 40 * * * * * *
6 52 * * * * * *
4 68 * * * * * *
3 60 * * * * * *
2 92 * * * * * *
1 104 * * * * * *
0 120 192 252 360 384 360 480
00 140 224 294 420 448 420 560
000 160 256 336 480 512 480 640
0000 184 294 386 552 589 552 736
250 204 326 428 612 653 612 816
300 228 356 479 684 730 684 912
350 248 397 521 744 794 744 992
400 268 429 563 804 858 804 1072
500 304 486 638 912 973 912 1216
Conductors to the starter and motor connected in parallel (electrically joined at both ends to form a single conductor) must be sized 0 (1/0)
or larger per NEC 310-4. Each phase must be equally represented in each conduit.

Installation Electrical

Figure 32. Electrical Installation

7”x10” (178x254mm)
Opening for incoming
line voltage
(8) 1/2” Conduit
knockouts for use
with 30 volt wiring


AND STARTER TD 7 SECTION (6) 1/2” Conduit and
SECTION (4) 1-1/4” Conduit knockouts
132 VAC MAX for use with 115 volt wiring



interchanging any two of the line wires. It is this possible

interchange of wiring that makes a phase sequence in-
Live Electrical Components! dicator necessary if the operator is to quickly determine
During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshoot- the phase rotation of the motor.
ing of this product, it may be necessary to work with
live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed Correcting Improper Electrical Phase Se-
electrician or other individual who has been properly quence
trained in handling live electrical components perform
these tasks. Failure to follow all electrical safety pre- Proper compressor motor electrical phasing can be
cautions when exposed to live electrical components quickly determined and corrected before starting the
could result in death or serious injury. unit. If using an Associated Research Model 45 Phase
Sequence Indicator, follow this procedure:
Compressor Motor Phase Sequencing
1. Press the STOP button to insure the unit will not
Always verify that proper rotation of the Series R com- attempt to start the compressor.
pressor is established before the machine is started. 2. Open the electrical disconnect or circuit protection
Proper motor rotation requires confirmation of the elec- switch that provides line power to the line power ter-
trical phase sequence of the power supply. The motor is minal block in the control panel (or to the unit-mount-
internally connected for clockwise rotation with incom- ed disconnect).
ing power supply phased A, B, C.
3. 3. Connect the phase sequence indicator leads to the
To confirm the correct phase sequence (ABC), use a line power terminal block (or the unit mounted dis-
Model 45 Associated Research Phase indicator or equiv- connect) as follows:
Phase Seq. Lead 1TB1 Terminal
Basically, voltages generated in each phase of a Black (Phase A) L1
polyphase alternator or circuit are called phase voltag- Red (Phase B) L2
es. In a three-phase circuit, three sine wave voltages are Yellow (Phase C) L3
generated, differing in phase by 120 electrical degrees. 4. Turn power on by closing the unit supply power dis-
The order in which the three voltages of a three-phase connect switch.
system succeed one another is called phase sequence
or phase rotation. This is determined by the direction 5. Read the phase sequence on the indicator. The “ABC”
of rotation of the alternator. When rotation is clockwise, indicator on the face of the phase indicator will glow
phase sequence is usually called “ABC,” when counter- if phase is “ABC”.
clockwise, “CBA.”
This direction may be reversed outside the alternator by
Installation Electrical

