BTech Rule&Regulations - JUT-05082020
BTech Rule&Regulations - JUT-05082020
BTech Rule&Regulations - JUT-05082020
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The provisions contained in these regulations govern the conditions for imparting courses of
instruction, conducting examinations and evaluation of students’ performance leading to the
Degree of Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.). These are applicable to the new batches with
approval of the JHARKHAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY from time to time.
Disciplines: The disciplines in which the courses of study are available and Degrees will be
offered are:
New disciplines may be added in future with approval of Jharkhand University of Technology,
Ranchi and the Department of Higher, Technical Education & Skill Development, Government
of Jharkhand.
The provisions of these regulations shall also be applicable to any new disciplines that will be
introduced from time to time and added to the list in Section 1.1.
Any regulation, as and when required, may be changed on the recommendation of the Academic
council of the University.
The academic session is divided into two semesters each of approximately 90 days duration:
having a Monsoon semester and a Spring Semester.
The Jharkhand University of Technology, Ranchi will approve the academic calendar consisting
of schedule of activities for a session inclusive of dates for registration, Mid-Semester and End-
Semester Examinations; inter-semester breaks. It will be announced at the beginning of the
semester. The academic calendar shall usually provide for at least 90 working days (including
examination dates) in each semester, excluding holidays and days when classes are suspended.
All subjects/ courses are to be registered by the student in a semester to earn credits which shall
be assigned to each subject/ course in an L: T: P: C (lecture periods: tutorial periods: practical
periods: credits) structure based on the following general pattern.
One credit for one hour/ week/ semester for theory/ lecture (L) courses.
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One credit for one hour/ week/ semester for theory/ Tutorial (T) courses.
One credit for two hours/ week/ semester for laboratory/ practical (P) courses
Courses like Environmental Science, Professional Ethics, Gender Sensitization lab and other
student activities like NCC/NSO and NSS are identified as mandatory non -credit courses.
Admission to all courses will be made in the Monsoon Semester of each session at the First Year
1st semester/ Second year 3rd semester (lateral entry) level through the entrance examination
conducted by JCECEB. However, private Engineering Colleges will follow the
AICTE/Government policy for the admission. Basic qualification for entry in both levels will be
as per AICTE norms.
i. Basic qualification for admission to all B. Tech. Courses in First year –
I. Sc. /10+ 2 or equivalent exam passed with Physics, Mathematics as compulsory subjects along
with Chemistry and he/she has minimum of 45% marks (40% for reserved category) in above
subjects taken together. Norms of AICTE will always be applicable.
ii. Basic Qualification for admission to all B. Tech. Courses in second year through lateral
(a) Three years diploma course passed with 40% marks (reserved category) and 45% marks
(general category). Norms of AICTE will always be applicable.
(b) Passed B.Sc. with Math. Norms of AICTE will always be applicable.
The Institute reserves the right to cancel the admission of any student at any stage of his career
on grounds of unsatisfactory academic performance, irregular attendance in classes or
indiscipline (Annexure I).
At the time of admission, the student is required to provide the following documents:
(a) A certificate for proof of age (Birth certificate or Board certificate).
(b) Pass certificate of the qualifying examination.
(c) College/ School leaving certificate.[CLC/SLC]
(d) Migration certificate (If applicable)
(e) 02 recent passport size colour photographs.
(f) Allotment letter of seat from JCECEB, Board, Ranchi
(g) Other relevant category certificate, if any.
The student is also required to fill up prescribed forms for semester registration in the Jharkhand
University of Technology, Ranchi.
A provisional admission may be permitted if any of the certificates is not produced, except
CLC/SLC and the rest has to be submitted on any other date to be fixed by institute.
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Every student is required to attend all the lectures, tutorials, practical/ sessional & other
prescribed curricular & co-curricular activities. A student having at least 75% attendance
(excluding attendance in mandatory non-credit courses Environmental Science, Professional
Ethics, Gender Sensitization Lab, NCC/NSO and NSS for that semester) will be allowed to
appear in end semester examination.
