نسخة نسخة Assignment 4th
نسخة نسخة Assignment 4th
نسخة نسخة Assignment 4th
Vernacular language
refers to a language which has not been standardised and
which does not have official status. There are hundreds
of vernacular languages, such as Buang in Papua New
Guinea, many of which have never been written down or
described.Vanuatu, many of which have never been written
Multilingual speech community, the many different
ethnic or tribal languages used by different groups are
referred to as vernacular languages. Vernaculars are
usually the first languages learned by people in
multilingual communities, and they are often used for a
.relatively narrow range of informal functions
There are three components of the meaning of the term
vernacular, then. The most basic refers to the fact that a
vernacular is an unmodified or unstandardised variety.
The second refers to the way it is acquired - in the home,
as a first variety. The third is the fact that it is used for
relatively circumscribed functions. The first component
has been most widely used as the defining criterion.
Vernacular means which is not the official language in
. particular context
standard language
Standardized Form 1
Linguistic Authority 2
They are typically established and maintained
by language authorities, such as academies or
.government bodies
Standard languages are the officially
recognized, formal, and codified forms of a
language, often used in official and academic
Widespread Use
Standard languages are widely used for
education, media, and administrative purposes,
.ensuring broad accessibility and comprehension
Young visitor to Papua New Guinea
When I first heard Pidgin English I just thought
it was baby-talk (humorous or babyish).I
thought anyone can do that. It had words like
liklik for 'little' and cranky for wrong and nogut
for 'bad'. It just made me laugh. Then I began
to realize it wasn't as easy as I'd thought. People
kept correcting mne when I tried, and they got
annoyed if I didn't take it seriously. I soon
.learned better
Pidgin languages do not have high status or
prestige and, to those who do not speak
.them,they often seem ridiculous languages
They have been described as mongrel jargons ·
and macaroni lingos, and given_negative labels
such as Broken English and Kitchen Kaffir (i.e.
.Fanagalo, a South African pidgin)
Because of the large number of pidgin words
which derive from a European language in a
pidgin such as Tok Pisin, many Europeans
consider pidgins to be a debased form of their
own language. They assume they can guess the
meanings. This can lead to misunderstandings
.which can be very serious
Pidgins often have a short life
If they develop for a_restricted function, they
disappear when the function disappears
E.g. In Vietnam, a pidgin English developed for
use between the American troops and the
.Vietnamese, but it subsequently died out
A trading pidgin usually disappears_when trade
.between the groups dies out
Alternatively, if trade grows, then more contact
will generally lead to at least one side learning
.the other's language
In some cases,however, pidgins go on to develop
.into fully-fledged languages or creoles
To sum up, a pidgin language has three
:identifying characteristics
It is used in restricted domains and functions .1
It has a simplified structure compared to the .2
source languages
It generally has low prestige and attracts .3
..negative attitudes-especially from outsiders
A creole is a pidgin which has acquired native
Many of the languages which are called pidgins
are in fact now creole languages. They are
learned by children as their first language and
.used in a wide range of domains
Tok Pisin is one obvious example of a pidgin
.which has developed into a creole language
Despite its name, Tok Pisinis a creole because it
has been learned as a first language by a large
number of speakers, and has developed
.accordingly to meet their linguistic needs
Creoles also differ from pidgins in their range
of_functions, in their_structure_and in some
.cases in the_attitudes_expressed towards them
A creole is a pidgin which has_expanded in
structure and vocabulary_to express the range
of meanings and serve the range of functions
.required of a first language
Structure features
The linguistic complexity of creole languages is
.often not appreciated by outsiders
I mentioned above that pidgin languages do not
use affixes to signal meanings such as the tense
of a verb or the number of a noun. Creole
languages, however, do develop ways of
systematically signaling meanings such as_verb
tenses, and these may develop into_inflections
.or_affixes_over time
Pidgins become more structurally regular as
they undergo creolisation, theprocess by which a
pidgin becomes a creole. The lists in illustrate a
linguistic strategy which regularizes the
structure of words with related meanings, and
so makes the forms easier to learn and easier to
Many present-day creoles are spoken by
descendants of the African slaves in the USA
and the Caribbean
The common language of the plantation was
generally a pidgin, and children naturally
.acquired the pidgin as a first language
As the families' communicative needs ·
expanded, so did the resources of the language
.they used. The pidgin developed into a creole
Alternatively, a pidgin can become so useful as a
lingua franca that it may be expanded and used
.even by people who share a tribal language
In multilingual speech communities, parents
may use a pidgin so extensively during the
day,in the market, at church, in offices and on
public transport that it becomes normal for
.them to use it at home too
In this case, too, children will often acquire it as
their first language and it will develop into a
creole.Tok Pisin is the first language of many
.children in Papua New Guinea
Once a creole has developed, it can be used
for_all the functions of any language-
politics,education,administration, original
.literature, and so on
Tok Pisin is frequently used as the language of
debate in the Papua New Guinea
Parliament,and it is used for the first three years
.of education in many schools
Creoles have become accepted standard and
even national and official languages,as
illustrated in the next chapter. Once developed
there is no evidence in their linguistic structure
.to reveal their pidgin origins
It suggests that the processes of pidginization
and creolization may be universal processes
which reveal a great deal about the origins of
language and the ways in which languages
Though outsiders' attitudes to creoles are
often_as negative as their attitudes to pidgins,
this is not always the case for those who speak
.the language
Tok Pisin has status and prestige for people in
Papua New Guinea who recognize its usefulness
as a means of communication_with a wide range
of influential people as well as in getting
.a_decent job
Its use as a language_signaling the speaker's
community status, even though it was not
.strictly necessary for communication purposes
It is also a language of solidarity between Papua
New Guineans with different
vernaculars.Though Haitian Creole is the L
language alongside prestigious French in Haiti,
nevertheless the majority of the people who are
monolingual in the creole express strong loyalty
to it as the language which best expresses their
Origins and endings
he origin of creole languages, all of which attempt to explain the similarities among them.
Arends, Muysken & Smith (1995) outline a fourfold classification of explanations regarding
:creole genesis
Theories focusing on European input •
Theories focusing on non-European input •
Gradualist and developmental hypotheses •
Universalist approaches •