MARK2IM Assignment
MARK2IM Assignment
MARK2IM Assignment
[Company address]
A. INTRODUCTION………………………………2
B. BODY………………………………………………3
o What is Market Segmentation and Target
C) Conclusion………………………………………….…
D) References……………………………………….……
E) Turnitin Report……………………………………
Market segmentation is the practice of breaking a diverse market into smaller, more
homogeneous groups of consumers that share common needs, wants, or traits. In
contrast, target marketing entails picking one or more segments to pursue with
targeted marketing methods,products, or services. It’s about focusing resources and
efforts on the segments that offer the greatest potential for success.
There are several bases for segmenting markets, each of which provides a different
perspective on how consumers can be grouped:
Demographic Segmentation
This entails segmenting the market according to factors such as age, gender,
income, education, occupation, marital status, family size, ethnicity, and nationality
(Shinde, 2016). McDonald’s, for example, tailors its menu items and advertising
campaigns to specific age groups. They offer Happy Meals for kids and coffee deals
for adults.
Psychographic Segmentation
Behavioural Segmentation
This entails categorizing consumers based on their behavior, such as usage rate,
loyalty, benefits sought, occasion, and willingness to buy. Airlines, for example, use
frequent flyer programs to reward loyal consumers and encourage repeat purchases
(Susilo, 2016).
Geographic Segmentation
The market is segmented based on geographic units such as area, country, city size,
climate, population density, and cultural preferences. Coca-Cola tailors its marketing
strategy and product offers to local tastes and preferences in various countries (Chu,
2020). For example, they provide multiple flavours and package sizes based on
regional tastes.
Technographic Segmentation
Targeting techniques entail assessing the desirability of each segment and choosing
one or more segments to serve. Some frequent targeting strategies are:
Undifferentiated Marketing
This method entails ignoring segment distinctions and providing a uniform marketing
mix to the whole market. It is better suited to homogeneous markets with comparable
demands and wants. For example, (Boenigk 2017), basic commodities such as salt
and sugar are marketed without difference.
Differentiated Marketing
This method entails targeting many market segments with distinct marketing
strategies customized to each segment’s demands and preferences (Jiang, 2016).
Automobile manufacturers, such as Toyota, offer a variety of models aimed at
different sectors depending on price, features, and usage.
Concentrated Marketing
This strategy involves tailoring products and marketing programs to suit the
individual needs and preferences of customers. It’s made possible by advances in
technology and data analytics, allowing companies to personalize offerings on a
large scale( (Grinstein, 2017). For example, Amazon uses data-driven algorithms to
recommend products based on individual browsing and purchase history.
To summarize, market segmentation and targeted marketing are critical tactics for
firms to efficiently reach and delight their customers. Understanding the unique
demands and preferences of various consumer groups allows businesses to
customize their goods and marketing activities to enhance customer happiness and
profitability. National and international examples show how organizations from many
industries use segmentation and targeting methods to succeed in distinct markets.
Imagine reaching out to every person with an identical message and goods to offer
them. It will only lead to a waste of money and poor results. Businesses can
concentrate their efforts on client groups with unique requirements and preferences
by segmenting and targeting markets(Andaleeb,2016). Segmentation is referred as
the cornerstone for positioning, targeting customers, and advertising to improve
customer relationship value. There are many benefits to this strategy:
It's just that targeted marketing is more effective. Businesses can create messages
that are captivating and resonate with the unique demands and pain points of each
group by understanding what motivates them. Better return on investment (ROI) and
increased conversion rates are the results of this focused strategy. A luxury car
company like Bentley, for example, wouldn't place advertisements in low-cost travel
publications(Leisch et al,2018). They would concentrate their marketing efforts on
upscale periodicals and private events because their target market consists of well-
off people with a penchant for luxury.
Futurelife South Africa, a health company based in South Africa uses a market
segmentation strategy that has proven very successful in targeting specific
consumer groups. Market segmentation is the process of separating the market
between customers with various needs and characteristics such as behaviours. To
adapt its product and marketing strategies to the specific needs of each segment, it
has identified different segments on the healthy food market, those market
segmentation includes Geographic, Demographic, Psychological and Behavioural
segmentation. (Cortez, 2021)
Futurelife also differentiates its products with equity and innovation, the company
works closely with nutritionists and food scientists to develop product that are not
nutritious, but also delicious and convenient. It continuously invests in research and
development to bring new and innovative products to the markets, ensuring that they
keep pace with competitors and meet the growing needs of their units. Overall,
futurelife’s market segmentation strategy has been effective in capturing different
consumer groups in the health food market. The company was able to differentiate
itself and create loyal consumers create loyal customers by identifying and targeting
a specific group of consumers with special products and promotional material. Its
commitment to quality, innovation and meeting the unique requirements of their
customers has transformed Futurelife in the competitive health food industry and
positions for continued sustainability.