Figure 33. Handle on Door

Hazardous Voltage!
Disconnect all electric power, including remote dis-
connects and discharge all motor start/run capacitors
before servicing. Follow proper lockout/tagout pro-
cedures to ensure the power cannot be inadvertently
energized. Verify with an appropriate voltmeter that
all capacitors have discharged. Failure to disconnect
power and discharge capacitors before servicing could
result in death or serious injury.
6. If the “CBA” indicator glows instead, open the unit
main power disconnect and switch two line leads on
the line power terminal block (or the unit mounted
disconnect). Reclose the main power disconnect and
recheck phasing.
2. Check that when the enclosure door is closed, the
7. Reopen the unit disconnect and disconnect the phase
handle interlocks with the shaft in all handel posi-
tions except RESET/OPEN. To open the enclosure
Terminal Lugs door when the breaker is in the ON position, rotate
the screw slot on the handle plate counter -clockwise.
Proper starter/control panel line-side lug sizes are spec- Verify operation.
ified on the starter submittals. These lug sizes must be
compatible with conductor sizes specified by the elec- Table 19. Lug Sizes
trical engineer or contractor. Appropriate lug sizes are
provided. RLA Circuit Breaker Non-fused
Disconnect Switch
Circuit Breakers and Non-Fused Disconnect 1-185 (2) 2/0 - 250 MCM or (1) #4 - 350 MCM
(1)2/0 - 500
Switches (factory installed Option) 186-296 (2) 2/0 - 250 MCM or 2/0 - 500
297-444 (2) 3/0 - 350 MCM
Units that are ordered with factory installed Circuit
445-592 (2) 1 - 500 MCM
Breakers or Non-Fused Disconnect Switches ship with
593-888 (4) 4/0 - 500 MCM
the handle in the control panel. The handle must be in- RLA Main Lugs Only
stalled prior to starting the unit. 1-623 (2) #4-500 MCM
The operating mechanism is already pre installed on the 624-888 (4) #4/0-500 MCM
Disconnect/ Circuit Breaker frame.
Fused Disconnect Switches
The hole locations and shafts lengths have already been
cut. And the shaft already installed. Size fused disconnects in accordance with NEC Article
Hazardous Voltage! Rated Load Amperage (RLA)
Disconnect all electric power, including remote dis- The compressor motor RLA for a particular chiller is de-
connects and discharge all motor start/run capacitors termined by the field selection program and indicated on
before servicing. Follow proper lockout/tagout pro- the compressor nameplate.
cedures to ensure the power cannot be inadvertently
energized. Verify with an appropriate voltmeter that Minimum Circuit Ampacity (MCA)
all capacitors have discharged. Failure to disconnect
power and discharge capacitors before servicing could The MCA is equal to 1.25 x the compressor RLA (on
result in death or serious injury. nameplate).
1. Attach the handel and gasket to the enclosure door Maximum Fuse/Circuit Breaker Size
and secure with the four bolts, lock washers and nut
as shown in Figure 33. Tighten to 75 in-Lbs. The maximum fuse/circuit breaker size is equal to 2.25 x
Note: There is an additional lexan spacer on the handel the compressor RLA in accordance with UL 1995, para.
not shown in the Figure 33, do not remove. 36.15.See also NEC 440-22.
The recommended dual element (RDE) fuse size is equal
to 1.75 x RLA in accordance with NEC Table 430-152.
For recommended field connection lug sizes (RTHD start-
ers) see Table 19.

Installation Electrical

As the chiller is evacuated below atmospheric pressure,

the dielectric strength (resistance to arcing) of the gas-
Electrical Shock! eous atmosphere is significantly reduced. Because the
Contacting any of the motor terminals, even with the SCRs are connected “inside the delta,” three of the motor
motor off can cause a severe, potentially fatal, shock. terminals are connected directly to the line voltage. An
Follow proper lockout/tagout procedures to ensure the “arc over” can occur between motor terminals under
power can not be inadvertently energized. Failure to conditions seen in the evacuation process.
disconnect power before servicing could result in death
or serious injury. If this occurs the circuit breaker (or other external protec-
tive devices) will trip in response to high fault currents,
IMPORTANT! and motor damage may also occur.
WHEN EVACUATING THE CHILLER’S This can be avoided through being certain that the
REFRIGERANT SYSTEM, ALWAYS HAVE chiller is fully disconnected from all power sources
before beginning pumpdown or evacuation pro-
THE MAIN POWER DISCONNECT/ CIR- cedures, as well as guaranteeing that the disconnect
CUIT BREAKER OPENED. cannot be accidentally closed while the chiller is in a vac-
Even when the compressor is not running, voltage is uum.
present at the compressor motor terminals, providing
the potential for current to flow through a low imped-
ance path.
When removing refrigerant for the chiller both the con-
denser and chilled water pump must be operating to
avoid freeze up.

