Pt3 17-18
Pt3 17-18
Pt3 17-18
VI. Thc following passagc has not been cditcd, Tlhereis an crror in most of tlhe lines.
Identify and write theincorrect and thecorreet word as shown in the example. (%x6=3)
he main
Proteins are Hhain solid part &re
in living cels. They are (
VIII. Read the passage carcfully and answer the questions that follow
Chand Baori
village in eastem Rajasthan,
Chand Baoriin Abhaneri overlooked landmarks in the
is of the most
iOU T India, one the oldest stepwells in Rajasthan,
cOuntry. It is one of
the biggest in the
ard is considered to be among
bawdi or baori, are
world. Stepwells, also called
unique to India. Tese wells have steps built into the
sides so that people can climb doivn to reach the
water at the bottom.
IX. You are Nandan / Nandini, iLirerary Club Secrelary of yonr sehool. Dralt a Notice in (7)
about 50 words inviting student:s to p:rticipate as volunteers for the Literary Fest
organized by your schoo!.