Academic Year: 2024 Semester: III Subject Name: Object Oriented Programming Through Java Faculty Name: Dr B. Laxmaiah, D. Sandhya Rani, G. Kalpanadevi, A. Kiran Kumar, Tabeen Fathima, G. Swathi, S Aparna.
Q.No Questions Marks BL CO Unit No
1 Define class and object. 2 L1 CO1 1 2 Explain the usage of super keyword in java. 2 L2 CO1 1 3 What is a Constructor Explain its types? 2 L1 CO1 1 Explain the concept of Object-Oriented 4 2 L2 CO1 1 Programming. 5 Explain about the method overloading in Java. 2 L2 CO1 1 6 What is an abstract class ? 2 L2 CO1 1 7 What is a package ? 2 L1 CO2 2 8 What is an interface ? 2 L1 CO2 2 9 What are byte streams and character streams? 2 L1 CO2 2 10 Describe how to implement an interface. 2 L2 CO2 2 How would you import a user-defined package in a 11 2 L3 CO2 2 Java program? 12 Explain auto boxing. 2 L2 CO2 2 13 Define Exception. How to handle Exceptions in java? 2 L1 CO3 3 14 Explain the advantages of Exception Handling. 2 L2 CO3 3 15 What are the different types of exceptions in Java? 2 L3 CO3 3 16 Define a Thread. Explain the life cycle of a thread. 2 L2 CO3 3 17 Explain Synchronization threads with example. 2 L2 CO3 3 What is the difference between thread-based 18 2 L4 CO3 3 multitasking and process-based multitasking? 19 Explain Properties class. 2 L2 CO4 4 20 Discuss about Priority Queue. 2 L2 CO4 4 21 Explain the difference between HashSet and TreeSet. 2 L4 CO4 4 22 Differentiate between Stack and Vector. 2 L4 CO4 4 23 Explain Date and Calendar class. 2 L2 CO4 4 24 How to Access a Collection via an Iterator? 2 L3 CO4 4 25 What is the uses of Adapter class? Explain 2 L2 CO5 5 26 What are the limitations of AWT? 2 L1 CO5 5 27 Explain the MVC architecture. 2 L2 CO5 5 28 Differentiate between AWT and Swing. 2 L4 CO5 5 29 What is an Event? Explain Event Listeners? 2 L2 CO5 5 30 Explain about Applets and its Applications. 2 L2 CO5 5 PART-B Q.No Questions Marks BL CO Unit No What is a String? Explain different String 1 4 L2 CO1 1 Handling functions available in Java 2 Explain the forms of inheritance in Java. 4 L2 CO1 1 Differentiate between Method overloading and 3 4 L4 CO1 1 Method overriding. 1 4 Explain abstract class with example. 4 L2 CO1 What is method overriding in Java? Provide an 5 4 L1 CO1 1 example Differentiate about final classes, final methods 6 4 L4 CO1 1 and final variables. Define Inheritance. Explain Different types of 7 8 L2 CO1 1 Inheritance available in Java. 8 Explain in-detail about Java Buzzwords. 8 L2 CO1 1 Implement polymorphism and types of 9 8 L3 CO1 1 polymorphism with example. How would you import a user-defined package in a 10 4 L3 CO2 2 Java program? 11 Write a java Program that uses a nested interface. 4 L1 CO2 2 12 Discuss this and super keywords. 4 L2 CO2 2 Implement a program to copy the contents of 13 4 L3 CO2 2 one file into another file. Explain different Access specifier available in 14 4 L4 CO2 2 Java. Define File class? Explain Random Access File 15 4 L2 CO2 2 operations with access modes. Does Java support multiple inheritance? Justify 16 8 L5 CO2 2 your answer. Create a package. How many ways to importing 17 8 L5 CO2 2 a package with example? Define a stream. Design the stream classes 18 8 L6 CO2 2 hierarchy. Explain the following. 19 a) try b) catch c) finally 4 L2 CO3 3
Explain the difference between checked and
20 4 L4 CO3 3 unchecked exceptions. Write a Java program that demonstrates the use of 21 4 L3 CO3 3 `try` and `catch` blocks.? Analyze the impact of thread life cycle on the 22 4 L4 CO3 3 execution of Thread in Java. Develop a Java Program that demonstrates inter- 23 thread communication or producer-consumer 4 L5 CO3 3 problem with example? . Differentiate between multi-tasking and multi- 24 4 L4 CO3 3 threading. 25 Explain Collection Framework. 4 L2 CO4 4 26 Differentiate between Array and Arraylist. 4 L4 CO4 4 27 Differentiate between HashSet and TreeSet. 4 L4 CO4 4 28 Explain Priority Queue. 4 L2 CO4 4 29 Explain Hash Map. 4 L2 CO4 4 30 Explain Hash table and Dictionary. 4 L2 CO4 4 Explain Map interface its classes and sub interfaces 31 8 L2 CO4 4 (HashMap, TreeMap). 32 Analyze Legacy classes with example. 8 L5 CO4 4 Illustrate Collection Framework with LIST and SET 33 8 L3 CO4 4 Interface. Write the implementation of Anonymous Inner 34 4 L3 CO5 5 class. 35 Explain Java Swing class hierarchy. 4 L2 CO5 5 36 Differentiate between Applet and Application. 4 L4 CO5 5 37 Implement a Java Program for mouse events. 4 L3 CO5 5 Explain Swing components like, JCombobox, 38 4 L2 CO5 5 JButton. 39 Explain Graphics class with suitable example. 4 L2 CO5 5 What is an applet? Explain the life cycle of 40 applet? Implement the parameter passing 8 L3 CO5 5 technique for applets. Define Layout. Explain Different layout 41 8 L4 CO5 5 managers available in Java with neat sketch. 1. Discuss the following swing Buttons: a. JButton b. JCheck Box 42 c. JScroll Pane d. Dialogs. 8 L2 CO5 5