Figure 34. Y-D Starter Panel Power Wire Routing

Installation Electrical

Figure 35. Solid State Starter Panel Power Wire Routing

Installation Electrical

Module Connections for Intercon- Chilled Water Flow Interlock

necting Wiring UC800 has an input that will accept a contact closure
from a proof-of-flow device such as a flow switch. The
All connectors can be unplugged or the wires can be flow switch is to be wired in series with the chilled water
removed from the screw assembly. If an entire plug is pump starter’s auxiliary contacts. When this input does
removed, make sure the plug and the associated jack are not prove flow within 20 minutes relative to transition
marked for proper location identification during reinstal- from Stop to Auto modes of the chiller, or if the flow is
lation. lost while the chiller is in the Auto mode of operation,
the chiller will be inhibited from running by a non-latch-
DDCAUTION ing diagnostic. The flow switch input shall be filtered
Equipment Damage! to allow for momentary openings and closings of the
switch due to turbulent water flow. This is accomplished
Plugs and jacks must be clearly marked before discon-
necting, because specific plugs will fit into other jacks. with a 6 seconds filtering time. The sensing voltage for
Possible damage to equipment may occur if the plugs the condenser water flow switch is 115/240 VAC.
are reversed with the jacks. IMPORTANT! DO NOT cycle the chiller through starting
and stopping the chilled water pump. This could cause
Interconnecting Wiring (Field Wiring Re- the compressor to shut down fully loaded. Use the exter-
quired) nal stop/start input to cycle the chiller.

Important: Do not turn chiller on or off using the chilled

Condenser Water Pump Control
water pump interlocks.
UC800 provides a contact closure output to start and
When making field connections, refer to the appropriate
stop the condenser water pump. If condenser pumps are
field layout, wiring, schematics and controls diagrams
arranged in a bank with a common header, the output
that ship with the unit. The diagrams in this manual are
can be used to control an isolation valve and/or signal
typical only and may not match the unit.
another device that an additional pump is required.
Whenever a contact closure (binary output) is refer-
Condenser Water Pump Prestart time has been added to
enced, the electrical rating is:
help with cold condenser water problems. In very cold
At 120 VAC 7.2 amp resistive outdoor ambients, the cooling towers sump cold water
2.88 amp pilot duty would reach the chiller some time after the low system
1/3 hp, 7.2 FLA, 43.2 LRA differential pressure protection had run through its
At 240 VAC 5.0 amp resistive ignore time, and result in an immediate shutdown and
2.0 amp pilot duty
latching diagnostic. By simply starting the pump earlier,
1/3 hp, 3.6 FLA, 21.6 LRA
and allowing mixing of the warmer indoor loop with the
Whenever a dry contact input (binary input) is refer- cooling tower’s sump, this problem can be avoided.
enced, the electrical rating is 24VDC, 12 mA.
Condenser Water Flow Interlock
Whenever a control voltage contact input (binary input)
is referenced, the electrical rating is 120 VAC, 5mA. The UC800 shall accept an isolated contact closure input
Note: Asterisked connections require the user to pro- from a customer installed proof-of-flow device such as a
vide an external source of power. The 115V con- flow switch and customer provided pump starter auxil-
trol power transformer is not sized for additional iary contact for interlocking with condenser water flow.
load. The input shall be filtered to allow momentary openings
and closings of the switch due to turbulent water flow,
Chilled Water Pump Control etc. This shall be accomplished with a 6 seconds filtering
time. The sensing voltage for the condenser water flow
UC800 has a evaporator water pump output relay that switch is 115/240 VAC.
closes when the chiller is given a signal to go into the
On a call for cooling after the restart inhibit timer has
Auto mode of operation from any source. The contact is
timed out, the UC800 shall energize the condenser water
opened to turn off the pump in the event of most ma-
pump relay and then check the condenser water flow
chine level diagnostics to prevent the build up of pump
switch and pump starter interlock input for flow confir-
heat. To protect against the build-up of pump heat for
mation. Startup of the compressor will not be allowed
those diagnostics that do not stop and/or start the pump
until flow has proven.
and to protect against the condition of a bad flow switch,
the pump shall always be stopped when the evaporator If flow is not initially established within 1200 seconds
pressure is seen to be close to the Low Side Evaporator (20 minutes) of the condenser pump relay energizing,
Pressure relief valve setting. an automatically resetting diagnostic “Condenser Water

