Neet Current Electricity 23RD Nov

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STD : 11 DATE : 23/11/24 MARKS : 180
CURRENT ELECTRICITY 5. A steady current flows in a metallic wire of non
SECTION A uniform cross section. Which of the following
1. Variation of current passing through a conductor quantities remain constant throughout the length
at the voltage applied across its ends is varied as of the wire?
shown in figure. If the resistance is determined at (a) Current and drift speed
the points A, B, C and D, then resistance at (b) Current only
(c) Drift speed only
(d) Current, drift speed and electric field
6. The magnitude and direction of the current in the
following circuit is

(a) C and D are equal

(b) B is higher than at A
(c) C is higher than at B
(a) 0.5 A from A to B through E
(d) A is higher than at C 5
2. In the figure 𝜺1, = 8 V, 𝜺2, = 4 V, and R1 = 5 Ω. If the (b) 9
A from A to B through E
potential difference between points b and a is (c) 1.5 A from B to A through E
measured to be 5 V, what is the value of the (d) 0.2 A from B to B through E
resistance R2? 7. In the circuit shown below, the resistances are
given in ohm and the battery is assumed ideal
with emf equal to 3 V. The voltage across the
resistance R4 is

(a) 5Ω (b) 10Ω (c) 15 Ω (d) 20Ω

(a) 0.4V (b)0.6 V (c) 1.2 V (d) 1.5 v
3. Five current carrying conductors meet at point P.
8. Two batteries, one of e.m.f. 18 volts and internal
What is the magnitude and direction of the
resistance 2 Ω and the other of e.m.f. 12 volts and
current in conductor PQ?
internal resistance 1 Ω, are connected as shown
in the figure. The voltmeter V will record a reading

(a) 1 A form Q to P (b) 1A from P to Q

(c) 3 A from P to Q (d) 2A from Q to P
4. Study the circuit shown in figure. Which option is (a) 30 volt (b) 18 volt
incorrect? (c) 15 volt (d) 14 volt
9. The equivalent resistance between the point A
and B will be (each resistance is 15 Ω)

(a) The potential at P is -7.5 V

(b) The potential at Q is – 1 V
(c) The potential at R is zero (a) 30 Ω (b) 8 Ω (c) 10 Ω (d) 40 Ω
(d) The potential at S is zero 10. When 0.4 V is applied to the ends of mercury
column contained in a thin glass tube X, 5 A
current flows. The same mercury is poured into a
glass tube Y which has a diameter one third of
tube X and same voltage is applied to it. Then
A. the ratio of resistance of mercury in the tube 18. The scale of a galvanometer is divided into 150
X to tube Y is 1/81 equal divisions. The galvanometer has a current
B. the ratio of resistance of mercury in the tube sensitivity of 15 div per mA and voltage sensitivity
X to tube Y is 1/9 of 3 div per milli-volt. What is the resistance of the
C. current in tube Y is 5/81 A galvanometer?
D. current in tube Y is 5/9 A (a) 10 Ω (b) 15Ω (c) 5 Ω (d) 2.5 Ω
(a) B , D (b) A, D (c) B,C (d) A, C 19. A candidate connects a moving coil voltmeter V
11. Which of the following resistances could NOT be and a moving coil ammeter A and a resistor R as
produced by a circuit containing only three shown. If the voltmeter reads 20 volt and the
identical 6 Ω resistors? ammeter reads 4 ampere, then R is
(a) 18 Ω (b) 14 Ω (c) 9 Ω (d) 4 Ω
12. What is the effective resistance between the
points A and C in the following network?