Future life SA used a variety of targeting techniques to expand their clientele, build
their business, and—above all—connect with individuals from all walks of life,
particularly the impoverished. The Future Life team set out to provide quick cuisine
that would benefit the underprivileged without breaking the bank. Over time, the
future has changed, giving rise to new theories on nutrition, motivating people to lead
healthier lives and making healthy eating seem stylish. Future Life has employed
segmentation, demographic, and geographic targeting techniques over the years.
The future life was divided into groups according to lifestyle, age, profession, and
income to suit a variety of people. Since they offer a variety of goods that are
appropriate for both adults and children. There are granola bars, cereals in four
delectable flavours, smoothies, you name it. Due to its ease of preparation and time-
saving nature, cereals may be particularly appealing to baby boomers and
millennials. Sportsmen and exercisers are the main consumers of the incredibly
healthful snack bars and shakes. These goods include proteins and carbs, which the
body's muscles require. The study discovered that snacking (eating granola bars,
etc.) had taken the place of meals for millennials.
Additionally, they introduced food delivery services that allow customers to order
things from the convenience of their own homes. People who wish to buy this
product will find it easier because of not having to wait in line, as some are balancing
work and children. They won't have to waste time going to the store only to discover
that something is done, and there are also no difficulties. Given that some members
of this generation are too busy or unable to shop alone, baby boomers and
millennials make up an ideal target demographic.
Introducing new markets to the same people was the main goal of the marketing
approach. Future life had a vision of giving the impoverished a balanced diet and a
healthy cereal because they couldn't afford to buy different foods that their bodies
needed. We all know how essential breakfast is and how it may make you feel fuller
for longer. Imagine that because the market has grown to this extent, people can
carry sachets everywhere they go, ensuring that no one skips breakfast. Nutritious
shakes, granola bars, and shakes that promote muscular growth are also available.
Mandojana et al (2016) states that continuously expanding and improving its goods
would be a huge benefit to FUTURELIFE® and increase its resilience.
FUTURELIFE® can guarantee that its products remain relevant and appealing to a
large spectrum of consumers by staying ahead of market developments and
consumer preferences. To draw in new clients and hold onto current ones, can mean
trying new flavours, ingredients, or packaging designs. Mandojana et al (2016)
Furthermore, funding R&D can help FUTURELIFE® maintain its competitiveness in
the crowded health and wellness sector, where differentiation via innovation is
essential. FUTURELIFE® may also benefit from broadening its distribution network
to reach a larger audience.
FutureLife® can reach a wider audience by expanding their product line through
traditional retail locations as well as online channels. This may contribute to the
expansion of their customers and raise awareness of their brand, which in turn may
boost income and sales((Mandojana et al,2016). By lowering dependency on any
one market or channel, increasing distribution channels can help strengthen the
brand's resilience and guarantee that FUTURELIFE® can withstand any changes or
interruptions in the sector(Mandojana et al,2016).
To summarize, marketing segmentation and target marketing are critical tactics for
organizations to efficiently reach their intended audience. Market segmentation
enables businesses to identify and understand different client segments, allowing
them to customize their marketing efforts accordingly. Targeting techniques entail
identifying the most profitable categories and creating tailored marketing efforts to
appeal to them. Businesses that use these methods effectively can improve
customer happiness, increase sales, and ultimately meet their marketing goals.To
summarize, marketing segmentation and target marketing are critical tactics for
organizations to efficiently reach their intended audience. Market segmentation
enables businesses to identify and understand different client segments, allowing
them to customize their marketing efforts accordingly. Targeting techniques entail
identifying the most profitable categories and creating tailored marketing efforts to
appeal to them
Andaleeb, S.S., 2016. Market segmentation, targeting, and positioning. In Strategic
Marketing Management in Asia (pp. 179-207). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Cortez, R.M., Clarke, A.H. and Freytag, P.V.,2021. B2B market segmentation: A
systematic review and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 126,
Griva, A., Zampou, E., Stavrou, V., Papakiriakopoulos, D. and Doukidis, G., 2024. A
two-staged business analytics approach to perform behavioural and geographical
customer segmentation using e-commerce delivery data. Journal of Decision
Systems, 33(1): 1-29
Monika Arsova, Riste Temjanovski, Journal of Economics 4 (1), 27-35, 2019 on:
1Chapter: 4Publisher: Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
Dolnicar, S., Grün, B., Leisch, F. (2018). Market Segmentation. In: Market
Segmentation Analysis. Management for Professionals. Springer, Singapore.
Laurie, S; Faber, M. and Maduna. (2017).” Assessment of food gardens as nutrition
tool in primary schools in South Africa “South African Journal of clinical nutrition ;30
(4) 80-86
Leisch, F., Dolnicar, S. and Grün, B., 2018. Market segmentation analysis:
Understanding it, doing it, and making it useful.
We hereby declare that this assignment represents our own original effort and that we have
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members have made a fair and significant contribution to this project.