The attendance shall be counted from the date of admission in the college or start of academic
session, whichever is later.
Attendance sheet will be provided to each and every Teacher for maintaining the monthly
attendance of the students and same will be documented in centralized manner by the Academic
office of the respective Institute. The Principal of the concerned Engineering Institute will look
after the whole process. Failing which admission will be cancelled and all fees deposited will be
Attendance % 75 – 79 % 80 – 85 % 86 – 90 % 91 – 95 % 96-100%
Weightage 01 02 03 04 05
The curricula for the different degree programmes as proposed by the respective departments and
recommended by the Under-graduate Programme and Evaluation Committee (UGPEC) shall
have the approval of the Academic Council of JUT. The departments will also prepare the
syllabus of each subject containing the scope of studies and instructions to be imparted which
must have the approval of the JUT.
i. All subjects will have Lecture- Tutorial-Laboratory/ Design components (L-T-P) to indicate
the contact hours. Theory courses will have 3-0-0 (3 credits) or 3-1-0 (4 credits) structure.
Design or laboratory courses will be offered as distinct (0-0-P) courses without being mixed with
lecture components.
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courses, whereas those based on applications and practice (conceptual, computational or
experimental) will be covered under Design or Practical Courses/ Sessional Courses.
iii. All subjects will have credit count. Teaching will be reckoned in terms of credits.
The prescribed coursework shall be grouped under heads –Humanities courses, Basic Science
courses, Professional core courses, Elective courses & Mandatory courses.
The curricula to be followed in the first two semesters by the students of all disciplines.
The curricula for B. Tech. course will include a programme of “Short term Industrial or Research
Experience (SIRE)” of 08 weeks duration after the 6th semester. The experience may be obtained
in any reputed industry, research organization, and any other organization of comparable repute.
The place of work has to get prior approval of the Department/Training & Placement. On
completion of the programme, the student shall submit a report to the department, which will
earn 2 credits after evaluation and viva-voce examination in the 7th semester. Detailed procedure
for administration of SIRE is given in Annexure-II.
In addition to regular course work, a B. Tech. student must carry out a major project in final year
under the guidance of one or two supervisors. The project work (Annexure-III) will carry a total
of 12 credits between 7th and 8th Semesters, the distribution being 4 and 8 credits respectively.
Every programme shall provide a “Seminar and Technical Writing” course during the 8th
semesters where the students shall learn and practice The Training and Placement cell of the
respective College will coordinate with the reputed organization/industry for Short term
Industrial training of the students. Each student will also do 1 or 2 seminars and/or poster
presentations before the class. Evaluation will be based on attendance in departmental and
Institute seminars, presentation in seminars, poster presentations and technical writing supervised
by the course teacher.
Every student in undergraduate programme is required to be present and register for each
semester on the date fixed and notified in the Academic Calendar.
Registration of students in each semester will be organized by the Academic Section. The subject
details will be verified by the faculty members of respective Institute. Payment of dues will be
verified by the Academic Section and Account Section. An appropriate semester registration
form will be used for the purpose.
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A student who does not register on the day announced for the purpose may be permitted by
Principals, in consideration of any compelling reason, late registration within next 5 working
days on payment of an additional fee as prescribed by the Institute. Normally no late registration
shall be permitted after the fifth working day from the scheduled date, except in special cases, a
serious medical problem, a family calamity, etc. to be approved by the Principals. However,
under no circumstances late registration after 15 calendar days from the scheduled date of
registration is allowed.
Only those students will be permitted to register who have
(i) Cleared all Institute and Hostel dues of the previous semesters,
(ii) Paid all required prescribed fees for the current semester,
(iii) Not been debarred from registering for a specified period on disciplinary or any other
(iv) Satisfied the academic requirements and not been struck off from the rolls of the Institute.
To be able to register in the semester a student must
(i) Secure Pass grade point.
(ii) To pass a subject a student must obtain minimum 21 marks (30%) out of 70 in End Semester
Examination, minimum 9 marks (30%) out of 30 in internal evaluation and a total of minimum
35 marks (35%) all together.