(a) Equal to 5 ohm

(b) Greater than 5 ohm
(c) less than 5 ohm
(d) greater or less than 5 ohm
depending upon its material
𝑅 2𝑅 3𝑅 R 20. A galvanometer of resistance 20Ω has a current
(a) (b) (c) (d) sensitivity of 5div/mA. The instrument has 50
3 3 2 2
13. In a metallic conductor, under the effect of divisions. How will you convert it into a voltmeter
applied electric field, the free electrons of the reading upto 25 volt?
conductor. (a) Join a resistance of 1240 Ω in series
(a) Move with the uniform velocity throughout from (b) Join a resistance of 2480 Ω in series
lower potential to higher potential (c) Join a resistance of 2480 Ω in parallel
(b) Move in the curved paths from lower potential to (d) Join a shunt of 20 Ω
higher potential 21. A 50 ohm galvanometer gets full scale defection
(c) Move in the straight-line paths in the same when a current of 0.01 A pass through the coil.
direction When it is converted to a 10 A ammeter, the shunt
(d) Drift from higher potential to lower potential resistance is
14. The drift velocity of free electrons in a conductor (a) 0.01 Ω (b) 0.05 Ω (c) 2000 Ω (d) 5000 Ω
is v when a current i is flowing in it. If both the 22. Power dissipated across the 8  resistor in the
radius and current are doubled, then drift velocity circuit is 2 watt. What is the power dissipated in
will be watt across the 3  resistor?
𝑣 𝑣 𝑣
(a) v (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 8
15. The electric current through a wire varies with
time as I = I0 + 𝛃t, where I0 = 20A and 𝛃 = 3A/s. The
amount of electric charge crossed through a
section of the wire in 20 s is: (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 0.5
(a) 800 C (b) 1600 C 23. Two resistances X and Y are connected in the two
(c) 80 C (d) 1000 C gaps of a meter bridge and the null point is
16. A fuse wire with a circular cross section and obtained at 20 cm from zero end. When the
having diameter of 0.4 mm blows with a current of resistance of 20 Ω is connected in series with the
3 amp. the value of the current for which another smaller of the two resistances X and Y, the null
fuse wire made of the same material but having point shifts to 40 cm from left end. The value of
circular cross-section with diameter of 0.6 mm smaller resistance in ohm is
will blow is: (a) 6 (b) 9 (c)12 (d)15
3 24. The power dissipated in the circuit shown in the
(a) 3 amp (b) 3 x √2 amp
figure is 30 watts. What is the value of R?
3 3 3/2
(c) 3 x ( ) amp (d) 3 x ( ) amp
2 2
17. If two bulbs of resistances in the ratio 1 : 2 are
connected in series, the powers dissipated in
them have the ratio
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 4

(a) 20  (b) 15  (c) 10  (d) 30

25. A wire of length 10cm and radius √𝟕 x 10-4m is 32. In the figure shown, a cell of e.m.f. E and internal
connected across the right gap of a meter bridge. resistance r is connected to a variable resistor R.
When a resistance of 4.5Ω is connected on the The (i) current in the circuit and (ii) heat produced
left gap by using a resistance box, the balance in the resistor R will be maximum, respectively for
length is found to be at 60 cm from the left end. If
the resistivity of the wire is R x 10-7Ωm, then value
of R is
(a) 35 (b) 63 (c) 70 (d) 66
(a) (i) R = r, (i) R=0 (b) (i) R =0, (ii) R =r
26. Two resistances are connected in two gaps of a
(c) (i) R = r, (i) R=r (d) (i) R =0, (ii) R =0
meter bridge. The balance point is 20 cm from the
33. Three bulbs B1, B2, B3 are connected in series. If
zero end. A resistance of 15 ohm is connected in
reading of an ammeter is 1.0 amp. bulbs B1 and B3
series with the smaller of the two. The null point
are glowing brightly but B2 is not glowing because
shift to 40 cm. the value of the smaller resistance
(a) The filament of bulb B2 is broken
in ohm is
(b) The resistance of B2 is lesser than that of B1 and
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d)12
27. In the meter bridge experiment shown in fig., the
(c) Resistance of B2 is greater than that of B1 and B3
balance length AC corresponding to null
(d) Reading of ammeter is wrong
deflection of the galvanometers is x. What would
34. When a resistance of 45 is connected to the
be the balance length if the radius of the wire AB
terminals of a cell, a current of 30 mA is found to
is doubled?
flow. But if the resistance is increased by 25  the
current is reduced by 10 mA. What is the internal
resistance of the cell?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
𝑥 35. The reading in the ideal voltmeter (V) shown in the
(a) (b) x (c) 2x (d) 4x
2 given circuit diagram is:
28. In a meter bridge experiment, the ratio of the left
gap resistance to right gap resistance is 2 : 3, the
balance point from left is:
(a) 60 cm (b) 50 cm (c) 40 cm (d) 20cm
29. In the given circuit, a meter bridge is shown in
balanced state. The resistance of bridge wire is 1
(a) 0V (b) 5V (c) 10V (d)3V
Ω /cm. The current I drawn from the battery of
negligible internal resistance is—
36. A battery has an emf of 15 V and internal
resistance of 1 Ω. The terminal to terminal
potential difference less than, equal to or greater
than 15 V if the current in the battery is
(i) from negative to positive terminal
(a) 0.22 A (b) 0.33 A (ii) from positive to negative terminal
(c) 0.44 A (d) 0.66 A (iii) zero current?
30. Figure shows three similar lamps A, B and C (a) Less, Greater, Equal (b) Less, Less, Equal
connected across a power supply. If the lamp C (c) Greater, Greater, Equal (d) Greater, Less, Equal
fuses, how will the light emitted by A and B 37. If the potential difference across the internal
change? resistance r; is equal to the e.m.f. E of the battery,
then —