Installation Electrical

Flow Overdue” shall be generated which terminates the type of reset to be selected.
prestart mode and de-energizes the condenser water • RESET RATIO Setpoints.
pump relay This diagnostic is automatically reset if flow For outdoor air temp. reset, both positive and nega-
is established at any later time. tive reset ratios will be allowed.
Note: This diagnostic would never automatically reset • START RESET Setpoints.
if UC800 was in control of the condenser pump
through its condenser pump relay since it is com- • MAXIMUM RESET Setpoints.
manded off at the time of the diagnostic. It could The maximum resets shall be with respect to the
however reset and allow normal chiller operation chilled water setpoint.
if the pump was controlled from some external When the chiller is running, if any type of CWR is en-
source. abled, the MP will step the CWS toward the desired
CWS’ (based on the below equations and setup param-
Heat Recovery Pump Control eters) at a rate of 1 degree F every 5 minutes until the
Active CWS equals the desired CWS’. When the chiller
UC800 provides a closed contact output for starting and is not running the CWS will be fully reset immediately
closing the heat recovery pump. (within one minute). The chiller will then start at the Dif-
ferential to Start value above a fully reset CWS or CWS’
Heat Recovery Water Flow Interlock for Outdoor, Return, and Constant Return Reset.
UC800 on one input port, receives the user installation
flow test device, such as flow switch contact signal and
Equations for calculating CWR
provide pump starter auxiliary contact signal, to interlock Equation used to get Degrees of Reset:
cooling water flow. This input must be filtered to prevent
the instantaneous disconnection and closure caused by Outdoor Air:
eddy current. The filtering time constant is 6 seconds. The
heat recovery flow switch sensor voltage is 115/240vac. Degrees of Reset = Reset Ratio * (Start Reset - TOD)
When heat recovery is required, the UC800 unit will Return Reset:
energize the heat recovery pump relay, and then check
the heat recovery flow switch and pump starter input to Degrees of Reset = Reset Ratio * (Start Reset - (TWE -
confirm the flow. The compressor must not be started TWL))
before confirming the flow.
Constant Return:
If heat recovery water pump relay live within 1200 sec-
onds (20 minutes) after flow can’t established, will ap- Degrees of Reset = 100% * (Design Delta Temp - (TWE -
pear automatically restore the diagnosis of fault - “delay” TWL))
heat recovery water information, thus to suspend the pre To obtain Active CWS from Degrees of Reset:
startup mode and disconnect heat recovery pump relay.
The fault will be automatically reset after the flow is es- Active CWS = Degrees of Reset + Previous CWS
tablished in the following time. Note: Previous CWS can either be Front Panel, BAS, or
Note: if UC800 is used to control the heat recovery External
pump through a heat recovery pump relay, the Reset Ratio calculation:
diagnostic failure will not be automatically reset
because it is set to be closed in case of a diagno- The Reset Ratio on the User Interface is displayed as a
sis. If the pump is controlled by external source, percentage. To use it in the above equation it must be
the fault can be automatically reset and the chiller converted to its decimal form.
can be started normally.
Reset Ratio percent / 100 = Reset Ratio decimal
Chilled Water Reset (CWR) Example of converting Reset Ratio:
The MP will reset the chilled water temperature setpoint If the Reset Ratio displayed on the User Interface is 50%
based on either return water temperature, or outdoor air then use (50/100) = .5 in the equation
temperature. The Return Reset option is standard, Out-
door Reset is optional. TOD = Outdoor Air Temp

The following is selectable: TWE = Evap Entering Water Temp

• RESET TYPE Setpoint. TWL = Evap Leaving Water Temp

This can be set to: NO CWR, OUTDOOR AIR TEM-
TURE RESET. The MP shall not permit more than one

Installation Electrical

Programmable Relays (Alarm and Status) - function, and they are provided (generally with a Quad
Optional Relay Output LLID) as part of the Alarm Relay Output
UC800 provides a flexible alarm or chiller status indica- The events/states that can be assigned to the program-
tion to a remote location through a hard wired interface mable relays are listed in the following table.
to a dry contact closure. Four relays are available for this