(iii) Pass marks in practical examinations and projects - 50% of the total marks.
(iv) Obtain a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of not lower than 5 (considering all
courses including those in which the student has secured an F (Fail) grade. The method for
calculating SGPA and CGPA is illustrated in Clause 9. If the CGPA at the end of the 2nd
semester class is less than 5, the student will not be allowed to register in 3rd semester and
resume it in the following year along with the next batch of students. In the repeat year, he must
attend classes and be treated at par with fresh students. The B. Tech. programme must be
completed within 7 years (i.e. 14 semesters) while for students admitted through lateral entry it is
5 years (i.e. 10 semesters).
(v) A candidate may be awarded grace marks upto a maximum of total 10 marks, in maximum
four subjects but not more than three marks in any subject including theory papers,
practicals, project, seminar, industrial training and/ or aggregate marks in each academic year
provided he/she can be declared to have passed the academic year by the award of these marks.
The grace marks shall not be added to the aggregate marks.
While registering for 3rd, 5th or 7th semester, a student may register for backlog papers of 1st,
3rd or 5th semester respectively and while registering for 4th, 6th, or 8th semester, he/she may
register for backlog papers of 2nd, 4th or 6th semester respectively. A student need not attend
classes in papers registered as “backlog papers”. He has to sit for end-semester examinations only
and the grade will be awarded based on the scores of the latest examinations and previous mid
semester Examination. The registration for backlog papers must be done at the time of semester
registration. In all such cases of “backlog paper”, the grade awarded will be one step lower than
what the student actually obtained, provided CGPA should not be less than 5 except for the grade
‘P’ which remains unchanged. If a student has completed 8 semesters of study but has a few F
grades in 7th semester he/she must clear backlog papers of 7th semester within maximum
stipulated time to complete the course.
For registration in 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th semester, a student must obtain CGPA not less than 5
in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th semester respectively.
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The classes of all semesters will start from the day following the registration, or any other date
decided by the Principals.
For appearing at any semester examination a student must attain minimum 75% of lecture
delivered in each theory and in each sessional/ practical paper. Condonation of 10% of
attendance on serious medical ground may be allowed by college authority.
Examination Marks
End Semester Examination 70 Marks
Internal 30 Marks
The examination office of the Jharkhand University of Technology will conduct the End
Semester Examinations (ESE).
Two mid semester examination of 20 marks each (out of total internal marks 30) will be
conducted by respective institute. The first mid-term examination shall be conducted on 50% of the
syllabus and the second mid-term examination shall be conducted on the remaining 50% of the
The mid semester examinations will comprise of seven questions (answer any
five) and carry 4 marks each. Questions will be set from the syllabus as mention
in clause 7.2, at least one question from each module (wherever possible).
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Internal Marks
Very good A 9
Good B+ 8
Fair B 7
Average C+ 6
Pass C 5
Fail F 0
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Method of Converting percentage marks to grades. The absolute grading system will be used as
The academic progress of the students in each semester shall be maintained in a grade card or
transcript, wherein the grades awarded to students as well as the points secured by the students in
the examinations, shall be entered. The transcript given to the students at the end of their
complete undergraduate program shall indicate the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
which shall be calculated as follows:
∑All Semester (Course credits x Grade point) for all courses
CGPA = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
∑All Semester (Course credits) i.e. ∑ (All subjects credits)
The CGPA shall be rounded off to one place of decimal. While calculating CGPA, the ‘F’ shall
be replaced by the better grade earned in these course in the subsequent semester/ Summer
Credit Adjustment for Lateral Entry Programme
For the students entering from 3rd semester through Lateral Entry Scheme from Diploma
institutions will be awarded proportionate and equivalent credits and the calculation of SGPA
and CGPA will be made from 3rd and 4th semester respectively.
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The university shall follow the following conversion between CGPA and % marks.
% marks = (CGPA -0.5) x 10.0
The summer programme will be scheduled during the long Institute vacations after completion of
regular semester. A student is permitted to register only for three theory papers for course
scheduled in the summer programme, only if, he/she had registered for these courses earlier in the
semester and wishes to repeat them because of failure in the courses.
