Pt3 17-18

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STD. VI PERIODIC TEST-II-2017-2018 Marks 4 0

Date: 24.11.2017 ENGLISHLANGUAGE Time 1 hour 15 min.

Total no, of qns : 9 VL K

Read thefolluwing questionsand write the answersin theanswer sheetprovide.

I. Identify the phra.ies and statetheir kind (6)

1) The Principal was ar old man of fricrdly disposition.
2) You can buy it in all placecs.
3) How does he live without any wories?
4) He was a young man ofgreat promise.
5) The accused refused to answer the qucstions.
6) To write such thoughts is commendable.

1.Fillinthe blanks witn suitableconiunctions: (4)

1) Man proposes God disposes.
2) Our bodies are weak our spirits are willing.
3) I attendcd he meeting I was very tired.
4) Gopal a s uwc Karim was given a prize.

U.Complc:e thepassageusing suitableconjunctious: (5)

John lived on a farm with his parents and younger sister. Everyone expected him to
be a farmer.() he had other ideas. He wanted to gotoschool (2)
do well in he worked
school3) he couid go to the University.
hard, he could become a lawyer or a doctor. (5) h e was not sure if his
parents would ayree.

IV. Rearrangethe words to foru1 meaniagful sentence: (2)

1) unwind and break free / wants to / monotony / ofa regular / everyone / from the / school day.

2) all / Sunday / is oiue l such / day / awaited/ by

V. Punctuate thefcllowing: ( x 8 =2)

looks rich is he coming to our sihop sidiq wondercd

VI. Thc following passagc has not been cditcd, Tlhereis an crror in most of tlhe lines.
Identify and write theincorrect and thecorreet word as shown in the example. (%x6=3)

Incorrect word Correct word

The world had many obese had has

child and teenagers. However (a)

the underweight kids has (b)

outnumbered them. Obesity come with (c)

the risk on chronic discases (d)

such as diabetes as the (e)

underweight children is more (D

at risk from infectious discases. X

1-3 (2017-18)
Std. VII - English Language -2
VIl. A word is missing in most ofthelinesof the followirgjpnss age, Wrtefne ( %x6-3)
word nfter asshown in the cIanipie
word before, themissing word and the Word After
Missiug word
Word bcfore

he main
Proteins are Hhain solid part &re
in living cels. They are (

found in milk meat fish. (b)

They the body to build in new (c
cells repair the old ones. (d)
Growing children more protein ()
than adults as they to be more
active and use more energy. X

VIII. Read the passage carcfully and answer the questions that follow

Chand Baori
village in eastem Rajasthan,
Chand Baoriin Abhaneri overlooked landmarks in the
is of the most
iOU T India, one the oldest stepwells in Rajasthan,
cOuntry. It is one of
the biggest in the
ard is considered to be among
bawdi or baori, are
world. Stepwells, also called
unique to India. Tese wells have steps built into the
sides so that people can climb doivn to reach the
water at the bottom.

Chand Paori looks like anything but a wellL This

uribelievable square structure is 13 storeys deep.
walis on the three sides are lined with double flights
stairs. The 3,500 narrow steps arranged in perfect
order allow you to climb down to the bottom of the
well. It
Chanda of Nikumbha Dynasty. Chand Baori
was built during the 8th and 9th century by King
areas with a dependable water source for many
centuries before
provided the surrounding
modem water delivery systems were introduced.
The well, with steps all around, ensured that Rajput people had access to water at any time of
the year, and from all sides. The reasons behind building such an elaborate stepwell is not fully
clear. Some believe it was used as a water harvesting site. Rajasthan is a dry place, and
hence, every ounce of water is precious. The large mouth of the well functioned as a rain
catching funnel. In addition to conserving water, Chand Baori also became a community
gathering place for the Abhaneri locals. The townsfolk used to sit arou.nd the stepwell and cool
off during the summer days. At the bottom of tfhe well, the air is always about 5-6 degrees
cooler than at the top and hence, people enjoyed sittirig around there

1. How is a well like Chand Baori different

from other wells? (1)
2. Explain the line -

'Chand Baori looks like anything but a well'. (1)

3. Chand Baori became a community gathering place. Why? (2)
4. What the most practical use for the architectural design of Chand Baori?
was (1)
5. Complete the statement: The purpose ol1he passage is.. ****''** (1)
6. Find words from the passage which mean the same a i) inc-edible ii) deailed (2)

IX. You are Nandan / Nandini, iLirerary Club Secrelary of yonr sehool. Dralt a Notice in (7)
about 50 words inviting student:s to p:rticipate as volunteers for the Literary Fest
organized by your schoo!.

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