Table 20. Chiller Events/Status Descriptions

Event/State Description
Alarm - Latching This output is true whenever there is any active diagnostic that requires a manual reset to clear, that effects
the Chiller, the Circuit, or any of the Compressors on a circuit. This classification does not include informa-
tional diagnostics.
Alarm - Auto Reset This output is true whenever there is any active diagnostic that could automatically clear, that effects the
Chiller, the Circuit, or any of the Compressors on a circuit. This classification does not include informational
diagnostics. If all of the auto resetting diagnostics were to clear, this output would return to a false condition.
Alarm This output is true whenever there is any diagnostic effecting any component, whether latching or automati-
cally clearing. This classification does not include informational diagnostics.
Warning This output is true whenever there is any informational diagnostic effecting any component, whether latching
or automatically clearing.
Chiller Limit Mode This output is true whenever the chiller has been running in one of the Unloading types of limit modes
(Condenser, Evaporator, Current Limit or Phase Imbalance Limit) continuously for the last 20 minutes. A
given limit or overlapping of different limits must be in effect continuously for 20 minutes prior to the output
becoming true. It will become false, if no Unload limits are present for 1 minute. The filter prevents short
duration or transient repetitive limits from indicating. The chiller is considered to be in a limit mode for the
purposes of front panel display and annunciation, only if it is fully inhibiting loading by virtue of being in
either the “hold” or “forced unload” regions of the limit control, excluding the “limited loading region”. (In
previous designs, the “limit load” region of the limit control was included in the criteria for the limit mode call
out on the front panel and annunciation outputs)
Compressor Running The output is true whenever any compressors are started or running on the chiller and false when no com-
pressors are either starting or running on the chiller.
This status may or may not reflect the true status of the compressor in Service Pumpdown if such a mode
exists for a particular chiller.
Chiller Head Pressure This relay output is energized anytime the chiller is running in one of the following modes; Ice Making Mode
Relief Request Relay or Condenser Pressure Limit Control Mode continuously for the duration specified by the Chiller Head Relief
Relay Filter Time. The Chiller Head Relief Relay Filter Time is a service setpoint. The relay output is de-en-
ergized anytime the chiller exits all above modes continuously for the duration specified by the same Chiller
Head Relief Relay Filter Time.

The UC800 Service Tool (Tracer TU) is used to install and

assign any of the above listed events or status to each of
the four relays provided with this option.
The default assignments for the four available relays are
listed below.
Table 21. Programable Relays
LLID Name LLID Software Output Name Default
Relay Designation
Operating Status Pro- Relay 0 Status Relay 4, J2-1,2,3 Head Pressure Relief Request
grammable Relays Relay 1 Status Relay 3, J2-4,5,6 Chiller Limit Mode Relay
Relay 2 Status Relay 2, J2-7,8,9 Chiller Alarm Relay (latching or nonlatching)
Relay 3 Status Relay 1, J2-10,11,12 Compressor Running Relay

Emergency Stop the proper terminals of the LLID on the control panel.
The chiller will run normally when the contacts are
The UC800 provides auxiliary control for a customer closed. When the contact opens, the compressor(s), if
specified/installed latching trip out. When this custom- operating, will go to the RUN:UNLOAD operating mode
er-furnished remote contact is provided, the chiller will and cycle off. Unit operation will be inhibited. Re-clo-
run normally when the contact is closed. When the con- sure of the contacts will permit the unit to automatically
tact opens, the unit will trip off on a manually resettable return to normal operation.
diagnostic. This condition requires manual reset at the
chiller switch on the front of the control panel. Note: A “panic” stop (similar to “emergency” stop) can
be manually commanded by pressing the STOP
External Auto/Stop button twice in a row, the chiller will immediately
shut down, but without creating a latching diag-
If the unit requires the external Auto/Stop function, the nostic.
installer must provide leads from the remote contacts to
Installation Electrical