(a) Complete all the credit requirements for the degree, as laid down in the prescribed curriculum
of the discipline, with a minimum grade ‘C’ scored in every subject.
(b) Obtain a CGPA of 5 or higher at the end of the semester in which he/she completes all the
requirements for the degree.
Theory component
1. TA ( Internal Evaluation) – 30 marks
(a) Attendance – 5 marks
(b) Assignment/Class Test- 5 marks
(c) Mid semester examination- 20 marks (One half hours duration)
Cases of adoption of unfair means in an examination shall be dealt with by the Examination
Disciplinary Committee of Jharkhand University of Technology. If adoption of unfair means is
proved, the punishment may be, depending on the quantum of the offence and prior record,
reduction of grade, de-registration of a course, expulsion for one or more semesters or outright
expulsion from the Institute.
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A specific assignment shall be given to each student in every theory course immediately after
registration. This may comprise new problems in emerging areas in the subjects/ design
methodology/ modelling/ software development/ collection of new results and discussion
/analysis etc. The main objective of the assignment is to improve self learning process and
exposure to current literature on the subject. The assignment should be an extension of the
prescribed syllabus and in no case the repetition of the class work or problems. The
assignment should be submitted by the students’ in hand written form after 50% completion of
syllabus in the concerned semester. The grade/marks may be awarded as per the following
Grade/Marks Explanation
5 upto maximum of 30 % of the total number of students
4 upto maximum of 40 % of the total number of students
3 upto maximum of 30 % of the total number of students
After change of the branch, number of students in branch (es) shall neither increase over the
intake approved by AICTE nor it will decrease below 75% of intake approved by AICTE
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A student may be allowed for re-admission provided he/she satisfies one of the following
A student is declared fail.
A student did not appear in a semester examination or he/she was not granted permission
to appear at the examination.
A student has been detained by the institute and subsequently has been permitted to take
A student as an ex-student passed the examination of the academic year or qualified for
carryover system.
A student promoted with carry over subjects and he/she opted for readmission.
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Rules Regarding Conduct And Discipline
Following rules shall be in force to govern the conduct and discipline of all students:
1. Students shall show due respect to the teachers of the Institute, the Wardens and Hostel
Superintendent of the Hostels, the Sports Officers and the Officers of the National Cadet Crops;
proper courtesy should also be extended to the employees of the Institute and of the Hostels .
They shall also pay due attention and courtesy to visitors.
2. Students are required to develop a friendly relationship with fellow students. In particular,
they are expected to show kindness and consideration to the new students admitted to the
Institute every year. Law bans ragging in any form to anybody. Any act of physical or mental
pressurization of junior students, individually or in group, will be considered as an act of
ragging. Ragging also includes forcing junior students to meet seniors outside institute premises,
or in places where a student has no valid reason to be present, asking irrelevant questions or
using abusive language. Ragging will be considered as gross indiscipline and will be severely
dealt with, which may include expulsion from the institute. Any incident of ragging inside or
outside the campus must be reported to a Hostel Superintendent, the chief warden or a faculty
member designated to look after ragging issues by any student, senior or fresher, who has
witnessed an incident. Failure to report a ragging incident will be considered a serious offence,
even if one is not personally involved in it. If a junior student yields to any form of ragging by
senior students and does not inform the Institute or Hostel Superintendents, or willfully
withholds the information in an enquiry of ragging incident, the matter will be treated as
indiscipline on the part of the junior student and invite punishment comparable to those against
ragging itself. Willful withholding of complaint by a junior student does not automatically
exempt a senior from punishment.
3. The following acts of omission and/or commission and comparable offences shall constitute
gross violation of the code of conduct and are liable to invoke disciplinary measures:
Furnishing false statement of any kind in the form of application for admission or for award of
scholarship or prizes etc. Furnishing false statement to the Disciplinary Committee, or willfully
withholding information relevant to an enquiry. Organizing or participating in any activity that
has potential for driving fellow students along lines of religion, caste, home state, and batch of
admission or any other unhealthy criterion.
