Ops Od-2020 08

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Libyan Civil Aviation Authority Operational Directive OD-2020/08 Issue 01

1.1 The purpose of this document is to provide a high-level guide for aircraft operators who
need to manage and re-activate operations. Such process needs to be managed through
the management system processes that enabled continued operations at the beginning of
the COVID-19 outbreak.
1.2 The objective of this notice is not to replicate the myriad of industry documents published
by ICAO, EASA, IATA and other bodies. The continuous changing landscape, and actions
being taken by Health authorities of different countries is imposing further challenges.
Technical guidelines for operations resonant with updated health measures will be
published in due course.
2.1 The outbreak has affected different operators in a distinct manner. Each operator has been
carrying out different levels of activities, with some operators increasing flight activity while
others have completely halted operations. The Flight Operations Section has identified
three scenarios:–
2.1.1 AOC holders operating (air taxi) corporate aircraft under CAT having sustained a reduced
2.1.2 AOC holders operating charters and ACMI operations with a complete stop in operation
or operating ad-hoc cargo flights; and
2.1.3 AOC holder operating scheduled services, either operating a lifeline schedule or halted
2.2 Return to operations from different levels of activities pose different risks. Operators will
be required to manage common problems in order to resume operations in an orderly
Since the beginning of the outbreak, the flight operations section published guidelines and
updated instructions to enable continued operations. This has invariably imposed a high
workload on the flight operations staff; however, it is recognized that such work needed to take
3.1 Exemptions related to Training, Testing and Checking
3.1.1 The use of flexibility provisions and exemptions from training, testing and checking
requirements is seen as the biggest challenge. Most training facilities have
recommenced activity, however access to facilities is being restricted according to local
regulations. The gradual lifting of restrictions may still require the use of flexibility
provisions but to a lesser extent.
3.1.2 The review of mitigating actions required by risk assessments as a basis for issuance of
exemptions need to be prioritized. The compliance monitoring function shall take a
central role in ensuring these actions are implemented and reviewed.
3.1.3 The flight operations section will continue assessing requests based on a case by case
3.2 Exemptions related to Flight Time Limitations
3.2.1 The issuance of such exemptions will not change and continued to be assessed on a
case by case basis. Operators are required to demonstrate the urgent need or
unforeseen circumstances creating the requirement for an exemption. The situation is
expected to improve as more countries lift entry requirements/restrictions.
3.3 Exemptions related to Carriage of Cargo in Passenger Compartment
The use of these exemptions allows operators to carry essential cargo and medical supplies
in passenger compartment that are related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2 JULY 2020
Libyan Civil Aviation Authority Operational Directive OD-2020/08 Issue 01

4.1 The recovery of the training, testing and checking elements that have been exempted
under 3.1 shall take priority. The recovery plan should clearly indicate how the deferred
elements exempted under ORO.FC.230 and 100(c) will be handled.
4.2 The compliance monitoring department shall specify how any deferred audits/inspections
that are part of the audit plan will be managed.
4.3 This process should also highlight the mitigations put in place to conduct operations in the
new environment. The process will be driven by the requirements to return to commercial
operations, however this shall include other aspects that may have changed during the
outbreak. Such aspects may include but not limited to –
4.3.1 Crew Competency Assessment:
4.3.2 Ground Handling Safety assessment:
4.3.3 Human Factors associated with “return to normal operations’’;
4.3.4 Operational Risks Assessments;
4.3.5 Assessing and comparing the changes operational procedures and contexts around
“pre COVID 19” safety initiatives/projects/concerns with “post COVID19” state.
Examples might include changes to operational tools such as new Type B software
or procedures initiated just prior to COVID 19.
5.1 Apply and obtain LYCAA approval to resume operation post COVID-19 lockdown after
satisfactory assessment of operator by LYCAA based on the under-listed requirements.
5.2 Submit Airline restart plan taking into consideration LYCAA guidelines
5.3.1 Flight Crew: Submit evidences of:
a) LPC /OPC (LPC reviewed syllabus –Alternative means of compliance with simulator
b) Medicals
c) Instrument Check
d) Check Airman status
e) Refresher courses
f) HSE specific training with emphasis on COVID-19 Evidence of COVID -19 SOPs
5.3.2 Cabin Crew: Submit evidences of:
a) Medicals
b) Drills
c) Recency
d) Refresher courses
e) HSE specific training with emphasis on COVID-19 Evidence of COVID -19 SOPs
5.3.3 Dispatchers/Ground Operations Officers: Submit evidences of:
a) Licenses
b) Recency
c) Refresher courses
d) HSE specific training with emphasis on COVID-19
e) Provide evidences of COVID-19 SOPs to cover:
• Compliance with requirements stipulated in LYCAA guidance on Public Health
• DGR signage at check-in counters to limit carriage of hand sanitizers;
• Transportation of human remains and COVID-19 infected persons

3 JULY 2020
Libyan Civil Aviation Authority Operational Directive OD-2020/08 Issue 01

5.3.4 Ground Handling: Submit evidence of:

a) Ground handling arrangements.
b) Ensure ground handling arrangement is in compliance with LYCAA-SN.2020/06 on
COVID-19 Public Health Corridor Concepts for ground handlers
Operators are required to keep flight operations section updated with further progress in
relation to this. A report shall be sent to the flight operations section at least on a monthly
basis or whenever the training recovery process is complete. Operators who have established
reporting systems in agreement with the operations section may continue to do so. An updated
management of change should be included in the monthly communication with LYCAA flight
operations section.

Operator Training Recovery Status

Operator Name
Crew License Training Original Training New Expiry
Number Element Expiry Completion Date
Date Date

Any queries as a result of this Operational Directive should be addressed to Head of Flight
Operations Section at the following e-mail address:

4 JULY 2020

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