(a) No change
(b) Brilliance of A decreases and that of B increases (a) R = r1 + r2 (b) R = r1/r2
(c) Brilliance of both A and B increases (c) R = r1 - r2 (d) R = r2/r1
(d) Brilliance of both A and B decreases
31. Two identical heater filaments are connected first
in parallel and then in series. At the same applied
voltage, the ratio of heat produced in same time
for parallel to series will be:
(a) 4 : 1 (b) 1 : 4 (c) 2 : 1 (d)1 : 2
38. In the given figure, when galvanometer shows no 𝒉𝟐
radius(𝟒𝝅𝟐 𝒎𝒆𝟐 ) with velocity (
) The equivalent
deflection, the current (in ampere) flowing 𝒉

through 5Ω resistance will be current due to circulating change is

4𝜋2 𝑚2 𝑒 4 4𝜋2 𝑚𝑒 5
(a) (b)
ℎ3 ℎ3
4𝜋2 𝑚𝑒 4
(c) (d) none of these
46. The resistance in the left and right gap of a meter
bridge are 40Ω and 60Ω respectively. When the
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.6 (c) 0.9 (d) 1.5
bridge is balanced, the distance of the null point
39. A circular coil has a resistance of 40Ω. Two points
from the centre of the wire towards left is
P and Q of the coil, which are one quarter of the
(a) 5 cm (b)10 cm (c)15cm (d) 20 cm
circumference apart are connected to a 16 V
47. For measurement of potential difference,
battery, having an internal resistance of 0.5Ω.
potentiometer is preferred in comparison to
What is the main current flowing in the circuit?
voltmeter because
(a) 0.5 A (b) 1 A (c) 2 A (d) 3 A
(a) Potentiometer is more sensitive than voltmeter
40. A potential divider circuit is shown in figure. The
output V0 is: (b) the resistance of potentiometer is less than
(c) potentiometer is cheaper than voltmeter
(d) potentiometer does not take current from the
48. Two identical fuses are rated at 10 A. If they are
joined –
(a) 2 mv (b) 0.5 V (c) 4 V (d) 12 m V (A) in parallel, the combination acts as a fuse of
41. The effective resistance between points P and Q rating 20 A
of the electrical circuit shown in fig. is (B) in parallel, the combination acts as a fuse of
rating 5 A
(C) in series, the combination acts as a fuse of
rating 10 A
(D) in series, the combination acts as a fuse of
rating 20 A
(a) 2Rr/(R +r) (b) 8R(R +r)/ (3R +r) Option is true
(c) 2r+4R (d) 5R/2 +2r (a) A (b) A, C (d) B only (d) B and D
42. A wire of resistance 12 ohms per meter is bent to 49. Two resistors 400 Ω and 800 Ω are connected in
form a complete circle of radius 10 cm. The series with a 6 V battery. The potential difference
resistance between its two diametrically opposite measured by voltmeter of 10 kΩ across 400 Ω
points A and B as shown in the figure is resistor is
(a) 2 V (b) 1.95 V (c) 3.8 V (d) 4 V
50. A voltmeter connected to the terminals of a
battery reads 6 V. When a lamp of resistance 20 
is lighted with the battery, the voltmeter reads 4V.
(a) 0.6 𝜋𝛺 (b) 3 𝛺 (c) 6 𝜋𝛺 (d) 6 𝛺 What is the internal resistance of the battery?
43. The charge flowing in a conductor changes with (a) 5 (b) 7.5 (c) 10 (d) 12
time as Q(t) = at —𝛃t2+ 𝛄t3.Where a, 𝛃 and 𝛄 are
constants. Minimum value of current is:
𝛾2 𝑎2
(a) a − 3𝛽 (b) a − 3γ
𝛽2 3𝛽2
(c) a − 3γ (d) a − γ
44. The drift velocity of electrons for a conductor
connected in an electrical circuit is Vd. The
conductor in now replaced by another conductor
with same material and same length but double
the area of cross section. The applied voltage
remains same. The new drift velocity of electrons
will be
𝑉𝑑 𝑉𝑑
(b) (b) (c) 2𝑉𝑑 (d) 𝑉𝑑
4 2
45. An electron of the hydrogen atom is considered to
be revolving around the proton in circular orbit of

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