Physical or mental harassment of fresher’s through physical contact or oral abuse.
Getting involved in a brawl or fight with persons outside the Institute, either alone or in a
group, irrespective of whom initiated the conflict.
Will fully damaging or stealthily removing any property belongings of the Institute,
Hostels or fellow students.
Adoption of unfair means in the examinations.
Possession, consumption or distribution of alcoholic drinks or any kind of hallucinogenic
Organizing or participating in any group activity except purely academic and scientific
programmes in company with others in or outside the campus without prior permission of
the Principal of the Institute.
Mutilation or unauthorized possession of library books.
Not cooperating with faculty, officers investigating a potential disciplinary issue.
Resorting to noisy and unseemly behaviour, disturbing studies of fellow students.
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Disturbing in drunken state or otherwise an incident an academic or student function or
any other public event.
Not obeying traffic rules on campus, not following safety practices or causing potential
danger to oneself or other persons in any way.
Displaying lack of courtesy and decorum, resorting to indecent behaviour anywhere
within or outside the campus.
Not intimating his/her absence to the Hostel Superintendent before leaving campus.
Getting involved in an activity that violates state or national laws.
4. Commensurate with the gravity of the offence, the punishment for indiscipline may be
Reprimand, impose fine or take any other suitable measure.
Debarment from medals and prizes.
For economic offences (either misappropriation of money or damage to Institute
property), the cost to the damage done will be recovered along with a penalty which
may be up to ten times of the cost recovered.
Partial (one month or one semester) or complete debarment from campus placement,
Reduction in grade in one or more courses.
Expulsion from the Hostel.
Rustication for a specified period, or outright expulsion from the Institute.
5. All major acts of indiscipline, which may have serious repercussion on the students in general
and/or which may warrant a uniform and more formalized nature of investigation, shall be
handled by the Institute Disciplinary Committee appointed by Principal of the Colleges. The
Disciplinary Committee shall investigate complaints; examine available evidence and award
punishment. Recommendation of the committee, which will include the suggested punishment in
case of guilt proven, will be forwarded to the Chairman of the Governing Body of the Colleges
for necessary action.
6. Proof of guilt need not necessarily be at the same level as necessary in a court of law. The
committee, in order to protect the academic rights of a greater body of students, may award
disciplinary measures if it is reasonably satisfied that such measures are in the greater interest of
the students.
7. The Principal of the Colleges, at his discretion may take additional measures keeping in mind
long term issues and impact on other aspects of Institute management. The Principal make minor
changes in the nature of punishment awarded or reduce the level and/or quantum of punishment
if he feels appropriate.
8. Acts which may be classed as ‘crimes’ rather than acts of indiscipline will be reported to the
state authorities; they include such acts as causing serious injury to fellow students or others,
causing major damage to Institute property, being involved in activities prejudicial to national
security or to that maintaining communal harmony etc.
9. Cases of adoption of unfair means in an examination shall be dealt with by the Examination
Disciplinary Committee of Jharkhand University of Technology. If adoption of unfair means is
proved, the punishment may be, depending on the quantum of the offence and prior record,
reduction of grade, de-registration of a course, expulsion for one or more semesters or outright
expulsion from the Institute.
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Procedure for Administration of Short Term Industrial or Research Experience (SIRE
1. The SIRE programme shall be of at least 8 weeks duration after 6th semester of B. Tech. The
experience should preferably be earned in an industry of repute, major R & D laboratory, an IIT,
NIT or IISc. The key word is “repute”.
2. While summer work after 6th semester of B.Tech is compulsory, a student may, at his
discretion, acquire experience at the end of the 4th semester of the B. Tech. in addition to the
programme after the 6th semester.
3. The Training and Placement department shall arrange places of work for all students of 6th
semester of B. Tech. It may also assist students of 4th semester of B. Tech. to find work
opportunities at mutual convenience.
4. The work may be carried out either in India or abroad. The Institute shall not bear the cost of
travel or accommodation in any place. Some organizations offer work experience to engineering
students against a fee. The Institute will examine such programmes for their content and spirit
and approve deserving cases. The student shall bear the expenses.