Soft Loading Base Loading Control setpoint

Soft loading will prevent the chiller from going to full This setpoint has three possible sources, an External
capacity during the pulldown period. Analog Input, TD7/TU or Tracer.
The UC800 control system has two soft loading algo- • TD7/TU Base Loading Control Setpoint
rithms running all of the time. They are capacity con- The range is 40 - 100 % Compressor Load (Max
trol soft loading and current limit soft loading. These %RLA). The default is 50%.
algorithms introduce the use of a Filtered Chilled Water • Tracer Base Loading Control Setpoint
Setpoint and a Filtered Current Limit Setpoint. After the The range is 40 - 100 % Compressor Load (Max
compressor has been started, the starting point of the %RLA). The default is 50%.
filtered chilled water setpoint is initialized to the value of
the Evap Leaving Water Temperature. The filtered current • External Base Loading Setpoint
limit setpoint is initialized to the value of the Current This is an Analog Input that sets the base loading set-
Limit Softload Starting Percent. These filtered setpoints point. This signal can be controlled by either a 2-10Vdc
allow for a stable pull-down that is user adjustable in or 4-20ma Signal based on configuration informa-
duration. tion. The equations show the relationship between
input and percent compressor load:
They also eliminate sudden transients due to setpoint If the input is configured as a 4 - 20 mA:
changes during normal chiller operation. % Load = 3.75 * (mA Input) + 25
Three settings are used to describe the behavior of soft If the input is configured as a 2 - 10 Vdc:
loading. The setup for softloading can be done using TU. % Load = 7.5 * (Vdc Input) + 25
• Capacity Control Softload Time: This setting controls
the time constant of the Filtered Chilled Water Set-
Summit Interface - Optional
point. It is settable between 0 and 120 min. UC800 provides an optional interface between the chiller
• Current Limit Control Softload Time: This Setting con- and a Trane Summit BAS. A Communications interface
trols the time constant of the Filtered Current Limit LLID shall be used to provide “gateway” functionality
Setpoint. It is settable between 0 and 120 minutes. between the Chiller and Summit.
• Current Limit Softload Starting Percent: This setting LonTalk Communication Interface - Optional
controls the starting point of the Filtered Current
Limit Setpoint. It is adjustable from 40 to 100 percent UC800 provides an optional LonTalk Communication
RLA. Interface (LCI-C) between the chiller and a Building
Automation System (BAS). An LCI-C LLID shall be used
External Base Loading - Optional to provide “gateway” functionality between the LonTalk
protocol and the Chiller.
Primarily for process control requirements, base loading
provides for immediate start and loading of a chiller up External Chilled Water Setpoint - Optional
to an externally or remotely adjustable current limit set-
point without regard to differential to start or stop, or to UC800 will accept either a 2-10 VDC or a 4-20 mA input
leaving water temperature control. This allows the flex- (J9-4, J9-5) signal, to adjust the chilled water setpoint
ibility to prestart or preload a chiller in anticipation of a from a remote location.
large load application. It also allows you to keep a chiller
on line between processes when leaving water tempera-
External Current Limit Setpoint - Optional
ture control would normally cycle the unit. UC800 will accept either a 2-10VDC or a 4-20mA input
When the base loading option is installed through Trac- (J7-11, J7-12) signal to adjust the current limit setpoint
er TU it will be controllable through TD7/TU, External from a remote location.
Hardware Interface or Tracer (if Tracer is installed). Order
for precedence for all setpoints, TD7/TU then External Percent Condenser Pressure Output - Optional
then Tracer from lowest to highest priority. If one of the UC800 provides a 2-10 VDC analog output to indicate
higher priority setpoints drops out due to a bad sensor percent High Pressure Cutout (HPC) condenser pressure.
or communication loss then base loading shall go to
the next lowest priority of command and setpoint. The Percent HPC = (Condenser Pressure/High Pressure Cut-
command settings and control setpoints associated with out Setpoint)*100
base loading are explained below.
Compressor Percent RLA Output - Optional
UC800 provides a 0-10 Vdc analog output to indicate %
RLA of compressor starter average phase current. 2 to 10
Vdc corresponds to 0 to 120% RLA.

Operating Principles Mechanical
This section contains an overview of the operation and electronic expansion valve, that maximizes chiller effi-
maintenance of Series R chillers equipped with micro- ciency at part load.
computer-based control systems. It describes the overall A unit-mounted starter and control panel is provided on
operating principles of the RTHD water chiller. every chiller. Microprocessor- based unit control mod-
Following the section is information regarding specif- ules (UC800) provide for accurate chilled water control as
ic operating instructions, detailed descriptions of the well as monitoring, protection and adaptive limit func-
unit controls and options (Operator Interface - Control tions. The “adaptive” nature of the controls intelligently
Systems), and maintenance procedures that must be prevents the chiller from operating outside of its limits,
performed regularly to keep the unit in top condition or compensates for unusual operating conditions, while
(Periodic Maintenance and Maintenance Procedures). keeping the chiller running rather than simply tripping
Diagnostic information (Diagnostics) is provided to allow due to a safety concern. When problems do occur, diag-
the operator to identify system malfunctions. nostic messages assist the operator in troubleshooting.
Note: To ensure proper diagnosis and repair, contact a
qualified service organization if a problem should
Cycle Description
occur. The refrigeration cycle for the RTHD chiller can be de-
scribed using the pressure- enthalpy diagram shown in
General Figure 36 Key State Points are indicated on the figure
and are referenced in the discussion following. A sche-
The Model RTHD units are single-compressor wa- matic of the system showing the refrigerant flow loop as
ter-cooled liquid chillers. These units are equipped with well as the lubricant flow loop is shown in Figure 37.
unit-mounted starter/control panels.
The basic components of an RTHD unit are: Figure 36. Pressure /Enthalpy Curve
• Unit-mounted panel containing UC800 controller and
Input/Output LLIDS
• Helical-rotary compressor Liquid

• Evaporator 4
• Electronic expansion valve
• Water-cooled condenser with integral subcooler Pressure

• Oil supply system

5 1
• Oil cooler (application dependent)
• Related interconnecting piping.

Refrigeration (Cooling) Cycle Enthalpy

The refrigeration cycle of the Series R chiller is concep- Evaporation of refrigerant occurs in the evaporator. A
tually similar to that of other Trane chiller products. It metered amount of refrigerant liquid enters a distribu-
makes use of a shell-and-tube evaporator design with re- tion system in the evaporator shell and is then distribut-
frigerant evaporating on the shell side and water flowing ed to the tubes in the evaporator tube bundle. The refrig-
inside tubes having enhanced surfaces. erant vaporizes as it cools the water flowing through the
evaporator tubes. Refrigerant vapor leaves the evapora-
The compressor is a twin-rotor helical rotary type. It uses
tor as saturated vapor (State Pt. 1).
a suction gascooled motor that operates at lower motor
temperatures under continuous full and part load operat- The refrigerant vapor generated in the evaporator flows
ing conditions. An oil management system provides an to the suction end of the compressor where it enters the
almost oil-free refrigerant to the shells to maximize heat motor compartment of the suction-gascooled motor.
transfer performance, while providing lubrication and The refrigerant flows across the motor, providing the
rotor sealing to the compressor. The lubrication system necessary cooling, then enters the compression cham-
ensures long compressor life and contributes to quiet ber. Refrigerant is compressed in the compressor to
operation. discharge pressure conditions. Simultaneously, lubricant
is injected into the compressor for two purposes: (1) to
Condensing is accomplished in a shell-and-tube heat
lubricate the rolling element bearings, and (2) to seal the
exchanger where refrigerant is condensed on the shell
very small clearances between the compressor’s twin
side and water flows internally in the tubes.
rotors. Immediately following the compression process
Refrigerant is metered through the flow system using an
Operating Principles Mechanical

the lubricant and refrigerant are effectively divided using The RTHD chiller maximizes the evaporator heat transfer
an oil separator. The oil-free refrigerant vapor enters the performance while minimizing refrigerant charge re-
condenser at State Pt. 2. The lubrication and oil manage- quirements. This is accomplished by metering the liquid
ment issues are discussed in more detail in the compres- refrigerant flow to the evaporator’s distribution system
sor description and oil management sections that follow. using the electronic expansion valve. A relatively low
Baffles within the condenser shell distribute the com- liquid level is maintained in the evaporator shell, which
pressed refrigerant vapor evenly across the condenser contains a bit of surplus refrigerant liquid and accumu-
tube bundle. Cooling tower water, circulating through lated lubricant. A liquid level measurement device mon-
the condenser tubes, absorbs heat from this refrigerant itors this level and provides feedback information to the
and condenses it. UC800 unit controller, which commands the electronic
expansion valve to reposition when necessary. If the lev-
As the refrigerant leaves the bottom of the condenser el rises, the expansion valve is closed slightly, and if the
(State Pt. 3), it enters an integral subcooler where it is level is dropping, the valve is opened slightly such that a
subcooled before traveling to the electronic expansion steady level is maintained.
valve (State Pt. 4). The pressure drop created by the ex-
pansion process vaporizes a portion of the liquid refrig-
erant. The resulting mixture of liquid and gaseous re-
frigerant then enters the Evaporator Distribution system
(State Pt. 5). The flash gas from the expansion process is
internally routed to compressor suction, and while the
liquid refrigerant is distributed over the tube bundle in
the evaporator.

Figure 37. Refrigerant Flow Diagram

dual discharge lines only on C, D & E frame compressors

dual discharge lines

compressor only on C, D & E frame


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p p
a a
r r
a a
t t
o o
r r



gas pump


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