5. Students are encouraged to receive financial support from the organizations where they are
placed or from other sources. Such financial offers will not count as alternative scholarships.
6. Students will not be permitted to enroll in regular, periodic or a periodic courses (e.g.
CAD/CAM course, Oracle course) offered by companies, even if the subject is of interest to the
academic programme. If a subject is of relevance to the Institute’s academic programme, it
should be included in the curriculum instead of requiring the students to study it outside the
institute by paying additional fees.
7. Considering difficulties of accommodation and travel, the Institute shall work out places of
work taking into account the convenience of students. For this to happen, the T & P Centre shall
put up a notice seeking suggestions from students for possible work sites.
8. Sometime around February-March of the year, the T & P department shall finalise the list of
work sites for the students and announce it on the notice boards. The students will then make
railway reservation and take other necessary steps. Students will have no freedom to choose
their own places of work beyond giving suggestions to the T & P Centre. In case a student faces
difficulty with the assigned place, he should bring it to the attention of the Professor T & P so
that he can be given a fresh allotment. Any change of place of work after starting of the summer
vacation must be approved by the Professor T & P on the merit of the case. Any work at a place
not approved in advance will not count towards credit requirement.
9. The T & P Centre shall have the responsibility to inspect the places of work to ensure that the
students are sincere in their assigned responsibility. If it is found that a student is not attending
his work place on full time basis, the student shall get ‘F’ grade and the SIRE programme is to be
repeated at the end of the 8th semester with consequent delay in completion of the students’
academic programme.
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10. The SIRE report will be evaluated by the department at the beginning of the 7th semester,
preferably within one month of the starting of the semester. The department will assign one or
two faculty members to coordinate presentation by the students and evaluation of the reports.
The grades must be sent to the examination office before the mid semester examination of the
autumn semester.
11. The T & P Centre shall be the nodal agency for arranging places of industrial experience.
But departments also need to play a strong role. Many faculty members are well known in
industry and the industry honours the requests of faculty members and Heads of Departments.
12. There will be a Training & Placement Advisory Committee headed by the Professor of
Training & placement. Every department shall nominate one faculty member having strong
connection with industry and a strong perception of all aspects of the department’s academic
13. SIRE will also include credit for the industrial tours and visits arranged by the Institute
during the first seven semesters of a student’s career. The relative assignment of marks between
the two components shall be: 75% for summer work and 25% for the industrial tours.
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Guidelines for Use of Project Record Book
1. The Project Record Book constitutes the bona fide record of project work carried out by
undergraduate, postgraduate and research students of JUT Ranchi.
2. The book contains day to day record of all conceptual, analytical, Laboratory and
computational activities carried out by a student as a part of his/her project.
3. It is a permanent record of academic activity and contains intellectual property created by the
student and his supervisor.
4. The book should be treated with respect and maintained with care. Pages must not be torn or
used for rough work.
5. The student should record all his thoughts, observations, flow charts, computational steps etc.,
directly on this notebook. Use of second rough book and final copying to this record book is
6. All information recorded here must start with a date on the left margin. The work of the day
must be organized into sections such as objective, experimental or computational methods,
observations, program flow charts, pseudo-codes, conclusion, discussion etc., as relevant to the
problem at hand. Short computer prints, photographs, charts and graphs may be pasted neatly
wherever necessary.
7. The supervisor should examine the progress of the student and record his observations,
comments and suggestions in a regular manner, typically once every week.
8. The student must produce this record book before all Examination Boards for evaluation and
grading of his day to day performance, and for award of medals and prizes. The first evaluation
of the project will be made basing on the record book only.
9. On completion of the project, the student must surrender this book to his supervisor for
archiving. If the same problem is continued by students of the following batch, the supervisor
may choose to give it to those students for the sake of continuity. Projects with supervisor
intellectual material may be sent to Departmental Library for permanent archival.
10. The students who do work worth publishing and/or patenting are advised to proceed with
those activities. The Institute will organize the patenting process.
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